West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Jun 1908, p. 4

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$) i Taylor & Co., Dromore § &mxmmaflgmm ws 7 __, 0C Â¥00l season only we will reduce Men‘s and ExA Boy‘s Clothing 10 per cent. _ This means money :‘g saved to you and the goods are all 1st class quality. w «2 MEN‘S ODD PANTS3 i~ very neat patterns and S'C prices ranging from $1.50 to $3.50. S:g MEN‘S OVERALLS, also boy:, see out special at *A S M For the Wool season only Aamannnunagnnsnnnnunensn=} ; Taylor & Co., Dromore & ‘ Old Big 4 Stand, _ «â€"â€" â€"â€" Upper Town, Durbam : @&@ mmm 400000000000 86606 4090900004 # M rre MEN‘S & LADIES RAINCOATS, i ette, $5.00 to #12.00. We have full supply of Yarns and Bl; Flanelletto sheets. Ladies‘ Summer Lastre Skirts for OUIY .. +.:« ass Ladies‘® Dress Skirts, all colors, with pleats an« reasonable price. Ladies‘ silk underskirts in great variety at reasoi Men‘s Summer Caps, nicely trimmed, each only J‘ummer Qfll ya;}'z.'s‘ S. F.MORLOCK We close at 7 o‘clock o Wednesdays, and Friday We are clearing several broken lines of Boots at sweeping reduction. _ Ladios‘ $1.25 and $150 Oxfords, sizes 3, 34, 4, 4}, clearing at 50 cents a pair. 50 cents. We are clearing less than half price sizes and reg price We are prepare d to buy and pay the highest price for any quantity of wool. Sele Agents for Progress Brand Clothine 500 Ladies Raincoats, $1 ool! Wool! Wool! & Special Sale otf Childrens Straw Sailors, 35¢ for 25 cts. We are showing a vast range of all the newâ€" est shapes in Men‘g, Boy‘s, and Children Straw Hats. 3. Â¥ Men‘s Straw Sailors from 25¢ to $1.50 cac h Boys Straw Sailors from 25¢ to 50c each Many other articles at attractive prices for very attractive goods. A Clearing in Shoes ew Straw Hats j Lovine, clearing 15 Ladies‘ Raincoats at These are in different $3 t $5 clewr ing 1.50 ea. pleats and foids for a i _ Mondays, nights oniv. see outr special at reasonable prices Blankets, also in â€" Cravenâ€" regâ€" $1 25¢C 25 _A i a Proton Council held the second mceeting as a Cour; of Revision on Saturday last at Bilton‘s temperance house. We donot know how many C s s n ie of buggies and cutters and is likely to g0 to the mining conntrfy. Wm. Burnet has got the ageney for selling such goods and has the old wagon shop of Neil MeDonald rented. James Fallerton has rented the little shop from Wm. Burnett, known aA4 McBonald ‘s shoe shop and has it fillâ€" ed with Cream Separators, stoves, baby carriages and cradles. We have considerable cba;xges in our yvillage by our business men. David Allen is giving up the selling nf â€" Innunumbiem adeep . eesusilis o0 o aC e enc On our sick list in the village, we have Wm. Scriminger with pleurlsy, Angus Ferguson with a strained leg, and Joseph McArdle with a bad cold. They are all improying slowly. In our last week‘s budget, we mentioned that Mr McLeach bad left here tor Toronto. In this we were mistaken, as ho turned up again and is staying for some time while these night mestings last. Mrs Sackett and her daughters, (Oliye, Edna and Ettie visited their relatives at Sackett‘s Corners last week. Mr T. Derby and Miss Jessic spent the week end with friends in Egreâ€" m ont, Mrs Fulton Sr. and Miss : spent a day last week with Mr Mrs Hugh Falton. Mr and Miss Wenger of Ayton spent Sunday at Mr W. Geddes, The Junior Baseball Team are practising for a game on the 2nd in near fusure. Mrs H. Fulton, Mrs Derby, Miss J. Derby, Miss H. Byers and Miss Leeson attended the meeting of the Ladies Institute at Ayton on Monday alterncop. Mr Wm Marshall did pretty good work with his sheep shearing machâ€" ine last week getting his flock of over seventy very neatly clipped. Mr V. Pfeffer‘s horses took fright and ran away on his own place one evening last week. _ Fortunately no one was seriously hurt although things were exciting for a while. Potatoes are all in now and everyâ€" one is in a hurry to finish cornâ€"plantâ€" ing. A meeting was held in the school on Tharsday evening in the interests otf the Reform Candidate, but, like the Conservyative meeting _ of a tortnight berore, it was but poorly atâ€" tended as but tew knew when it was to be. _ Rev. Drysdale, tormerly engaged in mission ‘work in West Africa has ccecupied ithe pulpit here for the last cwo Sundays in theiabsence of Rev. A. Budge who is attending the Assembly at Winnipeg. MrDrysdale gave a very interesting talk on Atrica on Sunday aad also addressed the |Sunday School giving both old and young clearer and betier ideas of the extent and hardships as well as of the joys of mission work among the darkerâ€"hued people of tar-ofl'l Nigeria,. Mrs McClinton and baby Mira ot Varney, called on Mrs H. Fulton last Friday afternoon. _ Miss Leeson accompanied them home, remaining over till Morday. Mr Will Little of Ayr, is visiting his sister Mrs M. W. Byers and other friends this week. Born.â€"To Mr and Mrs W. J. Ked slic, June 6th, a son. A new dressing room for the conâ€" venience of our numerous swimmers bas been erected close to the boat house and will be a booun to the boys, Mr Stewart, ot Toledo, is visiting his mother here for a few weeks. The creamery ts running 'agnin and a fair supply of cream is coming in. Mrs Pinder and two children. Mr and Mrs P. Cornish aud Robert Barâ€" ton took the train Tuesday morning for a trip to the Western country. Mrs T. S. Brown, who has been yery sick for several weeks is slowly recovering. Hay is‘plentitul here at present, a good many of the farmers being anxâ€" lous to sell their old stock. The price is $8 and under. ‘The welcome rain of Monday evenâ€" ing was needed and everything is looking well with splendid prospects for a bumper harvest. Mrs J. H. Brown is spending a few weeks visiting in Niagara Falls and Buffalo. © Mr Glass, of Durham, preached in the Methodist church on Sunday. Rev Mr and Mrs King have been in attendance at the Hamilton Conferâ€" ence. Mr James Ellis, who is taking Mr Little‘s work while he is away, occuâ€" pied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunâ€" day morning, preaching very acâ€" ceptably to a large congregation. Election day passed off very Tiet- ly and a small vote was polled here. Rev Mr and Mrs Little left for Winnipeg last Tuesday. After atâ€" tendance at the Assembly, they will go further West and expeet to be gone about six weeks. Hopev ille. mrnmnnt 4@ o * Hampden Holstein. and Miss Mary and Parisian Millinery Co MISS DICK, Proprietor Summer Millinery 722CEA This unholy alliance between acâ€" commodation and booze has brough ; the legitimate hotel kusiness into the hands of men who «are willing to sell liquor, and even men who are in it will admit that it often is as disreputâ€" able a trade as one could well engage io, As a natural resuit the bar is of first importance to the hotel propricâ€" tor,. and the accommoedation offered is the very least degree of comfort or conyvenience . possible, So long as these totally separate lines of business are legally coupled, the comfort of the trayelling public will be sacrificed either to the ncquisitiveness of the booze dispenser, or else to the petty vengeance of the man who has been deprived of his chie! source of revenue. If a man thinks he can sell whisky to his neighbors and they desire him to do s0, let him engage in that business, but it seems just as reasonable to stipâ€" ulate that he should carry with it a full line of pitckforks, axe handles, and undershirts, as to say that he must give total strangers who do not want whisky a bed and toree meals. Our Summer Millinery of Jast week was most successful. _ All June we will show a large assort. ment of Summer Hats made up of all the latest Summer materiâ€" als, We havea large assortment of children‘s hats and bonnets and a choice lot of black hats made in mohair braids, etc. We invite your inspection any time you are in town and whenâ€" ever you wish to see the new styles, THE DURHAM REVIEW 7° °> PPCCINp OT a new lamp post, The primary fault lies in the ancient but unnecessary custom which couples the bar with meals and a bed. Just why the housing and feeding ot trarâ€" sient guests should be associated with the sale of whisky is a mystery that appeals more strongly to the average commercial man than to any other person. The statement of same houelâ€" men that the travellers must have hâ€" quor is an untruth that scarcely needs refuting. _ Any wholesaler who emâ€" ploys travellers will unhesitatingly say that the man who wants lquor very badly is the man who cannot get a job on his staff. Drinking whisky and selling goods were divorced many years ago, ' If the residents of any community want to go swimming in pale ale or club rye, the travelling public might be amused, but would be by no means personally concerned. _ If the inhabâ€" tants of any town want to banish stbrong liquor from their midst, it should be of no more concern to the stranger who comes within their gates than the building of a concrete walk or the placing of a new lamp post. ** It is not the purpose of the writer to discuss temperance, that should be & separate issue. A Commercial traveller, writing in * Saturday Night, " has the following pertinent remarks on the incongruity of associating accommodation as to meals and liquor with the selling of liquor over a bar : Miss Amy Edge, who has completâ€" ed ber exams at Normal College, came home Saturday last. Miss Sarah Edge visited friends in Toronto last week . a& w20 000 C EDWOCON HV AHU Farmers‘ Institute meeting last week to the Presidency <of the Institute. Congratulations. Mr Jno. Collier is serving on a jury in Owen Sound this week. We hear that the Council bas enâ€" gaged Andrew Watson to wait on them at their meeting when here and to keep order, but it is only hearsay. Election matters very quiet here, but Dr Jamieson held a meeting here last week. Ho was accompanâ€" ied by Ham Allen, of Durbam, formâ€" erly of this place. Ham is a bustler to canvass. Heand Bob Armstrong have done great work in Proton. We will soon know. TT vadth is aBh 2: 2 ECDUDDIL UV the Clerk. _ These Jhad been o’\‘rer- looked betore and when they will be ;evised by the Council, we do not now. P CC PV TTIIUIET ©aD UVUS on Saturday afternoon ynsessing' some lots in the south of Proton and when he came back to the Council in S:ssl?gl gave l’Lis day‘s assessing to re reegyr* TR 1 Uay 0 ds more meetings of the Court of Reâ€" vision there will be, but we hear that the Assessor of the township was out on Saturday aftarnanm * asemsat .2 Mr Dan Edge was Bed, Board and Booze. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Edge Hill. elected at the assessing f 100000 PECe Raruraut, Special invitation extended t school children who will receive spec ial actention on the farm it there in considerable nnmbers. Lunch provided on the farm, Rost. Mortcr, GrEo. Brxxtr, Pres. 8. Grey, Secy. S. Greg, Darham P. 0, Bunessan P. 0. A. Hurontsox, O NHMGENH amcs All are invited and all should take this opportunity of visiting the farm which, in all its different dcpurtmcnts. is worthy of inspection. _ The experimental plots of all varieties of grains, grasses, roots and forage crop ; the different breeds of live stock; the farm diary; the creamery: the cheese factory, the museum and the flower department ; the rural consolidâ€" ation school buildings, where the childâ€" ren from five school sections are taught in a good graded school ; and the flc-: Donald Institute. a school for farmers‘ daughters. _ The immense buildings were erected by Sir Wim, McDonald of Montreal. Ample train accommodation will be provided and everything will be comfortable. _ Make your arrangeâ€" ments early and take in this execnrain® Arrive at Guelph ing leave Guclpfi 3 good to return on 15th June. DURHAM VARNEY HOLSTEIN MT. FOREST PALMERSTON ELMwWOOD HANOVER NEUSTADT AYTON ALSFELDT PALMERSTON The excursion will start by special trains from the following Grand Trunk Stations, and tickeis can be had at the following rates for round trip. Trains wili run according to the following time table : Per Grand Trunk Railway System To Experimental Farm and Ontario GUELPH Agricaltur‘l College Will be held undor the auspices of the South Grey aud East Weilington Farmers‘ Institute on The Department has jast new pamphlet on " Farm Operations," which may b application. tuintp / , N4 _ _i 20 U0f it IHS#LUWECIS porâ€" taining to drainage problems. Anyone wishing drainage surveyâ€" ing done should apply to Wm. H. Day, Department ot Physics, O. A. C., Guelph. _ The only outlay conâ€" nected with the work is the travelling expenses of one man. including meals, cartage of instruments and railway fare at one cent a mile each way. A new teature is being added : We bave found in the past that frequentâ€" 1y the neighbors in the vicinity of the farm being surveyed were interested and wished to observe the operations. Ths suggested the desirability of making these demonstrations public, and this will be done wherever possible. _ Anyone interested will be welcome on all occasions By this means we shall be able to instruct a much larger number in matters perâ€" taining to drainage problems. The number of applications for assistance has increased very rapidly, so that last year we had many more than we could attend to. _ To enable us to meet this increasod demznd the Minister of Agriculture bas this year given us a special appropriation whereby we have been enabled to double our staff for this work. SATURDAY, J JNE 13, of A GRAND EXCURSION TIME AND RATES SIGHT SEEING. Wat. H, Day, Lectarer in Phsyics Assistance in Drainage Co scnool; and the Mcâ€" ite. a school for farmers‘ The immense buildings y Sir Wm. McDonald of nple train accommodation ded ‘;"m'd everything will 730# :s094; 7.40 " 1. 7.55 * 1. | 8.20 h 9.35 a. m. 5.30 p. m. _ m any train 7.85 8.00 7.10 eave Adults Child‘n 10 a m $1.15 $0.60 15 K is the travelling man. including instruments and cent a mile each as just issued a ‘Farm Drainage may be had on 1,.20 1.15 1.15 1.10 1.10 15 05 15 Returnâ€" Tickets on the 55 55 60 55 6O Massey Harris Mowers & Rakes We are If in need of a Buggy Whip we can show you quality, quantity and some very stylish whips. We have what you want in Scythes, Swaths and Sickles. Hay Rakes in abundance at right prices, ___ Place your orders early for Coal Call and examine our variety of Buggy Lap Dusters. There is nothâ€" ing more pleasant than a good Duste: when driving. Cream Separator,. _ ~ Coal Oil and Machine Oil in stock, We receive a fresh suppy of Sherwin Williams Ready Mixed paint every week. There is nothing to equal it for all purposes, If your lgu_gg'y is shabby try their Buggy aint. De Laval and and ail kinds of Mass implements for Haying vesting seasons, A great many tarmers advige their neighbors to spray orchards and all small fruit, _ We can supply you with nearly every kind of sprayers, We have just received another assortment of Hammocks of very suâ€" perior quality. _ Have you seen our ;yge hammock. _ Buy one and enjoy ife. season can be found in our establishâ€" ment. If not why not one of our Bell‘s ? We can give you the best instruâ€" ment and make you the best terms. One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof, lKonold and pronounceJ excel. ent. HARDWARE! Have you a piano in your Home ? John McQueen AT Gun‘s Drug Store Renni@s _ "Magnum Bonum‘" Ferryg "Jumbo" Steele Briggs "Good Luck" Ontario & Kangaroo ‘Aberdeen‘â€"Purple Top Do Green Top "Elephant" "Bangholm" "Sutton Champion" & London Purple Top, Swede Everything that .you wish for in Turnip West of M idd::ugh House ce your orders early for Coal receiving car loads every day For Sale. McFadden Swedes of Massey Harris Massey Harris Black Seeds and Harâ€" always *4 B Flour For FANCY CAKES Prints & Muslins MUSLIN GINGHAM, 10; 20013 C JH0€3 We hay» larger and more varied stock of Boots and Shoes than we hav. kept before, Men‘s Stiff & Fedora Hats Boots & Shoes w. Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Ee Watch arniving Particular people will ap preciate our Goods, MATTH EWwS & LATIMER P DCERTIP 20. CIMADSC Snaps, Cit Mixed, Jelly Lunc} Empress, {hfiplwrry Tarts,â€"jus the thing you want to save‘ th time of baking while at you hous«-leaning. New patterns and goods, Several dozen from which t chose in Brown, Dove and Black McARTHUR VaecFartane & Cs. CALL AND INSPECT OUR GOODs SATISFACTION GUARANTEED The nicest lawn game. Good sets at $1.00 each. We have alarge assortment of Lally‘s Lacrosse Sticks and Victor Lacrosse Balls. _ A!] a: Dest prices. In Flour We carry an extensive line Of Spalding‘s Finger Mits and Iflm and Practice Balls, also a nice lime of mits and balls for boys. All of latest design. Sporting Sood‘s This space from week to week and read of the new goods we have for sale. Druggists and Booksellers GrOOeries’ F ruits, \â€" , Feed and Seeds. _ MLbacreoseo weekly in all lines â€" Grant. JUNE 11 , 1908 Goods Us Purnish V #dtdt Croyucl RBasebatt #t B# #t S1IM$ In )it~ (‘blldefl.-‘ti“ new per yd Molasses Our P A . 8 Sere JUNE : Ba 9 ELKXKC Hig Th C

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