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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jun 1908, p. 10

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J 1 44 1 Being Lot 14, Con. 4. N. D. R., Glenâ€" elg, consisting of 100 acres, more or less, _ 90 acres cleared, balance hard wood bush, _ Bank barn, 60x44, frame house, grouted inside, 3DxH, im plement house 40x20, good well at door, farm free from incumbrance. School half a mile distant and another 1} miles,. _ Intending purchasers will get particulars by writing to Doxann BEatos, Guelph P. 0. Get a Thorough Business Training British Canadian Bus. College e OO §Ng anc s igalte 1 L. 3 iss uce jou(c 9Je uyc altie uts o y s 4 JC e oC3 C 9 j se w S( L xB mflmflflm nfl:;m”fl:fi&?fii;;mmflwrmnéfiâ€"l‘.rmr%finfifi‘fl” A Tt Je am 20 8B Hil i EeP t PP uJ o "â€" ~Heemoiampneakuantik & THE PEOPLES STOREE W 8: an British American Business College start a Write A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound SUMMER SESSION for TEACHERS Watiea(@lige: Day and Night Classes and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. reater att Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, "Ornamental Writing, raduates readily secure emy >â€"day for handsome c:xuloTx nd the best. W, J. EL or. Youge & Alexander Sts. Business College BEST BUSINESS TRAINING OPEN ALL YEAR abl M And Nn MT. FOREST W. T. CLANCY, Principal Regent Brand Suits ; ) MORTHERKY /}} NAE Hf Loo TORONTO, ONT. Su W at reasonable prices Start any time. Farm tor Sale. Regent Clothes are Cut and Sewed Perfectly. Cor, Yonge & Bloor Sts mmer Session enables stude time and take a continuous c â€" catalogue of our oldest and nclude everything e r. _ Mundreds of y s,ply the demand. 1 double your incom udents admitted at ction given. Prepa early education has thers during July and August open throughout the summer and mnts enter at thistime. _ We have a ndance this year than ever before. Open Sept ol. th A new Lot of Browns and Grays Here you are as welcome to look as buy. Whenr hunting for footwear come in and see our lines of t n, patent and kid in the Imperial make. The style is permanent, due to the honest method of making and the excellence of the material used.. ROBSERT BURNETT Highest Prices for Produceâ€"Cash or Trade. onge & M ®, Princi al nables studer ELLI young people are The courses cost ome and last you a at any time. _ Perâ€" paratory Dept. for is been neglected St sseT It pays to at TT. nent. Write to buy Gents‘ Furnishings Toront tial t Pr Feotwear urse mos pal Bunessan. P. O., 8 June ‘08 By July ist 1908, a span of good horses, From 4 to 6 years old, Weight 1750 to 1800 lbs each. Weight and draft to be proved by scale and action, must be able to draw two tons of stone on stoneboat up grade. Apâ€" ply at Lot 9 and 10, Con. 1, N. D. R., Glenelg, or at Review Office.. accepted Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, 20th June 1908 for the bmilding of retaining walls on Garafraxa Street in the town of Durham, _ Tenders to specify cost for stone, concrete or either, Terms and specifications may be seen at the Clerk‘s oftice. © No tender noeussurnitw Born.â€"On June 11th, to Mr and Mrs Geo. Calder, a son. Miss (ilass of Darham, who relieved Miss Ker at the telephone office for a tew days last week returned home on Saturday. Mrs Ker, of Mt. Forest, is spending a week or two with her dauaghter and friends in the village, before leaving to make her home with her danghter, Mrs Carrie, who was married in Mt. Forest last week and who will reside in Alma. Mroand Mrs James Murdock, of Owen Sound, have been spending a tew days in the village. Rev, H. R. Horne of the Upper Canada Tract Society addressed conâ€" gregations in the _ Presbyterian Church in the morning and the Methâ€" odist Church in the evening last Sunday. His description of the work among the thousands ot sailors, minâ€" ers and lumbermen was highly inâ€" teresting and instructive. Mr and Mrs Joha Orchard left on a driving trip to Thornbury and other places last week. Misses Mary and Millte Maes of Ayton, visited Miss May Brown one day last week. Miss May Fairbairn of Embro, is the guest of Miss May Brown. Our base ball team plays, the first game of the season with Woodland at Cedarville Juue 24th at the Methâ€" odist Garden party there. Our village tathers have decided to lay some additional cement sidewalk and the contract will be let in the near future. ; Wiil Seaman returned home from Omaba last Saturday tor a week‘s ’ holiday betore removing to Cheyenne 1500 miles furthet West, to which place he has been promoted by the Union Pacific R. R. Co. He is looking well and is being warmly welcomed by all his old friends. Some of our gar lens were considerâ€" ably damaged by Monday night‘s frost. More than 125 people took in the excursion to Guelph last week and report the usual enjoyable day. Wesley Seaman and Sam Seaman left on Monday tor the Goderich Camp where they will receive their initial training as the fature detendâ€" ers of our country. _ They ivoked spick and svan in their military cosâ€" tume and we understand had several snap shots taken by their admirers. Joux McGowax, Chairman Bd YTenders Wanted Team Wanted Holstein. * s in a » No tender necessarily Huon CarrBeur of Works as 1E NB titke 4n wSlk it Gents Tailor and Furnisher, Durham The Hat You Look Best In Our $1.50 Christie Mr W, D Mills is home from the West, after about a year‘s absence. He is looking well and has an optimisâ€" tic story to tell of the great Western land. His work lay chiefly in Edmonâ€" ton now a city of 20000 population, amd which he thinks is destined to be the great city of the North West, next to Winnipeg, _ He has travelled wita an observant eye, as we found aftter a pleasant half hour‘s chat with him, In common with all travellers he bears testimony to the anxiety over tiis years crop, which is certainly looking well so far, Another year like 1907 would be a serious blow. Mrs Neil Mc.dlillan and baby Carlyle accompanied by Miss Marion Fergusâ€" on, of Swinton Park, visited the formâ€" er‘s brother, Mr Neil McCannel, from Siturday till Monday of this week. Mrs. Robt Elder, who died so sud« denly in Nenagh last week was a sister of Mr. Patterson, fatherâ€"inâ€"law of Mr. Mike Ryan of this town. Mrs John McQueen left last Friday for Fergus, to visit her niece, Miss Kate McFarlane, who underwent an operation in the hospital there and is improving,. Mr Percy Daniels, who is suffering with Scarlet Feyer, is making no proâ€" gress as yet towards recoyery. _ A nurse from Fergus is in attendance, Professor Patterson. of London Uuiâ€" versity, was in town last week calling on his old friend and teacher, Princiâ€" pil Allan and others in the vicinity, Mr Win. Ritchie Sr., we are sorry to report, is having serious face trouble and is in a Guelph hospital sâ€"eing what can be done. Mr Esdon Wolfe left Saturday to enter into the employ of the Traders Bank in Woodstock. You needu‘t worry about the quality of the headwear. _ It is as good as any and much better than many. The prices are right too. We charge. nothing for the maker‘s name ; only for the hat. Mr Lyal G. Ireland, who recently graduated for Electrical Engineering. left Saturday to accept a positron in Delhi. Mr Jas. McClocklin went to Conseâ€" cou on Monday, to resume his position in the Standard Bank, Mr Pete Matheson was in Owen Scund last Wednesday refereeing a lacrosse game between Owen Sound and Southampton. Ritchie Bros., masons, leftfor Gueiph Wednesday, to attend their father, who has to undergo an operaâ€" tion. Mr James Lavelle, brakesman on the G. T. R., is hoiidaying with Godâ€" erich relatiyes, Mr 8. Moorehead is relieving him. 1s the hat you need right now. Come here and pick it right out of the many new styles and shapes we are showingâ€"a brand new assortment. _ With such a wide choice you are bound to get Mr Harry Petrie, of Paisley, visited VYr and Mrs Geo, Meikle Sunday, in company with Mr Cox, of Palmerston. Miss Annie Legate, Dromore, leit Wednesday for Sarnia to spend a few weeks holiday to recuperate in health. Coa e & r’:’usfl & ’)W @ es e c L. * Pm A ~ * $0Pystiuny"*" Harry Burnett Darloy.:;:...s:%../% /.. 60 to _ 60 Hay+«.:......‘«,}. . ... 8 O0to 9 00 Butter.>............... "!7to >‘ 17 Fogs:...*.%.......:...; . I0 o 15 Potatoes per bag...... 85 to 85 Flour per cewt........ 2 55 to 3 25 Oatmeal per sack..... 3 25 to 3 25 Chop per ewt......... 1 60 to 1 80 Live Hogs per ecwt... 5 80 to 5 80 Dressed Hogs per ewt. 8 20 to 8 20 Bidesgerlb..... 8 to 3 Sheepskins............ 45 to T Fall Wheat.... .. Spring Wheat.... OME . xsvlisens ca a the amount given in prizes in the agricultural section, Altogether, inâ€" cluding medals and cups. the amount given in premiums reaches upwards of $50.000, by far the greater portion of which is deyoted to live stock and agricultural produacts. A more ‘thLan usually extensive art loan coliection is promised by oldâ€"worldâ€"masters, by special permission of H. M. the King the Band of the Roval Artillery, Woolwich, Eng., will play and take a leading part in a grand international military tattoo and spectacle repreâ€" senting " The Siege of Sehastopol. " Each day will close with a display of fireworks on a scale hitharto unatâ€" tempted. The usual cheap rates and excursions bave hbean arranged for by all lines of travel. On application to J. 0. Orr, Exhibitrion offices, City Hall, Toronto, prize lists, entry blanks and any informatlon desired, will be forw»rded on the instant. wards of $700 00 has been added The prize list of the Canadian Naâ€" tional Exhibition, Toronto, Ont., Aug. 20 to Sept. 14. has come to hand. _ It has been thoroughly reyised from beâ€" ginning to.end and in some respects presents a reiter and more convenient appearance than formerly. _ Several important additions have been made, including an offer of $1,100.00, divided into six prizes, for the best floral deâ€" sign to cover not more than 300 square feet of floor space, The Dominion Shorthorn Association give $2,000 00 and the Olydesdale Associatrion $500.00 to the premiums offered for Shortâ€" horrs and Clydesdales, Several ciasâ€" s s for horses and outfits used in busiâ€" ness have been incorporated, _ Up Miss Batty Renwick, Toronto, is spending her two weeks‘ vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs MeInâ€" tyre, also Mr and Mrs Thos. Mcloâ€" tire, Dundalk, visited at the home of Robert Renwick last Sunday. Prize List for 1908 Now sein8g Dis tributed. Miss Jean Renwick, Niagara Falls, arrived home last week to speaud a few woeks. Mrs Gilmour, Hampd n, visited her mother, Mrs Hunter, and attendâ€" ed the Institute meeting last Thursâ€" day. Mrs Wilson is visiting her sister Mrs Richardson, oi Markdale. Mr and Mrs Bryden and Miss Burnâ€" ett, Conn, visited at John Reaton‘s over Sunday. Wm. Hay and sons are hustling; up the foundation of the new hall. Mr Dixon, Yeovil, is busy lathing Colin‘s new house. Mr Kendall arrivod home Monday night, aiter attending the Assembly in Winnipeg. Mrs. Tavior, after] three weeks‘ visit with her brother in New Liskâ€" eard, arrived home last Saturday. The Dromore branch of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute beld their June meetâ€" ing last Thursday in Wilson‘s hall. Miss Mary Bel!l, of Buffalo, and Miss Burnaby from Nova Scotia, addressâ€" ed the meetings In the afternoon Miss Burnaby gave two splendid demonstations and Miss Bell spoke on Dietaries for different classes of people. At the evening meeting Miss Burnaby gave a good talk on the Education ef our girls, while Miss Bell delighted the sudience with a splendid address on the Men and women of the tuture. Mr Robt. Isâ€" aac gave a couple ef violin selections. The meeting was closed with th= Naâ€" tional Anthem. It was decided to dispense with the Julv meeting and hold our next meetinog 1st Wednesâ€" day in Augast. THE DURHAM REVIEW Durham Markets. Durnan, Juxk 10, Toronto Exhibition. Dromore. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO _ 90 to &# 90 90 to _ 90 45 to 45 80 to _ 80 60 to _ 60 8 00 to 9 0n 17 o ~"17 15 to _ 15 85 to 85 2 5D5 to 3 25 1908. 45 to 23 to 5 to 12 to 10 a y 70 2 13 12 McKechnie‘s Big Departmental Store PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. We have thousands o; Rolls of ncwl We have just uncarthed a few thouâ€" Choice Patterns and people are astonâ€" Sand yards of Lace,. They are on the ished at how cheap they are. bargain counter at ..... 21 and 3¢ a ya No matter what size or shape your head is, bring it in. We can fix it at any price your pocket can stand. LEBAD:..1, 180 _0 * > "~ 00 / 0s... MMOGI ERSâ€" (:s © ; emovs Odd pants, 152 prs, all kinds..98¢ to 1.90’ Overalls and Smocks at .. ... ..50¢ to 75¢ 17 Men‘s $10 Cravenctte Coats .. ... .625 | All our Gents‘ Furnishings are scllingl at nearly half price and they are all new and upâ€"toâ€"date. We intend to make thls‘ department one of our specials. [ Hats for all heads from. tweeds Peoples Popular Price Sale Mail Contract Branch Ottawa, 8th May, 1908 G, C, ANDERSON, Superint« Post Office Department, } Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proâ€" posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Terder may be obtained at the Post Office of Hanover, Lonise, Elmwood, Mulock and route offices and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto. Elmwood and Mulock, Hanover and Louse from the Postmaster General sure. for the conveyance of his Majesty‘s Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years six and six times per week each way, between To Grounds 25¢ ; to Concert 25¢, reâ€" served seats 350. Plan open 24th of June at 2 p. m. Caledonian Games Prize List revised and enlarged . Music 31st Regimental Band, London Pipe Bascball match, Bigger, Better, Grander than Chief features : The ll Trio Stubberfield Grand Concert in the Rink Warsonxnâ€"FERGUSON.â€"At the Manse, Priceville, June 10th 1908, by Rev. J, A. Matheson 1# D. Leslie Watson to Mary Jane Ferguson, all of Proton. Sealea Tenders addressed Postmaster General, will be l Ottawa until Noon, on MISS JEAN ROBB, London, Soprano MR. J. !:' \(jAL&RAlTH. London, Accompanist an Raldic. hk vispeidatatons Bs antud de d s 0 O and Vocalist. s MR GEO FLAVELLE, Toronto, Comedian l'ipin%. Dunclnq. and exhibitions by El Trio tubberfleld . Japapese Day l‘“ir;works Durham‘s Dominion Day Demonstration Plenty new up In bold, daring. merial, acrobatic acts. Secur ed in New York at great expense, Piping, Dancing. &e Men‘s Clothing for that reason, everything we have here will bearâ€"t_h'e‘ We want you who are continually buying goods at an + y and every store to satisf self th A to satisfy yourself that we are making big reductions in $he prices and Wall Papers Ever ything in this Store is so exceedingly low in price that it has made us quite popular. People have beco me enthusiastic over it and give their friends the tip "Go to McKechnie‘s for it." Whatever it may be that you want in our line, you can come assured that you will save money. It‘s not much out of your way and once here, you‘ll find your way back again Friday the 26th June. 1908 Encw upâ€"toâ€"date Suits to choose lack and blue worsteds, check ind worsteds, latest makes. MAIL CONTRACT. MARRIED s on sale A FEW HINTS FOR BUYERS received to the ndent new | 29 prs boys‘ box calf Bals, were 1.75. .1.28 this | 24 Ladies fine kid bals, sewed soles, paâ€" tent tip, were 2.00 for..... ...... 123 ~ _ | 19 Ladies Kid Oxfords, were 1.75 for.98€¢ ls { 15 pairs Ladies Working Shoes, all sizes I were 1,50 for.‘: . .. ;. . x «+ 4Â¥+ o . WE pleaâ€" ever, band 28 pairs men‘s Kid Bluc., were $38. ... 20 pairs * box calf bals, were 3.25.. 38 pairs Men‘s heavy grain Bluchers slug soles, were 2.00 for ..... .. . We pay special attention to your foot needs. Stock is very large and must be reduced. We are noted for extra value in this line. Boots, Shoesfor all Crockery ALEX., RUSSELL Laces â€"â€" Laces 4 only 10¢ bottles Ixtracts for 25¢ 2 boxes Reliable Shoe Polish for . 5 doz Clothes Pins.... 5¢. 3 ph 3 cans Richards Lye...25¢. 6 1 20 lbs, Granulated Sugar for . ... Great Reduction in Hardware to clear &&& This is the place © 6 Lawn Blouses, were 650 f01, . . ... .. us k. «> >> +>>>> 5 fine Lawn and Lace Insertion Blouses, were 1.75 4 Lawn and Lace Insertion Blouses, were 2. 50 for.. 5 «+ o were 3.00 for .. This is the * season _ for Whlte 8Ild They are here galore at prices from .. aa23ece Ladies‘ White Underwear Bring in your wool without delay. The early market will be decidedly the best. We will pay cash or exchange Goods. _ Great bargains in all deâ€" partments during the woo! season. Skirts, &c, Prices from....... ... for ladies and children, ParaSOIS white and colored, from. THE BIG STORE Wool wanted prices you can‘t miss, Fridays and Saturdays in Groceries Highest Prices paid for Produce Astonishing yalues in WOOL BLANKETS Fine Lawn Blouses JOIN THE THRONG AND COME To Don‘t forget that we have made a White and Colored Muslins 1.18 _ There‘s plenty of gooc ment suitable for prc brides and you can say | side, Specials in Tapestries or Ingrains. We‘ll match them for you while you wait Bring us the correct sizes of your rooms. The saving is no small item and it‘ yours for the asking, 5e. Quart bottle Catsup for 15¢ F «xoume hy A% a a 5 004 44 4) +# a A 80 ++ ++ U NE pkgs Klenzine Ammonia for.. .25¢ 6 bars Quick Naptha Soap for..25¢ Carpets and Rugs 39 Glass Vases f NOWw 4+ + 2 uds 19 Toilet Sets, w 9 Dinner Sets. 9 72 doz C Every purchase you make here is mo ney saved for your bank account. only to get an upâ€"toâ€"date Readyâ€"toâ€" wear Suit for Men and Boys at closest scrutiny_. ups & Saucers were Glassware Corset covers, gowns 25¢c to 2.59 50c to 3.01 97 97 were 5,00, now JUNE 18, 1908 for presents for June can save a little on the aucers were 90c . .62¢ doz or cut flowers, Were 25¢, ro¢c to 45¢ per vard pf goods if\_ thi‘: depart picces pieces, worth $8 5 for .. a8e 5“'“3....;.:9 in (de ubvat ay‘A $17,. 1295 15¢ 39€ tw «t n ageres T BARARARA To secure the Grea on Domin now open KMacFari; VOL. Japanes JUN SU1(11111 t i J | 11 W as J AA

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