West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1908, p. 5

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9121003. LijWi) 1908 " =q N 's MC“ In our "w" ("NCO DHIWIHKQ ' Dns.KENNEDY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave.. and Griswold St.. Detroit. Mich. l _ ' a "u""v'u.u'-'a.u-u.u.u-a.u.u.u.u.u.u.u., EAR?! Q1 LABOR Elfiiljfi,) _ _ ac. fiir4r, WANTED I [1 ' at? "3-3'P3-3eaea-aeaeaeaeaea.aea= 1htsjitiii1h'ryE0YlklltEll0ilEBY AUGUST 13, 1908 Located in Out Own Omco Building. A$H Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit. Mich. We are Supreme, store but a pure, Drugs We are here to stay and will show the neon] JA. DARLING, Chemist and Druggist HUI“ Strictly Pure Paris Green High-grade Machine Oil, Mower Sections Binder Twine DARLING'S DRUG STORE PRICES PAID FOR FGGS AND GRAIN Pure Paris Green, Me lb. Open Night and Day. , "lit;':,':':,)';)"' EXCURSIONS tf" To WINNIPEG '/ T @213“ $10.00 33:51" , Hardware8, unters Seed Store All: CPI. Tick-t Aer' for limo of IDOGiII train on August mu. If no - convenient, writ. ter.-- AUG. 14&SEPT. 8 Trip WlU'VV Class Free ticket' from Winnipeg to points where farm laborers are needed. wlthln certain limits, from all "atlttrts Irt (en-Kory Munch Toronto. 81min "no and Toronto-North Bay lino. GO TO B. FOSTER. DH. n... Att., Ma., Toronto s & all pertaining to Drug ) business at cut rate prices We run no junk shop grocery unadulterated Drug Store. of more sorrow and 'uitterus, Uisvuses cumbmed We Mee vicious habits on "werv M "imam-d tace dark circled "rm, stunu-d dcwlopnent. "hum: couttttutauc" and um olah,a to all the world his r, tmeht hisvsistettee. Uurtre ' " cums All weak men by I ' rvnmving the efitscts of Vorm 1 and "YLi9'olq. It sums alldr: l n sUrivsthevietirtt to what In ', n lwnhhy nml happy mnnvrm l tal and nerve power complete Son Free. If unable to can, write for I question Blank tor Home Treatment rr',, ',wnrv'mlmsto cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, 81001) D!SEASES STRICTUIE. VIRICOCELE- KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. Comulh. EXCURSIONS LEAVE , and, for the next 60 days we people what we mean. Excesws null iruliscretotts are tho came of more Hormw and Milk-I'm: "ran all other le‘usv's cornbtutut We we the Helium of nun us balms on "very numb the sallow. rumpled tact, (In: k circled "YP't, storming ln-rm. slunlml ']\'\l,'lUDl'.enc. tutslrtut, melan. Mun-m; cn-unh-Imlm- null timio hearing ror "rin to all the world his folly and tom? to btturuthisrxiwvcrtve. Irurtreatmentposltit Iv cures all vvak men hy overcoming Ind rwmmin: tho em ctsof Former lmllscrellonl mul "YVr'Msu'% It sums nll drainn and quickie v, " ttrithvvietitttto whattmtttreintended- u lu'nllh)’ nrtl happy man with physlcal. men. tal um! nerve pom-r complete. For ovarian". on. It. 1 K. have "mated with tho you“: Once... all Glucose: of men and women. If you have any sm‘rvt disease that is n “'nrrv am a hummus to your hvallh consult old ceuarriihtul physicians who do not. have to " Successors to OHS. KENNEDY & KEN" mat on NERVOUS DEBSLITY GU RED IMPORTANT $18.00 m Manitoba. Alberta Saskatchewan Work 2,Tt2,g for 25.000 mm. Goo wages. altar at least 30 darn work As an evidence of careful manage- ment of the public moneys, the Con. servatives in eighteen years expended smoother» on capital and special ex- expenditures. To do this they had to borrow 81181101“). In twelve yen-e the Liberals have spent 816211002!) tor the some purposes. and only added '19,000.000 to the pubbe debt. That is, 8u3,000,000 was “(fended for these purposes and provi ed out of the; ordinary revenue. Less Debt Per Caplta. The increase of the net debt from 1878 to 1800, a pericd of Eighteen years of Conservative rule, was 8118,1i'h5,000, an average of $6,673,000 per year. The increase of the net debt under the Liberal Government from 1896 to INS. twelve years. was 819,474,376, an aver- age increase per year of 8r,657,000, A considerable portion of this was oc- ensioned by the Transcontinental rail. way. Thernet debt in 1896, last year of Conservative rule. was $50.82 per head of population, and the net det t in 1908 is $42.84 per head. l Consider This Contrast. In view of what has been accom- plished in the past under conditions which make the trials and difficulties, of to-day seem but as a summer pie- nie, and in View of the opportunities stillcpen for those who are prepared to go to work in earnest, one is tempt- ed to ask if the pioneer spirit is de. clining. The men who laid the foundations of Ontario would have made light of things which appear as insuperable obstacles to some of the present generation. The need seems to be not better opportunities. but the courage necessary to sieze the oppor- l tunities which are open. l 5t In these days, when new arrivals lrom the Old Land complain so loudly of the difliealty oi'obtaining work, or of the sort of labor offered, it is well to oeeasionally call to mind the condi- tions which the firat arrivals in this Province, the ancestors of the genera- tion ot to day, were forced to meet. Some eighty years ago a family settled ', down in what was then a dense bush tiltcen miles northwest of Barrie. This iamily consisted of the two aged grandparents and a lad ot seven or eight. The grandfather, a stationer by trade. knew absolutely nothing of [ bush lite, or even of ordinary farming. while the grandchild was for a timea burden rather than a help. Bat they all had grit, and they held on. The grandchild ot eighty years since is to- day himself a grandfather, and all about him are descendants living in cumiort on well tilled farms, with bank barns and brick houses. Some. what later a young couple landed in the woods to the north of Guelph. The husband had been a weaver, and was without practical knowledge of anything connected with farm life. They, too, had steel in the fibre and red blood in the veins. To-day the sons have beautiful homes and are _ leaders in one of the finest agricnl~ l tural sections of the Province. 5 The Toronto Mar referring to the anomaly of hundreds of idle men in the cities while farmers are pinched for help, comes to the conclusion that the pioneer spirit is declining, and contrasts the past with the present in this fashion a I tt The most enthusiastic Convention of Provincial Righters for Francis was held atStoughton this afternoon. ( lfpwa rds of 100 delegates were pres- eut and the utmost enthusiasm pre- vailed. Several names Were put be. tore the meeting, bat all withdrew in raver of Dr Malian. of Fillmore, who was immediately wired at his home, and when the acceptance came it was received with ringing cheers. Ey- erything points to a great victory tor the provincial righters in this con stittleney. Dr Mahan is well known and pop- ular throughout the constituency ; a man of sound judgment and business ability, he should make a creditable showing at the polls. Referring to this Convention the Wmnipeg Telegram says l mg election. The constituency was well represented. Mr Westgate, ot Francis, was appointed chairman of the convention. Six nominations ‘ were made as follows I P. M. Gates and Dr Mahan, of Filmore ; D. Don. nelly and Ed, Slater, of Stoughton; Dr Council, ot Tyvan, and F', J. Woods, of Howard. Dr Mahan war unable to be present owing to pro teasional business, bat he wired his acceptance of the candidacv. Upon receipt of the doctor's acceptance the other nominees declined to stand, and Dr Mahan was made the unanimous choice of the convention withouta vote. Re Faint-hearted Immigrants. " A Convention of the supporters of the Provmcial Rights party in the constituency of Francis was held at Sloughton on Wednesday afternoon to select , candidate for the forthcom- Under the above heading the Chronicle of Reward. Sank. has the following relating to Dr Maban, well. known in Durham, as the aon-in-lsw of Mr Norman McIntyre. We cone gratulnte our friend on the hearty unanimity of his choice and the con. tidenee his fellow-eitizens repose in, him. The paper says " l ight Barham THURSDAY, AUGUST Or Mahan Nominated. t3, Fax in Rink, let. C. McMILLAN & Embalming a Specialty. Funeral Directors and Undertakers Lotlfuur--Huuter--Thu we adjourn to meet on Monday, 21st Sept, School tequisnions must be all m before above date.--carried. Lothun-Huuter---Tut the following accounts he paid for gravel and a few minor sects $87.24. to Chas Druuun 82 bags cement, 916.00: Clerk, postage and reuiulmuon on T. Lists. 91.36; o M Seim. printmg I' Lists, 949.50 ; Jas Shea on drain Nu 9. $180 ; J D Ellis on drain No 2, 960.00; Wm Aberderu, op. erating grader, 92.10. l Comr Philip reported spending 9176.80 In his division mostly by days labor. Com fees 57.50. As the Township of Fgrotnont has been instrumental in ob. taining Lagialntiou to have the assess- mont made in October and the Rolls to be returned April 80th following It was resolved that we ttsk for applica- tious (or assessor at our next meeting. for making the awesome“ ol the town- ship tor 1909 as aforesaid and a By-Law be prepared to that eifeet also I sup- plementary By-Law to issue debentures for the mom on (lain No 1. E. k P. and a L'rLaw to levy the rates ior 1908. -Aharriui, _ Uouncil met August 'drd, minutes sun-l Through the magnanimous and per. tained. Respecting the water grieVnnce ' sistent efforts of Earl Grey, the Gov. of W, J. McEnchoxn. an "micabm are; ernor General of Canada. a large a- may“ ttrnved at tsud signed by mount of money has been raised to I'" make it practicable to preserve my a Pltilp--Lotlon--Tuat we accept otl . the tender of lt. Grafton tor the con. Ipuhltc park the battleground on the attraction of )lcNuir's bridge at $301.00. I Plains of Abraham. near Quebec eity, Municipality to supply all necessary where. General Wolfe and General‘ timber.---carnea, l Montcalm met death while contending Road Cumin. reports Conn. Lothian l in a decisive battle for the possession reported having spent 611.3 In his divis. l, of Canada in 1759. Victory dechred ton chielly by days' l.abor in eha.tyre ot a l for the British, but defeat left no stain e.1eeyfr, consisting ol grading yd on the memory of the defeated. Many gruelling and some necessary repairs. . Countess 36.00,Uumr Hunter reported years "o alotnt monument was e. spending 8115 9o in his division " rected to commemorate the two tren-', above, Cum. teen 012.00. Come Fergar erals. One of the patheticincndents of on reported '?.erpc'ydttyre at 856.25 ID the celebration was the laying of tm. Ine diviuou. cuiohy by days' labor, Com I wreaths on \Volte's monument, one tees " oo. I to the memory of Wolfe by a descend- Comr Philip reported snemliny MW', Rn - _ _ - Pln'lp--t,othusn--That we accept of tho lender of It. Grafton for the cou- strnclion of McNair's bridge at $301.00. Municipality to supply all necessary timber/-Carned, Cannon] met August 'drd, minutes sua- tained. Respecting the water grievance of W, J. Mchcholu. an amicabw agre - ment was arrived at and signed by 'iii parties. Lenahan All calls, either night or day promptly attended to. Constantly on hand at our Prieeville" Establishment. a lull and varied stock of Fun- eral supplies. mamma'wm ue WE“ - _ x . I I ) an": 2dle'..?dil.U _.. -. plLleToj Liye ENGLISH Egremont Council. F. P. REILEY Priceville. [eat-21°! in T HARDWARE AND FURNITURE THE DURHAM 1uil1milW D. ALLAN. Clerk LIQUID Being Lot 14, Con. I. N. D. R., Glen. elg. consisting of 100 acres. more or less. go acres cleared, balance hard wood bush. Bank barn, (1):“. frame house, grouted inside, (1)124. im plement house 40x3). good well at door, farm free from incumbmnce. School halt a mile distant and nnother‘ " miles. Intending pun-linen will get particulars by writing to ( DONALD Eamon, Gui-lob P, O. ' Two stoma. double, frame house, situated on t e west side of Gnrafrnxa St. in upper town. Large lot with stable. First class well and cistern. Apply on premises. Axons CAMERON One double tenement house in Up- per town. Stone. One part eight room, bath, furnace and cellar. The other part. six rooms and cellar. Your choice of two houses. Une on Countess Street. Brick, eight rooms bath and closet. Two cellars. furnace, etc, Sable with tour single stalls, two carriage npartmgnls and ice house, Waggon, a number of large egg vats. (would make iirtrt class cisterns) 3 or 1 thousand fence posts. lath, shingles, lumber, A quantity of wood near Welber-k P. 0., will be sold at fifty "tere load. ti . AMIEsoN, Administrator Spain» In" Ain‘t-On ling GGG.' The followine must be sold at once l New Waggon. qew iypu truck wheel Hear Jarvis on let Aug. in the New Rink. ant of Montcalm, and one to the mem- ory of Montcalm by a relative of Wolfe. As the scene of the cele- bration, and especially cf the historical pageants. the Plains of Abraham will henceforth possess a new interest for Canadian and foremn tourista.-Er, Once used,----)- used. These are not only as good as others but are superior to anything on the market to-day. or to DAVID Kmxus. Durham, orA H. Jacmros, Durham. The Plains of Abraham. Houses for Sale. Farm tor Sale. B r a n d r am's BB. Genuine White Lead For Sale. For Sale. cIntosh. Apply to W. BLACK. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO PAINT' m. Sweaters, over-.113 & uaa, loot: aad Shoes and everything in the Gent 's For- nishing [me this is your chum stud you should take adv-awn o it. l Having decided to give up the l Gent’s Furnishing Business in l Durham my entire stock will be cleared out " wet price. For bargains in Men‘s and Boy 'ti salt; and 1Md Penn, uncut: III-mun, Mata and avian. Countries. Indus-cl: B, Su- renders, lion: and In" hon, Unlu- Going one of Business Massey " Harris Mowers & Rakes Embalmlng a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice SHOW ltoosttr--Next to Swallow‘s Bar. her Shop; V FY“ W “mum" BT, Rteamtmcte - First house south Lawrence's Blacksmith Shop. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director C'omr to us for tickets and informa- tion. We. me also agents for Allan and Dominion line steamships and C. l'. It. ocean liners. MacFARLANE & co. Van-“pull ' PP, p.m. 6.401300 leave Hanover or ve 9.90 1.25) 6583.13 Allan Park 9.3.") 1.05 1193.10 Durham 9.13 12.18 7.2{i13.5z3 McWilliums 8.5! P2,m 7314.20 Priceville " 12.05 8,10 4.35 m-‘ve Snucht. leave 8.25 [1.45 Connecting with trams to and from Toronto. Only one change between Durham and Toronto. Speed, comfort and safety. rue four-wing) timemile will effect until furt' er notice ', read down P , I'll}? Irl, n ' With the opening of the new Cann- dian Pacitie line. another milestone has been reached in the history of our town I y . ". I um owl . .. “”991" Block, Durham IN NEW ©illlrlllls Coal Oil and Machine Oil always in stock. Tunic 011mm, cn,", with: CT... Floor Ollcloth. 1 ad 2 yds wide. . Linoleum 2rartts wide.-..........." Smym Run. 60r30............ ' Bee our new Prints md Gingham and all kinds of Massey Harris implements for Haying and Har. vesting seasons. De Laval and Massey Harris Cream Separator. I 27 in wide. I an in wide. l, ao in wide, I " In wide) (fri in wide. Tnble Linen. M iLTriie, unbluched " M Ina wide, W... tt (no In- wide, unbluched All mun mg. the wMteEnUp-nqs. good "lug“.uo ones. prompinisGaiiriiii'r ati'. in; will continue to be my motto. Yours for business. After two years in business in Durham I thank heartily the manv farmers and other: who hsVetsvored me with their trade and have [ensure in Announcing that I ',',fi in the future have have pleasure in meeting in more commodions usrters. all my old friends, /eyl l trust quay new Calder Block, Durham HE SELLS CHEAP. Full line of Catholic Robes and black and white Caps for aged people. McIntyre Ihoek--umtrton St. Barclay and Bell 'tt old stand '. tf. BEAN A. BELL CARD OF THANKS 2 an ..........,.........= pl! 3’1““;me fr's7d"lllii::y.r..c:.::::ii'.tiltl', I have workededgeu except 25cm Table McFadden ' McLellan. oi1o1oth read up '...2ie yud 1/ 1'.ti.gltll', he in 25c yud of 100 acres. Durham Rom. Bentlnck. Good dwelling. frame ' harm good soil. Convenient location, only 823(1). 200nm. t11tsttelg--fine bunk barn-- good frame diveliinr-other good improvements, only W3000. 40 tom Garden Land. Durham loud Bentinck. 315m- A snap. 260 acres on Guam“ ttttad-tine buildings. good tences, good soil. To quit buyer ll sum 100 acres. Betttltteit,--owner in west. price 327(1). Buildln a worth the money-farm for nudging. not: of other property for sale. " ney to Land, All kinds of butl- ness "tttttded to, A Dollar for Would he a “rent bargain. So In the following properties " the prices ukod t Lloenled Auctioneer for the ('4). ot Grey. we mainly amended to. nu:- monum- en ttll be left at his lmple men: Wm menu. I nnon'l old and. one the Brunt JOHN CLARK Is the thing to think of n3.” Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Hoary Public Commissioner. - -- Money to Loon. Term moderate. tAgia',',",':,?",',,', to um. dar., Inns! be m e In th, tim, DII’IIAIII. c.’ cromspondet there, or to Ceylon nu. will “mended 00. Term on “mun-um lunuunce Agent. Monev to [mom luuer of #trrr'aw Lia-mes. A gen eral antacid business transacted. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Holiday Baking Emitter. Solicitor. Notary Public. 9nmirLiiiiF, " Money Lu Loan at lowest rues. Once. “chitin Block over the titan dud Bun , Durham, Ontario. 0010::de er': J. F. GRANT D. 0.8-. LO. B. HONOR fll,2f'l,h'g ,"g'e',yg2'/gg,eo and ate y co an an Human Dentistry in All In bunched. orto N Boss ALWAYS FRESH _ -- v -, a v U. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Sn eons of Ontario. Room- Over J l J [HUNTER'S New Store W. CLPICKERING o. D 5.: L o S We have I good supply of fresh Bskmg than on hand. Also a. good snow meat of Candies. Null and outages. Licensed Auctionée} tor C PIYCICIA. a and”. - OM00 our J.SN. '4tmtor'e it". a to 10 A... 30033:} 2to 1 ,_. We have I .4 H. STINSON Model Bakery T " -.---'- -.-- Only“ ttttM-arte-tSF/iii-r". than“. and Geo - at, u m of Inn. Old loom: Corner. tNe. over Ghrdon'l Jewelry Store '. McPHA IL- J. f. HUTTON. M. IL C. 9-11 I. I Notary Public, Uo"uuuerioner, CONVEYANCER. tic. mum G, - an“... - Women “demotion. Axum GUN. M. )1qu can...“ ttrla" uh {aim} ME DIG-AL D. normal 'Ceylén F. 0 C. RAIAGE. Durban _ Ceylon km a telephone ottut Toloplono Coinntlon No. " The Hmover Conveymcr BUREAU. ONT. (Lowe: fa, DEN TAL . P. TELFORD Ceylon P.0.," will hé iGiiiiWr Psht"oopirtiaiia to B, B, KILLER Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. . P. DUNN OFFICE HOURS 'tr Block. over Post Dulce Fifty Cents ‘maemeuu for ulna u an en the Review of. o.rrrspou.t1epms MGM tti, iii. 'o. Grey "

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