West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1908, p. 4

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, _;:-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-:::-:5:32:432339;335:335. " Taylor & 00., Dromore 2:3 Taylor & 00., Dromore ti xxxxxxoi:exxxsmxxxxxxxxxrimdlii th MEN'S d; LADIES' RAINCOATS. MENS OVERALLS. MEN‘S ODD PANTS Trunks. Valiscs. Telescopes. Club 'Nt 0c. town Shoe tore. TERMS 1illliCTIA' CASH. J S Eggs takvn Sittue as Cash. . I Boots, Shoes and Hos- iery at McIlraith's He has the m Cheer Up: Don't worry; It's wicked at reasona Boost and the world boosts with you ; Kick in will ham no kick coming if you buy your we full supply of Flauellette sheets S. F .MORLOCK to you and We close at 7 Wednesdays, Sole Agents for Progress-Bram] Clothing co]! Wool! Wool! We are "lct IN cents tl O Also a numbet of smart Ready- to-wears. They all go at (he cut price Summer Millincry at sweeping reduc- tions. Here's P. chance for you to buy a stylish Dress Hat at the price of a Ready-to-wear. Among our stock are are very latest designs in Millinery. They are all preeily trimmed with ribbons, chif- ions, flowers and feathers. R EGAR DLESS OF COST. Clearing Sale of Summer Millinery rill 00 to 812.00 prepared to buy and pay the nice for any quantity of wool. We are clearing our entire stock of le sells the goods t a s. The largest stock in town to choose from It) um only we will reduce Men's and 'fif: ) pu-r (will. This means money H :lmgumls are all 1st class quality. 5% LN'I'S in wry neat patterns and E ing front $1.50 to $3.50. .-_ o'clock on Mondays Ind Friday nights oniv L150 boys, see om special at urns and Blankets, also an.d i. Mcllraith :., in stock. at the down and you kick alone Ill neatly raven . pr, 'l4 ll. is?" h/ H! 5-; CKl ! at 2."Op m. -___ M] Miss Singer and I)" On the li;th inst. the pastor, Rev. C4 Mr Barry will hold service in Price. A f ville at the usual hour, 10.3w. m. The Circuit official Board meeting ( is to be haul in '.the Methodist church. bil Priceville. on Monday the 10th inst. E! J! Pi; I? Pd . "“""J v. lllld "\'UI\I Mr. W.J. Blakesfom of Stratford Public School. and stew years since the popular principal ofPritsevilie schmi. with Mrs. B. and family, is visiting in _this locality. and his friends give him and his family a very cordial welcome back. Large eel, appreciative congrega- rir,.,r, 0.....- AL - " -- -- Mr E. E. Berry, of (It romo, spent Civic holidays at the parsonage. Iron: Saturday till y.oyiay' ot this week. ronto, were visiting m Jenme James daring holidavs. There will be no service in the Methodist church here next Sundav, the am inst; the, circuit quarterly meeting will (D, V.) be held at Eb- enezer that day. Miss Mary McMallen. Principal of Fort William High School, is spend- ing her holidays at her home here. Our sick “at in men l James Scott is improving slowly bat he is now able to attend to his duties as pimt- master. Geo. Shaun is laid off work with some inward Unable and David Allen is complaining. Among the Women are Mrs John Smith, Mrs. Dingwall, Mrs David Sect: and Mis Peter {\chrthur l Mrs James Ridden, from near Yer gas. is visiting with Mrs Bietoft and other friends. Mrs Fitzgerald, of the Western States. daughter of the. late Alex. Me. Donald, is here visiting her mother and other friends. Mrs Campbell, wife oi Capt, Camp- bell, ot Owen Sound, and a. former resident here, is on a visit. Mr Ham Allen, of Durham, has sold his house here to Mrs McLean: of the 8th can. Professor Johnson. who was here some weeks ago, has come back and brought his iaiuily with him Mid rented the vacant house orbtr Ridden near the mill for one ur two months. Ile intends to stay here that length of tinw, then return to Hamllton. Mrs. Atiicld, who wasliving here has gone to live with her son. MrJ. J Wilton near Va they. Mr. A. Hahn had a very sick horse Sunday night, requiring Dr. Seim’s attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Brown, Mrs. Wm. iiunterand Mr David Hamilton took in the excursion to Owen Sound, Monday. Mrs. Jae. Sproule and children, of Gltuseott, visited her mother, Mrs J. Whitmore for some days. Mr. Chas. Wolfe, one of South Grey's prosperous popular pedlars, attended Service at the Hall Sunday evening. Mr. Wm. Legate, Rocky Saugcen, visited at the old homestead the be. ginning of the week. Miss Mary Skelton.ot15utfalo NA. is rcnewingold acquaintances in this neighborhood. Miss Moffat, of Aneaster, is visiting her cousins, the Misses Patterson. Mrs D. Coleridge, notwithstanding her 80 years, is spending a few weeks holidaying with her daughters in Durham and Ceylon, her sons in Owen Sound, and intends visiting her son in Holstein before returning. Though not, We think, mentioned before, tt is not yet too late to congrat- ulate Rev Mr Kendall and his class in Bible study, who all passed suc- cessfully at a recent examination. Mr T. G. Raynor, Ottawa, Inspec tor of the Can. Seed Growers' Agsoei, ation inspected Wm, Ramage's hand. sclccted seed last week. We under- stand it made a good showing. Mr Wm Hornsby, Penetanguishene but been visiting his brother and oth- er friends here. Owing to an acci- tg he is at present wmewhut crip- p . Mrs Sheppard and Miss Alice Wat- son. of Toronto. daughters ot the late Peter Watson, and the farmer’s little daughter, Hazel. are visiting their grandparents and other relatives. Rev Thou. Legate. Ohio, with his young son Eddie. is visiting his father and the old home at present. We may be encroaching on Dro- more, but we can't hel mentioning the skill of blacksmith 1'g. Renton of that place, who has just completed another tirgt.tsltuss violin, which in appearance, tone, &e, would be hard to beat. He makes everything but the strings. Mrs Whitmore, after a long Illness an the home of her danghwr. Mrs Wm Watson is now somewhat better and able to visit her daughter in Glenelg, Mrs Thoe. Davis. Rev Mr and Mrs Berry were around visiting their fioek last week. yrs Campbell, wife Miss Mary Wilson is home from Whitby on a visit North Egremont. Priceville visiting" their friend, Miss Hopeville. MISS Smith of To- the eitfeivid THE DURHAM REVIEW The Council adjourned to August 8th " 10 a m. J. S. Bum: Clerk _ Woir--Hutn--That Ila-2h Edwards, he paid 81.60 for supp’iea for Mrs Giun. --Catrted. Weir--uunt--Tat ward commission- ersbe paid 815 such an commission on expenditures, Carried MeMOur--Hunt--TGt the Munici- pal World be pnid $5.95 lot Huniciptl supplies. Huut--Niehot--That anph Schnitz- ler be paid $2 75 tor cedar tor ettlvorts Btlotl0.con l3. Carried Hunt--Nitlol-That the folluwmg amounh be paid to the committee up pmuled to innmct the new road auJ crossing of the Wulkertou Lucknow Ity, viz ; Thou McFadden $3.oo, Wm Weir " and J a Mchilau 82 and that their report on new road be accepted. Carried Weir-are-cr-That re airs Grader amounting to $1 " be paid Carried. -Carrn d Me5hlrau---iIuut--iaat ward approp- riations he further increased by the amount of 975.00 for each ward Carried ti Ward l. W Wee, Commissioner '. 2. J l McMillan .. " 'd, TLIN Niel»?! '. .. 4, E. W. Hunt tt "uno-"')'---" order of Police Trustees of I'riesstutle in favor ul John Brown be paid. Curried Weir--.ueyiilun--That gravel ac- count: be paid as follows ; Joseph At- khrsou, 83,50; Alex Crutelsley 33.00; Ellen Bury " 20; Rater Morrison 2.50 J. J. Wluts 92.10; Wm. Legnte $3 25 Ohm. Tiblml. 65.80; Ham McFadden. 91.40; W. Weir $4.00 ', W. J. Young. 91.20; J. o. Greenwood $4.00; Thou. Nichol 84.30: D. McCormick $2.80; Mrs Britton 83.50: Donald McArtlmr, 84,5”: ll Burke 83.40: Richard Haley. 63 80; Jan Banks 93.60. (hm-ind Cltas, 91.40 91.20 NICK“ Weir--.ueyiilun--That counta be puul as follows kiueou, 53,50; Alex Crm Ellen Bury 5120; Feter J. J. Wink: 82.10: Wm The Council met July ll, pursuant tt adjournment. all the members present the Home In the chair. minutes a last, _ meeting road and eonflrmed. Common uicalionu read ltd lollmwi: From W. F Dunn ro Walkerton Lucknow Ily, By, laws, from the committee appointed tr examine new roads and orrmsinp,c, their report; nccouut from Joseph b'c!suirz. ler for cedar, from the Clerk of Burr moot an account for townliue repairs ', from the Municipal World account for supplies ; from John Stotlmrt an order lor police vihage work ; from John Kil- ley stattttttentot municipal funds in bank from the several ward Commissions“. worms on ward expenditures up to date. 1bint--Nieuol--'Iuu order of Police Trustees of I'riesstutle in favor of John Brown be paid. Curried Capt. o, M. Snider Quebec looking well. Thieves have been in borhoodagain having I selves to some of Mr. Jan money, Ibtyineand wheat hn owr and the barley a started. The Guild and cho going on as usual only attendance. Miss Gertie Corbett of v, ted her aunt Mrs A Fulton sie accompanied by Mr. Andrew and Miss Green ot Louise attended Knox Endeavor on Sunday evening last. Mr Allred Widmever and William Sharp had lightning rods oat on their barns last week. sic Last Friday night Dromore foo'.- ball team, Beavers, were out to Hoi- stein and played a. game with the team there. Dromore' won, 1 to 0. Come and tee the return match to be played in Dromore Friday night, Aug. Tat 6.30 p. m Miss Maggie akennedy visi'ed friends around here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, Durham, visited his brother Jun and called on iriends in Dromore over the holiday. Mrs. Will Isaac. Owen Sound. is vtsinng friends in and around Dro. more. Mrs Benton and daughter Ella are takine in Old Home Week in Guelph this week. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor purpose holding a garden party next Wednesday night, Aug 12. Durham choir are to be present. other talent are being secured also. Everybody come and have a good time. Berry picking appears to be the order of the day around our burg at present. Farmers am through haying. Tom just tinithed in time, got last load in Monday night. Miss bl onto on holidays, Mr Hugh Renwick. Ottawa, arriv- ed home Saturday night to spend a few week's vacation. Mr Mche and daughter. Toronto, visited at John M. Findlny'i over the holiday. Mr. Thoma, Derby and Glenelg Council ---t--i------, ella Garaon returned to Tor- Tuesday alter two week's Hamp den --- _.-----... Dromore. I met. July 11, pursuant. to all the members prawn!“ the chair. minutes ol last atuteonflrmed. Commun- ha v mg. hel peiliGii Tual ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Lucknow Ily, By. lttee appointed to ad crossings. their Joseph lic!orz. at: of Vickers visi- Fulton last week. choir Practice is Wm. .1io,re he patient to Mon-u m. R. Wuhan) he Jameé -ih/yGis harvest. is well and cats are is home from a Hula better Ink _the _ neigh- sister Jes $193 9212 $18" 8211 IO? /b' 130 not discouraged Vbry ia "iiiiFi"p'il; There is a total of almost 400.0(1) Ls. res more under crop and over 400,000 live stock more ttt Ontario this your than last. These reports published for Je.ne show [my t_he farmers are In Ontario we find all crops are looking well and promise a good gield, with the possible exeeption of Qr11tr, When} tua) late Barley. ,7 7.... '_'"'"- uuv "null!” this year is decreased by aboucm Live stock is reported in good con~ dition notwithstanding the hard evas- ou last year. That crops are good all over the Dominion is evinced by theiact that in all classes of stock, except swine there isa large increase in the number kept. The majority of farmers Were so keen to get rid of their swine last fall that the number .L:_ _-_---, s, . _ _ With practically no exceptions the farmers are not handicapped with a late seeding season nor blessed with a drv Spring,--- a tine growing seas- on iollowing the sen-ding which makes crops now look their best. There is a large increase in the acreage of wheat sown bat taken all round the crop is scarcely up to normal, with the possible exceptions of Saskatch- ewan and Manitoba. The largest increase in the area of oats is seen in Ontario and the crop is up to the ar- erage obtained. There are in Cane. da over 1,000,000 more acres at oats than ot wheat. Barley is considered below the standard and the increase [ is acreage has been very slight. I While Alberta. is this year growing 21.635 acres more than last year, On. tario is 23.00? acres behind, There is scarcely any increase in the acre- age oi peas and mixed grain and the crops are somewhat below normal. Hay and clover form the largest area of any crop in Canada, It cov- ers over 8.000.000 acres which is about {JUMBO more than last year. The crop is somewhat below standard bat pastures have been reported " good all over the Dominion. rivery tarmer, merchant, banker, and in tact. all others are interested in the Various crops of Canada. The report on "The Crops and Live Stock of Canada"as published in the "Cen. sus and Statistics Monthly, Fr is inter esting and instructive. This journal is published by the Census and Statis- tics ottice and its aim is to give reli- able reports on the different Canadian crops. The data are gathered from all parts ot the Dominion and sent in by practical farmers who are well up in their profession. and in in the report wt Can sus an On Tuesday morning last Mr Christopher Robertson's valuable three year old mare received a broken " the result of a severe kick from another of its kin. The case proved a hopeless one, and on Friday morning a couple or well-directed rifle bullets terminated the poor beast's excruciating sufferings. A cultured conversationalia: is Mr John Pollozk of the Queen City who came up on Saturday’s excursion and visited his father-in-law, Mr Duncan Campbell of Bentinek. A Winsome lady is Miss Alice Pryie. who is visiting at the old home in Holland, after an extended absence in Hamilton. Mr Herman Stedtlander of Hanover paid a flying visit to his friends north of the burg on Tuesday of last week. iii3i,ii.ii'ilii!'"'i'ti ”an. LL. t Mrs ll. M. Dargavel is enjoying a two week’s vacation with her daughter, Mrs John Klein cf the Queen Citv. Mrs Thm. Jackson and little are leaving this Wednesday for 1 inville, Indiana, where they. spend a month visiting telatxves. Mr Edward Sullivan. tousorial artist of Toronto is holidaying with his brothers west of the burg. . A popular lady is Miss Mamie McKnight. who took advantage of the Grey Old Boys' Excursion on Saturday to spend a pleasant sojourn with her parents in the village. Mrs Harrv Hunt, our genial mer chant’s estimable lite pnmer, ac companied by Master Carrol, is en- jovinz a pleasant fortnight}; vacation with friends In the County town and adjacent points. Miss Susie Maclntosh ol the Queen City, arrived in the village on Satur- day night for an extended vacation at her home m the burg. The. ideal weather which prevailed for the past fortnight was excellent. tor “Wink operations and the large crop was housed in perfect condition. Mrs. Alex, MacIntosb of the County town, accompanied by her bonny (rand daughter. Miss Cnrenne Fania. is visiting her many friends in the community at present. Rev. R. ll. Ledingham of the Prairie Province, enjoyed a fort. night's vacation around the haunts of his boyhood. On the Sabbath preceding last he occupied the pulpit at the Presbyterian Church and de- livered an impressive discourse to a large congregation. A Hopeful Outlook. By l .iitor RENEW Every tartm Id in hut tal Mr IIermanE Dornoch. - ”ETERS O, , _'liil?ii.:lfirliij,._ il Bum” Russ- will British Canadian I). ENTltICKEN must have tht. too Tl The Shoes we Show -- ".ir'ri), ,‘z‘~~‘\ L, t‘ I _ (I'““\,:\r/:./‘-‘. V - --- fl» El .1 ' in, , ' , ' I I ' l try. Css V _ if (. C." 7, Td Screen doors and window screens cheaper than the cheapest. If your horses get sore shoulders during harvest, try some of our Gall Cure or Silver Pine Healing Oil. We have Fly Nets, and if you do not want to pay the price for Nets, try some of our Fly Oil. No home is complete without one of our gasoline stoves. Buy one and you will never regret the investment. t cumf Yes, we are in the Binder Twine business with the qualitv that suits the majority of intelligent farmers--. the Plymouth. Did you see the quan- tity that left our establishment last Saturday, Call and examine our Twine before purchasing. In Machine Oil, 'Black's Special' will suit every person. It is heavy and of great wearing body. We have everything you require for the harvest field, such as Rnkeg, liorkt/!iections, Grain Cradles, Oil Cans, Pails If not why not or We can give you mcnt and make tcrms. One tsol last week was t Konold and mm Have you a piano in your Home? BEST BUSINESS TRAINING HARDWARE! a, i'i,,ii,i,:..iiii,ciiiriri,__i,', T; SEW} (i'/l.ii' ‘2',- ';4', t, u " V Ip"' , w, ft nu'll be proud toshow 11. Such style. such good to he kept hiddc set off sour summer John McQueen l PRI look muc rcasonahl Gun’s Drug Store Liver Pills Little Bilious Attacks " 'mele prices. Start my time. 'aris Green in abundance Cor, West of Middgugh House Mitts, Binder Whips and Water They stir up the sluggish liver and bowels and free the system of all poisons. They are easy to take, operate easily land make you feel better quickly. During this hot spell there are a good many people find their stomach upset. They are bil. ious, liver out of order, bowels irregular, tongue coated and not much desire for food. What we would recommend is a box of our 1y not one ofour Ben's? give you the best instru- 'd make you the best One sold by us in town k was tested by Prof. md Pronounced L'XCPI- ', YOURS & Bloor Bur, TTY PAIR OF SHOES Aly fitting th Price " cents " sill tr if , 308. College lk , sham: so snugly Black )HCC si they mt and they w n Ion you wear nartncrs arc all the time. mtumc, you excel on some ttl sec them, McGowan', Edi”: Anon Milling Cou E Milvertnn Jewel Pure Manitoba . Five Ram M, Ilour, Feed h' 0 r dor Also Men's Fedora and sun Hus In brown, black and dew. All cash purchasers will receive a liberal dis. count " we intend to dmpthcsc lines angry; in a nsw line of goods instead NO1N Wc will make it worth while to pur- chase all lines of M “I Shoes fro";I us. Special discounts given for Cas ' Havc only to sec thcsc rag, Stock- II‘! we are sclling. Pure Cushmcn- ribbed at.... ........ “coach Plain cotton tan hose. . ..I5c per pair Cotton hose in plain black“: per pr Women tfrmts, GimAa arriving week! y Pnticular people predate our Goods. Press Goods New While on your vacation. you will find how handy a perfect writing fountain pen can be if you purchase one of our Faun. tain Pens. We arc showing a fine variety of them at all prices from $1.50 to $6.00. Every pen unconditionally guaranteed. Wacfar/ano d Co. Speck 'tiJhen Ba, 'ttlrite home Before you start on your sum- mer Iojom be sure cud see our choice pipe“. We have the vexy newest styles out-beau) ful goods made by the leading manufacture" of this country. They come by the box, quire or tablet. It wont pay you to buy cheap stationery when you can get high-grade Papers at the prices we are asking. 'us 3toto's your &utionery? Dmggisu and Booksei‘ers In Flour iroceries, F Mch RTH UR AUGUST th 1908 ts, Muslms, hams, Laces, roideries, fie l Discounts Goods Royal Honcho“ .... and Seeds in all lines n core will up for Cash iuits, In "th I \ P! h hi" 8,000 Internali The Sic Gra Greal Every I E AUGUST n.

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