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Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1908, p. 2

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m deference to his superiors." Cannot go 'Lth theireleie shrewd. prseicnl Dense of livid admonished him of the folly ot attempting web a mmhmt with wospone will! which he had no skill. -Terry. "He 5 I wim- man who knows what he enn- llot do as \wll WA what he can." Put than off "Thin was likewise from the Lord. who would have it made msnifest that his neri‘ant fought snd conquered by faith, and that the victory won from him. who works try the most despised means nnd instruments.”;8eott. wto. no stall in. shepherd's emok. Five smooth 'ttones-Had they been rough or angular, they would not have passed ensily through the air. Shep- herd's bat-Used to carry his dolly food. Ming A favorite m-npnn of Eutern shepherdm It mu also very elloctivo in war, and was regularly ',re,'cl; not only by the Israelite troops, ut ska by the Syrians, the Egyptians out! the Per. unm. Bil». Die. "The sling is composed of l no strings and n lesthern strap. The 'trap is in the middle, and u the place alwrv the ttyt' litat ‘h Elli! Q the right end of the strsp is, 1rf,','/,'h'd cued no the thumb. The string on the left is held ho-tween the thumb snd middle joint s! the forefinger. It in then whirled two or three times round the head, and when din-hanged, the finger and thumb let go their hold of the string on the lelt and." The sling was s tormideble weapon in the hand at n skillul person. A stone iould he hurled with s velocity that would make it as total no it rifle-hall. it “as a very common woupun in David's time. Seven hundred left-handed Ben- inmjniu-s could sling gt s hair's-breadth. " Humane come "tr-Goliath, "in his shining armor, with his drmdiul clanking 'ramp under the hundredweight of men- s1." 42. Looked nbout -"He unlined the _ whole scene. and could hardly persuade himself that this boy was Israel’s chum- lon." Dbrdained hitttoottq)tt seemed Leona! that such s young, “normed lad In livid should approach him. "The in. tlaito resourons of sllianos with God are not visible to the heedless and hostile world. linehrietisn people do not tMt. deratnnd the character and nerviceshle- would make lt It was a very a time. Seven 1 Ilium} mcould at. bin-tine wining armor, bump under tl II.” 4e.Looke 12m no. “. of God'n hip. They derided David: they derided our Saviour on the emu; they deride no altuoat "at; day of our Kin-o. oolleetively and individually. You have not gone v", [at in Christian ox- periem it you have not been tmined by the dnrision of worldly men, who in tin- Gohath is typical of the giant heathen. inn. Goliath was. I. A punlh‘rous foe. The heathen world I! so extensive that " m-vm»: imeomsilslt to rrneh it with gos- t l truth. 2. An insulting, haughty foe. T,at'f,1j,t, religions are contemptuous to. wn! the Christian religion, a. An easily eomptered thw. livid is B type of the aris tlan who values with the smooth atom; of the Te, truth to combat the sin and norm of the world. l. David was small and Appeared htsirnifieant. The Christin religion up your. small and weak as eoetred with the other yliglons of the world. E David [manned ml pow". Rh help van in God.."Onr. with God, in n III-jot- ttr." 8. David'. Ito-pone were “In. “The weapons of our Inf-n an not .ml. but mighty through GM " the -lihttt down of strongholds" n (in. lo: O.1\nli¢h¢ofth "0th qna-ta.th.tGr.omtror-Mk- uteri“. wmetimn In “In, and raps: tom of the parts I t-ted."---Bit, .Oie. 'tttempt Dad deference to (8) faith in lit. David H. His arm I. R. Y. is “ m. ”mid sluyi Conan: (u. 334m) ’8. Hi, "rmor The word for "armor" In R. v. is "apparel." "Probably n apo- I'sl military drenn adapted to be worn with armor." Cam. Bib. Coat of mail --The nneient Hebrews were partieultsr ly attentive to the personal safety ot their warriors. "The coat of mil was tt.uafty made. of leather or some plum ta Th D: ll. David on" " l " In Hi, If m errtirmsted to have 1.37 pounrN; while the n- m-iglu-d about mne- thme times you size I armor were of immea- ugo in battle. This A giant defied the arm- »rning um! evening tor nmoarayu-u sent dummy of Saul and his people. soldiers dared to tight 1 one could overcome linnry \vmpuns of Int. n to fight Goliath (vs. this point David up 'env, and, much to the Saul, offered to chann- I Inrael and no oat and e. At lint. Saul hesi- mn convinced the king I the elements new» and Saul reluctantly going. David's state. hows that he had (I) gth, (3) agility. (4) mm ability, (ii) humil- nce, (7) wisdom, 5nd wred with metal- . ot taking the the body it pro- . Assayod to go "By making the his courtesy and ion.” Cannot go this year and the excellent results that have already accrued have been so marked that the Hon. Nelson Mon- teith, Minister of Agriculture, has HY: sented to extend the competition sti‘l lturther by arranging to have the two prize winners in each ot the ditlerant Agricultural Societies competing enter into a Provincial contest " the winter hire " Guelph and Ottawa. Each exhibitor Will be required to inward two bushels of the grain wit' which he takes it prize in tit, Standing Held Crop competition thr yum. [he amounts altered in prizes ".t with of the above named winter Inns “in bo lst, $35; 2nd. $30; 3:t. $20, 4th. tlo; 6th. " All societies west of in routt will compete at Guelph and those east. of Toronto at Ottawa. Each ex- hibitor will send his grain by express C. o. D. addressed to the superintend- ent of the fair at Guelph or Ottawa and the transportation charges will be paid by the Department of Agri- culture. . The grain winning the prizes at _ htese winter fairs will become the pro- lpertyotthe dept. and will be used l,for. experimental purposes. All grain exhibited other than that taking prizes will be sold by auction at to a. m. on the morning of the last day (of the fair and the ,.rnces.‘.s remitted .by the department to the owners. ) An attidavit must be furnished by leach exhibitor at the time of making {entry certifying that all the grain ex- hibited by him and was grown on the lplot which was judged by the otticial sent by the Federal Department to ‘judge the strain while standing in the itield, ”will: to the fact that there were n t a sufficient number of JO- cieties entered in other kinds of gnin we are confining this competition at I the winter fairs to oats. a l l Bir,--The i eieties which Standing Pi To Compelltorsin Standing Field Crop Gmpetitiorts for experimental purposes. All grain exhibited other than that taking prizes will be sold by auction at l0 s. m. on the morning of the last day of the fair and the "roeeeiis remitted by the department to the owners. An affidavit must be furnished by each exhibitor at the time of making entry certifying that all the grain ex- hibited by him and was grown on the plot which was judged by the oifioial sent by the Federal Department to judge the strain while standing in the field. thn: to the fact that there were n t a sufficient number of JO- cieties entered in other kinds of guilt we are confining this competition at the winter fairs to oats. Further particulars will a mailed you later. I trust that you will a predate the desire of the Minister tr Agriculture to improve the standard of the grain crops in the Province ot Ontario and give us your hearty cooperation in crops in the Province ot give as your hearty co-4 this important movement yours. - - . . -., St. Peterslturtt, Aug. 3.-- A special despatch received here from Tabriz. Persia. says that the horsemen undor Rachid Khan, who is operating on the side of the Shah, hove pillagod the Russo-Persinn Rig: School " Tabriz, destroying the lo ntory and library of the institution. Later they tracked the watchman of an American sew- ing machine compm’z. locum next door to the school. hiding the ma. chines too heavy to am away on hombock. the pillage“ sold them ott to whoever would bui- and for wh-t- out they could get. he price. nuc- qaeevtmie-t.toS0esarttaattuetn, PROVINCIAL PRIZES TO BE OFFERED caste are the armor in which heathen religions are eneased. "Au-ording to the latest and most trustworthy statistic! the grout religions of the world are rep- resented as follows: Christians, 550,000,- 000; Coniueianisso, ete., 200,WJn,000; Mo. hammturans, 21T,000,000; Hindu, 209,- 000,000; Pug-mu, 175,!illl,t)00; Buddhists, L'ly,000,b"uro," "of the l‘liristians it is reckoned that about '27'2,f'Ah9,000 are Roman Catholic; 160,000,000 Protestant, and HEW” Eastern Catholics." Says a writer, "A friend of mine was standing on the top of one of the sacred mountains in China, visited annually by thousands of pilgrims, and he noticed one man who had climbed up those thoummh of stops upon his knees. He said to him, 'What are you looking fort' ‘Ull,’ he said, 'l am looking for heaven.' “Have you found it? INo,' he said, ‘I feel and I feel, but I cannot. find the door.' Jesus is the door; but those who must med that door are groping blindly tor it and variant. find it. You and I may have the privilege and the joy of helping tin-In find that door. ls there anything in “in that can be compared with that t" "They that turn many to righteotsmss (shun shine) as the Mars for ever and not" (Dan. 12:3). 64:11). Heothenum u an Goliath. Ignorance, cum are the nrmur (2 Iurr. 10:4). Not farce but faith is our victory (I John 5:4). 11. Discard wurldiy weapons. “David amid unto Saul. i cannot go with there, for l have not proved them" (v. 39). "We do not war aiter the flesh" (2 Cor. 10:3). our warfare is a spiritual war- fare, not against unbelievers, but Igninut t1nlwhei. Our weapons are "mighty through God" ie Cor. 10:4). His promise In, "Nuieapun that is form. ed against thee ti ll prosper" (In. armed David w But David had Sam's coat. of u wvapnns of our te Cor. 10:4). our victory (1 Je H. Discard w said unto Saul, for l have not "We do nut war vid', reply.' 1vm.ril which Goliath wan t rural result? Of wt David typical? Win world u Chrutianir.e census of the world, i'RAtTICAL A The (hrislian is thendom. "'O lion, that twinge-t good tuiingr, pet thee hp into the tugh moun- tain'--the mountain of vision, where the darkness of tho world may be seen." Question-Who came to fight against luau-l? What mm the poaitson at the two armies? What giant defied lame}? Why wan >1:le at tum, unwiilim: to al- low Infill to 3:) against himt What did Danni“ ntatptnvrrt to Saul show? Why “(ANIMAL APPLICATIONS. he (hrislian is a "soldier" (2 Tim, M. lt is a "tight-ot faith," for ("mum-an and holiness (t Tim. 6:12; 'im. 4:7). God is our eummnnder. touch-Ll: our hands to war (2 Sam. G; Pan. 144:1); and "who teacheth him?" {Job 3:13:22). PILLAGING IN PERSIA The increased number mu: tioU's weapons. "bum id with his armor" (v. 38). had a better defence than of mail (kph. 6:11-18). "The our warfare are not carnal" 4). Not force but faith is (1 John 5:41. Locheed Wilson, Superintendent ld ,ht io David? What was DI- vm-ilw the Mann" in 'zu slain. What was the ' what are Goliath and What portion of the sed number ot so- taking part in tho Crop competitions xcellent results that Itavidt it IPP It portion of the d.' Give the religious armored, mauive superstition and in which heathen "According to the appur m to v Desvril its p0 Faithfully s. “Saul ' (v. as). nee than the slug poat , w Gnu-Diggers Halted - Aristocratic Relatives Shocked and Amazed, but Obeyed the Injunction. New York, Aug. 3.--The killing 0! fish by the pollution of waters in which they feed and spawn has become n mat- ter for international consideration Thin is the opinion of Dr. David Starr Jor- dan, President of Leland Stanford Uni. versity, and one of the most eminent ichthyologists of America, who is a member of the International Fishery Commission. This body, consiating of United States and Canadian experts, was created in accordance with the pro- visions of a treaty between the United States and Great Britain, and is engag- ed in the tank oi framing statutes which shall protect the fish in international waters along Lake Champlain, the St. I‘m-once River and the Great Lakes. When theme statutes have been adopted they will be enforced by the general governmentl of the trrtttrrnnkintr pow- In tt letter to Edward Hatch, jun., of Sew York, Dr. Jordan lays: Pittsburg, Aug. 3.-"See that Pm buried near the old gray home. He m" my faithful friend. I'd rather be bur- ied in - than in that cemetery, “Dong the wells.” "It seems to me that the pollution of international waters is a. matter which this commission tttttat take very Deri- ously. We that“ provide ndvqunte mum for rrintorrintt whatever statute an adopted. The New York statute RPPtt19 to cover the ground very well. but I am told it in not enforced against the great pulp mill corporations.” This was the instruction given James McMillan, executor, by Warren Phil- li a, a wealthy farmer, of Upper St. Crm township, some weeks before his death, which has just occurred. The rich {Inner ha been interred by the side of his old my horse, "Phil. Sheri. dan," and Western Pennsylvui: tongues are wagging wildly on: this man INSISTED THAT HE BE BURIED BESIDE HIS HORSE. Mun Grfil. An Imperial inde made. puime to-day convokes the first Turkish Purlilment under the new constitution for Nov. 1. The document nmmuncing this decision appeals to the people to cease their de- monstrations pointing out that u the Sultan has proved his good sentiments and his intentions strictly to observe the constitution and labor for the prosper- ity of all his subjects there is no long. er roman to continue the manifest.- tions, which only impede progress. Pollution of Water Condemned by Member of Commission. It is believed that the Sultan will make these concessions, although to do no ie difficult. Some of the officials " ready have been removed, and it is be. lien-d that others will either flee the country or seek refuge at one of ue foreign legislation. It is apparent that the Sultan is becoming uneasy. Troops yesterday evening prevented further de- monstrations in front of the palace. A" grave which had been prepared for Phillips by his widow before she bee-no acuua:rttr0 xith the remarkable pro- vision which her husband hm! made for his own interment, both by word of mouth and in bi. will had been mud. In the thence of the executn Phil- Constantinople, Aug. 3.--The crisis in Turkish affairs in by no men: over. The demonstrations that have been in favor of the Sultan may at any mom. ent turn against him if he does not yield to the demands of the constitution party for the dismissal of the palnco camarilla. ml. whom he had aid to “.64 L; Populace Wants His Old Advisers Dismissed. Sultan Sees No Need for Further Demonstrations. vision. The pieces oi a lune glass bottle which lay near the body led the police to believe that acid had been used, pon- sibly to disfigure the body or to can" the fire to burn more briskly. The police are working on the theory that the woman was murdered, and her body carried to the dump and set on fire to conceal the crime. A physician's examination disclosed that the body was that of a womnn. and small pieces of clothes and hairpins found near the body confirmed this de. cision. The pieces oi a large glass bottle which lay near the bodv led the police New York, Aug. 3.--An autopsy will be necessary to determine the cause of the death of the man or woman whose charred body was found in I bonfire on a vacant lot in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn to-day. The legs and arm: of the vivtiat were nearly burned off, and the body so disfigured that the polite were unable to decide the lax of the victim. A nobleman, who discov- end and extinguished the fire, was de. tained by the police, who have no infor- mation as to how the body was plowed in the fire. . Poli BODY FOUND IN BONFIRE. Ihdigttred Remains of a Woman Disccverei ht Dump. pa FARMER’S TOMB. amp no" bring interred amoetute ice Believe She, Was Murdered and Placed In Fire. FISH KILLED. KEEP QUIET. Vankleek Hill, Aug. aim. Malcolm McCallum, who raids in Eaat Hawkesbury, about six miles from Van. kleek Hill, bad three cowl and three harm poisoned by some unknown puny lenving Paris green in the pasture. Dr. Metallic had one of the dead animls ex. mined. and found Paris green, and u a result a search was made and quaatities of Paris green were found in .eveul places. Some one also tried to burn down Mr. McCAHum’a barn, but the fire was discovered in time to prevent it trom doing any damage. Mr. Maxwell, tho Crown Attorney, bu communicated with the Gonza- ment otfieUU, no! it is exacted I nun will be gem. hero iuun iatoly to in- vestignte. Mr. McCallum married. a daughter of Mr. Alex. McKenzie, of St. Anne do Prescott, L few weeks ago, trnd it in re- ported that prior to the Wedding she wt. told that it she married McLuhan the would have no luck. lt u reported the that McCallum found a note post. ed on the fence saying he would have more trouble. This happened after the first. cows died. new of the conditions and opportuni- ties of Canada. and the other great colonies. The unbounded hospitality shown him undo him wish on return- ing that Canadian.- were not. so mru3t swamped in the Mamas of London's Largest Cutlery Manufacturer in Sol- Inpn Goon to tho Wall. Cologne, Aug. 8.--F. W. Knuth, the largest cutlery manufacturer of 501m- gel is irsolsent, it was unnounced .veaterda.v, as the result of the failure of the Fohugen Bunk. of Solingen, who“ forum! tankruptcy Wu declared July 25th. lfavth'l unt- are said to exceed hit 1inbitities by 81m. Anothn large cutlery 'stotstfaeturtrtg and exporting firm, Von Zur tuttten, suspended on Suturdny, and it I. re- ported in fin-acid circle- hm w ituainttd with the situation " Soun- gel that about forty further Im- slonl are erperted there, thee be!“ dbl!) and! thm.. London, Aug. 3.- The Prince of Wales told a special currespoudvnt of the Times thtt he was profoundly moved by the experiences of bin Cinn- dian visit. It made him feel more than we: the Ibsolutn necessity ofitt. creaned efforts to make the people of (that; Britain understand the great- social'life. He hoped that efforu would be made to overcome 'ohia and strengthen the social links yhich In growing more important every day, MR. M'CALLUM'8 STOCK POISON. ED BY PARIS GREEN. East Hawkesbury Farmer Loses Three Cows and Throo Horses, and His Barn is Fired-Poison Found Spread Over the Pasture, Canada's Greatness Must be Made Known. The jury was given the case for consideration, and a. disagreement was anticipated-later in the day when heated arguments were heard. Then a water goblet was sent hurling through the glass door of the jury room and Judge Beitler ordered Bail- iff James Hart to quell the disturb- ance. Hart discovered halt a dozen jurors in a clinch, chairs were broken, and the room was in general confu- sion. Two of the men were exchang- ing blows and the others were striv. ing to separate them. Hart was told that the Jury stood eight for acquittal and four for conviction and that the battle started when one of the men tried to "eonvinee" another. Judge Beitler dismissed the jurors with a reprimand and ordered the ease for re-triul August 26th. Chicago, Aug. 3.-- Person] violence in the jury room yesterday brought to a sudden termination the case of Eugene B. Hanson, manager of a. 1'u. kish theatre in Amusement Park, on trial before Judge Beitler for present- ing an indecent show. Jurylnen Disagreed Over An hs. decent Show Trial. FIGHT IN A siéii JURY ROOM. There we: almost a riot among the aristocratic Phillips connection when it became known that Warrem had chonen to lie beside his old gray hone instead of in the pretty little cemetery on the hill where the Phillips family for mnny generations had been buried; but there Wins no way out of it, and the cemetery grave was filled and a new one opened beside that of Phil. Shaman on the other hill, and there the farmer was buried, Rev. Chester A. Wyckoff read. ing the burial service. 7 avoid, but at the lut moment Squire Andrew McMillen, who had drawn Phil- lips' will, rushed to the front, deelar. ing that the will must be opened. now; that there mut be no wrong interment. Unwedi en were required to rest on their lpfges while the will we: sent for and opened. The first paragraph read as follows "1 direct that my body be plainly and durum, buried on the northeast portion of my farm; place to be selected and my burial to be under the direction and control of my executor hereinafter named, and I direct that no mark of any kind shall be pllced on my grave. Executor McMillan was then sent for and said that his instructions were to bury Phillips close to "Old Phil," whose bones had rested in the northeast part of the Phillips farm since Decem- ber, 3, 1899. PRINCE IMPRESSED. RUINED BY BANK'S FAILURE. HAS ENEMIES. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ”.m‘ memo: Roosevelt will Mucu- with New York Republic-n lender- odvluMluy of run- ning Hughe- tor Governor for new an... Brynn my .1le tho lump to lu‘q nun “caution of Democrat platform. Erie mu m the eight-hour Jaw. Common“! ormluuong rqtort Mr bum.- in MD. Montreal-There baa been but little change in the trade conditions during the past week. The volume of busineu does not materially improve. although acme wholesalers state they find orders acme- what heavier than was the cue a week ago. Trade ha been to acne extent affected by the recent unfavorable vea- ther for crop: in Quebec province, al- though condition. continue moat favor. able in other part- of Canada. The hay crop in about an average, and oata are not looking nearly an well n has ex. pected. All this has had home effect upon country trade, and orders for m; have wttered in consequence. [13de activity baa not been hunted by than new wont. mm. larttdom-'No wool Ill“ were continued to- day with offering of Waht baht. A omtkll “only ot merino. sold at unchanged mu; cross-ttreds. comqrr1sinq a. butt of offer- lnga. were in good deal-ml. though the in- teelor 901'. outlaw irregular. The wtth- drawn)- to-day were fairly numerous and scoured any. worn in good request. mum by France. Suitable llnu of my were when to America. Tho follow“; ll tho “I: In dean: New South wntee-4r00 bole-1 mun-d. " " to u M: m. led " ttd. Quees1attd--100 balm: mom-ad, " M to u Sly-,4: "my. 359d to tod. New Beiatt6- 8,300 hula: wound. M to " M; my. Mid to 106. Punt. Arett--4M00 balm: may. at! to 10d. "%eonto.--Gettemt business coating. to M n improving ttttte Ian. " Cows In London 'II a. It?" yum”. Nu York bunk; loot. u. Moo through .ut.-Ttteut1yrretey Enrico fwd}; "irta'to riviv'e MCI. sauna: Line wide: for “0.0001100 ot new '.t'S/'L'ti 'llal's' 000 at bonds. _ _ . "“533; ivorklnx on who: to any on What In: and we Di. 8.000000 impending in debtednou. - . -- _ _ Wool prices. which this man have been much lower than nuts. m not Itkoly to go higher. but still lower. It the London wool Bates. of my Indludon if the trend of tho mlrket. and would drew the Quentin ofour readers to the report rd (ho Damian In!" of the 28th. where . doetir1o of trom 2% to 10 her ram. has taken place on the highest cries: during the present Berirm, which bring- " dunes hack to mutually the old level. In vial of thier and the {not that the nie- hlva been shortens-d by seven days and some - balm hive been vithdnum the pram)! aerlu as they have been quota! for Canadian {bore durum the pro-ant 591")“ ttav" been won with!!! the "In" of I .tiberat price. "cuiiGCruvon 1585111 Gonna. and pin: now emttrrl [Maya $9191.. - "shiE-Ta'dx in be tried in Taxman-co courts Summer next on 1.6N counu. for which murmur: etetait.r it 339000,.900 - Wheat-duty $1.06 asked, October 91w: bid, member bk bid. Oi-July “he. October sage bid. MON'PREAL LIVE 8100K. Moutrmrl--About L50 head of hutchen' eat- tie. c, miluh cows, 150 can”. 300 cheap Ind Lamb: and soo hit hon wen: offend tor Illa " tho cut end muon- to-day. This bot weather had I dam-suing effect on trade. but there were no mute-rill ell-nu- in prion. excepting tht hon no lower; prime beevel sold at Hie to Sign per pound; pretty good cattle. " to Sc. and the common stock. We to in“ Twr pound There wrre a number of hard looking hulls on tho market, which told at about 'de per pound. Mitch om told " 825 to 360 each: Chive. Bold u " to no ouch: sheep sold " also to 4c pu- pound; lambs at u to $6.60 ouch: good Ian at at box? acid at (7.15 to 8735 per cut. Iatndorr-urttdon able. tor each In steady. It 111se to IMio per pound. area-ad weight; refrigerator beef in quoted at 10Wt to 1014c per pound. CHEESE 3mm .Montrenl-4trtde: eastern. Trye to 1116c: I'm-urns. ree to 13lie. Wcodsrtocle-Fturtoriet, offered 765 whit. Ind 1.1x; colored: salon M n "-1Be. Mldowm boxen cheese boarded, “I "ti- lng n 11 15-16c. BRIT'tim CATTLE IARm. NEW YORK SUGAR MARK“. trugar--ruw, firm; rm, rennlng. tfae; certtrituml, " test. ti; melanc- sum. 3.4“ to 3.50s; refined study. WINNIPEG WHEAT MARKET. Following no the claim audition: on Rfyyaoer mm futures: - steep sud tatrtu-ortt. run-kn wu ttrm for “men. but hmbs sold at lower quotsuoua. Export viva told M. $1.75 to " per curt; Cyl", 3.1m 83.25 per own; lambs sold from 8 to 8.66 per cm. Hettrs--Mr. Harrie reported hog prices un- changed from last week's quotations; select). 86.9.) fed Ind watered at the market, and mum. 8.6a Butcltersr-'Ne highest price reported u be- imt pm tor I load ot butchen' olttle, sud they were good. tho but on the market, VI. for I load sold by Marine, Wilson a Halt, weighing 1.060 lbs. ouch. u. 85 per cwt. Geo. Rowntreo. who bought no cattle tor the Harris Abattoir Company, reported " beat lands at $4.40 to “.85; good now. and med- ium butchcm' at $3.25 to SL5; unmet: at 312;!) to $u'i0_pur can, Milken and tittttrer.--'rlserrs In. A good trade tor good qualities M unchanged quota- tions. Prices uni-d from M to $57 not _ YEII puvuTVeu caquwere reported In Exporters-mo load- ot export Item were reverted on (he market, although one or Mro loan could hive been duposmi of. A bm export bum warn reported an being sold " 8-535 19 tcu, per an. A _ Faded adu/ocirisA-A few ot both clun- wtry.t.sutt al_ upchcngod Quotations. - Renewal ot live stock u an an mung to reported by the railway. we" " cu loads. composed ot 1.13.: cattle. 1.788 310’. 1.4112 sheep amt Inuit». with Igri calves. Them irtirrtlrir" auumurtriatiio on “in to-dar. Vent oaIvt-iia-car,hG van; ris] ttir." “0";ng ft 'Ars " per can Do., emery ... .. ... .. Emu. dozen ... .. .. .. .. ... Chickens. may, wreued. Itt. Fowl. per lb. ... .. .. .. ... Ducks, wring. lb. ... .. .. .. Cabhm. per dam ... .. .. Ottioas,oer bl; .. .. .. ..... Mien, nov. bush ... .. .. Beet. Mancunian ... .... .. Do.. ftsrerquarter. ... .. .. .. Do.. choice, was. ... .. .. Mutton. per q-wt. .. .. ... .. Von). prime. per mm .. .... lamb. wring. not out. .. .. SUGAR MARKET tet. Luvrenco III'II'I are quoted u “lion: Haunted, $6.00 " barrels, and No. 1 gold- co. $4..) in burnt. The” price. " to: do- livery; on lots be less. LIVE Hoax. bd., néw'fioi' gum. per ton FARMERS' MARKET. There VII no gum reached to-dar, and mucus u. purely normal. HAY gland more freely and rulud rim. 5 land: 5014 " :1; to 816 a ton tor old, nod no to $11-50 for my. Cu, pad ot unv Doll “A”: 5 E992 w... .w... oats, bush. .. Bum. bum Pan. busts. . HAY. old, ton Bauer: dkiiF ure,Gi 133; '5";sz “CRIS-Ac; iidV Etiyhtr mold " “50 to " ind navy " "?yrat, wjaite. bush En-o "iiraiaea 'Ciireiind fad (taming of Bradstreet" Trade Review. TORONTO MARKETS. OTHER MARKETS. WALL STREET News WOOL MARKET. s98; ttlat' The Loan Will " Floated In Full. last nigfit mu Huuu m3 the iril: iater visited the jail ad asked to to. Albert. The requedt wu refused. sad the juilet, thinking the incident. cloud, went upstairs. During his them- A box in pllced out-id. Albert's cell win. dow, Min Ridge“ mounted it, AM. clamping Albert's hand through the hp red window, was made his wife. Tom“. Aug. 3.--Ron. Colonel My meson, Provinclsl Treasurer, is planning . trip to Englsnd in October to 'lo" I loan of ",000,0oo, credit of whteh w. given by the Legislsture at the Inst 0.- sins. and of which the Government have “fled themselves to the extent at .1- 000.000 on tr-ttrr nous. Most ot the many is for the It.- sion M the Tanisha“. t Norm Ontario Rather, inch is now beiag built from Xstheso- to lash s can. tion with the Guard hunk Milo. I. this work the may hss boon his. {ro- the m m of the PI. 'g?ruteLt.ithtytrini'"i'tlii O A - -“A* . - V Cripple Creek, COL, Aug. 8.---A - rings " the county jail took phat nude: unusual circumstances but night, when Prof. Ham Albert, A masirian, for. merly of Omaha, and Min Grace Hui-ell, of Ottumwa. Iowa, daughter of the United State. Mamhal " that Phat. were declared man and wife by the Rev. Mr. Inman, a Methodist mink!” of Gord. field, Col. Alberta armt wan mused Sunni-y by the girl's (“her to we“ the 'etttrr the chug. being inunity. I--¢ .: . Art, u_1_-n -- u. . _ V --v - - “WWI I. the treasury nob. 'tiven f" the " “an “I be Mum Great indignation h felt in th. British colonies, and it is expected that the lid of the British Government will be nought to secure ta protection Igu'uat the meth. od- of President Cutro. Knot Was Tied Through our: Barred President Outta bu now honed u de. 01th prohibiting the tie-puck of wands with cargo for Grands, or other thumi. in the Antilles, thereby cloning the gulf ports entirely to export and import mm with the West Indian. Port of Spain, Aug. 8.--Followtq h issuance of a decree by President Mo last May prohibiting the detuttt of v.- eels from Venezuehn gulf pom to Ttini. dad, coco: and other Venezudun pro- duct. have been forwarded from ttrem ports to the Island of Grenada, in the leaner Antilles, and than. to Trinidad. Yet He Was Duehamed Fun the Penucoll, FU., Aug. K-The tteartag of teatimony presented in the criminal court in the cue of Geo. C. ts'eudamore. alleged embeuler of 870,000 from the Penn-col; Bank a Trust 00m y, end. ed hot night. The court. detainI Senda- more to be mentally ioeapat" ot con- ducting his defence. The defendant In. adjudged inane name months up all Beat to the uyhun. Then the It: mun, after ',ttthd"n, for I an. of weeks, declared im to be feigni', sud dismissed him from the asylum. President Castro Cuts Off Trade With the West Indies. cam-km The nomination of Hingen wu much- ed on the third ballot. (have. was named for second pile. on the ticket by accllmntion. John I. Shrppard, of Kansas, who tit. tmuptou to pu'. W. J. Bryan's name in nomination, had to be ngn the protec- tion of the entire force of the lndepend- wee party officials to in“: him from Che infuriated delegates. sheppsrd wan escorted from the lull by : detail of sergeants-Manna, while the crowds of delegates surged ground and denounced him a. a traitor. The National committee wu expected to meet to-dny, having been turthoriaed by the convention to fill any and nit vs- Chicago, Aug. 3.-TU First Nntiond (Joust-cu of the Independent party fin- ished its labors only today, after nom- inating Thomas L. lumen. of Manchu- sctw, for President oi the United Sum-s, and John T. Graves, of Gem-gin, for Viee-Preasideut, and adopting n platform of prineiyles. Presidential Nominee ofthe hi” :ASSAULT AT KENDRA MAY pendent Partr. sun IN MURDER. "* I'll! "an. "ttaw, Trade ll moderate, .ntsmah active preparation? are going {mud forward for later bullneu._ " .. =__a, I‘llwllu IVE IOU-PI -.-i-- Hamitton,--Whokstue Ind retail trade is fair to good, the tendoncy in the former being towards further Imman- ment. Country trade in quiet, and collec- tions Il‘e only fair. Full und winter orders for general lines promise well. London.. Geneml humus hem holds . study tone. 'GUiiV-i7iiiieo trade uquiet, of the tnvelleu an off the road, I ing the fete. _ . . Vumouvcr 1nd Vi mu holds . good "ytthe tet.. ports from Dunno no u crop condition! are in even able. Sorting orders here up well, and {all and win continua brisk. In the m goods them an none In! lulu. wluu. v..._-_ M-e"" up well, and full 1nd winter basin“! continue- brink. In the matter ot dry goods them on some authorities who go no for u to prophesy n noon! to.» son’n trade, olthough this opinion in hurdly general. The venom yield, of grain will be Inger thou ever before, and that of Ontario will be good. Fol: wheat in already being shipped, nod it! quolity in excellent. __, A -. A-, _s -t.. I.-. "tu.. (Ill-In] II wanna-u. Winnipeg- Plenty of rain haa folks in In parts of the country during the put week, and the outlook for crops MI still further improved. Vancouver 1nd vietorin.-d1eneral Plus; DECLARED INSANE, THOMAS L. MILLIONS FOR PROVIF"E. WHERE LOVE LAUGHED. CLOSED PORTS. from Onurio and Asylum " Sane. Window tone gm}; way favor. here IN keeping the we “I Nntiond ’Youn‘ Englishman Named Johnso-u uty fin- Goo; Insane Over Unpaid Boerd tar uom- I Bill and Fractures Mrs. Ham. lnuuhu- I phries' sown With Hummer. the Unit-4 can. numb." Will How Auction I“... New York, Am. 8.-tt is proposed to V mun I. open “the! for new, [mm - h this city. An ludilm sun tr' one hm tons ofthe new“ print Ir " I lat angui- is nuanced for Aug, J, '2" Iohtt Kor6. ot the Ameriean .\'t~w-1n.l'n'r Publish-r6 Malian. Frequent In: I ar tmetiesq nle- we to ram. n " M; “and that“ will have the eftw" yt tt . ttmd - Ind to "up the m " all“ " term "we. Three Hundred British . P.'s Pie ed to It. Removal. Loondon. Aug. lain MINIMUM“ ' the nuwtrducuGed embargo um _ _ diam cattle, it in “and that then: now three hundred nu-mlwrn m I'... mom and wwnl Mini-tun. [DH-dun; in removal. It I.“ been [minim that 24“.!!!) had of (‘unmlizm ' V were immortal durin" mm.“ E-gr-. mer The commiuhiou appointe- in the matter of the men! not include the question bum. no (I dinn to n Starvation of Dupendent Youth tonuptod by Police. was not only invi-ilnlu. but silo-m. coming. reputed the nffnir to t live. who 'rsterdny deeided to dr orhnuution in 1-11th tuiiii" he cannot mover. l'uriu. Aug. S.--A you" lawn henna“. In. [or I Winnim. Aug. c. .. I from nll parts of the pruvi Inuit": at the when: linn vim-kl lumigrntirn Am-m morning. "in ennrmonn. l t least; 1,000 men It the pr. hi Re any» Home will In Manitoba, and 17.000 in tl adds: met lwd erttttltt were where it was on Mrs. Adm tractured. Johnson wet. thin murninu. Mr.. Ackerman, bu. “In um head of the stair» lb} a knock-dot [rum the hammer. Juhuwu then attacked Mr... man, Ira-luring her pkull. Mr plum again tackled Johnson, an“: time calling loudly tor hell: of the neighbor. rushed in IN Johnson, but not before In- lead an old Mrs. Woltreiey, dealing Mr a Glow in the tttce. Tite police shortly and took Jolumm to tl, lockup. Mrs. llumpln'ivp and Mr tered the house with some IN. "and, and conlmcllcod playing cluturen. After a while he a of the children ot “ruling a flew into 5 - age. Ue t' AME. uumphue.’ rum" and .21 mm .1 nun-mun: n hammer, been m hi. own room next l Humphriu had jun returned t when one of the children: met that Jolmwn mu. 'striking h John-on in an Engliahumu an to have been “little“. He mu conAdertsbly beluUtd m " uo.. mid been “wen notice to lea Ye tl Mn. “amplifier has been nick [JuaL six month, and coufun-d ued. Yeuterday ntterttoutt .mm tered the house with some loun- lmnd, and conlmcllcod plaI}'llIg l chuureu. After a while he aw. m the I marge " In: and Mr. plum. warning home named um umuck has. evening "nu Mr. and Mrs Humphrien, Ml Icy, mother of Mes. Humphrim nun-r, Mrs. Ackerman, ttttlt n In u most brutal Imam”; an An In intstatuse of their / Burke aid at the village of Back. I new settlement. present demand for loo men II Punk Goad Prisoners to Harvest the trap. FORTY-DAY FAST FOR LOVE mum-d and "ttromutious. Hi: I duced to . Madden. and "In the hospital he was found " " "hands. Thee in no mm to douln m been without food for In A time. but u exUtettee, When Jul} t 2,1mmo head of Cat" re imported during twelt, cuen of dime reported tt Cattle Aunt-hum: lo, make Another “and to Recon deal)!!! USED A HAMMER. To FIX PRICE OF PAPER maul! b l’l AGAINST EMBARG D of IN MANITOBA committing a t fair. ran lying on the fr unocminnu. "is! tryin, taken} to tho ls found nwenmr)‘ to _ mun, her nkull hem Came. ha“ " invi-sihle. but an ruled for "ding furlh in: An inmate houw named “INF “ll - ttme for II of prison”. {I I no“! in the I work for them adopted mm ti sum. and tl. ttf 00“th- be weeded "ut. I weed. from ', P beat. Thvr" i- have I good "tf rather work t', Fl” th vin nun unwind P lnt nu u himself to tr Nil TI tetor at Burl til " uni In '4' “P .atrt Atm. m It w. _ and aim " Mote the” l m in}; at pun-cm. , tte . mm 'at: that Ttie ' Md "WU Maatir “If! no u "I - I mm”. bu '"tget “Nora-u lame.th lamb-mop m h but had Ind lood at _-m.“l7.hv me: n- ."Wyo Which-s "chem-tied an“ . 'lekudq hNMoi $1“de Bree New]. Tutti In: Bot It not THE HM We I!" but (In. I.

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