West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jun 1908, p. 5

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ed Attractions. Koda ks y and be sure of solid mfort wearing ck out for Dominion Pac Sartane in IL The Photo Epidemic Flour nd Shoes & 3 irant. MER odsg 1010 SUPLIES Brownies THUR Seeds ys on hand 1CeS lins iys glad to 10ugh you sehold rumts y summer, abatement, & 0c each. ese verything pher can ed to inâ€" working ement of 1rements vhite and ging hams vr lace eanâ€" d ribbons ied from Uxtords, luchers, nes eits, cot wards. oods vas and Dongola d sgon s week #Ig Blucinâ€" 3*% Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide......«« Floor Oileloth, 1 and 2 yds wide.. Llnoleum'lyald!wlde.....‘...... smyrum Rugs, y 4 oo see out new Prints and Ginghams 77 in wide, 30 in wide. ») in wide, 13 in wide, 54 in wide, Large size UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roomsâ€"Next to awallow s Dil~ her Shop. REstpENc® â€" First house south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. Calder HE SELLS CHEAP. All curtains Table Linen THE BIG 4 for sale. . Not particular wbout Please give price and description son for selling. State when poss be had. . Will deal witu owners 0 & L212 waakas L. DarsysHiR®, Box He has the goods ; he sells the goods * K at reasonable prices. The largest stock in town to choose {from. Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Club bags, &c., in stock. at the dow n town Shoe Store. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. J l . M II .t Hggs taken same as Cash. e bo C ral h Boots, Shoes and Hosâ€" iery at Mcliraith‘s Boost and the world boosts with you ; Kick and you kick alone You will have no kick coming if you buy your ,, CheerUp: Don‘t worry; It‘s wicked Fall line of Catholie Rubes and _ black and white CUaps _ for aged _ people. JUNE 25, 1908 W A NT E Dâ€" Lace Curtains wwmowwb“inl whlt; ;o;â€";pinea good value Darlings Dandy & Delicious & Daintily Served 2 yds long... 5-,{ ds long 3 vf.‘fl.’,e"!" The Fiz Biz 3 yds long.. 317 yde long cGooD FaAaR M have worked edges except Table Linen 54 ins wide, unbleached. 5t ins wide, bleached. .. 68 ins wide, unbleached . BELL ‘A Dollar for Oilcloth DARLINGS DruG . BEAN Next to Swallow‘s Bar " 2el0103Y, June 27th, we again give away with every disb 600 of Dunlop‘s choice and beautiful Roses. On Saturday, June DARLINGS, the Druggists ticular about location. id description, and rea ite when possession can witu owners only. 984, Rochester, N. Y Block, Durham At the Oriental Parlors Rear otr Darling‘s Drug Store .....25¢ yard _...3be sq yd 37i14e sq yard â€"....3.00 each . . 20¢ pa:rl ..30¢ pMIF | 0 pait | $1.00 pair | 2¢ yard 35¢ yard 50e yard 25c ones THE 4. D. IN NEW QUARTERS Good dwelling, frame bank barn, good soil, _ Conyvyenient location, only $2500, 200 acres, Glenelgâ€"fine bank barnâ€" good frame dwellingâ€"other good improvements, only $3000, 40 acres Garden Land, Durham Road Bentinck, $1500° A snap. 250 acres on Garafraxa Roadâ€"fine buildings, good ftences, good soil. To quick buyer at $6500, 100 acres, Bentinck,â€"owner in west. price $2700. _ Buildings worth the moneyâ€"farm for nothing. Lots of other property for sale. Moâ€" ney to Lend _ All kinds of busiâ€" ness attended to. 100 acres Durham Road, Bentinck Would be a great bargain, So are the following properties at the prices asked : After two years in business in Durbham I thank heartily the many farmers and others who bavefavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I will in the future bave havys pleasure in meeting in more commodious cilurters, all my old friends and I trust many new ones. Promptness and fair dealâ€" ing will continue to be my motto. Yours for business, McIntyre B:ockâ€"Lambton St, Barciay and Bell‘s old stand CcARD OF THANKS an d The Hanover Conveyaner B. Mclellan. H. H. MILLER STORE Fifty Cents neatly Mr. Miller, of South Grey, moved to amend the first clause by raising the age to 18 years. The Minister ot Justice admitted that the limit set was more or less arbitrary, but conâ€" sidered that, as it was an entirely new departure in legislation and was more cr less an experiment, the age of 16 was sufficient to start with. He thought that if they could prevent a boy smoking until he was 16, they would have made a substantial step forward, for at that age a boy had generally learned a certain amoun of seltâ€"control. â€"A fearfal fire on Monday almost wiped out the city of Three Rivers, Quebec. Six fatalities eccurred, and a property loss of $2,600,000, The city is almost 300 years old, and only a fringe is lett. â€"D. McKechnie, aged 40, meta teartul death at Tara. being caught on a cireular saw and his body cut in two. ‘"Thereis, however, no doubt but that the solutiou arrived at by the House of Commons yesterday is the best one under the cireumstances, principally because it has the adâ€" herence of all men of common sense. When the bill was introduced, Mr. Avlesworth admitted that he had placed the of limitation at 16 chiefly to obtain the opinion of the House and of the country. The amendâ€" ment to make it 18 moyed yesterday by Mr. H, H. Miller, of South Greyâ€" than whom no more active factor for the moral and social reform forces of the country exists in the House of Commonsâ€"seemed, however, to meet the views of the House, and it was adopted without dissent, the Minister of justice explaining that he first wanted to be sure of his ground in order that when the law should be enacted it should be enforced. â€"A second son has been born to the King and Queen of Spain, the gauner being Princess Ena, of Batcenâ€" rg. Mr Blain, Conservative, Peel, the father of anctâ€"cigarette resolutions in two sessions, took the ground that cigarettes should be barred out of Canada absolutely and promised to move an amendment to that effect. But Mr Aylesworth ended by acceptâ€" ing Mr Miller‘s amendment, which was accordingly adopted.‘"‘ Mr _ Aylesworch remarked that it was obvious that some legislation was necessary and he was desirous of meeting the wishes of the House. In Ontario and New Brunswick alone the 18 year limit was fixed in antiâ€" cigarette legislation. In other proâ€" vinces it was 16 years, in British 801- umbia 15 years." He had aimed at the mediam and sixteen years bad been fixed in a current British measâ€" ure. Moreover since the bill proposâ€" ed to empower constables to confiscate tobaceo in the hands of minors. young men betwoen 16 and 18 would resist. Usader the heading * Another Step Forward," the Ottawa Free Press of Wednesday last, has a commendaâ€" tory editorial on the social reform measures which the Laurier governâ€" ment has to its credit. _ Referring to the restrictions placed upon cigarette users, it has the following pertinent remarks in which is a wellâ€"deserved compliment to the member for South Grey : Mr Miller moved in amendment that the age limit be made 18 years. Mr _ Wright, _ Liberal, _ Renfrew, thought it should be 21 years. So did Mr_ _ Henderson, Conservative, Halton : Dr Schaffner. Conservative, Souris and Mr Avery. Oonservative, Frontenac ; Dr Daniel, Censervative, St. John; Dr Black, Liberal, Hants, and Dr Sproule suppor:ed the amendâ€" ment. Mr Aylesworth defended his measâ€" ure as a firet step. He thought it sufficiently drastic for that purpose. The bill provided penalties also for the juyenile smoker, reprimand for the tirst offence, $1 for the second and $4 for the the third. It had been strongly conderaned by the tobacco trade, and Mr Aylesworth thought that in providing penalties as aga.nst both the seller and the juvenile smoker, the government was going far enough tor the present. Mr Miller, Liberal, South Greg, suggested that the age limit be made 18 years. use of tobacco by young persons. It would provide, at the outset, a penâ€" alty of g10 for first offence, $25 for second and $100 for third in the case of anyone selling cigarettes or cigarâ€" e:t;ec papers to persons under the age of 16. In the House last week Mr H. H. Miller. M. P., did good service and showed a praiseworthy independence ot garty in opposing even Minister of Justice, when the bill restraining the use of tobacco by young persons was in committee. We take the folâ€" lowing account of the incident from the Ottawa Journal, a Canservative paper. We think Mr Miller‘s conâ€" stituents will agree that age 18 is not too high. ‘‘‘The House entered committee on Mr Aylesworth‘s bill to restrain the Che Burkham Review THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 192 Cigarette Legislation. Current Events. The Explanation THE DURHAM REVIEW OQne of the greatest programs of Atâ€" tractions ever presented to the public will be put on twice daily in front of the Grand Stand. For Prize Lists, entry _ forms &c., address the Hecretary, A. M. Hunt, London Ontario. The Prize List has been revised throughout, (especially in the Ladies‘ Department) and large additions made to the same. A milking contest will he carried on in the Dairy Department and Manâ€" ufacturers will be busy in the Main Building. in‘ Colin McLean. error on Roll refund, Western Ealr, London. .. Sepury® 13 | Téo : The Reeve, Gommittes on Coment South Grey, Durham........ Sept 22, 23 | Crossing, $1.00 ; William Weir, $1.00. East Wellington, Arthur. .....Sept 23, 24| ‘The Council adjourned to June i8th Northern, Collingwood.... .. Sept 22â€"25 | at 10 a, m, Holland, Chatsworth.. ...... Sept 17, 18 J. $. Buack, Clerk, East Bruce, Chesley........ .Sept 22, 23 gr?lgon.DuDr:ng............ge.Octs,s * ullivan, PO.:xirr1k++4 t 24, 25 Bentinck, Hanover......... .Se;t 29, 30 For Sale. Egremont, Holstein.............Sept 29 â€" Two store , double, frame house, St. Vincent, Meaford........Sept 24, 25 situated on '.Ke west side of Garafraxa Mount Forest........... .... Sept 17, 18 8t. in upper town. Large lot with Normanby, Neustadt........Sept 22, 23 stable. _ First class well and cistern. North Grey, Owen Sound....Sept 16, 17 Apply on premises, AxcusCaMERON Artemesia, Priceville........... Oct 12, Northern, Walkertoa........Septle. 17 > The Dog Show will be larger and better than ever, about One Thousand Dollars being offered in cash prizes and premiums. The Western Fair, London, Ontario, will haye a number of new features this year. Monday, Sept. 14th, will be Athletic Day, when a number of good events will be put on for which handâ€" some medals and trophies will be given. It is a greit sight to a new man to see thousands of men drilling, with a dozen or more bands; cavalry and artillery too. Bigger attendance than ever we are told. free. I am writing this in the Y. M. 0. A. tent, one of the men in charge being Mr. Will Isaac, of O. Bound, formerl of Egremont. _ It is a fine uccmnmody- ;nion. ink. stationery, &c., being all on,. Toâ€"day is our band’gda on duty, our busiest day. _ Mr, H’o’awthome called us out at 4.30 a. m. and we started marching past and playing about 5 o‘clock. _It seems a long day but we are liking it fine. Cook McFarlane, disgusted with the nonâ€"arrival of provisions and utensils, and having nothing to do left for home to day, and leader Hawthorne is also gone. We have appointed Flint Hind and one of the signal corps men as our cooks and since 10 a. tn. Will Johnston has been our leader and we‘re getting along, Had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. G. L. McCaul at the wharf in Toronto ; he still trkes an interest in No. 4 Co. Wednesday, 17 June. Last night when we arrived we had to march a mile or so tc the grounds, driye the stakes in for our tent, get our blapkets, personal property, &c. We haye six of the band in each of four tents and two blankets apiece, Last night (our first night) there was talking, singing, &c., all over and thare was no sleep till 12 or so. _ Then we fe'l“t, cold and had to pull our coats The Civil Service Reform bill has been presented to Parliament and wifl be enacted at this session. The bill was introduced by Hon. Sydney Fisher, and may be summarized as follows : A Civil Seryice Comâ€" mission is to be established consisting of two persons. To this commission will be intrusted the responsibility of conducting examinations for the Civil Service, Entrance to the servâ€" ice will be by competitive examinaâ€" tion. _ The procedure will be based upon the English Fmtice, and the cemmissioners will be guided by rogulations made by themselves and ratified by the Goyernorâ€"inâ€"Council. Appointment by Merit. ; Under the new system successfal candidates will be nominated to posiâ€". tions in the order of their merit, unâ€" der the control of the Civil Service Commission. It is expected that exâ€" aminations will take place twice a year. ‘The heads of each departâ€" ment will fturnish the commissioners with a list of vacancies or requireâ€" ments during the ensuing year. The commissioners will advertise the number and character of vacancies in each class, stating the qualificaâ€" tions required, and after the examinâ€" ation will classify the candidates according to their merit. The canâ€" didates will recoive their appointâ€" ments in the order of merit. Six months‘ Probation. T After the appointment there will be a period of probation of six months during which the appointee must demonstrate to the satisfaction ot his official head that he is perfectly qualâ€" ified, but there is a proviso that any time after two months, but before six months has expired, an official head may reject any clerk, stating his reasons in writing, which reasons are to be trausmitted to the commission. The commissioners will investigate be rea sons, and then either declare the individual unfit, or transfer him to some other department. Niaga;;CanTpâ€" Notes Civil Service Reform Bill. Ontario Fall Fairs. The Western Fair. by a Bandman. John MeNally, repair of bridge, lot 5, con 9, $1,00 ; Angue Biack, repair of road, lot 36. con 2. N. D. R., $1.00 : Mark Armstrong, use of snow plow. $2.00 ; J, A. McDonald. services as asâ€" sessor, part, $60.00 ; J. A, McDonald. equallzing 8. 8. No1o, G. & E., $8.00 ; Colin McLean. error on Roll refund, 74c ; The Reeve, Committee on Cement Crossing, $1.00 ; William Weir, $1.00. Orders on Treasurer were made as follows : Weirâ€"MeMillanâ€"That an appropriâ€" ation ef $206 for each ward he made for 1908.â€"Carried. and Commissioner Hunt be a committee ‘ to confer with Mr MeNaily and find out the best possible condition on which & | roadway can be got across Lot 5, Con 9,‘ and report,â€"Carried. | «Weirâ€"McMillanâ€"That Orr Minnis be refunded $10.70 be on account of erâ€" ror of Assessment.â€"Carried. Huntâ€"Weirâ€"That the Assessment loll as uow finally revised be the Asâ€" sesement Rcli for the year 1908, and that the Clerk certify to it as such,â€" Carried. After Court of Revision the Council, met for general business, all the memâ€" bers present, the Reeve in the chair.’ Minutes of last meeting read and conâ€" firmed, several communications having | vbeen real. | Reductions in Assessments were made | VC Ullpp C# sACEA :;Jg"owl')ao:mfilpbs{c)cxxnl\l}::u:w:)ed1};22 Is overâ€"run with footwear that is Leitch $100, William Weir $150, Johnl Frouggh * Sppnig ns s reavinimng h Hitchie $200, Samuel MceComb _ $50.| mg'h d'i a{l‘: prou d° OY“ 4 Thos Glencross was assessed for Lot 8,| O handle that k“’. _ Our slipâ€" Con 9, as tenant, Dancan Smilliq was | _ pers as well as our shoes ;?,’“i;“fl ':: tf::;t 21. and â€"88, Con 1. | ALook, Foot, Fit and Wear Wott. With these changes the Assessment| You certainly need a]‘)air of SIhiP' Ro!l was passed and ordered to be certiâ€" Pers, pumps or ties to S‘Et off that fied to vby the Clerk and Court of Re. | natty summer costume, Come here yision roll. Iaud get them in the latest shape, 7 » » After Court of Revision the Council leather and color, When you ‘f‘e“ met for general business, all the mem.| them you won‘t be hiding your feet, bers present, the Reeve in the chair,.| You‘ll feel proud to have them seen. h heatet ul atsine s tvi t Pstcs t h dsc k i iA c B 140A S ett, John Pilkey, Fred Pilkey, John Mcâ€" Donald, Jno McRinuon, Jas Whiteoak and Weslay Foster. The Court of Revision for the 'I‘own-il ship of Glenely. for the year 1908, held | first sitting on May 27th, all the memâ€" | bers present and made the necessary | Declarations, The Reeve was appoint-( ed to the chair. Appeals were heard and the Assessment Roll was changed as follows ; ( Names added : John P. Fallice, John B. Thibadan, Wm L. Falkingham, John Varty, Lione! Robson, Fred Parker,| Albert Ritchre, Thos Tacker, Wm Burnâ€"| Lenahan MceMillanâ€"Weirâ€"That the Reeve In this we have a full Couches, Tables, Chairs resses, etc. Among Ostermoor Mattressesâ€" for themselves. bcc 250 OUf PrOSt Corled Spring Wire, Frost Gates in all lengths, Poultry Netting from 2 feet in height to 6 feet, Screeu Doors of different sizes and qualities, Window Screens, etc, We are Agents forthe well and favorably known ‘‘Frost Voven Wire Fence "â€"the fence of quality and seryice. All Horizontals are of No. 9 hard steel, Coiled Spring Wire. It is a fence well worthy of inspection Glenelg Council. Warm _ W eather Goods, Such as Gasoâ€" line & oilstoves We carry a high grade of gasolineâ€"Use "Queen Moâ€" torand you will use no other. ee also our Frost Coiled Spring Wire HARDWARE AND FURNITURE ire Fencing and Wire Goods ‘ables, Chairs, Bedroom Suits, Springs, Mattâ€" is Among our* mattresses are the famous Mattressesâ€"fully guaranteed. They speak FURNITURE a full line, consisting of Sideboards C. McMILLAN & Embaiming a Specialty. Farm for Sale. Lot 27, 28, Con. 1 8. D. It. Glenelg. 85 aeres cleared, 7 acres bush. Well watered. Good Brick House, Frame Bank Barn (45x60.) 4 mile from proâ€" &sed station on new C. P. It. Line, nvenient to School and P. 0. Furâ€" ther particulars apply on the premises, Funeral Directors and â€" Undertakers Another terrible fall but no one hurt, as it is the price of shoes that has dropped. Slippers from $1.00 up. Be sure and get a pair. Harâ€" vest shoes from $1.00 up. No old stock here, Just received. Rememâ€" ber the place. Is overâ€"run with footwear that is made more for selling than wearâ€" ing, We are proud to say we do not handle that kind. Our slipâ€" pers as well as our shoes Ohe Stippor Fie!ld We have opened up a shop in Priceville with a full stock of Funeral Supplies on hand. A 11 calls, either night or day . comptly attended to. Lawn, Garden &’ Field Supphes Rubber Hose of different sizes: Sprays, Nozzles, Taps and Scythes, Forks, Rakes, Hoes, Lawn Mowâ€" D. Entricken. ers in abundance F. P. REILEY Priceville. cIntosh. Joux McAxtTHUR, Prop. ONTARIO Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equi in teach wbility, in chemical and elw&rfi?dvallu n':’ fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : Intending Students should enter at the begin ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be obâ€" u:od at nuo:blc rates. Dlu‘rhn- 1s w and attractivetown, making it a most place for uddgnee.' THO8. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B. A., Homor Graduate of Toronto University,â€"French, Latin, Composition, and Literature. C.L. Graat TORONTO JOHN CLARK Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money to boan, Insurance Agent, Money to L Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A eral tinancial business transacted ARTHUR H. JACKSON Ofticeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office )rd iBusth oi AccA t 14 HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Rooms Over J & J fiL’NTER'S New Store Hoxo® qRAPUATE Foronto University Grad uate lege nial BSurgeon Dentistry in all its brauches, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c. Money to Loan at lowest rates, Omce. Mclutlre Block over the Stan dard Bank, Durh am, Ontario, BON BONS uim t A _ / W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L DS Terms moderate. Arm:meuu for salos ms to aates, &c., must be at the Review Ofâ€" flce, Durham, s3* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, ‘Nerms on application to Office, 13 Frost 8t, â€" â€" â€" â€" Owen Sound Late assistant to Moorfleld‘s (London, Eng) and to Knapp‘s (New York) Eye llo‘pt&) Durham school Pxyvsicitax & Surexox, Office over J. &}J). Hunter‘s 8 to 10 a.M. zours:! *6+ r M3 oP Member College o:hnuhn and Surgeons {)fice and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Geo â€" »t., t r0orof Hill, Old Moodie Corner, OFFICE HOURS J. G. HUTTON, M. D. C. M Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat J. F.GRANT D.D.S., L. 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m, Telephone Connection No. 10 flice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry St« . MePHMHAIL Acensed Auctioneer for Co, Grey Notary Public, Com CONYEYANCER ©@> Special attention given to Diseases of D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 to C. RAMAGE, Durham #@> Ceylon has a telephone office. Holiday Baking We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. _ Also a good assortâ€" ment of Candies, Nuts and oranges, ARTHUR GUN, M. D., the thing to think of now FEES: $1 per month in advance. m C um â€"p uo s c eâ€" P â€"Co wl DURKHAM, ONT. J. P. TELFORD CENTS PNTERUOE TOn Women and Chfldnen‘ Ceyion 1. O., will be promptly Terms on application to DR. BURT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, . F. DUNN ALWAYS FRESH STINSON Model Bakery ommissioner Money to Lan (Lower Town C. Ra gen

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