West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Aug 1908, p. 1

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alues Bins. and Shoe TORE IVE res conitde Saturday Store aware make better 1.4L? nc ”I Ill LI Cf aha-5:435::-::-::-::-::-’::-:3.1532333333330433?,5 i VOL. THE REVIEW. DURHAM, ONT. 25c to Jan. l, 1909 rc---..- Long Silk Gloves at 69c pr. e'hsthltvr,r combines drcssiness and coolness in glove wear lil (lk. Thurt: are pure sxlk, black and white, " button length at "4'2? nlysnlll at $1, for only-... ...... _.... ...... ........a. . . Fancy Parasols, slightly soiled, 79c '/, hl, cvary fancy Parasol here is reduced in price, we hav l tlrout,tnum!,urthat have got slightly soiled. Regular pr: .“El I."TI<)..'.‘)U, ll:(1c2ll‘ill,........._... .._-._ UT!) n month will August Clean=up nv address in Canada, we send THE REVIEW from to Jan. 1 next (almost ttve Lh~) tor SG cents' Take ad. age of this remarkahie offer t? that your friend or neigh- XXXI, N0. 34 le we have not allowed any undesirable accumulation of ‘ct we Gnd it in the interests of good business to have a dean-up of summer goods. combines dressiness and coolness in glove wear like ire pure silk, black and white, " button length and [HES], for only...... ...... _.... ...... ........69c Now are not large, early choosing would be to the is th r, rill do it. We haven't very many 1nnot give you prices, but cut goes Look Here m k' and Railroad King Overalls t Highest price in cash or tmc such pretty W so each. Nev get $1 worth. Not so bad, eh ? tiyety'1'r,?yx,'y,','/,rysei,'jis5 51.25 Underskirts for 50c Corset Covers for 25e Corset Covers for 5oc Drawers for. . ' . .t of Whitewear 15c and We pr y Wash Ties for 15c New silk Iiook:on e53! 'UI I ‘i If,) A l 29' El mm ‘1 g! tit l Hist lime the Durham band had an- peured in Flesherton. and their music mu vnjoyed. Mr, Wright, the band. "Hull-r. has only heen in charge auburn time but hus the hand in good shape. The other lnnds are too well known to med comment here, The music was of a high guide throughout, and was most enjoyable." - "i-N"""""'""" vvuu gnw him a hrarly greeting. Tm: BAND Ai'Pneci,crEn.--In writ, ing up the recent. band concert in Flashermu, the Advance compliments the local band as follows: 'U'tfere were three hurls ptsr'nt--Durham, Dun. dnlk, and Murkdnle. ThisAWas the ld. . .', A. “ . - The" Valye of Economy,) MI “will to take a run to Durham to "M!“ ur renew acquaintance with zin-ir Lew twighlmrs now almost next duur. Among them Wtttg "Billy" "uvlor who fur 16 Venn: was the pop- ular shun! 1lmver, Durham to \ankor- mm. 2.", gears since he left Durham and )2 ywus since. he visited it, yet he met with mnnv old acquaintance who THE SWDARD BANK m-w Sum-2 Sunn~ As would he no- ticed in am last, week',, issue Mr Thou. 1hGrath madu his bow to Review remit-1‘s in an ad announcing his pur- rlmw of the business. until latelv con-j dttoteti by Eznsricken and Sewell. I " Tum " is a young man of energy, and WP, hope will get a satisfying] share of the huimess See page 8, I COME AaArs.-an invasion “about! a tlomm Wulkntnniuns took place on, Fruluy last, It, was theirdvic holiday, ' and the :Illurements of the new line) . _ n....‘,-‘.‘.n. “nil: “nun I satisrartion as pianist and also render. NI two solos. A most enjoyable eye- ning was spent by all. LUST A IlotxrgE,, -lnl.ending to mm?! to Hullnud Tp. In the near future. Mr. Jun. Quinn rm-entlv purchased a horse {rum .Mr. Dunsmor' 'n upper town and left it thever. It broke loose in tho stable and more than 'tatiyMed ital "pprtite with the feed it had access toll and died from over-eating. Nr.w Sum-z Sump.~ Au would Ire 110-, tioed in uur last, week’s issue Mr Thou. I Mun-all: umdz- his bow to Review; Hustlers in an ad announcing his pur- rhmo of the business. until latelv con-l lluctml by Fhutmicken and Sewell. I "Tom " is a Srttttrur "my: nf mm-.." Amms'r Do.s'yv--The ballasting of the new line is expeet8d to be com- plrtud this week. The steam shovel is then to he moved to a gravel cut near W'alkerton and a month will he rye-hr in making the fill for the Walk- Prion Station yard, Low-rs of innocent fun will be grati- fied on 21st. August if thev attend the, “ink Convert, where James Fax is to) appear, Fas',, motto is " My humor m:w cease to be instructive. it, will new-r t'F'isp In he Innocent." Tick etsi, at M:wl"arlane‘s. l An inlpl'oulplu dance was given in . tlu. Hull Tuesday evening and attend- ml by about Mot' the youth and lreaut of town with u few viqitors. Mr. “Iv Sullwrland, Woodstock, gave. good L~.o;u4‘l.,-:.... - - . ' ' " - The root of the new addition to the Registry 0ittce is now on, cleaning up. &c.. and good progress being made l inside. _ 200 pairs flue trousers on sale at PP- duced prices. Newest designs and perfect fitters, The House of Quality. H. H. Mocxler. A fakir at the hotel corners raked in some g: md money on Monday night. by selling wltetstonea, salve. &c., and by unlimited gall and belief in the gullibillty of the public. Huron) JAnvm--the best known floncert name in Canada. Sings in the new rink on Friday 2tst August, with Fax and Mis, Scott of California. Plan at Macyurlane's drug store. Tin- King hats for fall are hPre. Nwrll shapes and material, better than ewr. (mouse yours now. The] House of Quality, Ertahlidted I873 There's barely another month left yet for trout tiehutR. For a real display in variety of cost- umes. there's nothing like a fire alarm about one o’clock in the morning. The result in a few years/win probably surprise, and certainly gratify you. Start a Savings Account to-day with Tlie practice, once begun, oiikying aside a portion of your income, no matter how small, every week or month, will soon become a fixed habit. ' sf,.',:?:-,; iiiiiy.,soo.ypgiiii. iiiis'iiiisilliiis-iij)s8l'/l1tse . Many people fail to save, because they do not realize the importance of small economics. new ALAttsr..-rsaturdar morn- __.-. I _ 7 ... F'ovNm--Buswr Bpread-This otBce, John 3.117. "We, we: not. At may. DURHAM, THURSDAY, Amuiiiiiriiii] iiiiiii a] lotto is " My humbl- iusttmctive, it. will Innocent." Tickets OF CANADA H. H. Mnckler. ,0 moe "rr' The den! loiber oMce at Ottawa in are, Mr. tang tiooded with letters hearing only ahorse alt of a. terceptenrrr stump. The r town stamp being twice the size of an ordin- loose in My two-cent sticker: and having the tied its I two lee,' 1ret'ton., fame people cannot BRANCH ' AN Excrriso IPrvey'sv1---sshortry before noon Tuesday, Mrs, Jun. Turn- bull of Dornoch. had an experience she mil remember for some time. She. was in her buggy alone in from of McGrath's blacksmith shop when the (horse took fright at a wheel-burrow ‘ being wheeled up the sidewalk. It ljumped and bolted West, from the top ofthe hill down Chester, St., throwing Mer. annbull over the danhhonrd. With great presence of mind she retained possession of the lines and held fast to the front of the buggy, while the horse was carrying her in its mad career around the corner on to Bruce St. and over the C. P. R. track. Near his residence, Mr. Ireland noticed it coming towards him and distracted the animal's attention mth a large: white envelope he was carrying. Tho I horse Blackened speed and turned ott t into the vacant lot between the Ireland 1 and Oatton residences where Mr. I.) assisted her to her feet from her ( perilous position, Beyond a. general l shaking up and nervous shock, Mm; Turnbull was none the worse of her l adventure, and drove home that after. i noon, 1' PCT up YOUR 'o'ir'mrEvery fumi ‘sbnuld have a. name, and the name 0ft both the fatutt and the farmer should ' l he posted on T sign at the farm gate. i T lt is very dimcult frat. n stranger' “driving along the rmd to know just where to turn " into the farm he' watttsto visit when there'nw no sign push; up. It is as bud as a NW would he With-m! streets named or without, numesnn thesitores. Farno.,, who try, to find a lumen HI a. city wlure the [ names are not muted can rt-ulize wlmt s' it. means lo have " country district, ' with farms and roads unnamed. " is l even worst- than a city with stt'eer t, mum-s omitted because on Ihe streets . are people to direct one, while in the l country often are nothing but sky, 'b road, and beasts of the field or birds ot . ll the air-rather unsatisfactory pilots. ( I I ,__v r...,,.. “u...” , sm- why they should not cut one head ’otf and use the stamps by the. lmlvus, 1iiiiijiir, two rents cover two letters. These mutilated stamps are bringing lin letters daily from all over the l Dmniniou. One loyal head seems to means one postage stamp toa good lumny people. The two has led lots lasttniy. , NEW 0vrm'rr.-Messtrs. ll. McGilftt 'vmy and Whitmore, east of town, l have purchased a brand new traction [engine and threshing outfit, and be- _ cured it a: the station here Tuesu ty, 1 The general good crops in this distri& will furnish heavy thrttshings, throughout. and both Lhis and other innehines should be kept hustling this all. Miss Florence Scott. Ln; Anzelos. California. the leading Soprunn on the Pacitie coast is in Durham. on 21m. August. With Harold Jarvisund " Junmie" Fax. they make " trio un- surpassvd up entertainers. In the nuw rink comfortably 'seated and well lit up. Doors open at. 7.15 p. m. __ v- .-.--v|Ln .. n U. 1'irtpt.harsvn of town, who was suc- cesstul on part 1. Congratulations to the only Duthmu boy. (1 A Garden PM? will be held in the shady grounds o S. B. No, l, Norman- hy. (Watson’s) on Tuesday evening. 25th August. Durham Band in anem- dance, Refreshments on the grounds Admission 10 ctg. Under the Anspices of the Endeavor Society. A pleasant evening assured. - __.__ ..-._ ..- -u» unpum l'nlu'Cl) Tuesday evening was well at tended. Reftestiments were served. a tine pro- gram given and an 2lgy,t, vvvmng was spent. The procee s were in aid of a. missionary which they are help- ing to support. 1000 pairs of stockings on sale dur- Ing our August Hosiery sale below regular wholesale prices.' Fill up your bureau drawer. The House of Qua“: v. Fax and Harold Jarvis with other High Class Talent in the new rink on Aug. 21. under the auspices of the Durham Presbyterian Choir. _ Persona desiring good Poultry get name by applying to Mrs IA opposite the creamery. A. H. Jackson is an Issuer riage Licenses. Durham, Ont. Tht Social held in the Bargains in Millmery at Miss Dick's, Sl Bunch- s." Fill ypGii'r use of thlily. H, H. MOCHCI. Bantlst church 60 TV. can L suder, of Mar Scott Darhtun, Jam- 21 Aug. The Concert. of the you. Don't miss it. Tickets 26e sud Me. Plan " I “Fumes. 1 rural [or one I The family settled near Toronto 3-. . . _ shout 1836, the homestead continuing) A high .clvr, A) Rcre form T " y in the family ever since. and there she f good diutrict m the Township of Nor. apent a. long stretch of her 1iicimapyy. The. soul lent-lob clay loam Though tntirm and almost helpless and the 153d " "ruins bat free from from childhood, she was intelligent. hilly .12" acres " cleared end under a great reader, and devoted to tustuhirr,tpm the bounce form. A very Presbyterian Church. valuable cedar and Mwood hush. -----_------ Hifi fences are "tt!htt out! there is Art your pumpkin- and same» in $223 f'/gdttj'i.,g'lt tttlengt',',',: t,rn.m..iryr. ,r,','t,,'or we South Grey trail did born 50 x 70 with stone foundation Exhibition . . nod utohling. . root home. on imple- Att INTELLECTUAL TREAT: mart house, slog lt, pen $120, Pax In New Rink, fume sheep pen and me hen house, Scott. Durban all wiped result. The price in m. Juno 21AM: 00. orturt erpartieuram and tarms The Concert of the you. Don't min of pennant qrt'tto or Hrptr who"? it. new. air, and 350. n... 11lto w. P. DUNN l MaePnetane's. Boue1torarTreiidoe I ._V_ -'eV _.-- vwvln IIIL IUVU I‘ll“ ',':. _ ,-,‘ "__-.. "up“. wuclc' . she has resided for the past four years. I spect of all who knew her. Besides, She was born in 'Siit.i,'tuusrMttirhitlir.' I I',',',',', ht::vl:?ng;tsel: 12:93 a"ie'l'fhre,n'"i'r' Scotland. and came toTorontGin only bf") P . {I S k t f H youth with six brothers. two of whom dmhmu 'tJoiii', Ptg 'AY',, e I',', h"R? were the well-known James and Gor. on ' 1% ro Pm! U 'ift,'l er tl ro. don Burgess, and four sisters 8." ':'i,ifiii;'ri an umes.o ey on. whom are gone but one sister much ----_--- ynunger than deceased. I Ian-m- e-- "-., Hy \llul'llll cemetery nearby. Rev Mr ere attack of goitre from which slu- 'Bice conducting the services and many never fully recovered. In January. friends paying the last tribute. i008, diubctia set in and after seven 1 The pall-bearers were John and months of ?/he,,elte,',',et',',TJ.lte puss- Adam Weir, Don. McFayden. Geo. td peacelu ly away on July 22. Dur- Aljoe, Lionel and Adam Robson. "* life trhe was v.er.7 kind and_ benevo- ' lent, always helping the stick and A NosaorvsAruas, 'needy and was much beloved in the There died at the home of her neph- " circle in w.hict? she moved, tusd will he ew, Mr Thos. Burgess. Southam ton, 'eeNir, trtiid hv her puny friends on Thursdav. 13th August. Miss 'IW,','.,',', and neighbors. In religion she Watt a Burgess, in the 95th year of her age. .fifPttt1Pf member of the 2g.rts About a month ago she left the home’ IP phurch and by her firm belle “Id of her niece, Mrs Wm. Edge. where g WNW?" 1'“ Irhe Won the love and re. The funeral was on Monday to Trin- ity Church cemetery nearby. Rev Mr Bice conducting the services and many friends paying the last tribute. T we '_'-'"'""'"', unu new!!!“ Ihis way literally and mrttruiyels to “success and a competence. He has [Jived cuminuouslv on the farm he .selerted for all these (it years and :Ilcuves behind him the memoryof a man of high toritwipies, who would [ T new-1- do a mean action and who was not found wanting m anygnod quality as husband. father or friend. Deceased was born in Co. Down, Ireland, in 1819 and, with his sister ‘Mrs. Thus. Dams. came to Quebec, uhout 1837 to anuncle who was there. [ After a few years In various parts of the country he came as has been said in Glenelg in 1844. He married in 1856 Mis. Grant, mother of Mr. C. L. Grant of Durham. and of Mrs. Adam Rote rson, Travertston, and to them were born " son and daughter, the latter having ; hem a comfort and taithtut companion j to his declining years, especially since ‘the death of her mother about seven .years ago. The son is the well-known Rev. Thus. Farr. now of Gorrie. who for some weeks back has been near his father's couch to comfort and sustain. Mr Farr in his prime served his townahiY both its Assessor and Col- lector. n the early days Assessors went in pairs, and he. with thelate John Cameron. of Dakota, assessed (Hem-Ix together. He Wits Collector in the "Corn Meal Year, " which some old timers may remember, the failure of the wheat crop leading toll extensive use of corn meal. I Early on Saturday last the shovel gentleman passed away at his homei on the 3rd Concession of Glenelg at the patriarchal ago of 88 years. He was the very first settler on the 2nd (Inn. of Gleuelq. comma there In 18tt when all was wilderness, and hewing his way literally and fiRttratiyels to success and a. competence. He has rl/y/li, (Lunllinuollgslg on the farm be “Qua-,1.“ - - 'ltWd't'uatq' _ 4r L'OF, MMI ' 'V “I, FF, we? PA Lue .., _ 4-" “fl y 'f J. " '4‘ I IN' ' _ _ - my“. p" Pt . V tn,- q :43. Irhh - C, », t,_ ."r; ”:13‘; '- ~1~~~1n . A, " "ilt . - _ K. _." , . , 0lenelg's Oldest Residents Pass Away. 1iiitriitj1, {Fred Ball fAIfn-d Belts John Boukes {Drum Bullion John Brown IMiss Brown Geo, Chamuan Vm. Clark Wm. Daniel Mills M. Dennet John Ewan Wilt Firth Nathan G Pierson Percy Hunt Wm. Lawrence ohn Marshall 190. Mitchell ottt, Morice Albert McClinton . we pmuonn. which for two hours , [had been crowded as it half the town . wme present. began to thin out t there were Just' two classes, those going. i those staying, and in a. short time , about. (X), with suitcases. satchels. bun. fdles and lunch baskets were aboard (and the good-bye’s said to cheer them Ion their long journey. They Will like-, ly reach \Vinuipeg Sundur night or {Monday morning. The to lowing but {contains the bulk of those leaving at Durham station t "tax Allen David McCrie Thus. Allen Hugh McDonald Wes. Ard Rod. McFarlane ”Hilton Ard Luchie. Mc-Kechnie l l Friday last the first of the C. P. R. Harvesters‘ Excursions took place and as usual, or rather, more than usual. 8. large number took advantage of it to go to the land of the wheat. The new line being opened. ofcourse I this ttunic this year all goes by C.P.R. i making connections at Bolton with i the new Sudliury hue and we presume I! without change of coach 1 I The train started from Walkerton [where about 200 got on, Hanover al- most as many. It was timed to reach rum-hum at 9.32 a. m, but the crush at i these stations caused an unwanted de- ilay that was added to , an overload.. "'d marl train that stuc before Dur. 1 ham tidings Wexe reached. At about 11.30 the train. with six couches pulled in and three more were attached to accommodate Durham and McWilliams and Priceviile farther on. The platform. which for two hours had horn crowded as it half the town Wet " present, began to thin out t there were just two classes, those going, those staying. and in a short tune about al, with suit cases. satchels. bun. dles and lunch "asicoto, “mm “mama Westward Ho ! ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ll may Rum ously ion the ME; I; all. these 61 years and (‘Mn p. Saunders Chas. Saunders Geo. Twamley Dun. Wtstsron Wilt Wilkie Mrs Dan Wilkie Palmer Patterson Rum. Pettigrew Mrs u. Pelligrew Roht. Petty John Picken George Pollock Edgar Ritchie Fred Ritchie Murray Ritchie A. Park John Park David McCrie Hugh McDonald Rod. McFarlane Lonnie Mc-Kechuie George Nichol All). Noble - - ._.._ w, -v..- I,u \lcul a In. H. Haw, of the township of tiv'; Dullmm County. After their mar- ringe they lived on one of Mr Rutled- ge's farms one and one quarter miles south of Bridgetown. Heretwo child- ren Were born to them. both dying in infancy. In 1890 the moved to his father’s old 'hlr1Ue'llhl','l 25. Con. 17, Egremont. Grey County. In Oe Lolu-r 1898, AhtHtw was when with a sev- Mmr, GEORGE L. B. Haw. Many of her friends and neighbors will begrieyed to learn of the death ot Mrs George L. B. Haw. Deceased was a. dun hter of the late Hugh 1nd Frances (EI/fC,',,' horn on July 29. 1805, Lot 5, Con. 15 of the township of Proton. Grey County. She was 'J'"riit.d. on Jet tl, 1892 .Lo (Septge L. mr. unlnley mcmuly re lures Miss Edith Allan at. Varney; Elisa Annie McKenzie assumes charge of Vickers ', Mr. Thus. Allan, Jr., succeeds Mr. Tolchard at ti. S. No. o, Glenelg: Miss E. Greenwood of Edge Hill follows Miss Adair in S. S No. l, Nornmnhy. In other nearby schools, the ammo teachers as before holidays have colu- menced duties.. Miss Clam Aljoo at, Allan’s: Miss Marion Morton at Aber- deen: Miss Lillie. Walker at Rocky Snugeen; Miss Kate McDonald at, Luann; Mina Warm-ow at Edge Hill I Mr. Chas. Furqubnrson at Bum-mum; Mr. John Johnston at Hutton's Hill, Pasta!) ExAsets.-In nddil'on to those writing at Durham Centre on Normal School Entrance exams. men. tioned last week, other South Grey buys were, successful in Owen Bound, 'ryF'lercherorstGeN Line. Artem. eria and Hector McKinnon. son of Postmaster McKlnnon of Priceville. hath took honors on Normal School Entrance exams. and also passed their Junior Matriculationi. Archie David- son of town, also was succcsaful in se- curing his "nitric. Congratulations. . SCHOOLS Rtrorurm--Atter a '"""'T weeks vacation. rural school: unopen- ed on Monday last. There are a num- ber of changes among the teachers in Ilia immediate vicinity of Durham: yr: Lsmnley Molynlly replaces Miss Tf . _ __ __......,, -riA% ".5qu ul|l’l night. appropriating my time to your- self and keeping nice young men may. You want me to marry you, don"t you?" “Ln! dot" gasped the young twin. “I thought so. Very well; I Wt I." A 1hrtrrtwcaave, BTonsc-Mr Geo; Twamlev. of Glenelg. has been rather unfortunate with his property in the West. On July 27th last. his entire crop on his large farm at Arcola, Sash. where his two sons are. Wu destroy- led by a hail storm. and last, week he lwtrned that his house there had since been struck by lightning. He went, Weston the excursion on Friday last.. "I know what's assing in IL",,'., mind," suddenly and) the sweet ur- ham maiden as the haltitually silent caller stared at her. “I know. too, y/T, you are culling here_ night after detail. " was prepared ti, celebrate the tiOth nnnivermry of the town of Renfrew and being all home-printed " a special credit to the puhlishers._ A copy of the Golden Jubilee issue of the Renfrew Mercury has been le- ceived at this omee. It is a 20 pane edition profuselv illustrated. finely printed and well gotten-up in every detail. lt was nrennred In rnlnlwn'" KILLED ON nu: 1RAcsr.--rn jump- ing from a. bulluting train to the plat- form at Hanover, an Italian laborer fell back under the wheels, crushing his legs and requiring amputation. He lingered a short time In much pom and died on Monday. ACCOUNT Norma. mania“ sold out my business. it become! necessary that all accounts must. be settled forth- mth. Calla", the store And pay the same before the first of September. After that date costs will be added. DAVID ENTBICKEN. Pusan EXAtetr " The atone walls fronting the Presby- terian Church are this week being re- paired and finished off. Exposure, to the element: had worn the walls an} loosened the stones somewhat. . See our north window for display of we and 25c muslin: on sale at. toe per mud. The Home of Quality. H. B. Mockler, Farm for Sale ’ubliuhod Weekly] at 01.00 . yur. Obituary. Durham Branch: J. c. TELFORD. - Mm... I’ud-up Capital. ...... ....$4,350,ooo Rest”. ...... ..... ...... 2,000,000 Total Assets over. .... ....33.ooo,ooo Detroqits received and interest paid or ad ed four times a year at highest current rates. Spool-.1 Attention to W'lwneu -"e"-------s-ucu==="-rd,=te.'e otrimeIores at I p. m. Friday Opeauntil 4 p. In. Saturdays of Canada. HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Traders'Bank Take a look through our store and you will we genuine bargains from one end of the store to the other. And the people are buying cheaper dun they ever bought before Come with the Crowds Bargains I Bargains I THE REVIEW. DURHAM. ONT Mr. Pearce about Sept. 15 Hahn, Dunn, and will be g orders. Rece lull“, macrarlanc an It saves storm sash, dust; smoke, etc., r running and saves f, The William Pearce l Hamilton, have through firm, been placing this u on the windows and d Public School, the l church and on property ol land, MacFarla% and on P. R, is the only Candi:- route to the West. and the only line carrying Farm Laborers through without change. Apply to ticket agents, or C. B. Foster', District Paaaenger Agent, Toronto, for full information. R. McFarlaue, Agent, Durham. The Yellow Label That’s why we are so busy least one month‘s work in the field, laborers are issued tickets back to Ontario starting point " $18. Leav. ing dates of Canadian Pacific excur- sions are Aug. 18. Sept. I, 8, from stations, north-west of Toronto, Aug. 18, 19, Sept. 1. 9, (no: stations south- west of Toronto] and Aug. 20, 22, 27, Sept. 2, u. " from station east of Toronto. The most important excur- sions are Aug. 18, and ao, nod on New dates special trains will be run from all C. P. R. stations, time: of which agents will furnish. The C. l If. is the only Candi]: route to The big Sale is on at KEELER'S. F Preparations have commenced in Marnetrt for the handling of the North- west's big wheat crop, the only dith. culty earperieueed by farmers being the laxity of labor in the harvest fields. To induce men to go to the West the C.P.R. has made the re- markably low rate of ten dollars from Ontario. This fate carries the ticket holder to any point on the company 'g lines east of Moose Jaw; trains are run direct to Winnipeg, and the men are re-ticketed there for the points Pee they wish to work. After at alum Emma: are Needed and good Wiles 0mm Wfa_ther Strips renewed uidiGGG JiiirriG' there are yet many others we wish to but [new " once. Western Call for Men um. writ-CL. xlualy nomy us at. pace. Jfr.es thanks]! who have mud'up to date. ttHarris not maggnkingly potify gs It Tello the date to which your sub- mirtion ha been paid. Our has; ityt tist [a this week cov- C. BAXAGE & SON, Pun-us an Puma“ For Wm. Pearce Co. Ltd. Doors Ind Window; glad to reiieive ived at this om 'm sash, excludes drafts, etc., renders sub easy - fuel. h to work. Afte " work in the f ssued tickets bael gppintnt ‘18. L ickerin 'etur came Co. Ltd ty of h i other $18. Luv tcific excux I. tl, Iron route, Aug than: south and oth re fart! one ofithe rl’ul device ms of the still Ire TS ur- om ttt " is] " $5 it‘3‘

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