West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1908, p. 4

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' ti - a; 'ii! Taylor & Co., J,?,,':,,?,,??.,,?..:.?,;','), .4 """i'"i"maixisisiaesasaasarxsug"l' ti" MEN'S ODD PANTS ;-;m:<::-::-::c:-::-::-:3:3:-c:cm3:cammmxacgg if:: Taylor & Co., Dromore j,' . . - --"'" uu-uaul . .. tttttttttte---,... -""--------.-L, MEN I] OVERALILS a n to” cog-000000000“ Old Bitt 4 Stand Ladies' Summer Lustre SJ Ladies' Dress Skirts, all [ reasonable price. Ladies' silk underskirts in Men's Summer Caps, nice Ladies 2lummer .73 " mm: season only we will reduce Men’s and "lothing 10 per cent. This means money o you and thegomls are all lst class quality. , ODD PANTS in very neat patterns and prices ranging from $1.50 to $3.50. y A..--‘ - 30 cents '00” Wool! Wool! S. F .MORLOCK Many other articles at attractive prices for vet ttr acti ve goods. Sole Agents for Aha a number of smart Ready- to-wears. They all go at the cut price our A nn' r‘:<" --- REGARDLES'S oi: cijif __...v..§ vul aux! are me very latest designs in Millinery. They are all preeily trimmed with ribbons, chif- fons. flowers and feathers. Clearing Sale of Summer Mininery Iea1 had! Wat/e Ctothing ts In great variety at reasonable ptices nicely trimmed, each only . . . . . . . . ' . . Al, , I,eoirte, Skins for only colors, with also boys., see to buy and pay the any quantity of wool. Progress Brand Clothin pleats and foids for a 2ztsrm'hs Upper Town, Durham our special at "lily, me iii,) roll 53/) XII l m $1.25 25c ti) Mr Kenneth McKenzie is visiting his danglm Vaughan and other Me Edge Hill. Mr and Mrs W. Ji. si,' tended the races at Ph minion Day and report a , visit to Hamilton and other pointson , Saturday last. Mrs Chas Bailev of Elmwood is , visiting her sister, Mrs Wm A. Sharp p at preSent. , Is it far to Poplar Hill George ? l Saturday morning did not lopk, ( very promising fora picnic bat as the weather always lavors as it turned out fine in the afternoon. About 3.30 the crowd was called to order and Mr. ll. J. Ball ofHanover Was placed in the chair, which he filled in an able manner. The chairman and Mr. Robertson ot Hanover gave two excellent addresses, the choir favored us with a few good pieces. while the mouth organ orchestra and club swinging were excellent. Ilho re. _ citers were also up to the front with l their part, Mr. w hyte, Jean Morice, l Georgina LNdlaw, Evelyn McLean t and Sarah Fulton all ably contribu- a ting. The program was brought to a s close by the' school thildren singing I "The Maple Leaf Forever." The c lunch was then served and the crowd t retired to the baseball field to see our u boys beat Ayton baseball team 14--0 Mrs. Hf Dyer visit to Hamilton Saturday last. Miss mime Whizef her holidays at home, Mrs Andrew Derby Sr. on and her two daughters in Ba spending their holidays on homestead. Miss Mary S Nichol owaa is visiting her grandmother. M Young at present. Mr Arch McCunig's fine field of fall wheat is beginning to have a golden appearance and is an excel- lent looking crop. Mrs Gilberts. of Toronto, is. ine a few weeks with her tat mother. Mr and Mrs John Me North line, at present. ___ -..- "" Some are thinking ot sturtin ine this week it weather ea favorable. John McArthur Jr,, Pricev practicing at Dnndalk with a dentist and comes to Pricevi Saturday till Monday. John i liked and will receive good 1 age when in a position to run has for himself I Councillor J. A. McMillan ating with the road grade 'fkathlimr, Glenelg. tor a let and we had the pleasure of that famous piece of invent opposite ottrreaidenee over f Operator Atkinson must have opinioniot South line's hom everything was left on the hi, "4......” "VI": "Bil. Passenger trains are running regu- iurnow from Proton Station to Dar. ham and Hanover and travellers will find now a great convenience be- sides staging it. We are very sorry to re rtthe serious illness of Miss Kate 'lt(lrnl,te, South line, Glenelg, " the doctors have no hopes of her recovery what. ever, bat there is nothing impossible for the Great Physician, and we hope theta. change may take place yetfor the beat. Miss Maggie Stothart is spending her holidays at the old home, west of this place at present. Mr C. C. James, of this town, had a barn raising one afternoon last i Week, where everything went well. 1)-, Mrs McLean, (Kate Mali Dakota, is visiting at her Mr John McKechuie. and ot on the Durham Road, Glen couple of weeks. _ 7‘_, -""'"'"HemG Guam: Communion in the Presby- terian church here on 'tpay In: and quite a munberofthe lovers of thatnncient language were oat on the occasion. --er --'.- " vu- “In 0. We hue ittte, growing weather and crops seldom ever " a better appearance than they have "prtmsnt. a.-v:- A-» . _ It in sometime since Prioeville we: heard from, btttnothiud serious Imp. pened to the correspondent only lie was too far away (or n few weeks to give the usual budget: from here. . “7- mrR.%r6' muncu few good pieces, Whllu the Ran orchestra and club Were excellent. Illus re. e also up to the front with Mr. whyte. Jean Morice. Laidlaw, Evelyn McLean Fulton all ably contribu- cKenzie, Port Huron, gangpger. Mrs H. Hampden Byers returned from her "H.-.... - " _. ”m. nuu nus been Such ive/i/i/Jem,., so hw as the 315% I Edge's, returned was concerned on the "lust day" at camp And mayilbo tbahhaving learned the ved at the home ot duties Ind discipline of the soldier wary _ man will endeavor to carry out the ge‘gglelsday. Ist of good principles he has learned through- J M F I out his daily life. iii A','liaJ2tlhtt Then we will have u. couulrv Maxim-l- ' . .....l .__ - and Mrs JGri iiiiiiiidiC, 'tAGU, "3:011:13 i? Whiteford nanover Was placed hich he filled in an The chairman and _ Hanover gave two sets, the choir favored 'od pieces. whnlu the rches‘tra. and club ,,-_......u an vycl‘ the maid grader on the Priceville tt on the high-viray; m: of starting hay. weather continues -v - mm. line's honesty', as L - ,g . _ Mammy} is Oper an P”. h’l of Owen Scand tor a few days, aasure of having of invention M; Mt over Sunday, __ ___ "CL"""'", in Buffaln are is enjoying Priceville, is with another Priceville on John is well good papron- of Hanover, l Mrs Jam] " it. spend. Lots 13 and It, Glenelg, 15 acres well watered. Mu ”on we wul have u couulry staunch and uue,men obedient, energetic and muons to further their country's inter. oata: good citizens. wining and ready to respond to their country's call at any time. ---.r vuc on but: uock crie- l "Three cheers for the 31m" T hearty cheers such an only come staunch Cnnadiau lads, resoul through the still an and marked the parture of the bravest. truest and t ntaunch specimen of muuhocd that t ado. can produce. , Breakfast was aimed at 5.30 , it was while enjoying what Hm I called the "last supper" that the , Duty "and marched up tho lines I "Anid Lung Sync tt This old piece wan so appropriate that lie , my body run to the trout to c ' Land for tho last time, Audi ‘ who had enjoyed heppv associatii had puried ot' uoou would part l 1.'yPytysiou1at-artus, it was t'til touching. Here and tjotsreruigut a tear. while others found it iliti speak when they attempted to In seeing and experiencing: th could not imagine that in actiVei farewell scenes could he more sin: more touching. By 6,8o a in, the “it Rout. w pared to embark. They were joii the 9th Miss. Horse' and 35th Bug "Li, I in the Sir Corona was titre, utmost capacity. Now the Captain is on the ii "All clear" sounds from below, stroke of the gong, and the big er propel] upwndu of Goo men in home. Same nun m. FI.., I . _ THE DURHAM REVIEW It was stated in Orders that 'D' Co would depart by train at 8 p m, nut! wel, might the othmm, of the lionimeut shoul- der and cam our gallant captain to the tram at that time. For truly he ie p, "Jolly good fellow." Well may Dmlmm and the boys ul"D' Co. be proud of their learler' for without doubt Capt. Snider is the most popular ofiioet. in the regx- went. Head erect, chest out, straight an no :urow, Capt Snider led bis men at the march past In a aoldivrly manner. second to none, And the 'roy/s-we" we need say no more for under such Vnder. shlp It " only to be expected that 'D' Co headed the Int. On the "last day" tho absenceof 'O' Co was gretulylen,aud that teeliue of loneliness which can”: when one feels intensely alone. “us toll throughout the entire regimmt. L'_A , The effects of the "long march" , not over nor had the inspimuun m ml at the immense 'lteview' deer,, my. when the Durham boys 1m their goods and made for thn train, was about 7 30 p m when !he first p of baggage found its way on mu shoulders to the train platform. M good bye's were exchanged. nor did 'D' Co. boys realize they were so [an har, until they commenced to prepare their trip home. -- Feeling that the readers of your val- uable paper would him no knew what the "Last Day" at campis like I take this opportunity of writing you a brief account. The first mark or sign of the ‘lnst my at camp was tho departure of "D" com- pany and the 28rd regiment um mum The "last dav”u "no mu 0 the young people and the has: one: won. A large plattorm for the dancers was crowded all evening and when the shades of night were falling the large assembly quietly dispersed all well pleased with the day's' outing. Too much praise cannot be given the committee who worked hard and I laithl'ully to make the meeting such t18tteeewt, ""1 were run by m. the best ones won a ' The second annual ionic ot Bro, o more Court t O. F.pwas held in Tagior's Grove on the lat of July r an was a decided success. A r beautiful morning prophesied a large gathering and sure enough the erdwtt . came. It was the l,rtteistDrtrtndrl, i had ever entertained numbering r twelve hundred and was thoroughly representative ot the surrounding country and perfect harmony and , good will reigned throughout. _ A programme of songs. recitations music commenced the atternoon's amusement, Reeve Hustie presiding and the contributors included Mrs. Awhison. Mrs. Litster, Miss Switzer, Messrs. A. McDonald, Clarke Dazeil and others and astring band led by W. .McKechnie rendered stirring music. A football match between Holstein _ and Dromore seniors resulted in a l goal apiece alter which tea was i was served. The tables set proved h to be too small bat baskets of tempt- i in; sandwiches and cake were dis- C tnbuted and the larder proving equal e to the occasion, all were soon Mttistied. a A second foot ball match between fl Pomona and the Dromore juniors ro- th inked in 3 2031:: M n i.. ""‘ . Por Sale. GEO. 3.3;. yrisiom, - V"... I), . U. IC, was hush, frame barn I - Must he sold. t " H. Jackson. Durham " Foresters Picnic ' at Dromore. they unemptedlu do 81). and experiencing thu, one mama mm in active service has could be more sincere ox Jug-Lam Is on [bet-tidy, )uuda from below, Oue gong, and the big engines Us of Ooo Luau toward one on the dock cried out for the 3191!." Three such an only come hum dian lads. renuuuded ll Mr and marked the du. )ravest. truest and must. ttl of muuhocd that tlau. I Your: Sincmly r-qun. - wt . n ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO last day opened brigit H. 'd a. m. heavy wagauus making their w" to the f r . 13%”!!! money d the DrornijA' 3 goals to 0 Serge. tlt' I Urders that 'D'Co. mm at 8 p m, and well af the lieuimeuc shoul- gallamcnplaiu to tlie .._.. were joined by 35111 pug!" By “but some Los pected that 'D' Co the "last day" tlm a greatly Ian. and less which Cotnnq partqre of"D" eld. regiment the night "long .tutrreh" were 'lieview’ decrvnsed than: boys mom-d , for Hm train, It, when the first piece in Niagara Camp way on stahvart inspimtiou reeeiv iglot lie 1560;] it tisfiieuit to tthe Brigade Hues uluymg I old familiar u nearly av- to cheer the And to ill Im- 6.8ua m and 'tr Juniors re- in favor of A. H. Jackson is “We Licenses, Du. Many did the 3 papa. tare tor I a.ue “"anan must he sold at once l New Waggon, new iron truck wheel Waggon. a number of large egg vale. (would make thw class cisterns) 3 or 4 thousand fence posts. lath, shingles, lumlwr. A quantity of wood near Wetbeck P. o., Will he sold at tirtr, cents per load. prizes Louis Hit-l wall) IQ: inscription: Riv]. 10 As we looked at n. .l " _. - - F '_.__ .u. I "t '; pusseaamn ot the trade of these lands. At St John's We looked on the numu~ tA"'ttterected to the nu-umry of John Nnrquay and that erected to the mem- ory of the heroes of Buoche and Fish Uteek [waning the date 1885. Over at. tit Poonitiave we saw thesimple granite stone evened Io the menmry of the the num- humus Ot rather notorirmu Louis Rio-l wall) tts simple and brie-f inscription: Riel. IO Nuvemhre. 1885. t A 7* ' _ Place of the weste tuotonvttt, erevslw Moody strife bet w (Imupuny and the Trading Co., (mm- - 'r ,,__.. u... nu! wily tporn Prince' Albert to Winnipeg. but at: it had strained away we had to content ourselves with looking at the place where it, had been moored. With all these objects to arrest the eye and awaken the t'efiecaon it may i H09"! strange that the most interest". ing things 1 saw wete the cities of the dead and the historical monuments. At. Kililmmn we visited the lntnhs of Black, Nesbitt. King and Robertsun, men who Rave their lives in their service on behalf of country and couch. Un the way to this burying place of the wutet‘n heroes. we saw " "IlI-illl-h->- _ '="ee'-"r-u"'eertt=eee, 0 Wir tre. . Be REV. W1 An account a Dr?’ brief. would he a: d m a Word about Wi July cial en ital of the A saw “yinuipeg tw tuqre It had a somev 'OWd Inca. ..Thts sire: the buildimo m I 1pre appearance of e: r333 The street, car: , __ _ m..." muse circum- nuances. i had every opportunity of 'seeing everything that was thought worth looking at. We rounded Arm- strong Point. took the charming (have though \Vellington Crescent. passed the aristocratic', dwvllin a of Fort Rouge, went round Point lil',,,',','. las, visited N... nun": Lu .. .- -- -- v"" Hill)" It the past to mind. ttil t1tefeelir, r or hate which mire his mu have called forth, [new Pllnnu n6 .5... I A' - space will any delallud Places vimrted Ihe days I y Inc-so graves. mu tell of friends who 'ir mums to be for " Elm-wood mu] Bl For Sale. on is an Inttuee I. Durham, One. _.V %rbAT7 uuw VISIIB Winnipeg without [admiring its wide Mteea and ftrre r.uilftitur'li, The C. P. R. station and the hotel connected with it and own- ed by the same Company. are spoken of as among the finistrt on the conti- nent. Main tstreet and part of Portage Avenue have all this season been in a statenf chaos through the extensive, and radical ityprodimeliG that are] being pushed forward. Rails for Hm n tri at. 'rt "an? awning want)!!! a. word about Winnipeg. the commer- cial capital of the West. When I ftmrt saw inuipeg twenty~four years Ago. It had a somewhnt lagged appur- snce. The streets were mud rand the buildings In many uses had the appearsnce of extemporized shuts. The street cars were drawn (that is when they were not stuck in the mud) by horses. and altogether there was a feeling of doubt about the future both of the city and of the western country generally. So much have things changed that you would bi'rdly be- lieve that such a state of things could have been possible at tl time. so recent. No one now visits Winnipeg without admiring its wide streets and tine hulltiinzs, The C. P, " ~"-"'"" --" and tte iidii,' m c, Administrator An Recount of Manitoba. however brief. would he sadly lacking without {word about Winmpeg. the commer- cial carnal of the West. When I ttrat 3:.Wh dinuipeg twenty-four ye-ars ago. I n a "rs-rw-E, - . - at pity. both I'm to which he helm 27th, 1903 J u. ”u: uemzens of me I. the ever present mos- which all the western it)" seems to abound. We river to Bee a vessel that, nailed all the way from :1 to Winnipeg. but as it away we had to content blanking at the place; human "ar-sa-" er any doubt of the fr the western country A few balm-Is of lands as, have sold at n IUSF. In ME. Dyham, 'N, Durham. 1: around them" and Gd l hum-nth them. We of buffalo quietly pas!- -lnmn...n..»- . . tile mound where Iortal remains of n. The location um could be de- I neatly clipped. he wish, which I realize. that, lov- mrm. yet through it “led from close cun- the denizens of me t, ever present mos- 'who would not me forgotten, we mud after some , _ lure containing} GU. fit. an elk with wide and deer with their Winnipeg. the tomb and ' ail thefeelingw ', "rar. FARQUHAnaoN. , heiotddd" each with its mu: at one side. was drsmned as a his honct. We 1'r,tiying on their of Har Gl'lh "e "w in a. house llke rn with a. door h at one side, “jammed as a Spar- ttl - - .P_""hF - - m Business is on the Boom again at our establishment. Crops have every appearance of being something extra this year and there is a danger of be- ing a shortage m Binder Twine. The lst‘of July is past and HARDWARE! Paris Green and other insecti- cides always on hand. Gun’s Drug Store The Pest preparation Mad to use on your potatoes. 1: I fertihzertuewen " an insecti- cide. Easily applied and given you a better yield than by the use of any other preparation. Potato Bug Killer Parker's Made only AT __,._ u". um! IMIIIKHLI Bells. All sorts of hunts and sin-(w at lowest Priees. ”an “was away: on land Roto or..-» - -- - - Men‘s Oxfords. Cong on. this, Split and Pen Ivomeipd course hon Slippers. Beds and pate Children's Oxford. in and black. Box cttit a Bals. All sorts of ham at lowest min-a Deck out for Dominion Day and be sure of solid comfort wearing Cool Cotton Sleevelesu Van. on ton hose " l5cnpr. ' upwards. 31.33% f2'itr'j 40e & we Pttt 1 Children’s waist: in white um duh 26e each. Muslin gingham M. We pen-yd. All aver lace ' m anointed". 1"e",','itire and rim-u.» on nupporten etathed 11'le Comets. We are tinny: pleased to struct beginners in the worki of cameras and developement films and prints. Come in and look these gm over. We are always glad show them even though l are not ready to purchasc. our Mock includes everyllm the auteur photographer u find an: tor. Boots and Shoes iflllfllilllillll Mlil SUPPUE ; Call and inspect our goods that will meet the requircnm of everybody. It is prevalent every summ and 1908 shows no abatuucykx: We have 'acuArrhrm, d C., uggisu and Book sel has The Photo Epidemic Ponce haunt. Oxfuu I and patent lzluthw )xfords in (Tunas ttt Box Stir and Dung“ JULY 9, 1908 tttttlt guys-u, Bu Brownies DRS.KE C. McMi Embalmi Funeral and 1Jn In Guarani: Imus Rat-Kan: Cor, Michigan Tru _ Boots, S ierv at Chee JUL

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