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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1908, p. 2

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I i Soul. - “way. thr princes Ind priest It... to "id than one dun out y... .-.. un- not “I"! rxpreuly by what Prormm the u- Vetion mu' made. but it was probably hy mating Iota. The lot was in common mo among all nations of antiquity. It is regarded in Scripture. ttof u a chance dnisinn. but as a legitimate method of mrtaining the divine will.--Ahun." Bib. The nines of the tribes were probably written on slips of p'rrehmeitt and “placed in tltr?, hubs. ol the big}; I rint’s hunt te, in t m. o the princes and olden. Then the hint . ' - A, . .- told GiGUii,"'C lection in L,",'. by fitting: IA.- '1' huge. mm- as {summer of ttttttnes in the l tribe might 9.5in at. tribe; * h - JV. F. Is. 19). be?! canon is uncertain, but is guppo be a high hill not In hem It; Samuel's home. Several othe parent meetings were held " Sttrt publicly .1 l7. &tmuerr--"h, this lesson the prophet-judge u peers in a unique at- titude. as one who assists in the revol- ution which it to take from himeeu the supreme rower and bestow it upon another." Ce led the people-This as- sembly was evidently partly represen~ tative, made up of elders and heads of tribes; and partly popular, many of the people being present. uncapp- ed. and to some extent armed.--iiI. but. It was very important for the interests of Sun], as well as to Sam- uel and the people. that his advance- ment to the head of the nation be a matter of public notoriety. Already it was noised abroad that he was emnn the prophets, but that remark. alhle lid was not 'gf/git',.', reasonhlor{ t e poo le to recognize im as t eir Xingu {iterative Samuel. to whom all n to Samuel. agreed with :ions. God Ind mlwayn fair! the promises made them. S -Thv-ir fault minimal not in y 3.x.- ., - . . - cum ny ot prophets Ind the Spin! of J: Lord would come upon him. and he would be turned into mother man and prophesy with them (vs. h, O). The sin: .11 came to gnu as Samuel had predicted. In San] “prophesied among the prophets" (vs. _ 9-13). In. Israel called togethe. at Mix-l peh (V. tr). th - -- m... nu we". to TTI'; e pm et, for inatructiona. Lord 'at Samuel that he abould anoint Saul kin . Samuel invited Saul to dine with him and informed him that the auee were found. He also gave him an intimation that he was to be hing. ll. Saul anointed and iven three sign. (9: 26-10; M). In the morning Samuel privately anointed Saul to be, captain over the Lord’s inheritance (l0: l). He then gave him instrue. tions concerning his return home and also gave him three signs as a con- firmation to him that he was now under the immediate guidance of the Lord. J, He would meet two men who would tell him that the use. which he went to seek were found (v. 2). 2. He would meet three men who would give him two loaves of bread (vs. 3, 4). 3. He would meet a 1'P1"PY. of prophets and the Spirit Samuel reproveth the ,,,. -. - can vimucl meet (9: 1-94). Thing. trivial in them- selves often lead the way to success and honor. Stay use: led Sun] to his kingdom. When he could not lin_d the uses he had been sent by his lather to soak, 'he wont to Samuel, the Ttll for instructions. The Lord toad ‘Samuol that tut tshould oir slit-gunner to hir , prmTrrount it not. IN ry should he the Con" from the whole book of the first eight etootr “a IL-JULY u, “'1 CM li--, M 9: come fifyeetterr.-_-g, an: sever: chosen king Tttn and offkeri, , reat pomp tie. Th Preaen't your”! N in "Item-tic of the lot. “Y Fi by the twelve pr! w-Thu mm 1 he mmther of hm Norm! funnies of M " thoumnd, Lon r--m term, which if: "entry of Mas-i via.. that if thr, this 'mr, the lot “rally Kidd of Risk. I!” lipid Mid " chapter. ol rmult. from a with um. " faithful“ . If? not 1 He Him. lord. lad , they oh. him. they adversity '"'luenee. of Judgm- (Vs. 20. people m. [te or. your Prine. the . r, ...v‘... rvrl’)’ man to hin rd/G)' I home" (v. 25). He did not let one re. : " l main to emumi-u-rute with him over the ot a new administration; would not allow It thp one of the disaffected one to vent their lt' "t diipleasure in his prone-nee. horp. IV. Pra.verntlne,d. "They inquired of d. Mt the Lord further" (v. 22). Trarer is Irtrrple the preface to the book of Christlan liv, r, who ing; the text of the life sermon: the the ptirtbutg op, the armor for battle,. the felrei Pilgrim’s preparation for his journey." "' or- i "The Lord answered" (v. 22) their earn- yotrr I est, definite prayer. n there any record Prine. of an unanswered prayer? God answered the David. though he did not grant his peti- ill‘mh tion it? Sam. 12. 15-18). Jesus answered " tt John the Baptist. though He permitted nd.-- him to die a martyr's death,' that he might have forever the ove.eomer's I. 21} eron'n (Matt. ll. l-ti). God always ana- wers the heart ery of every ehihl, If not we would pray well we must pray much P Be. (Luke 18. l: I These. 5 17). To "have ably the petitions we desire" we must ask "non “according to His will" " John G. l4, F. It 15). When we ask according to His! 'IT; word we ask wording to In. will. We I/l do this when we abide in Chrint and His ai; wont; abide in us (John 15. n. When “a we ask in Bil name (John 14.. ta. 14) titth and in the Power of the Spirit (Rom. I , of tt. M. 27) every such prayer " answer- 4 ritth ed "hulking? “cannot deny 'J,":":,'.','; tl " Tim. 2. . any prayer " anewe . :2 “in Hague. a. Egan?!" a 2 Y. rte-y.. no la ....aee " 3,]; hi." (v. M). My he honored the o ay one “who. the Lord bod Oren.” Oor- . sh. dielly be commended the» who was ‘I ad to mint him. No baa our mind N nth. LtePvtt.aiGtiaGt"?l"2'l'ti at Inch eoatrteor, Wale-u, dignity and tt words and Samuel Miz. ind no: 27. l IH. Loyalty. “Samuel. . . . can ‘the tribal to come near" (vs. Samuel would not choose the I sell; he found out by lot whn Lord had chosen. The prophet I will of God. "Choose thou our for up." a saintly father used to ten at the family alter, and 101 afterward the memory of the kept the daughter happy in the God. The prophet was not only God. but also to the king. “Sam all the NOD]? nwnv AI-A-- __, "Go '... tom-hing .... all thing mow-r I have mnnmanded you" 28: 20.) God says, "Speak m faithfully" (Jer. 23; M)--the wn condemns as well as the word th forts s l PRAUI'lCAe APPLICATIONS. .' I I. Lessons From the Prophet. a I. l'nselfishness. “Samuel called the I people together unto the Lord” (v. It.; t A feudal nobleman who, in n great im'a- I sion, had taken possession of an estate, laid: "If the king does not grant me this castle I will burn it; no other shall have it." Such was not the spirit of Samuel. He did not say, "If I cannot be your ruler, no one else shall.” He set himself aside, helped the people in their choice. was Soul’s best friend and coun- selor, and did all he possibly could to make the experiment a success. He drew the people unto the Lord, not ttn. to himself. It was the same unselfish- ness that made John the Baptist say, “He must increase, but I must de. crease." II.Fttithfttineso. “Samuel .... said .... Thus saith the Lord" (v. 18.) Though the people had rejected God, he did not reject them. God remembers when men forget. God in good when men are not grateful. God is faithful when men are wilful. If men will not follow God, he 5 will follow them. His faithfulness is a _ proof of his hue. ther commission is, l "Go _... teaehing '"r. all things what. 1 - -- ~~~-- ---; ---u recognize the anthotity of San]. These were the subjects who would help to have a peaeeable reign, and would be loyal subjects. 27. Children of Belittl-- Those who were wicked, profligate and not disposed to be controlled. Despised hint-Dill not recognize him, but only his manner and doubted hiss, ability. No but aim to the king. " te people away. every "' (v. 25). He did not to commiswmte with I administration: would f the disaffected one t u. mum wno regarded it " a conscien- tious duty to escort their new king to his home. Hearts .... touehed-sueh as were moved by him to do their duty and wanna-‘3'... st., _..ALA_2A . -. - or {bone who regarded ii' tious duty to trseort thei his home. Hearts inv . 24. see ye him-auth, distinguished ' stature and great strength helped much I to recommend him to the people. There was none like him in majesty of appear- ance, and he became popular " once. the Lord hath ettosencBitt God had, in [ thin, yielded to their demands agninst his own will and wisdom. M. manner of the kingdom-The constitution and lam, of the new government, with the respective duties of king and people to. f ward each other and toward God. wrote it--"The charter of this eonstitu. tional monarchy was recorded and de. 0 I .10.»: Jane zoom a l t.r.tt Elm: I {he ')d'tt'nt't'/,' F. * il? ll I 20. Saul also went home-To his fa. therU house. Saul had no desire to rule and for the present modestly left the public affairs for Samuel to manage. Went with him-Not the whole com- pany, but a few select friends, perhaps, I nu- 0L..-“ ...l.,. --__-s, , .. Baptist. piJiiri"i'i'; I trust. ijnmin we: the Inn-lieu tribe, and hie father”: family, according to his own statement, was the least of all the family of the tribe of Benjamin; how then could he stand before Israel as their king.' Be may else have been alarmed at Sumner. dechntion that the people were rejecting God in chow ing a king. 88. enquired of the 1atrd-- The high print probably enquired tr menu of the trim and Thummim, butt how this was done we do not know. in there yet a men (R. vo-They enquir- ed whether Saul was Present or was to ( be sought elsewhere. among the stuff --The baggage. 23. ran, ete.--There ep- pears to have been much haste and ex- citement. higher than tutr-Saul we- tall and commanding in per-on. It in nuppoeed that he was at least seven feet in height. It wee an age when leaders stood in the forefront of the battle, and " giant would strike terror to his foes. I His name (John '14". ci/ii; power of the Spirit (Rom. rery such prayer " answer- martyrs death.' that he rev" the ore'.eomeru I. Hi). God always ana- cry of every child. If we" we must pray much Thess. 5 17). To "have nmmnnded you" 1Matt. says, "Speak my word 23: M)--ahe, word that l as the word that com- unit ot "tristian liv. a life sermon; the " for battle; the n for his journey." , (v. 22) their enm- Is there any record mnnu when men are I not follow God, he Ills faithfulness is a Our commission is, '"r. all things what. "“19." inquired r. 22). Trarer ok of C8tristlan life sermon; manding in person. It in t he was at lent seven t. It was an age when in the forefront of the giant would strike terror _ lot Mon?" "iii') Prophet loved the a!ul lon'g sl, '" 'oug Sean I the pro pr n the will of only loyal to "Samuel Rent , man to hie t let one re. .mmml all (vs. 20. 21). our vim th king him pray of, yr the allow gem of is I Paris. July F-corn.". I. Slinnyey president of the American Continents Journal Company, has arrived in Paris to arrange for the publication of the, new English daily paper which it is proposed to start in the French ieapital. Mr. Szinnyey is enthusiastic over the prospects of his paper, and refuses to be donated by an editorial warning of the Paris edition of the New York Herald, which Mates that the sum of "MM has been lost on the Herald since its inception in Paris. LOST OVER SEVEN MILLIONS New York Herald’s V.M...- " ah tun...” nut-5c DrUOKS de- eided to throw restrictions around her before she established u world's matri- monial record. Mrs. Begin, however, says her five trips to the altar have thoroughly disgusted her with mar- riage and that she will cheerfully abide by the Judge', decree. 'uoan, who m ‘ Alinm-upulis Minn., July 6. _ Mn!" doorman an Hanna Begin, five times married and Rona ar.o In five times divorced, is now at the end (‘unvy Island of her matrimonial rope. In the Hen- who was too nepin County District Court to-day ehanee fur am Judge Brooks granted her her fifth The "arperl divoree with the proviso that she o'elock this ll never be allowed to remarry. and the childr Mrs. Begin is 42 years old and as been gone hal she is still comely Judge Brooks de. is I one-anne cided to throw restrictions around her bedroom and betoiclshe tstl,ablthhed it world's maui.. arohnd out»: At the End of Her ltfatrimsiiiai Rope. patients. The the woman of her operation, Yugo he plott riam'u family, I in the plan. f, Philadelphia. July tl.-- Cyanide at 'i Potassium, which had been placed with f fiendish cunning in the ole he sipped t shortly before he was fatally stricken on '.' Friday night last. caused the death of ' Dr. William B. Wilwn, of 819 North I Sereuth street. Thit: was established late to-dny by the cononer‘s office and the autopsy. The bottle containing the death deal. ing beverage had been sent by express to the phytsivian's house three days be- fore he opened it by a man and a wo. man. the policu assert. who, actuated by a motive of revenge and hatred, delib. erately plotted to destroy him. To throw the physician off his guard, the couple the police suspect of having murdered him previously aem him a fraudulent circular letter signed by a well-known [Philadelphia brewing firm. in which it was muted that n bottle of ale valuable for in mediyinnl properties was being forwarded to him. its to other members of his profession. in the hope that he and they might preNerilte it to their patients. I The motive for the murder is nil. qtrnnge as the methods used to accom- I plirh it. Dr. Wilson, recording to the!‘ police. had beiidv his large and reput- able practice. an illegitimate one. Some t of the rielust and best known women in f Philutlelphitt are mid to have been his ' patients The belief of the police is that a the wouutu of the coup!c suspected. after " her operation, told her husband. In his _ t. The motive for the murder atmngo as the methods used to plixh it. Dr. Wilson, according police. had beside his large and Dr. William H. Wilson’s Death May be Cleared Up by Police. VICTIM OF PATIENT. aged 9 years, was arraigned on a charge of grand. larceny. Apparently unaware of the seriousness.. of the crimes, the child told of how she suc- cessfully committed over fifty bur. _glaries and identified every which: of the stolen yoods, which filled two hum-,- in the Clymer street Police Station, next door. She said she was taugnt to steal by her elders, but a \Hnllnll (who was held on suspivion derried tity charge. The child amid she had in "uted how to climb through war windwa- and runsnck homes and that she curriul away her spoils in a little "(i-cart in which uln- plaeed a "tFdiv bear" to con- ceal the stolen property. New York, July th-. tiny girl burglar was lice court to.dav wh he plotted to omtro.v"iirr, illusiv family, and forced her to take part “I-.. Nine t Herald’s Venture in PIN: Not a Gold Mine. "W - “"F' God's way in best. A good wrongly obtained Mei not satisfy people said, "We will have a king they got him; they desired a m a gigantic nature. and he was i they desired a military leader, " sent him, but the children of Min] pised him" (v. 27). Although the granted their ."'Ptrt,.yet they " because of their folly. lily Girl an TAUGHT TO thu, -- 77...- .V mm "tkt5i"a'ttt'U, “When you want little in thine own light, not thou not made the head of the tribes?" II. Prudence. "He held his peace" (r. 2?). “Silence is sometimes the most mul- terly thing conceivable. It is strength in very grandeur. It in like a regiment or. dered to stand still in the mad fury of the battle. To plunge in wan twice as may." If brother comes home cross. and _ wrongly accuses you of im1iiferenee.oeg. ligenee or “kindness, hold your peace; if you are bitterly or maliciously op- posed in your efforts to do what you be. lieve to be right. hold your peace. You will calm your friendly opponent. you will draw nearer to your loved ones who are only tired and irritated, you may turn a foe into a friend gut!" " Sun; 9; 22-24). "Rim whom the Lord hm. chosen!” not "he when you nnrighteomly demanded.” Blunt re- buke is unneeemry. Plain words may be spoken courteously. EH... rebuke may be tender. H. Lessons from the Prince. I. Modetty. Soul "hid himself and they my and tetehed him thence" w. 23). That this was real modesty we know, because God said to him atter.vorir “When you was: little in thine own night, was: thou not made the head of on- 0-“.-- us HAD FIVE mar-old Child In Court " Charge of Larceny. III. revenge and hatred, (Edd; d to destroy him. To throw off his guard. the ample oe into a friend. ,_, ..-_ """d A Lesson From the People. way in best. A good thing obtained Mei not satisfy. The In; any. ...:n 1 . - ears, was arraigned on a rand. larceny. Apparently F the seriousness.. of the chin} told of how oi suc- t, July th-The story of I urglur was revealed in pa to-day when Annie Wilson r. S. I. Slinn e erican "co2t"ill'eT/t'a't his arrived in the publication of , Pttper which it in the French r is enthusiastic , ly? paper, and .1 July tl.-- Cyanide of had been placed with in the ole he sipped Ihrert $eeoml4itorer Worker. , will have a Egg." iii they drtired a man of matri- we was given; oder, and God of Min] "deg. "Rh the Lord they suffered The wolimn ' and, snatchil I, shot the on I and in the br ' limp upon th hallway acre: subsequently of an ndjtcem La Ron w where he died, "Yes," “id My dome-tics the? In... a tties rGGiiit' tr; Chicho News. "Yes," midi FV domestics l "t am a good woman, and not a wo- man of the street.” Finally La Rosa struck her in the face, The woman then Wtenched herself tree and, snatching a revolver from a shelf shot the one-armed man in the head and in the breast, and, when he tumbled limp upon the bed, the nu out of the hallway screaming for heir. She was subsequently found hiding n the collar of an adjacent house. - um. u. u. alumna. You need tlot be faithful to a donkey.” Caterina struggled to throw him oft, saying: -16, was too little to ‘ was all about. Lu, to be cheerful, but tears would well up “Huck had hrfs every step frouu tu from u. link vnio, years ago. lie Cu at his trade, the was for little .. images of the My (time he Im‘. his plo up the mute hie “:1 in! and heat. can“ finger was ttearly m [snippet], and he 10: IThe neighbors mum; Several months agu who had been u Italy, as well as a Al hand, came to board and Luigi was vex Rona, who made goo a doorman at a Bro. Rosa aim mun! tn - V... ....-u-(’IIB cl “Damn, the eldest, ban, it all, and her big blank ' with the excilvmvm ol tilie had been with her La Rosa, the bad man, the hedrmm! and mum and it wan she who b ntoty to thr unlit-u A,,.., New York, July (Br-Hours after the police found Caterina Mnncusi, his wife, cowering in a dark little cellar, Luigi Mancini sat in the kitchen of his bare flat in the tenement at w, West 27th street. his unaccustnmml 'I-... A, sun-ex. Ins unaccustomed finger?“ bling over his children's clothes. Resins], the eldest, hart-1y 7, had it all .....I L...- tt - '. . Husband Bagged by Iu.t fuses to Leave Him Assailant, Who Died pital. POUR, FAITHFUL WIFE HER TEMPTER. ( ""'t' uguxtllowuz came tn hi; hnmv. le Field avenue, yesterday, the dam: were all looked. Attempting to opts," a window, he detected the odor of gen. Ii.- inum-diutely broke open the rear " w: and, milling into the bedroom. found " wife’s body. A phyaim'am said she Ind heen dead for some hours. Coroner l2:- " nett considered an inquest not n'.'e-t, r ,- n..- ans-nu} tttree lucinution as to same fae had existed for some time, num- than once spoken to "hunt it. When Aukenowitz H: Pig-Id avenue, ve Detroit, July 6.»~Bocause her face was deformed and liness forever lost, Mrs. o, witz killed herself yesterda hand found her body when l I from work late yesterday all l She had lain down upon t attaching a small rubber h jet, and had placed the oth, hose in her mouth. Death 1' asphyxiation. Mrs. Burkenowitz had Mt ,uttue nervous affection. and j her mind was trlisrhtu, “ml-o. mu “can "ui"'ntering. i' was ttearly out cii will“! " i, and he lost " mont'n'4 rigllburs lulpwl him pay th an] months agu, Uonnto La had been an friend of u as well as a suitor for Cab V --.v~|.\l I‘ll-"l Rosa, the bad man, sneakvd into hedruum and attacked Caterina, it was she who told the will»; to the police. Angelo, the boy at 5 too little to understand what it JI about. Luigi was trying hard "h-P," L... -- . _ Suicided Because She Thought Her Face Deformed. mu ueuueu upon at a meeting of the leaders of the progressive and regenera- tor party I few days before they were carried out. A number of Republicans also were present at this meeting. Dr. Alpiom charged further that the Repub- licans proposed to obliterate the entire royal family. with the exception of Maria Pia, the mother of King Carlos,; but that the Monarehiets insisted that much a general slaughter would be use- less. Finally Manuel Silva Buissa and Alfredo Costa were given $20,000 and 310.000, respectively, to kill King Carlos and Premier Franco. Arrangementn were made by other men to cover the flight of the assassins. hut when Buissa and Ctmta fired, their friends lost their heads and opened fire also. These shots 1 resulted in the .lpnndnt and-“ In! ' 'P" taken to TRUE WOMAN. Lisbon, Juiy 6.--Dr. Jose Maria del Aipoim, chief of the Progressive DU. sidentl. stunning under the intimation: that he was implicated in the assassina- tions in Lisbon last February of King Carlos and Crown Prince Luiz. created a sensation in the House of Lords to-duy by revealing what he declared to be the true story of his regicide plot. He asserted that the assassinations had, been decided upon at a meeting of th..l Hen Paid to Minute Portuguese Royal Family. Mu: fu.ar. "I treat " equals.” “Ami .l..-u Progressives and Repnldicau “and the Harden. HAD DELUSION. queried Mrs, norm) MURDER respectively, to kill King Carlos nier Franco. Arrangements Were , other men to cover the flight massing. but when Buissa and red, their friends lost their d opened fire also. Those shots in the Oathhof Prince Luiz. 1i:riu, but ii ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO to" some facial r some time, n ost, Mrs. Oscar Bar self yesterday. Her body when he calm yesterday afternoon Luck Pym; were alive nt ot the trngudy. the hospim, Wm M Him, and Shoot; Died in the Hog. "And ddG s. otdttoid.--. the House of Lords to-duy hat he declared to be the , his regicide plot. Be the assassinations had Final J' t were 1pon the bed "LUCK. She Re, mother MIL:- toeaked into Id suffered from, Rectum were Irse, to-day and ftr and l is believed I ef,'1'.uu.".T..ty.rrett1pit Surrtulu ottere Teeted. The hal. faciul deform‘ty ,r hose tdur/d other end of th" th resulted from cum.- h La Ru“. Luigi in aterita', h and she had " husband Itt ha, She imagined all hm- camc- car Barkeno. y. Her hue. , nri'ct'o'tty. t 4n work SLAYS trem SP?" - "u a". “u! uuu' _ I is now fairly active. The weathm l thruugliout this part of the onuntry, a, ' l in the West, is exceedingly fn'urziln'e t: ivroirs, and retailers are in din-.1 to op filllliaill regarding tali bllnll,et. Order, I 1.1110941. however, are not gem-rally mural to thine of last year. Money is fairly tree, but the demand for it is not par- ticularly active. The failure of La Banque St. Jean be. little more than local effect. Toronto--Busine" condition have changed but little during the past week. The demand foe wholeule line. in lane... ing, but it in doing so Ilowly. Buyers are trertenulr.takinii iuat whet they need for present trade. Buying for tell in‘ good and it promise. to be better. The week has been A good one for crop. in all parts of the country, sad the cheerful tone repealing the future in growing more pronounced. The dry good. trade report. an excellent volume of Maine... mulla- out with fail lines ue ending t! l, after - v "-e"'vMq brr x... “11506 I from 5 to 10 per cent. Lacknwanna Steel reports an improvement {in Ftscltleations, " well as In orders. M. M. & T. deficit um charge: 3244.159. ttttd surolus tor eleven month. $1,068,710. aria“ 23.44.000 nrrt year. Bradstreet', Trade Review. Montreal-The tone of general bus'. noes here continues to show steady but very gradual improvement. seasongble weather is helping the demand for gan- oral lines at retail and the mm... "...n, l hmu WALL STREET xm spa: upper in Landau la 7s 6 may“. " 6d higher. New York banks gained 81.46 rub-Treasury operations Mace l TM Bank of Eagland rote ig Luann market Braertilly incl tr: mum-a ere In slight Is 1 Railroad. w I not cut eat wage ux munch. B R r. turned nbcut 5 per C" 51 pan {heal you. Urixed States Steel expected t .-.., ' .- ... “A _ . retruieiaioi- uit Der lb. WINNIPEG WHEAT MARKET. Following no the closing quotation; on Winnipeg stun futures: Wheat-air 51.02% but. Oct. 8533c bid, Dec. 86c bid. Llau--July ae bid, Camber " c asked. BRITISH CATTLE MARKETS. uridon--London cables for ttttle are needy. u 13c to "he per 1b., dressed Ive-13m; refrigerator lu- I. mm... ,. ..... A I St. Lawrence sugars are quoied " l granulated. 85.00 in barrels, and Nt I En. 84.60 In Darrell. The“ prlces a: i livery: car lot: Gc kn. I OTHER MARKETS. sis 18.2.4 male as: us: I: cum n. year ot 8.910 L:.:Jhded ia the US: amertca: cal wt can ' 13.7.32 head. Will: a net de cram- in tho n NEW YORK SUGAR 19RKCr. Fuear--Rtor, firm; ttur retlutng, 5.8M- mm“. in test, 4.he; molasses sugar. reutoed. steady. ,..--_‘ ...-yuan" um uurrnnu altered to- Hmy tot. tirst time. Strawberries “end/2 Hum-nous were " tttllowa; iyrawberrtes, box ..... .. ....8003 $00ti Cuerrter, basket ... .. .. .. .. 075 100 (lill1qlt;tril,'t bake; ... .... .. too 13., Currants. nox‘... .. .. .. .... ow 000 lawman". box' ..."., .. .. .. 015 on Pineapple”. cute ... .. .. .... 223 um fCor':li11'r'i'll' Val. box ... .. .. .. Au, Ar". Cucumbers. crate .._ onlonv. green. bunch Tomatoes. craze ... Forums. new. bbl. (Unknowns. crate Ft Watermelon.. each . Wax bum. ttonper Do., Calm. Mada. Lemons. box ... .. Human. bunch ... Ccl. peaches. box .. Aprieuts, box ... .. Plural. box ... .. Cabbage. Cum. crate Asparagus. dozen . war ot 'piir%litVitiisGT' uded I: the have grand total amertca: (only: which make Veal. prime. pred vii Lamb. Der out. ... .1 cat'.' I Dre-used hogs an quiet. wht, price. firm; choice lightweighu sold " 38.75 and treavy at “.25 to ".3is. “you. wake. bub. .. .. .. .. £079 lam but)! Do., no». but Cabs. burn. ... .. Barley. bush. ... Peas, bush. ..... Hay. timothy, con MONTREAL CATTLE The offering- ot grain to-dar '0” small. there being only about 200 but“: at out. Which sold " we per bushel. hay In “when oupply, with one: of '20 lotair " no to m a ton. Bunny is quoted at. 511 a (on. 2.2 head, " "altut It,tt, a net decrease at 1,511 in the ship-men: or Amer 1 port. as computed with t yen- was 7.329 head . ,-_.-__ m w w w W nu. - Sheen and ieytt--thipoFt won gold at 83;. ta r: rum. $8 a; a.» per an; hubs. ti'.b to qu', per noun . Hotts--t'riea lunch-aged " 86.40 tor soled-4 and ILLS tor Hum. _____- - .- ‘-r--~ came were on lab. A “I In" New out ot loud- at butchers. ooh! " I to $6.t5,' export bulls. $4.75 to 85.25. ' Butetters--YiG Dest mas ot lunch- gold from was to $5.50; medium. “.75 to 00-10: common, ttas to 84.50; can. 01.30 to “-40 her an. Peoutsm Ind "oekers-Th.re ll hula de- mund tor poor quality lulu-u and uockm. and Igor: In little else being angled. Trade War, “I a._-u___ __- ___ _ t ,_..._ --". -..- ..-. '4 I000 aut on Monday'- mar-tot. Tsue In: “on. “a: prices love: for the but. '-rottertriaos. tsprhcTGir, le and i,7iiiaiGriv"h gun-area “in: tae n: SUGAR MARKET? were 9,46'2 came tad 1.078 t 15.249 cattle and 1,464 sheep India; mouth last year. The une. 1908, show u: mag-c n..- --" ,7 . we: or We nook a In. City Markot, and " .n: “an”. were 67 car gown.“ at we mic. 1,ttit be“. 1,iUl ..i.'t,,'eet9puut 3" “M FRUIT MARKET s to show steady but ovement. Seasonabte the demand for tten. and the sorting trade ive. The weather rt of the country, as ..- qGidf"artisii' FARMERS MARKET, TORONTO MARKETS Inc for mu; *tAatttt to "altut 12.2” In um. ate ot 1,511 head. The men: 't.httyylesn cattle u is to 35 pa- out! 1fpttto-rhipo"rt we. sold " 83.75 8 lt 83.50 per an; lambs. also m an quo:ed as untow- barren. and No I sold The“ prices are tor tie, per cut In "Serena/lifts May, t there is '87. tr,.'afe.,.t,. Inn-rum :npnred with Jum. be “not! Ln daze LIVE STOCK N' EWS 1.462.00D through , Fridgy’ hat. new. which mo; t tae same period l i'?). {been _u.vliattra.' lined to I," In yor York. MARKET, m tor at orabi'e' to d to op- Orders My Pqual is fairly Hg ttiUiGere s the total reason to the same was“ to than; l lent g, It is gtuerally believed that the King will promote him to an earl. dom, but this, of course, from an army point of view, will be "newly a decorative advancement. It was mt. turally proposed that he should be promoted to the milk of field mar. and, but Kitchener himself is be. “owed to have asked that the field, mar-har- baton be withheld for, . time. Except in time of actual war nn officer of the rank of field mar. in! is barred from weep“ min post. " the Wu Office J‘ehcwhae, nnd Kitchener u n nun who want. to be lllel doing. Meanwhile one of the latent rumon In that he Williams“ the Dunk. of Con- in t tem- the t 1rth.tu)tdditit at: has. army, in shyne- due the "yt-eiit- 'lfdNheitilcyriri'ta'lltSt",tr, vim! for the Duke. be alwaysiazing" Meanwhile one that he will tune ngught in we A l ('00 33.1: , London, July 0.--hortt :Kltchener'n [ prolonged term of cmuumnd m indie ex. pires in November, and the usual crop of rumors as to Ile: will lbe the next em. loymeut for in: is trendy a rin i tl It is wall known that the King in: great admirer of Kitchener“: mania. and has had more than one discussion with the Secretary for War ',?.iiiiiiiiii.i his future employment on leavin. In- Lord Kitchener's Term in l pins in Novombor. 1%toria, n. C.. Jul, a tartan-H metosage all" an allmtrmu' neck ', daily manna-s rece l story of the wreck u of the French burg Faure. 22 starving I roman-d by the Britii and brought to Syd: the sailing of the Ma I ml Pmterdn.v. I The runaways, “I! (mo. fashioning their , nun“: rersottreefttl way Juan Fernandez. were Antipoder, Island, 'eout and "our whére the British irarque Dumb after their vessel dm March hut. and had run-up when the Brit sighted. The mun were ravenous when rationed. and having been on short ration for mme- time. They had needles made of Iplmlrs of pocket knives, dinner knives mado from an iron hoop, tom from . ctvsk washed from the wreck, fish hooks from bent nails, spoons from shells, hair combs from hush them, etc. tow MAY SUCCEED CONNAUGHT‘ l After Lord Curzon Inf the tt'easstitvns of Hohlum’ memorial fun I treamrvr of the eollegt for the foundation of Hobbes scholarship in literature. French Sailors Stranded Islands. Helm-in: n. C.. July 61.--, ,7- __.. un- '"P vor- new are figures representing literature um! comedy. A replica of the medal- lion i,, to he sent to America, Mm. t ruigic'as hirtlmlnm The medallion, which um Alfred Drury. A. R. s., [ framed in dark wood. 0n new are figures r-ttr-oi Landau. July 6.- lv~wn ymterday u of "John Oliver H, which have hem library of Univen of which the lttte student. Medallion of “John Oliver Hobbes' Unveiled. tit the death of the King, Ian; and friendlvus in Ihr Provisions of the King’s he provided an am k, m uppt'ur not to have Keen l tlte "hier son sought to uguimt tho late King's (published. Madrid. July th-ie Supreme Court .ve"eray gave judgment against the son of Elena Zuni, a Bohemian opera singer, in a suit brought to recover a share of the estate of King Alfonso XII. from the Dowager Queen and other lemma-a, which he chimed an the Bat. ural eon of the King. King Alfonso XII. was enamored of Elena Zanz, who bore him two sons. The minger wan banished from Spain " h-r :hedeathuf the King,and died home, lenx and friendly“ h. "......, L. ..--. .... Fernandez, scrambled ashore on ado-s Island, muth of New Zenland, our whére the survivor. of the h lmrque “undular were rescued their vessel drove ashore during hunt. and had given up hope of who" (I... M...'... I. .7 .. Natural " of Mom's lkatied "i. Itights. I ward well and prices are firm in tone. London-Bush-, in fairly active in nearly all lines. Crops promise eseree. ingly well and the demand for toning lines show: a better tone. Bueineu is still behind that of A year ego. ottawa-E-ot crop conditionl in the surrounding district are much help. ing the volume of business here. LIVED LIKE Hamilton-Business hold. a hurl; good tone. There has been some increase in sorting orders and the outlook for fall trade continues bright. Collection: Are generally fair. Produce in coming for. wu'rd Tfill and prices are firm in tone. - "V Pe"" "P nu hen the British warship Queboe--Oe holiday: amid} early part of the week somewhat intrrtemd wig: wholesale trade. net-ms to be “lured. Vancouver and Wtetorie--Bushte" all along the Pacific cont. continues to allow further improvement. The interior de. mand for wholesale atocka is more active and retail trade is rather brisk". " 'mnirerutts this pert of the country everything depends upon crop conditions. than is to nay, the general volume of trade here ir rapidly cumming its nortnal ttetivity. Crop. never looked better u this time of the your and a record yield new" to be “lured. "““.'-"'a' rewarding the wreck on Ant 1etu.l, burg.” Pr, t running French hula on in. quiet the. wine all time. ot muncry produce are coming forward (hilly well. prices are firm. The {licking Jutland for butter is active. Cal cation: "T. P'tt.erallyfnir. tu gum}. (aways, who lived jngood regatta. Ate.tnsiidiPtr My l"'" MRS. CRAIEEE. Lord Curzon had ttVanta-err, of the mtmyial fund In "irthpuei, "erday unveiled the In! Oliver Huhbes" (Mrs. C w been placed in the; E University College, l H." I“: ‘- LOST HIS SUIT. WW!!!“ ttttstetteft'it o," mek, one of a a , BERN: warship ;0 Sydney shortly the Mnrama, whit, the 00"?ng I “um , mm Bore him two sons. ms banished from Spain " ‘n of the King, and died home. mile" in Paris in mm. The I the King'" wlll. by which an ample annuity for her, ' have been carried out, and T sought to have his claim late King’s estate. legally , um! IIVC‘G a ( heir utensils in may nu the nun rwording Gui, Mrs. caiririiiii, Lord Curzon of Red in India Ex. A n tiweurrlq diii CRUSOE. Pnsilr. in the the marrmn of wan Pxecuted by H. is of bronze, 0n the_top cor- r regarding leaving I... the Jud I handed the .mhi, Gii74 modern Engiish teUdent Felix h "tilom were T.hit.e Sezzdim on Antigua“ the medallion (Mrs. Cmigie), ttt a quill l ttries of "Poke". one , l'owusun Is before ich arriv- ery . mt. d be M. Jo mar. "'ere be. “.7- mm field " Ne. . , . tea nil. vu- lot be I the gnu-ml of Crusoe " Q Landon. tll iver to the money Oliver hvi E but no light. mm}; wa. “wt “in: ter, PM and -e - a. mu, but it Wttm hung}: that I tow took place. among Italians, Ptplerred On ”Motion work on the tttl, in“ Paeine Railway near New In Th a tint . _ ',tiii,7l"lttc 5. the tcity"' IN the " [Tm UMBER. St. John. N. B., despuch: A tr lieu-g. from Gland Facile. "re murder um Committed t It New Denna-m. I 'settlement ten Elihu from Tram. Particular. If: he lid in full, but it Mu., ' ' - _ H..- w. wen. Follow-wurknwn “:1:qu to their help. Surgeons Were 'phonrd for. The men received every care, but it is Wared Walter-s will die. Him nom- and right leg no broken, and his abdomen cut 1nd beer-ted. Netherclme has eight dbvere lat-outed wound-u. while l'rimnu'u left ear was nearly torn from his head. his left arm hurt and " right knee Laid open. Filler fell dal',, van-nu u _ loll: Uwi a run! to failure Tttl, mortar 'lf 'de'"i,r'hy, room of W. D. Druier'u box factory to not, three Ineu Were serioluly im jured this urn-moon. Wm. R. Walla“. Gauge kennel-dine Ind Julius Primecu, all over do, were removing support» from under the wall, when, without wa-rning, it gave - --4' ‘~‘ - . Chadian: dunk-h to failure of the u room of W. D. D, "ree Chitin. Works, ottalr “in“. _ -.._. "VIII“ for Mm. Cleveiat Mr. Cleveland dr and arranged that petty would 1m to that it I New York. July t! Grog" Cleveland has b the Surrogate of More" and will be [unloaded wi at whid, time Mrs. C come to Princeton from home in Tamworth, N. H. bean Itlyillg since the to] death. The amount of the out Ir lonmrd, but it wa- ,- -m, "In nnother "not Ind Perl, wounded. Cots RICI CM “than of the county to» to the can. of the trouble, to “M not! I. looked for to- GROVE! CLEVELAID'S WILL. The Butt of Hit My bk n I I Toronto (Iowan-h: Mr. Rolund M. M» well, the Elan young nun who fciled t. marry mu Wilhelmina r'uttttttittr.. -- West Toronto, " the upFoitm-d 1;: Int Timothy. notwithstanding that td,, wedding party and the mimutet. who wc. to have conducted the "'re;rurn.t witited sever-l hour-{for him to Wu in an up- Wanner. in reported to have loft Pet. Prboro' yeah-my with a house [arty bound for Bump. He had promised Mina Cummings to take her to Europe on the waking trip. It is said that Mr. Boswell um- mtrtiined in I nnitarium name time. and that he in not strong. mount-"v 32M Roland Boswell Said to Have Joined a Home Party. OFF 'sor this week. and yawning: mm woman at the Windsor Hack. whom told that the Ontario police were In ing for him. On returning to Don- the woman informed the your», a Hvilman was "ieated. Hellman n: he will be glad to return to Turn! and fine the clam". Detroit, Mich. July 6.--Ar, a l‘v-llll having taken a woman into hi. mm dean: and mules-Jug to In: thut I. Ontario police were seeking for hit Edwin R. Hellman, " yarn old. of T, route, is held u police heudquurm An ofrieer is waning from Toronto n him today. Hell-nu “up (-uplliq-r IL the Nielsen Co., of Torouto. Thu weeks ago Wednesday he started Gn , bank with m in all: and chequ- " in $272. ttstead ot gain; to the hunk lu went to the Union sullen, took a mm for Buffalo, where be spent par! of 12.. moniry on the no“. He "une to Wind nor Ihil Teeee.yuyt yawning: mm i" And "can Teld Up- a Toronto In to Police. r TU all!!! up“!!! the "otl'.ct, u. the violation of an Ame-rim" hmw l the Mplhil; of the officer. " 1- l, to the (let that oddball of tits. 5mm 1.; melt and] participant in the (1.... Iain; of an American hm...“ do. whoa! building in wo. Iet_ttttt, can all hang:- Wlh repuh by the Rrisdent.cenemi "as lanrer than and would rovic It. o'ii7'hl' and The prompt action of Prium- lt ' 1- 'titieartt of the determination m Ln] “Iii-mot that the soldiers luau: pager Qttilude torant foreigui. tto, wem new der the nu, I it Wve le " on them'. I to their help. 'r. lt "eeived every -IA, -- ’. 'tr order of Prince Ito, Readout“ l erat, the 'radier I'll "muted and mm“ dutely Elam to two mnnthC h... ' The colonel. 'mtjor, cup! Im- ,. Baum-nu of the magi-non: (H um i. ', soldier belonged 'efll ull be diwzlnz .. ' _ a continuum of from ttuve to _.,,' “I! _ --- _ BRICK strong. mentally lhe Mull Coamul, when inlul. of the “Mr, clued it to the nth-m of the Japanese Eula-Hy, and detttus, palm-en at the milieu ( Seoul, July 6.--A leam nq- "sthlir, said: My “much the Ann- Wit when " Pin-wally. an “any! n (can ttateUkete “in u out, chub; him through tlr, .1“. I!" eeale- section. " EUROPE WITHOUT BRIDE Within“. It, We: and Corona With Ilia ttaroaet. TOLD WOMAN K. July 6.--The will " Hand has been filed win . of Mercer county. Y. J., Prtyyd within ten dats I of the estate lit it wag sta laTyr tin-n hit), mined tomitrlst I "ttlrment about mt. Plrticuhrq could [,,ttt is Wu known 'lllld and the drew the will m the bulk of to his widnw. 7,-_-., ...- Doll. Wm. II. Wala.rs. fe um Julius Primearu, re lemming support» watt, when, without ipatvh: Mr. Roland M. B a young man who feileC Wilhelmina Cumming» , at the aiiaoted by: notwithstanding that Coe. IM the minivan-r who was Pied the core-mun} waited RAN AMUCK. Widow. July 0,; y and mi. JESS; * Fellow No rkmen “p. Surgeons Were Tery care, but it is die. Jiis none and b echi. abdomen the former PM I...“ nttslterto M Provide mmforx al . Woman was trouble. Otte "It! A another FELL. ttWet tem day level-ad wi her mother " where 'she G stated trul Were telephone , h. B., fo-ttMt ('(ruld chi] mlldt‘en him-veif hh pro. wk to Hi- I p. Ill-1 and hin damn e u aw IT " his tl

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