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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jul 1908, p. 8

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A i W of life We are assured of the shiding presence of our Saviour and Guide through the indwelling Spirit. Grant, we pray Thee, that He may till our lives. keeping us from the taint of every round. Enable us to live day by day an Thine own redeemed one: amt have In from doing anything that would bring dieeredit upon the sacred name we be". Help In to adorn the gnarl in all things, and to The " shall [in the .or.v. Allen. ow. Father in heaven we bias The. that mid all the perplexiw experience- of life We are around of the abiding Will your on: Hold “an Tho- cm ot gold. and the Will you anchor gate try t When I!!!" norm an m noun ' - _ 0n the rum tide you can with your anchor bold: Will your Anchor bold In tho that of out. thn_ mg yuan cold ohm you! most wm your anchor bold In can. 01 {our ' Winn the bra-hon mt and the not In an. While _the surge. nu, And the wild WM blow, - V V V” ”a in“ "alt the am In. rhr but Worn"! Will your Will your anchor bold In an moi or not When the clouds untold M with. ot man. When the non: ml.- 1m and an - cording to the Creator's CO', it, through the expiatory " Summit of the world, upon laid hi sins, there is no " against him. his "damn bound upwards to the Par, when the tdories and the’ such that the mind of man nub“ to van-viva. now itself, rises tom" Beneath, and borders' the glacier, is a wild lovely alpine tlowers t at Inclusion and quur further down “a land I! in at Pat-winding Might like a thread of small nparklinu like bor lornt of pine». numerc scattered chalet. and It Aye, to escape tor a about there beauties, ht 'ling crowd, is indeed a joy. But when the till weary toiler to cast all nit-ls, if he has canton cording to the Creator's if, through the expiator, itself. B. on "obs of tie and nun-pin; nitroudede in sling wbitene tieal pinnach renting a win now itself, r no to the anchor that hold- tho soul. not»! Ind all" while the bill"! roll: aloud to the Rock In mum we. and“ mu and deer In the Savior: low. low brave tuwar While opposing rung. cliffs. their be hand, leaps from boulder to 7Com trom one ice hammock to unoth though his youth had been renewe the eaglel. And who, unlem his heart were adamant itself, could rm:- amongnt the glorious scenery o mountains without experiencing a ing almost ol ecstu-y coursing l through his veins, tor he is in the of surrounding: of the sublime“. deur nnd 'msgnitieenee. In frm uiuhty glacier, torn and rent int regular, fantastic columns Ind pyn of we, gendered in a rule between h To the tired br "early no": to I by, week alter numb, sit. nt his i. literary work, l the still harder WI great. commercial of this dnr.---Dr born attain into a Ui fitted for the home til Sol-1y it inc-colt mont joyous thing! in th To think of it, my him an be born again. This ynur life with all its b wiped out; tut your sin into the "Ht,' that you "I ngnin and prnttle an (M work M God’s child. am home, herause heaven is have. Nttrely the story a is good new; to the m m In H ”in!“ In your who] drtrs you worked om your problem. and {and tho Answer wu not right. But win you found that it In wrong you changed . figure here, another one there, and when iimtlly you could not nah it cone right you took your I go and wiped it all out and aid, "in. going to begin our min.” Now that is what Christ slid to Nico- do-ius: "liegin our again " a child. Don’t do it a: an old nun; begin to grow up into tho childhood toward God, and than who]: it comes time to go to Mun you will simply go home." I liked my little girl one day when she «no home " noon, "Why did you come in here!” She opened her great ( eyes Ind looked "at me; she did not l know what I meant. I said, ”Why. didn't you go into the doctor's next doort" Finally she said, "Why this in my home." Yes, it is home; that is the reason you are going to heaven -.vo are going to your Father's home. It must be a home. Yon have to be a child of God it you wish to enter the Flther’s home. There " not a man liv. ing who doe, not nerd this new birth. There are a great many men living to- l day who need to have their lives turn- i ed bark to the vorv %o"rgTa. --n| " LA th t vying in be '. Beyond is I of the snow sweeping ho Will Your Anchor Hold? a Wisp ot Vapor In", rises towar nth. and bordetil 'ar From the brilliant Ibove. o fiiiiii'i,i'iiii'itli.iii) -""-. "w. nun-ll! Bo herause heaven in your Father’s Surely the story of the new birth I new; to the men and women dar-Dr. Alexander McKenzie. the deep e and the e is cleft 'or the home that in ' it in one of the a yum things in the wh & of it. my friends, I born again. Think M hor arm. or firm I‘ll. not make it cone right you took Tong. and wiped it all out and an} gojng te begin over again." Prayer healing a.“ ( A half moon or star to married people unit-M hi, heart were Very I mum e paying investment. To unmar- "W, yuuld nlun alum; I Hed, I new. admirer or sweetheart. l glorious wet-[wry of the l A pyramid in extremely lucky. sithout experiencing a feel. A square. or oblong mum hndl. "I. .1..me c!'u,rwirts, wildly Leaves. urkneu and death. items, for he Is 151 the midst an“, of guy kind, her, l "gaff the sublimeat grtut- overs, I present, w t I t depend- 'aguitivence. In front a in. on the eh-pe or the present my be er, torn and rent into iv. flowers. Pr, a Banker.) ins, for he is in the midst p of the sublimeet grun- ptitieenee. In from. a ', torn Ind rent into ir. tie columns and pyramids d in n vale between two as of upreared, pinnaclod m-tling Hugs rising sheer eep azure of the skies; there the rugged surface 'lelt into deep crevasses; It a blue as the skies of or now A vivid brilliant beauty with the emerald is s range of lofty mon- aws, their rounded domes hollows and plains ever glittering mantle of dag. I while yet beyond a ver- ot rock, upon which is of vapor as white as the 9 towards the skies. bordering the course of a wild rocky garden of owns blooming in wild. xi luxurinm-e; while still he lundwape is set out 'inding rivers, from this rk, or perhaps mupTetr in r work of controlling some ial undertaking, to shake . great rity from his feet, tt to quit the haunts of about amidst the wild my of the Pyrenees or of Need the Home ot mun- t. Instead of the smoke- week, month' after desk, perhaps engaged min Worker, who, dewy eve," day week. month rug-h morning “In! harbor bright? " haven” “on. nun mu. within the an Maddi: 3 Crowd. She oreneit be 'nt me; Ibo the city he is now invigorating u per , and, 1tl,'d'l'd'.t in alder to boulder, or wk to another, as I been renewed like r CVO!“ If whom he has Some city I'll Retell that .ki.d. dam, Wm m, high Thfn there win be a Ctght, l spirit will I am t out-half In good ". him, M]... of God,' I'll learn him that all right. beauties are 'Conm I don't look for trouble, but is altogether I bet Bome kids 'll Bee 'At no ono’l ing' to Inn I dance T' walk algae"? me. who, from day after tour pupa in the cage corner. d ball of matted fur npnwled on I: legs - toward her. Out mighty forearm: the baby was suddenly bark nmong her ceweri than and listen. ,V_,‘ V- _.,,......‘ "mm. 1 rear." The unnatural mother commenced wing her prison, sparring viciously at her offspring in passing. Three huddled together in n pitiful heap. but one stood up out! defied her. A jungle terror In miniature. his tiny rage wu magnifi- cent. Tensely alert before his trembling mater, he shifted warily to meet each blow, dodging, spitting. striking out on urban! paw It the great than“. ”'"mv 1'0"" mm on their nuns often. 03!, how It once before. You notice. “Started this 'oleiio/i had in nnxiety. “I do: bag to ”par-to them, l suddenly bark among her cewering bro, the" and timers. “Nut, temper," I remarked to the keeper. "Has he been long like that t" "S"--a-a Al'r - -- _ Kissing like u sullen geyser. the great Puma mother crouched with flaming eyes. Ridge of her tawny backJmuhed up in rage. tail ”witch, steel anew- rigid beneth soft skin. she glared " her four pups in the cage corner. A nun“ Goo whiz, I hate to move about Paw seems to like it though, He thinks we ought to be content No matter when we Co. m net 'at Abram had to move Wherever he Wu sent. I het 'nt Isaac hated it, No matter where he went. The place we let' wu great, you bet, I knew mos' ev’ry kid. To ev’ry birthday party. I Wan Inn to git n bid. 'N m 'n Tommy Mr went Off may ev'ry day, 'N I In: short-nap on the Team, Oh, ginger, it Wu gay. Jus' now a felier called his chum A. loud] as he could; "Ht Jimmi, an the Pretut1ter's kid, I bet he'l Awful good." I fume the people in this town The New Place. Oh, gee, this in in awful piece, We have been here I. (by, 'N not a kid has spoke to me; I out“ go out 'n play, In no one we. cos we har come, There ain't n dance fer fun. I don't know anybody yet, 1 um I prewhct’s Ion. Your dining room and kitchen can In kept free from flies by using Willon'l Ply Pldl u directed on each pack: . Get the genuine Wilson's; no other a; killers compare with them. Think. It up)”: 9f joke; go about their muddy'ltmh Insultin' other folks. A iruntru Iigniliu good luck, n does In anchor or a horseshoe. A large ring, cloud, means an offer of marriage to an unmsrried womnn. To I married one it means I fortunate undertaking. To I mm, menu in business. A mull ring is an invitation. Dust like grounds bunched together at the bottom or side is . sum of moneyi - - --- A _ _ _ ( A long line of grounds with no open- irtmt between foretell: I Journey by Vttef; if openings, by mil. 77 Thovcticku with A bunch of grounds on their back! are bearers of bad news about you. stick it mans a physician: If . book shape. I minister or I lawyer. If many fine specks, a. married man. " s lime sped: in near them, lt means that. no .Christiu! peanut u In“. - tht.r no romipg for a visit, bringing a V we1rel,thi_rtt,r.toth.irtir.o.oyroiihr' down Vlliu or trunk The sticks are people-light or dark, short or tall, according to their color and length. A thick one I Woman. If they lie crosswise they are enemies. If straight up. intimate friends, or u plea. unt "squaintanee to be made. A small speck near the top mum n Utter, . large speck. a photograph or wt of some kind, what it is de. pending on the shape of the speck. If the grounds Ire bunched together it unifie- that Bll will be well with the fortune seeker, but if they are oeat. tered, it mum the reverie. Three small dots in a row stand for the wloh. If near the top it will noon be realized; it at the bottom, some time will elapse. Then the fortune teller takes it nnd rad. the fortune. htter this the must rest it I. minute will: the edge of n "aeer--to court Next the multntum thencup' Lua slowly, towards her, three times, wish- lng u she turns it. J! there in n tto1uepftape gear? the Then tho must turn the cup over that no water "Indus, for drops "tter _in _tho ttetoundtsirtity tun first, the one when fortune in to be told should drink n little at the tea while it in hot, and then turn out the rest, being artful not to turn out the grounds in doing to, and Also not to look u them, an it in bad luck. Tho person who can tell fortune. by am, [Ministry or tea lava, in sure to be u popular individual, providing n he does u: endles- source of entertain. Iwnt. For though we put not " atom tgrfh"'g, in what we Are told, yet a in a eerttud fnaeirustion nbout the widest. in which we must Ill acknowl- odp u: interest. A PUMA BABY. Ain, Iho glared iiriG" cage corner. A fhtffy " de't iierii."" fi; fear, v, nhoolki his l on unpteafy Out tho: " hurled I Minar6's Liniment Cure: Glrget in Cows. The subject takes his I foot releases A spring Tt eal box in motion. The to grind out "not In dies, Ind in a short is in the arm: of sleep. land’s Lillian: chloral, morphia and the look to their laurel; as aids sweet restorer," for, acco French contem orary, an promises to r'1"toere' sleep o hot nights and to effectual] somnia. The invention in n The boy advanced boldly to the front of the stage. With a compreheanive bow that took in the Board of Education, the school principal, and the audience, he be. gan his oration. "Caesar," he resonantly remarked, "had reached the ranks of the Rubicon-t should say the branka of the Brubieon-- that is, the bunks of the Brnibieon--1 mean the hrab of the Btutksieon." The boy drew a long breath. So did) the audience. "Aml so,", continued the orator again, "he went hack and tried it again." This time he ""eeedede-uevettod Plain Dealer. Diphtheria is apread by the common house fly. Wilson's Fly Pads are the best fly killers known. Refuse unsatis- factory substitutes. The important inquiry with regard to Japan in a large way t'tr--U it not t---at, to the direction in which the nation is now moving. And in answer to this inquiry I am able to give. a most un. equivocal and quite satisfactory answer. Never before in the history of the coun- try, and " the present time in the his. tory of no other country, do we find the same intelligent, deliberate and widely prevalent purpose to do away with the nation’s reproach and to rise in the tale of national busineu morality. In saying this I speak what I know to be true. --Prottt George Turnhu0 Ludd's “On the Business Morals of Japan," in the July Century. I My blessing on the man who first hit on this pleasant scheme; Where might I poet hope to find a fairer, nobler theme? The evening breezes 'tan my brow and gladneu fills my breast; I've done my best to-day, Ind now am taking Well earned rest, Abs? red r In. re I tilt my chair and 2 {$1113er With (he light which bur no bite-- now' um, confound you, hum! --& E. Riser in Chit?” Record-Hen”. Time was when I was forced to lit and wave the smoking punk, And ever and and give Why to and dir plays of spunk; Around my ankles there were rings of poisoned ridges which I rubbed and scratched 1nd wretched and rubbed to stop the burning itch. But now, with cocked-up feet, I sit, to former sorrows dumb, _ And through the screen gaze at the scene mob, hum, confound you, hum! of I have my porch equipped wi. screenl and not a chink remains. Through which you could get into plague me with your hateful trains; I rest my feet upon a. chair, my ankles are exposed; My Adum'l apple o'er a. shirt sun collar is disclosed; At night I loll at ease and dream of triumphs which may come, Screened in from cure. my world is fair; --now hum, confound you, hum! I ttel working in his fields. Corpse: l atrew the melon gardens 1nd remain tut. lee. Riding I short distance from the town yesterday, I now u gendarmie I patrol marching nlon the high Told be. guiling the way by firltr' a shot alter- lnntely at about every hundred yards. They did not trouble to aim their rifles in the air, but fired point-blank acrou the fields, all under cultivation. ---London Mail. ,,,“_.....-.v.., ""'""'"', "ou been wasted on a barren stretch of rushes and Iwamp. It is the lame every- where, reckleu expenditure of mung. nnd a minimum loan of lite from t is mode of firing. Things haveurreached such that no Christiafr! peasant Never Mind the Expense. At Amitova, a station on the Uskub- Salonika line, perhaps the moat amusing episode of this year's campaign oeeutred. {Close by a band had made a marsh itl iheauitiudrters for muy dnyl and the Turks getting wind of it, sent a. small army with guns to capture them. For . whole day the swamp was bombarded with shrapnel and riddled with bullets, end the only damage done was when a. shell burst a. little too far, and sent a. shower of sand against the station-mas. ter'l windows. But the band had left the night before! Several ,tohrT't:iil rounds oi ammunition, therefore, had L,” 7, . . - I left the'truiidinm relieved to feel the breeze and Bee the sunlight. Poor little chap of a puma, he surely had tremend- ous pluck!~The Travel Magazine, New York. has“. An uncanny howl in a chilling key came from the leopards, the lion’- deep-throated guttural sent unwelcome shivers throygh one'a nerves. T "." n... L..:IJ!__ __r_. -- . I A . .. main hen, her claws are not out who. she strikes. That my eomo-then vs will lose lone promising babies here." The young Ger-an keeper wss - distressed. _ I returned in the morning to no how the affair had progressed. Entering the Frankfurt Thiergarten, I found the Lion House. My friend tstood in the empty corridor looking into the rage; sleek forms shim-d rpstlessly on every side, a "sale light came from above; the place was close with a heavy odor. He greeted me mournfully. "The little beggar was too spirited. She got him last night. Just s second in her jaws and the taxidermist won't attempt to' stuff the skin.” The remaining puppies; peered wondvringly at us from In ad- Joining cage. the murdeross pared in silence, but her eyes were alive with a strunge, fucinsting light. The tragedy m stirred the rows of imprisoned) Japan's Purpose Ato Rim Caesar', Dilemma. Musical Beds, The Screened-in Porch upuln and the poppy must. laurel: as aids to "nature‘s er," for, according to a emporary, an invention rroduee sleep on stormy or d to efiectually banish in- invention is I musical bed, takes his rest, and with M! A spring which net- . Inui- on. The nppurtul begins "not lullabin and melo. I short time the patient " -I--- t Care: was. ete. 3 pass here in sale. A - DepaAhF'tilGi-MG, Teii" your fe. thor it u he who is behind; I " ten del. Jars thud. hadhrd'n Ihtuguer--wthre up you In ten donat- behind in your bond and PP, Pet. parpetore {on teare. disappeared. Just then the moon eemGaau, went behin_d I cloud, And the man in it “Just one, Doria!” he pleaded. "'int.r'" she whispered. "I feel " if some other man were watching, III!" The two at on the park bench, look. ing at the moonbeams dancing over the lake. Some people look upon ten " drink. It all depends upon Jam? 2t,tt',"i, Ten in I. delicious 1nd re: res ttng avenge. Sold 1 lead packeta. any in sealed yearlondon Standnd. Oldest Hunting Cantu In Englund. The Holcombe Hunt, under whose nus- piees the Edgworth Agricultural Society hold its twentrfimt nnnunl show to. L day, possessed a pack more thao 400 years ago. Holcombe being the oldest hunting centre in the kingdom. King James 1., after resting at Houghton Tower on hia le to York, hunted with the Holcombe, and was so pleased with the sport that he granted to them the right to hunt " many days a week for- ever in the township of Quarlton, which was part of the royal manor of Totting. ton. C'arefully stowed may at Bot. combe is an old huntsman'a horn, which is 22 inches long Ind has been in poun- Mon of the hgnt forynore than 200 Yours. ete., WILFRID GAGNE, Prop. of Grand Central Hotel, Drum mondville, Aug. 3, I904. Genu.-r cured a valuable hunting dog of mange with MINARD'S MNT. MENT after several veterinarian had treated him without doing him my per- manent good. _ Minnrd'. Liniment Co., Limited Without a. 'i,Giienv, hesitation u looked into her face puintively and Ilidl "Arthur wanta a little piece, too." Reason-bio. . One day when Arthur had Inked, if possible, more questions thln mull dur. ing the dinner hour, and coaxed for everything on the table until his mother despaired of ever being able to finish her shortcnke. she turned to him tad aid sternly: "Arthur, keep still. Manama want; a little peaee." __ r a... n, ._.. "can Klrll. I Thousands of men and women. now lwell and strong. praise Dr. Williams’ [Pink Pills for having curled annemia_ "eneral weaknoas. indigestion. rheumt I tism. neuralgia. nervous disorders. paralysis and the ailments of girl- hood and womanhood. Thene Pills do this hy making new, red blood _ W'hloh foods the ntnrved nerves, i drives out disease and strengthen; ev- ery organ in the body. Sold by all medicine deal?" or by mail at 50 cent- - L-.. --- _y_, I - --, Ont, __ 'Fee -.' ....... on. W will. a box or six bosen for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Modirine Co., Brockville, and my heart beating violently. I loomed to have pains and when all over. I was so weak I could not even Peep a floor. At different times I wu under the care of three doctors, but did not get any better. One doctor uld I had drapey and that my blood had all turned to water. My friends thought I wu in . decline and that I had but 0. short time to live. I was completely dir couraged myself, when one day I lady friend called to see me, 311th told me Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had cured her daughter of anaemia ami, urged me to try them. I decided to try them. and in the course of tt few weeks felt somewhat better. I met the doctor one day and he remarked how much better I was looking. I told him it was not his medicine but Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills that were helping me. and he told me Thad better keep on taking them. I con. tinued to do so until I had taken an- other half dozen boxes, when my health was perfectly restored. I am more than grateful for what these pills have done for me and strongly recommend them to all weak nirln” l’l Liniment Cum Diphtheria. BEFORE HE SKIPPED. her Dr. Willinma’ Pink Pill. for Pale People without loan of time, for they actually make new, red blood. They make girls and women well and happy. impart an appetite and steal ily bring back the charm and bright- neu of perfect, regular health. Misa Curie MeGnth, 20 Fenwick “not, Halifax, N. s., tutr".- "l be, lieve Dr. Willinnw Pink Pilk saved my life. Three years ago I suffered from nnaemia. in a severe form. r was all run down and u pale u a sheet. I could scarcely eat any thing, and what I did take did not Seem te nourish me. Mr. hands and feet were much swollen ind the least exertion Would loaves MA '-.crcr I Throughout Canada there ere thou- f sand, ot young girls lid women held 1 in the deadly clutches of anaemia. tilow. lg but surely a deathly pallor settles on their cheeks; their eyes grow dull; their appetite fiekle; their steps lang- uid. Daily they are being robbed of all vitality and brightness] Their suf- ferings grow more acute if neglected, until the signs of early consumption be. come apparent. if Four wife or daugh. ter or sister complain: of weakness, pains in the side, headache: or back. aches,. if her appetite and temper are uncertain and she is often low spirited anaemia hats her in its deadly hold. What she needs is new, rich, red blood. Give her Dr. Willinmi' Iii-.1, "ILT.. "- I)-IA‘ Througl sand, ot l in the dea lg but a: 1lttleotiouodoagettiiond Red Health Cannot be Restored. WOMEN AND anus all run down and u pule u a _ I could scarcely eat any , and what I did tttke did not te nourish me. Mr. hands and veto much swollen ind the least on would leave me bra-titles: my heart beating vioUnH,, I ve done for me and strongly md them to all weak girls." ands of men and women. now , strung. praise Dr. Williams’ "a for having cured anaemk weaans. indigestibn. rheuma, neuralgia. nervous disorders. HELD BY ANAEMIA Opportunity. ONTARIO TtieiWntB- TORONTO l, Dunn. Deeds. tur William MNre-or, Governor of New. roundllnd. 80 veus Mo, wblle holding the Dost ot meme-1 officer in Fm, treformed . remarkable feat of berm-m. A oblptul of Indian coollel had been wracked about rwelve boun' naming from the upltnl, end Dr MBc0reqor--a Inn ot van: physlclnl irrtrfar-Ariii, headed the relief My, climb- ored “on: . broken mm which tra" Ic- c.” to the vessel Ind returned min and mm with e nun or woman on bl: beck. “a ”manna u ehlld qrtpped by ita clothe. In his teeth. HI: who: teat, however. wu the renew of 1 worn-n who bud fallen onto I reef below. Ind who. bung-got at the lplr- ita woe and with “at. o men who med to save her were me out to on. but young Maeorogor, lowering him-ell down a me. .0le the knot of the woman‘s hull- In " teeth and am her up to me lulu. ' run once asked Thicker-y to lend him five shillings, which he would con. vert into E20,000. Asked 1:on ex- plained that he knew a young Indy with fee,' who he knew would marry him f he ukod her, but he had powned his teeth, nnd wanted five shilling. to re~ deem them in order to propane effective- U.--". PN Weekly. "In 'the- royal palace there bu been from time immemorial a small tigarette faetory--n light, airy room, I bale of ex- quioite toucoo, one or two simple hand cutting machines, half I doun lorkmen of marvellolu skill. Here the cigarettes of the Sultan are turned out. The beat eign retu whining comes from Turke and the beat of at goe- to the Salts}: A hundredweight of lave. is r'ejectod before a pound lufficiently fine and flawless in found for ray-J use.” --From I: "' A “The Turkish sultan," said a tobacco!!- tat, “has for genentiona smoked the finest cigarette; in the world. agaretta. like big bought here would cost over one shilling apiece. leing in the Tropic“ Most Americans. in the tropics make the mistake of eating large quantities of beef and salt meat. The best end cheep- elt fish market in the world is found right nt our doors. Spanish mackerel At one and a half cents n ound can be hnd nny day. Fifty cents U' furnish fish for fifty people. The longhsta del mar is n forty-second cousin of the American lob, I Iter and altogether toothsome. lt may be ordered the day before and delivered alive " your door. Mindanao coffee will not be found in the market just now, but Senor Torre- ;on, our enterprising grocer, will secure t soon. The writer will then tell the indict how to make coffee from the beat been in the world. Thd Singnpore coffee Iold in the Chinese store. is infinitely unperlor to.the commiaury brand and eait be freshly romsidCipithiiiii"Utii; no coffee should ever be drunk.--Mindv nno Henjd. Plug Chewing Tobacco l Al the yeut plunu feed upon "gar they break it down into two substances Alcohol and a. gal known " urban dioxide, or carbonic acid gas. As the gal is formed it ls held by the gluten. which in I. very elastic substance. When the bread is put into the oven the heat ex- pand. the tiny bubbles of 31.5, causing the bread to rise, or to become much lighter. The ulcohol formed, being I vobtile product, passes off in the bak. mg. “Biggest and Best" Making the There is that" eonsiderable moisture in bread and plenty of food for the punt, The food which it requires in sugar. This it obtains from the when, there being Iome - in the flour and more sugar is also formed from the March. Black Watch This phat, like bacteria, requires warmth. moi-lure and food. The mter- llll out of which the bread is made should always be wormed end the dough ohould always be kept in 3 Warm place. The temperature most favorable is about that of the body, a little leo- tho 100 degrees. l, The purest culTure of yeast is probably chained in the compressed yeast, cakes. These can be kept only for a very short time, and then in a cool place, which renders It inconvenient for the warmer putts of the country. In this use of course the dry yeast cakes must be used, which when fresh Ire perhaps qu.te no good as the compressed, except that they require a longer time and should be started in the sponge intend of the stiff dough. Adonis in Hard Luck. wr uul Purpose. Those are will mne- fully disinfected, and if it is found tint the yen“ becomes contaminatvd Ln cne building the culture is started mew RI d the other building, previously awake!- ed.hefore moving into it. ' Firms which make yeast for ket must grow these plants i earcfully u the florist grows I erB. Care must be taken that not become mixed with other ' therefore destroying the vulture In some hboratories where grown two upma- buildings a for this purpose. Those are oo fully disinfected, and if it is fou the yen-t become,,. contaminated building the culture is started Al the other building. urt-vinuah- l Yeast u l Inn" plant which can be Been (ml, with the aid of the microscope, says Good Health. There are two varie- ties, wild and cultiulwl. for tlnse tiny plants can be improved through cultivv lion u larger plants can be. But " Can Can Be Seen " Such Only With the Microscope. JEAST IN A PLANT Sultan's Cigarettes. , room, I bale of et. or two simple hand wif I doun Iorkmen Here the cigarettes van jt ties, qmte n his flow. yr: * J" mar "'Cause I heard him tell l man to. day that it cost him nearly $00 to get " eye teeth rut," replied Jounf.-- Boston Port. N true" pnw must have pun-ed of time at the dentist's when he , New York," slid Johnny Green. "Why do you think Bot." (merit "ThaMr a right," re lied Toma "but there ill another 'li,',',": when yo? wouldn't want to have u neck like a girdle." "When ll thate "Why, in the mornings when your an begins to scrub your neck with 'oN' and 'rater."--Chiaeo News. The Rub. “My!" exclaimed little Billy, gazed at the lithograph. "I'd like a. giraffe, Jun think how can; could 'rubber' over the lunch" I To All Women: I will and free with full instructions, my home treatment, which positively cures Uueorrhoea, In. oorntion, Diapllcementl, Falling of the Womb, Painful or Irregular Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or Growth, also .Hot Flushes, liervousmsaa, Melan- choly, Pains in the Hand. melt or Bow. ell, Kidney or Bladder Troubles, where canned by weakness peculiar to our In. You con continue treatment " home " I cost of only about, 12 cents a week. My book, "Woman's Own Medial Ad. vuer," lilo sent free on request. Write, today. Address Mrs. M. Summon, Box _ H, 8, Windsor, Ont. _ Semen I" food. Keep m receptacle. for m uretully mom ad the can. cleaned or wrinkled with limo or oil. Pour two-en. Into the drains Bcnon I" window. nd 'ata, new]: the kitchen and dining room. Dont 'trr-t that if you no "In. their brooding plan. In In nearby mth. Cards Submitted to N.Y. Health Board for Distribution to Households. In turtbonnce of the New York Xermu' Alena-Hora cannula: unmet the bone. tir, tho bond of bench has been naked by Ed- word Hatch, Jr,, cholnnen ot ita voter pol- luuon oommltteo. to undertoke the alum- butlon uncut ttouaotroMors, hotel sad to- ouuunt momma", and In other loom when they do the most good, ot " on which on prlnted the tolh"ritm ml. for "tlr Kline." Keep the (Nee “my tram the not, espec- lolly Ohm m with 0011mm dlaeo-ee. Kill - nr that uny- into the slot mm. Hie My lo covered with alum [II-nu. All refuse and vegetable nutter Btcqud be Mono-ed ot or cow-red with “me or hero-one I all A WINDSOR LADY’S APPEAL. - --" - --- w-vn "Viv-5"- For thirty {ears Lydia E. Pink - ham’s Vegan 1e Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positivelycumd thousandso Women who have been troubled with displacements, ini1amrrystion, 111mm don, fibroid tumors, 1igtt'f,),trt periodic pains, backache, beard intraiomi feeling, fiatulerier, indigee. tion,dizxineaa,or" nervous prthstration. ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE IN " I Wu continually bothered with the most distressing back-chem headaches, and bearing down pains, and I kept growing more and more nervous. " Ldydin E. Pinkhun'l Vegetable Com. poun relieved me of all these diam:- xng symptom Ind and. no . well woman. I would advise nll "friri women, young or old, to use L din? Finish-nah Vegetable Compound!" rggrgfon sugxivgusu. b6 For six year- I have been doetorUw for female weakness. heart and nerves. liver and kidne trouble, but in Lydia E. Pinktuun's 6e30uble Compound I can .1er any I have found a cure. Mrs. J. A. mum, of 32 ARE. lerie Street; Quebec, writes to Mrs. Pinkham.. LYDIA E. HNKHAM’§ vgsmau: coupouun wmcn speedil removes the ennui. and restores tie feminine omnism to I. healthy, normal condition is The back is the maturing of woman's organism. It quic . y calls attention to trouble by aching. It tells, with other symptoms, such as nervousness, headache, pains in the loins, weight in the lower part of the body, that a woman's feminine organism needs immediate attention. ! n such cases the one sure remedy I which speedily removes the come. Jf'1r"'"1if,dN CANADA, EDDY’S MATCHES WI um uvi iiGG from then 57 you: of Contact Bette, WY" Magehes Ming . a...“ by No Others. trtllllhllirlt IMMBHE RULES FOR FLY TIME Pa's Dentist Bill. Bold and and ovmh in a I Hut. "I'd like to be ink how 0.3in you the bunch.“ “In." Billy, u he queried hi. 1 lot In in I from Bull in iiica"i'i Mm“ u" malted I. might a! was an... ‘Miu (taG-TE;', He uld it wu g . delphin ' worth of stiekrAir', con, unity-five oenti,%Ui" 'eh lit/le tWester-ttve mm" - -- . “Mir I ttgtatatot tall," lb and. Peter. a}. 11'swt “I he To a nice lake. But In: paler. A pier for hem. And sister, all. Want; Italy, Whilst dad in vary and; that Herd “than h “I tut, I (no. w. u. "a . But. II to when, I PIPft T,.'-' 1 Soon after 3 detachment of toldien - eorted the child to it. Inther'e Wigwam end its errivnl ceased great excitement. The Indian mother eppeued at the Ami erienn tente the next day with the doll, to return it, but the we. overwhelmed with joy when eh: heard that her little girl might keep it. The result was that the incident creeted n change of teen" amen! the wnndering Indian and led to heft) ntione. which ended in their qu etly beck to the lend not Qutr, them by the United States Government without nny trouble. With bahbli I I think Pd 3: And wooded hub "Pee One day a little Indian child strap! from its father's Wigwam and was found by the American soldiers . It mu crying bitterly, and they were unable to console her. The commanding officer thee tpe.' of a doll which had arrl od that day or Ma little girl, and he gave to to the Indian papooae, who soon oeaaed cry- mg. Population of Raul-n OM“. be populations of the by...» I Remarkable Incident in United State. l History. It in not very generally known, through it is . nutter of Notary, that on one 0. onion 5 doll prevented I in between the United States and the Apache u. dium. The America Government allot. ted the Indium eertu'n territory, which the latter did not feel inclined to tempt, so war began. _,iili' LES "So with 'thrip,' med in New Orlean- and the vicinity u an equivnlont for the nickel or (Heat piece. 'Thrip' is merely an abbreviation of 'thrrepet-,' the coil of that value once in [rt-non] use, rep. resenting about the nine amount ot money " I been piece."--) York Mail nnd Expml. mull dug having the value of 12% eenta. Many curio collector. have the“ Mutm in their possession, although, of course, they have long since gone out od use an currency. ticnhrly starve and to obtain this the Spanish 'mitled' dollar I'll out up to make change. Halves Ind quarters, of Courre, suggested their own nuns“, but when the qunrter I’M cut in two the worth 'eighth' I‘ll discarded for 'bit,' u Imnll dug having the value of 1M6 can“. Many curio collector: have the“ Mr. Alkyd Icon. of Marital, thu. up t-"roe six you: I have not know- wht h was to be In. from pan. No one ever ' more from itching Nadia. Pile than I did Ind I Mod trrlhug to get cured but kiled. 0.. day I tt'yc"d'e 22,t,1 Pt as.“ “a Manama...” 'lla tt9ttee.rasdskilTiGraiii"i'rt m completely and.” Of nil druggisuud not... 5:. How 1 Quarter of a Dotte. Came to be Known at "Two Gm” "Did you ever hear the expn‘niol "two bits' ttsod M an mi:'."".".".'. for C pun-tn ot " dollar!” asked u New York. er. "The term in con-only and in the south anit neat. Not one permn in 1,0“ even of than- who habitually use the term know. it. origin. "EH-n as lute as the close of the eighteenth century the nilver collage of the l'nited State- had not super-odd the Spanish ‘milled' dollar in the west and south. P‘setiunnl current-y wff Per- RELIEVES awn: , nudinthobooh TERM HAD A QJELR 0985M. DOLL PREVENTED WAR. 'rmu--No, ttite the A V“ t 'lid liken-1...] ISSUE M). 22.1, [was Uouol UncortnIMy. r-i0asimG; '3 I I The Med Ct TO mom THE UN lively Discussion on its “may: but htaiast 00d toKC “and A1

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