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Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1908, p. 1

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RE 908 bitchy I More ads Hardware m Sale tc Suits 1e Store LL hoes VOL. XXXI, N0. 33 25 + oii any.piece of Colored Muslin 20 oio off any piece of Whitewear THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT. 25c to Jan. I, Fancy Parasols, slightly soiled, 79c bar does In To any uddreu in Canada, we will send THE REVIEW from now to Jan. 1 next (almost tive months) for 25 cents. Take ad- vantage of this remarkable offer ur see that your friend or neigh- August Clean=up James Ireland Dress the Boy for Comfort Long Silk Gloves at 69c pr. a:-::-::c:-::-::»::-:::-::<:xxfiéfiéfififiéfiâ€"l 1g combines dressiness and coolness in glove wear like su are pure silk, black and white, " button length and ve have not allowed any undesirable accumulation of Ne find it in the interests of good business to have a mm: of summer goods. Boys! NOW is the time llIIIIlIIl'A III-l I . hD'D,D'lFlFll'y'lt,F>h'y'lyXr4F,"/,f "Ac, WANTliD--Highest price in cash or trade. 'e not large, early choosing would be to the ht n Suits will nd so calm ts " on ue " n ll Itch your coatutue-Here's a chance my, sizess to9A for............; t, sizes6to7A tor ..... ........., )wns )wns ram hav if )m K it Look Here Ties ; such prett , at 25c. each. rice of plain here is reduced in price, we have got slightly soiled. Regular pri- and Railroad King Overalls lo it. We haven't very many tgive you prices, but cut goes 20 Tet tit worth tit [.25 Underskirts for " Corset Covers for c Corset Covers for c Drawers for. . . . . 15c and We pr y Wash Ties for 15c New silk lIook:on ...... ....25ceach ',','/yty,ytlyyi4y,i,' W 'iifi .fciii-rt, s-gi.?,:..-?:,.,??))),?, i'ti) (iiiij'i'tiiiiiiis8lh2)s'k' "'ri',i'l In: 'ra, Mrs. Campbell was paid 825 for street watering. McGowan-sharp-That the petition of Ed. Kress and others for local mv provement sidewa1k on south of Dur- ham mad he accepted Council adjourned. A motion by Baunders--Rohertson to increase town rate was lost. The yens and nnys being called, mover and secondcr only voted yes. $16301 By-uuvs No. CAT, 518 re striking rates fur 1908 Were introduced read Hm and second time and council adjourned to Aug. o. Present "Mayor, Meow, McGowan, Robertson. Kreas and Sharp. By-Laws No. 517, 518were pastwd in com. of the whole, rate 21 mills. i)3i'iitliit THE STANDARD BANK Milt" “Vilmn. wopk 2 w, Thai. \Lwhm. unloading grade!" 75 "O'p‘ihtrllllg Uy-an 2 00 Wtu. “Van. work ll 10 A. ll. Juckson, re Granolithic Mot, 10 oo Wrn Calder, r0 Grnnolithie acct 10 oo Judut- wiadiheld acct Court of Revision Rum Ewan, work Mu. Lawrence insp. bridge W. F. Dunn acct yovNrx--Bu- Bpretui--Thia oMce. 21 Mrras.-we rather think con- gratulations are due the town council for a rate of 21 mills. Reductions on one side, and improvements on the other, they hare done well. HAROLD JaRvre--the best known Concert name in Canada lungs in the new rink on Friday 21at August, with Jax and Miss ;Scott of California. Met August 4. Present.. Mayor, lu-vo, McGowan, Robertson, Brown, :II'SS. Sharp. Accts were passed as follows: Telephone Cu 3 90 Wm, Sulnders oper. grader 2 oo Wm, Wiggins. work 3 80 Mayor, exp. lo ()Ltuwn te Ity. 26 GO (ha). Nichol, work c, 2') Jnhn Votictt. work with team 10 rr He: " salary and ptge 30 iiil Rah! Ryan. work 7 88) Elma. b'xuwn. work 1920: It. I'nmphL-H. AHIIII work if 50} Milt" IN il-um. wopk 2 w, 'l'hos \Lwlnn. unloading grinder 75 Rd-gihtrllllg Hy-Law 2 00 “'m. Evan. work ll 10 Established 1873 7 Not -muc1fmoney is needed. On; iiiGGiiUpGGiii account, and entitle you to a pass-book in which your depo§its IT? entered. _ - No delay in withdrawing your money at any time, with interest to date. There is no formality about opening a Savings Account with this Bank. Courteous clerks will make the first steps easy for you ifyott wish to begit? satintr _PPr spay: dollars. Banking Made DURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST 13, 1905 DURHAM BRANCH M“ “.0 AT m0”. OF CANADA 5 oo 3 00 20 a, 85 75 (I) 10 Ti f lsuuxt'rry THIT “am FINE“. -Mrs b'arah Silllllllbll>, proprietor of the Coulwn House, Owen Sound. pleaded guilty this nmrning of keeping liquor for sale, und was lined $30 and costs, l The ingenuity of the permit who con- i routed the scheme to fool the inspecr. i or almost deserved a better reward. i When Mr Beckett visited the house a i week or two ago, he found in the bur, a harmless necessary Witter- tap-at, ; least it nppeared so. Mr Beckett has i, theinvestigating habit. Ir, tolloweu i up the pipe, and found m a quiet cor- 1 ner. another pipe connected, with cut l offs on each. Further i,1v.,'y,ifttyyi' showed that one pipe contmned water, , the other beer. Mr Beckett took some l anmples. but had not time to trace the 1 beer pipe back to its beginning. When i he returned to continue his investign- l tion the tap was doing duty as a wat. E er tap only, The beer end of the cotu- I bination was gone, but there was no getting around the fact that it has! i been there, Mr Beckett had the goods to show for it. Bo the only thing to do was to own up and pay the tine.-- Collingwood Bulletin. Fax in Rink, let. " A comical ineidettt, marked thei Accocsr Norrce, -Htwine sold out ' break-up of the camp of the Queen's my business, it becomes necessary Own at Quebec. There had, of course that all accounts must be settled forth. I been the usual amount of grumbling at I with. Call at the store and pay the the monotony of camp fare, the snrt'eit ‘snuie before the first of September. of beans bemg a subject of especial After that date costs will be added. complaint. Sunday afternoon some Davin Esrructats, wags procured a plate of 1"'atitt.'n.d PHAX Puon PHus.--n the verdict samples of the other rations provuled, of all who have heard the inimitable and star ted " ""tey Ty"'"'." comedian. Will appear at the Pree. through the ranks. 'P: whole regi- ltytetian chair”; concert on Friday of went caught on to the Joke. and soon next week along with the fumou' l? impOsing corte'ge Wtttt m progress. tenor, Harold Jarvis and Miss Scott of E.irst came 2'1S','t',tt'yt,1-:l'tsr-dc, play- California. 21st inst. mg the "dead more t.' next the late l lamented beans and other remains, } Art From Paris At Toronto. With it lighted candle borne aloft. 3 Advices have been received at. the The luckiess camp cook was seized and 5 offices of the Canadian National Exhi- carried on a stretcher, and a thing l hilion. Toronto, to the effect that a party accompanied the procession, ,icollection of magnificent paintings is After a solemn PTPKNUS through the l coming forward from the Paris Salon. 'ranks, wuh otthih,i and men saluting, These pictures have never been out of the defunct rations were interred with {FF-“We be fore, and consequently. are full military honors nod the swaveicalculated to prove tk rare novelty of was decorated. Fin the remainder ot 1! great interest. the da all visitors and soldiers were Ti'."---,"?""-'-:',-'"" compelled to reverentiy bare. their ') Nciding Lacrosse Game. 1 heads when approaching the pl it e of _ --- _ septilclirc. , The Hanover and Owen Sound Ill-i Tum FOR THE Ditrrruct-rue la- crosse match on Wednesday last, be" (ween 0. Sound and Hunover was won by the home team by 3 goals to 2' Spectators say it was one of the tastest, cleanest and most exciting matches ever Been in the county town. Hanover and Owen Sound are now tied fordistriet honors, which will be decided in Markdnle on Monday, 17th of August. 5 Fax and Harold Jarvis with other I High Class Talent In the new rink on ‘Aug. 21. under the auspices of the I Durham Presbyterian Choir. " Jimmie" Fax, they make a trio un- surpassed as entertainers. In the now rink comfortably seated and well lit up. Doors open at 7.15 p. In. Miss Florence Scott. Los Anzelos. California, the leading Soprano on the Prscitic coast is in Durham, on 21st August. With Harold Jarvis and A professor of Stuétgarl: recomun-nds music as the best ngont for making the hair grow, and cites the luxuriant locks which adorn the heads of pro- fessional musicians " pron! I A number of Raview subscription accounts have been sent out during the hot week or two Will those re- ceiving them. kindly give them im. mediate attention. A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar tinge Licenses. Durham, Ont. Bargains in Milllnery " Miss Dick's 35‘ ttt 5l Blanche THE Pvuusumm 'Gattt" will be called ut330p. In. sharp. juese teams are not only even in {number ol games won, but also in {number of goals scored and a fast and leven game "my be contident1y looked ital. b'pexGltvains will he run from [both towns for. the accommodation of lplayers and spectators. The special lax-tin will leave Hanover ttt10.00 a. m. ' Durham about 10.30. arrhing at Mark. ldule at 1200 p. In. Returning. special llwul leave Markdale about 7.30 p. m., inrriving at Durham 9.13 and Remove r {9.56. The fare from Hanover will be :95 cents for the round trip I fares from I Durham and Priceville not yet an- !nouuced. The managers of the Han. iover Lwcrosqe Club have not yet re- [ceived contract with time and rate Ischedulee. but the above is approxi- l mately the service offered in telegram ‘frum Mr u, B. Foster, D. P. A., Toron- Ito, Lot. 27, 28, com 1 B. D, it. Gleneuii 85aeres cleared, 7 acres bush. We water. Good Brick House. Frame Bank Barn (46:60.) imile from pro- posed station on new C. P. It. Line- Gonvenient to School and P. 0. Fur ther particulars apply on the premises. CAsrrsutos.---In Toronto at the home at he mother, Carleton St.. on Fri- day. 7 August. 1008. Wm. Cameron. ttDr.Aw,-rn Durham, on the 9th August, Mrs James Laidlaw. aged ttt years. 'oRrtumN.--rn Egremont, on Satur- pur 8th August. Roht. Morrison. BcorT.-rn Durham. on Friday. 7th August, Mrs J. w. Scott. nged 77 . years. Hav.-At Orchard. on 5th August, to Mr and Mrs Alexander Hay. a son. MCDONALD, - MCARTHL’R. --At the residence of Duncan McArthur the bride's father. Glenelg. by the Rev. J. A. Idulheaon of Priceyille, James Moboqald of Bruce Mines to Marv The Hanover and Owen Sound I"'l Stunning and painful was the news Immediate Lacrosse Clubs will play that reached Dueham on Friday " the tte for District Championship morning by wire that Willitut a“... "l 3GrltGleon Monday, August, 17th. own had died, suddenly that day. Gattto will Ire culled at 3.30 p. m. sharp. When death comes to the aged more These teams are not only even inlis sorrow and a sigh. hut when the number ol games won, but nlso in (young and the “was i. taken there is number of goals scored and a fast and grief deep and acute. hiruUth nr. Scott J arms The Concert of the year it. Tickets 25e and Much" lane’s. T. Allan, K. J. cure," if}? McDonald. A. M. McGirr. Rumage. B. Weir, M. J. Weir, ' The eagerly looked for results of the Examinations for Entrance to Normal Schools came out on Saturday lust and relieved the anxiety of a good ‘mnny. while it confirmed the fears of others who have failed. Durham school has nine pupils to its credit, 5 showing not so good as some years. but compared with those who passed the home test. elcyen, is very good in- deed. The nine names are G. If, Bech- us, w, A. Campbell, 8. M. Ferguson. _ M. E. Morton, J. L. McDonald. S. M. McNally, L. S. Watson. M. J. Weir, E Wilson, Tuesday's papers contains the list of those who at the recent examination took full Matriculation standing. Those from Durham are: A, R. Alice. T. Allan, K. J. Clark, G. Heard, L. McDonald. A. M. McGirr. C. C. 'ax Ax INTELLECTUAL TREAT The Examinations. Farm tor Sale. . MARRIED . ; Mus. JAMES LAIDLAW. Il' tor tsate. , i sun another to the death roll this gin-71:“: /,eg.'lett/gt ( week, and another of the links '7th 1 brick House. 1fiiii1tt past broken. The nboye lady 45x60.) 5 mile from pro- [ pulled any on Sunny morning last 0311?": Eh , 't Lige- _ after . brief ulna-n of . few up, with I oo I . . ur, . rs apply on the premium I congestion at the lungs. from which Joan HUMOR. Prop I Ctm'it"ustroatrasre & ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO BORN. DIED. In New Rink, Durham, .21 Aug. Eyear. Don't miss and 351.. 'Plan at "if Pa,' f Rom-.31 Monmsms'. 2 Just two weeks after his mothel‘a fdeath. Rom. Morrison passed away tsuddenly at the home of his brother in (ijiiii,iii:':i, on Saturday Int. lie wn l sitting reading when he nuddenly took gnome kind of a spam sud died in: ‘short time. He returned from the ( west about two years ago and we un- fderatund has not had very good health |aiuce. He was About m you. of me , and unmarried. F Mn. ROBERT MILLS. i Our Dornoch correspondent flttinttle , refers to the sudden and lamented. ( death of Mr Rom. Mills, at Tilbury on F Friday last. The Review extend. con- 'dolencea. Mrs Scott. was the oldest living resi- dent of Datham, Few. it any. ex- cept the Hunters and McNahs Were here before her, so that her removal is another link severed {tom the chain hindlng the put to the present. ' “'ILLIAM CAMERON. I Standing and painful was the newu [that reached Durham on Friday Deceased was a young man of about 26 years. and held an important. posi- tion in the lug publishing firm and gave promise of a useful career. Sin- cere sympathy is extended to the sor- rowing mother and other relatives, For some months back he bud been in poor health, but no fatal terminm tion was looked for, at least so Boon, consequently the blow falls heavy on his devoted mother and loving sisters and brothers. His hmthet James. his sisters Kisses Kate and Bell, his cous- ins Mrs Parker and young Mr Ross accompanied the remains to Durham. Mr Joe. Melt. Robertson, Betty, of the McLean Publishing 00., and an Ill- timate friend was Mao present on be- half of Col. J. B. McLean (who was not at home) and representing the Company. Deceased was a delightful old lady ' chatty, cheerful and obliging. She was intensely loved by her children and was devoted to them and their in- 'terestl to the lut. She was buried in Trinity Church graveyard on Monday amid many tokens of respect, Rev Mr Biee conducting the services. The pal] hearers were ; C. L. Grant. Rom Coch.. rane. Geo. Kreaa. F. Lenalmn. w, B. Yolk-it and C. Ramage. Mrs Scott. whoa: name was Isabella Deustow, was horn in Devonshire' England, In len, and came to this country with her parents in her in. fancy, they settling our tit, Cather- linrs and Dundas. She was married at Dundas at the age of 10 to Mr John Scott. who predeceased her forty years ago. They came to Durham in 1819 and consequently were among the veryearliest settlers. Heowned con- siderable property here and engaged in store-keeping for a time. To them were noun six none and two daughters ttve of whom survive “follows: Rom. '; at home, John in Toronto, Chanel in l Winnipeg t Mrs Milan and Mrs Carter‘ both in Rochester. "on Robert and had been feeling about no mull all the forenoon but. about two o'clock. the attack came which in less than half an hour proved fatal. A doctor was summon- ed and neighbors were attentive, but human aid WM unveiling. Her son Robert, ever faithful. was with her at the last. and surely no mother was ever more dutifully attended to dar. ing her declining year- than was Mrs Scott by her non tor, as the writer had ample mews of knowing. no daugh- terU hand could have dealt more gent- ly with the aged one or rendered her more comfort. l Friday Int. 7th August, there passed away very suddenly. but It the ripe age of 77 yea". one of the pioneers of Datham, Mm, J. W. Scott. Upper town. For several years put she bu been subject, at Intervals. to fainting spells, from which she graduelly rallied until this last one, when the worn frame at last gave way and she passed to her rest. She had taken dinner With her A Large Death Roll. Published Weekly} at $1.00 I you. Mas J. W. SCOTT, Durham BranCh: J. c. TELFORD. - Mm... Paid-up Capital. . . . . .. ....$4.350,000 I3est,/....C........C..C 2,000,000 Total Assets over..... ....33.0oo,ooo . 'art received and interest paid or ad ed four times a year at highest current rates. 890cm Attention to _Pyptprr Business THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT Just a NW days M! In buy at abnuc half price. R B Keeler & Sons Of Canada. HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Traders'l3ank Taken look through our store and you will see genuine bargeins trom one end of the store to the other. And the people are buying cheaper than they ever bought before The Yellow Label Bargains , Bargains ! Come with the Crowds Offers, will be received Ivy the under. thte up to August the lmh fox 84W Debentures hearing hperceut int. eml. payable yearl in illequulpuy- menu of internet (l'i'll,'l.i/i'.',. ml. under By-llw No. 535 Bridge. 411:- Mm“- Debentures will he suld on lilac or in 31000 Iota. The REVIEW. Ilk. to Jan, Isl. to New Subscribers. Order it for that friend of yours. August 22nd and Sept. 11. from all stations east of Toronto-North Bay line, to and including Kingston. For the three excursions in August special trains will be run from all points on the C. P. R. If you are in any doubt as to date of excursion from your district apply to local C. P. R. agent, who will also furnish times of special trains, or write to C. B. Butter, District Passenger Agent, C. P. P., Toronto. August 19th and Sept, 9th stations on Toronto-Sarnia tenth thereof (in Canada.) To meet as far " possible the un- ullnl denund for farm laborers in Munitobn, Saskatchewan and Alberta, (the Cnnndian Pacific Railway will run special second class excursions Lfrom all Ontario stations. Cost of a one-wny ticket to Winnipeg is 'Ho.oo, and from Winnipeg to points where laborers contract to work they will be carried without charge. After at least one month 'a work in the harvest field, I ticket back to Ontario start- ing point will be issued at $18.00. Tickects are only good on Farm Laborers' special trains, and will be issued to women, but no half-rate tor children. Leaving dates of excur- sions are as follows ..- August 14th and Sept. 8th, from all stations in the territory between Toronto-North Bay line and Toronto. Sarnia line. That‘s why we :11: so busy Tell- the due to which {our Imb- tite,", has been pa d. Our In . lug tint was this week cor. rectea up to date. If yours is not correct. kindly notify us at once. We thank all who have renewed the past few weeks but there are yet many others we with to bar from at once. 1. The big Sale is on at KEELER'S. Oiiice closes at I p. m. Friday Open until 4 p. m. Saturdays c. BAMAGE & SON, Pun-us up Pun-Ins Debentures tot. Sale. 25,000 Men Wanted for Western Harvesting. Farm Laborers' Excursions. WM. B. voLLerr, Clerk th, from all in line and stil b") ' KW ' 'tra", " tl h]

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