West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1908, p. 1

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Elle 13E tic tore More is; Sole Agent! n' Mn-chrlnic King and Railroad King Overalls. E3 5:33.143335-:9:332m3xxxxmmm333333 €333H1-::-::-::-c:-::-:ExxxExEEEfiéoEm-cégfl THE REVIEW, DURHAM VOL. Mc to Jan. I To my addreu in Uamuta, we will and THE REVIEW from now to Jan. 1 next (almost Beer mouth) for 2.3 cents. Take ad- vantage of this remark-due otNr or see that your friend or neigh- bu' does so. anv L, “-- =t__, 25 + off anypiece of Colored Muslin 20 olo off any piece Fancy Hose for Aotliitia,r mmbines dressiness and coolness in glove wear like ML The»: are pure silk, black and white, IP. button length and :g‘xlulymld at $1, for only-... ...r.. .... ...... ........59C . . Fancy Parasols, slightly soiled, 79c That means spend While every {any parasol ed out a number that have we 1.35 to 2.00, to clear at August Clean=up uJan. 1 next (almost the u) for 'A5 cents. Take ad- " of this remarkable offer that your friend or neialb es w. NOW is the time. s the lots are not large, early choosing would be to the s advantage. James Ireland thing combines dressineas and c.oyness These are pure silk, black and white, " lysmdat tit, for only...... ...... _... 2 want them to match your costume-Here's a chance! tile-pink, blue, grey, sizes 8 to 9% for ... .. ...... " tile we have not allowed any undesirable .accumplttion of yet we find it in the interests of good business to have a clean-up of summer goods. Dress the Boy for Comfort Long Silk Gloves at 69c pr. fth at n Boys! ut antic and bilié Wuists for. .. .2.80 Waists for. . .. 1.60 Nightgowns.. 1.00 Nightgowns. . .80c Tl , NO. 32 LS WANTED-Highest price in cash or trade 1 Suits will do it. We haven't very many é ind so cannot give you prices, but cut goes r, " new Ties ; such pretty. Wash Ties for 15¢ nd some at 25e each. New silk Hook:on ._..... .... ...... ...... ...... ....25ceach the price of plain ' ONT. save 25c, get s: worth. Not so had, eh Sit Look Here ! here is reduced in price, we have got slightly soiled. Regular pri- $1.25 Underskirts for 50c Corset Covers for 25c Corset Covers for 5oc Drawers for. . . . .. of Whitewcar " 15c and We pr 19c pr 15c pr 40c 20c 40c St )5httlitg, CE i goCfi. .e 'rrdii? OWN :55! (iiiiilliiiiii8lhPg ham boy, his father having been a. Methodist minister, here some 20odd years ago. Godfrey and "Bill " enjoy- ed the reminiscent flavor, pointed out the house where in the olden days under Rev. Wm. Park they had stud- ied Latin together, gazed on the old Britim Hotel block, whichhud shlunk from Itoyhood'a estimate of a. big build. ing. but were pleased to see signs of progress. The editor of Saturday Night, Joe Clark. himself an old Dur- ham Boy gives them a nice send off. With him also were three others, one of them Mr. - Godfrey Conservative M. P. P. for West York, also a Dur- Ln! \Vodnmlny there was the whirr of“ n t "while I e ml at the REVIEW "ice dunl' and who should it he hut Wu,. Young of Chicago. who hndcome from the windy city to pay his sub. scnptinn tothe REVIEW. Many of our reudors sill remember him: son of Mr Henry Young, and at one time clerk) in the building now occupied by the REVIEW. He has been eminently suc- (‘essful in Chicago. his father is well and the others are doing well. Accom- p mying wat, his brother Ernie, now a; young man, and the heautifuland ad-l tnired curls of his hoyhood all gone-.1 Deposits any be made or withdrawn by either of the two when of: Ian-shalt]. This firirt.of I?!" Emir"! 9m“: “5 "m Win: in the mm- " ski-rank mm totheunkirirwhGintmm, I-tttaio/Gut-dial, u aGiGG ttrth-t_ithoutdeliteemt. Write oemi"oetisrtheepartiaiam. 1rtterestathkdfourtimes- sayimrsBank0ettartmerttittcoetttea%t "itttatiBrmthea. ( H. H. Miller, M. P, It appears to he a serviceable building. 32 tt by 36 ft, 6 in in size t flrgt story contains the Ar- mm'v proper, a mom for the cadet corps. Q. M. Stores. Clothuue Cup. board, Hall, Vestilrule, &e. The sec- ond story contains a large "lecture Room " and rooms for "Company C P") and Band Instruments. There is also it basement and It will he furnace heated. Pleased loshow it to any one. yipecitications are now in the Printer's hands at ()tlmvn and tendon-a will he' asked fur won. I THE'SMNDARD BANK ‘ THE AuMumr- --We, were pleased to rm'mvo last week a (any of a blue print for the Armory to be erected in Durham. through the courtesy of Ir. 'i'ith'Fo'IFGE or thruiurrovou--Thete will be nine hundred performers in the grand International Military Tattoo and Spectm Ie, the Siege of Sebastpol. tlnu is lo lw presented atthe Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. This includes three hundred musicians. the intention being to have eight or ten full Military Bands take part in the Tattoo and Spec! stale every evening Drmnnre is havmg an interesting Lawn Party on the 12th innt.. at which Rev'd's, King and Little of Hol. stein, willappear; also Durham their. Miss Fl, Swanston and Prof. Kyle's Orchestra. A good football match and Banana and Cream Supper are features. Admission 25c and 15c. (him: To FrmsrtEnrosv--On Thurs- day night. the 6th inst,, Flesherton band are holding a large hand concert. Durham Regimental Hand are going ll\'O'l' to assist. as also Markdale and‘ lhmdalk hands. Our band intend] holding A similar ittNir in the riffk here. data to he announced later. I FOREST FIRES --A hush fire of enor- mous proportions has swept through the Crow's Nest puss wiping out com- pletely the town of Fernie and several adjacent places. From 60 to 100 lives are lust and there will he a property loss of over 85,000,000. Fax and Harold Jarvis with other High Class Talent in the new rink on Aug. 21. under the autpicea of the Durham Ptesbrterian Choir. A. H, Jackson ban . number of houses and yscam lots in Durham for sale. The return baseball match between Durham and Markdale teams will take place in Markdale on Friday. August 7. 1 u 2li T,'l'.1'C'ty neg wallets R A l(Jana Inn pr nets an wi om a DURHAM B NCH rtroremy in the adminiattation of p John Kelly. Mun-(er Ilit: affairs. then gustujn _in {newer I BRANCH” “so AV ”mu-on an "tMtnv.Na.n. iOoverntneat of8ir Wilfrid urter. Chicago to Durham. ii..'iiy.so.3rrtlidllle games OFCANADA HeadOffko " " " - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS DURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST. 61908; anSHID "" i An insigniticent piece of humanity {with t. life paraded Poulett St. early in the week and was the centre of cur- iom groups during his performance. His object was of course, charity. and the poor little fellow did not ap- ‘peal in vain. This specimen of the l " Tom Thumb" variety was forty-nine I years old, only three feet four inches In, height, and weighed about 70 lbs. 1 He seemed to be ported: in limb and joint, and had a full grown head with abundance of whiskers. Just where he landed from no one seems to know hut he appears to be keeping safe dis, tance from the circmes or he would have been picked up long ttgm-Owen Bound Sun. . A number of Review subscription accounta have been sent out during the last week at two Willthose re- ceiving them. kindly Rive them im. mediate attention. 49 Years Old-weighed 70 lbs, hruisvd body and a severe shaking up. considering the naturv of the accident Mr Whittaker is upon lo congratula- tions for having encoped with his life, - Bruce Times. J l Luck means rising. at six o'clock in the morning. living on a dollar a. day if you are making teo, minding your own Business and " meddling with other people's. Luck means appoint- ments you have never failed to keep. the train you have neser failed to catch. Luck mum trusting in God and your own resources. Gum” UortN,--Mr U. McDonanll plucked a stalk of cm'in Mrs Walk.. er’s madden last. week measuring 10 ft 2 inches A healthy sample and can be seen at this oitbee. 'D Ihrrrtrcarzx. Durham Baseball team go to Mark- dale to-morrow Friday afternoon. to play the return match and hope to reverse the result of the game here a couple weeks ago. Nortesr.--Having sold out my Inni- neus a." accounts are requested to be settled forthwith. A. H. Jackson is In Issuer of Mar tinge Licenses, Durham, Ont. Bargains in Millmery at Miss Dick’s tit Tute PUBLISHERS. 1f the people want new mnlreta for Canadian products and wisdom and economy in the ndminiattation of puts lic MIMI-s. lthgllgggjq in power the If the people want the lands tor the settler Ind coal lands ttdministered in the interests of the consumer: If the people want a railroad built] from the Snsxamhewan to Had-on: Bay, thus shortening the dint-nee to England by 1,000 miles; I If the people want vigorous prosecu- tion of work on existing waterways: It the J',',',',',,"",' want tariff for revenue I which oes not retard commercial I growth l l If the people want suhsuntisl en. couragement to the " All-Red Line " to divert Australian trnttle via Canada: ia0iisniilfiU" m” "WW" “WT ( Unconfirmed rumors were heard of ____A ._ -.. _ ------ irregulu doings of some of our citi- What the People Want. “mi; We human! one. Zeiug in juiL! If the people want only comNetionly"'t er reports 'IT," trom t e of the Grand Trunk Pacific to relieve brewery. on . stretcher . tutother ".r.n congested transportation conditgons of staggering on the sheets. etc. l I t " the Northwest; . certain Uonatgble Camon was seen Ifkthe pagpla want iugauguos s, with his (out otrt But we think he It?" 321mb: 1et'd'le't's', 'teUdl'lt'., (had them all safely rounded up on the If the neonle want “manna-I on. I w" home. r" nymeneal 'l from o. Sound Sun. "i. l Frrt'rrr--McLARre. be i A pretty wedding took place on Tuesday noon at the residence of the _ bride's brother. Mr. James lcharty. ' 34 Standish Arm, when Mile Margaret rk- McLarty was united in marriage to if) Mr. Joseph w. Firth. B. A., science eaInmate-r of the Collegiate Institute Goaench. Out. The ceremony wan perfotmed by the Rev, G. A. Wood a” side. of Division tit. Presbyterian lk- church, in the presence ot only a few tft near teUtises and intimate friends of an , the. contracting parties. The bride 'was dressed in cream Paris lace over in gchilfon tnffetta silk and carried a 1GG. " i quet of cream roses and the home was: 1lrldecorued with sweat peas and roses. I th I I‘he happy couple were unattended. tt.. After congratulations and a dainty 'P- I Wedding deJeuner. Mr. and Mrs. Firth to l left on the afternoon train for Toron-l ,wrnwn 27th July, in time for not Among the young old people on week's issue. but reached us only on the train were Mr and Mrs Jun. Mc. Tutsday, 4th Attwtst.--Ed" 1 Kelvey, Sn. and thereby hangs a tale, _ _ the romance of which was suggested The following account of the midi by this C. P. R. excursion. death of the son of Mr. Duncan Gamp- . hail. of Bentinck has been sent us lnyi Fifty years ago last T3rd of Noveiln- Mr. Ileynolds '.' [hen a young Durham gent wit I t ie On Monday, July 6, Mr.'.T. G..r'amp, best horse to he had drove to Owen "ell, acvomprtnied by his wife and Bound over roads drifted fence-high "tother-in/iw, Mr Edgar E. Reynolds . . t went. to the Battle. river. t'satsk., with "Vim snnw. P).' .purpoue W” 0 see team and waggon intending to cross a Miss Annie Gillies. and to represent at the ford. Mrs (;h'g'/'/e 1yitihe, the unwisdom of his keeping " Inch " l wait th ir return on t e um . uni . . . about 15.1:an over the horses were than m Durham and she .wykitur Iii washed off theirfeet and swept down Owen Sound when they might as we streY-u'. Both could swim. so Mr live together and pool elm-net's. It 1teynolds called P. Mr 0‘23")er to wasnsensihle proposition, under con- I 1t,t",';',:?r"ie,g1'ie 'edit :zdrsz tnderation t" Home time, so a minister savethem. When he found he was Rev Mr Gibson, was secured. andm Imam" to do but, he looked for Mr the house of Mrs McKenzie the union fit,tyttil),. ”posting f,',. 'l'"2"agit; was consummated that was to last till tut Instea paw tm a..ru . ' motile? current. He swam as quickly the day. That same night they drove as ho could to hel him hut was too I to her father a near Dornoch and later late. MP Campgell sank and J"".' l took up residence in Durham, From seen Ih'l'f"il'id a“ "/igetudigf, l that day on Monday last, Mrs Mc-r t . o n mi " . jp/ld',','," hurried for help, got oat the i Kelver was never m Owen Sound. and neighbors and searched that night hut I the happy thought cune that they without success. The police were then ' would spend one day more in the house "naming“ :hfggazgliéhfufifflfgfiiottheirfriend. who in still alive and e II o . v. . girdle leuminder of the week but living with her daughter Mrs Nichol. were unsuccessful in findipg the body. 1 non, Needless to any the pleasure was Up to time of writing thi, My by ' mutual, and that she saw some differ. L(f,,l"',eetg:f glt,1J,'u9, 3:25:35: lencei from the Owen Sound of that Sask‘.g Mr Campbell. leaves a. wife and far-hack dny. May they have many ittle son u months old. He wu more trips together. onel all"; 6313'”? L'""' Mrs. Duncan Camp-E Uueontirmed rumors were heard of e , e c ' ; He was a successful farmer, a. highly newerled citizen and a devoted mem- i her of the Methodist church. occupy- .ing the pcsition of Sunday School {Superintendent for ever twenty var: 'iat Walsingham Centre. He leaves to inmurn his loss. his wife, five sons: ithiee sisters and a. brother. I The services were conducted by Rev {Mr Jamieson. of Durham. his pastor. {and interment took tsiace at Latonn cemetery. The funeral was largely 'attended. lThe furogning communieation was written 27th July, in time for last Week's issue. hut reached ma only on Tuwduy. 4th Atqtust.--Edq I After a ainful illness of over six months, £9, shave gentleman Paar-d ' away an July 25th, at his home,' north (rd Rocky Snugecn. being conscious I nearly to the last. lie was a native of Germany, born in 18t3, and camalo Canada. alone at the age of eleven yearn, He spent his young manhsod in the vicinity of St Catherines. After his marriage he settled on a farm near Walsingham Centre, Norfolk 00.. where he resided ed thirty years. until his removal about eight years ago to the Rocky. WaWZW‘ Farm for Sale. Lot 27, 28. Uon. 1 B. D, K. Glenda. &5aeres cleared. T acre- bush. Well watered. Good Brick Home. Frame Bank Bun (45x01) imile from pro. pose! station on new 0. P. K. Line, Convenientto School and P. o. Fur- ther puticulm apply on the premises. A powerful Argument in " favor 'is said to be the utety it gave in recent strikes And riots. o. Sound opinions ditter a to the chancel of local option next Inuit-y. Iwith snow. His purpose was to see In Miss Annie Gillies. and to represent the unwisdom of his keeping " Inch " (ball in Durham and she working in Owen Sound when they might as well live together and pool expenses. It was a sensible proposition, under con- sideration tot some time, so a minister Rev Mr Gibson. was secured. and in the house of Mrs McKenzie the union was consummated that was to last till this day. That same night they drove would spend one day more in the house oftheir friend, who in still alive and living with her daughter Mrs Nichol. son. Needless to my the pleasure was mutual, Ind that she saw some differ. encei from the Owen Sound of that far-hack day. Muy they have many more trips together. NOTES. It will not beknown for some time yecjust what the returns for the Li. bnry will be, but it is hoped to be ttufBeient to clear expenses out and more. As 7,30 p. m, drew near. the wander. era began to collect and about that hour the train drew out and Durham was reached without Incident except that, owing to delay! " trirbtats, ind Ceylon, the time was not so good as in the morning. _ Several huge boats were in the hur- bor and we were informed the preyuil- ing depression had kept some of them oat of commission this year. It fa ex- pected that the boom of the western harvest. mil not them " a-going soon. A number had the pleasure " vi ewing the flne " Manitoba " atttoee and he. low. I The excursionilts were favored with beautiful weather and tine service by the C. P. R. Lenin“ at 8.10 a. m. the train pulled into Owen Sound shout one minute before lo, but too late to allow those wanting to so to Meatord to catch the boat. which in. deed was alrsedy crowded to the dan- ger limit. Those who had friends found them out. those who hadn't. found places of interest round the docks. on the hill. in the stores. or in the perks and shady spots of the county town. Mr Flsrity very kindly chsperoned one party of his old Dur- ham friends to point: of interest. not- sblv the Y, M, C. A. Building, with its fltte appomunents for phvsicnl. mental and moral culture. The new Post otfiee and Customs building was (duly admired as were the tlne stores ‘Ind beautiful homes which abound. Flags and streamers displayed for the l " Old Boys " were still in evidence but i the artist who spelled it “Welcome GRAY Old Boys " should never be for- given, and won't be by the other class i, f, those not " Gray l. " About one hundred and titty people patronized the Public Lihrary excur- Iion on Mondar Int. our civic holi- dar. A Inge proportion were from the country nearto Dal-bun and one is forced to conclude that the chime of the Library, I. beneticentinstitu- tum, do not weigh heavily on the minds of many of the citizens. Publilhod Wuklyl m 01.00 I you. The Excursion. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Joint chmun. Prop Durham Branch: J. c. TELFORD. --- M...“ Pad-up Capital. . . . . .. ....$4,350,ooo TotalAwets over.........33,ooo,ooo its received and interest paid or an four times a year at highest cut-meat rates. 800cm A.tAtt1t1ttryrr)uantsns' Business Of Canada. HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Traders’Bank Just n tew days left r, bay at about halt price. It B Keeler & Sons Take a look through our store 1nd you will see genuine blrgnins from one end of the store to the other. And the people are buying cheaper dun they ever bought before. Come with the Crowds Bargains I Bargains t THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT Ofrets will he received by the um]. I drum up to August the Nth fot t " o Debentures hearing Gpercent ml emu. payable year! in magnum-.1) Dean of ink-rant an; principal. nude By-llw No. 535 Bridge. The alum Debentures will he sold ml Mm- ot' in 31mm". The Yellow Label The REVIEW. 25c. to Jan, Ist, to New Subscribers. Order it for that friend oi yours. "on your district al P. R, agent, who wi, times of special trains B. Foster. District Pa C. P. P., Toronto. For the three exc special trains mu points on the C. P. my doubt as to d from your district August 1911: and Sept. 9th, from all stations on Toronurt"sartiia line and south thereof (in Canada.) August 22nd and Sept. n. from all stations east of Torouto-North Bay line, to and including Kiturston. . August 14th and Sept. 8th, from All cations in the territory between Toronto-North Bay line and Toronto. Sunk line. To meet u far " possible the un. usual demand for farm laborers in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Canadian 1ucitie Railway will run special second class excursions from ttll Ontario stations. Cost of a one-way ticket to Winnipeg is $0.00. Ind from -Winnipeg to points where laborers contract to work they will be carried without charge. After at least one month's work in the harvest field, a ticket back to Ontario start- ing point will be issued at $18.00. Tickects are only good on Farm leorers' special trains, and will be issued to women, but no half-rate tor children. Leaving dates of excur- siona are as follows I - Ofhee closes " I p. m. Friday Open until 4 p. m. Saturdays That‘s why we are so busy The big Sale is still on at KEELER'S. Tells the dastetowhieh yo ur sub- Icmtion has been paid. Our In all» via this week coc- rected up to date. If your-- in not correct. kindly notify us at once. We dunk all who have renewed the put few weeks but there are yet many others we wish to bar from at once. Debentures lur Sale. C. BAIAGE l SUN. Pumas an Poms 25,000 Men Wanted for Western Harvesting. Farm Laborers' Excursions. WM. M. VOLLETT, Cletk it pt. H. from all 'to-North Bay Kingston. . ions in August ) run tman all If you are in of excursion ply to local C. I also furnish or write to C. isenger Agent. “use: ll

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