West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jun 1908, p. 8

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By July Ist 1908, a span of good horses. _ From 4 to 6 years old, Weight 1750 to 1800 Ibs each. Weight and draft to be provec by scale and action, must be able to draw two tons of stome on stoneboat up grade. A ply at Lot 9 and 10, Con. 1, N. D. l{’: Ulenelg, or at Review Office.. Bunessan. P. O., 8 Jane ‘08. C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound British Canadian Bus. College ) nomnentyt 47 @?w/wéz@y Get a Thorough Business Trai iCourses include everythin‘g essential to a sucâ€" ssful career, . Hundreds of young people are seded to susnply the demand. "The courses cost ttle. It will double iour income and last you a ie time, Students tted at any time. * Perâ€" mal instruction given. Preparatory DeFt for lose w hose early education has been neglected atalogue free . British American Business Colleg, Y M. C. A. Buildine Taranty ‘+MMnce W. T. CLANCY, P Day and Night Classes. Telegraphy So EiE Tan is o $150,000 per annum in railway service. You ‘in become a Eood operator in 6 months if you stud‘y in The Central Telegraphy School, ) Gerrard 3t. E., Toronto. The finest school i Canada. Write for patticulars. and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free, Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. H. SHAW, Pres. _ T.J. JOHNSTON, Prin Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, \Ornamental Writing, Graduates readily secure employment. Write toâ€"day for handsome c.ulfl'ne. It pays to atâ€" tend the best. W, J. ELLIOTT, Cor. Youge & Alexander Sts. Principal Remains open throughout the sammer and many students enter at thistime. _ We have a wreater attendance this year than ever before. Business College Great Rink Concert, Durham, July 1: and Best biGhinsn( Wligy: From July 6th Individua! Instructi upâ€"toâ€"date courses obtained at the BEST BUSINESS TRAINING SUMMER SESSION for TEACHERS R fâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€":â€"â€"â€"â€"--i " THE PEOPLES STORE MT. FOREST And others during July and August SUMMER TERM. at reasonable prices Start any time. TORONTO, ONT. Cor, Youge & Bloor Sts Team Wanted Regent Clothes ave Cut and Sewed Perfetl A. Building, Toronto ‘* Oldest Write for Catalogue. Wher hunting for footwear come in and see our lines of tan, patent and kid in the Imperial make Highest Prices fo: Produceâ€"Cash or Trade. ROBERT â€"BURNETT s 0 foa o gés egent Brand Sultsgg Here vou ate The style is permanent, due to the honest method of making and the excellence of the material used.. Huon Camrseut at the new Lot Is the first step towards positions paying from $5000 rincipal to buy Gents‘ Furnishings ning Footwear as welcome to look as buy. of Browns and Grays 7. 1 7 °00 GOWwart Dariel, from the vicinity of Brantford succeeds Mr. Rogers in the three charges of the Varney cireuit. He is expected to be on hand about the 3rd Sunday in Jaly. Mr. Rogers intends to further equip himself educationally. Mr. Thos, Edward Darie] vicinity of Brantford â€"sue Rogers in the three char Varney cireuit. He is expe on hand about the 32d Suna. P absent when he called. StaYys n DUREAM.â€"Mr ferman of the Hamiltan 1. Rev J. E. Smith, B, Burnbrae and Ry lest tions in the Preshyt.ery was â€" renewing acq; many among whom he career. During his vis ___ _#_ TT CCE whom he spent his early career. During his visit he was the guest of" Mr George Turnbull and Mr Samuel Scott, We regret we were ay ho se oi 4e 5 dip s 98 iss K. Grant is in charge of the office in his absence, » Mrs D. Campbell is confined to hed with spinal trouble : also her son Wwilâ€" fred, who met with A painful accident by fallteg on a glass bottle, mauking it necessary to put in several stitches, Dr Jamieson is in attendance on both, Rev J. E. Smith, B. D.., pastor of Burnbrae and Rylestone congreoi. Mrs. Kelly returned after spending some daughter‘s Mrs, Whitu Miss Annie Watt i week for Vernon 1}, C. whispers that there is ceremony at the end of Mr. and Mrs, W. F. D a holiday trip up the 1 the Sault and returnin MAiss K. Grank t L. Mr Dan MeArthuar, north of to again confined to his bed, we are to learn, Mrs Barbric of Port Huron present visiting her sisterâ€"inâ€"la w D, Campbelt, Mrs. ‘Thos Whelan is the gue her daughter at Courtright f couple of weeks, Mrs. Jno. Nichol and baby of T to, are visiting her mother Mrs McClocklin Sr., for a time, Miss Edith Chadwick, of Durham, spent a few days last week with Miss Wilkes.â€" Bruce Times. Z Miss Ma Hich., is vis town, Mr Hugh Rose of St, Louis, itor among his relatives here Mrs. Poetep Gagnon and | guests in Stratford for two w Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Turnbu Bentinek friends for the last t Mr Wilson, Toronto, is a Mr. Levine‘s for a tew days, = Miss Maggie MceFatlan , Mich., is visiting her brother Mr. Wes. Sirrs was in Guelph last week, > Mrs. N. McKechnie left Wednesday morning for the city,. < Mr Walter Nichol jr.. isamong the visitors to Toronto, Mr. W. D. Mills was on a business trip to the city this weex, Mrs. Lorne Somerville is snending holidays at the **Hedges," Miss Edith Grant is visiting frmends in Rothsay for a week or two, Mr Hugh Rose Of St Lanie :. : â€"W. E. Dunn are off on up the Lakes as far as returning by Detroit,. t is in charge of the turned home Whitmore vatt is leaving this B. C.. & Httle bird rere is an intvresting end of the trip, & 34. U., pastor of ylestone congregaâ€" ytery of Kings:nn' icquaintance _ with lan is the guest ( Courtright for ort Huron is at sisterâ€"inâ€"law »Irs or lwo weeks, « Turnbull yisited the last two weeks time at . Jas. Hefâ€" a guest at of town is c are sorry Tuesda y baby are 18 t vis oronâ€" Fl‘nt, Miss Jean Robb & Mr Geigger, London her In 8t an fi Bif #) glm MISS JEAN ROBB, London, Soprano MR. J. L. GEIGGER, London, Aceomranijt. MR GEO FLAVELLE, Toronto. Comed an Pipin%. Dancing, and exhibitions by El Trio tubberfleld . To Grounds 25¢ ; to Concert 25¢, reâ€" served seats 35c. Plan open 24th of June at 2 p. m. Grand Concert in the Rink Itks Catedonian Games Prize Listrevised and enlarged . Music lt imental Band, Lond Patebal! maioh. on Pipe Japanese Day Fireworks The E1 Trio Stubberfleld Lifs Durham‘s Dominion Day Demonstration Gents Tailor and Furnisher, Durham 1s the hat you need right now. Come here and pick it right out of the many new styles and shapes we are showingâ€"a brand new assortment. _ With such a wide choice you are bound to get The Hat You Look Best In You needn‘t worry about the quality of the headwear. It is as good as any and much better than many. The prices are right too. We charge nothing for the maker‘s name ; only for the hat. Piping, Dancing. &c Fired from a mortar, sunk in the earth. An imals, objects, &c., taking lhlfiin the heay ens, _ Nothing like it ever seen here. In bold, daring. acrial, acrobatic acts ed in New York at great expense,. Our $1.50 Christie # Bigger, Better, Grander than ever Chief features : =, Your choice of two houses, â€" CGne on Countess Street. Brick, eight rooms, bath and closet, Two cellars, furnace, etc, Stable with four single stalls, two carriage apartments and ice house, OR One double tenement house in Upâ€" per town,. Stone. _ One part eight room, bath, furnace and cellar. _ The other part six rooms and celiar. Mr. John Picken accompanied by his daughter left for the Sick Children‘s Hospital, Toronto, where the little girl has an operatiou to be performed on her eyes. Misses D, McKeracher and G. Hodge of the High School Staif, left for their respective komes in Dutton and Lonâ€" don, on Wednesday, Messrs Norman Walpole and Ben Phillips left Wednesday to attend the races in Listowel. Of NEW YORK, the Renowned Acrobatic Appearing in Durham, afternoon and Only one of the many features of Harry Burnett Houses for Sale. EL TRIO;STUBBERFIELD Apply to W. Buacx e RKenowned Acrobatic Artists and Aerial Gymnasts Durhlm. afternoon and evening, 1st Ju]y. 08. the many features of the Big Celebration. Secur band exercises are out, _ The 4th Bgde. of [ which the 31st forms a part are assignâ€" ed to the defending duties and so are saved the necessity of the long tramp of former years, Railway transport home to Camp is provided for the attacking parties, _ Many took in the excursion to the ;falls and Buffalo yesterday and had as pleasant a time as possiUlle under the scorching sun, in the longest day of the year ; to reflect back on the immense snow banks of March, did not help it any. The church parade was held yesterday as usual and elicited many admiring remarks by bystanders in regard to the hearty and stirring nature of the scene. This gives one a better idea of the numbers at Camp, together with Review day than can be gathered when scattered all over the common. _ The music of the varions bands in marching to and from position was very varied. *‘Bonâ€" nie Dundee," and "Old John Peel * being interg)eraed with _ " Onward Christian Soldiers." *"Sweet Bye and Bye," * Maple Leaf," &c. _ To say the least it is a trying ordeal upon the soldiers, who are sitting in the sunâ€" light while it is impossible to hear a single word uttered by the preackher, Review and Weekly Globe. ... .$1.25 ' Review and Farmers‘ Sun ......1.75 _ Review and W. Mail & Empire..1.60 Review and Montreal W. Wit . ..1.60 Review and Family Her. & Star.1.75 Review and Daily Globe ...... . ..4.40 Review and Daily World ...... ..2.60 (World for 15 mos,) Other combinations made known on application, Combinations of three or more papers can also be made at reduced ratésâ€" Suits and Odd Pants, Raincoats Umbrelias, Hats and Caps, Shirts. Collars & Ties, Handkerchiefs, Susâ€" penders, Hose and half hose, Underâ€" wear, Sweaters, Overalis & Smocks, Boots and Shoes Going« Business Watchmaker, Jeweller, and Optician f Besides the above Watches, we carry all the standard makes, such as the Waltham Elgin, Hamilton, etc. P. G. A. Webster and everything in the Gent‘s Farâ€" nishing line this is your chance and you should take adyvantage of it,. Having decided to give up the Gent‘s Furnishing Business in Dorham my entire stock will be cleared out at cost price. For bargains in Men‘s and Boy ‘s Yearly Clubbing Offers, Niagara Camp Notes. Coutinued from Page J. H. Rose ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ; Flavelle, Toronto & Stubberfields, New York. â€" Piping, &c. All the best McKechnie‘s Big PROUCE TAKEN ASs CASsH. We have just received a new stock which we sell at popular prices Lndies Kid Buskins, Elastic fronts............60¢ Ladies‘ Kid Oxfords. Patect tip .. .++« â€" .. +, cxA$§HG Ladies‘ Kid Chucolate Oxfords ... ... ... . .. . . $1.50 NMen‘s fine Shoes, extra quality :. ;.:> :.« A,. . +X@0 Men‘s Box Calf Bluchers ...... _ _ ©9 aa We are continuously getting in N EWQQQ_IE for the new arrivals, we must sell the same lin it will bring. _ At 7 o‘ clock, Saturday eveni will offer the $2,50 Men‘s felt hats for $1.25 felt hats for 95¢, & soft felt working hats for time we offer Ladies $2 fashionable hats for fOI' 25C First mamas. Linctk aausyall Lost.â€"Light oyercoat. Between Dornoch and Glenroaden, on Thurs. day, 18th June. Finder will oblige by leaviog at Review Office or returning to owner, ling estate, The following must be sold at once ; New waggon, new iron truck wheel waggon, a number of large egg vats, (would make first class cisterns) 3 or 4 thousand fence posts, lath, shingles, lumber, _ A quantity of wood near Weibeck P. O0., will be sold at fifty cents per load, D. JaxtEsox, Administrator Sparâ€" ling actata Being Lot 14, Con. 4, N. D. R., Glenâ€" elg, consisting of 100 acres, more or less, 90 acres cleared, balance hard wood bush, _ Bank barn, 60x44, frame house, grouted inside, 30x2M, im plement house 40x20, good well at door, farm free from incambrance, School hulfz'l mile distant and another TL snsthas l nues 7 200 oi 0 C L2CCIRY Ond SHOTber 1} miles, Intending purchasers will get particulats by writing to Doxaun BEaroy, Guelph P. O, Our Stock One of the new regulations in regard to motoring is given below : *"*In case an accident occurs to any person, whether on foot or horseback, or in a vehicle, or to any herse or yehicle in charge of any person, owing to the persence of any motor yehicle on any public highway, the person in charge Of such motor vahinls sham .100 c o®" t Lt was the carpenter in the Jittle cot. tage across the street who spoke. And his neighbor was the man they call the " Great Commoner :A P i \ormuic® : on cedisimmicgs id i that "W. J." is best ever. _ "Itell you, he‘s the equarest Christian 1 ever knew." The speaker, leaning on bis hoe in the soft haze of a Western twilight, paused in the labor of makâ€" ing his Spring garden, and his lined, weatherâ€"beaten face became radiant with affection, says the July Drurm®a . TOR. * When my nasture gave out last September, he Said th ma +UFH _ I‘ve plenty, Jim ; j\ in with mine?® â€" For right sort. Put it a Large Sales. Small profits, quick returns The 0 We have an excellent store, a most would »like everybody to give us : you may compare prices. or to Davin Kixnxis, Durham, or A. H. JACK8OX, Duarham, Boots and Shoes Bryan, The Prize Neighbor. It is necessary to protect ourselves from the offer first class self opening umbrellas for Cravenette Raincoats $6.25 up. ‘arpenter across the street Farm tor Sale ~â€"â€"++4â€"â€".._. For Sale. 77 * "C d to me, *Why , Jim ; just turn your cows ne® â€" For a neighbor he‘s the Put it down that I said so " carpenter in the little cotâ€" ‘ared, balance hard k barn, 60x44, frame inside, 30x2, im )x20, good well at £l_‘0lll incumbrance. yehicle 10e, & soft felt working hats for 4bcâ€":fitvé; Ladies $2 fashionable hats for 40c and TDe First come first served. M. Kexxy McKechnie‘s complete.. We have still the celebrated Tea, says tore, a most efficient staff of pleasant to give us a call, whether vou hnv e must sell the same line of goods at what o clock, Satutjday evening, June 27th, we Wool wanted for Cash or Trade Friday and Saturday Bargains Wash Novelties in Spots and figures 18¢ for 15¢ Men‘s Summer Suits, best of worsted, 7.50 to $12 Men‘s Summer Coats in blue worsted, $8 Men‘s Odd Pants 1.25 to $4.50 White Muslinsâ€"In Barred and Stripe affects, also Dimities and dotted Swissâ€" _ 18 to 35¢ a yd. A large range of the newest in colored Muslins from 10 to 45¢ a yd WEATHER â€" BARGAINS ARussell _ HOT [A.Russell THE BIG STORE! 1 can Beef, Ham and Chicken Used 1 2 packages New Food for.. 1 package corn starch, ...... ALEX. RUSSELL 3 Cans ‘Tomatoes...... 3 Cans Haddie:; ... .;an 3 Cans Coru for.>~.%« ;4 3 Cans Peas for........ Departmental Highest Prices paid for Produce. Screen Doors, Hay Forks, Hay Rakes, Paints, etc., at reduced prices. JOIN THE THRONGAN coME top â€" \\ Hardware Men‘s Overallu....................... Men‘s Heavy Demin Overalls.. . ... . , Men‘s extra Heavy Demin Overalis . . Men’s“’orking Bhirts ... ... Men‘s Wor king Pants ,.... _ At the BIG STORE Tain Men‘s Clothing :ur 37-50 Serge Suit. It selis itself. pieasant clerks and we you buy or not, so that and in order to do so we Raincoats $3.00 Up. Used for Lunch at Picnics. for..............zsc wl in ie > ie on m ie + o0 t Sn and the nobby soft IJVL, Zil Te same 40c and 75c hats and to make room 8 pounds for Cheaper than the cheapest, better than the best. * * + *« *« 25€C .......30c x‘sxis + $0¢ .. Ioc a can v w« a » » » 2 5C Store j# VOL. X d# at ageqcuco« //b BA RARAA s2aS( 1€ IHI JC Y D n Voil¢ nte Ace Lot nty JL O|

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