West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1908, p. 8

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1't"asr................ 80to 80 llarltw.............. 50:0 50 Hay......... ....r.r. Balm 900 Butter...'............. 19to 19 F'arttic................ Itito 16 Potatmporbag...... 100:0100 F'lourper ttm........ 260to325 Oatmealperuck..... 32530325 'i!e,'a,Tiic,ii: 1li0totgo Live ampere"... 5130:0580 preaoedi%mperenet. 82030820 Bid-perm..-... .... 3to 3 Str-hits............ 45to 70 Fall Wheat. . . Spring When Out...“ ..._ l Business College (1.rrru.mTw,N,irj,,) o,i-i--dj)/'flrf.rtl'(isiic)cp/ Get at rhoroualt Business Training as :5 as Day and Night Classes Each student is taught. tl ly at his nun desk. Tt m (ct one week tree. Visitors welcome A. FLEMING. Principal, Owen Sound Durham Markets. t" Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, and in placing all its graduates. Each student. is taught separate- ly at his uwn desk. Tl ml lessonl felegraphy )(illrii)i'ig(gg, ty, /1( // / . 17,(,i.it?t,?/ti-e,, ?9'W? titf if. 0190.000 p" ttl gRegent Brand Sultsfg Ill‘hll. W H. HHAW, 2§THE pEopLig'E'Tafig‘g: E The Place to buy Gents' Furnishings iii Ti FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. tat 1tiitlthi'itttiiy.i-tg.iiit Drama. JULY 8, 1908, W. T. CLANCY. P MT. FOREST SUMMER TERM. NI TORONTO. ON T. In & Alexander m Ilene Hanan nm In rovrumn. on!“ and 01mm": Mun. Go m will, you will tim1 our madame; m the front, The]! superior tmin. lm than to (In and new "nu-lu- . Follow open I” “union. w my Mme. me tor analogue. W. J.ELuorT, WM l Ten Regent Clothes are Cut and Sewed Perfectly. nnnuln In runway [and opemtor in hen-mm] Talent: 1.. Toronto. The n 1tttt for mecuI-u Pres. 1.1.10!” ll When hunting for footwear come in and see our lines of tan, patent and kid in the Imperial make. Highest Prices for Produce-Cash or Trade. JULY 9, 1908 ROBERT BURNETT tmow beat The style is permanent, due to the honest method of making and the excellence of the material used.. A new Lot of Browns and Grams Here you are eve-mm Inked: oi , [Io-mud idtlf im mined van. Pu Mt wbtat beat th |quncht pt [5:06 T5to 40to MID 50to 800to 9 19to t6to JOHNSTON. Ptin In the am new Iownrda positions pgylnu Iron: .5000 Tr an " nnclpa name of thitt Supporter; Mu! unice. You 6 months " why School. "test School tlal t " Pr Footwear as welcome to look as buy. 40 80 50 OI) 10 16 of Browns and Grays pal tot buy Gents' Furnishings Miss Ethel McWilliams. Mt Forest. was homo: tor the tirst of July picnic. Mr and Mrs Alex Henderson left tor ths West Tuesday morning, where they intend spending the summer months. tt ( to be plesem. - My Mr and Mrs Aikens, from Fair, bank, attended Amos church last Sunday and visited at Mr Walter Hassle s. Mr and Mrs Alex McMillan. Price ville. visited his brother Colin her over Sunday. Miss Marv Rania-ll "mum“ I to Mr Adam Eccles, Gait, was home fur the lst ol July. Mr and Mrs Smith, Conn, visited at Eccles' and attended the picnic. The Women‘s F. M. Societv are holding their meeting Thursday afternoon of this week. They ex. peettrpumber ot Normanby Society In bu, nuns-“~- British Canadian Bus. College Mrs Robt. Renwick. Jr. and Mr and Mrs Jno Sinclair attended the Silver Wedding at Mr George Binnie's last Suturdztv. esters' picnic. - it Mr Bryden and Miss Burnet, Conn visited at Jun. Ramona. Ist of July and attended the picnic. Miss Nellie Kinneu, Mt Forest, visited at Robert Renwick's last week. Mr and Mrs Leslie, Mt ited Dromore friends for days last week and tool esters' picnic. After the program the crowd gath- ered in held in front of woods to wateha game of football between Holstein and Dromore, Beavers. It was it very interesting game and was evenly matched. each team getting one goal. After tea, Pomona and lh'omore, Shramrocks, played a very exciting game of football, Dromore iwinning by two to nothing. After this game there Was a number of traces In the evening many enjoyed tlyTPelvesdaneGt on the splendid platform to the excellent music given by the String Band from llopevillo. We think everyone went home, per- hapsa little tired out, well tsatisfied with their day's outing and the for- esters are to be congratulated on their successful picnic. I.i"“: 511535 ,‘__.-v‘., "u... VV lulu" Hastie as chairman. Mrs Litster and Mrs Atchison gave songs, while Archie Clark, Miss Switzer and Mr Dim“ delighted the crowd with ex. eellent reeittttions. The Foresters' picnic held July lst was a decided success, weather couldn’t have been better. Over Itk0 people assembled in the Woods. About 4 o'eloek the pro- SPP. commenced, with Wniwr BEST BUSINESS TRAINING, at reasonable prices. Start anytime. Cor, Yonge & Bloor Sm - __ ---r"'" u vyeek and took in the For Dromore. Paul. Minn., visncd ening last week. to Miss Eva Rent.- cholnrship in Dar- ol and to Mr Louis n~che gold medal Forest. vis- a mum}; of Fa??? 513B a”. in? Me, Me Jim. A. Black. Cheeley. with daughters Katy Bell and Jesein took in the spouts in Durham on the that and along: with Mr Stevens. manager of Halliday's hie store, Were guests at the Review Office. Mr Black and the girls returned Saturday. after visiting relatives and friends in and near town. Mr. H. F. Chittick, of Chicago. while in town on the occaaion of his father's death. gave the Review Ottiee a hater. nal call. Away back in the 80's he learned his trade here with Mr. Joe. Townsend and accented with him then was Mr. Joe. Clarke, now the versatile editor of “Saturday Night." We were much pleased to glance over the early files with one of the Review boys. Mr. Chittick in now With I. big Publishing Home and he: charge of n I Hergenttiiuer Linotype." ih, Mr Geo. Sinclair left Tuesday of last week an a trup to the old and. to his home in the highlands of " Bon. nie Scntland. ,, He spent till Satur- day in Toronto and Montreal and will he absent from town about three months. We wish hun a pleasant re- iminnund safe rettun to his adopted 1nd. itev Mr Ryan. formerly incumbent, of uinilv Church here, and latterly of Dundalk. has been tratnsterred to \Vallacehurg. Out., and is movimz this week. Rev and Mrs Berry. of Pricaville. passed through town Monday en route for Drayton. where u sister of M I'd B's, who died in Montana. is Ire. ine mterred. Mrs Meredith, accompanied by Miss Flurn, left Tuesday on an extended visit to her children' in Calgary. Van- cmn‘er and elsewhere in the West. Muss Alloway, of Simcoe. who has been the guest of Mrs Jno. A. Do. ling, returned Monday. Miss Rita Darling accompanied her, Mr Thos. Allan, Jr., recently teaph, ing neat. Hanover, has been enuaged at, llitchie's school, B. ti. No ll, Glenelg, for the coming year. Mr Geo. Walker and ttive, Miss Jean Walker, of Toronto, visited m Mr. and Mrs Hugh McDonald's and other friends last week. Mr H. R, Koch took in the League mu union to Niagara Falls Fridav and went on to Rochester on a Visit. to friends there. Masters "Tod " ard Fraser Grunt, of 1'ovonto, are spending the holidays at the .. Hodges" with their aunt, Mrs. L. Somervilie. Miss Jennie Stewart. Tomntn, ac- cornpanied Miss Annie Wutt as fur as Port Arthur on her recent journey to the West, Mrs. H. Ball returnrNihomo. to Dun- dm last week after sppndinu a few weeks with herpurents, Mr. and Mrs. ('. Brown. Rev Mr Falquhhrson and Mr John Bell were in attendance at Baugeen l’n-shvtery meeting in Harrislun Tuesday Mr and Mrs Marion, who have re- cr-nlly 1-0“on town, have moved into the half of Whelan's double house on libll St. Mess”. it. W. Hughes and Arch. Davidson druve down from Owen Sound to spend Dominion Day a rm"... home, Mr and Mrs Whitchureh andlur motle-, Mrs Schooley. attended the fuuer"l of his mister in Stratford last wrex. Mr Dun McFadden returned to To. runln Wednesday. after a few days with rrlatiyes and friends in and Lear town, Mr Donald McQueen, ex.Reeve of Egrmnont. passed through town Tuvsdny on his way to Owen Sound. Mr. Brady, of the Standard Bunk stuff, Brusseli. spent a few days last week at his uncle's, Mr. Jno. Kellv. Miss Louie. Daniel left on Friday on the excursion to the Falls, She in. tends reumining in Hamilton. Miss Margaret McFarlane returned Tuesday to Detroit. after a few weeks vacation with relatives here. Mr Arthur Knisley is home for a couple weeks holidays from luring. Parry Sound District] Mr Goo. Gngnnn has town and in again in his the Furniture Factory. Mr DotsBeaton returned to town Inst week after spending a few months with Guelph relatives. Miss Sophia Jack, Toronto. visited Durham and friends there for a few days last week. . - _.,.~_.... .--u Illu‘.’ lU spend his summer vacation with Detroit friends, Miss Clam Aljoe left hut week to spend a few weeks with friends") Cleveland. Mr. Jno, Johnston left Friday to “mm: LL. -.----, .. _ Miss Maud Burnett is spending her holidays this week visiting friends near Varney. Miss M, Putman, of Mt Forest, spent Dominion Day with old town friends. Miss Ella Freud has returned from Toronto. where she spent a couple months. Miss Mabel Hill, Bentinck, left Tuesdav on a visit to Guelph friends. Mr. Murray Smith of Local). spent Dominion Day at his home here. Mr Elcon Hoare, of Toronto, is a quest at. his uncle's. Mr E. Linun. Mr A. W. Watson. Shelburne. visit. ed old town friends Dominion Day. Mr. Joe. Moore, ot Toronto, in visit- ing at home for a few weeks. Mr and Mrs Jar. Wilson left Tue- day for Edmonton. Alta. Mr 100. Rose ' was in Palme rston Tuesday on business. Mr Reggie Kelly, of Tononto. is holidaying at home) Mr. Arthur Weir spent a day or two in Toronto last week. "e'"'""- Uh. - ms rammed to his position in Having decided to give up the Gent's Furnishing Business in Dnrhum my entire stock will be cleared out at cost price. For bargains in Men's and Boy 's Suits “(I can Pants, Raincoat: Umbrellas. this and Caps, Shirts. Collars & Ties, Handkerchiefs. Sus. penders, nose and half hose. Under. wear, Sweaters, overalls & Smacks, Boots lad Shoes Going out of Business Gents Tailor and Furnisher, Durham The tht You Look Best In and everything in the Gent 's Far. nishinglinethls is your chance afnd you should take advantage o it. DIED. MCGILLIVRAY --At Dornovh. on Mon. day, July 6th, John MrGilliw-uy, secund youngest son Of Mr and Mrs Duncan Meuillivrar, aged 15 years. Btrrurmccsa--on Junv 23rd. at the homeof Mr and Mrs Thus. Banks, Edge Hill, Charles Munm. infant snn of Mr and Mrs Jnhn Sutherland, of tirrattord, filed 2 Inns. 4 days. 0ur$l.50 Christie BROWN -Bytttts4 - On Wednesday, July lat, at the residence of J. il. Brown, Em., uncle of the bride. by "s.. 1).... III.“ In, . - _ Miss Agnes. Guy and lie-n 'Nichrl, of Tilhurv. are holidaying at the home of their grand parents, Mr and Mn Walter Nichol, Glenelq. Mr John A. Graham and Mr John M. Burgess event a few days hat week with fxiends in Sm‘nia. and toot in the sights of that place and alsoof Port Huron, Windsor and Detroit, You needn't worry about the quality of the headweur. In is as good as any and much better than many. The prices are right too. We charge nothing for the maker’s name; only for the but. Mr and Mrs Woolicott, of Monkton, visited Mr John Sncll's and other relu- tivci in Glcnclg and Egrcmont the past wee c. Is the hm. you need right now. Come here and pick it right out of the many new styles and shapes we are trltomug--tt brand new assortment. With such a wide choice you are bound to get fhot.tgratulutions to Mr and Mrs Gm Binnie. who on Saturday lust complet- ed " years of married life. Ifiam Eva Banks. of Toronto. bas I"new; the viaiturs to spend the ht in Durham returning Thursday. Miss Gillis, of Priceville. was a guest at the home of D. McFavden for " week recently. Conductor Lavelle, and two of his Young sons spent Wednesday upping Din. unn..¢ . u. _ ___--- th" siiorts my “van Mie Wilson. from near Toronto, i the guest of her friends. Mrs A. Mo Arthur of the Glen. Miss Fog, of Toronto. is " guest at Mr Jno. Kelly's. Mr Chatto, of London, is visiting at Mr Wm. Mountain's at present. Banker Kelly left Monday on a half- day tour to Saskutoon. Sask. Mrs. Smith, of Mt. Forest, visitnd at Mrs. R, Terry‘s a few days last week. Master Will Furquharson cums home from Chatham Tuesday for the holidays. -'". - _ .. ....\... mr. 1WIF" "10'en My the Rev. iir/,/ FUrquhatson, Adam Morrison Brown, of Parry Sound, to Jessie Irving Byers. of Durham. THE DURHAM2REVIEW Harry Burnett Watchrnaker, J eweller, and Optician Besides the above Watches, We carry all the standard makes, such as the Waltham. Elgin, Hamilton, etc. P. (i. A. Webster MARRIED ONTARIO jiTRsiihTrtS" TORONTO Larson camc homc ly for thc holidays. heal: Tpronto, is MclKechnie's Big Canada for the Canadians l:' EPBURN.~In Durham rm Friday. July 3. to Mr, and Mrs. James Hep- burn, a snn. Hahernu-hl, July 2, STAPLES .-rn (ileuelg, on \Voduosduy. July l, to Mr and Mrs Fred J. Staples. a daughter. JfcGowax-in Durham on Friday. Jnly3rd. to Mr. and Mrs. John Irc- Uowan. a son. l Editor Durham Review : Dear Sir. It the returns in South Grey of the Election held on June 8th, are not correctly given to the Press by the ofticiaN in change, it cannot he urged that it was because of their haste in giving the figures to the public. How. ever, as one of the agents for Mr Mc. Cannel at polling place No (l. Bentmck (Lamlash). I challenge the correct- ness of the statement for that poll as given in the Durham Chronicle. VIZ. Jumiescn 53, Mctlatmel 49, and haw. mg taken part in the rount at the close of the poll, I positively assert. that the vote stood Jamiecon 49 and McUannr4 53. Now, whether it was negligem'e, 'nthapacity or deliberately falsifying the rerurd I i-unnot. sav. but, it Is untortunnte that there should be even it suspicion that theonicials in charge of the ballots hud been altei- ing or tampering with the true state- ment of the paling returns. as was done in the Election of 1891, when 20 good ballote marked for Dr Lander- km Were stolen and 20 forged bogus bullnh tnarked for lllythz- “we put in their place. Mr Jos. McArdle attended " Orange picnic. north of Dundalk. on June 24th. Crops are looking good in Proton this year. 77â€". "r"'"""" um UllUllan' mus Killing two birds' with one stone. .4nother Council meeting In Dun- dalk last Saturdav the 4th. Cty, Ree Mr Gibson 'ts father, from Ham- ilton, is here on th visit. He is ac- companied by one Professor John- Mom a very able singer, and we hear he follows the singing businels. They Raye an opgn and free concert (i3jiiiit'ii; ------ .------ Hopeville. BORN Come and examine our stock whether you buy or not Look out for our Price List next week. We buy for cash and keep no books and produce. Each department is under the ca: expert so that the buying and selling can b most careful way. Our citizens can compare favorably with the citizens of any other part of the Dominion and it should be our aim, whilst wishing prosperity to the whole Dominion, to wish better prosperity to the locality in which we live. The merchants in rural sections, villages and towns are as honorable as can be found in any country and they can sell their goods cheaper than city merchants do, and speak- ing for our own business, we ask the people to be the i,,Aevso, f"”"TERS o. 'lil, manta "Breathes there a man with soul so dead As never to himself hath said, etc." and we thoroughly agree with them and join in w But we also have another cry, Canada for the C which is nearer and dearer to us, and whilst we ar the Empire and the nations which are attached to ', Canada better than any other country and thel which \ve'live better than any other part of the Do This is the 42nd anniversary of the Dominion of Canada and it is fitting that all good citizens should be imbued with lofty ideals and noble inspirations regarding the future of our country. Our fathers may justly, with pride quote the immortal Scott, am. yours, WILLIAM Mum: 1008. We guarantee to sell precisely as we advertise or pay for your trouble and time calling. Call early and get the bargains. Wool Wanted. Cu]: or Produce for Good: while Sale um. lcan'l'omatocs..... 9c lcanCorn.......8c tcan Peae......7c 3 pkg Huddicc. .25c 2 pkgs New Food .Mc I Elsa Corn Starch. .6c 1 can Bcct, Ham and Chicken Loaf, used for lunc at icnicn. .l0c can 4 10c bottles bust Extract .25c, 4 loc pkgs Dalhy Mf Powder. .25c We are going out of Hardware Men's patent leather boots 5.00 for. . . .4.00 I Men's dongolu leather boots. 5.00 for. ”4.00 ' Men's box calf boots, 5.00 for.. . . .... . A.00 '. Ladies' patent leather Oxford, McPherson 1.x. Ladies' patent leather Bals, McPherson make We have a few odd lines we will sell at. . . . ... “...". ...... ...u 0...... .'w_._ . tt boys Suits, 2 piece, were 3.50 tor.. .... .. . . . . .. 7 boys Suits, apiece, were 5.00 for. . . . ..... . .. .. IO men's Suits, singlc-brcastcd, reg. 5 to 6.00 for fl men's Suits, single and double breasted. reg, 7. Ill A6 _ 2 Boys Suits, were 2.50 for , boys blouse Suits, tweed. IO .. . "’ Men's and Boys' C 8Mutsetrskirts,twccdettectiotor cr.rra-ca:r::rc::li'll 5 " coloncd anddarkgrcy, were"'""'.::::::::.:.,".','; SLadics' Skirts, darkgrc s2cy,ltthicciici,cic,:iry.:y.y.:l.'ll 8 " tweed when. 5.75, 5.50 and "lor/r:::.:.::.",:','; 3 " blacklustrc.2.76for.............................2.w 3 .. hluccloth.4.75for.‘...........................V‘." 5 " blackand greys,7.K...-. TCir/iii.':.".".'.'.","'.. 2 " darkgrey.6.00for........................... .., ra 3 bt Panama, I each-black, blue and brown, 6.00 fans. $rsooo of cur goods must be sold in " days. We used the money Our prices have reached the lowest limit. . Customers tell us we are giving the best WP": KEV“: in Durham and you may rest assured that the me. will continue till the Sale is over. See last week's paper and bills for prices. The following are a few lines that we have made a bigger reduc- tion Ort-some lines cut to half price. ALEX. RUSSELL Clearing Sale THE BIG STORE Bargains in Crockery and Glassware Groceries for Friday and Saturday Departmental Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Suits blouse Suits, tweed, were 2.75 and 3.50 for. . . . . . . bb black and blue scrgcs. were 5.00 for Suits. 2 piece, were 3.50 tor.. .... ...... .... ..... .591“, api.ecc, were 5.00 for............ ...... ... and Manure Fd sections, villages and towns are l in any country and they can city merchants do, and speak- ask the people to be the judges. tlt them and join in with them, y, Canada for the Canadians 0 us, and whilst we are loyal to which are attached to it, we like Russell', Gigantic no books and sell for cash or under the careful eyes of an selling can be done in the e and double hrvcastcd, reg, 7.50 to 10.00 for 6k reg. " to l5.00 for.. ms and Hats, worth 75c. MY, Mc for. ..... Boots and Shoes and the locality in of the Dominion. Ladies' Skirts &c., &c. They must go, 4.oo patents for....3.lo 4.00 dongolas for.. .3.lo 4.oo box calf: tor.. .3.lo kc, 2 styles, S.26 for..2.50 , 3.50 fan... ........2.98 ......socto l.00 and l.25 Get our prices for Screen Door, Hay Store l .95 2.95 2.95 2.40 2.25 2.59 4.75 L49 15c It r! In k '3tietttvey.'.e.'rs,'ts,'V, XX'yyA'yy..y.4 iguana": "until THE tiol Nc Muslin Julv p Sale oi (iingh VOL. xxx: Stack' THE H CSI “I Accour Groc kLIT1 Whit "

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