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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jul 1908, p. 9

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br CYS lag SPANKING rDA, ES the]! in o, bl ting Depth of Sn not” A Faiioiariitiauru and Tim“. he! M Uncle Sun'u thief Magistrate in not]; allowed to leave his own country during No term of "tfire. Mr. Taft ha tho come into contact with osnndian. through his work on the Taft C'Ar-ttis. don, which regulate: the m: of power that may be developed at the tmeriean Niagara. I Like Will“ Jennings Bryan, who will probably be hu opponent in the coming: figlu. Mr. Tan in well known In Canada. He hm a home at Murray Buy, a the Bt. him, and for some m In: 'Tent his summers there. ot course, it he is elected Pre.idrnt he mun (atop the plenum of that visit! to Canada, Born in (Suinnmi in 1857. the pan of {man who was afterwards to mama Attorney-General Ind Secretary of Far, William Hound Taft rntcrrd Yale u the age of suntan, um] graduated it 1878, maul in . ring of 121. honest, manly, better-thon-avengc man." and thin from Hearst, the anh- mmy of tlteaadminUtmtiott, is no mall awed of praise. President Ron-oval: his aid that Mr. Taft combines qualities which would make 1 lint "to Prnident with those that would make a first rua. Chiad Justice. . for the past year or more Secretary 'l,,i: has ullowvd himself to reflect the upmmm and policy of President Roon- velt so hithfuly tht the idea hut to mam degree trot Ibl'old that he is I man of but "no" menu! calibre. who trWe,m his distinction to the Het that he in the Proud-mfg friend and hem-hmn. But such it not the can. Tilt hgrs a native ability of no mean order, and long before Roosevelt's oppunnce on in mm In a political tome had won amnion u u lawyer, u . Judge and to wane extent as an administrator. Lust winter. after the treerrtary's speech to the Strum-tn and Labor men at Cooper Union. the Evening Joann], In on editorial, called him " good. “that, honest, manly, handball-avenge Republican Standard-Bearer in Presiden- tial Snuggle. lk v Tm. nay» Ila Divuce Fox St' WM. of Canc’idate would Have .tr'c: national law. ',r. t n matle light " and A woman mm; inntancA u received with as mmr altar she is divorced " she _ before. Hut-h condition. are shock- t; lllltl are most demoralizing. Wher- I ' ml whr'm-ver I could do anything .:.r‘hzenre legislators to make more ",rq.'tnt divorce laws, I would do it, ', I twin-w that every woman in Am- V _ It’lllkl trel the "tme WI'. ri' high! with. it divorres are to be in ml at all there should be n uniform .t v" law for all the Ntatew--tor the I', ; and then there would be no or limit} to evade it. In is being done Co. pro-sent time. It is getting to be mum-r of much "tdiffrrritee to people ..: many persons many with the ..glxt in mind that they can easily i' out of the matrimonial knot, be 'f " from the bondage, to to speak. and no way lost any social prestige by M. a alto-p. When a country’s people mm a amall percentage of them-go 'tt the most sacred relations in life rl, "ueh a thought " anticipated di- It'" then there in grave danger ahead Yln' home. and for the nation. "lt), might build up the greatest navy rm. world; we might have the good ‘I of every ruler o the earth: we will have a oredlt and munitions I:li~ rnllvhul in the history oi nation-u but rn within the homes of our coumtv _ mornl laxity exists and br mushy t he broken up in a twinkling, through wot-en» of law that u looked upon as nutter of courHust no one would u will or deed-then there is a "ter desrtg" to our country then rid come from a war with f loreign In". I may seem to be radical upon _ subject," continued the wife of the rotary of War, "but to lie ther, In peril no great in our country try-nay th," one we are now diu-usuua.‘ luwever. during that trip Mrs. To". not rontin. bend! to the divorce lib-m. She tallied irtterentigqrty of. a ”lit? of interesting thing. For in- no". she told what she thought of wo. rn} pinh- nnd club women, and of W0- M :5. TAFT AND DIVORCE. hm do you keep no young-how do 'm"mtt. itt" 'she vs. asked. ttr lnughed good Mturedly and said: Yell, l snppmlc it in beam I em . vnted wom-n. I should be, too, for 'it' three lovely children end . hill- i an good and kind 3nd ' compan- ble. He " devoted to u" of as. and, lr. I couldn't conjure up a single R to make me discontented. I be. , that contentment does may mt! klen. don't you?' WILLIAM HOWARD TAIT, " 1: " m-n- in my power, divorc- [' "to,' pm! t-ntirny,‘ she and. "Of m-n- un- cues when “pantie! m [runny granted, hit the" ". nu renmrriagv Allowed. lbs t .mr dnurce in“ is I In!“ mural fibre of our nation. It is 21mg evil and it "on“ to be on ...~v instead of diminilhing. ounber the ttme when one rend In one new: knew who obtained but now every one com" in with divorced MAI-luil- -_r----, Nrw Haven .un Nomad TUt are» gum.“ to It The Rub. "lsutever--tUt u, in the pawn-{01" at Mu. Taft said talk on the train now every one co divorced people-U tr-one'. own p ry hand. It is mun "alled highest social 10 iltrht of, and I , June 20.--H a w nidvnt of there u Tim. and that won“ If iler--U, Mon] Law. name wav. divorces Are to be lhnuld be a uniform the Mahw‘lor the Pre would be no our 'laft said during 20.--H I Woman Tait, there would ry one Comes in people-in every train from New 'utybody for is, it Inch 1 'I wanton. “n personal countenauc. e and. "of "Nation It there red. 'ltte circles woman tuted were 25611:. boy had lived About two .1.- Mu tefter coming in contact with it. He In laid on the nu. and Dr. Beverley Milan. of 4U.Bloor otreet west. w“ sent for, but on his arrival life wt" extinct. With the arrival of the physi- cian a little Ind t the crowd urpened to notice the vi hangingvdown be. tween the "on. Polkem- “a bath- " the end of it. and 1m than“ km H. Touched Live Wire Hanging Be tween Two Tron. Toronto dmpatch: Albert Jewell, thir- teen yearn old. who lived with his yarn mm at '210 Robert atreet, was electro- z-mod by an elertrie light wire, on Floor hum-t about 8.30 o'clock Inst night. The boy had been phying with some other hays. ml was on his way home in the tire reels came along. followed by a (“I'd of boys. He joined them. and while running towards Spndina avenue he vu seen to make a leap and M the ad of . live electric wire ham betqreett two he" shout five feet from the mud. The boy dropped on tho boulevard. and none pacing pedestrians who pkked him up thought that he had boot ' with I hinting spell. The work of tearing down the more dangerous uf the ruins was proceeded with this morning. while other pugs of men were busily engaged in cutting .awny thnnglI-d wins which block the Mrwu. ‘igm- of order van now be new in the chaos vosed by the conning"- tion. and the rebuilding of mine of the “are: and Inger buildings will be con- meneml this week. This morning supplies of food arrived from Montreal and Irrangementl were made to have them distributed to the virtual. Three Rivers, June 29. The people of Three Rivers are tself-reliant. The Mayor declares that, aside from a Government loan of one and a half millions, now be. ing arranged for, they want no outside aid. and that within two years time they will have built for themselves u new city, with broader streets, and far more handsome in every respect than the old one which was wiped out in the great tire ot Mondsy. Lord and lady Grey are visiting the city this after- noon. Their Excelleneies came up the river about! the Government vess'el Lady Grey. Another important visitor is Premier Gouin, who reached the city by rail about ll u'cloek this morning. Hon. Mr. Gouin's visit is of a private lnuture. He was met by the Mayor and lsome friends. and immediately conduct- ed to the Mayor's residence, from which he gained a wide view of the ruins. The _ Premier's visit is for the purpose of ar- rising at a means oi relieving the city, 'probably by means of floating a loan. The work of relief for the sufferers made good progress this morning. Many of the families whose houses were burn. ed have now been settled in tents, and there is a regular camp at one end of the town. Last night and early this morning, a couple of heavy showers made it rather uncomfortable for those under canvas. but on the whole they are {only well fixed. Others have found shelter with those whose houses are still standing. -- A A _ A . I uuelpn despateh.. The thunderstorms which have IWept through this district during the past, couple of days have been the worst experienced for many )eurn, and a great meal of damage “are ttone. Near the Church of Our Lady . large tree ten, breaking the wires and more: seriuusiy. The mtg: chimney or Lloebeis ”on work. was it yesterday utternoon and a section ot the top fed through the roof of the engine room, do. mg woo damage and mocking almost our) employee of the plant. At night a bolt “ruck the chimney on the 1esirlenvt, oi Miss Forsyth, lurk land street, knocking on the chimney and exploding hit the now. strange to any, one ot the lids of the stove mysteriously disappeared, and it could ‘llnl be found utterwurds. And Within Two Years . New City, With Broader Struts. Will Arise on the Historic Sit.--Foodstufu Come in. age, in Eamon Township the ham of E. Doughty was struck and part of the root torn off, while Mr. Doughty, jun, on the vuy to the barn, Wu.» knocked down by the shock and remained un- vonteious for some time, utter being carried to the house. The home of John Ramsey at Eden Mills was also struck, the bolt entering by way of the chimney and seriously shocking a Indy guest who was in the room, as well as doing considerable dam. THREE RIVERS ONLY WANTS A GOVERNMENT LOAN. Guelph despite]: Winch have swap; dunug the past, u been (he wont. e: Sam. LIGHTNING STOLE A GUELPH LADY'S trove-LID. - -. "a null I said to be advances made and heavy litigation sfis‘ loans. It is understood that of the bank was not nhsull upon it at this time, but t the desire ttf Sonstor Bess: matters should be settled u: was in s position to atte l.imsell..snd take all the sponsihility. 77...-.... nucr I confer- t-uz-o with the offivials of the Bankerl’ gum-mum he said: "Matters are not In anything like the condition in which the St. John's Bank was. Depositors and creditors will he paid up, 1nd the very wont that can Uppen is that the shareholders may sultnin tome loss." The “use of the bank’s mlnmn-inn " '" One Monty.“ tcr,, ot tlte will not In H. Knight. Pnnkon’ A " Other Remarkable and Costly Pranks. Performed by the Mysteri- ous Fluid During the trtorrrv- Three Barns Burned. WORK Of STORM. BOY ELECTROCUTEO. NO CHARITY. . position to attehd tTthiii, ‘and take all the needed re- val. June 29.---That the defunct St. Hy! suffer in the opinh V ""retar.v of the t Association. Afts at this time, iGihiit"it was 'e Q! Senator Dessaullea that -L-._ll I _ - '. HYACINTHE BANK But mum». Likely to Lose Anything. of the bank's sulpennion is advances made to railways litigation arising out of understood that the closure ,V.-~- - tvlll'l" otticiat, of the Banken’ said.. "Matters are no". 1: the condition in which n, . not absolutely 10546 tttA-That the deponi. t St. Hyacinth Bank the opinion of Mr. J. ry of the Dominion mu. Alter a confer- Hal, of the Bankern’ settled up whliii Mr. Bill- took another step in the " temoon which he believes eheekmnted the plan of Alphonse and En Dufour, pmpdeton gt the house in Arman: av- rnue, to coup. to Paris. Dufour 3nd _ Government agents have been work. ing since last week's raids to establish the fact that the inmates of the Ar. mour ‘Menue place were brought here (iii a specific purpoue during the but (trip to Paris, made by the agent of the 1syndicate. The raid was conducted quietly, and few in the district knew what was going on. Deputy Martial Dow made a rush through the house I: n». u tantrum was gained and took up. It.“ to at off nape. at“. fith undo the T'tt DIzluile tttite District Attorney- via I “any Firkin. who are in “use of the lags! end of the inventiptin, stood on the sidewalk Ind svultaq developmento. A Mr. Sims came down to his office in the evening to interview the prisoners. "They show that they have been drilled 'remarkably well," he said. "when I asked them separately how long they had been in this country. each said five years. Asked how they got here and into disorderly houses, they told stories of similar character. One said she came over to work in a corset factory in New York and was unable to ‘get any more work. Another said she had come over with I French fumily six years ago and after the family went back to Paris she stayed in New York. The step from the Tenderloin to the Ar- mour avenue house in Chicago was ensy. We have information sufficient to de- port these girls, and it will be brought out in the hearing." It is believed the three women arrest- ed are among those brought to this country by the Duvsl-Dulour-Bosque syndicate. against whom raids were made last week. The heads of the syn- dicate, which eondurted a. "retreat" for girls in Blue Island, were arrested and their cases will be taken to t'be grand jury this week. In default of bonds the women were locked up in jail. They will be arraign- ed at 2 o'elock this afternoon before A board of special Inquiry to be named by Immigration Inspector Davies. The hearing wi" be held in the offices of the Department of Commerce and Ubor in the Commercial National Bank build- mg. The Government has "videnee that these girls have been in the United States leu than three years and .m at- tempt will be made to deport them, If well as to punish those requnshl: {er their [Harem-e in the houw. Tun wo. men arrested are: Chariuxe tiillv,. 20 your: old; Mary Ponroy, ls years and; Harriet Richards, 19 years old. A squad of deputy United States mu- shals undt-r charge of William Griffith. surrounded the Armour avenue Iva-e in the evening and captured three yuan; French girls. They uere arrested on u special warrant that ram? from Wash- ington during the day, signed by Use-r S. Strum, secretary of the Department of Commerce ttnd labor. United States 1htariet Attorney Edwin H. Sims last night. ordered . mid upon Mme. Eva's resort at 2021 Armour av- enue. Chicago. June '29. In pursuance of 1& plan to drive "white "lave" dealers out of Chimp- and break up the syndicate of Frenchmen that-has been selling French girle m the mouth Hide ievee. Syndicate Heads in dair--rhshort" and Eva Dufour Surrendered by Bondsman. Pat O'Malley. FEDERAL MARSHALS TAKE THREE GIRLS FROM RESORT Extensive preparations are under my for the entertainment of the visitors who will remain here about ten days during which time the city will be en PUSHING WHITE SLAVE WAR. Surrounded by the manning fleet the Nautilus slowly pissed Cabana, whose batteries returned her salute. and pro- eerded to her anchorage in the harbor within a few hlmdnvd yards of the wreck of the Maine. fete As the Nautilus mine abreast the " torie tortrmu for centuries, the emblem of Spanish domination. she broke out a single starred flag at her nminmast thundering forth the national salute. At the same moment there was released from the committee steamer of the Spanish eolony a flock consisting of Int-urea of white dawn. Attuehed to their tails were streamer!» of crimson and gold which swung in the air as the birds flew hither Ind thither in the smoke of the cannon. Some of them took refuge on the yard arm and rigging of the ship. The moi: of the houses in the city, the Matron Sea Wall and the battle- nwnts of Mono. Punta and Cuban! were covered with spectators. Over Mono flew the original Cuban Hug which replaced the Stan; and Stripes on the birth of the Cuban Republic on my M, 1902. Havana, June 29.-- The uhoolship Nautilus, the first Spanish naval vessel to enter the (khan port since the relin- quishment of Spanish sovereignity over the island. came into the harbor of Hi. \'ana yesterday and was hailed with en- thmiatic expressions of delight by the entire Spanish colony of the eity.rnany thousands of Cuban. joining in the de. monstration. _ Spanish War Ship Entiusiastically Welcomed by People. Scores of White Dove: With Stream- ers of Crimson and Gold Let Loose by Saniu'ds at Havana to Receive War Vessel. WELCOME WAS BEAUTIFUL. I‘m, June 2tL--The Duly Tub- " correspondent at The Magus 53:2. that Holland has made n chin: min-t Venezuela for redress for the seizure of Dutch Ihipa and unlit. The gloopg were stopped by that. from the Venezuelan vessel and forced to go to Cum. where they were detained for two by. All letters, the despoteh stated, except those in mail but on bond the aloopl, were retained by the Venezuela authorities. A lively competition developed for the nfirst vitN"preidene.v. Arthur Jnff. rny. Pvtorboro’. defeating J. R. Byrne, John Crough and P. Fraser by 76 votes out of 147. P. Fraser. Toronto, received 102 votes for the second viee-presidene.v. W. Nurse. Belleville, was reelected nec- retnry by 'teelarmrtion, and A. W. Ma. won. Toronto, for tumour" not " rota 33:3th 62 out for W. R. Wntt. v ”V- ..-. .u, nun-aw nil shack in some msnner, and then appor- ently committed suicide by taking poi- not]. The remains wen found about on. mile from his home. Dr. Hall, of Fort Qu'Appelle, Coroner, is holding an in- quest, and the police are iyvettisrntintr. There was a wound on the forehead and one our was injured. The clothing on the deceased was good and 88 was found in his pockets. Neighbors say he had told them of his intention of taking poison. _ his; siitiifiiif full iiia7, 'pin- ron and Dr. C. B. Coughlin, hononry president, Deaf Mute Association Elections Hold Yesterday. Toronto despatch: John T. Shilton, To. ronto, wan elected president of the Ott. tnrio Deaf Mutes' Association It Int. night's session in Convocation Hall, de. feating J. R. Byrne by 87 votes to It). An Elderly Bachelor Farmer T, Poison to End His Life. Lipton, sisk., June 29.--K. Inee, bachelor farmer, about fifty year- I and _livjng nine miles north, burned _ win: on this division of 1B: Trans. continental has been going ahead rup- idly. Close by the place where the steam shovel is tearing up the ground, in readiness for the permanent rails of the transcontinental. work on the l. C. R. new shops is rapidly going forward. and the Maritime ProvineU to-day robably present no busier lo. cality than the west end of this city. ----_, and now a steam shovel has been in- stalled and is rapidly exuvating the grade. The rails run almost u to the I. C. R. track. and frtun 51am will. p9mllel_t_he I C. R. depot. New Brunuwick City Stone of Brut Activity. Moneton. N. B., June 20.--The thand Trunk Pacific Railway has entered Moncton quietly. The rails of the new Transcontinental Railway were run into Moncton to-da , and now stretch within a few hundyred yards of the I. C. R. depot. Seven] curve a have recently been made by the 5. T. P. engineers but no one exce t the railway contractors knew exactfy where the new line was to be located. In P single day the rolls were laid, No one. on the train could identify the face. and it is surmised that the man had been attached to Cole's cir- cus. which had crossed the special about haif an hour previonl. Coroner Field, of Hnile.vtutry. was notified by wire, u were the circus authorities " North Bay. On backing down, He terribly man- gled body of a young man about 30 years of age, of splendid physique, was found lying in the ditch. The head had been harried about fifty yards from the body. having been out off as with an axe, showing hardly a bruise, Ind with its shock of curly 2t hair presenting a peculiarly grueso _appenr§nce. A Cobalt despateh.. After he had on the Cobalt express. was startled this morning on looking out of his cab win. dow at a point on the line midway be- tween 1'envagami and Latehiord, by ob- serving the glassy eyes of a dead lace looking up at him from the side of the track. Montreal, June 29.--The Bank of Montreal has taken over the Bank of M. Hyacinthe, an action that will guarantee. the de sitors. This, de- cision wig '/1'c/J'rl'll', afternoon dur- ing " conference between the M. Hyacinthe directors and the Bank of Montreal management. To-morrow the latter will open a branch in St. Hyacinthe, occupying the premises of the defunct institution. Heavy advances to the Southern Counties railway, which went into li- quidation. and a steadv run caused by the alarm following La Banque de St. Jean suspension were the causes that led to the closing of the M. Hyucinthe institution. Hon. M. E. Bernier of the Railway Commission and Senator Desaulles are the heav- iest stockholders. Engineer on Cobalt Express Was Startled. Mr. Sims then announced that under the circumstances he would ask for $25,. 000 bail for each of the prisoners. his wife, Mr. Sims leaned, have seven] hundred thou-and doll-n hid by in Pnrin bunk. for a niny dny. A little matter like 1».in their bondlmn, Put- rick O'Mnlley, $1 ,000 and a eomrider,r tion to forfeit their bail would not arou- ble them. Beauty Mush-l Donovan stepped up and id hi. hand on Mme. Evn'u long brown glove. The woman rose Ind went with him to the county jail _without 1 word. Alphonse was not tut-able. A pair of handcuffs was studied to his wrist: and he wriggled and grimced in “in. Bank of Neutral to Open In St. shal SHACK BURNED, MAN DEAD. TAKES OVER BANK. TORON‘TO MAN PRESIDENT, " will not get nay,” he uid.. "We will see to tut," said the ma: SAW DEAD MAN'S HEAD. WANTS DAMAGES. '. P. RAILS AT MONCTON. Hyacinth. u 29.--K. lnce, g l fifty year: old, north, burned his 'ook London, June 29.--The Pan-Anglican Congress, one of the greatest religious councils everheld, came to an end at noon today, when the two hundred and fifty attending bishops from all puts of the world, walking in long end mol, emn procession, bore the thank ofier- iugs of their News into St. Paul's Cathedral and laid them on the high altar there during the thanksgivi ser- vice. The gifts were made to mg: the gratitude of the people for the splendid memories behind the Anglican Church, memories which have strengthened the church's ‘sons is my . rough path which they nave been forced to tread. The cuemony of the presentation wu one of the most impressive ever held within the giittering well: of St. Paul's Cathednl. The holy communion wu “blunted with Cape Constantin wine sent by the churchmen of South Africa, end then the thank-offering of men w... made. The Bishop of Docking, 9.. of Great Thukoffering of Men and of Money at St. Paul’s. Mr. and Mrs. Gould were married in 1901, at the home of the bride's mother. They have two children, Helen, aged 5, and Dorothy, aged 3 years. New oYrk, June 29.-Papers have been served on Frank J. Gould in a unit for absolute divorce brought by his wife, who was Miss Helen M. Kelly. When the presentlpent was made " Mr. Gould's offiée ynterdny he expressed no surpriu, saying his wife some time ago had announced her intention of bringing the action. Mr. Gould declined to say whether he would defend the suit. CHURCH CONGRESS. Frank J. Gould’s Wife Sues Him For the Absolute Kind. men. The need for observing them is em~ phasing”; the occurrence a few days ago of ions “In. in the Inke St. John district in Quebec. one village being wiped out; the fires ttre thmlght to have originated from fires left by fisher- Hummer tourists and campers unfortu- nately have a bad reputation among the owners of timber limits as being I fre- quent - of fires. Such fire. could be prevented, dmost without exception, by I little extra care on the part of the campers. who have been the unintention- nl cause of much forest deniruetion, and who hue just ac, real an interest in the preervatiop of the forest: as the owners of the timber tttemselvea. The rules given nbove are the result of long ex- perience end obeervntion on the part ot runny woodamen and lumbermen u t. the origin of fires from this PauBe, end ere eerneetly commended to the attem tion of ampere. Iportsmen and others. To these "doa'ta" it may be edded that in windy weather, or in a dnngerous place. it is well to confine the tire in e hole dug clean dop'n to the mineral soil. A fire may Imoulder in the humus, or "duff" for days, only welting for a hTt breeze to hut it into I flame that any urn over miles of timber. ti. Don't build yam. fire against a l-rge or hollow log. where it is bud to be sure when it bu been entirely put out. 3. Don‘t, undvr any circumstances, leave your fire unguarded, even for I eotnptmstively short time; m that it is dead out before you go any. 4. Don't build soiir fire' in lanes, rotten wood or other inflammable mate. rial. . 1. Don't, when in the woods, throw down a lighted match, cigar stub or other flaming object; make sure that the flame has been thoroughly extin- guished before throwing it sway. 2. Dou't build your camp fire larger than is necessary. Dont’s That May Save May 1150ou Dollars. The fishermen wounded in rescuing 61 persons. In addition to the captain, the ship's doctor and first officer were drowned. The disaster occurred It 5 o'clock in the morning. and most of those who were saved are without cloth- ing. It has been ascertsinod that the number of passengers and crew of the Larache totalled 150. sixty-five persons are known to have been saved. but the fate of the other tm are not known. and it is feared that most of them perished. Moat of the panen u on the IArnehe were residents of the 'hrle'l'li,'d, Republic. The Uraehe was little-more than An old tub, and she proved a veritable death. trap when she struck on the rocks lieu Murron. She sank in a few minutes, leaving the passengers and crew strug- gling and screaming in the water. The small boats on the Linc-he were either smashed or eapnized. There was a fleet of fishing boats in the neighborhood, and these rushed to the rescue, but the heavy fog prevailing seriously interfered with their work. Captain, Ship’s Doctor and FL! Officer Anon; Droyned. Comnnn. Spain, June 29.---Lttest re- ports show that " person: no mining u a remit of the sinking of the num- ship bathe. The rescued number 65, The mptain sank with his ship. Vessel Wu An ou Tub and a Veritable Death Trap. Eighty-Five of "we " Board Ithutt--6s Rescued. THE, LOSS OF THE LARACHE. WANTS DIVORCE. F OR CAMPERS. neqnm Ut repented ttr-lie-is"', In". Thenppenlinthe fimtenaetruiun der the and“ is being made by the proprietor of the Padre Hotel, in the “ml until"! tptm offhrett Bound, wk Toronto, June 29.~ Native of tippea from the eonrietion. made under All amendment to the Liquor License het panned Ian session has hem temrivec' by the Outtrio Governmrnt. By the new [ginhu'on the proprietor, lane m 1rs1toetteiofkhotetistnnde" Bible for the offence. whether in union or not. This was 'lallVol,; order to prevent evqions of the can m It in tsaid the actions will likely pro coed. The chip-u Ire for $2,000,001 dividends undul, paid, can, and if th, Ictiolu were brought and Inca-ed“ they might avert the call on the share: of the shareholders. Toronto deldpltch: In manned-m with the threatene proceedingl by the that- holdem of the deiunct Ontario Bank will“ the directors for '2,000/t00 " 'a',tieg,'f, for the “Asuncion of Ute 0 ottieers of the bank for diacovery In: been made for thin morning. It may not go on, however. m. il stay of protseedingt will likely be applied tor, and may In granted. Men-rs. Bicknell, Murine Eda t Stuthy no: acting in the mat ter for the committee of the share holders, and the diIcIosuru at an on umimtion will determine their nu! course. Onhrio Bank Shareholder: Want In formation. Berlin, June M.- A book ,the title at which is "The Banzai,” and My uuthol of which writes under the pauedonyl of "l'arcl.lum," will be published here to-dnv. It depicts phases of "the up preaching war" between the United States und Japan, in which the latter is shown u invading America without warning, occupying the Puitic can! States before Washington u Mule of the outbreak of hostilities. Incident- of titrhting, with the eventual defeat ttl Japan ure interspersed and there i din-union of the political "peeta and of international relations A. well " the and policy of the United States. That Would be the Eventul Result of War With States. thou Ckrmplainu of a Iimilu nature have been received from Michael Nomi-n, No " Loni-inn. Street, Mm. Jain-on, No, 80 Tenth Street, and Mm. uaey, No so: Maryland sired. lt is .54 i,i. a. police that the mu: whom they arrow let night has rented rooms u and! of Bufflo, June 29. -Willitun Burns, oi Hamilton. Ont., for whom the police have i been levelling for some time, was nr- i Felted but night by Patrolman Driucoll I Ind Oolelnln, of the Sycunmv Streetl station. He was charged with pawl hreeny. It in alleged by the police that 1 Burns has been renting rooms from dir I ferent people about the city and after I laying a few Jaye bus ransacked an! house and disappeared with ma money 1 he could tina. kardny be rented I room of lim. John Muellor, of No. "t I Orange Street. He stayed but 3 few hours, wording to the police report, dis .ppennn‘ with “.00 winch he took from the trousen’ pocket of the landlady‘il Alleged Hamilton Man Held by Buffalo Police. Brantford, Ont, dean-10h: l‘amengeri on the first-clan cont-h on No. 5 train yesterday from Fnilton to Bruntford, including mmy ladies, were treated to I bad lure when n muniu- named Ernest Reinshngen engaged in n fierce attack on Mayor Patterson, of Paris. Reins. hagen had been toting queerly aim-e he got on the train It Salmon, and when Mr. Patterson got on at Hamilton he spotted him " one whom he imagined had been a. former tormenter. Rains. hugen broke out in German, and then sublided. Between Lynden and Brunt- ford, coming from behind, he struck Yr. Putterson with n heavy umbrella and nlmolt rendered him urteorueious. There waa I fierce melee in the our for I while, the women screaming and the men en» [raging in is life Illd death struggle. Reinuhlgen, who weighs over 250 “it, Wu finally overcome with the assist- ance of the trainmen. lie was remanded to jail at the police court this morning, He was on his way to Brantford to visit n brother, ihough the céngrc-m I, u ver, the dele. gazu Menu)! till trec .uL The hymn: aqd lesser clergy are at liberty to re- turn home, but the birhupr mun remain for the Umbeth commence. which will open in the eRuru'e of a few days. Mayor of Gris Attacked by Crazy In In Gr. the “magma of the Bithop of Win- chester, and nine men trom nit diorrw offend than-elves to the church's hu-‘. to lave home And tritrnos, to go any where, where the colonial and foreign secretaries of the chunk and (In M”.- don societies and them. It was hoped Hull aw money thank- ottering would reach n nulliou 'hmis, and it is currently rel-“mu man we hope hrs been quite realized. FIGHT WITH A MADMAN. HOTEL MAN I8 APPEALING BURNS ARRESTED. TO EXAM I N E D I RECTORtt, JAPANS DEFEAT. .. _". .,..u. ”mu-u. - by Mug-tau Omar ONTARIO ARCHNES 3tteggitm---Wheat Viv} wile sin?! I sup pone you tomet at your thou es, Btw gimscUm--Ui my other notables. Chttrlottetown. P. E. L, Juno Ln).-- YI-uurduy the net-0nd ate-p in train}: the Anti-Automobile Act passed It ttte but stamina of the Ugiuature Wu made. On June , Illwlohilp (owner: took a upin around the city Illd suburbs, announc- ing their intentinn betorehaaut of " do- ing. Information was hid, Ind vener- day Mimi"? Magi-tram Mcbonnld fined them five hundred doll": And costs. An upped vii! be taken. Provincial (amen. Synod. award» ttse tsole final q'otl of gm: qumtionn. from u w“ to be made. He hm IAmelh ioaferettce nu form of lt podhlv Cottneil London. June 29.--Aliei. Siam-on. a Canadian lady who heard Mr. thoua,, '1iuttsmerbell, the Labor tnet"lret' of Parliament for Sundvrlaud, make an impuniom-d WWII " the Pun-Angu- can (outgrow on behalf of the unlum-rg- ed poor, haul often-d him Mo acres of land in New Brunuwirk for the PUHh""' of hauling than. Mr. Huumur‘xll E-' considering the proposal. At the Pan-Anglican Come», dim-nu ing the (mention of a "entral auti- unity. the Iii-hop of Montreal aid nu"- “an: increasingly van-nary. Outside of Eng- land thev were making tou'umv. it " mont without known“; it. The dioc-un Provincial new". 'iyrtodn were all Met" towards the all? final qromarltntivt, v mrt of gn-at questions from when no apps-ml was to be made. He long regarded the Lambeth (antenna- as a fundamental Canadian Lady Offers don Poor four otlvus angm paw-rs and n in given by Washington to Cltief Carrier to [wow tut they arr the descendant, and rmitled to the mu 'lhe etttt.o tuatter wu- harm-d ow the Staln- 1'otuptrollevU Deparlmr-ul IhUlll‘ in th to ttiucal denmeudunt. dt Chief Fink Cat rirr. In 1788 the head of the uih- drew ed to the Ntate land. in Western NIH , ork, tlte " m-idc-mtiun b 'ing 82.100 t be paid annually to the tvitss. Fa yin-Ir. the Matt: ha,, been paying th mom-y to tlw -ettluattt of tho trilw let Delegation " Albany to Prove Their Right: to a Grant. Albany, June 29. -.q delegation of Cayuga. Indium, who {or gnumuliunn have been living in the Province of Ontario, Canada, appeared at the Es. ocutire Chamber lu-dny lo Mullah-h their claim to the $1,300 whit-h in an nlmlly appropriated by the Imglnlamr: to llilml de,uwudantt, of Chief Fi'lll “all" mun. Sue was born at Newcastle “mini, and “an. the daughter of Ben. ,amin Evans. n solicitor. She mur- ried Beynun Puddioombe, of Winch. more Hill, Middlesex. England. She had lived in recent years at Tany- groes. Cardieawshire, Wales. She be- gan publivhing in 1897 and turned out a book a year until "006. 'given in the Preoytertuus Chum at Carp, Cnrletonsounty, Int evening Only the pretence of mind of an ou. t elu- eutionUt, Min Chubbuck, prvveuu'd what mitth l have - been a certain diuuter. " “up audience I'u present and the concert we. in full swing~ when A large oil lump, “mended from the ceiling over the 1*u9e of the hell, tell to the fioor, burst and centered the oil over the neighboring out: and occu- Pants. Instantly the oil Wu “lame, and the flame. caught on the veiling, the that end the adjoining seats. The centre at the hall was soon tilled with flame, and those nu the danger spot at once made a mi for the doors, which were already blocked with [my ple seeking exit. ladies screamed and fainted and the excitement “an intense. At this point, with rare pruencv of mind, Miss Ihubbuek calmly an- nouneed that the-re wan no danger, be- gun a recitation, and the audience in reach of her voice, this endured, du. continued the rush and a aeriuus punic was averted. The blazing lamp was thrown out, and with their coats and a few puiltule of water the men numb» cred the flames. Mrs. chnon Puddicombo. of Wales, , Had Been Writing Since It". London. June 29. Mrs Reyna" Pud. dicombe. the umhuress who published under the name "Allen Raine.‘ "had here yeuterday, She wrote many nuvvls. swung Hm!!! ".-\ Metrll Fum- er," "Torn Sails." "By Burn-u Banks," "Garthowen,” I'h Welsh Witch," "0n the Wings of the Wind. ' "Hearts of Wales" and "Queen oi the Rushes." Her works were very pop- ular Hui had a total circulation of "00,000 in Great Britain. Mrs. Puddieurnue was a Welsh wo- This is the Miss Chublm presence oi might have At Mount Inning Urol tion of ll on the yo MUCH 'td Faro for Testing Anti-Auto Ast It Charlottetown. on“ despatch.. Fire following the iail of a lump in the midst of I crowd. ed hall caused I pal-Ac It the eont'ert i; An Ottawa Etocutionist Who “v0: Life by Her Calm in Time of t"rtger-A Remarkable 3cm. in thr Presbyterian Church at Carp. " A PANttsPttEVEttrEtt ms: cuuasucx exceu. PRESENCE OF MIND. .'.'.CTOP.I8T8 DEFIED LAW CANADIAN INDIANS' CLAIM "lay l 'nit othurs In the M y to thc 3 Sta“. FOR THE SUBMERGED Ilion young R EAD AUTHORESS DEAD second occuion on which k Inn by her remarkable nok Ls ' delegation of for geueratiouw the Provinee of Ered at the Es. Iy to Hmhlinh In; wink-h in In» the Legislature , Chief “all Car, J the tribe deed- in Western New I [Hing 82.100 to the tribs. For been paying the of the ttilw left . or Fiuh (Ernie: ar,d u-ru mud n ntedsl k Web h trriet fa Ill my. ' to Hull real Dr h;

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