West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Jun 1908, p. 1

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"ORE US@S re to JC days J 1€€S and Crutinw ELL NE 4, 1908 Store Sale COME TO ted w4 10 10 luslins Lugs 250 3.00 Za ramta wes wanla l ailala® ale ralarialancala valaralae an wl {analarinla calaiiala cela"ole"ole ole "ole se nu‘ We anaael it on m ce met en m nat @ nut t mt t Ied ieh ni hnd ie us t hn a o any 7 Curtains take a Tumble 2 in your Subscrtiptions it you want the Review and Weekly Globe Clubbing Terms. _ Elections coming on, Till May 31st th‘is &reat combination only :;NWVJ&WWWVWWWW\WWWWWWWW 3 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY P VOL. This season every body uses afancy sunshade. _ We hayve them in white and colorsâ€"beauties at $1.50 to $3.50 each. There is a reason â€"We saw a great big chance when a wholeâ€" sale was going out of curtainsâ€"and over bought. That means to us more curtains than we wantâ€" â€"and fo youâ€"curtains at far less than regular prices. Men‘s Suits to Clear We bo-ught a lot of traveller‘s samples of the new skirts in pleated and ripple side effectsâ€"Panama and Chiffon Venitian in black, navy, and brownt They are regular $6.50 skirts â€" â€"for $4.25 Knock out prices on ends of Carpetâ€"short ends, enough in each to carpet a small or mediara room. They will be cleared at cat prices. From Ireland where they know how to make linens, These are firm, even weave. White Linens 25 to 60c a yas COLORED LINENS, â€"Navy and prale blue at 25e a vard. Colored Linenfâ€"Pale Blue with white over check 50c yd New Dress Linens RUSH Sole Agent ftor Mechanic King and Railroad King Overalls Carpet Short Ends New Spring and Sammer Suitsâ€"about fifty of thein that we want within the next few days. Be one of the money savers. James Ireland Specialâ€"Traveller‘s Sampje Skirts 1.25 Ladies‘ Fancy Parasols , NO. 24 June Brides may secure choice wedding stationery at the REVIEW Office. only In all the fashionable colors, â€"including brown,â€"in spot and floral patternsâ€"12% to 35c a yd. Those 10 cent Muslins There are still 250 yds to clear at 10c a yd. â€" If you haven‘t got yours yet there is still a chance. Dress. Negligee and Workâ€" ingâ€"the kind that makes a good last impression as well as a good first impression,â€" all kinds and prices. Men‘s & Boy‘s Shirts New Muslins Purnd A _A d P Th The annual union picnme of school No 1 Normanby and Knox S, 8. will be held in Mr Carson‘s grove on June 40th. _ Everyone come to enjoy an afternoon‘s sports and program. The Rev. H. R. Horne of Toronto, agent of the Tract Society will address a meeting in the Church of England on Monday evening June 15th at 8 p. m. Come and hear an interesting address about the work of the Society. That was a delightful lapse from business into sentiment at the last meeting of Bentinck Council, when they recognized their worthy clerk‘s Golden Wedding Day, _ See the minâ€" utes in this issus. Wenorxs Girts.â€"P. G, A, Webster has everything complete for the wed. ding season. Everything strictly high class. Dr. Deacon. Stratford, will be at Dr, Gun‘s office Monday, 15th June, 1908, for consult ation in Eye, Ear and Nose cases. C. 0, F, at CHURCH.â€"Court Durâ€" ham: of this body will attend Divine seryice in a body to the morning serâ€" vice of the Methodist Church, on Sunâ€" day, 21 June. Members are requested to meet in Court rooin at 10.30 a. m. Jas. Hersur®, Jas. Ltorp, Secy. Chief Ranger Farar Exrprosto®,.â€"Mr, R. J. East, of Shelburne, was killed on Thursday last by the bursting of a soda fountain he was charging. _ He was blown out the door, head first, a distance of 15 feet. _A boy named Anderson was with him and receiyed injpuries so serious that both arms may have to be amputated. Srrtous OPERATION.â€"Miss Katy McFariane, Bunessan, went to Fergus bhospital on Saturday last for an operaâ€" tion for appendicitis, _ 1t wasa serious case, she came through it all right, but latest accounts give room for anxiety. SuppEx DrEatH.â€"Mrs Elder, near Nenagh, died on Monday night very suddenly, _ Mer husband had been officiating at the polling booth all day and as he and Mr Mal, McPhee were about starting for Holstein with the result, word was brought that she had been found dead in her chair. She was about 80 vears of age, A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and yacant lots in Durham for sale. JunMrPRD Ta® Tmack. â€"While aessrs Herbert Whitmore, Duncan McNab, Jno, Smilie and three others were proceeding westward on the C, P. R, track last Saturday, on the * jigger, " it jumped the track at a bend and bundled them all out roughly. The first named was rendered unconscious for some tinzo, but is coming round« The others escaped with the shakeup. Come with the crowd to Keeler‘s. 15 days Slaughter Sale at Keeler‘s. For a bag of good Flour go to Beggs‘. Easy Proxking ror BaxkrErs.â€"By present appearance, the championship of the town baseball league will be beâ€" iween the Bankers and the Cement team, and Thursday‘s game, when these leaders meet, should be a humâ€" mer,. _ Last Thursday, the Merchants were siimply slaughtered by the moneyâ€" ed men, chiefly through Wolfe‘s steady pitching and good support in the field. _ With consistent practice, as they had scarcely any, the Merchants should give any of them a hard fight. McLachlan twirled the first four inâ€" nings for the losers, The score: Bankers 4 1 2 1 8 11â€"28 Merchants 0 0 2 1 0 0â€" 8 Batteries : Bankersâ€"Wolfe and Wilâ€" son ; _ Merchantsâ€"McLachlan, Irwin, McDonald and Keeler. Tan Bark Wanted. Apply to T. Smith. Depnsiumybemdeorvitbdnwnbytilheroflhemmbend‘w This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as cither member can attend to the banking when in town. In case of death, the money may be withdrawn by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or call for further particulars. THESTANDARD BANK \=______â€" Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. DURHAM BRANCH John KHelly, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT HARRISTON AND PRICIVILLL ~~OW NBz EOoPICS JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1908. ESTABLISHED 1873 «¢ »<ffbageâ€" ~~ OF CANADA Ballasting is proceeding rapidly on the C. P. R. at present, great train loads of gravel from "the Glen" passâ€" ing here seyeral times a dav, They are now near Hanover and it is exâ€" pected :a seryice will h instituted here before completion to Walkerton, which point is lookin.é}or service about September next. _‘ Frederick Gee, an inmate of the House of Refuge died there last week, He wielded a cleyer pen, and his conâ€" tributions to local papers for a few years surrounded the House of Refuge with a friendly interest, such as it never could have acquired otherwise, He was a soldier in early life, but for many years was a crippleand helpless. Kitr®D BÂ¥ LIGHTNIN@â€"While on his last round seeding on Wuesday of last week Carter English, son of Mr R. E. English, of Glascott, a few miles west of Markdale, had an experience he will not soon forget. A thunder storm sudderly broke over him, and a valuable team which he was driving were struck by lightning, while he bhimself fell insensible from the shock, He is not aware just how he lay in that state, but finally regained conâ€" sciousness and is now none the worse for his unpleasant experience.â€"Markâ€" dale Standard. # We announaced last week on the strength of an inquiry at the office that the Ccment Works were not closing down but running light until connection was made with the Hanâ€" over deposit. This it appears was a mistake,. for they are closed, temporâ€" arily of course, and we believe the machinery and fixtures at the lake end will now be removed leaying as a permanent â€"reminder of unfullfilled hopes, a graded but railâ€"less track to Wilder‘s Lake. Read Keeler‘s Ad, for bargains. For 50 crts.â€"To new subscribers who wish to keep in touch with gen eral and political events in South Grey for the rest of this §n xe offer the Review for 50 cts. Bingle copies 3 cents, two copies for 5 cents. The Globe‘s Special n r‘s are beâ€" coming featares of Canadian Journalâ€" ism, Last week they issued their "Summer Travel Numht" which is filled with pictures of beauty spots by Mount and Stream and Sea in our broad Dominion. i Wilder‘s Lake! Alas and alaekâ€"aâ€" day ! Hy indisputable borings and measurements and calculations, there was to be marl enough for a generaâ€" tion, for 140 years, for 200 years ! And now in less than ten years it ha s to be giyen up and ** Ichabod " writâ€" ten on the shores cf the placid lake, However connection is almost ready with the Brant deposit, and before long no doubt, perhaps this week, the C. P. R. will be rushing in supplies and our big mill again be on the road to prosperity. Provincial Elections. 1, David Jamieson a candidate at the Election for the Legislative Assembly for the Electoral Dustrict of South Grey do, in compliance with the Onâ€" tario Election Act hereby name and appoint David Bradshaw Jamieson of the Town of Durham as my Official Agent for the said Election. As Witness my hand this 1st day of June 1908. D, JamtEsox. I hereby appoint Charles Ramage, of the Town of Durham, as my official agent at the Election to be held on the 8tn June 1908. _ NEIL MCUANNEL, one of the Candidates for > the Riding of S. Grey, Cement Works Closed. m Review. Agents Appointed. # +â€"â€"â€" 7 Amire iN wl o. xo n That Mr Whitney s redistribution measure and the peculiar fixing of the Toronto Constituencies had an influâ€" ence on the result, is certain, that there were some sinister influences at work may well be believed, but it is idle to deny that the voice is not that of the voice of conviction in the counâ€" try. The majority is tou iarge, ever Conservatives will admwit, and the Premier must feel that on him rests a tremendous responsibility to * make good " to the measure of the splendid support giyen him. The country has spoken and yery decisively. Its yerdict is plainly that a second term must be given to the Hon, J, P. Whitney, The prophets are all astray, Every one we read or heard of conceded a reduction of some kind, even the News and Mr Whitney himself. Not in the wildest flights of imagination did anyone guess the majority would be increased, and inâ€" creased very materially, yet such is the case and the lesson of the defeat has to be learned in the hard school of opposition adversity. We do not believe that the result means a justification of the legislation passed in thedying hours of last sesâ€" sion, though it may well be taken as condemnation of the course of the opâ€" position in allowing it to go through so easily. There should be a stern reâ€" solve that never again by any party should there be an attempt to * railâ€" road through " measures which have around them elements of suspicion. Whitney‘s Majority increased to 69 seats, while Dr. Jamieson suffers a decrease of 147 in S. Grey. Very early it was seen that the country was going more decidedly Conservatiye, but the grits in Calder‘s Hall took a crumt of comfort oyer the election of Mackay the defeat of Miniâ€" Hon. A. G. Mackay put up a reâ€" markable fight, but he was practicâ€" ally alone, and on that account it is gratifying to see him elected. Never before did a leader make such a strenâ€" uous struggle with voice aud pen and we believe Ontario has not yet duly recognized the worth that is behind them, He was up against the feeling : «* give him a second chance, you‘re a young man, you can wait. " The victory of Duncan C. Ross, who left a sure riding to contest doubtfal North Middlesex, is a crumb of comâ€" fort for the Liberals, ‘Thousands of Liberals who must have voted Whitâ€" ney, will yet rejoice to see the son of the late leader showing the father‘s spirit,. The loss of Pense in Kingston and of C, N. Smith of Saule ste. Marie is a serious loss to McKay in debating strength. Hossack, the letterâ€"writer, is defeatâ€" ed in N. Toronto. and while the grits would have liked the seat all right, there is no great grief over the loser, Monteith, Min. of Agriculture, is among the slain, and will not likely rise again. â€" The weather was all that could be desired and in marked contrast to the 1905 election whiich was a bitter zero day. Horseflesh was in demand, of course, but there was no excitement. Some swearing was done in Divislions 2 and 8. As the Durham polls wereannounâ€" ced and the doctor had the even 200, rejorcing began, and the more enthusâ€" iastic repaired to the two camps in the Town Hall and Calder‘s Hall to await returns. Dr Jamieson has won by 263 and we rather plume ourselves on our estimâ€" ate made morning of voting day and sealed up till 10 p, m., giving him 255. He has lost ground in Glenelg, Benâ€" tinck, Hanover, Normanby, Neustadt and Egremont, and has gained only in Durham, Proton and Duandalk. The most surprising change is in Normanâ€" by, where McCannel knocked off about 100, On the other hand McCannel‘s friends expected a majority in Proton hut it jumped from 23 to 53 the wrong way. It is safe to say that had McCanael had a longer campaign, and had not met with the check of his accident, the majority would haye been smaller, if indead there would have been one at all. . All hoaor to McCannel who stepped into the breach at the las;, moment and reduced the majority while the rest of the country was eviâ€" dently swinging the other way, There will be no recount. Election Day. A POLITICAL LANDSLIDE. A yiolent storm of thunder and lightning about 8 p. m. put some of the wires out of business and preventâ€" ed returns com ing in well. A great amount of betting was done and the majority of 263 being away below Conservative expectations, they lost «ll bets, We cannot but think this gambling over election chances, a vicious practice which ought to be discouraged. ster Monteith, and the gradually fallâ€" ing majority in South Grey,. The band was brought out and serâ€" enaded the town and the victors gradâ€" vally drew towards the Town Hal! where Dr. Jamieson had artived amid cheerc, and Mr, Wm. Scarf being made Chairman, a programme of conâ€" gratulatory speeches was carried out, Besides the candidate these caking part were Wm. Laidlaw, C, Moffat, A. A. Catton, W. Irwin, T. Moran, The majority of the government in last house was 42, it is now apparently pearly 70, an endorsation if won fairly, to be proud of. + Mr, Hugh Campbell of Bunessan, was an angry man at poli No, 1, Glenâ€" elg when he found that he had no vote, not being on the list, though owner of a farm for many years, Me expressed himself vigorously on the injustice somebody had done him. and is wonâ€" dering how he was allowed to vote last January on the same list, _ Can anyâ€" one tell ? Mr. P. McCullough in CSentre Grey cut down Mri,. Lucas big majority, and is being congratulated on his vigâ€" orous fight. He took thelargest liberal vote ever taken in Markdale, and did well all rround. We cannot giye the complete reâ€" turns till the official declaration is made 18th June. The grits are beaten in South Grey but not discouraged. With anorganizaâ€" tion equal to Dr, Jamieson‘s a differâ€" ent result would haye been seen. Liberals Elected. N. Bruce, Bowman 300 ; 8. Bruce, Pruax 75 ; N. Grey, Mackay 88 ; Halâ€" dimand, Jhcob Kobler, 250 ; Centre Huron, Wm. Proudfoot 193 ; East Lambton, R. J. McCormick 200 ; Middlesex N., Duncan C. Ross 109 ; Middlesex W., J. C. Elliott 594 ; Northumberland W., Sam Clark 200 ; Ottawa E., D. J. McDougall 400 ; Oxâ€" ford N., And. Mackay 463 ; Oxford S., . R. Mayberry 38 ; Perth 8., Val. Stock 6 ; Renfrew N., Norman Reid 211 ; Russell, Damase Racine 1970 ; Simcoe D., J. B. Tudhope 32 ; Storâ€" mont, W. J. McCart 1; Wellington W., Jas, McEwing 47 ; Wentworth 8,, Daniel Reed 130. ScHoor PrCxic.â€"In Dan McDoug all‘s grove. Muloch, on Thursday afternoon, June 18th. Everybody inâ€" vited. i W. Wellington, Jas, McEwing, Lib 47 E, Wellington, J. J. Craig, Con, 63 South Bruce, R. E. Truax, Lib, 75 Centre Bruce, Hugh Clark, Con. _ 363 North Bruce, C, M. Bowman, Lib, 300 Centre Grey, 1, B. Lucas, Con. 900 North Grey, A. G, Mackay, Lib, 88 Dufferin, C. P. McKeown, Con. 41 To the Electors of 8. Grey : Gentlemen, I beg heartily to thank all who in the late election, voted and worked for me, We have been defeated in the meantime, but the result, after a brief campaign, shows that good work was done. Again thanking all for their support, If the reader does not see his county in above list it has elected a Conservaâ€" tive. Mamilton only excepted, which has reâ€"elected the Laborite Studholm, As far as known this week. Durham 289 . 89 200 Hanover 6 140 Dundalk 98 _ 66 B2 Neustadt BD â€" 52 13 Normanby 371 200 102 Bentinck 96 Proton 318 265 53 Glenelg 16 Egremunt 308 _ 350 bl Jamieson‘s majorities 4832 McCannel‘s majorities 220 Jamieson‘s majority for riding 263. The vote in detail on page 8, How Our Neighbors Fared. Recapitulation. Card of Thanks. No publicity. remain, Yours respectfully NEIL MeCANNEL, a ++ ONTA 363 300 800 88 41 THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT. The Yellow Label The Amusement Committee of Ben Nevis Camp have pleasure in anl nouncing that arrangements are alâ€" made for their great Annual Demonâ€" stration in Durham on At great expense the committee have secured High class and first class attractions from New York, that are to run at Scarboro Beech, Toâ€" ronto and London Fair and elsewhere, in th Entirely new and startling A tervals duriag the afternoon. J from a mortar sunk in the earth. There will also be the usual Caledonian Games. 3ist Regimental Band, Pipe Bana Dancing, Marching and other features. Greatest Day of many successful ones. Watch for further particulars. with revised and enlarged Prize List, Music by Great Rink Concert in the evening as usual. Tells the date to which your subâ€" scrthion has been pAE Our mailing list was this week corâ€" rected up to date. _ If yours is not correct, kindly notify us at once. We thank all who have renewed the past few weeks but there are yet many others we wish to hear from at once. The Annual Business meeting of ths body was held on Friday last, Pres, Robt. Morice presiding,. Prof. Reynolds, of Guelph, was the expert present and as he had to leave by 2.50 G. T. R, train, he was allowed precedâ€" ence on the program and consequently had rather a small audience, as these meetings are not marked by punctuâ€" ality in opening as they might be, However those who were there profitâ€" ed by his talk. The chief business of the day was the election of officers which resulted as follows : Presidentâ€"D,. Edge, Viceâ€"Pres.â€" J. &, Philps, Secy.â€"Geo. Binnie, Diâ€" rectors ; â€" Bentinckâ€"D. McDougall, 8, Putherbough; Hanoverâ€"H, H, Miller, Val. Kirchner ; Normanbyâ€" Wim,. Grant, D. Leith Egremontâ€" Geo, Lothian, Jas. Mclivride ; Glenâ€" elgâ€"Thos, McGirr, Wm, Aljoe ; Duarâ€" hamâ€"Jno Snell, W. J. Adams. All arrangzements for the Excursion on 13th June have been completed, Fare from Durham, Varney and Holâ€" stein, $1.15. Children 60 cts, Train leaves Durham at 7.10 a, m., Varney 7.15, Molstein 7.25, _ Don‘t forget, Lunch provided on the farm. D?osits received and interest paid or added four times a year at highest current rates. Durham Branch: J.C. TELFORD, ... . Muana Paidâ€"up Capital....... ....$4,350,000 Total Assets OVELT. ... . ... . 33,000,000 Special Attention to Farmers‘ Business of Canada. HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO Traders Bank Sons cf Scotland Aiways on Top. C. RAMAGE & sOXN,; Parmters axp PususBERs Japanese Day Fireworks. Unparalleled Attractions. On Deck Again. The Elections are Over. The great Trapeze Novelty, Aerial Office closes at 1 p. m. Friday Open until 4 p. m, Saturdays TORONTO Stubble Field Trio. Farmers‘ Institute Dominion Day, 1908. acts â€"sâ€" ~<+ 6 4 Triple and Acrobatic At inâ€" Fired

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