West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Jul 1908, p. 7

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e Photo Epidemic daks JUI --.---""' ur W S THUR Dominion re of solid I]? oes 1908 wnies n hand lid 8lll! 'M " u Two store . double. frnme house, situated on IT; West side of Garnfmxa St. in upper town. Luge lot with unable. First clans well and Nah-m. Apply on p remises. Ast l‘u CAgtEttcN Your choice of two houses. f ne cn Countess Street. Brick, eight rooms. bath and than. Two (vellum. (mum-9. o-N'. Stable with tour singlp stalls, two carriage apartment} Mm ice house, 32 NERVOUS DEBILITY (si' A.S.;H One double tenement home in b'p-l Hulk.” " town. Stone. One P"rt eight East I mu). hath. furtwure and cellar. The Proton her part six rooms and celmr. SulliV: Apply to W, BLACK. Bentir __ - - -_-" ---_--- -9--- -- .e" _. Egrmr For Sale. l St. Vi, "w . p, $677va w 4; mm. mm I'rvrlr', m n» g. ' lurk ul" I"). 'tund. h. rub and but \n-rl' " _ a} - col hz‘l'Il m m. mrhl: ' [worm pm!” r, tircets lb; t"r* slum” tot'", Llurxwl. haw 're, d 1mm". "yummy puma Mr. Nmulyhvw Ill l, _ tlw Inuwr‘: s-‘t in and the Ilnvlov' told ttrr' ' tu. fv-m'wl ptwalysi4 1 took all lands of 'sr-ur-"' t mwliumn-s and trim! many tint class L? - ,.'. Fhwwunu. wors- an elm-trio lu-lt fur ' ..r‘ d hry-u months. now to Mt. ”unit-IN ba. "m“ "“""’" baths. but I‘m-mun] little wnom. While ArTktt TrtEAYMEHT atNt. Humans l was induced to consult hrs Kennedy t Kennedy. though I had Iosrt all tmth n- ‘lnvturs. Lilo' ntlrmrninznm'u I ty?.ruirtertrrd tlu- _ )lrthml Truatuwnt and IL nan-(I my lll'v. The imprmomvn: was Ilka-"mun: Ivonlvl fel the vignr going mnulgh the m-rwm lwas cured mentally and physically. l have sent them many panel!" and will continue to do so I' CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ”on... ond em VARICOCELE. STRICTURE. NERVOUS DEBIUTY, BLOOD AND Seed.'. ne.', LA1NTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES“ all Diuuupou‘ b I . CONSULTATION rim BOOKS FREE. nun-u. to all write for . a...“ -t.etk- TM A I I. . I I “I n I I] II. I T - ‘3‘!””& ar'aruranararartartarararr, to JULY 18. 1908 Trunks, Vallscs. Telescopes, Club bags. &e., in stock. at the down town Shoe Store. TliiCWo' STRICTLY CASH. J , M ll . h Eggs taken SJHIL‘ as Cash. . s. c rait Boots, Shoes and Hos- iery at Menraith's He has the goods ; he sells the goods at reasonable prices. The larger, Cheer Up: Don't worry; It's wicked Boost and the world boosts with you ; Kick and you kick alone You will have no kick coming if you buy your " "c"irAiiaiGuu., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Houses for Sale. We are supreme. More but a pure Drugs We are here to stay and for the next 60 days will show the people what we mean. . A. DARLING, Chemist and Druggist HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FGGS AND GRAIN Strictly Pure Paris Green High-grade Machine Oil Mower Sections Binder Twine DARLING’S DRUG tut {@xmxagqeggeacmmacmmacmaxm' frame hollow. of Garufraxa Re lot with Pure Paris Green, 28c lb. Open Night and Day. , Hardwaregf unters Seed Store The largest stock in town to choose from antheattyeted fo mum" ma "tkyrtideiiiiiiij./jrrTd ui fakirs rob you ot your hard-med dollar: WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. GO TO n & all pertaining to Drug b business at cut rate prices We run no junk shop, grocery , unadulterated Drug Store. Mount Forest . . .. . _ . . . . . Normnnhy, Ncustudt . . . . North Grcy, van Sound Artcmcsia, Priccvillc. .. . Northern. Walkcrton. . .. " Ontario Fall Fairs. and am- you and makea the blood purine-l so pl nu), Aug 29-Scpt don. ....Scpt ll- .m..‘.....Scpt 22,' rrthur .....Scpt 23, 'Qod......Sppt 22--s STORE neatly ed so that all stvei, so that ne bright. the a! and mental tin-tom The f kw reen I . ft hl i'i' ‘5 I ' i! K are& , Store ' ILV. a; ' _______5 . . JOct Sept 16 Sept )icpt tic pt Sc m ...Oct 8 Sept 24, Sept 29, ....Scpt Sept 24, Sept l7, Scpt 22, 16 l7 l7 l7 l.') I 8 23 '30 29 14 19 23 9 Mr. Miller has had initiative, Mr. Foster well knows he haslindepen- dence, his constituents know oi his in- dustry and his interest in their wel- fare. Not only has he been indepen- dent in the, [louse bat out ot the House as well. In South Grey he has been attentive, helpful and oblig- ing to Liberals and Conservatives alike. He has assisted very many Conservatives in connection with their North West homesteads, has helpeu Conservatives in their requests " better mail accommodation. has appointed country postmasters with- out any regard to their politics con- sidering only the convenience of the people and the good ot the service. He has in tact served. not any po- litical party bat the people and all the people. without partiality and without distinction as to their politi- cal leanings or religious Breeds. m has served them faithfully and well and acquired the well earned repu- tation ot being one ot the most regu- larattendants and hardest workers in the House of Commons. That his work is eiiiciont is proved by the fact that he has been twice elected to the chairmanship of the Committee of] Bankingand Commerce, and inthe tight for the Lord's Day Act, Sir Wil. trid and Mr Shearer too, freaky con- ceded that Mr Miller', help ha been of great value. Instances might be multiplied. There's another reason for Mr. Foster‘s personal bitterness to Mr Miller which must be left for the future. Mr. Foster is a talking machine; he, rather than Borden is responsible tor the obstruction over the Elections Bill, Land we venture to say that he will allow measures to dpass in as many hours these closing ays " are just as much or as little worth months of talk us was the Elections Bill. Mr. Foster also knew that during the present session in a strong and independent speech. in opposition to the views of the leaders ot both po- litical parties,he earnestly advocated the abolition ofthe Senate. We be- lieve in this the general pttblie--Litr eral and Conservative-r-were with him and we hope he will continue the agitation. Mr Foster gave no assistance. It was simply a. ridietr, Ions thing for so strong a party man as Mr Foster to score for lack of in- dependence. Mr. Miller, who, fora man in his first parliament, has shown a remarxabie and unusual degree of independence. Mr Foster contradicts himself when he growls at increasing expenditure and yet boasts that the opposition have control of the purse strings. The country will do well to keep Mr, Foster in a position to criticize ex- penditure rather than allow him to make it. His referen es to ll H Miller were not relished by many Conservatives, l who favored no opposition to our: present worthy member at this time at all, especially when these referen- ces were absolutely untrue: to say practically that Miller isa mere vo- ting machine is absurd. Only two weeks ago he shOWed his indepen- dence by opposing even the Minister rd Justice on the Cigarette Bill, and what is more carried his point that the minimum age should be 18 not 16. never before and not a/i/i/air; au- dience we are sure would exchange his prospects in 1908 for those of1806. u revenue tariff and proclaimed it. We are hot prepared many how much but we are sure that had the tariff heen kept as betore 1806, the surplus- es would have been tnuehtrreater than they were. Canada has prpspered as It surely is worth mentioning when revelling in stories of increasing ex- penditure to point out that increasing revenues make it possible and still leave a surplus. Besides for the in- creased expenditure there is some- thing to show. Mr Foster must know he is prevaricating when he says the Liberals promised to extinguish all duties. At no time did they promise this. They kneythe eountry needed Again, while in imagination rolling up millions of debt, he was carelul to afloid comparing the increases in the Conservative period which were enormously in excess ot the 12 years of Liberal rule. The disparity would be even greater it' the " value received" in each case were consid- "red. The net debt in 1897 was $261, 538,596. Twelve years before it was $182,161,850, an increase of879,376, 746, or at the rate of over six million a year. From 18913 to 1907 the debt had increased trom $258,497,433 to $263,071,860 or at the rate of less than $500000 a year. l Readers of parliamentary reports would notice his unfairness in mak- no reierence to the method followed by Manitoba in preparing voteriliata, while he was condemning the Elect- ion Bill. In Ontario our lists are made iromthe non-partisan assess~ meat roll, in Manitoba by appointees of the Conservative government. These lists the Liberals rightly refuse, bat will trust thejudges. in an "exhibition tt that would not have been given had a member of the government or even the despised ! H, H. Miller been present. Elsewhere will be found an abs _ tract of the address delivered by this prominent politician last week. Mart of his auditors we teel sure would ad- mit that sometimes be was ': wild Tt and wide of the mark and indulging in an "exhibition tt that wnnld nnt 01112 Barnum 1(2um THURSDAY; JULY Mi, x903 GEORGE EULAS FOSTER. One of the chief events in parlia- mentlast week was. of course. the eompromise agreed to in respect to the Manitoba Hats. The Federal Govern. ment appoints the Conutv Court jud- ges of the E',',,',?,'),'; to place the vot- ers in the minion constituencies in the polling sub-division to which they rightly belong. This provision pre- vents the Hon. RnbertRogers from having another opportunity to con- coct “thin red line " slanders. and Attoney-Genenl Campbell from a. Mr Ball is a fair speakerand in private life a most estimable gentle- man. He was married to a Miss Leonard, a member of a well-known Normsnby family, and their family consists of three sons and three daughters. I Some years ago "R. J." asked his , fellow citizens for a place in the Town 1ill'iiiil'.lif got it. For a term also he represented No. 3 Division in the County Council. Under the new system he was elected reeve of the town and thus his County Council ex- perience was continued. Last Jana. ary he was elected Warden of the Co. oi Grey the highest honor he has. yet reached, this furnishmg the stim- alas no doubt to induce him to aspire to still higher honors, and to lace the most popular and eNeient parlia- mentarian South Grey has ever known. i The Conservatives having chosen the above gentleman as their candi- date in tho next Dominion contest. we take the liberty ot prusentinga few lacts concerning him to those of our readers who have not made his acquaintance. He is a native ot the county having been born in the Town. ship of Normanby about 50 years ago. He began his public life as a teacher some 30 years ago, taught on 3rd class and 2nd class eertitieatea, ‘very successfully for a number of veers and subsequently took up in- Surance work. Later he secured‘ banking experience in Hanover and _ still later formed a partnership with Mr Hoilinger in the Furniture Manu- facturing business the tirm of Hollin- aer & Ball, running for a few years till at last the establishment came en- tirely under his own control and isso at present. His business career has I been honorable and successiul. If we thought Miller's eleccion was in doubt we would Welcome B return ot ilon. Geo. E. Foster. Where wrongr doing is proved to exist, Sir Wilfrid Laurier has shown be has the will andthe courageoo punish it. It he makesa mistake In Judgment, he has the manliness to acknowledee it, and if Liberals are convicted of alleged grafting opera- tions, never we hope will the Liberal party be found condoning the crime. Lenahan _ ----- f __ V MNTE HALI'X' J15" U " c T U R E R .f 'h". 'Jv'fltYlltblda Progressive Legislation. BltiAtiuettcr-e,y2Ieetiy, --- --a- ENGLISH ROBERT JAMES BALL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE I -"-'----------- THE fDURHAM REVIEW LIQUID Lot 27, 28, Can. 1 S. D, It. Glenelg. &5aeres cleared. 7 acres bush. Well watered. Good Brick House. Frame Bank Barn (45:00.) imile from pro. posed station on new U. P. K. Line. Convenient to School and P. o. F ur- ther particulars spply on the plemilel. Joan McArtrmm, Prop. l Sir Wilfred Laurier, in the late lParIiumentry disturbance, has had to lexercise much patience; he has been eminently fair and he has not been unsympathetic where sympathy could be reasonably shown ; he has realized that the Leader of the Op. position has many hard factions in his own party to keep under control. and that he has at least one sinister inth. ence upping the root ot his own au- thority that it iirdiflitnut for him, as leader', tosnbdne. Throughout the whole trouble Sir Wilfred had the eoMdenee of the nation; everyone believed that he Would do what was best in the circumstances; and he has not belied their eonfideitee. Ilts, emerges with enhanced reputation; as a statesman and an even more se-i leet place in public 'sstirtution.--ot- tawa Free Press. __ _..- re..." over which the Opposition were so malignantly obstinate and to achieve which they were prepared to sacri- tiee the country to any extent, so long as they won. Time will prove ifthis is true ; and. if it is, those voters in Manitoba and elsewhere who feel it a moral obli- gatton to uproot electoral corruption will know how to administer fitting , punishment. The Dominion Govern ment, knowing what dissatisfaction existed in respect of the Manitoba lists, sought to remedy it by an impartial and non-partizan preparation and re- vision of those lists; bat the Opposit- ion took advantage of the opportune ities for obstruction which the rules for tree speech give. and, if the Gov. ernment had tried to iorce the meas- ure through Parliament, where a} large majority was in favor of it, the} harm which would have come to the country through the continued 01", struction of the Opposition would have I been far greater than the go d itl would have done in Manitoba.' l So Sir Wilfred Laurier. calculating the amount of harm that could ii) done on the one hand " against the good that could be done on the other, I felt that the former greatly outweigh- ed the latter; and ceded the point over which the Opposition were m The compromise is resented by Manitoba Liberals, who consider that, notwithstanding Premier Boblin'is concessions oflonger time tor regis- tration and more eifieient revision, the lists have been " loaded "against them to the extent ol upwards of 100 votes in each constituency. gain harassing innocent returning offi. cers. prosecuting them, Idjourninz their trials from court to court and from year to year. and then, ilntulv, after three years, entering nolle pros- equis. Once used,-always used. These are not only as good as others but are superior to anything on the market to-day. Farm for bale. B r a n d r am's B. B. Genuine White V Lead cIntosh. PAINT Having decided to give up the Gent's Furnishing Business in Durham my entire stock will be cleared out at cost price. For bargains in Men's and Boy 's Suits and Odd Pants, “been: (lamina. In: and an, Shirts. Counts & Ties, Handkerchiefs, Mgr. ponders. lose and half hon, Under. wear, Sweaters, Overalls, feigned“, Boots unmShoes Going out of Business Seen-mn- Ikpartuient of Pt Department of Public Works, mum's. July 3. luau News will not be mm for ,,ifilllrtfi'e',. linen it without. w the Deputmem. The [lament does In the lowest. or my mutter. By order, ton-l“ the plant to um! trot Only Iterr an be employed wl tered in Canada It the ' of tenders. Counselors mun-t be u work within twenty days “tor t lave been t1otMed ot the weep: tender, An Accepted cheque on a all pubic to the order ut the llc Ittuter of Public Works, for l doll-n (00.000) must be (lemme for the dredging which the tend perform in the Province of ( cheque will be returned incase, wee of tender. Combined familicuion and , tetutbeobtaine " the Departm Fotirtr, qttym,. Tenders mun EAL“) TENDERS “dream-d to the signed and cudorwl .. Tender for in. TF will be renewed until Friday, , 1908, " 4.30 p m,, for dredging required following places in the Provineeul (mu #pwuttutville, Green shank. "cktish with, Newcastle. Rainy River. Hpnnlsu " Tenders will not be considered unleru on the form will-lied and signed with " In! signatures o tendererr. __...__.._. Come to In, fur tickets and informa- tion. We ale also agents hu- Allan Imd Dominion line steautsbips and c.p, R. ocean liners. MacFARLANE & CO. and everything in the Gent 's Fur- nishing line this is your chance Ito? you should take advantage o t, ' .wo the opening of the new Cana. dian Pacific line, tuaother milestone has been reached in the history ntuur town Mr Frank Clemas and Miss Nellie Watt, both of the Durham Chronicle Staff, visited her parents here over Sunday. The Liberal-Conservative Conven- tion held in Durham last Friday was largely attended from around here and the general feeling is that Mr H. H. Miller will have a close contest. Mr and Mrs David Marshall and son James, visited Hampden friends over Sunday. Playing is the order of the day and we hear Mr Hutchison has the largest crop around this part, having considerably over 100 acres. Wheat is nearly ripe. Mr and Mrs Art Hunt spent one evening recently with Mr and Mrs Wm. Griersou. au Jesse Wise spent Sunday even ing in Durham. Mr C. F. and Miss H. Lawrence are home from 1, Redickwlle and Dwight for the vacation. A number from here and Allan Park took in the celebration of the 12th on Monday at Dundalk. Messrs Benton and McNally very willingly took charge of the service here on Sunday and did remarkably well. The new pastor is expected to preach next Sunday. Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs John Adlam in the loss of their second child, a boy three years old, who died Thursday, July 9th, from injuries received by a kick from a horse a week previous. The funeral on Saturday to the Durham cemetery was largely attended. 3) Mr and Mrs Matt. Campbell, of Hutton Hill, and Mrs Foreman, of Durham, visited at Mrs T. H. Law- rence's one day recently. Mr John Reay had the misfortune to get severely hurt at Mr Wm, Ful- ton’s barn-raising, but is now, we are pleased to learn, recovering. Tenders ior Dredging Mr and Mrs Henry Ray spent Sunday before lest at Mr and Mrs John Backus'of Poplar Hill. Mr John Bailey took in the Ex- cursion to Niagara Falls, returning Monday. North East Normanby. -- - Vickers. on n chartered hunk, of the lionounble the oria, tor six thouund P“ pepositgd as security partttthttt of Publis must include the , from the Works, ed which He Regis- me of the “In: ot be [May to begin not the time they 'cceptancN, of the" TORONTO frame? tiF Bali tr this m mummy Ierer otters ti Ontario. Tim ml non-accent IT 0.50 ja; o.W, 1.0:. 9.13 12.48 " at tl ter " C. L Grant intending mudenu would enter It the ball: ulng of the term if unable. Bond on: be ob- tained u remnsble rm. Durban In a heath: ma mivemown. mm " I non dabble place toe residence. The whoa! is 1 'bility, In Chen linings. ae., for ulation work. Me In chum: ' BON 8055 ALWAYS FRESH OtBee Line pro: 0rd: JOHN CLARK Barrister. Sollcntor in Supreme Court Romy Public Commissioner. Money to Loan. Omce over Garden's Jewelry Sun-u lununnce Agent. Money to L Issuer of Muriuge Licences. A end timutcitU business transacted Lucenued Auctioneer tor Co. Grey Tam model-k. Armenian: tor “has " tonnes. Ac., man be eat the Review oi. Iloe. Durhun. 0- CApmspomteum, male-ed there, or to Ceylon P. o., will be promptly “lauded to, Tenn-on qrplimstiort to ARTHUR Honor: GRAD1at'E Tamale v)uversit, um um Rom an... Donal aux-non Dena-try in all It. hunches. 0ttioe-AJaider'. Block. over Pant. “no. Barrister. Solicitor. “any Public, Conveymcer, Ae. oney to Loan at lowest rates. 061cc. McIntyre Block over the Stan dud Bank, Durban. Ontario. s the thing to think of ngnv - -V, - - -. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of I?tnt.As,tiiateewtfhiidi'aiT, Room. Own Durham School tory 0am urn-tat. late mum to Mouefutd'. (llama: to Kuupp'n (New York) E 'e How orto Plum“ a Bum-oi. Omoo our J.C.)J. Haunt". Stun labor 001%an all III-anon . q once and We: Got. mun. um Geo - u. u too; ot am. Old Moods: Coma. OFFICE HOURS J. G. BUTTON. M. D., C. M We have a. good supply of fresh Baking alwuv- on hand. Also A good union- meut of Candies. Nuts and oranges. me In" . H. STINSON tr-tia. In 2--4 p. m. Tel-phone Connection No. " 1Ue,lilar, Nose' & Throat ‘. McPHAIL-’ ‘. f. PICKERING o. o S., L D S J. F. GRANT D. D. FEES: fl per month In Mme; or am: menace via to Din-us on Women and “gum. N omy Public ARTHUR GUN. M. D., ad Auctioneer tor the Co. of Grey, Bah ‘ly Amended to. new mall-M uni} be left " MI lmple meat Wu Me unon‘l old “unto”: the Drum MEDICAL J. P. TELFORD 3313:2411. DURHAI. ONT. (Lowe: n. 'rer'twicesron P. o C. RAIAGE. Durban Ceylon bu I telephone ottice. J a J i1cii"Tiiiii 'gii7sii,'iii' HOURS Sn" and Equipment. convenient. kc m 'aam,,a,, timte, _ mph! nthorou‘hly equl In tench mics! and elemuwnu 1'it I fult Junior Leaving and Home The following Competent on! Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. DR, BURT Model Bakery . F. DUNN 'ts Block, over Post. on!“ a fo " a... " td' [and ' no Yoerk Nl.t 'll'll'Mtf. , Money to Lou "uuitmiotter C. Ban-Io JACKSON Owen Sound 'own.) III 'ren

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