West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1908, p. 1

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amine ', sold :lock. are :5 con- and you aooeal. 45:: 'Sole Agent m Mt-ch'lnic King :lnrl nun-Una King Overalls. a? KEENEHEEEEMEEEE3E’XHWHEESEES 5:3 Handsome 95 Summer Parasols I'd 23 Hosiery -=- Plain and Fancy if Summer Shoes gfimxmxwxxmsxmxgggmgmxfiéé ti It 255% ti ems for Summer iii ii;! Comfort ii the but. week or two ceiving them. kindly mediate ntunliun. VOL. a number ot alt-counts h." Men's Shirts Iawtt to Complete " sermon for collar an cmhroidcrcd pretty putter All white white and l stripe putt frames and at _ . . . . . . Fine Waist lengths Cashmere. _ Black com) Child's fanc Ladies and Mo; Bahics' Tan Oxfords. . .8t pr. Mime? Tan Oxfords Childs' Tan Oxfords..l.25 pr. Ladies' Tun Oxfords Men's Tan Oxfords. 3.50 pr. . . . Black Oxfords-att sites at all prices In Donaolu. " Child Just a few left of " I a mnc cotton hose, white, tun, pink or blue. . . . . . . . . ......20c pr ml and 'lii'l,','gf', hose. white, tan, pink, blue. grey . . . . .. l5c to Mc pr 3 fancy cotton and embroidered cashmere hotsc-ncwctrt colors and patterns, hut not splashy... ........ .... ... '......25c toSOcpr 50c u A OI hill tere, plain or ribbed, Lacs " to " cgtton, all may. plain or ribbed, s Keep your feet comfortable in a nice pair of Oxfords. Thcfy are cool and c?.mhrterle--)pok dressy too. Here are some o our prices for the fashionable tans and chocolates: Accounts. James Ireland m tl n, all sizes, plain or ribbed, sizes 4 to lo at ‘n'cotton hose, white, tun, pink or blue. . . .. . macs' hoe, w.hitir, tan, punk. hluc, grey .. " two Will those rt; kindly give them inn. been lent: out mining 're Review subscription ummcr B. Most tural woo n wrt N ew, Bright, Fresh Tu: PUBLISHERS M TT , NO. 28 " Mt fine whi int Icngtt plpnty H, NS 35 t 1 ncgligcc shirt will givc several dollars worth rc in dutTcrcnt styles and a variety of colors. 'urking shirts in dittcrcnt colors, good wcur- ... m......... .......... ......50cto$l cach m all prices in Dongola, kid and patent leather Mc Yittcs', Tun Oxfords . . . . . . . . . . . .‘I.50 pr Ladies' Tun Oxfords.. .2.00, 2.75, 3.75 pr TTL' tc It MMM‘ Stylish new skirts, all wool cloths. In panama and chiffon vcnctiun--hlack, navy, brown. plcutcd and ripple sidc. ctfccts, regular 86 Skirts tor ......4.25 Suit Carma Telescopes $6 Skirt for 4.25 made, we About that Trunk or Valise? y one of these Trunks or L08 is good cnough to take our holidu trip-strongly " wcll [imaged goodlnoking "i, Trunks.. . .175 to 7.00 Cascs. . . . . . . . .2125 to 6.50 Knpcs .........soc to 1.35 20C loc to 50c pr to 25c pr iiiittttliittti, Emile: Y,"; Fl, td Pil MUST SUL‘SI) WrnsTLEs.-An im. portant circular has bean issued by the railway authorities to the engin- eers and firemen regarding the law of sounding whistles. The circular states that cmnnlainta have been re- ceived train different sources saying that the law regarding bounding cf whistles before reaching an railwav crossing is neglected The rnilwuy cmmnissmn have also called the at.. tention of the railways to the neglect at the engineers in this matter. The cirmlur concludes by urging the en- gllleel'n to he watchful and obey the law " sounding their whistles at least 90 yards front a crossing. In future an engineer or fivermm falling to do this will be dismissed. Tm: LURE oFTHF. 1yxwr.-Tuesday : morning an uuwonted crowd assem- bled at. the C. P.II station to bid! good-hye to friends leaving for the' west. by the new route. Among the) number leaving were Mr and Mrs; Jas. Wilson and Miss Jane Ritchie .lnf Dorhin, thence for hdmonton: Miss Flt-tor for Edmonton; Miss, A. Mc-l Uracken for Munsmuin and thence to I Airdrie ', Mr Wes. Sirr for North, Baum-ford l Mrs Meredith and daugh-; tep Flora, for Un‘bmue. Alta: hits: J. M. Hunter for Brandon. l A LONELY (r'tt.tVE.---We are sure the concluding sentences of Rev. Mr. Farnuhruiion's fine letter in this issue regarding the lonely grave of Rev. Mr. Janeen will touch achord in many hearts here that wrli lead to steps being taken to rescue his memory from nhlivlnn. Durham is where his remains would lie and where his mpnmrinl should be. We invite ox- rrmsiuns of opinion or hints that will earl to anion. League ocxtgr,i,cir,',c/y a slight fiGnl/ilii dcficit on t c venture. In our Savings Department. Deposits of tr and upwards we received. on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in mining mmamu Interest added for times a year SavingsBmk Departntentin Connection wind Bunches. Tho new U. P, R. Station is pro- gressing towards completion and is going to HI both handsome and corn- mmlmm. In time no doubt the vu- cant spaces nearby will he rrmautified and the pa%ung tznveller will form a. fair impression of our good town. The agent in charge itra Mr Scott. an ohllging young gentleman. The Annual League Hxcursion to Nia. gum Falls lust Friday was patronized by about 70 from Durham station and 200 in all. Rcmurkuhly good time and train connections were made on the trip,! many taking udvantage of the stop-over l privilcgcs in Buffalo and the Falls. The guru V, about in all. connec The friends of Dr A. W. Hunter, ot the General Huspitnl. Montreal. will be pleased to know that, he was suc- cesstul at the t'et'etit vxmninations of the Gallup} of Physit-i-ms and Bur. “yum of Ontario. Congratulations to number Durham boy. No "tore trouble in obtaining dress patterns. Ou the way isa gtock of over one thousand of the world tam. one “Ladies Home Journal Patterns." We will give 'MVHY five thmmmd slvle books, Watch for special announce- went. The House of Quality. H. H, Mum; um. l QUICK Wortm-iter, Mr. Farquhur- son preached m Winnipeg on Sunday evening. 28th June, and was in Dur- ham on Tuesday evening followinf. Les, than 48 hours show Ihe possibi i- ties of the new Sudlmry route. Los".--' Brown Leather Satchel. between Upper town, Durham. and Privesulle. on 2nd July. Had Strap urn-wired and contained gray hand. hug. plu's‘t'. etc. annrd at Mr G. L. (mm; Hung Durham, or At, Prlee. ' ille P. o. THE SWDARD BAN h In our report of Dmhnm Promotion Exams: last week, the name of Willie Lauder was omitted, he having been tied fur first place from Jr 2nd to Br 2nd. Fun SALE. - CEMENT BHAttEte.- National Portland Cement Stock for sale at a bargain. Address, Cement, P. 0. Box 222, St. Thomas. Ont. Court Durlmm, I. O. P.. attended Divine service in the Baptist church last Sunday. Plenty of Rood straw bats in stock "gain at the House of Quality. Lay aside your felt hat, its too Lit. A. H, Jackson has I number of houses and Vacant lots In Durham for sale. Now in the time to get snags in Bummer Millinerv. S. F. Morloc . We are giving special bargains in Summer Millinery. B. F. Morlock. For a bag of good Manitoba hard Flour go to Bengal DURHAM BRANCH John Kelly. Hunt‘s:- IMHCIIII ALIQ AT BARRII‘I'OI All) -"aa.n. rfnrrsc. "’5ng 0w Ptigrb, 'tiitachi'ii'i'iiiihie'ii"t' ~05": My'. " OF CANADA r HeadOffiee . . . " Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT DURHAM, THURSDAY. JULY 9, 1908 ISTANN'IID "" I This is a. new departure with gloat (possibilities underlying it, and an in- teresting trip It would be to drive round tmwe these fields, now and at , hat vest time. In Glenelg there are 7 jotturetitors, names and post oftieee ',, follow: to Sr 2nd--gGniriuGGtGi, 1irGiii Wallace. From Sr 3rd to 4th--Myrtle Caldwell, Thos. Wallace, James Marshall, Arthur Morice. Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd--Nary Mc. Alister, John Kerr. Grace Monhtain, Ncila Marshall, Elmer Fee. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd--ucan Marlee, Harry Caldwell, Melyillc Morigc. Leslie Moricc. Jr 2nd The following interesting list of competitors in South Grey has reached new from the Dept. of A riculture. The Society chose Oats for t'i,"l contest and 15 entries of not less than 5 acres each have been made. om. Bracehridge und PaFry Bound are ',"it,)2"i,1 N3 fees are to be charg- ed u ils uta o 0mm up t in 'ivl)l'"l',1 lieu then-M. 'l/se',',.',',,,,') nrhools will he in operation thin tali. The retention of Durham is a compli- ment to the town and to Principal Allan. DURHAM HOLDS THE MODEL SCHOOL. --DurGm School Board has been no, tiiled that if they don't object, the Model School here will be retained for this year, and of t'ourtee the Board will not object. Only the model schools at Kingston. Cornwall. Lind- nay. Renfrew, Durham. linden. Sault Ste Marie, Port A1hur. Ken- om. Brnoehridge und Pa " Sound TRINITY GARDEN PAtcre.-The An- nun] Garden Party of frini'y Church, Dmham. will he held on the Rectory Grounds Thursday evening. Julv 9th. Good program and refreshments. Band in attendance. Admission 100. All are welcome. ORANGEMEN TO Cannon. __ The L. o. L. District, lodge will parade to the Baptist Church for Divinp Service on Sunday. 12th July. The hrethren of this district will take pl": in the big Dundalk celebration on the 13th. GARDEN PARrv.--Under the ana- pices of Burns' Church. Rocky Snug- een, agarden party is being held at, the home of Alex Fletcher: A “and program and nthet attractions. Ad. mission 25e and ISO. Thursday. July f). Mr Geo. McKay has begun his con- tract from the town of putting in the fillon east. side of Garth-m street. north of the. railway tracks. Mr Cul- der has Gen appointed overseer of the new bridge and ttpproaehes TROUBERH. made by expert work. men and cut by a. special cutter for trnusers who Is an Artist in this line. The fabrics are most relinhlo. prices $1.50 to $4.00. The Home of Qatuits-- H. H, Muvxmn. HAVE Baum” HoRtgtttL--Mr At. thue McUloeklm has recently purchas- ed a handmme driver. and we learn Mr Harry Burnett also has acquired a tine grey one, Looking up. The Annunl0arden Party of Dur. ham Presbyterian rhaeeh will he held on the mange grounds on the evening of Tuesday the 14th inst. All are invited. STEPS NREDED.-ahmld not the council oblige those who have to cross the river every aw " makin a more comfortable crossing? A guy would do it. ' South Grey Agricultural Society Choice red salmon. I "Jeans. 3 for 25e Saturday. The House of Qualitv, H. ll C Mocxum. WANTED.-) general house-maid. Apply to Mas. J. P. Tswana Bitt sale of Millinerv now on at S. If, Mm Ioek's. Wm Scarf. Durham H. D Hunt, Vickera Rubi. Brigham Allan Park Samuel Ptttherhottgh, Abeldeen Ix EGREMONT: David Hmmilton. Durham w. Ar, Ramage Thistle U. M. Blyth It. Barber Geo. Binnw. w. G. Firth, Daniel Edge Wm Ritchie Robert, Edge J. & J, Hunter T, W. Scarf Field Crop Competition S. S. No l, Normanby IN NHRMANrJY: ly BEV'HNCK ', M. M. ADAIR, Teacher. C. Fm m. Becy Durham Durham Rocky Saugeen Bunessan Edge Hill Orchard Varney WE: Her bridesmaid. Mia: Jean Brown. wore a dress of Dresden muslin and carried pink msel. The groom mu supported by Mr Thos. Forbes. of Mt. Forest. The groom's gift to the bride i A very pretty house wedding took ttt at the home of Mr and Mrs J. H. rown. Bruce Sn. when their niece. Miss Jnssie I. Byers, was married to Mr Adam M. Brown. of Parry Hound. Rev Mr Fnrquharsun ottictated. The bride, who was married beneath an arch of term: and syringa blossoms was givsn away by her uncle, Mr J. H, Brown, and wore a. most becoming gown of white serge with silk trim. mings. and carried a. shower boquel of hridnl roses. The proceeds of the concert were very satisfactory and the committee closed the day thankful for the gener- ous suppoxt accorded them. , Throwmg' Hd/utuer--Dan Mann ald 71 ft 2111.. Thos McDougall lil) n 6 m, Don McLachlan 60 tr. 10 in. The dog race between - Whitmore and -- - Saunders, was so close that. the prizes were divided. Putting Shot-Dan McDonald 33 ft. 1 in., Angus Morrison 32 ft. 2 in., Don McLachlan 30 ft. 2 in. Hop, Step (f: JiidsiJ-uied Mountain 30 feet, Whittaker 35 ft. It in., H. '0lres w, ft, 1 in. Girls' lvacie-jGrjei"sieDomud, Del IAyier, Annie McGin-. The other events and winners were) as follows t l 100 yds Iiyre--Andy Thompson, Guy I Kearney, Wellington Whittaker. 200 yds 1Gce--Ted Vickers. W. Whittaker. G, Kearney, Boys' Ilaee-MeHe Whitmore, Ar. thur Autlon, V:_El_vidg_e_. _ _ - - - l The baseball game was keenly con» tested and furnished an interesting feature of the afternoon's program. Piper McDonald, of Wingham, With his two hale dancing daughters add. ed greatly to the day and night’s en- joyment by their platform work. The result of the various sports that entries could be secured for will be seen below. The dog race furnish- ed considerable fun, and nu doubt many were disappointed that the at- tempt to make amuuemenc by mul. driving and smoking race contests were not carried out for lack of en- tries, . The other features went on how. ever ; fine music was provided by the 1iegituersta1 Band and IN six pi ers and drummers from London. These last, were met at the Cr, T. R. station in the morning by the home hand and a crowd of citizens and for about, an hour sweet. music permeated the town. After dinner, again in mm cestrion, they marched and plnred to the grounis and at. intervals a1 dav. This Was had. but the irritation of the committee over the promised tire- works was worse. These were con- tracted for at, the same time, and like the other future. delav and obscurity in correspondence, prevented autis- faction till the day arrived without them or explanation. They rune in the afternoon hut Without man to up- erate, without moitar and without instructions. Next day I 2nd of July, along came new forms of contracts differing from those drawn up 2nd June, with a. request to sign and re- turn.' This explanation the committee hope will exonerate them With the plmlic for the nppurent want of faith. perform, are hen outside of the hi; The bride wns gnwned in cream lusiie t’nrks. Both Afternoon and evening trimmed with ribbon and lace, and the-y gave exhibitions ot tumbling. carried H. buquet of lilies of the valley balancing, ac., which were remark. [and maidenhuir tern. Miss Jean Red- arhly clever and pleasing. The ttouwlfetic)c.ected as bridesmaid. gowin-d ofthe committee lay In the negotia.lln rhite.mysliy trimmed With lace, tions. Contracts were signed on the i and carried white lilies and maiden- 2nd of June, Lithos. cuta, ac.. werelhair fern. The groom was tUrly sup- promised right away. written for. Portedh? MrGeh. "Mame. lrrothetr Wired for. but except for one small ot the tridy, After tlte ceretttony cut which was delayed in customs, and best wishes thi- bridal paity amt never appeared. down t? a lieautiful Wedding dinner. This was had. hut the irritation of The "r.idt. is "He, ofthe “mu popular the committee over the promised tire- young ladies and was the recipient of works was worse. These were con- "may beautiful and useful presents. tracted for at the same time, and like The WNW couple will reside in Al. the other feature, delav and obscurity perm, Mich.--Advance. For years past the committee have ransacked Canada for attractions and this year crossed the boundary mak- ing an engagement With a New York house tot spectacular features. lt is safe to say trom their experience this year they will not try this again. The gymnasts and acrobat: secured, the four Giegory‘s. were ceitainlv high- clnss artists. and no such acts as they “mu”. _-___.,, _.. - r. .. ___- --- an»- |\uvl.lW. nun. - will a. good turn out and comidering the many attraction: on alt sides. Chats- worth, Flesherron, Dromore, Palmers- ton. Hanoyer, the committee are con. gr'atulatink themselves on their suc- cess. The Annual Celebration of Domini. on Day by Ben News Camp was favored with the heat. of weather. but not with the great crowd. that have for four years past swelled the grounds and thJe gate receipts. _ Still, there wan Dominion Day Sports. liymeneal. lutowN-B,smtts. they came to Egremont living on the lat lot of the 18th con. until called away as above stated, " the ripo age (If-71 yours. Mr Han predereneed her some 12 years ago. Six of her family sur- vive her: Allan in Hillman, Mich. Miss Adeline and Mrs Hart in Toronto . Alfred and Edwin on the liunwstpad. Ennd william in Holstein are left to mourn the loss ofagood mother. Arr other sister. (Mury Jane) wife of Mr. John Ferguson med some few years "o. l The family “we all present at the ifuneral on Tuesday. 30th June, inclu- ding Mr Hart. Toronto and two cous- i ms, the Messrs H {as from Berlin. The ‘funeral was largely attendod though another funeral that of Mrs Wm Brown Orchard. and a :ralsing whose hands had been preyiouelv invited. no doubt kept many others from unending. The funeral was conducted by the Rev c, Kendall who gave an impressive discourse onthe occal'on, She was highly respected among he: friends and neighbors. A wort ymeunbet as are all her family here. of Amos Pres. byterum church and incidentally the tirtst death in the (origination here since acme lime before tr D. L. Campbell left. i' Besides his brother Itolrt, on the old homestead in (ilenelg, there remain ‘us chief mourners. his brother", Jos. leph. of West Superior l John and "ttres, of 1Vhitetish, Montana. and Edward of lnvernmv; two sisters Mrs Cain, Wrdliertou, and Mrs A. j Ctunpbell will also mourn, l Mus ISAAC HAAH l The death of this lady took place on iSundqy 28th of June. lvery suddenly. l She had been ailing for some time pre- viously with a general weakening of the system. though Mile to be out oc- trassionall.v. 0n reclining after one of these occasions the end came through a failure of the heart. The deceased was born in Pennsylvania in 1837. coming to Canada when It) years of Inge, settling with her people in Wat- .erloo Go. On the lith Oct" "300. she we Miss Fanny Newman hecnme the lwire of Mr. lama: Haas and lived in ', Waterloo Go, until the ye~r1879. when I Ammew LINDSAY. l About two years ago Mr And. Lind- saylett for the west, a young mun in his prime, tilled with hope no doubt for the future but word was received recently by his brother here that he died on the 17th of June but. at the home cfhis sister. Mus Arch. (ump- hell, of Invermuy, Sneak. He fell from a building but January and has never been wellsince, being hurt internally and dying frem hemorrhage of the lungs. He was buried on tho 10th of June amid many tokens of respect from Western friends who had learn- ed to love the kindly genial young man, I On Tuesday. m June, there passed away very suddenly at the home of ibis sister.' Mrs. McNally. Weston, lont, Mr. Christopher Chittick. in his Ih'lii Fear. Deceased was, t40ttie, 40 years ago, a. blacksmith in Durham and was married to a sister of Mr. Henr Storey of this place. She died in i'iUlfr'2'f, about o year-1 ago and was buried here, and on Thursday last. the remains of her husband were laid to rest with her. I Mr. Chittick had been living with sun Henly and Wife of Kingsville. Ont.. for some time and was paying his sister. now the only renmining member of his family. a, visit before going to Chicago. where his run H. F. Uhittick Wm: expecting him every 'lav. He was in excellent henlth and lwhile visiting the local blacksmith: aha ' undertook to show how to tix ('l,',','E', on shoes to prevent “interfer- ing." He had just donethis. practical- ly, and was laying tools down when he was noticed to collapse and died instantly. Nine memhere: of his familysrut-vive, i 5 sons and 4 daughters, all scammed. The two sons named above .u-rom- pamed the. remains to Durham and and relatives and friends here. with them saw to the interment. I HAstureAvE---Dar.v, ( "Fairbanks," the‘JumLy home of I Mrs. Fred Hargrnve. l orth Egremont. Win the scene of a. very pretty wed- ding. when her eldest dnughter. Miss Lizzie. was united in marriage to Mr. Peter Duly of Alpena, Mich/, on June 17 tst0o'cfock p. m.. to the strains of lthe Wedding March, gruelullf play- ( ed by Miss Hooper. The bridal party entered the lawn. which was beauti. fully decorated for the occasion, when Rev. Mr. Berry of Priceville. in the presence of about 150 guests. pru- inouneed them husband and wife. The bride an gorped in cham lustre I mun. gold chain, to the bridesmaid, a gold bracelet, and to the fi2l"'ll'2'h' agold tie pm. The wed in: march w” played by Mrs (Rev) Newton. After the dejeuner, Mr and Mrs Brown leann the 2.50 train for To, ronto. Niagara, and points north to kn Bound where they will reside. The ride was the recipient of "may beguLiful gifts, Cnmsmmmn Umayrtcx Obituary. d5'ilifjihid areeAMig ie, TORONTO Durham Branch : J. c. TELFORD. - Mm; noun mam over. .... ....33,ooo,ooq Dodposite received and interest paid or ad ed four times a year at highest current rates. leq1!rl, Attention to Fsrmers’ Business Paul-up Capital. . Rest.... ...... ..t Total Aunts over, of Canada. HEAD OFFICE: TORO Traders'Bank R B Keeler & Sons J as: a to Ulf price, That's why we in so but, Take n look through our store end yon will see genuine bugninstmm one end of the store to the other. And the people are buying cheaper than they ever bought before. Bargains ! Bargains l ll Come with the Crowds THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT The Department does not bind the" to our the lowest or my tends. By one. ' Gem new; at Public u om. Wt of We Will. “ Ottawa, In], 3, III. - --- -------- Remember our wauh goods me with speck] [ml-gains in long qlovon. mull helm. underwear and hosiery. The House of Quality. H " “when Come to us for tickets and informa- tion. We are also agents for Altar. and Dominion line stmumrbipe and C. P. It. ocean liners. MacFARLANE & co. The Yellow Label Connecting with u Toronto. Only one Durham and Toronto and safety. the following timetable will be in effect until further notice t rend down read up u mr m ' m p.m. t.tllllll leave Hanover ”Volta? 1.3) 6.583.111 Allan Park 9.35 Le, 1.10 " Durham 0.13 12.6 7.:{i‘3.55 MrWillinma tt.61 P2.28 7.53 cat Pricevitie 840 12.05 8.10 4.35 ttr've SanaJct. leave 8.25 lt.46 Connecting with trams wand from Enronto. Only one change_ between Mth the opening of the new Cm:- dun Pttritic line, another milestone hu beep reached in the history of our town Sewn-awn w mom if they i1 re Input-[mum Office closes at I p. tu. Friday Open until 4 p. m. Saturdays The big Sale is still on at KEELER'S. Tells the dueto which out-cub _ uriftinn has been 'IMI' Our mu ingliot wu this week coc- rectal up todue. If you" It not correct, kindly not!” up at once. We thank alt who have renewed the past few week. but “here are yet many others we wish to but from at once. Tenders tor Dredging. c. BAIAGE a sos,' Pawns up Pumas bir w duys Ion to buy ct about Ien " PM" Shock. helm. Rainy River, lip-mm n be eon-Idem unle ied, Ind signed with -‘-.o uhlreued to the under ed "Nude: [or Dredg _ until may. July I: rgdxln; Implied at [In " l tor an. Adm-u m Authority the: Bpeiid, comm: t met " Mo, Inner ' Work “I WI I to 'lf,) eu - the wt- tar .h AMI" "It Um My rtt

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