West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Aug 1908, p. 5

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)proeg. B & & %% & TIMER us for ane & Confectionâ€" I HUR n i. 1908 & Vineâ€" U in Stockâ€" CC 10¢ each ced d Shoes | q MC ins, ff Hats od he h N\ * 1 \ 48 The Review to Jan. 1,‘09, 25¢ ‘ CANADIAN NATIONAL ‘\ Aug. 29 EXHIBITION Sept. 14 10 M »: KCENNEDY &KENNEDY 3 Covr. Michigan 2 Griswold Sts. AUGUST 20, 1908 RORTH RETURN TIC Greatest and Best Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World Every Province T O RON T O Grand Art Loan Collection The Siege of Sebastopol International Dog Show 8,000 Live Stock on View *A tARM LABORERO‘ CANADIAN) U Facire ) HOMESEEK tE lits Products Pure Paris Green, 28¢ Ib. J. A. DARLING, Chemist and Druggist H EARB FARES FRO M We are here to stay and, for the next 60 days we will show the people what we mean. Drugs We are supreme. store but a ptr Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. l"rrom the Paris Salon and other Oldâ€"World Galleries. International Military Tattoo and Realistic Spectacle CURE lisease $T OF TOROK DARLING‘S DRUG STORE URE Nervous Debility, V zeases, Xidney and DBladder 510 to call write for a Quest d to Harvest Fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Wellâ€"paid work for over 25,000 men. oneâ€"way second class to Winnipeg. Free tickets from Winnipeg to points where harvesters are needed, east of Moose Jaw, and west of Moose Jaw to ea Alberta at one cent per mile. TICKET TO ONTARIO STARTING PoINT FoR ADDITIONAL $18.00, AFTER WORKING AT LEAST ONE MONTH 14. 18 49 9 « |$100,000.00| Apply to 10 Open Night and Day. me. _ We run no junk shop grocery a pure, unadulterated Druz Store. wite 900 Performers. GOING DATES to women, but not at halfâ€"fare f AUVG. 18, 19 SEPT. 1. 9 SOUTKWEST OF TORONTO ket agents for full co EXCURSIONS from territory IAL TRAINS FROM ALL C. P UST 14. 18 and 20. Apoly to near B & all pertaining to Drug business at cut rate prices Complaints. Consultation Free. on List for Home Treatment. International Cat Show TER, I ntontoâ€"Carnia £ in Ontario. dit E V ER Y W H ER E vict Passenger Agent, TORONTO a cmes, e Apply to nearest CP.R. ticket agent ons Sharl EAST OFf TORrONTtO AVG. 20, 22, 27 SEPT. 2, 11, 14 Detroit, Mich. rom Idren Massed Band stations East of Bay line, to and t Lake and Kinc Mammoth R. STATIONS ON pains, falien inds will reâ€" patient will 0 All cases ce FRH itati orontoâ€" .cludms " Under the law of the woest the school books must be exactly the same in public and Separate schools. The prom. exams are also the same. The teachers must have the same cerâ€" tificates, and the same inspector inâ€" spects both Public and Separate schools. No religious teaching is alâ€" lowed in any school, public or Separâ€" ate, except that the school may be opened in the morning with the Lord‘s prayer, and religious teaching is permitted the last halt hour of the school day. No Catholic child is compelled to remain to Protestant religious teaching and no Protestant child is compelled to remain to Cathâ€" olic religions teacking. The law pasâ€" sed by the Dominion Govt simply placed in the constitutions of the new province the school law that had been ] erected by the people of the North west in their territorial government 14 years before, and bad been in force 14 years without change or amendâ€" ment, and had proven satisfactory to the people of all creeds and of both {)0 litical parties. The practice is usually that in mixed communities the Proâ€" testants use the schoolhouse for reâ€" ligious teaching from 3.30 to 4 o‘clock 3 nights in the week and the Roman Catholiecs the same way the other three nights of the week. The tact is there are very few Separate schools in the west, some of them beâ€" ing Roman Catholic Separate schools. The number does not appear to be increasing rapidly if at all. Mr Miller read a letter dated May 30th, 1903, from Mr J. W. Brewn, who Mr Miller pcinted out was a former prineipal of the Hanover public szhool also ot Allan Park, that he is a conâ€" seryzetive and an Orangeman. Mr Brown is now inspector of public and separate schools in Alberta, and writes to Mr Miller that, the text buoks, exâ€" Aiminations, tertificates, inspections, cte,, are exactly the same in Protestâ€" ant and Separate schools. _ That since the act was passed by the Doâ€" minion House there has been estabâ€" lished in Alberta 407 new public schools and only one R. C. Separate school, that the â€"chool law is acceptâ€" ed by Catholies and Protestants alike in the West as being the best law that could have been enacted on the inâ€" terests of the country and that the question is not a liye one in the West. Mr Miller then concluded a long speech in a warm hall but to an atâ€" tentive audience with some reterences to the scaâ€"dal cries of the opposition and to the charge of extravagance. His statements were well received and appeared to be satisfactory to the audience. | In 1896 the total trade of the country was $239,025,000 and the revenue $36.â€" 618.590. The deficit was $330,551. In 10908, tolal trade was $650,793,000 and the revenu» $96,500.000 and there was a aurplus of $19,000,00>, One must judge by results. If it be extravagance to inâ€" crease the trade of the country from It is true that the expenses of the country have largely increased, but not out of proportion to the business transâ€" acted. The Conseryatives overlook this {eature of the ense when criticising the government. Tt does not suit their line of argument to present the creditside of affairs. Let us examine this a moâ€" ment # cutnet douk The Conservative pressis lond in deâ€" nunciation of extravagance entirely oyerâ€" looking the fact that when the Libera‘ls assumed office they found as the result of mismanagewent, a general sf&guation in business cireles, anud a heavy defizsit as a legacy ‘rom their predecessors in oflflce. One of the topics of the coming campaign that some speakers will atâ€" empt to exploit will be the existence of Separate Schools in the North west provinces. Byv the retention cof these schools in the Constitution of the new provinces, the Liberal party was conâ€" sistent with its record as the provinâ€" clal rights party, for it retained only what the territory had framed for itâ€" self many years before. Mr . H. Miller, M. P., at a public meeting in Hanover recently explairâ€" ed the situation in an incontrovertible way. _ We reproduce herewith this part of his speech as reported in the Hanover Poss :â€" _ The latest Provincial elections were held in the new prairie provâ€" ince last week and with no uncertain sound, have the people spoken in faâ€" vor of its present progressive governâ€" ment and its able leader, Hon. Walâ€" ter Scott. The latest returns indicate that the Liberals wtll have a majorâ€" ity twice as large in the new House as in the one recently dissolyed, that, that is, of about 13 or 14 seats. It is an emphatic verdict of the course pursued by the Government in the interests of the constituents and a deâ€" cided rebuff to the Proy. Rights party and Mr Haultain who had marshalâ€" led to his aid the combined forces of the Roblin government and of the Opposition at Ottawa. Premier Scott has made an emphatic denial of the statements that Sir Wilfred Laurier had anything to do with bringing on the elections or taken part in them. The result will. however, give Sir Wiltred the assurance that he will reâ€" ceive his usual strong support in the West, inthe coming Dominion electâ€" ions. I SASKATCHEWAN‘S VERDICT. Che Burkam Review Growth not Extravagance. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, Re Separate Schools ms || HARDWARE AND FURNITURE The Municipal Council of the Townâ€"| ship of Normanby met in the Township Hall. Ayton, on Friday, August 7th, ot lo a. m.â€"all the membersspresent exâ€" | cept Com. Bacetz, the reeye in the chair,| Uimbachâ€"Kennaâ€"That the .qmutes of the preyious mecting, as read, be adopted.â€"Carried Shielâ€"Kenuaâ€"That Com. Baetz be a committee to see John Kaitermanu re road in front of his plac», and report at next moeeting,.â€"Carried. The Conservatives managed tc show | after fifteen years of ofilce a total trade[ with Great Britain of $98,935,040. The| Liberals after twelyo years of power can point with pride to the total trade | with Great Britain of $2:5,745,193, | CUmbach â€"Kéunaâ€"That _ the Clerk collect the price of gravel taken trom Lots 5 & 6, Cor, 13, being on sidoroad, also to give notice to prosecute any party taking gravel from said road.â€" Carried. TUinbachâ€"Kenvaâ€"That Henry Qchm be given 7 26â€"inch tile for ditsh in frout of his lane or roadway.â€"Carried, | 8060820009090 1000900000] 00000 Lenahan ENGLISH x ons 7 7 v MONTREAL, HALIF ‘ [MaNve a c.v.u.a,.e_a_-.fl P oit Hatiax Normanby Council. | B'l‘z"AN DRAMIFJENDERsON\ ,_ ~ $ enoremeeme t rert en i~7.m“â€"'r L 4 , ToPf(® s #% M m‘ ( ie ~ sat 7 t 1 , CA / 7 P S ~+ uos § r ‘ W){ & _â€" Once y ? 1W * These a *V/ E6 w 7 % © THE DURHAM REVIEW LIQUID NTREAL, MALIFAX, JOHN, y WE se *z i Lots 13 and 14, Con, 3, . D. R., (ilenelg, 15 acres bush, frame barn | well watered. Must be sold. €. McMILLAN & Embalming a Specialty. Funeral Directors and â€" Undertakers Once used,â€"always used. These are not only as good as others but are superior to anything on the market toâ€"day. G Constantly on hand at our Priceville Establishment, a tull and yaried stock of Funâ€" eral supplies. All calls, either night or day promptly attended to. Brandram‘s B.B. Genuine White Lead Priceville. clntosh. PAINT For Sale. A, H. JACK8OX, Durham F. P. REILEY Having decided to give up the Gent‘s Furnishing Business in Dorham my entire stock will be cleared out at cost price. For bargains in Men‘s and Boy‘s Suits and Odd Pants, Raincoats Umbrelias, Hats and Caps, Shirts. Collars & Ties, Handkerchiefs, Susâ€" penders, Hose and half hose, Underâ€" wear, Sweaters, Overalis & Smocks, Boots and Shoes |THE BIG 4 Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roomsâ€"Next to 8wallow‘s Barâ€" Goingâ€"â€"« Business ber Shop. wfi antong REsIDENCE â€" First house south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. W. 1. McFadden Massey â€"Harris Mowers & Rakes UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director The following timetable will be in effect until further notice : read down read up a m|p m 'Km p.m. 6.45 3.00/leave Hanover ar‘ve 9.50 1.20 6.58 3.13 Allan Park 9,.35 1.05 7.19 3.40 Durham (9.13 12.48 1.338.55 McWilliams 8.51 12.23 7.03 4.20 Priceville 8.40 12.05 8,104.35 ar‘ve Saug.Joet. leave 8.25 11.45 Come to us for tickets and informaâ€" tion. We are also agents for Allan and Dominion line steamsbips and C. P. R. ocean liners. MacFARLANE & CO. Connecting with trains to and from Toronto,. Only one change between Durham and Toronto. Speed, comfort and safety, With the opening of the new Canaâ€" dian Pacificline, another milestone has been reached in the history of our town 2P IN NEW QUARTERS Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide......... Floor Oileloth, 1 and 2 yds wide.,, Linoleum 2 yards wide.......... ... Smyrua Rugs, 60 x 80............... See our new Prints and Ginghams. Table Linen, 54 ins :ae, unbleached w e, bleached.. . * 68 ins wide, unbleached and everything, in the Gent‘s Farâ€" nishing line this is your chance :fn;l you should take adyantage /R 27 in wide, 2 TORE.+. + ++++, ++ + ++<«+ ++ + 00 piot mlnvtd:'?}z}:dnmlon‘..................hocpdr 2112"“':’41 kl’ouzgccpn.lr Nlnwide.a}zydclonc...‘.............tl‘oopur All curtains have worked edges except 25¢ ones Ifrxulne white counterpanes, good value....1.40 Calder Block, Durham HE SELLS CHEAP. Aiter two years in business in Durbam I thank heartily the many farmers and others who bavefavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I will in the future bave havs pleasure in meeting in more commodious quarters, all my old friends and 1 trust many new ones. Promptness and fair dealâ€" ing will continue to be my motto. Yours for business, McIntyre Biockâ€"Lambton St, Barclay and Bell‘s old stand and ail kinds of Massey Harris implements for Haying and Harâ€" vesting seasons. De Laval and Massey Harris Cream Separator. Coal Oil and Machine Oil always in stock. Fall line of Catholic Robes and _ black and white Caps for aged _ people. CARD OF THANKS A., BELL Table Linen B. Mclellan. Oilcloth . _BEAN uhA Xr h oi .:. . 20¢ sq ya Prige sq Sard $.00 each 25¢ yard 25e yard 35¢ yard 50c yard 40 acres Garden Land, Durham Road Bentinck, $1500° A enap, 250 acres on Garafraxa Roadâ€"fine buiidings, good fences, good soil. To quici buyer at $6500, 100 acres, Bentinck,â€"owner in west. price $2700, _ Buildings worth the moneyâ€"farm for nothing. Lots of other property for sale. Moâ€" ney to Lend. All kinds of busiâ€" ness attended to. Good dwelling, frame bank barn, good soil, Conyenient location, only $2500, 200 acres, Glenelgâ€"fine bank barnâ€" good frame dwellingâ€"other good improvements, only $3000, 100 acres Durham Road, Bentinck, JOHN CLARK Licensed Auctioncer for the Co, of promptly attended to. Rates Orders may be left at his 1mpl ml. lcl!!.nuon ‘s old stand, or at A Dollar for Would be a great bargain. Bo are the following properties at the prices asked : Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. oney to Loan. {1)fice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Stove D. McPHAIL_.»~ Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A gen eral financial business transacted, Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block ARTHUR PÂ¥ 4 droitgls commsistciclaio ic inlicaiies hoh h s 4 HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Rooms Over J & J ?UNTER'S New Store Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. ac. Money to Loan at lowest rates. ffice, McIntyre Block over the Stan O dard Bun{. Durham, Ontario, HONOR GRADUATE Toronto University Grad uate Bo:-)ol College Dental Surgeon Dentistry in all its branches. Licensed Auctioneer ::ruu mzcdenw. Amr::‘cn dates, «c., must made fice, Durham. ....â€"fixm.-,. there, or to Ceylon P. 0., attended to, Terms on appl Lssn nA W. C, PICKERING D. D S. L Ds BON BONS ALWAYS FRES h J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M Imoah.:) rhuyfluéhn and l\u-pono ntario {)fMce and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Ge« â€" Bt., wt100r0f Hill, Old Moodie Corner, OFFICE HOURS or to Is G. H. STINSON 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. Telephone Connection No. 10 J. F.GRANT D.D. Prysician & Surczox, l fiee over J. &;J. Hunter‘s Store 8 to 10 a.M. HOURS : { 2 to 4 P. M 7 to 9 P, x, #@> Bpecial attention given to Diseases of Women and (,hfi;m ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Holiday * Baking Notary Public, Commissioner ##° Ceylon has a telephone o «NVLE D EC.â€"AL We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. _ Also a good assortâ€" ment of Candies, Nuts and oranges, the thing to think of now DURHAM, ONT J. P. TELFORD D. MePHAIL, « CONYEYANCER, &e The Hanover Convevaner W. F. DUNN Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, H. H. MILLER C. RAMAGE, Model Bakery Fifty Cents P1 , over Post Oflice mt d pond (Lower Town.) Jewelry Store will ix cation eylon JACKSON U1 irey. . Bale reasonable ment Ware t Dur) ice addr prox 1C 11. ly

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