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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jul 1908, p. 5

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LlPhoto emic RTHUR | ad &Y Sure of Do 1i1es l1i0n olid [) ‘â€" Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY © READER ; B We treat NERVOUS DERILITY, VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, VITAL WEAKNESS, BLOOD, SK(N and PRIVA. £ iseases, URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints 4 of Men and Women $ f “W‘N“‘*N“WN“W‘“ CH EAP P AkRES 8,000 Live Stock on View For Prize Lisis, Eairy Blanks and all Information sddress J. 0. ORR, Massger, City Ball, Torosto With 900 Performers. International Dog Show _ International Cat The Siege of Sebastopol Grand Art Loan Collection Every Province Sends Its Products Greatest and Best Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World T O R O N T O CANADIAN NATIONAL Aug. 29 EXHIBITION Sepi. 14 Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest 'opini'nfl Fm"of.-él;:;:: Charges reasonable. Books Fm-“T)Amliol«l'-n Monitor," (IMustrated ) on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential, Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. @9 BLOOD DISEASES CURED A.Sâ€"H JULY 23, Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. From the Paris Salon and other Oldâ€"World Galleries. laternational Military Tattoo and Realistic Spectacle J. A. DARLING We are supreme. store but a pure, Drugs We are here to stay will show tha . HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FGC( Strictly Pure Paris Gre Highâ€"grade Machine Oil Mower Sections Binder Twine DARLING‘S |$100,000.00| msa‘sh in Prizes and Attractions Concerts What e to Stay and or the next 60 days show the people what we mean. Pure Paris Green, 28¢ 1b H ‘_ Hardware& unters Seed Store F ROM EV ERY W BE RE done for ot . Chemist and Druggist Night _ & all pertaining to Drug _ business at cut rate prices We run no Junk shop, grocery unadulterated Drug Store. w M TO old art 11 DRUG STORE any weal ers it will an honest ly Are you uts e s A i t lssn tca esA T RearmEs aris (Green iS$ AND GRAIN an in P Day. AFTEM TREATMENT l wealthy Our you J@I@NRIPNENENE z to marry? Has ur New MertHon ou. Consultation Free of Charge. n Diseases of Men. I to heal up months and 1 certainly Show , we T T OR e in (One double tenement house in Upâ€" per town. Stone. One part eight room, bath, furnace and cellar. _ The other part six rooms and celiar. Your choice of two houses, â€" Cne on Countess Street. Brick, eight rooms, bath and closet, _Two cellars, furnace, etc, Stable with four single stalls, two carriage apartments and ice house, nfi indsts » budriad d a & sc ioi d by the railway commissioners to see if standard passenger fares could not be reduced from three to two eâ€"nts a mile. The motion was defeated, Mr W. F. MacLean, the great champion of reduction, voting with the governâ€" ment. _ The argument against inâ€" vestigation is that it is legislation that is needed ; to investigate now would be to find railways suffering from the commercial stringency and to enforee now would give the rail ways grounds to increase their rates on freight to make up deficiency. As less than 25 per cent otf railway income comes from passenger traffic a grest irjary would be done to farmers and producing classes who are more interested in freight than fares. _ Better than that it should stand over till more prosperous times. $ With the splendid crop prospects in the West, The Mail and Empire looks for a renewal of prosperity and work tor all the unemployed. ‘Indeed, i1 does not think the manufactcring centres of the East can afford to send men West :o take off the harvest. This is the newspaper which until lately, and without any Jjustification, has been seeking to hold the Laurier Government responsible for bringing work.ng men to this country. . Now, it thinks we are not going to have eâ€" nough of them. â€"Branttord Expositor. â€"â€"Mr Borden moved at the third reading of the Railway Act amendâ€" ment that an investigation be made Prison by picking holes in the wall and here comes a man named Wells making sensational charges against Mr Foy‘s department that a ftew years ago there was criminal negligence in securing evidence of a murder near Hamilton the criminal getting away. â€"The gaol and detective service of the Whitney government is comâ€" ing in for some rough experiences and no little condemnation. _ Last week seven men escaped from the Central mor a HS L I â€"A ter a session of almost 8 month‘s duration, the House of Comâ€" mons was prorogued on Monday. Had the attractions at Quebec any â€" thing to do with it 2 The House of Commons has done at least three times as muach work in the last four weeks as it did in the first five months of the session. ‘ From November 28 to May 31 the House of Commons passed only one measure ot first class importance, ramely, the French treaty. _ Since June 10 the House has passed three bills of first class importance, namely the Civil Service, the Railw.y and the Bank bills. L B ) s puan oL a ht 22 ie e o 17 to discuss, and thirty five times by Conservatives ; and on only four ocâ€" casions did the House go ‘into Comâ€" mittee of supply forthwith. _ In the laiter period of four weeks the House went into supply forthwith nine times and on only three occasions was a motion to go into supply obstructed or delayed. In the former period $15,000,000 ot main estimates were voted and pasâ€" sed, $7,000,000 voted but not passed. In the latter $31,000.00C of the main estimates were passed and $26,000, qo voted but not passed. _ In the tormer period of five months the moâ€" tion to go into supply was obstructed three times by Liberals who had reâ€" ports to make or important projepts{ se cul. 1 OB 8 i The session can be divided into three easily distinguishable periods. The first is the obstruction and slanâ€" der period, from Nov. 28 to May 31, when the Opposition were lavish with insinuations of graft and corruption‘ followed by dramatic assertions that there should be no supplies until "grievances were redressed,‘ backed up with spectacalar all night sittings. The second was the Provincial electâ€" ion period, from June 1 to June 10. during which affairs came to a crisis and the Oppositron began to realize that, in keeping public servants withâ€" out pay and contractors without work they were likely to become yery unâ€" popular, _ The third is the business period from June 11 to the present. The second was a transition period, during which the opposition was unâ€" dergoing the change of heart. The true comparison is. therefore, between the period up to May 31 and that after June 10. TOPICS OF THE WEEK, _ _ 2iuer the above heading the Monâ€" treal Herald gives an admirable showing of the time and temper spent in Parliament for the plain purpose of making campaign material. The following is an abstract : ‘‘*‘Three months ago the Opposition in the House of Commons gloried in ohstructing the business of the conn-‘ try. To day they try to deny that they were ever guilty of such a | wicked thing. But it is in the alâ€" tered behavior of to day that we have the best proof of their inten tion in the earlier months of the session. Houses for Sale. Che Burkam Review U?dss the above h;ading the An Analysis of Obstruction THURSDAY, jULY Apply to W. Buack. 23, 1908 If fotare information is desired such will be supplied on application to the Accountant National Liye Seock Reoords Ottawa. To secure free custom ontry for an anâ€" imal it is necessary to forward to the Canadian National Records, Ottawn, the foreigu certificate of registration. The accouutant of the Canadian Nationâ€" al Records will return to the importer the foreign certificate to which will be attached an import certifleate which will be authority to the custom officer to admit the animal duty free. A nomâ€" inal charge will be made by the Nationâ€" al lecord for this service. On July 1st there came into effect new regulations regarding the custom entry of avimals imported into Canada for the Luprovement of stock. Heretofore all certificates of registration which were apparently genuine were accepted by custom officers for the purpose of free entry. Under the new regulations eithâ€" er a Canadian certificate of registration or an import certiflicate as the case may be wust be presented. New Customs Regulations for Imported â€" Animais. Lenahan TERMS STRICTLY CASH Bggs taken same as Cash He has the goods ; he sells the goods *# at reasonable prices, The largest stock Trunks, Valises, Telesco s, Club bags, &¢c < ?oewn Shoe .gore. Bjfi*ANoRAMzHENfiE'R‘sowz_ Te w mes . 9 smm nnme ... N T MONTRE M t manuracturers! N0 Toh MnA ) Boots, Shoes and Hosâ€" iery at Mcliraith‘s Full Programme of Attrections twice daily, including Kemp‘s W Show. Best of Music. Fireworks each evening. Come and en self at London‘s Popular Fair. ATHLETIC DAY mawunay | REDUCED RATES ON Lonpox, SEPT. 1 1â€"19 Boost and the world boosts with you You will have no kick coming if vou hm Ptha es taces ~"# ) h p ( ' fl'-“." o 3 “% Once used,â€"always used /‘Z:m eis*7* _ . These are not only as goofd Cheer Up: Don‘t worry; It‘s Wicked Greatest Live Stock Exhibitâ€"ib;l ENGLISH WESTERN FAIR . J. REID, President. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE rize Lists, Entry Forms. P. THE DURHAM REVIEW of Western Ontario fForms, Programmes and all information given on application to a@ boosts with you ; Kick and you . kick alone coming if you buy your un LIQUID The REVIEW, 40c. to Jan, Ist, to New Subscribers. Order it for that friend of yours. To 2R TeR T ME (0. 90. 14. 0J $104.35 ar‘ve Saug.Jct. leave 8.25 11.45 Connecting with trams to and from Toronto. _ Only one change between Durham and Toronto. Speed, comfort and safety, * Come to us for tickets and informaâ€" tion. We are also agents for Allan and Dominion line steamships and C. 1P, R. ocean liners, ‘ 10e dally, including Kemp‘s Wild West s each evening. Come and enjoy yourâ€" ATHLETIC DAY, MONDAY, SEPT. 14. 6.403,00 leave Hanover ar‘ve i’),..’i 6.58 3.13 Allan Park 9.3 7.19 3.40 Durham 19.1. 7.833.55 Mc Williams 18.5 7.53 4.20 _ Priceville (8. 40 a mip m The following timetable will be in effect until further notice : read down se d eem. With the opening of the new Canaâ€" dian Pacificline, annther milestone has been reached in the history of our town 4 o and {s, &c., in stock. at the down MacFARLANE & Cco These are not only as good as others but are superior to anything on the market toâ€"day. ALL _ RAILROADS S. Mclliraith in town to choose from Brandram‘s B.B. Genuine White Lead cIntosh. PAINT HUNT, Secretary neatly 9,50 1.20 9.35 1.05 9.13 12.48 8.5112.23 8.40 12.05 p m p.m. read up wear, Sweaters, 0vmllsi i:vs;l;c-l:s, Boots and Shoes and everything in the Gent‘s Farâ€" nishing line this is your chance and you should take adyantage of it, J. H. Rose ’ Having decided to give up the _ Gent‘s Furnishing Business in _ Dorham my entire stock will be cleared out at cost price. For bargains in Men‘s and Boy‘s Suits and Odd Pants, Raincoats Umbrelias, Hats and Caps, Shirts. Collars & Ties, Handkerchiefs, Susâ€" penders, Hose uq half hose, Underâ€" Going >« Business Massey Harris Mowers & Rakes Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow ber Shop. RESIDENCE â€" First house south Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director A q. m 0 000000909 CUUUECK Good dwelling, frame bank barn, good soil. Conyenient location, only $2500, 200 acres, Glenelgâ€"fine bank barnâ€" good frame dwellingâ€"other good improvements, only $3000, 40 acres Garden Land, Durham Road Bentinck, $1500° A snap,. 250 acres on Garafraxa Roadâ€" fine buildings, good tences, good soil. To quick buyer at $6500, 100 acres, Bentinck, â€"owner in west. price $2700, Buildings worth the moneyâ€"farm for nothing. Lots of other property for sale. Moâ€" ney to Lend _ All kinds of busiâ€" ness attended to. H. H. MILLER 100 acres Durham Road Would be the fol A Dollar for De Laval and Massey Harris Cream Separator. Coal Oil and Machine Oil1 always in stock. IN NEW QUARTIERS and ail kinds of Massey Harris implements for Haying and Harâ€" vesting seasons. Et URE Table Oilcloth, 45 in wile..0::... Floor Oileloth, 1 and 2 yds wide.. Linoleum 2 yards Wide:.:,:3s..2++ Smprna Rugs, 60 NOe rarhrnaa x s s a See our new Prints and Ginghams THE BIG 4 j Calder Block, Durham [HE SELLS CHEAP, Table Linen, 54 ins wlde « M ins wide, ## 68 ins wide, in wida a7% . 42 q2ZTRNAAAAAr ++ ++3 ++ ++ + +200 DAIT aomwide.zylednong.............,....me::r 30 in wide, 3 y lon¢70epur Galnwide,aydflonx....................‘mcpur Mtnwlde.s%ydllon‘..‘..............tl.oow: All curtains have worked edges except 25¢ ones Large size white é&mterp.nel, good value After two years in business in Durham 1 thank heartily the many farmers and others who havefavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I will in the future bave havys pleasure in meeting in more commodious quarters, all my old friends and 1 trust many new ones. Promptness and fair dealâ€" ing will continue to be my motto, Yours for business, 27 in wide. Melntyre Biockâ€"Lambton St, Barclay and Bell‘s old stand Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black and white Caps for aged people. A. BELL bea great bargain, So are following properties at the prices asked : The Hanover Con veyaner cARD OF THANKsS 2 yds long. McFadden Table ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO Oilcloth . BEAN Fifty Cents m Road, Bentinck, . frame bank barn, onyenient location, Mclellan. Linen unbleached ...25¢ yard unbleached . . .00¢ yard .. ... 25¢ yard 3rige 5q Tavd 87ige sq y s Barâ€" .. 25¢ pair ::20¢ pair ;.90¢ pair $1.00 pair BON C. L Graat, Intending Students should enter at the begin ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be obâ€" tained at reasonable rates, Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence., 1.40 MISS 1 (l;romptly 1 rders may rooms, McK Oflice. Is the thing- to think of n;w Li JOHN CLARK Int The sct () Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money to bLoan, nflice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store Terms moderate. Arr to aates, &c., must be 1 fice, Durham, ts# C there, or to Ceylon J attended to. Terms ar Insurance Agent, ] Issuer of Marriage Li eral financial business Durham sSchool ARTHUR Barrister, Solicitor, Nota.lx' Public, Conveyancer, a&c. oney to Loan at lowest rates, Oflice. Mclntyre Block over the Stan dard Bank, Durham, Ontario, Ofliceâ€"Calder‘s Block We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. _ Also a good assortâ€" ment of Candies, Nuts and oranges, HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Universit mate Royal College Dental Burgeon Dentistry in all its branches. or to . H. STINSON Oflice. 13 Frost St, Late assistant to Moorfleld‘s (London, LHG to Knapp‘s (New York) lgye Bmp(t?i‘..) 2106 PrysiCIA® & Svu'lo:. : Office over J. &}NJ. Hunter‘s Store . McPHMAIL _ Member OolI..:) Phyde'lm and l'uioou_; ntario flce and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Geo Q Bt., wt roor of Hill, Old Moodie Corner. J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. BONXNS ALWAYS FRESH FEES: $1 per month in advance Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat « C, PICKERING D. D S., L D S. -HONV(A)R GRADUATE of Toronto 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. Telephone Connection No. 10 4@ Spocia ARTHUR GUN, otary Public, Commissio CONYEYANCER, &e ME Eodo/Ad, DURKHAM, ONT ised Auctioneer for Co, UGrey Ds un Alip . it Ceylon has a telephone office HOURS . P. TELFORD Chairman GRANT D. o MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 C. RAMAGE, Durhan > left at his. on ‘s old stand To 40 a.kts © 0. _ Ull:{ 2 to 4 r.x 7 to 9 P, x. ‘cia‘ attention given to Discases of Womsnd(:hfldm. ate, An;:l.xfiemcnu for sales as unst be e mt the Review Ofâ€" t*" Correspondence addressed leylon J.0., will be promptly Terms on application to Model Bakery Licensed Auctioneer the County of Grey, er for the « DR. BURT 1 Agent . Money to . F. DUNN OFFICE HOURS =â€" â€"â€" â€"â€" Owen Sound ronto University Grad ommissioner rtificate, Principal Money to Loan, icenses, A genâ€" s transacted. . over Post Office ites _ reasonable Imple ment Ware orat the Review C. Rumage (Lower Town JACKSON Honor Bale for

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