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Durham Review (1897), 4 Jun 1908, p. 4

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â€"R ®"at L ece 2 Taylor & Co., Dromore :g: tss nenxmpmnnommmmenmmmemeemes \"~ All the newest styles and they are handsome and the quality of 3 the finest, thao" * The colors are many and the shapes are 22 Ladies‘ Caps Ihesclos es x"x geamennnemesensnesnnnes snn > x 3 Taylor & Co., Dromore # >C00C0600 00 @Q t# ind @& @0506 54.; Linoleums, Wall paper, Paints and New Waist Ends Prints Mefamoss ‘câ€" We have now ready for your inspection all the latest effects and colorings imaginable in Dress Lengths. _ These are in Kanâ€" tonas, Panamas, Lustres, Satin Cloths, San Reenos and Broadâ€" cloths, ‘The shadow stripe is to be seen in many of these and it is very attractive and neat. S. F. MORLOCK We are clearing several broken lines of Boots at sweeping reduction. _ Ladies‘ $1.25 and $150 Oxfords, sizes 3, 34, 4, 43}, clearing at 50 cents a pair. We are clearing 15 Ladies‘ Raincoats at less than half price These are in different sizes and reg price $3 to $5, clearing 1.50 ea. 500 Ladies‘ Raincoats, $1 Special Sale of Childrens Straw Sailors, regâ€" 38¢ for 25 cts. We are showing a vast range of all the newâ€" est shapes in Men‘g, Boy‘s, and Children Straw Hats. : Men‘s Straw Sailors from 25¢ to $1.50 cach Boys Straw Sailors from 25¢ to 50c each Seole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing. Ne Men‘s Spring Hats The famous ‘Crum‘s‘ which fevery lady 1 boil and remain the same in color as before Dress Goods A Clearing in Shoes New Carpets for spring blouses are natty and colorings are blended attractively. ‘s‘ which fevery lady knows will M‘ i “‘i IAII Wall Colors tÂ¥ 4 a To all whom it mayidoncern. élas- cott will have three mails a week after the first of June. Miss Edie Carleton, of Arren t who has been with Mrs B. Edman left for her home toâ€"day, Saturday Miss Annie A. Livingston, of the Queen City, came up home for the 24311', returning Monday. w Bill Moran is building a stone foundation for a house for Rowe Bros. of Berkeley. They know where to get men that can build, _ Nary a candidate bas called round yet, but they will likely call round and klss the babies some of these days. We had a véi,»;*fxe}i;'y downpour of rain toâ€"day, Saturday, and low parts are covered with w . ter. During the storm of Tuesday 26, Mr R. E. English bhad a valuable team of horses killed while working in the field. _ His son Carter, who was driving them, was knocked down bus is none the worse. Mr and Mrs Bert Edmunds spent the 24th at Corbeton. returning Puesâ€" day 26. > _Empire Day passed off quietly in our burg. _A party of pleasure seekâ€" ers ftrom Dorncch passed through on their way to Bell‘s Lake and we exâ€" peet they bhad a good time as one young lady was hbeard telling a young man we bad a duice of a time. Prospects are good for a goodicrup ot early and fall fruit but winter apples will be a short crop. ____ _ Ideal weather prospects are good for a bumper crop this year. 22 inches is rot bad tor a tew staiks of orchard grass on the 28th of May. A merry crowd of Dornochers celeâ€" brated Victoria Day by picnicing at Bell‘s Lake, one of the beauty spots of Western Ontario. Over thirty touk advantage of the ideal day and jourâ€" neyed o‘er hill and glen till they reached the placid, limpid waters of that picturesque sammer resort where Nature has been so luvish that the heart swells with rapture and enâ€" thusiasm as the eye imbibes the emâ€" bellished beauty of the seene. _ The witehery of the seenery around this pleasure hbaunt makes it a sylyan paradise for the artist or pleasure seeker for every fresh turn reveals a wealth of beauty which is indelibly impressed upon the memory, to afford ‘ for long years in retrospect the pleasâ€". ure it gives tor a few bright moments in actual vision. All along the shores the taill towering trees interlaced with foliage and surubbery are clearly miriored in the placid waters beneatb; the yarious channels connecting the series of lakes possess a compelling charm, on accuunt of the gorgeons arched eversreens over head and the lance like shafts of sunshine which pierce through the dense foliage at intervals and gleam on the sadgy slopes that lie along the margin here and there. _ In the freshness of the early morning, in the glory of the noon:ide sun, in the gloaming when the shadows lie deep over the wimpâ€" ling waters, the scene is ono of indeâ€" seribable splendor. _ ‘Mid ecenes like these our merry picnickers spent a pleasant time boating, fishing and various amusements and thorougbly eajoyed their rustic feast, the bracing air of the Lake sharpening their apâ€" petites like a ten days tast, and as the sectling sun shone o‘er the glassy waters in long yistas of endless light the happy throng embarked on the voyage home tnoroughly rejuyenatâ€" ed with the day‘s outing, Mr. Malcolm Campbell, Welbeck‘s competent mechanical genius, was in the village last week supervising the repairs on the interior of the Forestâ€" er‘s Hall. The Hall is now a comâ€" fortable and commodious ‘structure and the villagers highly appreciate Dr Smith‘s public spirited enterprise as the completion ot this public meetâ€" ing bouse fills a long felt want in the community. Mr Herman Becker, our genlal and enterprising young merchant, returnâ€" ed tothe burg the fore part of the week after a few days pleasant recâ€" reation with friends in the Queen city We are pleased to see Mrs. John Halliday again in the village, aiter spending the winter months with friends in the County Town. _ Mrs, Halliday is only four years short ef the century mark and possesses wonâ€" derful mental and physical stamina considering her advanced age. Mr. Hughie McArthur, C P R timeâ€" keefier at Owen Sound, accompanied by Misses Martha and Flossie Bartâ€" ley drove down to the yvillage on Vicâ€" toria Day and accompanied the merry crowd of picnicers to Bell‘s Lake. Rev N A McDonald, our esteemed pastor, leaves this week to attend the meeting of the General Assembly in Winnipeg, Man. Daring his absence the pulpit will be occupied by a Knox College Student, J. F. McKay, son of the renowned Formosan missâ€" ionary, Rev Dr MacKay. J. L. Smith, our popular M. D., was in Hamilton last weex attending the Association. During his a\bsence Dr Shields of Toronto sttended to the needs of ailing humanity in the viâ€" cinity. We had a pleasant chat with Mr. Mack Jones who spent a plessant week renewing acquaintances in: the burg and community. For two y ears Mack was the genial clerk in Mr. Hunt‘s general store and his many friends are pleased to note his conâ€" tinued prosperity in the social and financial issues of life. Glascott Dornoch. Parisian Millinery Co MISS DICK, Proprietor Summer Millinery 34238€Eq C. McMILLAN & THE DURHAM REVIEW Embalming a Specialty. OQur Summer Millinery of Jast week was most successful. _ All June we will ahow a large assort. ment of Summer Hats made up of all the latest Summer materiâ€" als, We bavea large assortment of children‘s hats and bonnets and a choice lot of black hats made in mohair braida, etc. We invite your inspection any time you are in town and whénâ€" ever you wish to see the new styles. ~ Funeral Directors and Undertakers Mrs Splane went t ghort visit on Saturda y The Creamery â€"¢ season‘s operations on Mr Robert Mickleborough left for the North west on Tuesday to spend a tew weeks. Mrs Adams has ronto to spend the Mr and Mrs Kin ton last week, Mrs Keith, of Toronto, is a short time amonug her ma here. Mrs Mutch hbas returned eonto. 121@am0ver looking well. Mr and Mrs Peter Fid Henry Fiddler visited parents. Miss Mary Nas: Hanover looking Mr Russell Cragg; Public School, spnent ton. Mr and Mrs John Orchard, of Lonâ€" don, spent Sunday and Monday with friends here. Mrs Petric is visiting in Brantford. Miss Manud Burrows, of Mt. Fores:, was among the visitors here this week. Mr Bert Ed wards, of visited his brother Eimer Misses Clar;i';nâ€"d Minniec Orchard, of S:ratford, were here Monday. Richard Irom went to Toronto on Saturday. Intended for last week, MrE E. Kells, of Palmerston, forâ€" merly teacher bere, but now student at Toronto in the medical departâ€" ment of the university, was the guest of Dr Brown over the holi@ay and renewed old acquaintances, 5. m css m Eede Our river must be nearly fished out. _ Two holidays in one weekâ€" Monday, Victoria Day aud Thursda Â¥, Ascension Day, have played sad bhayoc with the fi.h. Mr Hugh Fulton and Miss Isabelle s&em a day last week with friends at alkerton. Mrs Seim and Mrs Miller visited friends on the 13th on Wednesday of last week. Miss Lizzie Geddes came home last week looking as it her work in the Queen City had agreed with her. Mrs Wmm Sharp bad her nephews Edgar and â€"â€"rgurgesl of Burgoyne wlti her over Victoria Day. Misses Jeanie and Alice Picken spent last week with their cousin Sgerah Falton, _ _ Miss Grace Gilmour is sewing in Hanover at present. Mr apd Mrs Henry Byers assisted by Mr and Mrs Michael Byers enterâ€" tained about fifty of their friends on Wednesday night in honor of their grandchildren Mr _ John Little and Miss Millie Little. The early part of the evening was spent in friendly talk, followed by games and dancing which were continued till far into the night the young people finding it bard to part. \ Mr C. Ramage and Dr. uun of Durham were business callers at the Post Oftice one evening last week, Our river must be nearly fished out. _ Two holidays in one weekâ€" Monday, Victoria Day a ud Thursday, Ascencinn h.. > ' Mr Robert Miss Tillie Longheed spent several days last week with Miss Jessie Derby. All calls, either night or day promptly attended to, We have opened up a shop in Priceville with a full stock of Funeral Supplies on hand. ONTARIO AarUcnives TORONTO F. P. REILEY Priceviile. ms has returned faom To end the sammer here, Mrs King visited in Harris in Â¥ y Nasimnith was home from Li aâ€" 12 amery commenced the Holstein. wragg, prinoipal of the . spent Monday in Drayâ€" Hampden Fiddler and Mis Monday. â€" to Toronto fer a is sp nding many friends the latter‘s Moorefield, from Toâ€" From the premises of the undersignâ€" ed, Lot 17, 22nd con, Egremont, about the 1st of May, 5 2â€"yr. olds, 3 steers, two almost white with brown necks, the other almost red, 2 heifers, one roan with white spots, the other red, also 2 veatlinos anntraly . _3 _ _TI°F _ re Miss Cary Wilton posed these days. on s e o oo‘t Miss Fanny Grasby and Mr Tom Sewell visited over the 24th with the latter‘s friends in Listowel, Miss Olive Sewell, returning with them. nf Congratulations to Mr and Mr Maggie McCalmon) Art Sewell, were united in marriage May at Listowel. the home of the gr parents. Mrs Jas Watt spent over Su with her mother in town, Mr and Mrs Robt. Watt and c ren visited the Ball family Soar Dromore P, 0, _ A number of the young people from Hutton Hill, picnicked in Mr J. W. Blythe‘s woods Monday afternoon. Mr Wim. Ball left Tuesday for Reâ€" gina, where he expects to remain for the summer. Mr and Mrs Leyine, of town, visitâ€" ea Mrs Robt. Pettigrew one day last week. Mr II. W. Leeson is s nding a couple of weeks with triemrsehere. Mr Ball has Oflice to the f Hillis, Last week‘s budget Mr Winterburn, ot Hanover, spent the 25th with Mr Pollock. Miss M. J. Leeson enjoyed her holâ€" day with Mt. Forest relatives, There is quite a curiosity of a colt that was born last week on the farm of Wim. and Robert Dingwal!l beside the village. It had two heads, both perfect and alike, tw»o necks. all complete, but dead when it was born. The mare was sick all one night. The neighbors and the veteran surâ€" geous of Holstein, were present to renâ€" der assistance. _ The people around here, who heard of it for two days while it was kept, went to see it. Charles and William Dezell has been in Turonto on business lately. Eiection matters are very quiet. The Rev Mr Gibson has returned home from his visit in New York, and Mr McLeach has left for Toronto again. Dr James Fettes, of the United States, is here on a visi; among hbis numerous triends. He accompanied his mother and sister to the Esplin chureh last Sunday. â€" is friends are glad to see him back. Miss Lottie Fee ot Normanby, was the guest ot Miss Minnic Vessie for a ftew days last week. Rev. Mr MeDonald has left for the Assembly in Winnipeg, and Mr. Meâ€" Kay of Knox College, son of the late Rev Dr McKay of Formosa will occupy the pulpit during his absence. Mr J Phillps spont Saturday with Mrs and Miss McCallum. Mrs Reid, of Hanover, is visiting her sister, Mrs Wim. Bailey . Mr and Mrs Squire and family left Monday morning tn visit friends near Lucknow . Mrand Mrs Donald McKinnon and Hugh McKinnon lett Thursday for their home in Alberta, atter spending several months at the parental home near Crawford. Mr Jas Heughan met with an acâ€" cident while helping to move Geo. Hendry‘s barn. _ In some way his fingers were caught under the roller and badly crushed. Miss Mae Britton, who was operatâ€" ed on for appendfecitis last week, is improving we are pleased to say, under the skilfal care of Dr Hutton and nurse Brigham of Allan Park. Miss Harrow sp'ent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Crawtord. Mr Stephensand Miss MceCormick, of Walkerton, were the guests of Miss Kate McKinnon on Sunday. This Week‘s Budget. Mr Dancan Clark left Monday for Winnipeg. as a delegate to the Presâ€" byterian Assembly. Miss Jean Lonz'. of Walkerton, spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt. Mrs Falton. Mr Geo. Hendry‘s barn was moved very successfully by Mr Woelfley, of Hanover. He intends putting a foundation under it next week. Messrs T. O‘Neill, of Winneigez. and J. O ‘Neill, of Brussels, called on friends here one day this week. Mulock attended :;ié'nvi;"s'; fi:[')’oax all‘s on Monday. With boating etc. most enjoyable afternoun was spent. Miss Violet Britton, of Mt. Forest, spent Ebe 24ph with Mrs Thos Tory. Mssses Hazel and Zetta ”Lr!fiauhal.l. of Durham, were the guests ot their a]\)nnt. Mrs Wm. Brown, over Victoria ay . Uattle Strayed, This number of the youn le of ck attended a nio.’;lio. agt m?&nc- Rocky Saugeen Hopevilie Varney. is moyed from the Post farm rented from Mrs Week‘s Budget, Mulock of the g}ooâ€"niâ€"'; lightly indisâ€" att and childâ€" mily Sunday, and Mr Tom and Mrs(Miss Sunday who The REVIEW, 50c. to New Subscribers G. C, AxprRsox, 8 Post Office Dewtment, Mail Contract Branch, Ottawa, 8th May, 1908, from the Postmaster General‘s plea. sure, Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proâ€" sed Contract may he seen and blank fl;rmn of Terder may be obtained at the Post Office of Hanover, Louise, Elmwood, Mulock ‘and route offices and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto. 7 7 "DaSster treneral, will he rééei\;;& at Ottawa unti] Noon, on Friday the 26th June, 1908, for the conveyance of his Majesty‘s Mails, on a vroposed Contract for four years six and six times per week each way. hetwaan way, between Sealed Tenders addressed to Postmaster General, will be rec at Ottawa until Noon, on Turnips Rape dance. »pring Hinges and Screen Wire In Rubber Hose and 1 Sprinklers we can supply vour 1 We have what you Screen Doors, Window Spring Hinges and Screen Have you seen our Hammocks. vhey are amination. . Our Wir are good yalue. Everything in season and of good quality at our establishment. HARDWARE! Have you a piano in your Home ? If not why not one of our Bell‘s ? We can give you the best instruâ€" ment and make you the best terms. _ One sold by us in town last week was fested by Prof. lKonold and pronounced excelâ€" ent, John McQueen AT Gun‘s Drug Store Renni@s# _ "Magnum Bonum" Ferrys "Jumbo" Stecle Briggs "Good Luck" Ontario & Kangaroo Swedes Elmwood and Mulock Hanover and Louise I ‘Aberdeen‘â€"Purple Top Do Green Top "Elephant" "Bangholm" "Sutton Champion®" & London Purple Top, Swede Turnip MAIL CONTRACT. West of Middaugh House and Millet in abunâ€" hat you want in Window _ Screens. Black our assortment of are worthy of exâ€" Wire Hammocks Seeds the Lawn ~ For Groceries \\ Flour, Feed an FANCY CAKESs Prints & Muslins MUSLIN GINGH AM 20018 & P00E3 We havye a largerâ€" and more varied stock of Boots and Shoes than we have kept before, Men‘s Stiff & Fedora Hats Boots & Shoes Watch I‘rints, Muslins, Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, E&c armving Particular people will apâ€" preciate our Goods. I_)ress Goods ce 29 OIM®SCN Snaps, City Mixed, Jelly Lunch, Empress, Raspberry Tarts,â€"just the thing you want to save the time of baking while at your housecleaning, MATTHEws & LATIMER patterns goods, New Several dozen from which"; chose in Brown, Dove and Black, & McARTHUR CALL AND INSPECT OUR GoODs SATISFACTION® GUARANTEED. The nicest lawn game. Good sets at $1.00 each. We have alarge assortment of Lally‘s Lacrosse Sticks and Victor Lacrosse Balls. _ All at best prices. We carry an extensive line Of Bpalding‘s Finger Mits and League and Practice Balls, also a nice line of mits and balls for boys. _ All of latest design. Mot Us Purnish SYour Sporting Soods This space from week to week and read of the new goods we have for sale. Druggists and Booksellers zecFartane & C3 weekly in all lines â€" Grant. Goods "“sltns In latest ind â€" shades, â€"all new JUNE 4, 1908 Kacroseo 3t #it dlk Cro'uci Basebalt and Seeds. Fruits, 10c per yd. Molasses )# .' Che Trunk \ Cor. H Boots, iery P Ne Pas 10 Reo Eh // a

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