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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jul 1908, p. 1

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ttto GAINS 09015 " Trade COME Ttttt leap" than the eapest, better In the best. are atns ELL ORE 18c for " 25 to $1.50 Store the be 5C :‘-:':-::-::v:3:-::-::-::-::».:-::-::¢:¢:<:3x:a:¢:¢3335;m3 ESEEREWAEEEMEEEEEEEEEEEWEEQ 6-1: . X ifi Curtains take a Tumble il A number of Review subscription accounts have been an! out during he last. Week or two Will those re- ceivinx them. kindly give them im. mediate attention. VOL. This season everybody uses a fancy sunshadt. We have them in white and eolurs-beaatius at 81.50 to 83.50 each. We tGot a lot of traveller's samples ot the new skirts in Bloated and ripple side efreets-Panama and Chiffon Venitian in lack, navy, and browm They are regular 86.50 shirts-for $4.25 There is a reason -m saw a are» big chance when a whole- ule was gain; out of eartaina-and over bought. That means to III more curtains than we want- and to yoa-eartains at far less tbnn rrgular prices. Men's Suits to Clear Knock oat prices on ends of Carpet -shon ends, enough in each to carpet a small or medium room. They will be cleared at cat prices. COLORED L1NENs,--?Gvy Ind pale blue at 2563 vard. Colored Linenf-Pale Blue with white over check 500 yd Prom Ireland where they know how to make linens, These are firm, even weave. White Linens 25 to 60c tt yds New Dress Linens Bole Agent for Meehanie, King and Railroad King Overalls Carpet Short Ends New Spring and Summer Saits--aboat hfty of them that we want within the next few days. Be one at the money savers. Accounts. James Ireland Srecia1--Trave11er's Sample Skirts To Pvausmms. Ladies' Fancy Parasols at these July sale prices, we offer the following t . I Gloves...... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....39c pr Ladies' Vests. ...... .... .... .... .... ....19c each Lisle Hose, black, misses' sizes.... ........19c pair s, both ladies' and gentleman's (new goods) ... 79e 5c doz. Dome Fasteners. 5c doz. Children’s vests, 8c , N0. 27 PM“! Those 10 cent Muslin: There are still 250 yds to clear at 10e 21 yd. If you havent got yours yet there is still a chance. In all the fashionable colors, --ineluding brown,--in spot and floral patterns-I'.) to 35e a yd. Dress. Negligee and Work. ing--the kind that makesa good 1astimpression as well as a good first impt'ession,- all kinds and prices. Men's & Boy's Shirts New Muslims 'iiiitititltiitit i'l pl I I'll _'i.ii.'ii.iiiii IC‘S Tlie, HoMe.couisa.-As the train drew in to the G. T. R. Station on Saturday afternoon last there was a lirge gathering at Citizens to welcome the returning volunteers and the Slat Regimental Band. The former were lined up by Capt. Snider and marched ott with a steadiness and regularity that bespoke the value of the 10 days" lnining. The hand were put in position by Drum-Major Torry, Will Johnston in lender‘s uniform receiving congratulations for the steadiness with which he had carried hirnselt In the peculiar trial Leader Hawthorne put them in. They played over town fine marching airs and before dispersing played several pieces to the crowd as- sembled near the busy corner, meeting with generous applause. After "God Save the king," all, volunteers and handsmen. were entertained to dinner in the Hahn House, a proceeding worked up by Mayor Calder and re- sponded to heartily. WILL HAVE A PIPE 1hta.tN,--The Durham Presbyterian Church have recently taken another stepin advance by purchasing a new Pipe Organ. A vote of the congregation showed that there was almost unanimous feeling that the choir sihoulililrehonorett by the installation of a new and up-to-dnte instrument and themselves gratified at, the same time. The Warren Organ Co. have trot the contract to build it, which will take nomemonths, and installation will likely take place about next anniversary time. October or November. The instrument Is a is a very handsome affair. costing a- bout $1500 and will almost fill the Octagon at rear of the church. Yuma BURSED.~-Russel Bergman. a. local youth of about 15 years. was badly burned on Saturday last. It appen rs he was playing in a blacksmith shop here. and accidentally sat down on a. piece of woken metal. He got a frightful burn, the skin and some of the tiesh peeling " with his trowel-q. -..- Hanover Post. . Now is the time to get snaps in Summer Millincrv. S. F. Morlock. SUMMER COMFORT. -Jas. Ireland of. fal-n great inducements in Summtr Show. Plain and Fancy Hosiery Para. sols, Fine White Wrdtqt lengths, Men's Hhirts, nogligee and working, he. Solu agent, in Durham for Railroad King and Mechanic's King Overalls. Hus ad. setting forth prices, ae. came as we were ready for the press. A new t,eadee, has been secured for the Durham Band in the person of Mr Wright, of Wttlkevton He arrived to-day, Tuesday, and will be in charge at, the S. of S. Deruonsttation, Wed- nesday. Fort SALE. - CEMENT BHAREB.-- National Portland Cement Stock for sale at a. bargain. Address, Cement. P. O. Box 22.e, St. Thom“. Ont, WESTERN LETTERS-This week on pages four und tive will be found two inn-resting letters from Rev Mr. Faruuharson, who sojourned with friends sincé the Assembly meeting. The "Nazareth " Waist for children is the greatest garment of its kind. price 2.5e each in all sizes 2 to 12. The House of Quality. A, H, Jackson hate a number of houses and vacant lots in Durham for sale. Wort has been begun on the new Gnraflaxa Street bridge and some Dnnmm distances are lengthened in the meantime. We are giving special bargains in Summer Millinery. S. ii. Morlock. Tan Bark Wanted. Apply to T. Smith. For a has of good Flour go to Beggs’. The Standard Bank pays Interest four times I year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department 'tnCoetneaonte'itttaltBmndtes. TIESTANDARD BANK John Kelly. "$11.10:- "uncut: ALSO " IARIITOI m PRICIVILLD OF CANADA Head Office - " " " Toronto DURHAM, THURSDAY. JULY 2, 1908, DURHAM BRANCH IOTAIUIHID "" ', ARE b'ToctoTAKtsi--The Furniture :,, Factory are closing to-night, Tuesday, I for Dominion Dav. and will remain inactive for the balance of the week to i allow of the usualsummer storktakmg. i At the same time it gives employes an l opportunity to take in the Falls excur- _ sion Friday, should they no desire. COUNTY ROADS BcuEsre,-Reeve Sinclair of Sullivan was a caller at this ottice last Friday. He was one of four appointed at the January session to visit Simcoe County and report on the system of gravel roads in that county. In Simcoe about 370 miles of county roads have been constructed at a cost of about 8810 per mile. The roads are all gravel with the exception 15 miles which is constructed of brok- en stone. At the June session of Grey County Council now going on an nt- tempt will he made by ardent good roads advocates to tune a hylaw pass- ed to issuedehentures for SO years for a. loan of $200,000 or thereubouts to establish a system of County roads in Grey. The Legislature grants one- third towards the cost of the scheme. The attitude of Grey County Council at. the present session towards the good roads project will be watched with interest-Ex. CAMP Noi.-0nr citizens though peacefully inclined will read with interest the “Niagara Camp Notes" on page 4 of this issue, completed on page 0. the supplement. An interest- Ing letter on .. The last Day of Camp” from Mr. Geo K. Midford. formerly of Durham will appear next week. RAILWAY Wrugcx..--0n Saturday night last the C. P. R. train on the new Sudhury line came to grief neu- 1otteohtun, 40 miles from Toronto. Several coaches went over an mnhank- ment, and though hundreds Were in. volved. none were killed, though about 25 are injured. FOR 50 cTg.--To new subscribers who wish to keep In touch with gen- eral and political Ovenm in South Grey for the rest of Iii: year we other the Renewt'ox 50eta. Single copies 3 cents, two copies for 5 cents. Tmm‘n’ GARDEN PAtcre,--The An- nual Garden Party of trinity Church, Durham. will be held on the Rectory Grounds Thursday evening, July 01h. Good program and refreshments. Bandin attendance. Admission Me. All are welcome. The " went work. have started up again. supplied with the new marl from the Hanover Lake, Pres. Mc.. Williams, who has been very ill in Owen Sound. is recovering and will be mound next. week. " Ben-gums in Men's Hats, hard and soft felts. black and light shader, over one hundred fitte huts, lune-dale shapes at half price. The House of Quality, ORANGEMEN TO CHURCH. ._ The L. o. L. District lodge will parade to the Baptist Church for Divine Service on Bundsy,12th July. The brethren of this district will take pert in the big Dundalk celebration on the 13th. The popular Excursion mNiagum Falls under the auspices of the Ep- worth League is tizeit foe Friday, 3rd July. Tickets good till Monday. WEDDING G1rrtr.-P. G. A, Webster has everything complete for the wed- ding season. Everrtttituavrierly high class. V Extra fine Maple Sprup. 25c quart tln at H. H. Mockler'n. BARoAvstg.-Mr John H. Rose. mak- Inga change in business. offers not- able bargains. Se! his Ad, page T, Big ale of Mlllinm now on at B. F. Mm Ioek% WAN'rttD.--A general housemaid. Apply to Mas. J. P. TEL FORD. H. H. Mockler. Intermediate to Jr lat-Bryan San. ders. Clarence McGirr, Gladys Douglas, Louis Ector, Eddie HilderbrUdt, tte lie Limin. Belle Lauder, Raymond Jr. lat to Sr hit-Edith Hughes, Ethel Whitmore, Ralph Canon, Harold Ram. 'Ne, Muir": have“; 3faric_Haslctt, Sr 1 to Jr Pt II-Vera Allan, Jennie Davis, Nellie Levine, Tillie Levine. Lot. tic Wilson, Edie Mckenzie,-Edward Havens, Russel Gun, Eleanor Swallow, Marguerite Kelsey. Octavia Marshall, Cladys Basin. Annie Graham, Willie Lawson, Mred Vollett, Rosie Hillis. Donald McQueen, John D. McPhee, Maydce McAuley, Elmer Hutton. Eric Elvidge. Haicl Hutton, Viola McClocklin. wi liam Bond, Violet Snell, Hazel Vollctt, Bryson Morlock, Lorn'e Smith. Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd--Florcnce Barclay, J3net Marshall. Edna Patterson, Maud Burnett, Eldon Saunders. Georgina Lawson, Maggie Torry, Laura Bryan, Alice McGowan, Harry Vollet, Tommy Wright. Recommcrtdcd-- Islay Quinn. Sr II to Jr W---Margucrite Hutton, Jennie Kelsey. Gordon Jamieson, Ella Carson, Sadie McDonald, Marion Calder Ruby Entrickcn, Eddie Hutton, Alfie Sharp, Emily Llo d, Ben Benton, Victor Catton, Cecil Mcl\lally, John Harbottle, Bertha Havens, Wesle Johnston, Ther. esa Vollett, Lillian Mcai'ie, Leona Pagan Zell Crawford, Mary Hartford, Willie Heslip. Louise McAhulty, Murray Dav. is, Mary McKechnie, Violet Fallaisc, Annie Russell, Annie McGirr, Myrtle Daniel, Frank Morlock, Wesley Morton. Jr. II (A) to Intermediate it.--Jack Bryan, Doris McAuley, Pearl Wright, Mary Mcllraith, Norman Lenahan. Cecil Towhcr, Etta Saunders. Nellie Flukcr Alice MeCrie, Zeta McClocklin, Marion Marshall, Mary Smith, Norman McDon- ald, Sadie Mckcchnic, Lorna Jackson. Jr Pt. 2nd to Sr Pt. 2nd-ACharlie Mc- Dougall, Arthur Ramagc, Robin Farqu- human. Ermina Billin s, Harper McGlrr Hilda Brooks, Alex (),','i.c'i'ir.iic'i,ci. Nellie Lenahan, Fred Catton, 1clvin Greig, Inez Redford. . Recommcnda--Lande McGirr, Char lie Harbottle. Jr. B to Intermediate " (N-John Duncan, Nellie Mckechnic, Gladys Vol. Ict, John McGowan, Isaac Mitchell, Willie Watt, Sadie Ferguson, Gladys Search, William Walls, Arthur Whit. more. Lean, Annié McDonald, Tommy cr, Fred Laidlaw, Maud Everitt, (Eurric, Robbie Saunders, Mack acre. Sr 3rd to Jr 41--Ray Farquharson, Hclcn Ireland, Pcurl Mitchell, Alex Hildcrbrandt, Frankie Mcllraith, Mar McQueen. Milton Mills, Ncttie Daniel): Ruby Catton, Cassie Russell. Maud Krcss. Earl McDonald, Campbell Mc. nghlun. George lfrcss, Edwin Search. .H.onor Standing--40 per cent on each sthcqt. 75 per cent on total. Pass Stahding--40 per cent on each subject. 60 per cent on total. Form II to Ill. Scholarship-Eva Renton, _Drognorc. y,e.t.ort.s-:-Eyis Renton, Winnie Binnie, Nellie Hepburn, Ruby Mills. Pass-. William McCrie, Sadie Krcss, Ruth Moran, Millie Whitmore, Harold Aljoc, Fred Smith, Annie McMillan, Horace Moffat. Vina Knox, Ellie Hut. ton, Jessie Smith, Ella Kinncc. Recommended - Jean Fallaisc, Ed ward Whittaker. Scholarship .Vaddic Caldwell,Durham . Honors-l addie Caldwell. Beth Jam. Icscn. Lizzie McCuaig, Willie McAlli- stcr. Pass-Arthur Backus, Jamie Farqu. til',',',",',',",', Laudell Lauder, Florence fountain, Merle Whitmore and James McLachlan eq., Grace Hunter, Ruby Knislcy, Arthur Hutton, Mary McGow- an, Agnes Rumage, Gertrude McComb. Jr 4th to Sr 4th--Devcna \Vurming (on, Horace Elvidicc. Rita Darling, Lil lian Everitt, Karl nahan. Nellie Mc, Recommcnded-Mark Wilson, Mary Longhccd. A specnal train wtlt be run from Allan Park on 13th July, conveying Orangemen and triends to the great celebration at Dundalk. Before long no doubt the western stretch will be opened, already much trattle, construction work and marl drawing is going on. Names Arranged in order of merit Rccommcndcd-Wiltord Livingston Harper Krcss. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT To-day, Wednesday. lat of J N: 1 1007. the new branch line of the CP. . l is opened for trattle between .. Saugeen l Junction " and Durham. Mr. R. Mats), Fullnne having received a Timetable I showin two trains a day each way. , but M, as tar as Durham in the ; meantime. From Saugeen Junction ( to Durham takes less than an hour,", the first train leaving the Junction on ! arrival of Toronto momma train l which is a little after 11,40 and reaches l here by 12.30. A train leaves Durham l, at 7.25 a, m. and another about 4 p. m. ', and another late train trom the out i, pin-hes about 9 p. m. i These figures the circular warns are not finally guaranteed and may be changed. Promotion Examina= tions, Durham. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMLNT c. P. R. Opened. iibtgitj.tti. ai: "'5 Form l to ll Laud. Jessie Saun. 'Search. Michael Han McPhcc. Ernc McDonald. W. H. MUFFAT. JOHN H. Hume, Pres. Secy. Chief Ranger. There was a chap who owned a store and often wished It grander. He sold his good: to all who came-his mime was Alexander. He mixed the nods with tender hand (he we! a sinful blender; and as his lugar was half and they milled him Alex Sender. He had a 'sweetheart (pretty maid). ndmiringly he scanned her, and naked her if she'd change her mlbme-a rin did Alezhander. " Oh, yes " she “if. and sweetly smiled. .' " I may be commander. qt And thus they formed t JP' worship. the tiran name Alex l R2? Congratulations to Mr. Walter Nichol, and lies Annie Mclmchlnn who hut week we are informed enter- ed into wedlock} hand. Miss Me. Luhlnn (Sunshiny? lived fora numlml‘ of vent-s wuh her cousim, the Ruben- son‘u. While we're at it much joy to Mr. Adam Brown and Miss Jessie Byers who to-day are also uniting heart and hand. LvsumAe.-At Invermly. tiauk " on ma June, Andrew Lindsay, aged " your: A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar riage Licenses, Durham. Um. New Embroideries just. arrived, loo of putts matched edging: and inner- tions, titttC6htuiowrtreet, on_tirle muslin. The'liouse of Qualily. H. H Mockler. Court Durham No. 111.]. o. F. will will attend Divine Sernce at the Bap- tist Church on Sunday July Gth, at 11 a. m. Members meet at their hall not later than 10.m. After the service a reception was held followed by the wedding dinner. and showed the skill of Lhelnidu, which was all her own production to please the inner mutt. The femaining hours were musnc. singing. dancing at games. The rich and useful meson“: leceiv- ed test' to the esteem in which the bride and groom are held. Among those from a distance were Mr. and Miss McKinnon. (lupin-Linn I Mr and Mrs McMillan, Mr, and Mm. Henderson. Mines Margaret and Mil.. dred Scott, Drornore; M r H (‘umphelL Bunessun and Misses Lizzie Weir and S R J McKinnon, Durham. The bride who was given away by her father, looked handsome in it gown of white organdie’ trimmed With in- sation. lace and ribbon and weaning a. necklace with H. cross of pearls and a colonet of or tinge blossoms in her hair and curried a hoquet of t"erus and hr. drungeas. She WM attended by her sister Sadie in M. pretty gown of white Irish Linen trimmed with insertion and lace. Mr Archie McMillan. cousin of the groom acted as heat mun, Miss Mildred Scott. niece of the bride was a dainty little tiowvr girl in it frock of white. After weary months of illness from a. hopeless disease, the end came on Thursday last to the above gentleman at the home of his father here. Er. 'att three weeks hefore, his mother die . and three weeks from her funer- al day did a almilar large company gather at the lwreaved home to pay the lat respects to the dead. Jr B to Jr A-kathlcen Jamieson, Valeria Moran, Willct Snell, Flossic Lawrence, Mary Manning. Jimmie Rutherford, Grade 1'otlct, Jessie Mc- Crie, Tommy Vollct. Mr Bell was in his 38th yenr. and until a year or two ago led an active useful life here and for a time in the West. He teturned from the Ween, about two years Ago. hmken in hetlth and has never been really Well since. He was a young man of vxemplnry character and, on; Rev Mr Newton pointed out in his mortuary address had fought his good light. well. He was musically inclined also and hath in Presbyterian and Baptist churches he, in davs gone. try, lent of his talents. To his aged father, brothers and other relnliyes all sympathy is ex- tended. Very sudden did the null come to Mrs. Wm, Brown of orchatdsuule, She was well As usual Saturday night and on going home from a meeting her daughters noticed her fainting just a: she Cot to the house. She lived only a few hours. We have no further particulars but extend our symparhv to the bereaved (mes. She was buried on Tuesday. The residence of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh McKinnon. about two miles southwest of Pnceville, was the scene of a prvily wedding at. 7. p m ' 24th June, when their ehtest daughter llvlle was "nu-- ried to Mr. Alex McMillan who resides near by. Rev Mr Mu'heson performed the ceremony which took place on the beautiful lawn, about one hundred guesle being present. MISS Lizzie Weir played the wedding march. JrA to Intermediate-Albert Davis, Frankie Burnett, Elvin Schutz, Sarah Donnelly, Willie Clark. Mus WM. BROWN -----i.- -----i0i------ ALEX BELL an liymeneal. Obituary. DIED. "tirt"ttUttts mas TORONTO re spent, in snd other THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT The Yellow Label Tell. the wow which our Bub. ncriftion In: been iM.' Our and ing [in wu thin week cor- rected up todate. It you" in not correct. kindly notify us at once. We thank a." who have renewed the past few week. but there are yet many others we wish to bear from at once. Take I look through our more and you will see genuine 1mrgaitusftom one end of the more to the other. Jusc a tewdlys left to buy “about htlf price. Cotttederated Gnu-d: is getting on: WHY-one year- old todny. The fathers of Contederation did A who thine in firing the dny at thin bounti- ful time of the you, '0 adapted for outings, celebrations. patriotic speech- es. 8w. Nine provinces now, living in human! side by side all pushing along on t e path of program heed. " of the Hurling of the two parties at Univ". Yes Cenede isgetting on. Three hundred years ego Champlain ield the foundetione of Quebec. Almost 100 yeers before that, Jacques Cartier was leeruing the neme tVett-rttt-ta, from the Indians. These old doings and may stirring events since will be fittinkly recalled in the mums taking piece " Quebec this month. In the presence ot 1loyttlty end Lord Roberts, with the fleets, of Britain, France end the (Mud Stetes lemly represented. with perhaps 12000 ot the citizen soldiers of the Dominion in erme. and thousends more of visitors from many pens of the world, there will be enacted eeenes the like ot which the world hes never seen. The (rest outstanding feeture is the specteele of the two reeee uniting to oeiebrete events in which one wee the conqueror and the other the con. quered. And the people are buying cheaper chm they ever bought before. R B Keeler & Sons Total Aunts over. .... . . . .33.ooo,ooo Begonia mived and intend paid or ad ed four times a year at highest current rates. Traders’Bank of Canada. HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Pad-up Capital. . Rest.... ...... ..r Total Aunts over Bargains t Bargains l SNOW Attention to Famers' 313mm Durham Branch ". _ J. C. TELFORD. --- Manager We are all Canadians in this memorable your. and with with I” heanineu long lif3 and pempttrity to our broad Dominion. The 4th Annual Excursio‘ Epworth League will he I Reaches Niagara Falls t2.00. Childrcn half tare. Tickets good to July 6th. Come with the Crowds Tut's why we are so busy The big Sale is still on at KEELERS. xcurswn to N 1agara C. BAIAGE & SON. Pun“: an Pum- Time Table and Rates l [tVC' Durham 6.30 a. m. Farc " office closes at l p. m. Friday Open until 4 p. m. Saturdays Dominion Day. FRIDAY. JULY 3rd. Hols Mt Forest Full Durr By Ordc 7.05 It 50 35 145 " Mo, ooo 1rc I) tl It' os "

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