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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jul 1908, p. 8

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tihowmatr--t can't give you my salary bat t will poi foe your keep.--P1ie. - Btnetter. Profession-l ntster--t nbouhi like to undertake . hat of four weeks in this "e of you". How much will you pay h tl h f Hi dun every at nngth w hat blanditeg. tlu you know in because in diacovering and rec-cg: that you are blind. you are, by that an, proved to be in true relation the Internal. Only through being in _ true reunions to the Eteruai. tmough being in some true touch the Eternal can you be aware that are blmd to it. In being consciou your blindness you are conscious there is that known to you which cannot yet see. You know it, tor feel you'ulf cut from it. This is bundllesa that saves: make sun- t, oun- eowardi, "t mtuedi Ind blm In In; for being blind. but only (or ing to recogniu it. Detect you Mmdm condemn it, col-lens i J'Ou are saved! The blindness w your bane becomes your boon. your bone, for it withholds fro the: "Htht of the glory which we unwraps you. But it Momma you] is the Britisher's ultimate position. "1 obeyed my conscience." "I acted up to my own standard at duty." "What more could I dot" So he triumphantly m. "rts-retorts.Crure is nothing more, he thinks. to be said. Well. he has got bold of a halt-truth. He, being what he is, could do no more. Hi, conscience. as it stands, embodiu the highest, law be knows, and be is true to that; that is something. Me must begin there-begin by being true to himself. Uh! be nun, be quite sure, that you are not_bhnd. Our Lord never condemns W at th blind blind dis-HI Beloved, the text hits a British" very haul. For it passes criticimn on that which he too often takes as his last word. "I did what I thought right." That is the Britirher's ultimate position. "I trt. The a nl, med yet Yes, only he is blind. That is the hitch! He cannot take the true measure of thinpo. He cannot detect what u in front of him. With all his splendid gifts he cannon nee what is happening. not wlttue he is going. And, therefore, he i, muking straight for the ditch. And, hehind him, those "than. wlw follow haw all the virtue that uhould make In mun-ilk. I " .m- mun. m: mu we manners or com. l whit» was. 'aiiiiauTir. aFartirii mund. tlt. is eontident in himself. He is 3' m gt': MW t. M mn- of bid aim. And he in absolutely ie3',)7te",'ptA'rut,iig'tdC'iiuetrtt . . . ' I nllK‘I‘N'. Mu commits hunwlf wholly to I gm to m. N-ttteh-. n h. bun "I hi, mph-me business of leading. IL. an! often maid 9.tf. - . an -'ttet has but one 'lesire- to discharge his " I " . N M' b ttqrttNi . can _.. it._'rriam.?.tyyt-taiUivtitbrtiTuo%i%iuii llgullnn taithfttlly. He has no doubt.’ than. 1111 I. M m. he.,itatiou, vucillatio; fur he feels that ”I. I"! M I“ " ”a." II m it. hr bu the exact qualities which mark 4 “a,” m on Wm " ow him nut Inf hi1 po-t. ll" h-n mpuvity, , Atty col an and m m M'h ,ttoliirre, tcttarity, :--mr..;_n-, fum- ot" trte.t"emV9e_ Wu" (try the Rev. Canon Scott Hound, D.D.) “Let them alone: they be blind lenders of the blind. And if the blind lend the Mimi, both must [all into the dit9."-- Matt. M. H. The patho- ot the perverted eon- neicnec. of misdirected sincerity, of dim astroun loyalty.' Here, in I vivid ie. ture, we we and feel the Tuery orit all. Rememben t is the Phariseu who ltlggrstvd the picture. Our Lord u think, inn, therefore, not ot none poor. pitiful nan shut up in his mute“, and ham- bly, tentatively tooling his way dong with creeping, bewildered steps. No. but of the man who has no notion that he " blind. Even-”hing in him “nie- him to the front. 0 he the instincts of com- mand. He in confident in himself. He is sure of " nil. And he u Absolutely u'ncero. He commitn himself wholly to his supreme business of leading. He has but one &mire--to discharge " ob ligation faithfully. He haw no doubt, hesitation, vneilhttion; for he {eels that. 'ttw heli th "vli. Then put in the h when” and the right c ted, establishing the glad mum. in all things have re. It u "any and nut N brought by angel hands he a " th tji-tair; (iiiiiijitiij' “5 .-" _tii' itiiii'ii'iiij; Cour... vs. Gowardiee. age is the birth-right of the saint, live is the curu- of the ninner. :liutely I conferred not with nealt sod," says Paul. How prompt Ind r; no loss of time or of power; an brought emrgy for Another "They go from strength to h T h m comma! in the , ny days after he and took his jou try.' Why not at te nature of the c irers to pieces. I , nun-r munv a at: Ii Truly Liberals, up " upon the mount ot God, unlight in my soul." m-r travels a weary path, he ily the downward way, nnd ght that OhiIOI I. It. ged e danger sign-l n. T. Miller. mun . ttt a single Imus down the di, iven. A perfect organization, nuld be butter Only. they are , hat is why they follow these rcliana. Straight to desperate For all are blind, leaders and "any Wha unly born Unconscious Blinding Rev. Canon Mutt Holland, D.D.) le"! “may; 1hey he blind leaders Ill- h tin m ll it Marty They 'onw hat h m that Ute That is w They that y will tor" if Commit! in the younger sont How he gathered ttll rm journey into I Milk ti H. Heart It a unmade, not: produce . The saint by the it. This is ihe make sure that M m J hath 0 INT nice? It is e. Sin con- m strife- h Blame all onelusion fact that the pre- SOOIIi 'ry Tiie die can you you There wpre eight tables. and already the players were warming to the game. She knew thmn all and most of them Intimately. "all a dozen of them wow like herself, past the maturity of life and drawing very near to the horderland of old um. Here they were chasing excito- ment as if they were forty years young". There, at a table on the far side of the rooms was n beautiful young eretrture--her own 'daughtvr. How - she w“. how full of life: yet it wan only hot week that this (hummer had come hunting for fifty dollars to pay hot beta of honor-ttttd then there was a ton-mnntha-old baby at home. At the next table was her son's wile: she hid chm childrrn. the pride of her grud- monthrr's heart. To-dly Ind every day Hwy wrrn left to the care of u stringer. a. sou-11 knew the touch of a Having removed hor wraps, she paused for n moment to take In the scene from behind the curtain, for the hostess was a keen player, and could not spare time from the game to welcome late comers. Why She Quit Bridge. (C. C. Wylie, Quebec, in tho Presby- terinn.) She was I grandmother. She was hurrying to an ultemoon bridge party, with the fear that she might be too late to get a plum: at the first tables. When she arrived she found that she was later than she thought und play had begun. rnnrennen, but it anew-rd tell to 63 degrees Ftshrenheit.--Prom' the En- gineering Magazine In some parts of western America' the heat at 3,000 feet is almost unbear- able, while at the Calumet and Heels cop?" mine in north Michigan, US. A., here is a rise of only four degrees Fahrenheit in a deft}: of 4,400 feet. although no arti6eia ventilation is re- sorted my The temperatgn of the __.- vvmyvl-lllll' UL "l6 cod on discovery at the Rooebridge colliory in Lancashire was tstated by the manngement to be 98 tre, Fahrenheit, but " “toward fell to The rnte ot increase. the commie- eionerl thought. might for ordinary can be named to be one degree Fehnnheit for - sixty feet. but it is in reality lmpoulble to give any fixed rut. ot Increase. The report of the British Asaoeiatioe committee on underground temperatures during the last thirty years tends to show, not only that the "',"t,"fae gradient varies considerably n different local- ities, but that it is not my to reduce a fixed law of increue applicable to all cases. At ',000 Feet it is Almost Unbearable to Minors. In the report of the last coal com- mission the conclusion is arrived at that at a depth or 3.000 lest the tour persture of the earth would amount to 98 degrees Fahrenheit, but it was considered that s depth of at lesst 4,000 feet might ultimately be reached in_coal mining mum-um. Naval-w tom tho am hum" mun-rm any can t'a'uog"gtgtot.t,t'ktLFigaiit,Ei,i",s m '1q8rtt,-gttgw Ohm“ Jymaut"etnyrmrdAet-d."iiiraTiir" Mranrtoaqtttiittottvp Buttttr.ati.ttti-tro-octsatsutr,tnor, u. can!“ And new valet: tn awry ro- -ux_atlurstnda_dotrrtaUGii wo- 1tu11t9rthyorqtt-ttt.d-rr,riiti. a. work; a; tiati." GrtittisGur"iitu'ivG '..er tte? , W)?! the m» of to ee it 'i"jiiiiaujiin an; :7ng Ta; MAI .4, ”Una vudmd, m cum aunt... 'A‘n..uno. Lunch“. m "lung-93"..“ who have u.- (cult-o4] wa..c¢4 A mm ot “Inflow-n upon . L...“ Lu m4 has my that, In“: a "o-.--.,,,,-,,,:, t Common Sense 5 In Affeélion f'""'""""'""""'-"'-: I Rufus wan gone a. long time and the chef went after him and found him sit. l ting on an old tub in the hot sun. “What l is keeping you so long'." the chef asked. " "Boss, I ean't smother these bead chick- ( vns. altho’ I haa stun up eve'y chink, |snh.’ and when Rufus lifted the tub he released some very lively ihiJL,ii, Smothered Chicken. The chef told Rum; that they were going to have smothered chicken for din- ner, and he wanted him to get the chick. ene ready. At the-top they are about tut inch and a. half wide, broadening gradunlly until at the bottom, which is pointed, they are three inches. The designs In the usual conventional dragons, owers, ete., done in different shades, and the pearls are worked on in clusters, gradu. Ming in sin when the pattern lends it. self to this possibility. A bit of gold or silver thread is introduced among the silks, and arms: tho bottom, to form I border, the metal prmluminntos. Mind's Linimgnt Cures Garget in Cows, In length they are about, ten inches, and I to consists of two ends each, thnt mar be knotted, four in hand, or merely lapped and fastened with a stick. pm. - The work on them u sufficiently fine to justify their being hung an the wall for orpfqgnts. _ Quite the no plus ultra of all ties that any be selected for wash blouses In those of Iilk, done in Japanese em. bwldery, into which need pearls are In- troduced. Needless to any, there will never become common, for their price put. them beyond the reach of the ma- jority, while their beauty and exquiaito- neg: make them most desirable. riodw' . miryi,Siijiiikiii,Giii%7Gl R410)"; feeling, Whey, indiges- tioh,dizzinastwiiummspGitiiikjii, PM”! FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty {can Lydia. E. Pink. ham's Vegan la Commnd, made from roots and herbs, been the stamina remedy for female let and has positively cured thousmda o women who haiveéxaen tmubleuld with dltrpiaaunen n ammatio oenp tfot, _,fi'ti'r'lt'.lt"t2,tp, 'ltrf,fihlllt'dt,' " I most hGAi - iijGGG GUiilii I: ETA-i. Pinkhun‘l Vegetable '8ll'll;l't,ei"l'l all lumen whotmiNr with female troubles” "diAGidauai iruuiiG;i'iGiU,7; Vegetable fttgrl; After using three bongo. of _it. feel like n new womnn. "When I wrote to you some time Mo, I was . very sick woman Idol-in; from female troubles. I had intuauna2 tion of the feminine organ and could not stand or watls uny d.'atanee. At last I wu eonitned to my bed and the doctor aid I would bun to to thro h an wtlgn._bgt {his 1 refused tango. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE OOMPOUND to conquer all female diseases. Mrs. Frank ngi. Lindsay, Optggio, writes toMrs. inkhmn: You mm't tell 2,lft family doctor the whole story a. at your private illness-- {Eu are too modest." You and notL aft-Elie! to til aim. Pink- tun, at ynn, MS., e ings, on could not explain to the doctor] Rtl letter will be held in the strictest con- ildenas. From her vast correspond- ence with sick women during the past thirty years she mg have gained the very knowledge at will Qgri,it,',t Such lettersaa the fol. lo E, from grateful women, can tabh'a beyond a doubt the power of IilllillJtftfffd ADVICE the game. She went over all the players one by one, and long before she lame to the last she was sick " heart. Homes, hus- bends,‘ children, love, truth-all sacri- fieod upon the slur of bridge. She could endure it no longer. The truth in its hare-nus csme to her as 'she stood reckoning the cost. Slowly she moved upstsirs, put on her wrsps and went home. From that day she he. never played, ed she has luceeded in saving, " less” her own loved ones from the snsre of in ttttertdanee; hut the mother would be here an afternoon and no home tugged out with excitement and crou because of the money sh:, had lost. mother’a hand. At the lane table In a woman who always won, and gouip said she aupponed herself and hound by the money thua gained. And, yes, there at the corner table waa Mrs. Lee. Her only child waa very ill, warm-1y expected to live; there ware two nutmeg Neckties With Sud Pearls yuut om ume energy Ana mum . Cheer u d the Gin Pitta. tre,' a box-6 {or 32.50. $12.3... receipt ofpdee ,xmrdeateritoes nothandUthem. Your kidneys In nttected-either through out work, expoeure or dieeue. It is the Kidney: that are making you feel so wretched. Gin Pills cure lick kidueys-iifake you well and f,rtr,et you at your old tips energy u:_d vitality. - er stir-and Dull headaches-back ttehes-low Ipirited-hah e sight of food-done sleep welt-all tired out in e morninf-no heart for work? acumen. " WINNIPIO.“ I will make you well Miserable an in} M? GIN PILLS "Kuie, do you know the policeman on this heat?" "Sure I do, mahum" 2t told no to-dny he had taken up Eape unto." "And am, what had the Oitalian been doin', ma'tunt"--Yonkem Statmmm. - The fresh onnsider themselves the salt of the earth. Take care of the pennies ttttd some- body else will take care of the donut. No man was ever truly who. Em Solomon took more than one wife. The world is usually willing to Itop aside for a man who knows where he is going.--Suc- Mtg-zine. Eviin the Kohinoor had to be eat And pol_itt"sd., - - - It in one!" to hit o lion than a ham A bird in the hand when no war-u. An iron will needs mining. lt any bo_pig iron. me to use MINARDF LINIMENT. di. luted It first, then stronger as the so". begun to look better, until after three weeks, the some have healed and but of all, the hair is growing well, And is NOT WHITE, u is moot elwnys the can in horse wounds. My mu, I very valuable one, In. badly bruised and cut by being nought in I wire fence. Some of the wounds would not heal, although I tried nun different medicines. Dr. III" advise; Gambottn'e Horus. In the times of his intense popularity with e contingent of his fellow country- men, Gunbenu had no experience which he we: wont to tell against himself. In Paris edmirers unyoked his homes 8nd dragged the curing! to hi. house. tum. betta would nun“ this with an air of pride, and he would Add, with I mile: "But I never saw my home win!" picioul, keeping entirely to the topmost bunches of the tallest trees, frequently far out of lint-gun range. This state- ment in no exaggeration, for the tree- often attain n height of three hundred feet, with the lowest limb. fully one hundred feet above the earth, end, I have frequently fired heavy charge. of No. 3 shot at a. quetul on the lower brunch of one of these forest giant. with no other result than n “my leaf or two {looting downward. Early morning is the only time at which the bird may be nought [with any charm; of Buecetgig.--A. Hyltt Verrill, in The Outing Magazine for June. I In Memoriam. I (By Alfred Tennyson. '; The cam» than are perhaps the but a: I 'fo'g.Ttte,1ahr, "g'S,'g)1)rmy' "tau'g,',t by 3 {may and» 5:94qu the Engine Inn] ___m... _ - m... n...- gum. The whole mom van written by Tennyson following the death ot " mu Anhuriklhm. cyst 1'ffruetttptmtohnhosrrrod '4,'ua.tW,',rdaegr,i,i,i. " mumm- I De"e"otatutttaoftaiaairiat.. numbing w1byrnr1etr"tu-met, 1t_etout1tt-itiaRiGrTii, 2restyyerytatnertoitioiitri. mmmtnmmmbm; Upon tho on" world'- ah: out. That ”one my: d-rkn- up to ad. t I‘m In» hunk of mm. and um All! - dud and elm". In! on" Typ-trt-itat-ot), And - m the User he. rt.t.1t_mttrrroetueuvvmtsnvw. m not I moth Wm mm (but. In driven?! in I (with. ttrm, Or but tubal-ve- mother's pun. Behold, I. know not Anything; I an bot my: that mod and! an At tnab-Nr-Ott-art in. to I". And my Mum: change to spring. an run- my damn. but what um " tt 2fr,',t ms,“ tt a?“ n In um . or t tt And with m “up. but I cry. The wish, that ot the le who]. No In. my Mil beyond an r”. [him tt not. from I'M: we " The In“: God mm tho soul? I an bot into! At WM! And my “our b run- my axe-.1: An mum cry“: An Int-m tau-rim And with no has The wish, that oi M006 And mmthmudrlb. Tttntttrtyrouod.qwsttovttdrairt.t budulolthowdnm loud-M'modngh 1m; Imgine e bird the lilo of . pigeon, its back, head, wing! and breast das, zling meullie green with golden eheen, its entire _lower parts vivid scarlet, a soft, recurved erect curling over the bill, and ferny, curved plumes, upping over the wings, while two or three slender, green feathers, n ynrd or more in length. extend over and beyond the glouy black end white tail. Such is the Quetul or resplendent Trencn, acted bird of the Montezuma, national emblem of Gua. temele, and the hendeomeet and moat striking of all the gorgeoue Trogon hm- ily. Although found in nearly ”all republic of Central Americe thie super creature in confined entirely to theheevy oak forests of the higher mountains. In them, localities his thrill scream may be heard nt any time, yet it is n difficult matter to even catch 1 glimpee of his brilliant form n he {lite from tree to tree, and far more difficult in the task of securing specimens. Apparently fully aware of their beauty and value, these mynl birds are exceedingly shy and eul- .A.Pf, 'tki ,eftitiuirr iii: " The Sacred Bird of the Alton. Our-butane Philosophy. WIRE WOUND! I, keeping tn.tfiirlo We agmost Identified. iit ONTARIO "ri'ieANTtB- TORONTO Nn making I bow," Elisabeth Wood direct: in on article on "How to Make Your Fall Hat," in Homo Notes, in the October Pearson's, “intend of gather. ing the ribbon, after measuring the length of loop you wish to make, take a spool of thread, and with the loose end twist the thread around and around the loop you are making, draw. ing it in tightly; then measure the next loop and twist the thread spin, and no on, as shown in diagram No. 9. In thin way you can make I bow or rosette without sewing, ','ttlf, measuring the lengths of loops no ed, and when bow is pulled out a much snurter effect is given than when the loops are all gath- ered. All millinera use this method, and it in the only way to given bow or mutt. a crisp look." . To Feather Gnu. Pull all the big feathers off {in and then when it comes to the thte {In "ttld the goose and wrap it up in a cloth for a good fifteen minute; and then take oft the cloth 3nd you an rub the fuzz right off with the hand. tongue is merely cttaractiriittiTu iii; en- tire simplicity of this primitive of all human races. i - --e .._.. UVWIII III the latin. But that is just GL',',' the ex- ception is. There is no oath in the Er kieno langun a. Upik, "the man with the broken hang," stood in front of the make-believe icebergs of the Eakimo vil. lage on the north Midway at Buffalo. Upik wu trying to snap up dimes with the lush of his long wdrun hide whip. Upik mined several tin“. "U'nguaviiv duh,” he stunted in “.qu tones. "'Ti-» I, Al A _. Curses Are Product of Civilization and Marks Race Development. Just where “the came from history he. not record. At first fence and without a moment for sober tefleetion it (would new conquer-Lively “In to my that all laagunged contain some word or words with which to express 3:119in displenaure, disappointment or pain. The old Roman.- urore when they were pleu- ed " well u dinpleued. latter-day folk swear mostly when the ere dia. gruntled or Angry. The tingling language conning greet, round, broad oath: for all condone. The Lain tongues, such an the French, Web and Italian, Ire rich in explaine- to be need " the event re- quires. But a language without en oath surely can be no such thing. Human nature in the name always. Pain, joy, despair or pleasure enteil the an» -tions in the breast of the Eskimo u it does in the fiery bosom of th., l..:.. u"; AL A . ' - Minard'. Linimntr thire, Colds, etc. _ in...“ -..., n...“ u, a cyclone Ind didn't speak a word for three weeks." The nun-tanned farmer grabbed his hat and his spyglnu. "Where are you going now, Hmkinh t" "Where am I going, Lucy? Why, I an going out to see if I mn't night one of them thnr kind of eye-lanes." "meekiah," said the Kuhn; 11:3th u she adjusted her bone-rimmed (lune- Ind opened the loud per, "it lay: here that 3 woman Wu carried two miles by a cyclone ind didn't speak 5 word for Ten mtn’ worth of Wilson Ply Pads will kill more house flies than three hundred sheets of sticky per. (Montreal Herald.) We have given the matter very care- ful attention, and have come to the conclusion that, on the whole, we have ‘muae to rejoice. Fur although: L-The weather never quite suits us. IL-m, have lost all our savings at the noel. 1IL-our salary is too diminutive. "r.--The Beavers have wbogganed below tho 500 mark. T Still, on the other hand: 1.--w. can always borrow the sport- bf editor: smbrella. E-m, intended to play Gold Heart, but In didn't. W.-Wo have dUeovered n bmnd of tobacco that does not burn our tongue. (Sp-co here for ads.) m.--The editorial window- hsve been wuhed. be, Now it in announced, According to the testimony of fuherrnea. that the nh-rk has returned to European waterl. In the Baltic, where sharks had been “on ‘nince 1759, they have made their rup- pearance in considerable number. and several lilting bolt. report hu'iug whole cntchel of fish devoured tram the nets, which were broken, In the Belt and the CAttegnt. A fisherman who fell over- bonrd narrowly escaped with his life. Shoal: of ohukl, name of them large- size, have been seen off the Germnn coast, and they ITO even reported an u. coming hr from are in the North Sea. Their presence in attributed to their pur- suit of the herring shoal: on the west coast of Nanny, How to Make a Rosette Bow, Cannin- the {mom healing principla of Mira Ointment. combined with the puma vegetable oils. It is rally I medicinal up and I toilet up in one. Invaluable for all skin troubles. Ideal for the bath on account of its elegant perfume. 15c- umee-at drum-boron!“ “we! grin; The Chennai a. of Canada, Limited, “Nikon ESKIMOS HAVE NO OATHS. in some 'disdnt part of the In. A de- sire for a. ter of teem. however, is not the - 0 the pun-hard.- suddenly leaving the we". cont of France, 1nd the fishermen are unable to discover the reason. “Mr lie-mama In the Baltic Drive: Away small Food Fish. As in well known, fish like I chase of home; and frequently, without apparent reason, abandon “If in which they pure 1ong..dUported, d are next. but“. Looking for I Similar One, SHARKS RETURN TO PREV. 0n the Whole, We Are Happy, Tans aims “mummy SKIN SOAP _ V - - I a; "u"., don‘t you!" - T _- Mu im-rt a nun can’t make both : "Oh, u- when I ma give. “one. end. glet he should do the next Hut I man . 'thut: ottttttta't to try to hot thing. Btqtgins--WUt in that? Must. raw money of him until the next dar."-- gitu--4"hoose the best end. ( 'hicago Record-Roma. ""--m---------, "In there anything." naked the punch- er, "that you would have In. Inn out of the service! Some ladie- prefer to have the word ‘obeyf omitted." “Thank you. yes," replied ' up-to- date girl, "leave that out, und “so the 'till-dmrthdo-rt' hull-hue... One never can tell in these day. what may happen, you know." Hand's “linen: Cures my!“ "Yer, there would be nothing inane: in that." "Then it would be good English to ., that the hat I had had had had a hole in it. wouldnt lt!"~Atlsntn Constitu- tion. "Mimmn, if I had a hat before I had this one, it's all right to my that. the hat I hid had. iln't itt" “Certainly, Johnny" _ "And if that hat once had a hob ht It andlhaditmendedlcould “yum had u hole in it, couldn't It" Cover two cupfule of smell honiny, usuelly celled guts. -ith . quart of Hit, Soak it in A cold flue over night. Next morning cook uutl thick Illd tender. Ptat through your nut-grinder he" e pound of blanched ulmonde, the um of pee-n nut: and the name of pine nuts. Add to (them halt . teaapoontul of out, two "rd-boiled eggs chopped fine Bml . ',e,tTege of chopped perele . With your ominy form a sort of hick of e chicken; put the nut mixture inside, and then cover over with hominy in the dupe of . chicken. Form the legs in he name my; fasten them to the we; etick in e little piece of mammal hr the bone. Brush this over with melted butter or beaten fif5, and bah it one hour in e hot oven, mating frequently. Serve with cream "uee.--udui' Home Journal. Tea. come and go, but the ten that always nuyn, alway- leads, always " .0111wa pure, always the but in quali- ty u, "tiauda." Willon’l Fly Pads kill them an. Don't. you see what it meant? Why, I do, as plainly as if I had found . letter "gh; I need, 3 mm but I wanted my able: to keep warm, no I brought them here'; but how she mm. Aged the whole thing no one will ever know.--'Christitut Intelligencer.' om, morning when I want to not. my usual call and inquire that the health ot the babies. tho bod vu empty. I found the little mother in a favorite nook in an ufper room, but nowhere could I tin tho puppies, until that a. long search h app-nod to go near a lounge in the dining- room and noticed that two pillows that belonged on it were on the floor one on top of the other. I raised the top one, and there lay three little tat, poppies fast Asleep. Bhohndnbedinthe aornarolthe kitchen, and in it were them, little bajpy dogs. _ - - Story of a 00;. She was wiser than, we knew. this dog I shall tell you "ouF-Ahotttrit we had given her credit lot being wiser than In other dogs. ALWAYS, - ""Ywrirf,tA,,tN CANADA, "Cii"riiTitRtisyk, CURES Ci' lfi5y,S,t,1 EDDY'S MATCHES _fa'i.u'"- i," ' 11 tl , $32 TI “" I Black ti'ins:1e'iii-' Wateh pleasure. Delicious Mock Chicken The Revised Version. Mr. Mind Brown, of Marina. Ont. up g-." Foe sin yen! I have not know. what it w“ to be free from min. '0 one ever "irered more from Ming bleeding Me: thate I did itsd I tried everrtttietg to get cured but (tiled. One day I friend of nine who H in. curd witb gam.Buk fIV. gulp-1 of a ban u my. and uh- n Educ: "Mom. ' bought nmpplynd boron I in! In! in! val camping}, cumi.‘ Of m driirtsaarOt-. sot. A Grammatical Crux Tobacco ,-B UK Thcbig black plug. I IV. an“. on F TM”. M :dnyu OM My. V. Two 'herria. in every 'ttteA%dL I VI. An increased my, and . Ill-II ‘ed uh 3mg. I VII. No alarm dad:- "You believe " at least, don't you!" n; BaéiZLF'LJI'i't poem lanody ever I Leader. The Ptret--rarok here, I m thnt you add that the you I In. In Punkuy’l this month was tho "It thing I ever WM“. he Crftie--t aid nothing of tho kind. The Peoria“. I am Kind of tint. What did you lay Ibout itt linud'l Lining-t Cum --e --- w- %"'"q"qtlqqd nad Yale, first last and " the time, With the follow“! Morn: I. A “Intro med for everybody, H. No CAI-din: may. Ill. No M Mon Iain M, TTr 1““LA - - - Our mm. (Buffalo New.) The Chi o convention In. 'trtdimtnd on: Ante-0;!“ Insertion. h cm- 'iii/tot/ttimp/teddie-ttFir. Handout, from his man. on, col. is unequivvmlly all for T,it!ie.m."YH Taft " mm Dr. Jackal, forum “In 1tfNer of New York City. up In his "M to Governor HUM that homo “It. In the can. of fire thou-and deaths II- nudly h that city from typhoid I" uni other Intestinal (ll-nun. VII-of. Fly PM. kill all the me- an the du, one gem too. _ ----_- "'_...._.. “I pulpy In". an out up and “I“ the whole lad thirty (In. our m it I" pitched Into tin can: ”on. shove the an itMQobyLydl " being 1,000 toot. The Inn.- m o! the ocenn in " but I!” (not. tut i-,itexoeedstb knight Mthe land twelve times. Pt h m the .- treme heighta lt tho but although probnbly no In. than th- "tmqte damn. of the an. yet an ”New heights, while the can. milkin- in depths over enormous an... Owing to the tnet that the an!“ ol the ocean to that of the had I. A. 0.. ' - L-u Tab no about“ fot M No. No other fly killer coup-l- them. rupt her husband's yet by clothed, offieu-. AI no": hm, as the prayer m end-1| all. it In by I mighty 'shsesk---t the doctor laughed. Ibwt. Mm. may “in Ga "use: this r!er6trrmytei, but Ct not 1m inswhiteaekatt/tradim-t-, 3nd, being without B W, . lowed tho Hood. drop by drop, to form dimm- upon hi: tron-on. a. and. all to“: of “gum Mano“ Nth-M! 1y broke up the mm, b-.. "If, man and woman In tho congregntion was watching the performance and no on. paid the slightest attention to Dr. Bddy. The other ocouion whiesh and Dr. BHytouteroo-dmrotM.onm P". lu. row-9*. 10!»: to 1hytre8s himaeu by drama, or am: to drop, spit bull. into opts non of a pit In of the dlumh who Ind Minn ”hep in the lmll corn. Thu Incident nonr- Rev. Dr. Eddy, can an New York P-a-ofthe-dignified-ad learned of pm He acid that In his 00 you" of ehrareh work dun were two outdon- on wild he could not re- stnin hind! from “chin. 0n. night abadboyaatinth-lletynatd-d f. ud_bo_r et in a. rtitrred and no money, but write her to-dny it Four children trouble you in this wny. Don't blame the child, the charm!- no it can't ht it. This tract-tent also cum adult;- tut aged people troubled with urine dit. ficultiu by day or night; Spanking dom not can children " bed-wetting. The! E l‘ constitutional can“ for thin trouble. Mm. M. Sunl- men, Box W. tr, Windsor, 0m... will send tree to my mother her sumo-um] hone tmtment, with (In irutrutiom. Send} "GGG; tinny (cab to onset form- er idea constrain; be mum at ttt. ntmoophou. - -- rifiti'i on: at burial!“ thio author- ity fiadb that the depth to (raw, amounting to an wit u five or six miles. But higher unmat- blow dire" ly are" the eye“: and utiqclouit are“ which pro“. norm. and " wanker at the ”when d the earth. The you my: .1: the m nou' "wk “on." I)... Not {flint J.a U.» pot Amnwre. From the mdy of chum .41: um... .. th- United States Went-w Hut. .m *.r. . cm that tho ordinary cyclone-n w . ' " truer-e our country from writ up ”no as an man than two or threr mile. in depth, although their dinning: is may haw-do of in. In other words, tin-Jr model doo. not "oet the upper region» 0(th “mouth". -. A c--.-..- oh:- "oturtr. mg Moo toot. Tho not. depth a! toeeatt in at but It.” hot, that it exceeds sh knight d the land alve times. Pt h m (I. - ‘me he ta 0 the land, 11w 1'L'fft In. than tho "tmqto Mn of the In, yet an ammo-u ghtl, while the can Ind-bin- in mm over woman. can. Owing to rho: that the sluice. cl the ocean Itat, of the had I. " tug and . half Height of Land, Dawn of Sea. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Etiquette ISSUE NO. 27. 1mm No Doubt About tt. DEPTH OF CYCLOI.’ ES in eti - -__ m...» quette to t “on. tte wont furor , I merico “ 1'ttele N Quoted to l u term of can! into through " “Portug- In- Net I've got ' R, h when 'she (buxom CHM whirl with ' the! 'I""' 'T"" Chen a: sing in voiee" I. thr I But mm qative long In Th ft opin .elt 00m. Inn OWt'.s Republican s content. :1 t hare th hand In. , “DI-Mo- mlly. I thing to How that wrinkle» Won msn't you n did ll problw numb: “no. monk men i., up! file a (rim t tttrt " thi. Sven no " “I mu: pan I h, tin in “to t with , Yortu. for m nation portur ot the l mar that thong! Clip m feed f in no -el, n ric and string. t mu“: t 'tart hm in. an and it DU of In r d: run- cont.“ friend would 00qu uncut would but) u lp'm an um How. w’ (hum a“ “Ht "at is u (to hours York In N w, & Divorce f or il 'tite of Cva/iéat MRS. Thi; AND IJI" I'M " tai WILLIAM tlo It nd Timed tt, "

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