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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jul 1908, p. 1

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ntic x Suits tore ale urday s'ware rio LL cries [HE 'h".'yIyay/y,ty:,y VOL. A number ot limit around have been the but. week or two ceiving them. kind!) mediate Ltention. f .ur Summer goods are priced now-at the height of the Season-lower than they were before the season began. “Hill F, WArSTs--round yoke and panel front of embroidery-- xows of lace insertion, good lawn, was 2.50, for.. . . . ..2.CO Will-TE WAlSTs--good lawn, pointed yoke of fancy openwork, tucked front and bark, reg. 75c for.... _... .... .... ....55c NiGuTGowNs--aood, roomy garments, high and low neck, trimmed with embroidery and lace. .. . ... ... . . . . 75e to 1.35 co Rsrn' COVERS -trimmed embroidery, lace, beadings.25e to 500 DRAWERS-good cottons, with deep frills ; some with hem. stitched tucks, some with insertion and edging. . .350 to 90e for you-will cost you nothing-may save you money A Straight Tip Fancy Sunshades for Summer Time Accounts. C1-C9:E‘EEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEE1-63 New Silk tiooleon Ties==Special Review subscription been sent out during " two Will than re- kindly give them im. ames Ireland Review To Pvnusums‘ I I I" i I I l 'ft :-..-..’::-::-.:4:-:.-:::-:oc:-o:~::-::-cxlc:-:£L-: GUS WANTED-Highest price in cash or trad , NO. 30 u 80 patter )ns that have the quality-good evun weaves , good heavy table linen at. . . . ....25c yd tablelinen, pure linen,3oc, 50c, 75c, $r, 1.35 yd ito match........ '... _..... 75e to 3.oo perdoz t any pr in them ht mnic Ki tment of stripe and dresden.... .... .. Kan Underwear at ool Underwear at, h tether you want a Shirt for best wear, knocking around or for hard work, we ice from 50c up. These shirts have to makethem lit-they aren't skimped Wash strings and white . .. and all the new ( MI o ch 20m lf ilroad King Overalls ttre from luality . 11 the new colors .. 15e or 2 fur 250 "s. Also white . ....25c and 50e Attems in black ....1.25 to3.25 masonic: pat iii) 5-3 Pil Wosr MEDALH." (Yongrutulatim s to! AIL-sea Lyla Kelsey and Vivian thaw-,' ford the winners of the two medals of-: ferrul at Durham for highest standing! in Entrance Fhratnination, The forsl mm- tukt-s Ur. Jamieson's medal offer-1v ml to highest, South Grey pupil writ-l ing in Durham. Alisa Crawford taking‘ Printers” medal for highest in Durham. l Miss Kelsey of course earns both, but lln- rule Is that no pupil can hold the two, The scholarships In the continn-E al ion work, its we intimated last week, F Kot's to Miss Eva Benton. Dromore, f and \liss Vaddie C'aldwell, Durham. ( NEW STAMPS IsscED.-The, spat-mil stumps Named in commemoration ofthei t. rut-nlenury of Quebec are now on sale! at the post offices and in general use. I Theyare oftlte most artistic design} and Luger than the ordinarv size, to‘ allow of adequate vepresntation of his- torit. 'rjttt'M, portraits. etc. The dos-l rrintiun of eavit denomination is M: follows ..-ilalrevtst, grey. picture all the Prime nnd Princess of Wales: one: cent. green. portraits of Champlain' and (bu-tier; two-cent, red, Kink Ed-l mm] undQueen Alexandra: five-eent, E hluu. representation " L' Habitation! do Que-bet; Seven-cent. yellow, pict- ure Montcalm and Wolfe; ten-cent Inmu‘e. pictuteof Quebec in 1700: " tven-rent. pu-turelof the old regime; twen'y-cent. green picture of a courier du hois with lndhns. L',tt.xiicri'r.--Cirethrt, have been is- sued lo Cement shareholders pointing out Hm sucross of the recent connect- ion with me \vvulm'n nmrl beds the mun-rial being first class and supply u-gulur bv ll. P. It. connection. Man. ager McWilliams has recovered from ins rewnt serious “have. and credit in dun tite rmvient. sutit under Sechary c, It. anvllu for keeping things mov- ing M) mun-“fully. Cement, h lower in priv» this, year hut there is never- “with Hm prospect of a successful St'il‘Un. BAPTIST GARDEN PArtTY.-The An- nual Hun-den Party under: the auspices of llw Baptist, Church here will he held in Joe Brown's new Rink next Tuesday vvening. July 2rl. At prea- PHI this iv, u most suitable place fox puny. iluto being " fine '/J'."T, hol- tout and no levelling done. t also “hurt-s protection should the evening he w-t. limd in attendane and good nrngmm. Admission) 10c. Everyone invixi-d. We are congratulated on all sides by (Illl‘ stare friends for having the agency for The Lmlios‘ Home Journal Puttttnc. For years women have longed to obtain patterns of the smart und distinctive designs shown in The Jourvnl, and now they can do so. Prices uro- only 10 and 15 cents. The Hnuw of lelily. -. -- -- .. Thrs Cement sand Bankers baseball teams me! Monday evening in a town Imgue gaunt. the dough handle" tus ing lurm-d down on this occasion to the tum- " 10 runs to & At one tlme the Cvrrretst nine were six runs behind, but by good hitting. amidst which \n-n- ondwiched suum juicy errors, Hwy gum-red more than enoughjo finish on top. Ctvrc HoLIr9At--The Mayor has ”sued a Proclamation declaring, Mon- llny.1hll August. a Civic Holiday tor tln- town of Durham. All parties will lhrrelmv govern thetnselves accord- ingly. Country friends will bear in mnul that slum-s Will he closed for thntday, IMPROVED MAIL BRRvicst.--Our worthy member Mr H. H. Miller has want-d fur ltGh Lake and Pomona a tvi-weekly mail instead of the 29mi- weekly service they had had t a boon that will be duly appreciated. Hum LrtK-The heavv ruins caus- ins: a swollen river have given the bridge contractor a. hard time ofit lately in securinRafoundtshon. Twice his mlfer dam has been swept away. Mr Skelton, of walkerton, is the owner or tlm first gascline launch ever built, in Walkerton. It was launched Friday week on the Saugeen and christened .. Agatha." Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of I [ambid- This form ofscoount isspecinlly suitable " those living in the may, " dun-Inter an attend to the banking whenin town. In enaeofdeath, the money my be within“ hr the survivor withoutdehyorcou. Write oeeaiitoetitrth-timtia's. Last, week's grocery bargains on sale this week also. Bee papers. H. H. Mockler. The 32nd Regiment“ Band, of Wulkerton, are endenvornng to secure MrChttu. Schnln. of Bellin as leader, In unwed Mr G. Wright, who comes tere. Big sale of Millinerv now on at B. tr. Mo, loek's, WANTED.--" general housemald. Apply to Mme. J. P. Tam-mm). "' Intekstaddedtmrtimesayear SavingsBank "epartmegttinCoartet6tet svitttaliBmstthes THE STANDARD BANK t,-ru"i,ir),,ei-iii,'-,-h,tD"Wrtliaa Wgréomcs . John Kelly. M-nqer IMHO!” ALSO A? HAHIO‘I'OI All) DISCIWLLI" OF CANADA Head Office " - . " Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS thaw DURHAM BRANCH DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY M, 1908. H. II, Mockler. ISTAILISHED "" ', I certify the above to be a true state- ', menu, of accounts paid by me as agent i of Neil McCannel in the above named !elect ion. i In the Provincial Elections for' the [ Provmce of Ontario, A. D. 1908. 89.31.73 I certify the above to Inca true smut- ment of the accounts paid by me as u- gent of David Jamieson m the nhove named election. Dated at Durham this 18th day of Julyi908, __ - --- _ Statement of the expenses of David Jamieson, one uf the candidates in'lhe said election, in the Electoral District of South Grey. Personal Expenses $751K) 'dtenogrtsphei. com Typewriter rent 5.00 Telephone 12.65 Postage rt CN Delivering Posters .50 Stationery .25 Printing 43.6.3 Livery Hire 37.50 Hall Rent 15.3) Dated at Durham this Itlth day of July. low. Sbnteuwnt of the expenst-s of Neil McCannel. one of the mndidnlcs in the said election in the Elm-mm] District of South Grey, Rent of Halli 8 7 MI Livery Him kc. If) oo Postage. tiiationvry &e. “'75 Telephone. 2.2.3 Printing 25.75 Advertising 19.25 Personal Expenses UM!) Telogl'uplnng L15 SENT TO THE HosmvrAu-How to prevent vugrants and urtiortunates,, of one kind and another from “Plug dumped unto urban municipalities. is a problem. The other day a. Brant farmer drove into town with an un- tortunate woman. who had wandeted into his place, unloaded her here and drove home again. Then our author- tties had to get busy. She said that she bud been deserted by her husband in Durham, and that she bud walked all the way from Durham to the home of this farmer. She was put, upuL a. hotel, at the town’s expel se for a. day or two, and " In 'iiiii'i,h'i'ii? aha w physically she wii then sen on to the hospital at the town's expense. It willcostus quite a penny before we are quit of her. ~Walkertou Telescope. -.... “v'"‘ w W""'"" . ', Mrs Keeler. and baby. of Durham, H. H. Mocklev. ivisitvd with her parents. Mr and Mrs Ax ELECI‘RIC lheLL,-The resultot li; Suddvn. this week.-Chtvtmwotth thy Mayor's .vnit to Otu.swy to meet (ses. Wlth the “away Qomnnssgnn Univ-g Mm Marinrit‘ McDougall, of Chats- cide as tn the pr.oreytton of (mnumxa I Worth, who has been Visiting her street: "WSW“K' " that we tWe, to. ttave it1tarulparertrs, have, returned home an Electric bell to give warnmguf i9iondav approaching trains. A sum of $400? .'. , is also allowed in lieu of the widening 1 Itev.. Mr Farquhavson .left Tuesday of George Street. This is not whal‘nmrnmg to attend an induction at we wanted nor what we demwve, hut. f Mildmay, and in the owning took part we'll have to be content. The bell has '; in a similar function at 1iavriston. 33:31:53? will Ire 1n position before 3 "..sl.1s_r,: Ail,v(."yt 1err?lotelasr, fy a The monthly Style Book, illustrat. ingThe Lruiim,' Home Journal Pat- lerns, is furnished free to all of our store friends. [Liana oxcc-llo-nt fash, ion periodlcal. in it will he found the latest, styles and many helpful mg- gestions for the home drestsuuetker. The House of Quality, __ ... -- Many farmers think it is a mistake to prohibit animals from running on the public roads. Alot of good grass goes to waste and weeds have a free course to multiply and scatter. If tho sheep ate allowed to run thev will settle the weeds and turn the grass into good mutton. Yielding to the. clamor of Uommer- wlul xrienus m rrlcevule [ms week. rial travellers and other Interest/s. Sir I. Mr Charles ll, Vair. of Kansas (my. Wilfrid has unnounced that Thanks. I lg visiting his sister, Mrs (Dr) Arthur giving Day will be held on a. Monday (Gum i instead ofnThursday. I Airy J. u. Nichol and children arei UNBioNeD.--We have received a l Visiting relatives in Priceville and ( communication fromhthe West, quite l Vicinity. i legitimate ul. not eing signed. wel , ' . cannot publish. eyen though from 1/h'idihlt; J? ho lee heen M01351 m " afrlend." Of course we ask tor the! it lei,' ussell el, lelutned to Fergus name only, as a guarantee of good " on a)" faith, not for publication. 1 MryJ. H. Brown had the misfortune Mr Fred A. Lewis. piano tuner, will hein Durham about the first of Au- gust. Mr Lewis is living in Mt. For. est since his marrmge and will travel out of there, A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and yuant Iota in Durham for sale. Ontario Elections I908 C. RAMAHE. Financial Agent D, M, JAMIESON. Fin. Agent. 8171 70 1Icsrrcrt--PArrmwos. A very quiet but pretty wedding took plave at the hnme of Mrs A. w, ‘l’attet-suu. on Thursday morning, :Jnly Oth. when her second daughter “(ate tube]. was united in matrimony to w, l‘mnkliu Hunter of this town. iThecesremony was perforated try the 'Rev G. Morton Walker, pastor of the IBaptism church. in the menace of Ionly the immediate relatives of the 1,contracting parties. while the wed- l, ding march was played by Mrs Walker, - ....u ..A...-... ... -.._. my-..” _.. l ' V only the inuuediato relat'ives of the . The 1yettt.rt.thuir,or Landau. Ont.. contracting parties. while the tted-l". expected all". year u, eclipse all ding march was played by Mrs Walker. I prekuq exhibitions. A very large The bride who was given away "ji,Y.,t",'elt, of money hits-been expended her eldeit brother. J. H. Patterson. of i y..'....tlt 'Tee/eg"', building“: thereby Toronto, wore a travelling suit of blue l “ll-‘35s "lgl'T'hil,rctg,l',,'."n 15%?an chittontrroadcioth with dainn "wdii',v1'Y r . '. p t . . . . 1 list, has been vet y materiully added to of silk and lace and tusc.m hat. land several new fanning inserted. T.he house was tastefully decorated , Fox cattle. e'xhiliimre the milking con- nglII my‘rtle utJ11 JO"") After ”18f tuft will beinterestmg. for which good r7 IT 2"“; as e young 00W0;prmes hty.e been ofrered. planning-- 0an t ey', etmrture ot? the noon _ turn-s will be busy and machinery Will tram. amid shown" of rice and con- _ be running, which is always interese {on} for Torontouuq 1t,iahtt Onjing. The on Curiosity Shop. on. their returntha-y w!" rem e on Bee- ,pel. Weaving. The Bukerv, 1nd many ford st-wut-tim hobo. . 3 other interesting exhibits will be seen. [The REVIEW extends congratula. Don't miss this year‘s exhibition. tions. Mrs. Hunter was a much ren- I Prize lists, entry forms, and alt infur- pected Durham ttl and her msnylmation on upplithlon toA. M. Hunt, friends here extol: best wishes] Secretary. London. Ont. The bride who was given away by her c'deit brother. J. H. Patterson, of Toronto, wore a. travelling suit of blue chiffon broadcloth with dainty waist of silk and lace and tuscan hat. and others. the lawn and pleasantly m silver linker. Mr Binr prop: inte reply and th their kindness towar and himself. They alt beautiful presents In: Mr and Mrs Geo. Binnie celebrated the twenty-tifth apttiversary of their wedding at their home Bunessan. on SM urday. July 4. Their many friends mum to express thew gnod wishes to them. Mr John Snell lrt-ietty spoke of the esteem and respect with which they Were held and after bis temarks. Mr and Mrs Biunio were presented with a beautiful silver tea service and silver lulu-r. Mr Bitiniu "lady. an ap- I Miss FarquGrson of Clmtham. is the guest of her cousin, Miss Jessie I Fnrquharson at present. ' Mrs Schooley and grandson Master (Jce Whitehufch, left on Monday for la visit to friends in the West. I Miss Edith Lloyd, Profession“ nurse I in Fergus Hospita ' is spending a. icouple of weeks at her home in town. Dr Grant. and Mr Will Gina an m1 Saturday last for Toronto and proceed ' this week to the "tented city"at Quebec to take part In the tercenten. my celebrations", They will be zone about ten days. ' Mr and Mrs Jno. Iowner and child-I ren and her mother, Mrs Bradford. left, for Morden, Manitoba. last Fri- day. where they will holiday for a few ' weeks. Mr D. ll Wulkon, of Orillia.| is in change of the G. T. It, Maliani here during Mr Towuer's absence. I Prof. Knnnld fur a week had the _ pleasureof entertaining his son Armin i (or Arminiiu ), who hasnot been home tor 2| yuan-s. He is conductor on a milwny in Snmhvrn Calitovnia and‘ though on duty duling theetu'trtquake, , escaped umcalhed. l, 'ber. "Ir "NUI “HHI'SUH It‘ll luesuu . ' . . morning to ntllend an induction ;rlnee1e,tgit.urSie,i,,ord'gSeitig, le,':: Mildnlmy, and in the cveningtook part 1 row (15$:th from 'dlf,,'i!'/,'i'br'/ge, duty In a annular function at 1lavriston. ,lust week. The little one, about two Mrs L. Fllvidge left Mondav fora years of use. fell intwytscietern tilled few weeks' visit with her daughter, with water. Alittle playmate mwher Mrs Kaiser, in St Thomas, and will also heels “it???” through the hole. visit hersun Edgar in Clvyeland he. which ha been left, open. and 8M9 fore returning. the 'ht,1h The woman "le, Jitteutlptl- , 7 ' . , . Editors Robb, of tho Walkevton Tel- 2?, 1htve"cf.." rd,', lu':,','.' w"l'l; 'led, escope, McDonald of the Chesley Ent. working across the road was summon- ttrprise, and Mit.rhtll, "f the Hanover ed and got, into the iriiiirii.' a structure Post are taking In tlwslghts otQuebee eight feet long by four feet. Jeep. nnd Tercentenury this week, ', hum-dad over with only A few inches Mr. Jamieson, who twenty six I between the board? und the water. years ago was a resident of Durham He was tutytt u, (we “I? the ceurvh ir, vialting fora week mound the old wh.ey ht t'ound the child. She was town and renewing acquaintances. y,uit.rkislir.tmi out, autu- unconscxous. He is now in Detroit in the liquor yortyntreiy some of. thmse around un- business. dorstoou J/i"':",',")',',','),',',',', methods. nod a " " Dr Grant and Mr Wilt Glut left “limiter arm!“ 1'!t';i'ii'iilii,'i,i' for i'i?i, z s't"l,', Saturday last for Toronto and proceed I mated that nhe was un er t e water: this week to the "rented CILY"M more than live minutxm.--Flesherton (gut-he'cy) tnke pagan] theutercenten- Advance. Mrs L. Fllvidge left Mondnv for a few weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs Kaiser, in St Thomas and will also visit her sun Edgar in Cleveland Ire. fore returning. Editors Robb, of thr' Walkerton Tel- escope, McDonald of the Chesley Ent. erprise. and Mitchell, of the Hanover Post are taking in the sights “Quebec Tercentenrtry this week, Mr. Jamieson, who ways {ago was a resident Tu1.\'rm£so.\‘ -FIsueit,--At the res:- dence of the bride's parents, on Tues. day. July 7. Rev Finlay Matheson. if. A., of Chatsworth, to Miss Ada Fisher, of Fraserville. by Rev n. A. Mchuzie of Centreville, assisted by Rev Hugh Matheson, of Caledon, Misses Anna and Bertha James. of Priceville, are guests of Miss Alethen Grant this week. Rev. Mr Fnrquhnrson left Tuesday morning to attend an induction at Mildmay, and in the evening took part in a aimilzw function at 1lavriston. Mrs J. H. Brown had the misfortune to fall from a chair and dislocated her shoulder last week. MrJames Slinson. Cobalt. is visiting his brother in town. Mrs Chas. Brown spent a day or two with friends in Prictiville this week. - e .. 'ii,?ci"i.1i") 2 jil,i,i,t1ii'ji'i1 Silver Wedding. reply and thanked them tir dness towards Mrs Binnie -lf. They also roceivednther presents h-mn their family 's. Supper was spread on and the afternoon "raq spent ----_.- --. Hymeneal MARRIED bl ttt in iti'tiiiai)liti musk turned out .. en mcse. " to pay its hurt tespectsto her who had teen a con- sist,ent member of that church since tbs origin nearly fifty years ago. Mrs. McuNaught,on'q maiden name was Margaret, Mun. She was born December 20, 1837. in the Parish of Crawford. Lsamukshire, Scotland. and with her father ‘and the other meni- hers of the family came to \Vaterloo, ()nt.. in 1835 where they lived fork few years' before moving to the hush farm in Bentincur. Over forty eight rears ago she was married to Mr Lachlan McNaughton. of Normrtnliy Township. and settled on the farm where she spent the whole of her married life. Their family con- siated of four children. two daughLers and two Sons. The daughters are, Janet, Mrs. John Kerr of Varnev. and Flora at home, the sons. Robert in Saskatchewan and William on the homestead. These and her aged art- ner in life, one brother. Mr. Jan. Bruin of Waterloo Co. and her niece. Miss Janet. Waters and many others will ever fondly cherish the memory of her who was so kind. gentle and loving. On Saturduv afternoon her renmins were laid to test in the Hanover Cem- etery. to which place they were "c- (‘uuupuniud try a great. many friends and acquaintances. The Rev. A. L. Budge, her pastor, conducted Very ap- propriate services ttt the house And grave glad the Hampden L-otmregulrion old and respected pioneers. The do- ceased had been in failing health for more than a venr. but nothing serious was expected until A few months ARC when her sickness took a more malig- nant fmm and although everything was done. that loving relatives. medi~ ral skill and kind neighbors could do she continued to heemue weaker and weaker until her sufferings were re- lieved by death. In the death of Mrs. McNaughton. on Wednesday night, June 15th, the vicinity of Hampden lost one of its SUNDAY Scum]. Ptcsucs.--Thurs. day last the Methodist Sunday School workers enjoyed themlelves at Snug. een Park. Tuesday. Trinity Church wont be C. P. R. to Priceville. a ride on the new road being an attrwcuon. The I’reshylerinns are planning theirs in the gauge direction. date not fired C, P. R. NORTHWEST FhtcURsaomt-- The next Hotneseekers' excursion leaves on Tuesday, July '31trt, by spec- ial train. leaving Tomato at. 2 p. m.. carrying through roloniut and tourist, glee inn can. To catch the a rial in- temfing passengers should “It: morn- ing trains to Toronto. C, P. it. excur- sions are run by the new Muskokn route, making a considerable saving in time. and the advantage of travel- ling hyn through our line, without trouble of transfers and usable delays is obvious. The local lrll'. It, agent witlbe glad to furnish free booklet giving rates and full particulars. Ite- polts from the West" indicate early crops this year. and within the next two or three. week's announcement will likely he made of the low lute inatan Laborers' Excursions. The Ureemore Bur Indies out thio warm one t Harry Thaw declines to gar his debts while he is otrle'uulr e d tobe insulin. " declining to pay one'e debts is a proof of insanity. we know more than a lutker‘s dozen of people who should be in the asylum. et. We have not tieard whele the gaming are going. A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar ringe Licenses. Durham, Ont. . Sale of Laces and Etnbrmderiem at hut It'it New goods this week only. The ouse of Quality. .-- -- -- - MM. LACHLAN MCNAL'mnos Western Fair, London ------ O ------ Obituary. H. H, Mockler TORONTO Durham Branch: J.C.TELFORD. -"" Mm... THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT Total Assets over. . . . . . . . . 33,000,000 Dire-its received and intend id or ad ed four times a year at 'fi'glSl current ates. Paid-up Capital. . Rest.... ...... ..t Total Assets over, 899cm Attention to Fumen' Business The Yellow Label Of Canada. HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Traders'l3ank Take I look through our atom and you will see genuine 1nugtunstmm one end of the More to the other. Just a " but" price R B Keeler & Sons And the people are buying cheaper than they ever bought before. Bargains , Bargains l C. MchLLAN & Embalming a Speciaity. The, Bell Telephqnc Co. of Canada, for the Dish cluding Durh Orders for of firm name cs or orders f be handed in Funeral Directors and Undertakers is about to puLisCa riGl. rad of the On above date, which in Durham'o Civic Holiday. there will he run in excumon to Owen Sound under the Auupices of Durham Public Luxury. Fax-e for the round trip; From Dur. hyy, $1.10. Manlliama $1.05. Price. wile $100, Hanover 'val. This is the timrt excursion from Our- ham to the shores of the Georgian Bay. The. most popular of stil tripe. Doh't miss it, Owen Bound will be entete this he. ing the date of the Toronto Glev Old Boya' visit. New Telephone Directory Over New c. P. R, load to Owen sound. londay. August 8, nos. Come with the Crowds First ExcursiontoLake OFFICIAL TELEPHONE Dlmly and!" “It wu this week co:- rectal up to date. If you" is not correct. kindly notify us " once. We thunk all who have renewed the put few week- but there are yet many others we with to but from " once. Other puticuhn next week. Tells the date to which your nub- Icriptioq has been) "raid. _ Oar nut“: why we are so may The big Sale is still on at KEELER'S. Office closes at I p. m. Friday Open until 4 p. m. Saturdays c. “not: a son; Punt“ no Pum- We have opened up a shop in Prioeville with a full stock of Funeral Supplies on hand. All calls. either night or day promptly attended to. . Priccvillc. - ew WM umuw, Local Hummer days left to buy st about new connections, change: I. change: of stmct addres- " du licutc entries should AT 6NCE to t of Central Ontario, in " Moe ooo 2, 000,000 we:

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