West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 May 1908, p. 4

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th b | pf (w3 2A 4 k 3 Taylor & Clo., Dromore % Sexxmmsz: esns e mm omne ts *4 i *« :_-;:-cm:-::-cx:c:-:cc'e::z-::c:-c:ac‘cx:cflm-::czmgg : Taylor & Co., Dromore & ©00000000000000000.0â€"000 00 04 Linoleuras, Wall **‘* NC NEWesC styles ame they are han the finest, * * 4* The colors are 1 Ladles LapS not exaggerated Peady for Spring _ % .?eaa/y 40 All the newest New Waist Ends ‘: Printsg Thefmous ‘Crm‘s We have now rea1ly for your inspection and colorings imagin: ible in Dress Lengths. tonas, Panamas, Lus tres, Satin Cloths, Sa cloths. The shadow stripe is to be seen in 1 is very attractive and neat. Old Big 4 Stand Ladies‘ lustre Black A Girls‘ washa ble read y Misses‘ Skirts, black a Men‘s tweed odd Vests Men‘s Tweed Pants . Â¥ Clearing lot of Men‘s & Mea‘s Working SHIR 8. F. MORLOCK We have a large selec and silk mixture Umbrell iety of handles to choose _ Ladies‘ & Men‘s Umbrellas Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothina Dress Goods We are showing an extra large range of Ladies‘ Fancy Sunshades of the very newest desigrs in plain and Fancy Silks, White Liâ€" nens prettily embroidered with eyelid em. broidery. They are made on the best quality of frames with new rustic handles from .. 1-25 to 3.00 rom & wide price rancge The fa mo us ‘Crum‘s boil arid 1 emain the & Our stock of Scotch Ginghan brays is the largest we have eve have a great variety of patterns in checks and stripes fFoms. ..« +/« 4/«‘s‘s se 10C to ] We have a great showing of Wash Goods in Muslins, Ginghams, Chambrays, Dimities, Lawns, Linens, Vestings and Duck Suitings. en‘s Spring Hats WASH GOODS vie readyâ€"made trimmed D}:cQQeus. onl y s, black and blue up to £5.00, now .. ... odd Vests, all sizes, each only .... .. .. $ MhGGr se We have just lately got in a Spring season ard are going sonable price as the followin Black and White WAISTS worth SHIRTS for. New Carpets us ‘Crum‘s‘ which emain the same in c paper, Paints and Wall Col Suits at a s «Levine, ancy Parasols Yyour inspection all the latest effects Dress Lengths. _ These are in Kanâ€" tin Cloths, San Reenos and Broadâ€" to be seen in many of these and it large selection of of Scotch Ginghams & Cham tor spring blouses are natty and colorings are blended attractively. ‘s‘ which levery lady knows will same in color as before. handsome and the avely got in a nice stock for the and are going to sell at a Ioa as the following figures show : many and the shapes are 3 we have ever had. We . 19¢ to 2.50 c to | tion of Black Silk s with a great varâ€" worth 1.50 for.... .1.00 Upper Town, Durham very low pri(;e 12c quality of solid colors oiors Mr Riddell had visit bridge and Toronto at alexander Russell‘s A family of six named Rowlands, is viaiting with their friends, D. Ailan and Jolhin MeBachern. They belong to the Toronto Lacrosse Clab and came to play against the Dundalk team last Monday. 3 w Yashk /.,.. _ 30 â€"~~wCuI8 away in New York attending a large church meeting. Mr. Geo. McLeach of Torâ€" onto preached in his place here on Sunday 17th and the Rev Mr Osburn of Toronto on the Bunday previous, The dispute between two of the Beer Street farmers was quiet!y settled between â€"themselves after spending two days in Dundalk at a magistrate‘s court. _ Wiser mon now., | Mopevilie had a larger number of visitors on Sunday last than usual, coming on Satorday and staying over for some days, Mr MclLeach being to preach. SUMMER SESSION for The Rev. Mr. Gibs New York attending . meeting. Mr.; Geo. M onto preached in his Sunday 17th and the 1 of Toronto on the Sun, Miss Etta Andersgon spent Victoria Day with her aunt at Shaw. _ Miss Leeson visited over Sunday with Mt Forest friends. Preparatory Services were cond net. ed here last Friday by Rev. McKinâ€" nor, of Pinkerton, _ Four new memâ€" bors were added to the church and Mr Jas. Park‘s baby was baptised. Three babies were baptised byâ€" Rev, ‘ Budge on May Ist, Mr T. Young's[ and Mr Michael Ruara‘ tasi. . Miss Mary Little, ot Ayr ber sister Mrs M. W Byers View Farm at present. Mr _ John Little returnd home after a short visit grand parents, Mr and Mrs Miss Grace Gilmour vi Sinday with Ayton friends. Miss Rebecca Park of C spent a tew days last week cousing, Misses Rebeccea a Nichotl. Mr _ Robert Nichol and Bessie spent the holiday wit in Galt. CE omm And others during July and August Mr Wim. Hewitt from the 10 is moving to the avenue this 1 TORONTO, ONT. F Linriiae 220 comem se the 12th of June, Now meat. Mr and Mrs Moe and Mrs of Owen Sound., were vyisi week at Mr Tolchara ‘8, The â€"farmers around here asre through seeding and are now busy with the roots. The fall wheat around this v.cinâ€" itv is looking splendid this year. Mr Win. Weir has a field which is alâ€" most out in a shot blade. The young people of Edge Hill held a successfual picuie at Hay ward ‘s Falls Monday. Thke Beet Ring starts Oberatinn â€"an [ To wa Om " â€"f", _ AbLY Lilttle, Otf Ayr, is visiting ‘r sister Mrs M. Ww, Byers at Bonny ew Farm at present. Mr _ John Little returned to his ie s ault Lc nfi & Mi William Leslie, Mt. Forest, visited Mr Plumer Sterne over the holiday . The brick layers ¢xpect to finish the brick work of Colin ‘s new house this week. Carpenters . will be on next week. Don‘t forget the Lecture and Lime light yiews to be given in the church Phursday night by Rev. Thos. Witâ€" son Walkerton, good musie is being provided. _ Every body come, Adâ€" wmission 20e aund 10c. 12 °ic ""3) Hector McLean,. Priceâ€" ’ville, visited the latcer‘s brother Mr Colin McMillan and attended Amos charch Sunday morning. Mr and Mrs Charles Ramage. Durâ€" ham, attended Amos church Sunday morning. Miss Ella Renton spent a few days of last week in Mt. Forest. | Mr Willara Gregg, Mt. Forest, spent the 24th with his cousin Gordon Findlay, fishing. Mr and Mrs Hector McLean ville, visited the latser‘s bro Colin McMillan and attendec charch Sunday morning. Mrs Dixon, Mt. For friends here at present. day Mr and Mrs John Snell of your town visited friends here over the holiday, Miss Jennet Hay, Toronto, arrived gome Saturday night to spend the 24th. Miss Eliza Wilson visited Bouthville and Swinton Park friends over Sunâ€" dav Mrs Taylor left on Baturday for a two weeks visit with her brother Robert of New Liskeard. Rob. acâ€" companied her to Toronto, Farmers around here are nearly all througlf seeding at last, ELLIOTT i had visitors from Wood. Toronto and visitors are arents, Mr and Mrs H. -B-)"ors. Grace Gilmour visited over wsFer wiool Wl _ SOSTHNei : M t aeincsoaccocs, Hopeville 8 C t May ist, Mr T. hael Byers‘ twins Mr. Gibson is Hampden Edge Hill. Dromore. obecca and Bessie TEACHERS and dangthter y with friends ot Carlsruhe Forest is visiting ant he 10th con., this week. operation on Irs Waillace, visitors last with her with his for fresh " Best of their kind " Prices Right. @11 Repairs, Cash Masseyâ€"Harris De Laval This week we call your very special attention to Agency for Massey ~ Harris Farm Machinery Parisian Millinery Co MISS DICK, Propriector Summer Millinery (.'53?355",’1,\ C. MeMILLAN Jane we will show a large ment of Summer Hats n of all the latest Summer ; als, _ We havea large asso of children‘s hats and b and a choice lot of blac made in mohair braids, etc We invite your inspectio time you are in town and ever you wish to see th. styles. . 1. McPF Embaiming Our woek Juane Funeral Directors and Undertakers Gents THE DURKHAM REVIEW is the most complete in town. Any kind of handle you want is here. Prices range from 75¢ to 2.50, The one we sell for $1.00 is the one we wish to call your g’;‘lrticular attention to first. You won‘t ashamed to carry that any place. Remember that last rainy morning you got so wet ? You said you must buy an umbrella. Well, now‘s the time and here is the place. â€"Harry Burnett _ , At any time, but especially so at this time of year. It‘s dangsrous to venture out now without one. All calls, either night or day promptly attended to. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro.â€" ’msed Contract may be seen and blank orms of Terder may be obtained at the Post Office of Hanover, Louise, Elmwood, Mulock and route offices and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto, G. C. Anprrsoxn, Superintendent Post Office Depurlment,' Mail Contract Branch. Ottawa, 8th May, 1908; | OUR LINE OF UMBRELLAS We have opened up a shop in Priceville with a full stock of Funeral Supplies on hand. Elinwood and Mulock, Hanover and Louise from the Postmaster General‘s sure, for the conv hlll"s, on a pr years six and way, between Bealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 26th June, 1908. the latest Summer materiâ€" We have a large assortment Summer Millinery was most sneroeef SEPARATORS Sealea Tailor and Furnisher, Durham most successful ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Priceviile. Handy Article 8 hats and bonnets e conveyance of his Majesty‘s on & proposed Contract for four ix and six times per week each nt usas. in town and when MAIL CONTRAcT inspection any a black ha bundle for 5 “c:l;t: He was warmly ap close of his speech, Cheers were given man, for Mr MecCannel and a very satisfactory to a close, in â€" F 2511 . , 70 Of sutpasstng ability in Legislative halls, This could only be done by wor king for McCannel and allowing no trivial thing to prevent them depositing their ballot f'ur him on the 8th of June, Â¥ He pointed out the ne reform and showed how wovernment _ had conmy theit promise to bring in j session with another pro ie | promise. Hefelt <rtain C | kay were returned, we Law Reform within a ye Then he recalied the / creased expenditure «and [ so far from decr: asing it had actually incre ised | much as it did in 33 ye beral rule. He quoted fig also that amongst the 1 farmers, the agricultur were grossly neglected, * ing revenue allowing of ness sprung from sources by the Liberals, and opy opposition of that Gay and them that they could no find a Kerr and a Cobalt year. â€" He claimed that . tion was nearer than st a the history of this gene praised the foresight of governiments that had a veneficially for the pzov though the present stewar Y(_mul them, _ The Sup teyenue Act, the Success Act, the tax on Brewers an the construction of the Te railway. were clearly she acts of constructiye stat standing to the credit of th We are unable to do jua condemnation of the acts o ernment during, what on own papers had called " th ful week, " ‘there was more evident in the 34 years th. the terms of the previous eraments, Whitney never up to oss, much less does measure up . to Dryden wi ence as Minister of Agricult; three governments had bee lasting good of Ontario. He made a strong appeal t Mackay, a native of our cour had taught school in South had risen to high eminence j profession and of surnuacem pleaâ€" seagol Book Comim: readers were issued probable, ~ would o fixure if nol hisbe. )* tbe preseut re liced as a Bar Sale. for uf much | waste books are au; MrJohnu A, 0 in poluirs oâ€" He then den school books ‘ trap that war this when the new readers is as a party with the ’u.dl\'iduuln. Neither Ross and his governmer It was a ‘fsct that had been justified by th for Whitney who pron dishonesty, had in 84 ye; to expose though in pes inside information, and us now to reseni the ins: ed false, when the ery was vharge, " and laid i principle that it was when a paty did That the Whitney failed in many o ry shown in his addres the erv of clection f; how absurd it was t Liberal party for the unprincipied persons not deny, done rep As a case in point he lotâ€"box stuffing by Durbam in 1821, hut ever charged the Co Teen strong to sa y Dominton politics . goings at Ottawa, t te end he confined 1 Provincial issues, a; he dealt with as suc heen at Toromia hiw An opportunity â€" representative of 1j something in bis be} pearing, the popular ber was called an er was called omed. The to 1100 0 y3 C CACTZEICAROSCNCE owing to the accident (detailed else where,) and conveyed to them Mr MceCannel‘s personal regrets at bis enforced absence, and as far as was necessary introduced him * in absentia. After some remarks on Mr. McCanâ€" nel‘s fitness and ability to represent them, being a native o# the county, a farmer in touch with farming conâ€" ditions, and a student of public a fairs, be entered on an examination of some incidents in Dr. Jamieson‘s career, contrasting his performances with his party in powetr with his promiges while his party was in opposition. Lhe wellâ€"known instance was dwelt upon when in 1902 the Conservatives supported a bill alirming three prinâ€" pinlass Rad.ca:ll o2 A |La y [ .; Prhoch on Monday. ‘ Bx l!xe wording of the telegram asking him he did not know until he arriged in Durham on Monday whether the meeting was McCanne]‘s or Jamieson‘s but was ready foreither. Dr. Smith was voted to the chair, there being a very fair attendance and called on Mr, C, Ramage to open the meeting. _ He began by announcing the reagon for Mr. M ao~.7, "p 1O RUCHOR oR TEvE H. Miller at Ottawo sEeak at Dornoch « the wording of the him he did not know in Durham on Mor meeting was McCany Dut was rendv fau. 1 L _ j , Vornoch in Dr. Smith‘s fine new hall. It was planned for on(short notice for only on Saturday morning, was a telegiam received from Mr. H. H. Miller at Ottawa stating he could sheal ue Frilll _i L C , Monday evening a meeting in the interests of Mr, Neil McCannel was held at Dornoch in Dr. Smith‘s fine new hall. It us s1 1. .0 20000 1 BB 72 â€"?, i our country, who chool in South Grey, and high eminence in his own 1 given for the Chair Jannel undfur Miller n of the 'I‘emiskuming clearly shown to bre ructive statesmanship credit of the Liberals, ble to do justice to his f the acts of the goyâ€" & what one of their called " that last aw. PC WAS MAPA wnaoasiiicl Cas W * 91C C k n for Mr. McCannel‘s absence, 0 the accident (detailed elseâ€" and conveyed to them Mr. I‘s personal regrets at hbis ubsenfe. and as far as was on virtndeg tyb\ i9. ©H It . with the cry ointing out making «n is object was â€"« Miller at Dornoch. «420 sb any Lime in is generation and ht of the Liberal had resulted so e pzovince, evyen stewards had op. e Supplemenmry Succession Duties‘ wers and Distillers the Temisknming rly shown to bhe ve statesmanship plauded at meeting came ased in 3 years as 33 years under Li ed figures to show he increases the ultural elewent, ed, The aboundâ€" # Oof this Iavish. V was given Dr Jamieson hehalf bat n lar Dominior on and heart ad h not . direct t ‘ed him ‘ in absentia. irks on Mr. McCanâ€" ability to represent ve of the county, a Iwilh‘f.arminpi{ _conâ€" to dir w Oflice . A bl“ number of men only after a cer ‘y boundaries t tee of judges, ye & Gerrymande dis his own support cletment, aboundâ€" s lavishâ€" covered 1 by the warned nect to m cheap t;he (‘l&'). ue out of )lain that e issued. the every lA Xxaâ€" all the a ee prinâ€" of memâ€" r a cenâ€" ROBERT J. CORLETT ) Dr. J. L SiMiTH { Executors W. F. DUNN, Their Solicitor Dated this 5th day of May, &A D thng P 4 120 Couuce 4 0f John Corlett, late of the Townâ€" > ship of Bentinck in the Cou nly of , Grey, deceased, ‘ NOTICE IS:IIERHB\ GIVEN purâ€" | suant to R. 8,"0, 1897, Chap 129, Sec | 38 and amending Acts, that all perâ€". sons having claims against the estate of John Corlett, who died or or about the 7th day of April, A, D. 1908, are hereby required to send by post preâ€" paid, or to deliver to Robt. J, Corlett or to Dr. Jas, L Smith, both of Dor. noch in the County of Grey, the ex. ecutors of the last Will and Testa. ment of the said deceased, or to w p Dunn of the Town of Durham in the said County of Grey, the solicitor for the said executors, on or before theâ€"1st day of June A, 1. 1908, their | names and addresses and descriptions and a full Etatement of particulars of their claims and the nature of their security "«jf any‘* held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the executors will proceed to distrib. ute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having re. gard only to the claims of whicg he shall then uave aina De ap. meiâ€" ly welâ€" have In the & dA Us 1y of John € ship of B Grev, dec NOTICE TO CREDI TORS ¢ said excéutél"S. -;n t day of June &. D. 1 and addresses and d Havejyou a:piano in your Home ? e surrogate Cour Of Grey, THE MaTPEp to Ke ment _ _\ _ _ gAâ€"~ "LO18, on or before day of June A, D. 1908, their and addresses and descriptions ull statement of particulars of laims and the nature of their Y "if any‘" held by them, duly 1, and that after the said day cutors will proceed to distrib. assets of the deceased amongst ies entitled thereto having reâ€" ily to the claims of which he en have notice, W Nee o. 0 iA~ ». V. 1897, Chap 129, Sec lamending Acts, that all perâ€" iving claims against the estate C 279C PP dn es John McQueen HARDWARE! no ns AT Gun‘s Drug Store t1 Field Carrots We Call C Yellow Mange! We hay Haif Sugar Mangel why not one n Mangel, Long Red Root Seeds 1i PyLh give you t] ad make | 4 One sold" ind pronou shpment â€" of Readyâ€"Mixed rives every week at our esâ€" mt. ‘There is nothing to orwinâ€" Willtams Readyâ€" Mixâ€" for every purpose. st 0 ‘White Belgian Stecie Briggs ‘Yellow Globe Stecle Briggs ‘Intermediate‘ Ferry‘s ‘Leviathian‘ Steele Briggs ‘Royal Giant‘ Steele Briggs ‘Giant White‘ Rennic‘s ‘&mnt' Evans‘ ‘Saw Lgf' Steele Briggs ‘Mammoth‘ Rennic‘s ‘ficrx’cction' W a% V { Middaugh .. BJ examine will bear the ne of our Bell‘s ? i the best instruâ€" °_ you the best Id by us in town tested by Prof, mounced excelâ€" yO 11 of the estate of the County c each, also a quivalen.. â€" Use Squivalent and ime our _ Farm of Fe H ack House oler you ntable for Charcoal Boards just to iosest in n»ce Wire *4 Floup U Fo p al FANCY CAKEsS MATTH EWS & LATIMER MUSLIN GING H A M Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Ce Prints & Muslins Particular people will ap. preciate our Goods. Men‘s St_ifl' & Fedora Hats armnving weekly Boots & Shoes New Tunpress, Ras the thing you time of bakir huuse('lvnnink. Watch Snaps, City In Flour pattery goods, Several dozen ('ho* tD Bruw| â€" McARTHUR po omm S aoeee . e â€"lg larger and more varied stock of Boots and Shoes than we have kept before, Gl'Oceries WUindow Shades Alabastine, ]e//.rtone, Pu Wzlroa’ Paints This space from wee and read of the new have for sale, A rew PRomnants Hew Wailt Papers "eed and iuggists and Booksel‘ers acJartane & C3 and other housecleaning aids at lowest prices. Qualâ€" ity guaranteed. City uixf‘dic J« s, R,“,.ph,.'.,.y: bf you want â€" Grant. in room lots at such low prices as will move them out quickly. Our stock of hmew Wall Paâ€" pers is now complete, and we would like to show you the new patterns and colorâ€" ings. Come and see them, dozen from which to Brown, Dove and Black, Goods and â€" shades MAY 28, 1908 g wi §HtFt in all lines Fruits Seeds 10c per yd week to week We have a Molasses ely Lunch, Tarts,â€"just to save the le at your in lates! ~sall new goods w 4 | / Vonve ther p B q9 8o wel Lots of ney 100 ac 40 ac 200 100 50 A Dol +3 H €4 Te 44 *4 MA HN

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