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Durham Review (1897), 21 May 1908, p. 4

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[\ » Taylor & Co., Dromore ;'5:;: S pnoomoe omm mmemnenamies on ons omommenons 90000003 000000¢8 009000 ¢0 6» Ced exl n antent Rel td o un e e e g wet d mt ut oa se s en ma ced en m mt et ot = Taylor & Co., Dromore & :-,’a' Linoleums, Wall paper, Paints and Wall Colors ‘a Prints 0000004004000 0040@ 40 L0O0 4. ~ ; y?eaafy Lor Jprl}zy Old Big 4 Stand We have now ready for your inspection all the latest effects and colorings imaginable in Dress Lengths. _ These are in Kanâ€" tonas, Panamas, Lustres, Satin Cloths, San Reenos and Broadâ€" cloths. The shadow stripe is to be secnin many of these and it is very attractive and neat. New Waist Ends We bave just lately got in a nice stock for the Spring season azsd are going to sell at a rea sonable price as the following figures show : Ladies‘ lastre Black and White WAISTS, worth 1.50 for . ... .1.00 Girls‘ washable readyâ€"made trimmed Dresses, only ...... .... 75¢ Misses‘ Skirts, black and blue up to $5.00, now ...... ...... ..2.75 Men‘s tweed odd Vests, all sizes, each oniy ...... .... .... ....95¢ Nowy Twectk PHMS...=> 2 ... .. «../2.‘«.: o »} / oC oosd + 0 n toa ol Clearing Jot of Men‘s Saits at a, ...... .... ... .... very low price Mows Workieg SENTSYS KK .......... .... .. ... ... cone on ce aattil All the newest styles and they are handsome and the quality of the finest. Cam" £* The colors are many and the shapes are Ladles LaPS not exaggerated. We have a large selection of Black Silk and silk mixture Umbrellas with a great varâ€" iety of handles to choose from & wide price range 750 to 2-50 S F MORLOCK WASH GOODS We are showing an extra large range of Ladies‘ Fancy Sunshades ot the very newest desigrs in plain and Fancy Silks, White Liâ€" nens prettily embroidered with eyelid emâ€" broidery. They are maae on the best quality of frames with new rustic handles from .. 1.25 to 3.00 Ladies & Men‘s Umbrellas Our stock of Scotch Ginghams & Chamâ€" brays is the largest we have ever had. We have a great variety of patterns in solid colors checks and stripes 1 irom.........?.. ].OC to 122C }’d We have a great showing of Wash Goods in Muslins, Ginghams, Chambrays, Dimities, Lawns, Linens, Vestings and Duck Suitings. Ginghams & Chambrays Sele Agents for Progress Rrand Clothing Men‘s Spring Hats Dress Goods 1 for spring blouses are natty and {alSt Ends colorings are blended attractively. The famous ‘Crum‘s‘ which {every lady knows will boil and remain the same in color as before. Fancy Parasols New Carpets . Lovine, Upper Town, Darbham f se k es ak ++ 40G i+ sÂ¥rv«s «»ambg <xies‘vs w44 tds very low price it An entertainment which will «be, both pleasing and instructive, will be given by Rev Thkos. Wilson, Walkerâ€" ton, in Amos church, Thursday night May 28th, by means of over one hunâ€" ared beautifully coloreda views and Iime Light. _A large number of bymns, songs and seenes will be ilâ€" Vr Steven Boax is busy this week digging out the foundation for new hall. Hecter. McLean, Priceville, is rushing up Colin‘s new house. Mrs nobt Renwick Jr. is spending a week with her mother, Mrs W.L, Dixon. Beven wrote on the examination, on the books cf the New Testament, Teacher‘s training course, held in the manse Satoerday night. We wish them success. The Women‘s F. M. Society held their meeting last Friday afternoon in the church. _ Mrs Little, Holstein, was present and gave an excellent reâ€" port of the annual meeting held in Toronto. Mrs Findlay and Mrs Renâ€" ton were appointed as delegates to atâ€" tond the Presbyterial held in Mt Forâ€" est, Thursday of this week. The Dromore branch of Women‘s Institutes held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs Jas,. Eccles, Wed nesday afternoon May 6. _ Officers were elected for this year as follows : Pros.â€"Agnes Renwick, Viceâ€"Pres.â€" Mary Taylor, Seeâ€"Treas.â€"Ella Renâ€" ton. The Topic, * Pure Air. Sunâ€" shine and the Bath " was woall disâ€" eussed. Mrs Finadlay gave an excel lent paper on " Pure Aair." _ Miss Taylor and Miss Lothian gave good papers on the Bath. A pleasing song was given by Mrs Atkinson and Jessie Ececles gave & very amusing recitation, It was decided to hold the June meetâ€" ing, at which the delegates from Guelph will be present, in Mrs Wilâ€" son‘s shop. Further particulars later. Election matters are freely discussâ€" ed and the general feeling is that our old neighbor Mr MeCanuel will poil a large majority in this section of the riding and his old neighbors hope he will do likewiâ€"e in the other parts. Fishing is in order and those that car spare the time exercise their spare hours in trying to catch some of the innocent things. We are sorry to notice the death of a lady once of this place in the person ot Mrs Rev. Hamphries. It will be remembered that Mr Humphries was for tour years pastor of the Methodist church here and other stations. We are pleased to hear that Mrs Reily is im.10ving and we hope as the warm westher sets in she will be restored again so as to enable her to be around in her asual health. Mr Mclotyre, Hardware Merchant of this place has a fine display ot everything required in a Hardware Store, ard it would be welt to patronâ€" ize Shirley by way of testing his liberality in the selling otf cheap goods. _ We bear that Shirley intends to patron{ze something far superior to hardware gouds not far into the fature. Arcbie McKinnon who got his eye affected by steel is getting on well in Strattord Hospital and we all hope be will be home this week in his usual health. Summer is beginning to make its appearance in spite of all the backâ€" ward weather we had during spring. We notice that the Rev Mr Kipp l)t the Baptist charch here has tendered his resignation. _ Mr Kipp was a hard worker ard much regret is feit for his intention of severing his con nection with Pricevilie and other stations. Early sown grain is growing niceâ€" Ivy and has a healthy look. The pastures and meadows are also makâ€" ing good progress and if frosts keep away from this on we may look for good meadows. _ Low lands are be: ginning to get somewhat dryer but not in a very good shape tor working yet hcowever if this week continues fine the seeding will be pretty well done. _ Very litttle seeding done in some parts a few miles south of this place on account of the continual showers of rain keeping low ground unfit to work to any satisfaction. Many from here sympathize with Mr and Mrs Chas. MceArthar of Banâ€" essan in the death of their only son Archie who died a few days ago at the age of 25 years. Fall wheat bhas a bealthy looking appearance. _ Mr A. McCuaig ot Top Cliff has a fine looking field and stood the winter well. Mr Colin McMill .n of Dromore has started a branch of his undertaking bus.ness in this town. _ Any informâ€" ation required will be found at Mr Frank Riely‘s blacksmith shop. Mr McMillan has an extensive business in Dromore @nd those wisking to patronize him here can do so by conâ€" sulting Mr Reily who wili immediateâ€" Iv communicate with Mr McMillan by phone. N We forgot to tell all those interested in the graveyard in this town that they are asked to contribute 50c towards the fund for the pnrfiosa of repairing &e., to Mr Dugald McCorâ€" mick, Treasurer. The Saugeen is fully as high as it was when the snow went away. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 4 ¢ +4 Dromore. Priceville "W. 1. McFadden‘ THE DURHAM REVIEW * Best of their kind " Prices Right. â€" UIll Repairs, Cash This week we call your very special atiention to Masseyâ€"Harris & De Laval SEPARATORS Agency for Massey ~ Harris Farm Machinery Parisian Millinery Co. Summer Millinery Opening Mr _ Art. Sewell spent all Monday forenoon at Mr Jno. MeCalmon‘s and in the atternoon earried off Miss May â€" gile the daughter of the house to Listowel. Mrs Hillis and sons have moved to town. Mr Palmer Patterson purchased a good driver from Mr E. Fee while Mr W. Ball bought one from Mr A. MceClinton. An occasional farmer has finished seeding while others with wet land bave very little or even nune at all sown yet. Mrs A. W. Leeson returned to her home in Mt. Forest Tuesday stter spepnding‘ three weeks with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs Wm Bryans who has suffered a double misfortune having broken her arm for the second time, only a half inch trom the old wound that is barely healod. Mr A McCabe visted his brother in Holstein Saundav. The frequent rains during the past two weeks have seriously hindered the farmers along the ‘river and through " the swamp ‘ in their seedâ€" ing operations. A political meeting is to be held in the school on May 22, in the interests of the Conservative party. Johnny Pfeffer started to _ school last week. _ We admire his pluck for the poor boy cannot take a step withâ€" out the aid of his crutches. â€" lastrated while being sung or explainâ€" The illustrated lecture at the church on May 19 is to be given by Mr. Moffat not Mr Johnson as we intimated last week. The German Sunday School at Gilmour‘s Corner was opevned on May 10. Mrs A, Blasing has been geriously indisposed during the last fortnight, the cause being some earâ€"trouble. Mrs Wilson, who had been nursing her sisterâ€"inâ€"law near Markdale, reâ€" turzed home last Sunday. . Mrs Wm Eydo visited her friends Mrs Scim and Mrs Miller on Thuarsâ€" day last, Mr and Mrs Jas Watt and little daughter Jessie spent Sunday eveâ€" ning with Mr and Mrs Anderson. A number from hore purpose atâ€" tending the W. F. M. Society Presâ€" byterial to be held in Mt Forest Thursday of this week. Farmers are all hustling in the seed this fine weather. Mr Gilliland and Mr Addison Wenâ€" ger were visitors with Mr Gilmour and family over Sunday, Miss Lillian Sackett is in Egremont assisting in the care of her aunt who is dangerously i!l at present. Miss Belle Mearns and ber brother Albert spent Sunday with their grandin»ther near Ayton. Mrs Isaac, Mt. Forest, is visiting her son and daughters here. The Guild is improving with better rouds and last week‘s meeting was the best for some time. The topic for next week is Samson. Mr L. J. Gilliland of Ayton, visited the Sunday School last Sunday and gave an interesting and instructive tal«k on the lesson. when we will exhibit the new styles for summer. We cordially invite the ladies of Durham and the surrounding country to call.and see the grand display. Miss Dick announces her Summer Millinery Openings to be held on Wednesday. MISS DICK, Proprietor ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Hampden Varney. ay 20 B #4â€"â€"_ Being Lot 14, Con. 4, N. D. R., Glenâ€" elg, consisting of 100 acres, more or less. 90 acres cleared, balance hard wood bush. _ Bank barn, 60x44, frame house, grouted inside, 30x2%, imâ€" plement house 40x20, good well at door, farm free from incumbrance, School half a mile distant and another 14 miles. Intending purchasers will get particulats by writing to G, C,. ANDERsON, Superintendent Post Office Department, i Mail Contract Branch, Ottawa, 8th May, 1908. [ Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proâ€" posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Terder may be obtained at the Post Office of Hanover, Lonise, Elimwood, Mulock and route offices and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto. Elmwood and Mulock, Hanover and Lowuse from the Postmaster General‘s plea sure. Sealea Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on for the conveyance of his Majesty‘s Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years six and six times per week each way, between Will is pleased to see his mother home again as he says this batching it is no good. The Swinton Park correspondent to the Dundalk Herald wants to know who the captured bell, we can tell him it was the young man from the north who. when the bell blew off the school last winter telt so lonesome that he took to the woods, Some of the boys have been fishing. We hearâ€"~Jack caught a speckled beauty of sixteen inches. J. HM. Richardson has his house raised and is baving a wall buil; under it. _ He made a business trip to Dandalk Saturday in short 0: der. Mr and Mrs F. Bouten visited the latser‘s parents in Boothville Sanday. Mrs Kinsman who has been in Toronto the last month to be near her daughter wlho was sick in the hospital, returned home Saturday acâ€" companied by the latter. We are pleased to see Ida able to come home again. The Peter Hamilton Agent from Proton Station lost his way going trom Duandalk one mght lately and came as far as Swinton Park before he found his mistake. J. H. Richardson has his house R Smail‘s wire fence agent called on Mr G. Black Saturday and got the contract of erecting eighty rods of tence. Mr T. Campbell who has been dangerously ill is we are pleased to hear, improving and under the skilfal treatment of Dr. Sneith we hope soon to see him around again. Born.â€"On May 18, 1908, to Mr and Mra Jas. Warling, Holstein, a daughter. Next Sunday union services will be conducted here, in the morning in the Methodist church, and in the evening in the Presbyterian. Addresses will be delivered by a Mr Harris on beâ€" half of the Children‘s Aid Society and a very interesting day is anticipated. Miss Ray, of Toronto has been the gnelt of Mrs Thos Bunston, for a few ays. MfF and Mrs Oliver Rogers and Miss Clara Orchard were here for a few days attending the funeral of the late James Rogers, one of the old residents of Holstein, who died on Friday morning last after a brief illâ€" ness. Mr Rogers had been in failing health for several weeks and the end was not unexpected. The funeral, conducted by Rev Mr Little, took place on Monday to Reid‘s cemetery and was lurgely attended. Mr Rogers had reached the age of 79 years and has long been a familiar figure on our streets. A big program of sports will be run off in the park here on Victoria day, for which good prizes will be given, the money having been subscribed by the residents of the yvillage. There will be all kinds of races, jumping, shot putting, ece,, and a tug of war tetween picked teams. _A baseâ€"ball match will also be played and everyâ€" thing is free, which should be an inâ€" ducement to eyeryone who can come, to be present. In the evening Carey Bros. will give their moving picture entertainment in the Town Hall, unâ€" der‘the auspices of the Public Liâ€" brary and a large crowd is expected. It is expected that tea will be proâ€" vided by one of the charches and a pleasant afternoon and evening can very easily bo spent here. The Reliance Handle and Iwining Company manufactured their first handles this week and have eyeryâ€" thing in shape for a big business, Mr A. Moyer, of Berlin, visited Holstein last week. Friday the 26th June, 1908, Swinton Park. MAIL CONTRACT. Farm tor Sale. =â€"â€"#Â¥#%â€"___._.. Doxarp BEaAros, Holstein. int and another ROBERT J. CORLETT E purchasers will| _ Dr.J. L SMITH % Axe0u EI:A::)X W. F. DUNN, Their Solicitor Guelph P. Q, _‘ Dated this 5th day of May, A D. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. IN THE MATTER of the estate of John Corlett, lateof the Townâ€" ship of Bentinck in the County of Grey, deceased, NOTICE IS:HEREB\ GWVEN purâ€" suant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap 129, See 38 and amenaing Acts, that all perâ€" sons haying claims against the estate of John Corlett, who died on or about the 7th day of April, A. D. 1908, are hereby required to send by post preâ€" paid, or to deliver to Robt. J. Corlett or to Dr. Jas. L. Smith, both of Dor. noch in the County of Grey, the exâ€" ecutors of the last Will and Testaâ€" ment of the said deceased, or to W Fâ€" Dunn of the Town of Durham in the said County of Grey, the solicitor for the said executors, on or before the 1st day of June A. D. 1908, their names and addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of their security ‘‘if any‘‘ held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the executors will proceed to distribâ€" ute the assets of the deceased amongst the ies entitled thereto having reâ€" xarr::ly to the claims of 'llic{ he shall then have notice. # Another assortment of Charcoal Irons, Shirt Sleeve Ironing Boards and ordinary wroning Boards just to hand. A shipment of Readyâ€"Mixed Paints arrives every week ut our esâ€" tablishment. There is nothing »to equal Shberwinâ€"Williams Readyâ€" Mixâ€" ed Paints for every purpose. This week we haye to offer you 200 galvanized ironwpails, switable for feeding calyes, at 20¢ each, als» a quantity of Calf Equivalens. Use Stock Food or Calf Equivalent. and your calyes will flourish, We have a large quantity of farm seeds, such as, oats, iimothy, mangâ€" les, turnips and carrots _ You can get everything you require ia Garden Beels, Lawn grass seed in abunâ€" dance, Call and examine our Farm Fence, which will bear the closest inâ€" spection. All kinds of Fence Wire in stock. HARDWARE! Have you a piano in your Home? AT Gun‘s Drug Store Yellow Mangel Field Carrots NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Mangel, Long Red Half Sugar Mangel If not why not one of our Bell‘s ? We can give you the best instruâ€" ment and make you the best terms. _ One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof. 1Kunuld and pronounced excelâ€" ent. John McQueen Root Seeds Evans‘ *Saw Log‘ Stecle Briggs ‘Mammoth Rennie‘s ‘Perfection‘ Steele Briggs ‘Royal Giant‘ Steele Bri&gs ‘Giant White Rennie‘s ‘Giant‘ Steele Briggs ‘Yellow Globe‘ Steele Briggs ‘Intermediate‘ Ferry‘s ‘Leviathian‘ ‘White Belgian‘ West of Middaugh House Executors *4 Al McGowan‘s Eclipse Ayton Milling Co‘s Encore Milverton Jewel Pure Manitoba Five Roses For Hor Groceries \ Flour, Feed ar Prints & Muslins FANCY CAKES 100L$ & JHO€E3 We have a larger and more varied stock of Boots and Shoes than we bhave kept before, Men‘s Stiff & Fedora Hats patterns and shades,â€" goods, MUSLIN GINGHAM, 10c Boots & Shoes Watch Iow Wait Papers Wiindow SAades Alabastine, fellslone, Pu Vixed Paints V)acFartane & C.s. Snaps, City Mixed, Jrlly Lunch, Empress, Raspberry Tarts,â€"just the thing you want to save the time of baking while at your hnuscvlwming. . McARTHUR ¢% C Several dozen from which to chose in Brown, Dove and Black. Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Ee arriving New Particular people will ap. preciate our Goods, MATTHEwWs & LATIMER Druzgists and Booksellers This space from week to week and read of the new goods we have for sale. Our stock of new Wall Paâ€" pers is now complete, and we would like to show you the new patterns and colorâ€" ings. Come and see them. in room lots at such low prices as will move them out quickly. and other housecleaning aids at lowest prices. Qualâ€" ity guaranteed. In Flour 10w Romnants & weekly in all lines MAY 21, 1908 â€"â€" Grant. Goods Royal Houschold ts _ Eraile, and Seeds. s11IMS In latest shades, â€"all new Molasses & [( #t 6 a o man Me tan it into dawellir W MAY 21, 190 Trunks Boots, Shoes 2 lm at Mcl Ches Egg He At RE DIS C( Geant hi Doll

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