West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 May 1908, p. 4

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I 'I ) a Taylor & Co., Dromore :':%’ ippommnemmemnennesenmnememmons ; Prints 14 en on edion l meloaiodtol ® e on st mc oo m and ace o m iot s s es # Taylor & Co., Dromore % ©0900009000090006@009088v0 0: #0 4000000000 06 200400 9r0¢®®@ : g Ready for Spring Linoleums, Wall paper, Paints and Wall Col All the newest styles and they are handsome and the quality of the finest. * ume" §* The colors are many and the shapes are LadleS ‘Iaps not exaggerated. We have now ready for your inspection all the latest .effects and colorings imaginable in Dress Lengths. _ These are in Kanâ€" tomas, Panamas, Lustres, Satin Cloths, San Reenos and Broadâ€" cloths, The shadow stripe is to be seen in many of these and it is very attractive and neat. New Waist Ends Old Big 4 Stand, Ladies‘ lustre Black and White WAIST3, worth 1.50 for Girls‘ washable readyâ€"mado trimmed Dresses, only ... .. Misses‘ Skirts, black and blue up to $5.00, now ... ... ... Men‘s tweed odd Vests, ali sizes, each oniy ...... .... ... NMews Tweedkt PHNK.............00ces iss 4 i bak at 2ihe‘s us Clearing lot of Men‘s Suits at a, ...... .... ... .... very Mea‘w Working SHIRTS fug...........c...} ies i. in S F. MORLOCK Our stock of Scotch Ginghams & Chamâ€" brays is the largest we have ever had. We have a great variety of patterns in solid colors checks and stripes 1 fg.._...._c. 10c to 125 yd We have a large selection of Black Silk and silk mixture Umbrellas with a great varâ€" iety of handles to choose from & wide price range 75C to 2.50 WASH GOODS We have a great showing of Wash Goods in Muslins, Ginghams, Chambrays, Dimities, Lawns, Linens, Vestings and Duck Suitings. Ginghams & Chambrays We are showing an extra large range of Ladies‘ Fancy Sunshades otf the very newest desigrs in plain and Fancy Silks. White Liâ€" nens prettily embroidered with eyelid emâ€" broidery. They are made on the best quality of frames with new rustic handWes from .. ]..25 to 3.00 Ladies & Men‘s Umbrellas Sele Agents for Progress Brand Clothing Men‘s Spring Hats * for spring blouses are natty and /alSt Ends colorings are blended attractively. The famous ‘Crum‘s‘ which {every lady knows will boil and remain the same in color as before. Dress Goods New Carpets Fancy Parasols We bave just lately got in a nice stock for the Spring season azd are going to sell at a »ea sonable price as the following figures show : . Lovine, Upper Town, Durbam very low price Ciors a J. H. Richardson is making preparâ€" ation to move his portable sawâ€"miil to the old Meagher farm and then we will hear the whistle blown by the little Hill. Mr John Campbell who was on the sicklist, is we are are pleased to learn, improyving. Mr and Mrs G. Haw and family Sundayed at Mrs Haw‘s old home in Dromore. Wm Aldcorn & Son is doing a rushâ€" ing business in their stores here and in Priceville. Small profit and quick retuarn is the motto. The tin show Friday evening was the event of the season when the young folks of this neighborhood, each armed themselves with some article of tinware and marched in on Mr. J. Batchelor and his bride showâ€" ering their tin in a heap on the kitâ€" chen floor, the young couple was taken by surprise but soon became master of the situation and proved themselyes a model host and hostess put & ballâ€"room in order, and the merry company tripped the fantastic toe to the excellent music rendered by Messrs Haw, Watson, Black, Campbell, Moor and Hill till the wee small hours in the morning. We would suggest that some ot the Batchâ€" elors by nature of our burg should do something in the tin pan line. Intended for last week Well Mr. Editor since last writing the weather bas not been very favorâ€" able tor seeding as it has been rainâ€" ing or snowing almost every day. Just as we are writing, we hear that Miss Christena McPherson of the north line, Glenelg, dropped dead on Saturday morning, after partakâ€" ing of her breakfast, heart failure supposed to be the cause. Miss Meâ€" Pherson was an old resident of the north line, @Glenelg. _ ‘The funeral will probably take place this Monday morning to St John‘s cemetery Poâ€" mona. ed again to resume his studies in the Dental Coilege, Toronto. John MeArthur, son of our worthy townsman, Mr John McArthur, merâ€" chant of this town, paid a short visit to the parental home and returnâ€" As the 24th of May comes on a Sunday this year, the graveyard comâ€" mittee of this town thought that the day could in no wise be kept better than by having all those interested in our cemetery in this place to gather on Monday the 25th of May, for the purpose of beautifying the ‘appearance of the yard, which by the way is getâ€" ting in a very delepidated condition, As a large number afar off and near at hand are interested, it is to be _hoped that all will make it a point of business to be in attendance on that day and show that we all respect the loying memories of our dear departed friends, During winter many new graves were made, which now have sunken down below the leyel and they need to be again made to haye the appearance of the resting place of che dead. ‘The living know that they must be laid to rest in the tomb, but those that are dead and gone, their memory and their names must not be forgotten by us, the living. During the past week very little was done by way of seeding on acâ€" count of the continual wet weather. It rained for 48 hours without quitâ€" ting and lowlands are all coyered with water, but we hope now as May is adâ€" vancing, that a change will take place. In olden times in the Highlands of Sceotland, the 12th of May nowadays was called the first in the days of some of our forefathers. Bo to keep in harmony with our good old people, we live in hopes thut after the 12th of May, we will have the finest of weathâ€" er. The woods are beginning to show an appearance of life by setting forth their buds, The busy season finds abundance of work to do for everyone in their various departments and all are availâ€" ing themselves of the â€" opportunity of attending to their different calling. Arch. McKinnon, son of Mr Hugh McKinnon, south line, Glenelg, met with a painful experieuce. While working on the railroad, a small piece of steel got into his eye, and he as soon as possible went to some of the doctors of Durham, but as they could not lecate the cause by finding the small grain of steel, he was ordered by Dr Gun to go to Stratford hospital, where we are pleased to hear he went through an operation and the foreign matter removed, He is getting on as well as possible and hopes he will be home in a ftew days. Some of our sick people are getting better and others the worse. Swinton Park. Priceville THE DURHAM REVIEW ~* Best of their kind " Prices Right. HIl Repairs, / Masseyâ€"Harris & De Laval This week we call your very special attention to Agency for Massey ~ Harris Farm Machinery Parisian Millinery Co. MISS DICK, Proprietor Summer Millinery Opening Mr Irvine Henderson is home after spending the winter at the Guelph Agricultural College. Sunday School o[rened on May 3, with a large attendance and all the teachers ready for a good summer‘s work. Mrs Derby is recovering from an attack of La Grippe. We hope to see her soon in her usual health again. Rev. A. L. Budge visited along the line last week. Come oftener Mr Budge we are always glad to see you. Aon illustrated lecture on Scotland will be given at the church, Hampâ€" den on Tuesday evening May 19, by Rev. Johnson of London. Mr and Mrs Sharpe attended the funeral of Miss Houston from the home of Mrs A. Beggs of Durham on Baturday. MrJohn and Miss Millie Little of Ayr, visited their relatives at the Post Office for the last week, Miss Mildred Leeson spent the week end at Varney. Mr A. McCabe is to be congratulatâ€" ed on the improvements he has made in his grounds with fine fencing and evergreens. On Saturday morning Mrs McCrie entertained the little boays of her Sunâ€" day School class. The new couple expect to leave Tuesday morning for their bomestead near Swi‘t Current, Bask., and will visit friends in Torcnâ€" to, the Sault and Winnipeg en route, followed by the gincere good wishes of their many friends. On Friday evening Mr and Mrs D. McCrie had a reception for the young couple, when about forty other friends young and old, met to offer good wiskâ€" es and enjoy the hours together, Miss Adair spent Saturday in Mt Forest. Mrs Jno Carson and children, of town, visited her brother Mr Robt Eden Sunday. Mr Wm Ball has rented the farm from the Hillis boys, and is hurrying the seeding expecting to move there in the near future. XÂ¥rs W. Dunn is visiting old friends in the vicinity. A yery pretty wedding took place on Wednesday evering last, at the home of Mrs T. Allan, when her seâ€" cond daughter Lena Maud, was unitâ€" ed in the holy bonds of matrimon y. to the man of her choice, Mr Arthuar McCrie, second son of Mr D. MceCrie. The bride was assisted by her sister Edith, while Mr Jim Gray rendered the same service to the groom, Rev Mr Jamleson performing the cereâ€" mony in the presence of about forty of the immediate relatives of the conâ€" tracting parties. After a sumptuous wedding supper, the evening passed very qnickly in music, games and soâ€" cial chat. The bride‘s dress was a cream colienne with trmming of valâ€" enciennos lace and insertion, her only other ornament being & gold locket and chain, a gift from the groom, Many presents from others showed high esteem, Mrs Thos Petty is visting her brother Mc H. Wilkingon. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO when we will exhibit the new styles for summer. We cordially invite the ladies of Durham and the surrounding country to call and see the grand display. Miss Dick announces her Summer Millinery Openings to be held on Wednesday, . McPF -ad'cle;‘l SEPARATORS May 20 Hampden Varney. Cash The REVIEW, 50c. to Jan, Ist, to New Subscribers. Order it for that friend of yours. NOTICE I.‘:IIEREBV GIVEN purâ€" suant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap 129, Sec 38 and amending Acts, that all perâ€" sons having claims against the estate of John Corlett, who died on or about ’ the 7th day of April, A. D. 1908, are hereby required to send by post preâ€" paid, or to deliver to Robt. J. Corlett or to Dr. Jas, L,, Smith, both of Dorâ€" noch in the County of Grey, the exâ€" ecutors of the last Will and Testaâ€" ment of the said deceased, or to W F Dunn of the Town of Durham in the said County of Grey, the solicitor for the said executors, on or before the 1st day of June A. D. 1908, their names and addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of their security ‘‘if any‘‘ held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the executors will proceed to distribâ€" ute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having reâ€" ‘ gard only to the claims of which he ‘ shall then have notice. W. F. DUNN, Their Solicitor Dated this 5th day of May, A D. â€" In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. IN THE MATTER of the estate of John Corlett, late of the Townâ€" ship of Bentinck in the County of Grey, deceased. to and from school and“th:sfié(;)a teacher will keep them right in school. Another dispute on Beer Street by two farmers over their children quarrelling going to school. Law is spoken of. _ We would advise them to teach their own children to go quietly Mrs MeDonald of the 12th Con. has gone to Melancthon to wait on her sister Mrs McDonald who is sick. Dr. Sneath has considerable basiâ€" ness around here attending to the sick. Amongst the sick is Mrs D. N. S(l:ot.t of 10th Con who is dangerously ill. Dr. Jamieson has taken a tour through Proton last week and called on a number of old friends. As usual be went to Dandalk first be makes it a head centre for this neighborhood . We trust others will take warning from the catastrophe, as there is imâ€" miment danger of getting a scrunched nesk, which will make a fellow assume an incline worse than the leaning towâ€" er of Pisa. pression of the Merry Widow Sailor and declare that any Dornoch lady guilty of adorning her upper story with one of these abnormal specimens of the mulliner‘s art, will be ostraciscd from their society, No wonder the precautmon has been taken, as we heard of one young man endeavoring to indulge in a moonlight smack, when suddenly this newly patented device smacked him in the neck, He was a pugnacious biped and tried again but the atiempt was not ouly futule but the second collision caused him to see a streak of eternity at midâ€" night and be had to engage four doeâ€" tors to keep him from dying of the lock jaw. It is rumored that the young men of the community have organized a elub, which has for its ubject the supâ€" We presume that since the enforceâ€" ment of the Local Option Bylaw that some Durhamites are as dry as a gravelâ€"pit, and no doubt a plual of Billy O‘Mara‘s good whiskey would vanish down their esophagus like an oiled eel through an augerâ€"hole. Mr R. M, Dargavel, our veteran sawmiller, has a gang of men employâ€" ed cutting bis large stock of logs, The mill is one of the best equipped in the county and tha output ayerages twelve to filteen M daily. The dissiples of honest Izaak Walâ€" ton are now daily, employed angling for the speckled benuties, As yet no huge specimins of the finny tribe have been captured, but we look for some fish yarns in the near future, Mr Wm Vasey. an ostentatious youth of the County Town, renewed acquaintances in the village the preâ€" ceding part of last week. Mr James Duncan, a scholarly gentleman from Keady, spent a pleasâ€" ant fortnight yisiting his many friends in the burg and community. Mr Jos, Melosh bas gone to the County Town, where he has secured a lucrative position. We trust the rejuyenating breezes of the Georgian Bay may aid in his speedly restoration to health. The social circles were enhanced this week by the return to the burg of Miss alice Buchavnan, after an atâ€" sence of ten months in the Queen City. Mrs N, A, MeDonald and Mrs J. L. Smith enjoyed a few days pleasan vacation visiting friends in the Queen City and adjacent poiate. ROBERT J. CORLETT ; Dr. J. L. SMITH ; Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Hopeville Dornoch. I ARTHUR H. JAcksox, Dur | Agent for Vendor | Dated tbhzlotduyoprfil. 1908, For further });rt,“i; tions of sale apply to ALrLaA® McKmnxox, Durbam P 0| The said property is about 5 miles east ::l Durham, on Durham Rd., conâ€" venient md Po:t Olflicehmd wgool. There is sard to be a ouse an stn(;-le on the said lsnz log TEKMS op Saur Ten per cent of the urchase mone to be g:id down at (Ee time otuh{ and balance within thirty days with interest at 6 per cent, at the hour of one o‘clock in th noon at the Middaugh House Town oi Durham in the Cou Grey, by John Clark, auctione following yvaluab}e property, n being composed of lot number . in the first concession, south Dnrham Road. in the Town: Glenelg in the said County o containing by admeasuremen acres more or leas, UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Do not forget that we carry an imâ€" mense assortment of Milk Pans, Cream Cans, Strainers, Butter Bowls, Butter Moulds, Butter Ladles, Butter Spoons, Churns, Butter Workers, etc. We have a large Vegetable, Flower In Oats, Corn and shine. 15,000 dozen eggs wanted this week in exchange for Ready Mixed Paint There is nothing manufactured to equal Sherwinâ€"Wiiliams Paint for every purpose, We also have a stock of Paints at a lower price. Decorate your lawn by using some of our Lawn Grass, Lawn Shears, Tree Pruners, Lawn Mowers and Hammocks. _ We have a new article in Hammock Chains _ Nothing to epual them for safety. you can get everythning from a jews harp to an iron sill in iron or steel, and a tooth pick to a saw log in wood. Come to the Store where HARDWARE! Saturday, 23rd May Have you a piano in your Home ? If not why not one of our Beil‘s ? We can give you the best instruâ€" ment and make you the best terms. _ One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof. 1Konold and pronounceJ excelâ€" ent. John McQueen Gun‘s Drug Store Field Carrots & Turnip Seeds Root â€" Seeds ARTHUR A Long Red Mange! Half Sugar Mange! Yellow Globe Mangel MORTGAGE SALE West of M idd;ugh House W. Black 2t the purchase money n at tK« time of sale, ithin thirty days with r cent, particulars and mnnai Ark, auctioneer, the ble property, namely ; of lot number sixteen ‘cession, south of the in the Township of said County of Grey. wl ~0 County of G',.,;: udmn“u,.ement flf‘.’ 8. AT and fresh stock of and Field Seeds. Mangel Seed we and condiâ€" . Durbam, BC3 i the after. use in the County of D., 1908 &m McGowan‘s Eelipse Ayton Milling Co‘s Ensore Milverton Jewe! For Flour 4 Feed Prints & Musiins & ainlo & PAIUSIINS In |n: patterns and shades, â€"all n goods, MUSLIN GINGHAM, 100 per vd FANCY CAKEs POdls & JHIE3 We have larger and more varied stock of Boots and Shoes than we hav« kept before, Men‘s Stiff & Fedora Hats Boots & Shoes We Watch Dress Goods, P rints, Muslins, Ginghams, Laces, EmEroideries, Ee Several dozen from which t« chose in Brown, Dove and Black Snaps, City Mlx:d_. Jall,\""l',':;‘r:‘ Empress, Raspberry Tarts,â€"just the thing you want to save th« time of baking while at your housecleaning. . McARTHUR 5 C arnving weekly VaeFartane & Co. Particular people will preciate our Goods. New Iow Wait Papers MATTHEws & LATIMER Druggists and Booksellers This space from week to week and read of the new goods we have for sale. In Flour and other housecleaning aids at lowest prices. Qualâ€" ity guaranteed. in room lots at such low prices as will move them out quickly. Our stock of new Wall Paâ€" pers is now complete, and we would like to show you the new patterns and color. ings. Come and see them, Groceries, Fruits, 0w .?omnants MA Y 14, 1908 â€"â€" Grant. Goods t $ #it and Seeds 7 in all lines 10c per yd Molasse Aap new A T7 Cheer Boots, 5 iery at Trunks MAY

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