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Durham Review (1897), 7 May 1908, p. 4

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b 4 L®] All the newest styles and they are handsome and the quality of 3 the finest. oc‘ The colors are many and the shapes are % Lad‘es Caps not exaggerated. i3 New Waist Ends / bu8 « amous Â¥ iz Prints Th famoss ‘Crum‘ t3 A_A ®‘s ®.,® ie w m_® x"x ;-;xflmmmmxsxmmxxzmsxmgg w *« I,' " Taylor & Co., Dromore & 000000000000 06 6:300 080000 oâ€"s ; y?eady for Sdpring 430 9000000000 0900900008006 6: We have now ready for your inspection all and colorings imaginable in Dress Lengths. tonas, Panamas, Lustres, Satin Cloths, San R cloths,. ‘The shadow stripe is to be seen in mat is very attractive and neat. Old Big 4 Stand, We bave just lately got in a nice stock for the Spring season ard are soing to sell at a rea sonable price as the following figures show : Ladies‘ lustre Black and White WAISTS, worth 1.50 fur.... .1.00 Girls‘ washable readyâ€"made trimmed Dresses, unly ...... .... 75¢ Misses® Skirts, black and blue up to $5.00, now . ... .. ... ... .. 2.75 Men‘s tweed odd Vests, all sizes, each OnlY .. «... «c «4 v«xe <~*add6 Mrews Tweelk Punts...... â€"..... :..... ..2i.. o. t ticrss * : +142 908 Clearing lot of Men‘s Suits at a, ... ... .... ... .... very low price Menr‘s Working SHLNIS fyr.......... . ..2., 0 s o s kn S. F. MORLOCK We have a great assortment of MEN‘S, YOUTHS‘ snd BOYS‘ PAN‘TS in Tweod and Worsteds, which are made to fit well and wear well. Among the showing, which are particuâ€" larly striking are new shadow stripe effects in black, brown and gray shades and Fancy silk mixed Worsteds. We have an excellent range of Plain and quieter patterns to select from. Sele Agents for Progress Brand Clothing. They are tailored in the most upâ€"toâ€"date fashion and are perfect fitting garments in every respect. They are all mado from the best Tweeds and Worsteds which we guaranâ€" tee to give satisfaction. Our showing of Men‘s and Boys‘ Spring Suits are the finest collection of Clothing that was possible for us to procure. Men‘s Spring Hats The famous ‘Crum‘s‘ which {every lady k boil and remain the same in color as before. Dress Goods Men’s Pants en‘s and Boys‘ s «Lovine, SUITS for spring blouses are natty and colorings are blended attractively. ‘s‘ which {every lady knows will Lengths. _ These are in Kauâ€" oths, San Reenos and Broadâ€" seen in many of these and it Upper Town, Durbham the latest effects .... 45¢ There is looming up somewhat of a passenger rate war between the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railway about June 15th. On that date the C. P. R. will operate its own lines to North Bay over the Sudbury brancb. It means that if the two roads do not reach an agreement before that date, the G. T. R. is likely to divert its Northwest traffic by way of Chicago, instexd of by North Bay. The present | rate to Winnipeg by North Bay is | $21 from IKingston west, The rate by ! way of Chicago is $26.45. The fight | would be for the business, should the G. T. R. meet the 821 by way of Ohicâ€" ago.â€"Toronto Telegram. o0 ne e emy Emm that they are real scholarly ideas Cheslev Enterprise. Di. Seath‘s new scheme of allowing students to enter the university on the recormmendation of their teachers inâ€" stead of by examinations, was also, deservediy denounced at the Ontario Educational Association. Drc. Pyne, the incapable Minister of Education, has been letting a Int of aily fads be palmed off on him under the impression shikisy G ' tev. D. C. Hossack is pondering these bright days on the fact that this is a world of change. W hen he wrote his first * open letter, " some time ago, The Globe would not allow him to play in its back yard and drove him forth with jeers and naughty names. Now that he has written a second ‘open letter, " The Globe receives him with open arms and eatablishes him in its front parlor. But the News ! Alas, why are these things thus 2â€" Presbyterian. Perth. He will reside in Stro;t;flord where there will be » shelter for childâ€" ren. Thesalary is $800 a year, A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar riage Licenses, Durham, Ont. Rev. L. W. Thom, of Waldemar, has accepted a position under Mr Kelso, of Toronto, in which he wili have care of the destitute children in the county of Deceased was a mother in Israel, strongly attached, as was her husband, to the Presbyterian faith. She was a ministering angel in sickness as many can testify and her memory will long remain green,. Rev. Mr. Kendall conducted impreaâ€" sive services, himself just home from burying his mother, and the pallâ€"bearâ€" ers were, Colin Blythe, John Marshall, James Watson, Robert Morice, David Leith, Wm. Allan. These will all deeply mourn. _ Mre. Gray left only a few weeks ago and will feel it bitterly. _ Besides the imâ€" mediate family deceased leaves five brothers, William and Alex, Dunn. St. Joseph‘s Island, John in Berlin, James and Robert in a Western State, Her only sister liyes in Oregon, and plans had been made that she was coming home this summer and the two would visit St, Joseph‘s together, EL seciomiictteries Mrs. Mclivride was born about 74 years ago, in Puslinch, near Guelpt, and in the early 50‘s of last century was married to her husband. who died about 8 years since. _ They moyed at once into * the bush," and were resiâ€" dents of Normanby the rest of their lives. To them were born eleven children, of whom ten remain one son Robert, almost in young manhood, dying over 20 years ago. The six sons aveJ am es, Orchard, Wm.and Andrew in Alberta, Peter in Manitoba, Alexâ€" ander in Brit, Colombia, and Donald on the homestead _ The daughters are Mrs, Ross, Holyrood, Mrs. Chas. Gray (Maggie,) in Sask,., Mrs. Noble: (Grace,) near Guelph and Mrs, Lane, (Jessie,) in Brandon. _ When the end was seen approaching Grace and Jes. sie were sent for, but were too late to see her in life. Mrs. Lane sent a pathetic telegram "Tell mother I am coming," but Death was switter than the wire. The end came somewhat suddenily. Two weeks before)} the day of ber funeral she was in Durham, not feel. ing well it is true, tor since the shock of her accident about a year ago when she fell and broke her arm, she had never been so well as usual, Her buoyant spirit kept her up however, until this last time, for, on getting home she took to bed and gradually sank, the thread of life getting weaker and weaker till it snapped on Thursâ€" day morning. She never lost con. sciousness until the yery last, ber mother heart still going out to her scattered children, and she passed to her reward in the arms of her eldest daughter, Flora, (Mrs. Ross,) who had veen with her about a week, and who. jointly with her brother Donald and his wife render2d every filial assistance. Mrs, Axp. McluvRrID®, SrR. Thursday last, 30 April, there passed away alt the home of her son Donald, in Normanby, this wellâ€"known lady, one of the pioneers of the district, and a warmâ€"hearted mother, neighbor and friend. â€" She was buried on Saturday last, the whole neighborhood for miles around turning out to pay the last respects in death to one who was warmly loved in life. District News. â€"â€"â€"# 04. Obituary C * Best of their kind" Prices Right. â€" HUAIl Repairs, Cash Masseyâ€"Harris & De Laval SEPARATORS This week we call your very special attention to Agency for Massey ~ Harris Farm Machinery Parisian Millinery Co. Summer Millinery THE DURHAM REVIEW We beg to announce to our many customers that we are preparing to make a grand display of Sum mer Millinery. _ We will spend three days in the Queen City looking up the new ideas in Summer hats. _ There is always somothing new in Miliinery and that is why we are making a special trip to Toront» to get the latest in ideas and materials. We always keep a handsome lot of dress and semi dress hats in olack and a large stock of childâ€" ren‘s and Misses‘ hats. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. IN THE MATTER of the estate of John Corlett, late of the Townâ€" ship of Bentinck in the County of _ Grey, deceased. NOTICE ISYHEREBY GIVEN purâ€" suant to R. S. O. 1897, Chap 129, Sec 38 and amenaing Acts, that all perâ€" sons haying claims against the estate of John Corlett, who died on or about the 7th day of April, A. D. 1908, are hereby required to send by post preâ€" paid, or to deliver to Robt. J. Corlett or to Dr. Jas. L,, Smith, both of Dorâ€" noch in the County of Grey, the exâ€" ecutors of the last Will and Testaâ€" ment of the said deceased, or to W F Dunn of the Town of Durham in the said County of Grey, the solicitor for the said executors, on or before the 1st day of June A. D. 1908. their names and addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of their security ‘‘if any‘‘ held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the executors will proceed to distribâ€" ute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having reâ€" gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. ROBERT J. CORLETT Dr. J. L Sitith ____ | Executors W. F. DUNN, Their Solicitor Dated this 5th day of May, A D. 1908 . 1. McFadden est C.P.R. mwent for a copy, C. B. FOSTER, District Pass. 44., C Tourist Sleeping Cars will be m excursion, fully equipped wit} etc. Berths should be secured a through local ngent at least before excursion leaves _ Rates and full inforr in froe Homeseckers‘ prr May 12, 26 _ July 1, 21 Sopt.1, 15, 29 '_f!ik_of- !ofiafl to return within 60 days TOURIST SLFEPFER® A limited Ranging [ Winnipeg and rvtu’â€"lr‘;m: between {Edmonton and return Tickets issued to all Northâ€"West ; GOING DATES April 14, 28 _ June 9, 23 _ Aug. 4, 18 VERY LOW RATES MISS DICK, Proprietor Minister of Public Works and afterâ€" wards Attorney General in the Ross Government from 1899 to 1905, has been a&gointed to the Ontario High Court Bench to fill the vacancy causâ€" ed bfithe appointment of Mr. Jusâ€" tice Magee to the chairmanship of the Royal Commission. HOMESEEKERS‘ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. HOXN. F. R.\LATCHFORD MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA 2ND CLass Roundâ€"Trip Excursions 4 To encmem on nemmigor» = number of be run on each with bedding. from all points in Ontaro, ind ;i‘ P.B., Toronts x days $42.00 nts RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 23. 19008, Newspapers will not be paid for nmemrl?they insert it wirc?zout w the Department. An mccepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, for six thousand dollars ($6,000), must be deposited as security for the dredging which the tenderer offers to perform;n the Province of Ontario. The cheque will be returned in case of nonâ€"acceptance of tender, The Department does not bind itself to acce the lowest or any tender, pt Burlington, Blind River, Beaverton, Colling wood, Cobourg, Goderich, Hamilton, Kincardine, Little Current, Midiand* Meaford, Oowen Sound, Nigger and Telegraph Islands, Point Edward, l‘eueunitgshene, Port Burwell, Port Kigin] Pictou, ndeau, Summerston fhnmes River, Toronto, Thorn bur‘y. Trenton Harbour and Dark gg:nuel, Waubaushene, Wiarton and Wingfield in, Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers. Combined specification and form of tender can be obtained at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Tenders must include the towing of the flml to and from the works. Only dredges can employed which are registered in Cannda at the time of the filing of tenders. Contractors must be ready to begin work within twenty days after the date they have been notified of the acceptauce of their tender. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under slfned and endorsed " Tender for Dredg. ing," will be received until Fflm. M.fi' 15, 1908 at 4 30 p. m., for dredglnf required at the follow places in the Province of Ontario : Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds, KRESS, 4th classâ€"Pearl Wilson, Ross McDonâ€" ald. Sr 3rdâ€"May Grierson, _ Matel Smith, Robt Patherbouch, Marjoric Ciark. â€" Philip MeDonald. _ Jr 3rdâ€" (Gladys _ McDonald, Edwin Lunney, Clara Haness, _ Sr 224â€"Howard Mcâ€" Dougall, John Clark, iloy Lamb, John Smith, _ Jr 2uodâ€"Jeâ€"sie Clark. John Grierson, Bertha Honess, Cora Lunney,. Sr Pt 2n 1â€"Carrie Grierson, Carlyle Moâ€" Denald, Willie MeDonaid. Jr Pt 2ndâ€" Sterling Lamb, Bolla McQuarcie, George Wilson, Sr 1«tâ€"J<tin Caswell, Adrian Noble, Archie Wilson. Averaze at tendance 25. Meeken. _ foward _ Meads, Robert Marsha!l, _ Roy Thomson, â€" James Finnigav, Maggie Meade, Willie Finniâ€" gan, Willie Eden. Part 20d4â€"Eisi> Meâ€" Laughlin, Elmer McMeeken, Bon Woods, Jr 1stâ€"Lawrence Chapman, Jean Ker, Violet Thomson, Gracie Sharpe, Blanche Allan, Ruby McMeeken.. Ir4thâ€"Edna Thomson. $r 8r4â€" Sara Allan, Agnes Allan: Myrtle Allan, Wilfred Barbour, Gertrude Pollock. Sam Morrison, Earl Mende. Hazel Dennett, Margaret Woods. Jr 3rdâ€"May Allan, Bridget Woods, Annie Ker, â€" Willie Woods, Mary Ker. Jr 2ndâ€"â€"Eva Mcâ€" Meeken,. _ foward _ Meads, Robert Marsha!l, _ Roy Thomson, â€" James Finnigan, Maggie Meade, Willie Finniâ€" Catton and Edith Hu-ghvefseq' KiÂ¥ 41 Ir Bâ€"Jack McKecknie, Clarence McGirr, Vernon Watt, Reany Snell, Joe Whitechurch. JrCâ€"Edwin Shultz, Frankie Burâ€" nett, Grace Vollett. Jr Aâ€"Ethel Whitmore, Hazel Hutâ€" ton, Mazel Vollet, Lorne Smith, Raiph Catton and Edith Hughes an 5 Sr latâ€"Vera Ailan and Tillie Levine eq., Jennie Davis and Nellie Levine eq., Octavia Marshall, Lottie Wilson, Elsâ€"anor Swallow. Pt 2nd (B)â€"Charlie McDougall, Hilda Brooks, Arthur Kamage, Melâ€" vin Greig, Robin Farquharson, Henâ€" rietta Havens,. Jr 2nd (B)â€"Etta Saunders, Cecil Towner and Jack Bryan eq., Doris McAuley, Mary Mcliraith and Alice McCrie eq., Lorne Jackson. Pt 2nd (A)â€"Irene McPhee. Gladys Search, Gladys Vollet, John Duncan, John McGowan, Sr 2ndâ€"Jennie Kelsey, Sadie Mocâ€" Donald, Mary Hartford. Atnie Rusâ€" sell, Mary McKechnie, Jr2nd (A)â€"Willie Heslitt. Mvrl'le Daniel, Minnie Limin,. Wilbert Knisâ€" ley, Walter Marshali. Sr 3rdâ€"Ray F‘a.rqfibnuon. Helen Ireland, Ruby Catton, Mary McQueen Alex Hilderbrandt, Jr 3rdâ€"Florence ‘Barclnv, Edna. Patâ€" terson, Lucy McKelyie, Maggie Torry, Maud Burnett, Form Iâ€"Vaddie Caldwell, Arthur Backus, Jamie Farquharson, Lizze McCuaig. Beth Jamieson. PusBurc ScHoor DEPARTMENT. Sr 4thâ€"Willie Petty, Edna Limin, Lyla Kelsey, John Mcliraith, Zetta Marshall, Jt 4thâ€"Karl Len Warmington, Fred L Everitt, Maud Everitt Hiex Scuoor DrpartaurExt. Form IIIâ€"Jr. Teachersâ€"Sadie Ferâ€" guson, Louise Watson, Emily Wilson. M:iggu- Weir, Katie Clark, Tenders for Dredging 8 8. No 10, BEXTmNCE, 8. 8. No Durham ftionors Roil Agg By order Karl Lenahan, â€" Devena Undertaker CLARA ALJo®E, Teacher FRED. GELINAS M. Mortox, Teacher "" 770 form of tender can irtment of Public Works, include the towing of the vorks. Only dredges can registered in Cannda at of tenders. Contractors work within twenty days )eimld for this adverti without authority from EGREM >NT Laidlaw, Lillian Becretary For furtber pll';i(':'l.llll'l condiâ€" tions of sale apply to rijes $ ALLAN McK mnxox, Durham P O. _ or to ArtuURr H. JAcKksox, Dnrb,.., Agent for Vendor Dated this 21st day of April, 1908, ie _ __ _ "~ PSrCuase money to he'p;ud dowin.:t tEa time Of“k. and balance wit in thirt interest at 6 per cent, y days with to be «t of n _34}, WDCrtY_!s about 5 miles east of Durham, on Durham Rd.. conâ€" venient to Post Office and school, There is sard to be a lz. house and log stable on the said lan TEnxMs or LCFVA Ten per cent of the purchass .. _ t i Whatnd®.s d .c sc °,, ___""" 0%d, in the Township of Glenelg in the said County of Grey containing by ad measurement fifty acres more or legs, The said property is about east of Durham, onme-h-- D‘s miles at the hour of one o‘clock in the s noon at the Middaugh House "l'ffire Town oi Durbam in the County of Grey, by John Clark, auctioneer, the following valuable property, namely ; being composed of lot numbep sixtaq; in the first concession, south of the Drrham Road, in the Township of Glenelg in the said County of Grey containing by admeasurement flny' acres more or leas, UNDER and by virtue of the contained ina certain mort gage will be produced at the time there will be offered for sale by auction on Saturday, 23rd May, A. D., 1 Plzce your order for coal early. We bayve already distributed eight cars. _ Every perscn that hbas ever used ours know the quality. _ There is as much difference between it and other coal as there is difference beâ€" tween Basswood and Maple in Wood. Every person with a thorough knowledge of paints will tell you that there is no paint manufactured to equal the Sherwin Williams Ready Mixed P ints for all purposes. House cleaners should not forget that we keep a stock of carpet beaters, carpet stretchers, curtain stretchers Ironing boards, Cluthes Horses and Step Ladders. We can show you a gocd line of Sprayers, Garden Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Shovels ard Wheelbarrows. Have you seen our Hand Seeding Machines. _ They are worth examinâ€" ing. Any person requiring rubbers for their seeding machines, can be supâ€" plied at 20c each. We have a large stock of seeds, suitable for the man with the garden also for the farmer. All f:esh and of the best quality. Have you a piano in your Home? HARDWARE! t John McQueen Everything ur-to-date and of the bes qualitg is to be found at TH HARDWARE STORE. Gun‘s Drug Store "STEELE BRIGGS" "RENNIE‘S" and "FERRY‘S" MORTGAGE SALE In Bulk and Packages. Garden Seeds of MMdaugh House purchase money C time af . s "L 2 6O# TCOR the time of sale, or sale by public AT Black of the powers Flour, Feed For Prints & Muslins ; FANCY CAKEs patterns and ’ZE.'J{.. goods, M US{.IN GINGHAM, 10 «s T BHOLJ We have a larger and more varied stock of Boots and Shoes than we have kept before, Men‘s Stiff & Fedora Hats Ayton iflâ€"u;:&'n Encore “am Jewel Boots & Shoes w. Watch Dress Goods P rints, Mus Ginéhams I,: armving weekly in all lines Particular people preciate our Goods. Coo ETe 91 CIRSWER Snaps, City Mixed, J. y Lunch, Empress, Raspberry Tarts, â€"just the thiug you want to sive the time of baking while at your housecleuninx. . McARTHUR 45 CA Several dozen from which t; chose in Brown, Dove and Black. New WaeFartane & C+, Window SAades A few PRemnants Iow Walt Papers In Flour This space from week to week and read of the new goods we have for sale. Gmoories, Fruits, and other housecleaning aids at lowest prices. Qualâ€" ity guaranteed. Alabastine, Sotistonc, Purc Wixed Paints in room lots at such low prices as will move them out quickly. Our stock of new Wall Pa. pers is now complete, and we would like to show yoy the new patterns and color ings. Come and see them, zgists and Booksel‘»rs fhéms, Laces, roideries. &c â€"â€" Grant. Goods Royal Houschold t 3i dit MA Y 7, 1908 and Seeds shades, â€"all new uslms. Wil per ya Molasses ap latest MA JX Hello a«MAY 7, 19 ‘This is the sign Oh yes, and be suri size nine.. N in the down CU Il of a and W MoOsS BLEXD! D est ua th M of Ont! Wh No Fir Kp we St we Th

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