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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1908, p. 7

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thee 1861--.and " "inked in ion attained ISSUE yo, Ida t illllEll if ANADA, CHES AVE - - mo Admiration H0133 lit HUN airman 28 m Death [and "- DI. not an" the 1908 in " He, said one night recently he mm in his store when that Chime entered. Ole of them grabbed him by the throat. another drew I revolver and threatened to blow his lining out, while the third emptied the till. Alter throwhtg him to the floor in! kicking him the three via. Toronto Japan-h: If the story told by Ve Sing, a Ch'- grocer, of 190 York “net, in correct. bin fellow-countrymen in Toronto are rapidly acquiring the habits and customs of our more complex civilization. Claimed They Emmi Toronto Store and Robbed Till. (Incl-w. July on The office landing of the Priuco of Wales will take plate It I n'u-llwk on the nlternoon ot Wed- nt-nduy. Jun.) ut.', alter His Royal High- - will isave received the Governor- General and other distinguished callers, thou names ure to be published later. The Prince will mil at daybreak on Wan-why. July ‘19. taking leave on the presious night. In. “0le Highness has graciously announced his intention of placing a‘ wreath upon the Wolfe statue and one upon the mottttntent "Aux Braves," on] " Hm Highness Will Land at Quebec on July and. to Flood: Cause Gnu Suffering in South China. Nov Yrrk. July tL--The Harald cor. tr 1.»:chan at Hong Kong has sent the 10.“..viug wide deupatch: The mark- '. Hunt and commercial depression .. .12: Lady have characterized the mummy or South China have been Inh'..~ihmi reeeutiy by the sum-rings I tr.,. bulk of the pupu'mtion m they -'.\I.mm "ttrroundittg Canton atid, mug, Un- r'iu'n, caused by the biggestl '.,rs u in tttree decades. I II " n b; l In Rays} at OPERA HOUSE FIRE. h -u dvutro.ved. - " hile the dumagos will amount to but ,. n :Emnmmh, it " probable that the wing of the opera sea-on, set to! must ltith, will be delayed. 911 mle crowds gathrred in Unter n Liuden and patrol» of mounted po- r Mere reqnin-d to dinpcne them and "P the people moving. rho-r. July tk- e Prine" of Vi 0'»le on the y, Jui) 22, att will have rm al and 0er i b names are to CHINESE HIGHWAYMEN. wink and the people in tho. , parts are liberally donating “Jew the great distress, but My to effectively distribute to the sufferers in the out dug the greatmt concern in lit Sadie: Taken tu,an In Yet "ieiuw--GUed and hue. provinees. nun-u, extends through Tinnnnn kin, where. in addition, there hwy: "rrutliets between the {tench tlu. ('hinen». their own natives g " great deal ot trouble. Emu: fin vi' Epraion ikiig Dad: to Many Minn. Ir, DISTRESS ABOUT CANTON. A RUSSIAN ’ MINE HORROR THE PRINCE’S VISIT. n ." mu. European Russia, July tk-Fire sl .m tn-duy in the Rikovsky mine, It-ed Fm, .,. ytsmtrrday was the scene of en th, 1. _,ion of was that resulted in s very Sh' Loss of lite. The work of rescue :ighziug the fire is being conducted “3:111:12, ity, trl' the greater" difficulty. Over 200 thanks to the] 1 n-nmin down in the mine, shut in .trom a life of a Ming rurth, while 100 bodies shady liee Hurt yeste] ' i-rrll brought out. Beeentrfivir “manly mph)!“ Med were removed to hospitals, and 5"“: conhmng )..~v ten are dead and may more the Good Sheph‘ dying. It is believed that the pre- I the etrqerg “Kim! hummer of dead will be incressed alleged to have J:. :i._, mpEusion owurred just after 3 ""'itt for near night shift eutvred the mine. The f Pli.r "ttu" on mum; men of the shift were still in t"y.t.iys M‘th uluc In the bottom of the shaft, ‘\\ hy.atTaigne HM were drawn to the surface the “unlined T.o hn'm'l. Rescue parties were " once for the; detentm nixed, and commuted to no down. Iter "ii,h,..y'foyt my the rescuers were suffocated. The and Philip Ray. any Miners £elieved to be Lost In Mexican Mine Explosion. 1lerpatcht Fire broke out in the mom Home thin lorenoon, hat. ‘nt from a plumber's furnace bee in the fourth gallery. The roof ,ld mtruetttre mu noon blazing, fin-turn extinguished the flames nl‘l' than a pan of the roof had and to-day 1 families of tl their eord We witnessed .f the dead I the nun ands " <tarvit Berlin Scorched--Wi" :' Arrests In Connection With Calcutta Delay Season. : Outrage. intention of Flaming 21 , Wolfe statue and one urn: "Aux Braves," on has I M lands 'ple in tho. In " immd " ' Inni- g food , t their e sup-l utpmts in the Lance-f. the man who wears t-nlnrmi ‘shirta is a sloven. The medieal jour. lnal also deelares that mlored hund- kerrhioh are an abomination. "When " man finds it eonvenient to wear ‘colured whirts and cuffs," is the medi. cal journal's argument, "it meang in reality that he can carry dirt for a little longer without giving offence than if he wore spotlessly white ma- terial. Materials which do not com pel constant change by becoming of. {empire to the eye if ever so slightly toiled are bound to be worn too long. By wearing only religiously dun linen a man reduce! his chances of picking up Meteria." If So, Your Are a Sloven, Says Lancet. i Approved by Select Committee of British , Commons. 1 Lomlou, July 6.--The daylight bil, a mt-nsure by which the Unit-ed Kingdom is to lw lured into starting the day‘s work one hour ahead of the time indi- eated by the sun, has received the un- qualified blessing of the select commit- t.... of the Homo: of Commons and all indications point to its being made ef- ivctive next April. The bill proposes i to advance the clock one hour in April ( in order to promote the greater use of daylight, and to give the mama‘s one hour more playtime by light of day. The greatest objection to the measure mule from tho Stock Exchange, which prime-Illed the argument that its busi- noes with America would be dislocat. ed. For this work only two hours are available under the present conditions. and under the propmc-d bill this time would be cut in half. The committee of the Home think this difficulty can be obviated by the ad. herenee by thow eoneerned to their pre- sent hours. For scientific [imposes and navigation Greenwich time is to be mnintained. i She has a brother oiving in Chi Of late she has worked as a Scl'le varimls hum-s. Mrs. Thompson was a native of. roam, where her father, named more, is said to be prominent. married Thompson in New York, loft him recently after living in val wemtern cities Mrs. "rtmees Gilmore Thomson Mur- dered in Chicago. Chicago. lil.. July i'r.-jae police have practically abandoned the theory that ruhlu-ry “and the motive for the murder ot Mrs. Frances Gilmore Thompson, the woman found bound and dead at 1.242 Michigan avenue yenterdny. Detectives are watching for a man and woman who left at the time of the murder, and also for the dead woman's lmslmnd, but have no actual evidenee incrin muting: ann'nnu. (alumni, Julv a..,.s.-wn urn-its have been mam m eur.."etion with the Cut. rage' at the Kankara railroad station on June 22nd, when a bomb was thrown into a compartment of a train, m-rions- ly wounding two European punt-nan; Among those arieid are a itofessor at the Bhutpam Sunscrit College and Dr. Brojoral Gosh, a famous Bengal phyaicinn. At least one of the other pri- soner: in said also to occupy an imuort- ant position in Indian society. years ( thank wh- hands they , declare in a qworn captured, during a r: .nurmo, July 6.--With faces blurred with tears. two young Women mobbed out thanks to the police for their rescue from a life of shame and misery in pa. lice court yesterday morning. They vol. untarily submitted to the order of Judge Nash. confining them to the House of Ithe Good Shepherd pending the trial of I the cages against the two men who are uH...n..l A, . . "ch .b_. m. n'n'ust‘ on Saturday night. She and n friend, Rosi Tomam. 21 yvars old. uf Neeal Mreet, West Samoa, were no- Hutu] by two men in Washington street while lookinu fur wan b..,, -,,__st,, IS YOUR SHIRT COLORED? Buffalo, July with tears, two ' thanks to the p from a life of s] lice court yester untarily submith Nash, confinino BOMB THROWERS. it Police wet --._..- Rescued From Slavery Worse Than Death ll Raid. Cilia on Gees may Va] for trial ter TORONTO WOMAN KILLED, gm to have kept them in, confi it for nearly two months prior r n-wu" on Saturday night by . ive, Nehum and Murray. ‘hm arraigned under that, section criminal code providing a pena the detention of a female agail will, Georrre “My": " _...1__s_t_, - THE DAYLIGHT BILL iz'nggtd nken in min of being shot, thl eld prisonvrs. and WE Tt the attentions of the sufoonkeeper and hand, they were " “nu; ;.4 three 't-.tilanta, ny with mun! ling mo from h w I 1 r WHITE SLAVE i, lnly tr-Aeeording to the man who wears eolored tloven. A The medical jour. kect looking for said. Thee ttr " ng for work two months They were led to 1'olleti'y llftl’l' they had luwn worn-d intoxicating, their elothem om them, tpe girN told the tttd tley Adelaide Wet; L'veted by the pien.xe. Ina; "rTj,PA"e3 nu. Lulu. It! Ullil- thoritien would be Jisloeat. oolleet e ly two hours are Marge. trvsvnt conditions. Mr. n "l bill this time so brutal . serious t the Home think tendenev [who‘d I... a” - I . Wo Htiht Koremska, lit mi! mu. 1 to t Thank Buffalo’s , Hing y p as be the two girls worn foreed of other men Ins bet, Elm-ago, want in ' officer with de the house rk, but various “mm-,- ot' To the trial of who are confine- prior to by De. Gil R he knew-of him as one of the best in his line of business and knew he was wanted on the qther side of the line on several clung“, Detective Murrav, of C. P. R., Say: on. tario Has Epidemic cf Them. Guelph Ilespateh.. Detective Murrav, of the C. P. R.. WM in the city this morn- ing. He stated that he had seen the re- port in the Toronto World that Jeffer- son, the piekpocket, who was arrested here reeently. had been let go with "tt fine, and had come straight to Guelph to get n photo of the man. He stated that piekpoekets were. becoming plenti- ful in this part of the Dominion, and that the C. P. R. had been troubled by them a great deal, particularly during June. The line between North Bay and Winnipeg had been worked systemati- cally. Spetuting of Jefferson, he said” he knew of him as one of the best in his line of business and knew he was i irked (t'tt "f " n l A Port Pvrrv 1lespateh: it is helium] that the alwaiihmts of F. J. Lodge. Him lov, Tuesday night beat, gagged and bound him, and who may yet have to answer to a charge of murder, are isafe under lock and key. The men I suspected are Fred Mun"), an ex-con- ‘vict and all-round bad man; George l Easton,.an elderly man, with a record, land Frank Smith, a young fellow un- iknown to the police. The swarm-ta Fwere brought up to-day, and were rsentenced to thirty days in jail nu lvagzrnnts. Meantime Provincial De. l tective Miller. who has been sent down 'at the rcquent of the Port Perry nu- ‘thoritics to investigate the case will {collect evidence on the more serious: charge. l, tendency to draw bark and he had convulsions yesterday. These are evidences of spinal meningitis. but to. day he is somewhat better, and it in hoped that he will pull through. Mr. Lodge, the young singer who was l In brutally beaten. is in a decidedly serious condition. His head shows a. tendency to draw back and he had] convulsions yesterday. These are l of Three Men Are Under Arrest at Port . Perry. New York, July (3.~~A total of elvvert deaths ie, the hunt record in Greater Nt-w York within 24 hours. Prortration, from the continued heat wave have been nu nunwruuu that all the honpituls are overerowdtul. The mortality Was high- wt mmmg babies. Early to-day two mun- deaths Were reported to the Brook. lyn turrotwr's office. Lpeal shower-1 ith? rxpu-tec'. In luring relief to-day. " Eleven Deaths In New York -Hard " Babies. Mr. Wilkie is in the pril his beard is «till growing. When not ginning at" his ningnlfiCunt "irperulap, Mr. Walkie winds nit. about hm body like a scarf. thus taking ud- vitutupt' of it to ward off wind and wen- ther and other unfavorable climatic eon- (litimni. When combed our. Mr. Wilkie's beard trails several feet on the ground, AO, to give b.iitanders it proper view of its length and magnificence when show- ing it off he stands on the top of a tu- ble. Mr. Wilkic has entered several competitions with other gentlemen, who have claimed to have long hearth. but has ulwny-t mnquiahed them with 9810, the nearest person to him being a main from New South Wales who only has a beard four feet two ineheo long. Mr. Wilkie is in the prime of life and hm the proud distinction of owning the longest beard in the world, so far us in known, is ut prnwnt honoring Month-ul with u ,tlusrt. visit. He is Mr. Alistair Wilkie, of [Upper Crnigie, Perth, Scot land, and is staying at the St. Jtttnvs' Hotel. Whvn not alumina off hie mnnmliir-z-M Scotchman With a Seven Foot For Miss Carrie Nelson, 18 years old. he swallowed eixty grains of murphine; for Miss Eva Spillma-n, aged 25, be drunk four ounces of lnudnmun and for Miss Henrietta McDonald, aged 16, he put the muzzle of a allot gun in his mouth and pulled the nigger with his toe. Beside his body was found on a table a paper wrapper that contained the morphine. In it was serawled "For Car- rie." The empty laudanum bottle stood nn a slip of paper on which was writ. ten "Fur Eva." An empty envelope on which n picture of a shot gun had been drawn. was inscribed "Henrietta." Ex, cept that he had been acting queetly and that he had bu-)me detmdent. Graves 'said he saw aothing in Hood's behavior that indicated that he contem- plated yelt' destruction. l'nable to decide which of three wo- men he really wanted to marry, Eli Hood, 17 years old, a boarder at the farm house of Eli Graves, eigh' miles from Hazelhurst, yesterday decided that the best way out of the difficulty was to commit suicide in such a way that each of the women will know that he had killed himself for her. . KILLED BY HEAT; Chicano. July tl.--, Record Herald from “It: SUSI‘ECTS CN LODGE CASE, Montreal, July PrcrrPoturzrg A PLENTY. "For Carrie," "For En,” and “Her rim.” Notes He Left. Could Not Marry Them All So I Suicided. HAD THREE -- BEST GIRLS. HOW IS THIS? Poison For Two and Shot Him-elf For the Third. 6.---A despatch to the from Hazelhurst, Miss, A gmtlmnan win Mr. Oliver'l Bill Regarding Land Grants to be Enlarged. Ottawa, July 6.--Hon. Mr. Oliver has given notice of a resolution to enlarge his bill for land grant; to South Africa veterans, so as to include all who re- sided in Canada at the time of their enlistment. tn the case of death be, fore 1910 the 11nd or scrip goes to his heirs. It was originally proposed to make the grant only to men enlisting in Manitoba, Alberto or Saskatchewan. American trusi. P, sieputiition Wu; appointed to see the Premier. British Meat Traders All: That It be Removed. London, July 6.--The Meat Traders" Ausociation at a. meeting to-day de- manded the removal of the Canadian embau'gn and the restrictions upon the importation of,eattle for immediate slaughter from all countries free of disease, pointing out the dangers of the American trust. " deputation Wats To fight a duel without this consent will heneeforwnrd be u breach of the rognlationn. and ”rarely punished. it in expected that this decree will reduce the practice greatly. Sanction of Court of Honor Must' Be _ Obtained in Austria. Vienna, July ti.--ie, Iona sustained "forts made by the _ nti-dueling nguo in Austria to limit the prac- tive of dueling in the empire have fin. ally met with success, for the imperial sanction to a decree prohibiting duel. ing in the empire without the consent of a military court of honor has been steurvd. ‘iFindinz of Judge Emutinger in St. I Thomas, Scurriloul Mail Cue. A hit. Thomas despateh: The long pend- i “u; 1utee .againit J. S. Wilson, retired I merchant. for sending ohaeene and I uenrriluus matter through the mails to A. M. Hutehinsnn. another retired ’lllt'i‘l'llilllt. was practically dinpoaed of tn-day. when Judge Ermatinger. who 1,y,iell; with the argument of the de. 'lfemiaut_ counsel, that there was no (:'",,i.t"iijit in the criminal eode covering ‘the vane. It had to be woven that I the neon-ed not only wrote the letters, ‘hnt posted them a: well. The Judge said it was high time the attention of Parliament or the Minister ; of Ji|<tiee wan called to no glaring a di- l iieieney. He reserved the case until the Iquestion had been determined by the Court of Appaal. to which he referred it. In the meantime the defendant gave his own,reeogniatneest to appear when the iCmirt of Appeal gives its decision. Man Upon Whom It Was Inflicted Com- mitted Suicide. New York, July 6.--Charleg Phil. lips, a widower, who had a respon- sllule position in the Jersey (ity " fiees of the Pennsylvania railroad, n.” found dad in his room in the boarding house of Andrew Stiff, at No. II Court street. Nvwark, to-day. He had committed suicide. A note which he left read: "This harsh M: might not have been committed but for a lecture on drinking given to me a few nights ago by a local minister while I was in the presence of several friends." He ALL S. A. VETERANS SHARE. "I believe there are many such Mr. Ross at the time, "if one eoul find them. I want some one witi "Y. who is as anxious to marry as When seen to-day, Mr. Rov- that he had reeeived an almost em number of letters from all parts world, in answer to his advertise" "Letters have come from Egypt, and many other foreign parts." _ chm-d. "I have not made up my a." to what I shall do, but am in hurry. I have anxwened mmt " letters but not all of them. and received ttti many as six or eight some of the writers." Toronto. July 6.-Ahunes W. Ross is in demand. Young women, old women, blondes, brunettes. tall, short, slight and stout, but all with the necessary mon- ey, have responded to James' yearning for n bride well endowed with this world's goods, and his trouble now is that none of them measure up to what he considers his "affinity." As will be remembered, Mr. James Ross, who has spent a number of yeah no a sailor. wrote some 200 letters to the mayors of us many different cities all over the wot'lil in April last. asking that an ntlrertiuement be placed in the papers for a young woman with means, “ho mu anxious to marry. Many Respond to Toronto Mu': hd Fora Wife,Bnt no e Sn PARTICULAR jhtnis. the canals; iio onidiGitiamii.,i 224 barges passed up the canal a; the month. MINISTER’S LECTURE FATAL. There were almost three million bush- els curried down through the canals in three weeks of June this summer. Bar. ley also shows a. heavy advance, as well as eggs and flour, while other com- modities show figures just approaching those of last year. No L'niwd States item" trading vessels passed through the canals: 250 Hannah" “mum..- __. THE CATTLE EMBARGO. the month, thus effectively tying up navigation, the increase would have been shown nll along the line. As it is for the shorter period this summer the transfer of some commodities in far in advance of that for the whole' month in 1907. Carriage of wheat is the most striking example of the in. creasing trade of the Fit. Lawrence waterway, there being a gain of one and a hut millions of bushels brought 101- tranzshipment from Montreal bats c, Montreal, July 6.731er return. for June arhow I large mom” in the vol. ume of shipping over last year. Had it not been for the unfortunate break in the Cornwall Canal Im the 22nd of A BAR T0 DUELLING. Urge Increase in_ {Mountain Sent ACT IS DEFECTIVE. MONTREAL SHIPPING. Out This Year. madam summers and up the canal during etatd mmt of the of them. and have six or eight from gn parts" he de. ade up my mind 's but am in no NI id Times Sty: It Eu Not Been Purchased by Lord Northcliffe. London. July fh--Reporu were in cit. whtion here when Mr. C. F. Moberly Bell, Manager of the London Times, secured control of that paper in March of this year that Lord Northcliffe pro- vided . mljority of the required cap- ital. This Wu whequently denied. At the present time Lord Northeiitte is out of town, but Mr. Thong" Marlowe, edi. tor of The Daily Mai-l, of which Lord The bird reeled' off trtnitthiGTiriiiii,' and the judge decided in favor of Miss, Saunders. Miss Bertha Saunders and Misu'rzm. ma Harris, were the rival claimants for the bird. Miss Harris held it, but Minn Saunders had brought action to replevin. To prove her ownership. Miss Saunders wrote a string of pet phrases she had taught the bird, gave them to the judge, and shafted the Parrot or: his recitation. Cincinnati. ak 6.---trudge Mum yrs- terday solved the question of the own0r~ ship of a parrot by placing the bird on the ntand to give its own testimony. It Wu Allowed to Testify in an Ohio! Court. ! a Glargow firm of a big South Ameriea'n order, which under the agreement should have gone to American tube makers. Chit-aft), July 6.--The collapse of the tum Innkers’ agreement and the dissolution of the international use!» ciation, new; of which was made ml» lie yesterday, resulted in a ten per cent. cut in prices here to-day, and a still larger out is expected soon. It has been learned that the direct muse of the collapse was the acceptance by d Result of the Collapse of Intemntional Asatrriation. Austin, Texas:, July B.-Thomas Sarah i hint, publisher of La lit-forum Lihertnd [I Justin. the official journal of the local] branch of the Mexican rtn'olv.tirmary junta, which has suspended publication! because none of the printers in the city 9 have cared to run the risk of \‘iolutingi the neutrality lawn with Mexico, sought 1 an interview with Gov. Catnpbeli, yes- tm‘dny. to protest against the Mexican revulutionistu being regarded as bandits. He iiisists that they are patriots, fight- ing for right and liberty, granted under t“ the constitution. and declares they will honor American wil. ', Mr. Sarabia stated that the revolu- tionary army t-onniuts of 500 infantry and 000 cavalry. entrenched in h strong poeititm near Lam Van-an. and that at the :anP“ time they will descend upon 1 that cit) and capture it. ', Mexico’s Revolutionary Army to: Capture Lu Vase”. , "ThN is in eonfirtnation of my Brin- tul letter," um! continued: “It is no IN: hunting for Dr. Wilson', murderer. My the time you find out my Mme I will he out of the country. You need not try to locate the printer who printmLthe let. terheads I used; I printed them myself. I want you to know, though, that the murder was not committed for robbery. I killed him only beam-ac he killed mv wife." om-r's office, one sent from Bristol and the other from Boston. In one letter the writer says he sent the poison to Dr. Wilson. and in the other he deelatvs Dr. Wilson a menace to the community. and one who should have lwn put out of the way. Ordinarily no attcntion would he paid to anonymous communications, but in this can-:9 it :Imwuru that the lottery mum,- from the same person. Tho Bristol letter was mailed June 27 and the llmton letter June 29. That thr min-r of the Dav-ton letter knew about the Bridal M ter is perfectly clear. He writes in the Boston letter: A peculiar phase of about two letters Wu THE' TK‘UNDERER DEIHES. BIG CUT IN TUBE PRICES, PARROT GAVE EVIDENCE Write: the Mn Who ls'smpedea of Doing the Deed. Tncing the Person Wh Sent Him the Poisoned Ale. "i kill d Hi. Because He med: My Wife," I DR. WIISON’S . MURDERER. NOT BANDITS. r phase of the case devolves letters received by the Cots ‘P monny is fur- brood. weak. ME,rG'7itFi ',tsf'iirl'ii.i, on "reirierts automobiling. Of this number twentyone were in automo- bile. and forty-one were not. In ad- dition 040 pertain were serioudy in. lured. [In Daniel, an Engmh Visitor, ( His Life. One Year's Death: on Road: of Kaua- chnuttl. Boston, July 6.-Mst.v-two parsons were killed by automobile: within the State of Massachusetts during the year ending to-day, according to the first annual report issued to-day by the Safe Roads Automobile Auocia- tion, an organization formed in June. 1907, to luau: the flange" attendant In the evening George B. Thompson, aged 30 out in a steam launch. fell over- board and w“ drowned. The bodies have not been recovered. Vanmuwr. Juiy GerI'v t fatalities, marred the plenum- minion buy. At Barnet, some Harvard Inlet, C. W. B. Dyniel, lid: visitor from \'icw_rin. was while bathing in the narrow-s, was}: Rock. 'rur Seriously Hurt In fire In (' Cleveland Elan. Cleveland. o.. July ti,-- An mama... of fireworks in the five and ten-tvm eture of Kresge & Co. this morning we" immediately tollowed la) flames burst. ing from the window. of the building, Ten or twelve girls employed in the place. jumped from the windows. At mm four we" wrinnsly injured. The others jumped into life nets held by firemen and "rwaped injury. A htrge number of customers were in the “are when the explosion ownrred. Whether any of them were caught by the flames has nut yet been ascertained. The fire is now under control. renew in the. lad portraying many lectures In qprtrseceion with the uriy binary or Canada, including the Male on the Plum; ttf Abra. ham and battles at ecu. Several huge bombs will be tired off trom the “Many of No. 1 tort, Lena. In order to trivr' an tden ot the It? {python} pomba it , an! fme of them me or these bomb: it if "ai-uni, Gr I' will cover forty lens ltur tt ha been Moon: ttt (Le " Iver we tttYep :1, L I The Brothers' school. convent. And other public lmtitutione have one concluded to you“ their institutes to the public in case there it an overflow of Heston who require accommodation. His Roy-.1 Hithneu the Prince of Wiles will receive the address to be mounted to him in Punch clone by the Champlain monu- ment. Iitueted on the unmet-in Terrene, and will Holy in French. The firework: under propel-anon during the celebration will be the ll"!!! and mad- est ever witneaeed upon thin continent. They will be set ott upon the Levis Heights in order that the immense multitude of spec- tetor: will observe the effect without dit-i acuity from the Quebec wide. The on pin-cu I in course ot mount-tun» will be immense his the here during the celebration bu Mun secured and marked oat to the nation of the different corps. tr, the meantime ter tatdttirttt-ttott" Committee has perfected the organisation ot it: work. and Illa to date 2.- 500 room upon " lists, m6 at the lame unto owned I bureau ot Imam-Hon In The Duly Telegraph building. qu-rooom Ind cues In connection with the tuned any are nu planned and moving! for, and well be one: tor outlines: woven! days before me .celebnuou In Inaugurated. The ostctst'crr round: re? the 12,000 Canadian mn- In the mainline the mum! on which the tented city will be loulod is all llld out ln streets. and t water main trom the city wan-norms bun. laid that will furnish water to every lent occupied by guests. The din- TWO MEN DROWNED IN B, cler in the Quebec but: “on the Prince " Wale- mu up the river on July n, and 12.000 of Canon’- ooidim will he on panda. The Mitotic“ page-m, however. will con- tain the 3mm! element ot novelty. There will be non. thm thousand new in cor tune. none on hono- ud when on foot. I will be divided inio historical Mum. uloi- 1rt---Tttq Junie: Cartier can: of Arrival. Stl We“; mounted airman, Will. Henry IV’I Court. 150 costumed char-run: Francoi- I, with 464 com-(ion; I new of Champlain. with 193 performers, in addition to which will be added a representation of the crew ot the Don de Dieu; a scene tram Moni- many puticipnted in by 210 costumed char- actm. luau-in the Donn-d navel“. ii? por- tormerr, And the Laval representation. com- yrisinx as palm": the St. Luuon scene. with no performers. and some. from Iron- tenac by $71 costumed pertormere, Illa the French 3nd British ”ties in u-iiorms of thlee centuries I‘D. in which 425 performers will t1aure, making a tot-i ot 3,150 costumed performers. halide: allegorical devices and other interesting features that will so to nuke no the pun-at. AUTOS KILLED SLTTY-TWO, Quebec. July . -rhe work ot preparing tor the mat Mum-1a] FINN no: on name. and the cmuu In coming to rullu what u vux affair n will be. Ot an alum] and mu) display I good dell has been written. There will be " Ian! A down [naval-ships It is a Big Ink That Mr, Laseeiles is Directing-Some ot the Groups Will Number Over Four Hundred. THOUSANDS OF COSTUMED PEOPLE IN VARIOUS SCENES. GIRLS JUMPED. The Time; in authority for the fr er autumn that the directors of company formed in March will or" the euattrol of the paprr July 4 Sorthelifft is the principal proprietor. any. there in no truth in the revival of the report, and it is denied also by The Timed QUEBEC PAGEANT. orrrhiuo ARCHIVES TORONTO Inuvning of Do- miles up an Eatg. drowned near fy. Lose: Uatt t I A Guel h de teh.. A verv liar no- eident 'elv.'I'2'f to oGl',Th'"Tl'te't' of London, who in in can.» here with the medical corps of that cixy. While meaning the effort dislodged hi. eye- ball. which can out on " cheek. The eye was "placed by a [myth-ha. And he in little the worn for the unam- Inn-i. dent. The Peculiar Aedlent to Corporal Hut, of London. (Shit-nun July lk-The l jury roturnrd in Jwige I yesterday fifty indirlnwuln mun importers of wuuwu. were returned spinal the f, fred and Eva Dufour, Augm Duval. Victor “damn, Mus and Sol. Rubink. In the “In? of the Dufou ample: Judi! Landiu imp breaking hail. In each on was not " $25900. Ute " that the charges were uric! make justifiable the lat-01M Chicago importers of Women Inducted by Grand Jury. ' trun of gems [IO-nvpiun wl He mid tltnt mnmlh. om- " the mam-s. an! turning 1 When he u ployers he dimwpeared street, reported to the police on Tues. day that he had been robbed of I suck unitaiuing $35,000 worth of un. set diamonds. Powell said he had pur- chased the diununds I short time previ- ous and had entered the Columbus Me. morial Building with the intention ot turning than over to his employers. When he went to the office of his elu- ployers be diuuwrvd the diamonds had Chicago. Ill., July ll. -hi. l'. I1 u buyer, empmye-d by New Br, & Co.. wltoltmale .tlwellers, in ('ulumbuu Memorial Building, It” unmet, reported to the police on day that he had been robbed , § Four hum Hurt and Two Pith. 5 Bar; Hum Wrecked. Buyer Believed tn Have Been Victim at Pickpockets. thinly". Ill.. July ii. _ l'. l'th'”, " buy”. rlupluywl by New "vothers nd Pittsburgh July 4. "our per-mm were m-riously injured and two dwelling “(Mark partly “racked early to-day when a charge of dyad-lin- “In implod- ed " the home of Geo. Deavowrin, n wealthy Italian, living in McKee-port, adjoining this city. tieveral threnten. in. Intern “and by an alleged black land omintion have been received by lk-uvoturiu recently, in which $2,000 were dmnandrd. The authorities are ondenvoring to trace the authors of the letters. Po i. "ll d H Increasing cause for alarm n found in the feet that Tabri: is surroundd by Rachin Khan and his horsemen. They are supporters of the Mtrth and utterly without dincipline. Should there riders be turned loose on the city the lives, of even the foreigners there would be in danger. No detutis are given of the recent fighIinu. but one of the despatches concluder- with these words; "A good deal mon- blooilehed is HT.eeted before the by the revolutionary forces bills": have been closed I has been some looting of denotes of delegates to the an_d business houses. - - ,._-___.,.... ...‘ .w of the "rvortnionistu, and tl there yesterday of troops to a the forees of the Shah hr.» the danger ol the situation. Itn‘ sf the "gaps to the city i London, July 6.--A nun-ill deupateh from Tehenn to The ‘llirnes says that the British Chase d'Attaires has re- fitted to receive a palace officiul Rent with a verbal Apology in reply to the British protest unmet the [uniting of troops near the Leg-two. One of the prisoners just released from the Royal camp describes the barbarities com. mined by the soldiers there. He says that a Nationnliut preacher was aleughtered before the eyes of the other prisoners. When nearly dead the cord was loonened and the r-uldiers began cutting into his living flesh by blunt knives. They then threw the carcass- to the dogs. The situation at Tabriz ootttinues lo be very serious. Private thwmtches received here this morning say that. the people have erected lorries/des m the streetns and the lighting is going on night and day. Tubriz and the entire province oi_Amerbeijan are strongholds London. July 0.---The fart thnt the Shah hue been in direct oorrspondmuse with King Edward. manniably pro- testing mint the sheltering of retu- gees in the British legntion at Te- lletln. is oonfirmed. It is believed that the King in reply referred the Shah to the Foreign Office Is the tosual channel for such communications. Horrid ' AN INFAMOUS TRAFFIC C354!” IN DIAMONDS eittpio.ve M‘ernl ye The" to the Dogs. Lives of r-ich, Telugu " tl But ls “and to the Foreign Office Fer Infomation. SHAH APPEALS TO EDWARD SHEEZED HIS EYE our, tll declared that ke wu almost P he had the dinmomb, in his ion when he "tttered the building. d tltnt he laud two laps of dia. one containing “5.100 wolth of m, and the other "G,000 worth, " he carried um- nck in either pocket of nix vent. Powell hats mployed by the Jewelry concern mil year-1. and during that period nude-d nearly nil the pun-Inning I for the firm. BLACK HAND. luly 1 expected ttled." . Dufour and Hum! lin impmu-d murd- lt'h one the bond the mutt holding * serious enough to ltiietst bond. Both The Fun-ml grand Ign- Lnndia' mun nem- again-st Chi. men. [Indictments the following: Al. August and Marie x ROTHIMIHII GONE strong! the am 30 and . All the and there the MOI-- assembly e unn- reum h. (""101 Stale the and ‘ll

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