West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Jul 1908, p. 8

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J Potatoes per bag..... Hqurper owt........ Oatmeal per sack..... Chuppel'cwt......... Live Hogs per cm. . . Dressed [loss per cm Midesperitr..... .... Fall Wheat... Spring When ll was ML utter , Get a l‘lwrough Business Training Hi att 7-19 as l) C-CEI-CE-Iii-rr-ir-Crt:";?, ",.,.u: ,.:-.~: we = British American Business College tlt Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, A. FLEMING. Principal. Owen Sound Durham Markets. -l,l':li,Fi'iii"i""""fiii"'ii"i"ii'i'ii"i"s' 'i7fi'iiii"ii"llii, ill) ES M Atl, )fiiit,i,',ii4,i1iir, Business College FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. lst Dram.“ h W. T. CLANCY MT. FOREST mm week free h SUMMER TERM. "ri-tPie-iw/u,), #101411 "illttpy TORONTO. ONT. Regent Brand Suits; " Regent Clothes are Cut and Sewed Perfectly. _lii..f,t J Night Classe The Place to buy Gents' Punishing: “I JULY 23. 1908 When hunting for footwear come in and see our lines of tan, patent and kid in the Imperial make. A new Lot of Browns and Grays Here you are as welcome to look as buy. Highest Prices for Produce-Cash or Trade. ROBERT BURNETT The style is permanent, due to the honest method of making and the excellence of the material used.. tors welcome ll J t' m In [mull In " TI Ei 2Uto law 100:0: 2:30:03 500:03 _50tol .suma B20to 3to 45to 70 It) to $0 to '50 to AJ to rincipal Pl tle Footwear It; 00 80 50 J) 40 so JO Lou l3 and H. Con. & . D. It., lélelwlg. 15 acres hush, frmuu hurl! well watered. Must be hold. Being Lot u, Con. t. N. D. R., Glam- ehr, (“misting of loo acres. more m less. At acres cleared. balance hard wood bush. Bank barn. "Oxil. frame house, granted inside, 30124. im plemeut house 40:20. good well at, door, farm free front incumbrntuw. Sr Imul half a mile distant and another l), miles. Intending purchasers will xvi. particulars by writing to DUNALD Bunny. Guelph P. o. Review and “Weekly Gloho. . . . P, Review and Palmeu’ Sun ... .. Review and w. Mail & Empire. Review and Montreal w. “ML. Review and Family Her. & Star Review and Daily Globe. . . . . . .. Review and Daily World .. . . . . Br (World for K, mos.) ' Other combinations made know application. Combinations of three or more pa can also he made at "due-d n S- ud a any"? futon: t;%rtim Sunk “Howto yr! , rah-ml , rt What ttrotittoltt to Invent.“nnd [Tin-Nun Pntanu' .Advice tree. Fee-mount" “ADIAAI A Mm-a-..--. - - V ___-'- - .__.. uuv 1-K)“ . " FleK‘I WU MAWQ’Li MARIQN- -ExeznrsA TI, Review --WANTED (Inllingwuml Dexhy.... .. Egremunt. .‘ Euphmsiu . . (Hem-lg. . . .. Holland. . . ' . Keppel. . .. .. Nurnn‘nlvv. . Osprey.... .. ‘Proton. ... . . ‘Snmwnk . . . . St. Vincent., 'Sullivan. . ... Sydenham .. Owen Sound Menfurd. . . .. Dmhmn. ..., Hanover.... Thornhul-y. . . C Ialawurth ., Unndalk. . .. . Nruvstadt, Markd ,le Aggrvgal PROMPfLY SECURED County Rates and Assessment. The following is a statement of the equalized assessment and the county rule for the current year. as adopted by the county council at. its rrm-nt A rtetues,i" Bentlnck Ft os'tu Not particular about an the price and description, I wt ae’lling. stole when pom had. Will deal witu ownen on 'tmit Yearly Clubbing omG." ill-refills-i/ri/dit,' A GOOD FARM Dunstan». Box 9M. Rowena}. N Farm tor Sale. hen "on owner havin 'giAr-4'r-f,' 419-1} (tlid/ri-il-icq,',',,?);?':.,,',"; For Sale. A H JACKSON, Durham ell. Assessm't $32,796.11!) ”.930 " '9 or more papers at reduced rates- $1,010.30" Go 200 [ 2 10kim0 1.2.'t0.un 471.000 2010.000 2,013,511) 2.013.311 3.310.001 700.000 150,000 150,011, 200.000 100.000 200,101 115,000 3.82.000 241:4 L" Fi9F,'cd '. 'ii?i;ii,ciirifi'tfiifli, made known on 2.100.000 Lawn» I, l00,000 l, 100.000 1,250.10) 2.30m) 1,W0,00o 1.870,7gn Amount Levied location. Ind Ira- mion can 81.25 6 £6le 2,7 [0.00 2.7.38 GO 2.577.qu 2,166.00 1.3 I100 1,918.00 1.71230 3,l2.5.m 2.392 (I) 4.40 2.00 2 740.“)!) 1.60 1.60 .7115. m 9.39.00 0m 50 “I” GO {08.2“ 27: on him 274.00 3.3.3 T, Id 308 Cl an anti GU'.' 33:4: mu. '.Y.) British Canadian Bus. College Gents Tailor and Furnisher, Durham Maybe you'rc not particular about manythings, hut you ought to he so about our clothes. There 2m: some particururly nice suitings hcrc from We, Pd, 20, 22 and the price includes the h.igh. est grade of workmanship in the making are; Don your New Suitings for Particular Men Two store . douirle, frame house. situulml on tie west, side of Harafvaxrt St. in upper town. Luge lot, with stable. First clnss well and cistern. Applynnpremises. ANGtiCA3tEttcy Lot 27, 28. Con. l S. D, It. Glenda. &5aeres cleared, 7 acres hush. wvll watered. Good Brick House. Frame Bank Barn (45x60.) hmile from pro. posed station on new C. P. It. Line. Convenient to School and P. o. Fur- ther particulars apply on the premises. JOHN MCAMTIH'R, Prop. Alli-st principle of forestry is that land which in not fitted for agriculture should he purchased by the Govern. ment or retained by it to be used for the purpose of forestry. Poor farm land discourages the agriculturist. Used forgrowmg trees, it is a soul-(e of wealth to the country. serves to re- tain moisture and protects the soil. Following out this princirle. the On- tario Government has ugun forest nurseries in three counties on land not suited for agriculture. hut well adapted for forestry.-News Summer Millinery Parisian Millinery Co. Dumm- TO Qummc CtTY.--The Ca. l median Pacific is the only through line with a terminus in Quebec City. ntrord. ding passengets a welcome freedom trout transfers and delays. For the great tercvntenary celebration in single fare rate is in effect for the round trip, tickets good coins: July 18 to26 inelusive. Call at U P R ticket ottiee "r elation for particulars. Fon SALE. - CEMENT BHAREig.- National Portland Cement Stuck for sale at a. bargain. Address. Cement, P. o. Box 2.e.e, St. Thom-u. Ont “I can giw you the best instru- ment uudmakc you thc best tcrms. One sold hy us in town lust week was tested by Prof. Kunuld and pronounccd excel- lent. John McQueen Have you a piano in your Home? If not whynot one ofour Bell BEST BUSINESS TRAINING The season is now in full blast. Wc J prepared with acomplctc assortment m't wait until the last nmmcnt to buy ur hat. Buy now. These Huts arc as od as your money. Cunt go wrong hurt: We always Ikeep a very large stock of trimmed Millinery. We keep a special selection of black huts suitable for mourning. Do not fail to call and see our beautiful display of Summer Mil- linery. We have over so hats whole for the hot summer days These hats are made of the best mohair braids, tunes, chiffons and laces and trimmed with plumes, flowers, ribbon, wings, &c. Cool Straw Hats Harry Burnett at reasonable prices, Start any time. MISS DICK, Proprietor W est of Middaugh House Cor, Yonge & Bloor Sis. Additional Locals. Farm top bale. =2"? .’ 1- w. A, Ii? .. ft For Sale. PhtyattMt, .fP0 tfsrht 395 Arriuwne for Hint. oil um] men to punt combination bridges sung iypetstiursatne...-.r... Oiie day inrsurtigtuine request to commit Peter MeTavish to county looms....................,....., Léiting and inspecting work bridge 19: 28 con lo...........,...... Letting" and Impact " ap- proaches cement tlooriue & Brown bridges; ................................. Letting and inqrecuug work timber on two contract, river Styx bridge barse line............... CO" Letting and inspeaus,, work looking up timber and adjusting Hopkin's claim Metcalfe budge Lullillg and inspecting timber and work. Irony brlglxe.......... Letting and rn;,peetin"'g Work a higher Lamlnnh bridge............ II Sack, 4 elm hiringvra bud- 385 3 Gun lot IT........................ 11 Alexander 2 'striugerti tor Watson h:i-lgc........................ It Alexander timber for 8 con ts' liudulph & Son htnce......... Mr Barkunm rebuilding bridge 10:15 c0112 S D il.................. G Sclunk and others hlliug m washout In! 15 cm 1 " lt......... Doug Mo Uouaid [muting and trimming Mnugem. il ling and louuiug buttueuts mm atom-s. painting. railing..................... Doug McDonald punt, oil and Imroware.,...........i....,/........... Doug McDonald rebuilling per t'otnract.....,..........,.,.. . . ..'0..... preach ...r....... Paint. m. ha pairing bum. etc Lenin}: “(inspecting wal Torry Bridge, 4 Gun. T Tony rebuilding uridge...... Do tillitur, "out. of [mum-mu with trtotttrt4..............,........ ... Do “In: work on come-ls nim- uuuu pomuug “lingers and mil- itanliur, Imtl.or............... .'_..., Hardware ....................r....r G' Noble lebtiue and inspectiu name '.w..............................., A Wilson filliug in half at old bro." “in: Mr no and gruvelliug 86 J Brown tilug In washout building new culvert puuin: sand on bridge and ruling on Merl hr. lo BRIDGE BASE LINE Lot " 7r1'NEVu', m Lriyt THE DURHAM REVIEW liI YER STYX BRIDGE BASE LIKE ll Alexander bal, on Iimlper... lo 5 A Cattspberl building Midas... M o " cleaning river......... 6 o tr putting railing out- tiliiug in and painting stringers lo n Unnlwnre c................. ........ 3 o Geo Fiuher cedar bridge con L')...........'.........,.: 'i..........." .. 1.l , Noble repairs bridge lotirtt Brown's bridge............... U' Hume lumber to ti bridge con I.................. Bridge lot 23. con lo J Hendorswn, supplying timber and rebuilding Mo 00 It, B) iglmm painting 3 com. hiuntion bridge...................... IO on L. Mal"). painting and repart- ing l) conthiuatiou ruidces......... 37 Jo Extra ml and paint per L Mabn a 75 Wm Pmeluttu point and ull for cumbinuuon nudges, J Weruer fill in low bridge gravel from can 8,lot l7 lull per C0utract.....,... 72 on Hardware for railing............. 85 J Der-Linc cedar for bridge... S B Wilson & Mon cedar for Non Beuliuck Council met. at Monday. July 14. Memb: excepc Mr Noble. Iteev Minutes of Conn. M Rev meeting rend and paved. To the Couuml of Bonliuck Crentleultui-I beg to report that since last meeting: of Council I expended to building, rrpairing and material for bridges the following amo‘hut. J Sum Boyd, bridge stringent C Exuluc cedar Covering'....... METCALI" BRIDGE. Wm Smith rebaildtugltrid,O it 'l‘nnffurd elm stringer-........ G Fisbcr cedar covering...... 1' Kramer putting m) cuvnrimz J Home repairs bridge S L 5. It can Nubia Acton Lytlu Besides the above Watches, we carry all the standard makes, such as the Waltham. Elgin, Hamilton, etc. Watchmaker, Jeweller, and Optician P. o. A. Webster BRIDGE LOT 16, CON 12 ing and gruelling ap Bentinck Council Ltuulush Bridge up bridge lot 43eod 8 rep Pearson bril,re... srliculttiug old umber J. ti, Wilson "dware and re- rebuudmp, nud ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO met. at Iannsh on Algmbcrs alrprseetn Reeve In the chair. M Revision and last 87 252 lo 00 140 lo 00 14 162 71 30 20 18o 200 46 0 9 oo 'do JO 12 182 60 40o 18 46 00 44 lo tio oo in) lo ()0 " (Bo 80 3o 00 Go UU IN oo 2."; 00 )0 oo oo 00 00 Go Mckechnie's Big Departmental Store Hemp Carpets: from ' . .. .. Union Carpets trom . . . . . Tapestry Carpets from .. . Stair Carpets from . . . . . . Tapestry Rugs 9 ft x " ft. Woollen Rugs 9 ft x "it ft tt t 9ft x0ft. Infants' soft sole kid... . . . . .. Infants' chocolate blue. ...... Infants' patent colt. blue... . . . Infants' tan bal spring heel .. Children's dong strap slippers " dong bals. ...... .. " dong Oxfords. .. . tt boxealfbahs...... Misses' tan 3 strap slipper ... ., choc. Oxfords. ...... . " kid bals, Tutenttip,.. Groceries It is now but a few weeks since we commcr:ccd our and it has been most successful. It means inmicy h The people who have tested the matter have so decided, our business. Every one is invited to examine the 3m. business so that they may see for themselves. A BIG BUNDLE of old nape-rs to lav under Mrpets for 5 cents at the Ite. view Olflce. We all 'oin in wishing that your labors in the future, in whttteverdirieeuon they may be, “my be rewarded with the sum: degreeof success as has hitherto amended you. And if it be not possible for mi .11 to meet again on oath. let us tmstfull; nope fora happy reunion in “1&1“.pr Future I owe. signed on behnlfot the pupi s ', lliLAM‘Hl nut-mew A, Mum”: Mount]: Nous “an. Mum": ANS' “my”: During the time that you have been with us. our school-life ttatt been both pleasant and prot> able. Not only have we made considerable " vmoemeut in knowledge of the practical sud essential things of life, but we hue also had wt before us daily an example which is most worthy ot our following. it now dawns upon us ”a polniul reulity that We have frequently been wayward Ind inattentive whenwe should have been appreciating moat ileum? your continuous and untlriug efforts in our he mlf. But though " times we have .51qu disotxsdient. and thoutstItleasly done th up: which we would not hove done. we trystfally hope that you will new ly forgive us tor these things; and even if we {nil to iol ow your worthy exumple of mouliuems. ul" ri¥htuesay politeness and l'hristlan tthtsractvi, w xich it in oprduty as well as our privilege wile; if we {all to follow" in your footsteps a. fully as we should, you may rest mured tttist your imlur once will have a lusting effect mr good ulzu this scholu groupaud upon this whole neigh rlmou In spite of our shortcoming: in the fultilment ot our duty to you during the brief tluve years of your sojourn Imnngst us. we have all the while respected, loved Mid even admired you and it is quite natural that our feelings oi respect, love Bud Admlmtion should reach the climax at the time when we must be separlwd- We there- fore uh: this opportunity of presenting this uni-ll gift u a token of the manner in which we, your Pupihl. and the people of the section have unun mously tappreciated your vumnhlc ,,crvieer. same time presented him and Mrs Tol- chard with a beautiful mtstuel-c1ock and parlor lamp. and pretty gifts to each at their two children. accompan- ied by the following address I Mr. Tolchud .' Dun Tutu“: With feeling: of regret we, your pu its. hue leaned of your intent onto leave us “puns time md we have met together to bid you good-bye. A large number of the people of 8.8- No. 9, (ileuelg. met at the school on the closing day to say good-bye to their teacher, Mr ‘lqlchmd and at the 1 day 1sotystttvinrnGiiin'triT,. dun-go elaim......l................. A Enid-due]? itiGimtirdTretui- iuiGk' Etr- wuon of my Immune juumul. Terms tot -" '..eLh111s.Ar"r. mango prop-m. Sold by Strie,St'fgr2yuiaiaiui" “mam “$2311: i; ”130086" ' Mm £90.05. F at. Wattage! Jtrt Mine in 12 w bridge a con and lull ettuitut.............l., Tttatsl MARK: DESIGNS Comments ac. Anyone lending I sketch and cum!" Inn may “law ucennm our opinion free w let her In Invent on " J,'glllttdrgttidth'lt (‘ummunlm- t1ytAttrtysthr, 999.0519!!! 11-. AND, 'hu' on Rum- non. W,t'0, 'connamitm. HANDBOOK on Palm» um. tree. Idea: Igem'y for 1te1utuPtfyff.t Pusan taken t 11tt Mum: & Co. new ”gamma. Ee?" me. In tht Also letting and ")8chth bridge July 6 1 day with Alrx Wilsop re wash-mt dunner; etc. "$eiiitttit0t'"i"iti'ltatt. Address and Presentation. Our Stock of Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing and Crockeryware is also complete Continued neat trerk -----i.- --_.i------.. We have just opened a new stock, which we We buy for cash, sell for cash or produce and keep u. And if it be nguln on oath. let reunion in the Hull belulfof the pupi Mdlilli1yf0ililllliii'8 .12.yie upl’nnta from.... .... ...... .....8c ...27e ir,':)),??',',?,),'?',?),':,': from.... ......9c ...39c up Fltnnellene from ...... ...... .7e ...39c upJMen'sfelt hatatrum...... ....403 .--h49Aeet'sthreralufrorn..,.......4oe .. .. M.00) Men's Working Shirts from.. . Moe ... ..4.3isrenaaituroin.. ..r. ......333 hoof" $1.00 $1.25 Our stock of Groceries is fresh and fu New goods are arriving contiuuuusl 50c 80e 75c "be 70e rlye, Joe, an oo 00 00 oo Boots & Shoes Ladies I can 4 loc Remember, we are going out of the Hardware Men's dongola and hos calf h: Ludics' patent leather Oxford Ladics' patent leather Buls. l Ssc our Boots and Show for. Scrccn Doors, I 20c Hay Racks Men's Suits, sin.glc:hrc 9 men's Suits, single a l0 .. Boys blouse Suits, twc Ladies' Skirts, tweed cfrcct, grey a.n Linen Towcis 35c for. . . . .25C a pan Linen Towels hemmed. 45c for. .10c Table Linen, 60 and 50c for. . . .. 35c elastic trout . . . .. pate nteolt bluchcrs Common sense .-. chocolate Oxfurds. _ Milking slippers, ., Carpet Slippers .. .. In Full Swing---0ne WeelrMort Emits dongolu White Crochc Ladies' Black Ladies' and N lic, kid bale, ox. patent tip kid sttupsslipperts..... Oxfords, McKay sewed pat colt blue. 16 kai blue ' patenttipt 7: Indian kid buckskin... Ask to see our Bargains in Boots and Shoes Wool Wanted. Cash or Produce for Good: while Sale lusts. ALEX. RUSSELL Clearing Sale THE BIG STORE bottl Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Suits -xt"es- mrat irochct Bcdsprcads, fringed omlnin. worth 1.50 Black Sateen Underskirts, 2f la, ctr, worth M and Misses' Skirts in grey and colors, worth 3.? Russeii's Gigantic Groceries for Friday and Saturday H Some lines have been greatly reduced, but there are lots of Bargains yet. The fol- 1owitut are a few of the SPECIALS : lowing a Everything in Half st plcth r Buls. McPhc'rson m 3.33 up sted, reg. 5 to 6.50 tor d double breasted. reg Pl LOU were 2.75 and mug r thw System of doing business a your pockets and money in ours. as shown by the great increase in ds and prices and system of doing up " " ttp up up " J L's) GU 4.00 '. Men's I ls 3.50 for 2.75 l, 2 sides. 3.25 10 Men 'ts 30 X) H ght at right prices iDinncheta from ('rotyetssta....., 'Vascs ........ .. jJ'l'd-inierea...” B we" 75c; L25 for. ..ttsc; l.50 for y Forks, soc for Mc; 65c for. artt.......8c 1canPeatt,.. Food .2sc I pkg C.orn. Starcl ' used for lunch at ficmcs. .l0¢ 4 We pkgs Dulhy Jc: ly Powdcr, orxlnin. worth 1.50 and LN tor 99c tfri ls. ctr, worth t.gofor...... .99: md colors, worth 2.75 for ..... 4.59 worth 3.50 for.... . . .l.m ad colors, 5.00. 5.50 and 5.75 for 2.49 r Linen Towels 35c tor . . . . . .20c '. Table Linen, " and 4ocfor2Sc :175cfur....50c; 1.00 for......75c rc ll; Ikid bale, McKny sewed.” Patent blue. goodyeur welt vici kid blue, mum. tip. . . , boxeiuf...,.,....., ...... harvestshoes...... ...r... box cut hum kid but McKay saved . ... iuccd to clear reg Groceries books. 7.50 to l0.00 for " to 15.00 for.. a] " for s0can 9.90 L49 4.00 2.00 2.50 2.98 99C 45C tic 95 4.98 3.45 23.2. "V0 hum-pl!!!

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