West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1908, p. 5

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Boots a BW 91H "CAI k out for Do 'and be sure l fort wearing Iodaks "10ttr 'iilNllll$ll Pl 'oce Goods x. x _,-, a ' Hmschm’d 'r' v F g a' The Photo Epidemic um (ire 1T% EWS JULY 9, was ran for Dominion Id Shoes And 1% SUPPUES ns Brownies of solid th at} to in- working cmth of wards y S u mm, a batting... te a nd 3 ha ma rtlretneatn "t good. glad to gh you crything her “I ads em fr m- H)- "" n M BEImuEnm-mm - Cttr.ttkh-sandtMmutd, St., Detroit. Mich. C. McMILLAH & 1500‘:an sf our on out r mm by Dem: ex uncured on with remedies which the chin g"lu', jun 'dlll'dh"i' ham to Ill ream. We will treat you 'l,'d'lZli'ttrlla"r', Macaw. “mm town: in tampon”: Pot" mble than with a. has 'riedhttt., We". and t.'Jl1'lstU'a',t'h'it'lt he]; M it, traumas-them“ Oil-MW!- aodt-tortdttmteFtG twenty yarn. i _ Don‘t was our the and may on cheap. dangerous. experimental beating b 0991 mere-vac uymr on.» ikim1te,rerNttyeteer1eyAtrAr a“: raw?” Embalming Vi Specialty. I. Cumin“ em all arable can: of Sirloin" h I Cr lug”: my"), M__P9luu.__¥lhl '?d'g,'ditl',"urii Funeral Directors and Undertakers A N ERVOUS WRECK Nervous, Diseased Meg: All cans. either nighior day promptly attended to. We have opened up a shop in Priceville with a lull stock of Funeral Supplies on hand. Trunks, Values, Tamara. Club In an Shoe 1 TERMS STRICTLY CASH. J Eggs taken same as Cash, ' He has the good: ; he sells the goods . tt at reasonable prices. The largest stock Boots, Shoes and Mos. iery at Menraith's Boost and the world boosts with you You will have no kick coming if vnu hm Cheer Up: iidief, -diiaViiiid hhthtnt and if! luau: PM: lo and lemon. F. P. RULE? Priccvillc. JULY 9, 1908 DRS. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS DARLINGS, In; wotla Boosts with you ; Kick and you kick along; kick coming if you buy your n Don't worry; Ws wick; , Nut. Exhih'n, Toronto, Aug 29~Scpt H t Western Fair, London. T . . . .Scpt ll-lo South Grey, Durham.. . . . . ..Scpt 22, 23 East Wellington, Arthur, .....Sept 23, 24 Northern, Collmgwood. . . . . . Sept 22--2s Holland, Chatsworth.. ......Scpt I7, Itt East Bruce, Cheslcy.. . .. .. . .Scpt 22, 23 Proton, Dundalk...'... ... ......Oct tl, 9 Sullivan, Dcsboro. . . . . .. ....Scpt 24, 25 Bentinck, Hanover,. .. ......Scpt 29, 30 Egrcmont, Holstein..... '... . . ..Scpt 29 St. Vincent, Mcatord. . .. . . ..Scpt 24, 25 Mount Forest.... .m..... ....Scpt 17, I. Normunby, Ncustudt . . . . . . . Akin 22, 23 North Grey, Owen. Sound... Sept 16, 17 Artemesia,' Priceville. . . . . . . ....Oct 12, Northern, Walkerton..., .. ..Scpt 16,317 stock in town to choose from. is, tea in stock. at the down Ontario Fall Fairs. i. McIlraith Druggists neatly . . . . Sept Scpt 24, Sept 17, Sept 22, Sept 16, 29-Scpt H Sept ll-lo Sept 22, 23 ASept 23, 24 I Gentlemen, ifyou wish to give In an exhibition send as Mr. Footer, it you wish to itti1ttenee or convince u send some one in whom we hue some measure of' etyyidentm, each u. say. the Hon. Sir Muckenzie Bowell,‘ tax-Premier of Glands, vex-lender Indl ml! a tmtrtedanemtsei of the Cooler- v-nv- m-h- “the party." I It is little wonder that the people of Canada have lost eoniidenee' in Mr Foster and We are eontldent that many independent voters and honest Conservatives. will at the next elec- tion, vote against Conservstive cen- didates from the very tear thst should the Conservative rty be placed in power they was); probaby make him Miniatisrot Finance and entrust to thin: the handling otthe public inn s. Of much later date was the wide open exposure by a Royal Commission and by the biting, scathing and con- vincing speech of the Minister of Jue. tice of the manner in which the same Mr Foster when in the service of the Union Trust Company used the funds of that company and of the Indepen- dent Order' ot Foresters in its hands for. investment. r -- 'J . Did any other politician of any party, in any country. at any time, ever. beiore or since. get such a scath ing ripping up, tearing to pieces and most humiliating exposure from his fatty leader as was thus given to Mr ‘oeter by Sir Mackenzie Bowell. a I Wonderful old Conservative champion admired and trusted by Canadians of all parties ? And everv one who can remember reading Sir Macken- zie’a whole speech must conclude that Mr Foster well deserved every knock out blow Sir Mackenzie gave han and from the effect ot which he will never recover. _ -- -v -u- uyyuuluun where they will remain, it I terpret public opinion, so Jon's are recognised unimportant a the Conservative party." rv." -'e"e - ......,.....uuu m now: so, and ifl did not use them Ionght to have done so ; and so that there may be no mistake about it, lose them now, in the fullest sense of the term, and shall I believe satisfy the must credulons before I conclude. that I am jtutitled in doing so.” Fur-l ther on in the speech these words as to Mr Foster occur ; "I have also giv- , en "!h'eionteviddn'ee to prove that he was the chief ot the ‘nest of traitors.’ There I propose to leave himtothe judgment ot an impartial and dis- cerning public. " And again Sir Me- Kenzie said of Mr Foster and his old time companions in the nest; "Soit was with them, a disgusted elector- ate, upon the first 8pportanity, rele- gated them to a lorced retirement from offiee tothe ODDottitinn ham-kn- a, ' ... uunb nasty episoue in ' Mr Foster's checkered career, Sir , Mackenzie quoted from a letter of his i own addres-ed by him tocertain con~ r 8ervativee in North Toronto, who 3 were anxious to elect Mr. Foster in i that constituency and had solicited Sir Mackenzie’s aid. In that letter the Knight said of Mr Foster: "His answers to questions are absolutely 1nurt1e,"atui again: " I am content to let him alone tofittht his own bat. les, bat decline further to demean myself by asking my friends to put confidence in him which I do not en- tertain myself." In the course at his speech Sir Mue- kenzie Bowel] said ot Mr. Foster and one or more of that gentleman's old time companions; "I have no recol- lection ot using the words 'neatot traitors' at the time which is referred m, I may add, however. that if ti Idid use them lwasJastiiiGi in domg c 80, and ifl did "A? “:-A ‘L-*’ _ - --- v. umvnu puuuc me Mr. Foster has never regained the eonf'idonee of even the most ardent members of his own party since his Ab bolt "in 1896 when, in a manner l not to his credit. he deserted Sir Mac- kenzie Bow”, the then leader at the Conservative party and premier ot Canada. T Speaking from his place in the Ben. ate one day, at that nasty episode in. Mr Foster's chm-Iran"! ---- m ”V- -- w " “W”- man, accounts tor this in some meas- ure. The feather weight character of his rep11tation is further due to "T/tttft ot his own public lite P ‘n..-.. C__, ply to questions are absolutely and again; ., I am content 1 alone tofittht his own bat. decline further to demean L thinn- --, . . ‘ ‘in the nest; "8oit a disgusted eleetor. an Tportanity, rele- a Iorced retirement ) opposition_ benches I can in- gns thee actors in a... r-IIIKIII!‘ nenary an, Maggie W Clark au. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd--Wiuie y Hopkins 276. Eva Redford 227, Recom-, me, mended Harry Cox. tth Present, every day :during the six Ind months. Maggie' Clank, Kalle Phillips. his A. HAnnow. Teacher. M: s. s. No 10 GLENEwk EGREMONT. Gi To tir Ith-AG McLean. Maggie f Hartford To Jr 4th--trertie Me- o Cuaig. Joe Hooper, Chas. McKinnon. 'ho Ida McUumg.. To Sr 8rti---rsrmmf m- Mather, Bernie Hartford. Gladys lat Tucxer, Flossie Hooper. Roy McDer- ck mid. To Sr 2ryr-rutw McCunig. To ad Jr ?ndr-Matrme McEachern, Minnie Mchchern. Mabel Tucker, Leonard er Hartford. Wtuhs Ichnig. To Pt 3nd --Eva Hooper. Malcolm McKinnon. ie Edward Hartford. Avenue uttend- . in anc025. J n- LIZZIE Emma, Teacher. t, F 5.5.1103, summon. i", " Class ir-Nathan Griereon. Sr 4th-- n 9 Stanley Livingston. James Park. oi I James Cantu. Jr Md-Nun Wise f Douglu ponnelter. Blanche Wise, or 3 Ruby Alexander. Br 8rdzcEterrii to Count: Mo. Geo e Rang 327. Linulw , Torr! M. Jr iler-'.'al,t opkinl 4w. .0! , Ethe Derby 402, Agnes McLean 356.111 F John Darla sis. Annie [America sar, IN: t Norman (Ronald 819. Lily Torry out i S6lk Mary Adlem, Elli Park, Freddy Po ‘ flsttts Mlg', gee,',; 'u"ht',g,'tty, , _ ai . r - v nmton', ass. 'ira,"hi'tt'c lit union. Pm - sun. Maggi: Hopkins 88. Cecil Rea I"! an. Red wrence 19. Bella Park flll Ptte Annie Buy 178. Jr 'lttihiiiii no. [the Yee, Agni. Tterttrstt, Wit e lath. .-a F. w: ' Robbie I hti9rr,"iii'r'i' - .... {m}? ifiA', Ray. 135:. 'lt,,,!."'?, galt""l " ommy Corbett. Bessie lather tt ml Mary Chultgm, Albert 1fetiiiiiiii,' l . . Budd Ihttku,k Jul“. "-.". , and title, Ron] Class tr-Nathan' akil,2 --_. ieanta Girriiiii,7i7 gunk-y Livingston. "'l'l'asrge.t.- rgport of committee of Dame. Cantu. Jr '2ttd--ANn Wm' ttil iteid " Lot ii, Con 9, tet"dt,yy.eey. Paelus .ws-e. Ie1iyr trt . mi in t - V‘. n..."- -\.uunlx. ' --Eva Reaper. Malcolm Me Edward Hartford. Aveuge ance25. tazzrte 811mm. In Prt.setCGVrs" months, Mannie I Jr 4th to Sr 4t1t-rfmmphen Clark. Arehie McDongull, Frankie Twulnley. Sriird to Jr 4th-Pearl Hopkins an (Honorsd Katie Phillips 3215. Recom- mended Freddie Torry. Jr 3rd to Br i'8yi---Huoie Hendrv Im, Maggie Clark au. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd--Mliie Hopkins 270, Eva Redford '227, Recom. minded Harry Cox. ‘ 888- Met a to the lent his not [ac- the ot In tl en- 00ch in "sir' retriMyti his Oster fl; for tlr in Id. " [is ly It t. a Ler, It I- i Prom i I s. s i Quarter _ ”an-..“ NDUEUD. Teacher. 3. a. N0. mammal). I s. a. NO. I, GLENRDG. Quarterlv Report. For P? Sr 3rd to Jr 4th--Ruth McGillIvrny. Jr 4th--N. Collier. B. Duns. R. George Hartwell. John McKeowu Smith. M, Ritchie. th. 8rd-M. Mc- f,re??iiyyemfisEi St 2nd to Jr 3mi-- Girr, R. Matthews. M. Matthews. B. Sadie 'tfell',,',,", Tens MAhiliivrdr, Bell. Jr 3rxt--W. Weir, M.Pu§ter'on. Mabel Beacon. ary Acumen. Pt J. Bell. J. Atkinson. L. Alice. A. 2nd to J: 12nd--Nhu; McLean.Emmn Aljne. J. Allan Jr 2rur-E. Lindsay. Amen, Sadie McMillan. Neil 110- G. thiLmox-e. E. Patterson. G. Noble. Farlane. Pt lat to Pt '2nd--Mntt Me U. Harrison. CPt 2nd--L. Ritchie. M. Keown. Myth! Pilkey. Edmund.‘ Bell, N. Lawrence. E. Met-myth. M. Poole oseat eunock, Thu. Edwax-ds.‘ Lawrence. M. 1dertt 1at,1tiei: Arthur Pennock. Flora McFarlnne. Matthews] Br Ist.- . ite ie, . e ' . . J. Mam“. E, Dean. Jr 1stt--G. Bell. C D FARQUHARBON. leacher. M. Atkinson. A. Lindsay. H, Matthews LATONA SCHOOL. M, Dean. . iitttphsasr-ateu, Cummin . Sr ith- Bor Promotion, Ben tymoron, {unison gmith sttd Br 2nd--R. Meenugh 316. John Mat. Alex Turnbull eq., Maggie Manley. thaws 338, U. McGirr 327._L. Newell Donald Ray, Carrol Hunt. John Led- Rte, I, Ritchie 308. H. leGirr 1113. JM inghlm. Addie Twnmley. Mamie Mntthewa 287. H, Atkinson 234. y. Manley. Jrtth to Br 4rlt-2Lrru Me. Momhews 255. B. Bell 252. E. Atkin. Knight, George Ledingham. Isabel son 212. Turnbull and Fry pturiri.iei eq.. Bella J.T. TOLCHARD.Teacher. Cumming. Sr 3rd to Jr 'trt-c-Laval . ,7 ...: u» _. . t'.t'.No.6,mm'rrNcx, Yetter. Jr 3rd m H q Lenahan Promotion Exams. In this we have afull Couches, Tables, Chairs, teases, etc. Among Ostermoor Mat tretries-c, for themselves. See also our Frost Coiled pring Poultry Netting from 2 feet i: different sizes and qualities, Window We are Agents for the well an Fenee"-the fence of quality an 9 hard steel, Coiled Spring Wire, Warm Weather Goods Such as Gaso.. ' line 6' oilstoves We carry ahigh grade of gasoline-Use "Queen Mo. tor and you will use no other. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE I} -"-""""--------LLLU2C _ Average Mad}: The Council met June 18. a per Id- journment. All the members, present. Emma, Teacher. the Reeve in the chi". Minutes; of lost mmrtttctt meetmg read and oorsiirausd. Common- . . icanta read " follows: From the “one, (Jr-lemon. s. 4th-- report of committeoot the, whole Coun- h Jett,, ttgg oil hold " Lot 6, Con 9, to oouuider the ', Bat/d Wig? opening ot I rod in that loonlity. alto ' th' 8rVirl-kriiiil upon of I. commigteo to confer with I , Buy 827, Llha Win Meanly. looking tonne pnrohuo -Jor Hopkins m for n deviation across his lot. From the gnu McLean 866, 'aueuor. report of equnlhzing or S. S. nie Lowrance 'l?rii,Teii,?2'c,,"i 13.; tron: Peter Malabar“ 319. Lily Torry animate of fimuusiat requirement fori " Park. Frerldy Polio. Village put-pom. fftt, ammgggq Wtie-MuriuG..-rut this Council t Main“ 1hfQ I wept the report of com am“. comin- ' 56. Cecil Ending}! the Reeve and Mr Hunt ..- “-- THE DURHAM REVIEW Ire Fencing :. GGG'. FURNITURE mm- 10jr--mun-rut Thou. Nichol be lur- added to com-nines u an. of "Hugo me," I lots in Pttyyeduridr. Coiled Swing Wire, 1, Window seam, 'ld,, a, -- -. ".".'f"r""rrr uomeld. Donald Smith; Nellie Smith. Bobbie Monk-y. Mary McClement. Sr lab-Willie Mountain. Morris smith. Willie Vaughan. Martin Cpttield, Ilo Truf- tord, Annie Mountain. Jr lst 'iUil,'l,'i annbull, Dngald Smith. George 2g'ed. Jr A to Jr B--Ritbr Smith and um Ledinghem eq., Sadie Mc. Clement. Jr A-Annie McGillivrny. Annie Morrison. Florence _UoMelif, Joaeph Shrlher. Bessie Morrison.' Alice Twunley. Average attendance 49. KATE MCDONALD. Teacher. J .. wvuuu mClillllV 2nd to Jr 2.t.td-zarrr LJofBeld, Smith; Nellie Smith. Bobbie ' Mary McClement. Sr u Pyirt.tain, -- Morris tamith. iith .c,ysatr--Mar, Cumming. Br 4th-. Ben Simpson. Morrison Smith Imd Alex Turnhull eq., Maggie Mortley. Donald Ray, Carrol Hunt. John Led- inghum. Addie 1?tm)en Mamie Monk-y. Jrtth to Br 'rr-Ira Me. Knight, George Ledingham. Isabel Turnbull and Ivy Duane! eq.. Bella Cumming. th. 3rd to Jr "rr-UL-till Hartley. Jr 3rd to !hrrdz-Htrrliiii, Ledingham. Kate Stewart. Jr 3rd- Uarrie Mortley. Elmer Trafford, Clif- ford Mounmin. Sr 2ud to Jr8rd- WillieSmiLh. Archie Turnbull. Cecil Twnmva. "tewart Mr,fattt.u.rLU rm, and favorably known “Frost Woven --.._. “wan-y Known "Frost Woven Wire and seryice. All Horizontal, Ire of No. re. It is a fence well worthy of inspection Glenelg Council. and Wire Goods , Wire, Frost Gates in all lengths, in height to 6 feet, Screen Doors of up... u; oomnmoe. eon-iat- Pe.", Ind Mr My” to the ---e -... “null, r. "tewart McGillivm. . 0...: n _ -~ _ Lawn, Garden & Field Supplies ers in abundance, Rubber Hose of different tsizes: Sprays, Nozzles, Taps and Scythes. Forks, Rakes, Hoes, Lawn Mow. Rubber 1'PrhUurpmirw. Br4th- I'h 1onte Sm’idm imd m eq., an ie ort er, '.Ag)_a.rrqlnHung. John Led- gs “Gingham. Isabel Ivy Bax-gavel eq.. Bella 33rd to Jr 4th-Lavmn 3rd to tir3rd--Hdiaii he Stewart. Jr 3rd- ', Elmer Trafford, Clif- n. Sr 2ud to Je 8rti-- ty,'.','?."'),',':?..)," (Jet-ill The It 10 n. l Wm Irwin of the Chronicle. wu mid 822 26 for printing um] the Clerk wu Ile,' no on salary and 02.98 for pout-n. o collectors for 1907 were tmid " out: for extn union in tint you. sad Wm. H. Arrow-mitt: wu paid 25 can“ for coal oil. Pt r: tn your ffome? " Itliiti '99 , E g F p l g ll] j tIE 5:5?" - I ' -_ N V ...... .u\ ‘1. uu UW'IHO‘ her Shop. RESIDENCE - First house no Lawrence's Blacksmith" Shop. 850w I.toosrtr-Next to Embalmtng a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice If not whynot one of our Bell's P We can give you the best instru- ment and make you the best terms. One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof. IKonold and Pronounced excel- cnt. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Jotn McQueen Council adjourned to July 11th Have you a piano in your Home? IN lilly ()lljillll'lllG "" "H mu 1 will in the future have bus pleunreiu meeting in more oommodiou- unmrs. an my old friends and 1 mm many new ones. Promptuess and tnir deal- ing will continue to be my mono. Yours for business, 'val-l lele Ollcloth, " In Fide........ Floor Ollclom. 1 sud 2 yds wide. . .yrto1euapgiaiit, w1dc..../.1.'.' Saul-In Run. 60 x 80............/ Bee our new Prints sud Gingham: McIntyre Bsoek--Lambton Sc, Barony and Bell 'g old stand After two years in business in Durham I thank heutily the many farmers and others who havefavored me with their trade Ind have leusnre in announc‘nar that I WEI in the future hnvn "ble Linen _"_e- w“. a. “ll .....................'.’50 r annual/2333'.....................r.oc§}r ”IandOJy re.e.fcr.y.".y.'.1':.'.':y.'r"i'is'r'"G an:wide.3yd:loam....................900put 'ht,t'.ePiriiiiirctr.r.r::y.::::ii".t'a', '1"1'tairutt-oraaiiiGiiii%'i'o'ii7, 'r-Cz-tttrr--------------------., 14mm white counterpunec. good \'slue....l.4o -----, West of "Udall House " Full line of Catholic and black and tape for aged HE SELLS CHER}? Luce Cu: THE MI 4 Lots of other groper-u for we. I nay to lam _ All kinds of bull- neu stunned to. H. E. KILLER The Hanover Conveyancr- moo 1cm Dun-Inna Road. Bonunck. 1 Good dwelling. frame bank barn, I good soil. Convenient location. I only .500. 200mm. t1lttrteltr--tttte hank barn-- food frame trireilimt-otier' good mprovements. only 331]). l 40 tom Gordon and. Durham Road I Bentinck. 81511? A "up. 250.3959: on 9gtt,et 'g,ent,t m In ' goo enoea. go so. To G'l'dhl','e, at 065(1). too mm. #Ittittetr,--owner in west. price 82700. Buildings worth the money-tarm for nothing. A Dollar for CARD 0F THANKS J. B. BLACK. Clerk. ' BELL a'i1i"uiiiiis ARCH. . " Giiii Tgble Linen 3:13: w‘lge. wan}... film w e W"... Mt 681m wide: unbhched...50c 1H1esloth . BEAN h/tue. 'south of McLellan. 9eer Block, Durham kullow’s tur. Roll 'tr While people. Fifty Cents fire sg!e. lo- .....‘ T. lqy " yard Mme.“ 25c yard 35c yum Me tard bl to. D1srtTiiTiG"tt "att - run-on. en. . n on. mailman!“ town. min; it a no“ 'it'li"d'l'd place tor nuance. I mos. ALLAN. m on... $0eetttttnte, Hinds-l I lass GERTRI'DE BOOGIE. B. A., Honor GMIIMe of Man P,tefgT'-riGGl Lulu, 1JompmittdE, and um. tdititi DONALDA McKmACHER B. A., um- mm of Queen'- vulva-my and HM, I'm!- gtottal P',t,eletef-r7ii%"d, Arithmetic, my (my and (Smithy. Intending student: would can: It the he.“ at... ieehijFirpiUiiiiit.' Baum boob t.e,ettAtiiiirruTar. Durha- "o-Liar., “I _ __..__.,, a the dtirn/to think of - ,_ "_."..-. The Ichool u thoroughly In In ublmy. tn chemlml and t'g11trdl'patie, Btttrpdi, ae., tor full Junior' Levin; and Ina-Ic- ulutlon work. The fonowtifi competent m Me In chute ' TWM. ALLAN, In Clan Ceettttsnte, Panel-m mun n;..,.......».. -- - - - Hm ""PPV 0! fresh Biking .1le on hand. Also I good noon- ment of candies, Nut. and oranges. ft,'tgg',e, "on , It Boo c I 8lll'lf, . H. STINSON Model Bakery JOHN CLARK 1ythetsr good L Grant Durham -ticii'ii"i"'" “new Gi tii, ---. """.%"*N"' In unwell“ Court Notary Public Commissioner Money to Loon. once, over Gordon's Jewelry store Boas ALWAYS “emu Barrister, Solicitor in Court Noun Pnhll: n-.. orto --- - Ceylon Insurance Agent. Money to Lam Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A gel eral tittatunuu business Launched. 00m ONT. (Lower Town ARTHUR FEES Bu-mur. Solicitor. Notw Convey-neon Ac. I Loan at lowest rates. (YY: Mclnfi're Blackover dud Ban . Durhzln n- "V _-.v‘" I ... ll. 5-. L. .. . HONOR GRADUATE Tomato Ummt) GM “to Roy-l Coll Dent-l Macon Dead-try in Bll no ole-ache. 0tttoe-aatdera Block. over Pout. 0MP- "e-"'"-').. u" Ir 0., In " HONOR GRADUATE of Toto: University. graduate of Royal Coll: of Dental Sn eons of Ontario. R00: Ova: J t J ffif'G'f/g?g New more w. c. PICKERING o. n 5.,1 n s M-., _--- an Auctions: lg, the Car, ' m . In L be left a hu n JtlllLtl,,h old Band. 04 Ola. "hung, - - - v a . Ute wt to Motte- Xanadu. Oil to Kin-ppm (New You N,". Email...) Notary Public, Com, CON VEYANCER. lily "e,9iltir,_N 031 iGiiii"iu J. 1Irrrrptr, n. D., Lil Butt and Email-noun. .F.GRANT 0.0.5 " Wanna: in “M0 'at,,..., “THEEHN. HI. ‘. P. TELFORD MEDICAL -- DEN TAE Manda]; il 0 c. “nan. Durham Whigs-a: . w J.aN. Hunt-9'. trtoto A... novu:{ Ito u.- 7to Inn. "8tlttte'aoaiij.o nu. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of any. tau-mums.” _ P. DUNN DR. BURT e we a the Kev-1:;- or. Cornea "deuce mam P. that“ be Imp", on ttttdir-g.,.", .- gupply of 're Block over the Sum ' Durh um. Ontario. _t1uriiirpie "an" l ind. cm the " ', tJo"unarioner, -----o-- 4X). of any. "ie Pet,, gum-Ne . JACKSON C. 5...le over Past ott1ce ttow £330 ”In“ OI Phntsiri kc i"oo¢1_.cg."".," Supreme of Toronto to. Lmn, , ti'dii, {VIII , Public. oney to ASG: Grey College Room.

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