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Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1908, p. 6

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mrtlrlife. of th" Naviour of the world. he {wt-ii indeed that all that diwomlort Wu in nothing countered with the plea. II"? of trending mum that sacred mil. Surely it " ttttte that the Great Pow. prq would permnptorily mil upon thin ”mi-civilized gmernment to forthwith put an-end to thin dugrnreful state " auxin. and construct a proper harbor. For here the Great Founder of our holy religion, having on our behalf left for I time His tsrehnrtttrrourrotmded throne in the heaven of beefeils. lived I life of penury and obloqny. and then. as our substitute. uttered the pol-Moo we had hurled through our unite” tram lions. thereby blotting out the record on high min-t ell and ny who-win prostrate the-elve- helm In. and Nead that great Ito-elem. than an IP' - the gal) ing “(can in rough W nnd isolate It is canned that the any-la who are the bodyguard ol the redeemed do not weep, but lady Powertseottrt ven- tures the surmise. that when the library of It,rdt: is complete, the” triumph. ant. de olden may be permitted to IMF. the gum ot tears to add to the com- pit-ten“ of the universal whole.--H. T. Miller. The Blight 00 Islam. (By a Banker.) The country on which is concentrated the supreme-st rognrd of all Christendom, lair surprising in inherent and {ancill- “on "ll other place in the whole world - the ..oly utid--osfttg to the blight- ing etrerta oi the ellete rule of the Turk, in rough weather is practically Ihut out and isolated from the world. For the Mun-nee of any harbor, which any civiliz- ed power, even the most unimportant, would long ego have provided. renders landing altogether impracticable except in fairly moderate weather. And even then a landing at Julia (tor. merly down) is an experience lrequent- ly, though happily not nlwnys, the re- wrzw of agreeable. The steamer anchors <ome diatnnce from the town, and is soon surrounded by Arab bouts, one of which approaches the lowered stairgangwny as near as practieablc. The [nun-n3" then descends the stairway and seats him-ell or herself and woe be to her if she be Men are ever on the lookout for mean. lugs. When the Master said, “Follow me," it was not a sound that stniek the ear; it was a flood of meaning that Iboorbed the soul, and made the appeal irreaiutible. Books wear out and burn up. Every scholar mourns the loss by fire of the great library in Alexandrin, in Egypt, eenturiea ago; but the-e book. of whieh We speak are aimply inde- atrIu-tihle. This circulating library aweepa round the world; their line ll gone out to all the earth; their words to the end of the world. These books are wit-recording. self-revealing, and yet they hide more than they reveal. God hides from all eyes the night, a naked human heart. "How poor, how rich, how abject, how augut. how compli- cated. how wonderful is non!" In your thirst for knowledge do you extend your enquiry concurring these? Let Paul give the answer: They are the nonsense" of the churches; they are the glory ot Christ. . . " They rand and know because they are living. There is I glint in the T of the sineere; there in n glam in t face at the pure in heart, which consti- tute. Godu mightiest. missionary to the human nee. “Dion-nicked link in being: endless chain; Midway from nothing to the Deity; A beam ethereal, milled Ind absorb’d; Though aullied and dishonored still di, vine!” When notion dietates, the whole - epeo B. Al is unifor- “a col-em in voice, mien, lotion, the turn of feature end the cut of the eyes. But when art in the woke-Inn, and Into" in not altogether unread, the turn of the eye my contradict the tow. and the muck. of the {we lay coun- teru-t etch other in their revere! work. ings. The proper study of mankind in -ll. Also, we ore etude-t- yet! We know in port, we gather scrap: and lumen", the driftwood on our thou washed up by the tide gives us surprise. To-morrow we gather fresh harvest from the us, but the ocean u nae-p tured. l Men rend men, understand but little, an understood C'tl2 by none, and at. the nigh-h oh Ill] flutter in the one. Men are books; In and books; it. is "uprising how manta the mm men: is. Every city cont-in: n libruy. The _ lilanry in to be loud in the city of Jenn-le- (the handy). The catalogue of this library would run up the books: into the million. Of the until. of books there u no and; it in true here. What. in I book! It St elulter of de ieted new; Piet without tours, thought. put in cold trre-a clumsy dint after ell. A Freud! philosopher aid that 1-39.. Wu given to in to obi-nu! his Idea. It in certainly true that the half in not. been told utr--if, then, the r-ln- den u. to immense, what will the bar. vm bet Every “git, WW“ A? iiiifii.i.,.il) ms is hurled, sprun- n of the boat, amidst Med and frightened 'n. some of the torm- almost in hysto-nca. ore or In. solo with mndling. The Amh- wulatiuns Ind wilder utteral vociferanonl anplea. and as P, hal. Hie ELL: "Will you marry me to help the work dong?" Drawing still more (lonely to him, she replied: "No, John; not Iolely for that. But I will marry you ham 1 Ion you." And with never I thought Dolboar was in it. Ar they rolled along the road. John said: "Esther, I have been looking for you ever since you disappeared from the settlement work in the tenementa." The bewildered girl could only say: “I did not know that John Dotson. the slum worker. was the rich Mr. Ibbettaon'. I left New York because I lost my poni- tton." yi',"),',',? one arm around her un- resisting om, John drew her to him and whispered: "Esther, your absence showed me how much I loved you. I am having my old home made into a coun- try place where I can spend my sun» new Ind enjoy helping others. I am building a house for a large dining hall, and am going to put up tents for a tum. bed children, and spend father's money in aiding poor children a taste of coun- try life. close to God and nature. Little attention was paid by the wo. men to the remarks. and at that moment in strode John Ibbetuon with the three shrinking, dirty, neglected looking boys. Bhnultaneously . three angry women reached for the boys, but John drew the boys to him and empnhtically ex. pren-ed his opinion of mothers who ne- gteeted their own offspring for the chil- dren of Senegambian mothers. he meeting closed in hute Ind as the auto rolled may it we: Been that Either Doer was in lt. Waiting for n favorable moment to enter he heard one of the women tell with unctiun of the good work they were doing in wading a barrel of clothes each year to Senegnmbk. He was about to enter, but stopped as Esther Dolhnr Mose and in n few eloquent words told of the needs nearer home. " the nu!- fering poor in the tenement dUtrieta and the poor children who seldom law . bhde of gross. _ 7 Every nidihiGie "G" GTG-Crue,, hired and n rug of ten Italians had arrived that by. To crown the mys- r h r an large tent. and . t,%rlt g/ggi. This intonation was hi E3 irtiiiii7ire" John lbbetteon we- having “experience of his own. Rid. ing into the town in his automobile he came across . gang of boy- looking " dint utoble es dirt and torn clothes 1',W,',','l'l'l, them, engaged in owning I poor eat that they had tied to . tree. Jumping from his car he (trot the iii-amps trnd captured three w o proved to be non: of well known citizens. Tak. ing them to their homes he found in each use, that the mother wu nt the minionnry meeting. With a grim look on his lace he drove to the deacon'l home, and entered the kitchen with the boys just as the debate was at its height. $33de GOeifi. is fit/sg-N"',, w A enough to not all a iauTii IR,'. aion and it Wu only by repeated call: that the president succeeded in calling t ti Co, rdor. 35% genus??? John Ibbettson wu But to return to the meeting. To the {antic mtreatieg of the women Mrs. Jones “and that she had infomtion showing that ttteat changes were to take plus in the Ibhetuon nub. Mr. Ib. bettlon hnd brought plums that all!!! foe the remodellimr of the " home-tend and the building of . m. Ind two or three other buildings, the chatter o!_which hut not teen a.eertsdned. u. soon as it wu found that he was going to remodel the old Ibhettson house Md woe to spend eneh summer there. the mutter become the chief 'mhirrt of debate, in the church eiroiel Ind " the wry store. Among the men the fin. Ineini standpoint wu ooneidered. u the work meant employment for the towns- people among whom mdv money was a somewhat mm commodity. The rhurrh itself looked at the moh- obility of getting a Urge than of the "tote. as the young mnn's personal wenith was close to tt million. Each of the missionary not-idiom: law in itself the only proper outlet for using the money. The women. especially those hav- ing muriamhie daughterl. ha! their own views of the situntiovn. etch one nanny hoping that one of her own brood might catch the faney of the yoga; millionaire. In . few year: he had unused I fortune in the stock market. At the (lath of hin {that} wu found to have linen made tale h r to the old mun's mu. “though the will eontained the dunno request that he nhould devote Inch of the estate at he wished to tttir donuv work. Now. at the age of M, John “batman. bacheloc. WI! bark in Bfooklulo for the summer. and had Incendod in stirring the townsfolk up in I remarkable, manner. able forum. and duo s conection of document: that muted first mort- m on any of tho hum of the town. The non hid left home u noon to he “a of up. not being able to stand the old man's mimly hatsita of living. Mr. Itch-thou no tho son of n old redder". of the town who had been cor- diatly disliked. u by " shrewdneu and njmwy mm he acquired . eonsider. doh. Sho'vu'VIt once the want for . the of -tioet, too numerous to an- Thin amusement had limo-t been ex- humed when on. member brought up a new all-don by asking if “you had ttent wig; young Mr. Ibbetnon had been The who v.0 slowly ttuttering, nadthrttr-ipsttoirttroas-. AI Ouch lumbar - in she was graded with "tgaitnt by than thud] than, whih Ibo mentally (1|th the Amount of and}! that had been going on about has". mu. from tu%neeat [looming- of the Tho Senior ”on of Loving Work. ers' Circle of the Society for the Distribution of (nothing Anon; the Native of mum. wu to meet that Humou- at the home of In. Demon Imyth. Por a rock Ibo Ind ban dmwintt funds In mm. from the un- willing dawn, and for two a”. the udtr-surdatwore-t'gtaforttte mm that vu In important feature of the todaty’. Mill. Bhehndtar-girsharwork by but aim, Mar Dome-r, who was 1Pt in Brook-uh for tho summer. Tho mt room had has ”(any ducted. and tho old - that covered a. kWh human had has re. Mu. Pinkhnm Invites all sick women to write her for “vice. She has added thousands to health. A dress, Lynn.“ For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- hamt Vegetable fitngtig made from roots and herbs, been the standard remedy for female let and has positively cured thoytyuy1s..o, “(own who have been troubled with _d.isplappmppta, intitunrpation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, ilg.etttt,itt Medic who 1102th yt year- riodic pains, backache, that bear; {35‘3qu mm 11ttPltry1rriYAPty tiiadizzinis . ssa’r°;.g;é;.;m”’maa. Willy de't you try it t e. It has cured me of all my troubles. and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all. The Compound also helped me to pass safely through Change of Life." . FlhCTFFort SICK WOMEN. “ I wrote" to my sister about it and she advised me to take Lydia ll Pinkhmn‘o vtsrreble Compound._ -- _ - _ "t was sick for five years One doo. tor told me it was ulceration, and an- other Mld me it was a ttbroid tumor, and advised an operation. No one knows what I suffered, and the bear. ing down pains were terg'ible._ - - Proof is herbalistwle tint Lydia E. Pinkham's 1%t,tt','lt Compound cures female l and carries women safely through the Change of Life. Mrs. Letizia Blair Cannifton,ont, writes to Mrs. iiiiiWiiir; “What do you mean Y” "Staying ten minutes ufter office hours etch day will probably make B good im. pres-ion, but staying fifteen is liable to excite suspicion that you are monkey- ing with your boou"---Knnaaa City Journal. Johnny-What would you do if you wu out in the deep water and . put big shark was con‘in’ right at you'. m-__... IL] A- - -L__A. __-i-__-- --* "Tommr--i'd doma slim-t priycr and then I'd swim like the old scratch. Upon investigation it was found that the old oilhouse Ind been covered up for over sixty yen" and the iciclee, which were formed then, had kept in the perfectly airtight compartment un- til the men dug the and may. .---Rehtr bothBeaeh GrrretTomtenee IUltimore American. lat week when Harry E. Elliott, I well known merchant. and four other companion. were walking down the beadt near one of the sand dunea they noticed the peak of a small house show, ing forth and procuring shovels atarted to dig the and away, until finall the door of the little place .nppeared. 'ict ing open the door from its rusted hinges the men suddenly plunged into a verit- able lcehouse and were astonished to find icicles hanging from the roof. The in! m broken off, but in u few moments melted away. Odd Discovery Made Under the Sands of a Delaware Beach. Chiming to have found icicles that have been preserved for over sixty yearn, Harry E. Elliott is backed by four com- panions who were with him when the discovery Wm made. Over sixty yearn ago an old oilhouse, where the fluid was kept for use in the Cape Henlopen light. houee, was suddenly covered up by the ehilting sands of Rehoboth Beach. No effort was made to uncover it, and the land remained there until many had for- gotten that a house had ever been on the epot. New York city's hnd "Jim no in evening femur than the total value of the entire output of all of the gold Lad silver mines in the world. Real estate agents of I?" York city estimate that 240,000 penan- from the metropolis will find homes in the sub urba this you. New York's death rate in [on than it In one year ago, about in the pragm- tion of 1,219 I week, In ugAimt 1,34 . D”! “o-o‘ ----k- .J \V-_ v-4- -24.- The Intist speciel of profeuional treg- [It in New York city asks for n nickel yithftxich to pcy his fare to the nearest ha “:5. No other city on the globe he so my inviting resorts for when", rent end coolness within any reel-h " New York, but flying Mines ere required to rack them with my degree of com- fort during the hot Damn. ‘No wonder that 00 many shops in New York cit. 'sell oboe. nod that so many lhopo "illf,'lflld'i but ghoul, for it in el- timdted that the pedestrians ot the city was: out 28,800 pain of she. eaoh day. There are more women members of club in New York city thou in my two other citiu in the world. Drawing " Fina. "A man has to draw it fine these Health in an important factor to the people of New York city, and th‘public Ire-Jury expend: $6,310 each day in look. li, after it. No wonder that no manv IIIODI in New of the poo: amphibians, they rolled “any the duty road filled with . hp pine" pure and "re-Boston Po». There are 70,000 acre: of floor spam» on Manhattan Inland. Intomtin; Moms About the Pt--- Facu and Figuru. Courts are I great expense to New York city. The jurors alorve Inst Fear cost “HUM. The year before the post wu $32 I .S'.M, At the canning increase in popula- tion New Cork city will be the home of 11,911,990 pawn} in 1932. A - ICICLES 80 YEARS OLD. Fi/G -frui" Eris. M. NEW YORK CITY. Mrs. skmppr-The very fact of my Inning consented to be your wife Mil inn removed any doubt. you hnd on that point. Bkrappr--When I married you I hnd no ides zen were gel: . fool: . - "'The question irmnediately arises as to whether this disease of the rat may not be human leprosy occurring in that animal. Of course. with the data now available, it is impossible to give a cate- gorical anuver to this question, but the ieographietyl distribution of the disuse speaks agnimt In Mtiran.tive reply. It seems more proubie that mt leprosy in to human leprosy u in bovine or avian tuberculonis to the human diseases, mth. er than that it in like plague or 311mm, I disuse common to and tnnlndldblo between two special " "As to the relation of the disease to leprosy in man, Dr. W. ll. lirinckerhoff, director of the leprosy investigation sta, tion at Molokai, Hawaii, states in In article which sppeared in the tumu- tions of the fifteenth annual meeting of the Hawaiian Territorial Medical Socio- ty, " follows: "During the period covered by this report 13,500 rats were examined and 20 cases of the disease observed. It in believed, however, that the condition is more frequent than these figures indi. cate, u ull of the cues observed have been made in full-grown, large rato,and the lesion: very well marked. . "Soon Mter being assigned to the ex- terminations of rata in San Francisco I was informed by the city txacteriologist that he had observed the leprosy-like (ii-ease in one or two instan:ues. He also showed me gross and microscopic speci- mens of the lesions. "I therefore began to look for the condition and to keep notes on its oc- currenu. Marin. Surgeon Finds Dluuo In San Francisco Rodents. Whether it is possible for rat: to tron-wit leprosy to human beings is l question which, say- I. San Froncioco special in the New York Herald, hu come up pointedly here, following a re port made by Dr. George McCoy. passed usinant surgeon or the Marine Hospital Service to Surgeon-General Wyman. A t:'ilit,,r, disease similar to leprosy has I: discovered among the rats in San Francisco, and experts me now cousid, ering whether it could be transmitted to persons. The reports of Dr. McCoy say: Or it the trouble comes urn-wares the prompt use of this medicine will bring the child through safely. Mm. J. Ran- ard, New Glasgow, Que., up:-“0no ot my children had a severe and: of din- nhoea which Baby's Own Table“ promptly cured. I know of no medicine to good for “clinch and bowel troublea." Sold by medicine dale“ or by mail at26 centsnbox frornThe Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. More little lives are lost during the hot weather than at Iny other time of the year, dittrrltoea, dyeentry, cholera, infantum and stomach "widen come without warning, and when " medicine in not " hand to give promptly the abort delay too frequently means that the child has frequently pulsed beyond lid. During the hot weather month. BIby’e Own Tablets Ihould be kept in every home where there are and] child- ren. An occuloml dose of the Tablet: will prevent staunch and bowel troubles. BABY’S GREAT DANGER DURING HOT WEATHER. Cat Characteristics. au, rather than belong to a new master, will cling in grief to the old walls and refuse to be taken away from them. But if they can follow their master they will go with him to the end of the world. One must not forget that they are extraordinarily nervouI and timid. and from timidity easily lose their head and run away, they them- lelvee know not whither. They mult be well protected and made to feel that they are guarded and cared for. We must not, however, expect a cat to obey like a dog. It is a free end independent little beast a cousin of the lion- a. tro- piul animal which need; great warmth in order to become most beautiful and no large as its nature permithFrom Carmen Sylva’s "My Kittens" in the August Century. "I Iuppooe,” said the husband, wearily, "that the editor wishes to call attention to the fact that some ”are Ire more fortunate than when”! mm the Bo- hernia. No and flies lying nbont when Ion‘n Fly Pull are used " directed "Oh, John," whimpeled the wife, " she .eixed the morning poper, "see what that editor has done with the locount of our music-lo. He has placed it alongside the column of death notices. Ith o. shunt. And we had Inch prominent people as PHI-u on - Mu. Judge J. r. Borer, 1421 Sherman Ave., Even-ion, IU., up that the be- eune run down, could neither on not sleep well. And loot tustt ad with. Per. mntdm wonders for henlnd the that: Peru. to: new In. And strength. "My friend- woro much sun-mod. I I vs: advised to 31v. Peron n trial, 3nd i to my Joy I begs): to Improve with the first home. After mung six bottle. I ! felt completely cured. I cannot my too l much for Penn: u n medicine Ne I wanna In I run-down condition." ' Read What She Says: MISS DELLA STROEBE, 710 Blob- mend Bt., Appleton, Wir., writes: "For several you: I 115 In a run- down condition, and I could and no te- lief from doctors and medicines. I could not enjoy my mesh, and could not sleep st night. I had havy,duk circles shout the cyan. ALL RUN DOWN. SORRY RE MENTIONED IT. pkttb Iatst Her Hula. Found Rely/rm Peru-la at Once. RATS AND LEPROSY. 80m. Few Escaped. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO She? also in the htumnoek)--th, ,0" ,rithetettteirardedintutiiriait 1Ie---A cigu!_ my reign? - Therd are, then. Certain evil spirits; and on certain nights of the year they wake and do harm. The Inn night in April is full of peril. for irstance. Hur. ing the day the sorcerer: go from farm to farm. making magic iuveations, and laying preservative spells upon the cattle and the slump. Having done their lrest the sorcervrs -wild, bearded men and {all of m.vstery--go away at dusk; and through the night the farmer mudt fight, unnidod and as best he can, against the evil irita. Why are the evil apirih net free xi. night to harry poor men ot the soil? Pierre knows not; the good Lord, being all pitiful, has given them a M tion, he sars.-TUnoe Thompson h the Outing Magazine er _Auvuat. That. is, perhaps there we certain evil spirits; Pierre is not sure; but why, all“ Pierre, take any chances And I. in my philosophy, find no muwer ready. To be sure. there are precautions to be taken; Pierre has done his best; he has spared neither soil nor good seed nor phosphates; but there are certain evil spirits. A Fighting the Evil Spirit; of the Farm. " h ' I-r “r-h farmer has saw"; but "" he will reap he knows not; that is tue Pee .-. . m tue mlurc, or nature, oi Hr: good Lord; his work is done. Although the fishermen gather them as the tide recedes many are overlooked. It is the opinion of the natives that the fish. which invludv markers}. hnke, pol- lock and hrrring. all small in size. have been forced ashore by the larger fish which have invaded the waters reeent. Ir. Minard’l Liniment Cure: Distemper. A serious menace to health in that tened at Nah-at by the large qumtltho of fish which have been thrown up ol the beaches and rocks following. it It believed, the appear-nee if porpoisa. and large fish supposed to be whales. All Drunk“, Grocen and general Item sell Wilson'l Fly Pads. in the 'strangest, and mny refused to believe the story until they bud visited the yard Bad viewed the schooner unm- tsels.--Bosrtou 'rramwript. The accident is the first of it. kind in the memories of the oldest mvignton, shout the harbor. They say that of all freaky gales reported, of the tropic. this Twisted All Four hints of the Schooner James B. Drake. The iouramurted schooner Juno B. Drake is at Mephee's shipyard in but Boston undergoing repairs for one of the most peculiar accident. in the " tory of navigation. While cruiuiug in southern water! the schooner was caught in a cyclonic stoma which revolved Hound the veml in such . manner that oil four of her mast. were twisted in their steps. When the ship carpenterl investigated the schoon- er preparatory to beginning their work they could scarcely believe their eyeo. Plainly some rotary motion of wind and storm had caught the poles in a lever- Me, forcing than just halt “my Hound. No expllmtion is offered for the muu not coming out of the v l. All four are standing and have can earr.ving nil ull the may to port. t: other dun- ege was received during e storm, And although the mats were turned they were not injured in the least. 1 has. the harnmoekr--mm I ttgbt Gentlernen,-1 have used MINARD'S LINIMENT on my vase! and in my family for your: gutd for the every day ills and accident: of life I con-id" it In. no equal. I would not start on . voyage with- out it, if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN, Sch. "Strake," St. Andre, Kamournsu There is . lot of poverty on Maint- tan Island, but the management rolls give 82,000 in tumble property to ouch in- habitat. There are now fewer person: being in. jured by Accident: on the railways of New York city, in proportion to the number of an operated and the number of persons travelling in them, then at may previous time since the firat line "tt put in operation. Ne’arly onirthird of the immigrants who arrive in the port of New York never go _beyopd tht city for a hype. - Millard“: Linirnertt 00., Limited It takes ibout 2.000.000 corvd. of wood . year to nuke the newupnperu um. go through the presse- of New York city. New York’s 'doologietu Park, in the Bronx, contains the largest collection of my park in the world. It has more that f/Po specimens of beasts, birds and rep- tiles, When New York cl-ty'l Catakill aque- duet is completed We will have water enough fo'r I population of M00,000, without my tNutqe for nnxiety. _ There has been I Inge incmse in the number of emigrants from the ort of New York during the lat. year, Eat the net result in that it is growing " the rite of about 32,000 a month through immigration. Hot weather hu brought . marked intense in the number of rhildren who Ire taken to the New York hoapiml for breatmeatt, And the diagnosis show: that ninety per canto! the trouble urine- from improper feeding. . ,w -- n; -__i___ run... There are Mime In profha made on goods sold in New ful city, but the greatest percentage goes to the retailers of jewelry that hu imitation precious stunes in its' composition. The profit is often one thomand times as much as the goods cost. To get 840 for what cunt may cegts is quite usual. tfew York cit'y iiaiGGverage of one lug one-lull million visitors each werk. Jour-ttrm lam. About the 'H- 'nets and Figures. New York city has 133 deputmeut stag-es, that emplo.v.11.000 pascal. - Fish Chanel Ashore by Whales. FRANK or TROPICAL STORE. arteh, NEW YORK CITY. Up to Him. The Carriage Waits "Without." "The carriage waits without, my lord," "Without what, gentle Air?" "Without the left-hand running board, Without the French chauffeur, Without I drop of gasoline, Six nuts, the can of oil, Four pinion, and the limousine, The spark-plug and the coil, Without the brake, the horn. the clutch, Without the running gen, One cylinder-At but; the Dutch Bow much there Un't here.' The car ha been repaired, in fart. And you should be right glad To find that thio much in intact Of what your lordship hed. The gauge sent it back, by lord, In period shape throughout, So you will understand, m lord, Your carriage waita without." --Barvtrrd Lampoon. When overheated take I glut of had “Stink" Tea. It will prove moot ro- freshistg. Ass deYightful as I dip in the mum'- Liniment Cures Com, on. The reverend gentleman took u " mm ‘The Builders mad the Tower," and, patenting a strong voice, his remarks were heard distinctly by the Inge crowd of comers and others gathered together. the weather being all that could be do .ittd.--undon Evening sundlrd. son, hit upon the novel idem of proudl- ing from the church tower. The (re-W part of the congregation "ated “I.- when in the churchyard, whit. may stood on the highway. 'ttnrVtetitettieedti .B may. nun-'0 Com um. 'ftet,du',,'l', comm-cot i tsot_tonehtitauttamtlestt tTeGTl"Gib'ii"i7d only at healing gum and bums. 1'12:ng In use. Cure gust-unwed. Sold by all mum. ' “Jewel, Reture aluminum - The source of all htettinl trouble. In the common house fly; his but In the first oymptom of typhoid. Wilson'n 11, Pad in the only thing that kill: them all. Sundry last being “Feat. atmdnr," the near of Semen, the Rev. 0. Hard- !CORNS "But it is in the play," explained M. Mount; "I urn smoking u I go on and then I throw the cigar on the stage." "Very well," replied the officer. Eu M. Mounet made his entry as usual, but following him were two firemen, one ot them with I bucket of water end the other with I huge eponge. The audience. appreciating the. situetion, roared and epplended with delight, and M. Mound. unfully deposited Itis cignr in the bucket. and wiped his fingers on the eponge before proceeding with the din- Iogue. They enforce the regulation: against theatre fine in IYotee.--diporta . the Times. "Woman‘- Ow'n indies] Ann-é." in until (no on mum. wm to-dar. “In. In. M. Summers. Box H. t. Wind-or, on. " All Wanna: I w“! null fun with full Motions. my um. um whii pemttreir can Loam mum. WWI. mm; of an Womb, Pun- ful or Irregular pqr6a6_ um nu 0" ianrumetmorGro-tu,-ttHotrl_ Nan-omens. lamb. Pun- In In Hut. Back or Bowen. Kahuna Shunt but... when enuud by wan- peculiar to our sex. You can autumn mm In homo a CY?'" ot only Ih 0300 nwankl: but. Must Not Smoke in the Theatre. Paul Mound appeared " Howe re. cently u the Missionary Mop in "Le Duel," which We saw in New York last you with Eben Plympton and ou. skin. her. As he lighted I Clgll' " the wings an officer of the fire brigndo informed him that he must not amok: in the theatre. A WINDSOR tllllt't APPEAL use. He belongs to the In. sordid category with the man who we“. tight lime. and high rolhn that an . tor- ment to the flmh, who at. olive. that he doesn't reliyh And drinks umnpnhl ducts, in imitation of his genteel neigh- bor in the brown-stone front.--Attantte Monthly. Parks and Trenton. Everybody talks well when he um in the way he likea, the way ho a!” help, the way he never think. of; the rest is effort and pretense. The man who says "trouters" because in like. to '" it, all-3 the man who up "pants" became he likes to any it an both good fellows with whom A trunk tool could traterniae; but the ma who my. “trou- Ien” when he Inn. to may “put.” in I cnven tad . truckler, oqtauty hateful to honest culture :nd wholenome that: -ti0't'iqAtijiui"rihttttLEt" CORN EXTRACTOR ALWAYS. (hushvd-cofhabh W: Itch-hoof“ ls thttitieefa9tigtttrtnter. ing little Boouetueiwaiiti- bonds. that has Just Been But I'd like to warn you That you‘d best beware; What you're eating isn’l On the bill of fare, And if you'll excuse me, I would like to my, That my nasal feat‘xre Isn't n cafe. Howdy. Mr. Skeeter! Hope I don't intrude, lute to stop a idler At his daily food. Church Tower Hi. Pulpit; " The Crimp and the Consequence " An Extra. CURE?! ISSUE -o udge, I... that "it. mum! Set M You- Lhh'aratr Gillespie-r wonder wht not: of mb letter I would lulu? Hdrdrum---you indium let no hue - tor ten day: and find ouc-uuly SM n... ttC1.'.ettttr.ttifoe. t'd1'hludUtdt'tag,t,t, QNYu-nm . M 'eteher'er"iikirurii7iii. I of the tieetkr' "“6"”: a Iinrd'l Want Ciro. Diphtheria One what of Wilson Pty ru- I. nctunlly killed A bushel of flies. per ready. The bear mum-i Journey up Bone "lley.--Philn- Record. Wise. Barney " iioafTra but that evening he broke his And wag hang before his wit. In While tanning tron work " mm. Mills, b’nnklin toumy, 1uryey Win, baring a noise in the creek berow BAI- ril' “may, paid no attention, mm... It “It I cow. Thom-ownedouttohclu' bar, and it came out of tho but. in. 'lr. rmui.ytbout gen feet in tron of h. F.neh- cork in from . botue od ch.- pngne costing about, . “new, co m the curtain rcpt-oak the “Nb-rod. something lit. £4000. 4m Glob 'A the "1qu m found In the land and quickly lynched. Seven] bunch- wero noticed on the reptili- body but to wu ripped up the back with l pair d than sad oven chicken- wcn You-l [upping for breath. They are Ill um 'et.--uwistots Joann]. Curtai- of Win. Corn. One ot the nut Micah]. duh h Berlin bu tn in supper room . curtain made of champque corks. M an. and cork. with their silver Atl' cov- ering have been threaded on rob decanted with colored ribbo- Ild - bellUhed with and] cor Hi. tt give. . very donor-tin fact at 5 db an: and ha Wanna-rune. at 3 Jay anew panel. linux65 Liliana: there. Gu'u in Con An old hen with . lug. “all, I In" chickens was recently given II empty burn] turned down on "a db for l coop on the writer’s pm. 0- lar. recently the hen - tho “I! d diitee" we'd by .11 food was..." a! the laurel was quickly mtrrmmaM by ti. fWhttrqr weaken of the pension. -raair, Mike you} 'hndow--4oitttw hemhe flier, tty tre bar, the toll”: Thetukrddyci., Ttatom-tnina,--'.'." in still non no. A woman high- uh. the an. ad weep. than uh. will. Who bath . Mr wife hath and of more than two erM. Tar. Roma Ama, . wife with an an rnther than with the 're. - - _. not know. Women In who -rqtu,NoU - "fl-thm. At the protein mount the curtains of lilk in“. the tat-to an oupport» ed by about but“. gnu-u ring which alum-Madmen}: of them "tiri"irariTiird-uir-ib"- London Globe. _ HOOK-l "can. I? - POUNDW 'Lt,a'ffWNir4i an any -, at "ifiuLeee.,"er, A hum. aha-nude ot silver pm In! been ometod In the chapel of the Bt-ed Wt in the new Roman (htholic (\thodnl It wartauu"rtet. For yen- put in uticipstion of this event, I 'tS, vino has done much fur the eathod , ha been collecting gold rings on which the but cunnin- might lung. Sh. in -doed in pun-ding my of hot triad- natd renting to leave " but their wedding ring- for this service. Discount What the loin Wu. Silent and ”with. m the slownes- women. Maine's Latest Snake “my. Black Watch lawman erlun " Woman. H31 “denim. What He Meant. “he?“ NO. " 1908 'tom the Bohemia- of silver gilt Hangers. nau- .0 chant tuck-(e morn hi dent land AWFUL Gov In“ Graphic lob of 6.0M BURNEI TIf Mr.tw 1t0MTE WI old h euutfrur bl been In DWI 'ed Smith! and Neg oflJ it!

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