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Durham Review (1897), 20 Aug 1908, p. 7

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it}: M). 34, 1908 MED tr HOME BY “3308le MEIIIOII , “II-Unli- ”OHM FARMS FOR SAL; h Kill! " C 'c'L'L"u'lrfltt Eddy Co., the, (and; m -W no! u - In! Cum a N's amen M [OR SALE. the!“ Was Fooled Ila ‘II mi -. UKANAOAN In: a.“ 4m chm. K1033“ at). mu my We that pubic. is tho " fly Um rite Io n+ In. 'tttt In web as b eption an. " W910 equal nth to ’0. M! r '0’ vista. with so?! want no It mu. 1 jun. an co aid bl m v6q mm. and. 'tteN WI. UI’Q 1n:- M, M! ter Okla .101 it Was 'iatural i107 y ' mama Jar What He Said. (, "7 (us a; . w‘ :lsut him "(tennis-1's had Inn-n ("m- ' ""' "" 'M" s""""'"" "b' -WWA.. .. m' r", l P'H'le-ly uft'ennive. l Mr. Benoit has been in the city's ser- "I: mu only natural." he mid. Pti'vite for twenty years. His ert'lIK 1' \Equng the u'm'ld's politivi to point salary is $3.51.”,nnd he will, by stpeeial um um! .hpun‘s rine above the horizon l amendment of the Fin-men's lit-mun- bust "aute,l the Amerirnn navy to turn i lent wa-intinn met, Revive a ponwion it; nth-min" toward the Thteifie. " was at $1.730 per annum. umluulm-dlv thin that same 1tyir'"tyl Mr. Trumbluy, deputy chief. will snu- talk unwiwly eortevrning Japan. hut 1eel-d Chief Benoit in the cunlnmnd of nun-r for an instant have I dentin-d or g the l-rigndv. (Mimi-lam with tho dur- intemled to reflect on the honor and I etssiort of Mr. 'l'reiuldny to the [Nut of wnm'p- ot" the \merit-nn navy or its l'lll- l Chief several drutic amendments and ..;-.~_ Inn it ii nu um-untruvertilile htet , champs will be made in the allzninfetr.» that commercial considerations weigh l tion of the department. mu'uz'iully with all older vo"tmereittll, ----_----- nuvinm. own when it become: n qua-iv! TO INQUIRE INTO MlNES. rim: mi w tr. .‘In one will endeavor more, - urn-uh- than mvwlf to cultivate cnr- l Hon. Wm. Tomplomun Going to Brit. xlmi ro-lntinm with Amerie." ' . . In I" .ntirle- puld'mliod in the Hothi‘: “h Columbia. Auu, ll. mm"! oktttmt attributed thei Himm- demand»: Hon. William Tem. m, ‘..., mm] expanuon "rttiey of tht', Ink-mun. Minivan of Mines, accompanied l "Haul Shaw to the sudden rite "C by Mr. It. Brock, Deputy Minister, will lulu" to tlte importance of n world f Inelvn fur Rriti-lli I'nlnmhin flu-mnrrnu' - for tttt mun intended to renee (“"73sz of the Ann OX“: but it " an that minimum-bl materially with I nations. on“ " tion "t war. No a mrwutly than rm dial relation: '30 In :m artiele " Aug. H. ('uunt tl trrrs".'t naval on! l'uitml Shut-u to Japan to the in" pawn-r. mt.vittg in I "Judging from Qp-wrh‘w of “will. lm-n trannmittee1 I to inf” that the JAPAN WILL MAKE MONTHLY RE. TURN OF EMIGRANTS. A'rmgements Completed by tummu.' SEES PHANTOM TRAIN AHEAD. sinner Drury-Dominion Govern-' . ‘- . men! Can Prevent Influx of Jap- Engineer Leaps "r" Cab of Flying Engmo. mesa Labor. l -- ....‘. ... ON WORKING BASIS. W and t Man HHERANCES Ot' wUNT OKUMA mm. V 1.») -I.|u' umnnesud u an.” to mm and rmmmtble. ".t.. n-umpio. l proposed that the l .1|.~\' rulrlgll Dulce would turtttstt . v all: monthly statements ot I: ' ','st' guns LI'UIAI Japan " Laaaittt ul mowing the occupations nnd tr"" a other dvu-riptions ot the “"1003 .lvnw of inuuigrants. They “NOW. ' this request, and are low "mdtttg . thGe n-lurm every month. tte In: our own Canadian i'tsattrattot' iwiau to keep a oomph“ tlst od - tals from Japan, and it the Mll- ol "' agreement should tte I‘M the spam-5v Government mmH be III‘F u-lging from the fragmentary hu- of Pr"Wlent Roosevelt that have tmn‘mittwl here, it is not difficult War that the augmentation of the ml Stats-u navy in the Pacific is ml at Japan." amt "ktuttat “pressed I doubt. how. . that the views and ideas of Prui- Roo<evelt would long mmttmte to rn public npinian‘h Auden. ' In r “bi. Jria, B, " .2 ray,tt .3 'it iue.. '0. - . Rut is .2; y bit Japan. " ' ot.' irouoeaocua tat " a ant Japan. m3 urging an American-Chin- ". mr the purport. of oil-out- orlhgerrney at the anm. 1min-r is quoted in 3mm the n u Ting fang, L'h'uwu [Muns- l uited States, on the smut-ct .um- in which he threatens V. ".In early "hum of tae r of tlte American navy." u. residing in 't'okio, hotgoita. wwlwrv throughout Japan are ilntrgnunz. 'llu-y believe that I dupndws exaggerate the w New York newapapers, and Mn. it " particularly “Mortu- an time mat unthing should ' retard the irwrttasing "loudly oi Um two nations, in View or gz'lIII-lltu on foot "m"N the t , weleotne the Ameriean Hm I mm; 0.»:‘zliumy exhibited on toward, Atnerieans. Ikunm " remmled eere 3* ll dll th m our own people in British or (and: an cow-ed. a of Japan”;- labot b 216' "tttt unudl s3. 17.--tipeeial amp-uh. ores' and Landau [muted a “quip": represent that the mu- u! Cottrt Okumn, um- ,nul expamdon policy ot the 'N to tite nuddt'll the at gait. imporL-nn- of a mum PM” Hg mtcm indignation and " muuph-te recrudescence ot " suttitnettt titroutpaou' ttt mm! which hm caused a “nu an run-pt from u a w. printed in the Huchl, my". which are being wn fe Ukunm, reviewing wurl printvl trout ' to any. ' uutuigration question I! " to a sausiaetory hum, any coutidenee that Japan 3 ulna-he the terms ot 1m! 1 mast say that the various Iuh- by me and family "rough the British Amma- "tticiau, mm u now cuHI' ut pumiul influence, tx- mic circles: His trtatetttettt " Ame-tin": navy and Pre. mIt'n advoeary of its ex. umlnubtully brought out of t'ottgrennttnut Batman’s Ih-mntmtit- National Con. ‘n he quoted Pram-9n: trrrutktintt an only war I'm-dining lemnation by their own to Minn immigration com- Japan, whu for the Inst M4 been in Japan tor the supervising the arrange- o-.tatvd IN the Lemieux 2. newspaper. are quoted inmurtnn in part '. A ' Illa! unit mulling oapauew I “nun, has returned. a in an interview,' mum-s haul mt Aug. 17.--Mr. R. L. -s.- toreign 011M hiemlly tplrll by ties, and through- ml is Murm-ql ts l to the . u mrgnriw w, "that ul! completely shut off and cannot enter Humlu without. the expms con-em. of c'ne Dominion Government. Surely it is better to haw arrived at this result by Imam of diplomacy and friendly negotiations than by ubrwxatinu the p.trut. tic.qu Whit:- quire . The worst tu1ietion that could ba. 31311 the average woman is to have an impediment in her speech. tio. Trace Has Been Found oi Mining Wound Man. "It will, therefore, be tteen that such an not. in the last tutalyrh of the one. would prove wholly ineffectual, M a "warn of solving thin question." . A Welland despotch: The laest new: about the JUappeamnce of Charles Warner, President of the Warner-Gil» #ort Compauy.in than he was recogniz- ed u sum” time ago as a man nuzuatl l'cammlett, who came from Sh-h‘iehl. England. ten your: ugu. Warner de. mu firm FIRE CHIEF RETIRES. Chief Benoit, of Montreal, Will (In " union. .n-m i, mul- C""ay tint Lam [Hint of the Montreal city fire brigade will rc- tite on iuil pension on Nov. L Mr. Benoit has been in the eity's wr- viee for twenty years. Mk pnwnt salary is $3.500, and he will, by special amendment of the Firmuen's lit-navy lent A-ration met, receive a panda“ of M350 per annum. Mr. Trumhluy. deputy ehiet, will rittt't eevd Chis,t Benoit in the wmmand of the brigade. t'oinvilsth' with the dur- w.eitiott ot Mr. Tremblay to the pm: of Chief several drutic unwmlmevu aml change" will he made in the od:tiiniityr tion of the department. Trenton. Aug. 17.-With a wild my of fear. James Lawless leaped from the cab of his engine, on the New York Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad. near this city this afternoon The fireman stopped, the train, and the badly cut and bruised engineer mu picked up and brought to St. Francis' Hospital here. The physic. inns say he will recover. "I saw another train coming," ex- plained Lawless to the doctors. "It was so real I was sure we would have a collision, and so I leaped. I don't know what made me see the other train." Friends of the engineer don't know what made me See the other train." Friends of the engineer will take charge of him as soon as he is able to leave the hospital. It is said that he had been under severe mental strain lately, and his brain Fayed. him the trick that almost cost tint his lite. Civil Service Association Submits Memorial to Government. An Ottawa despeteh: The executive of the "'ivil Service Association has sub, mitted to the Government a memorial osking for an increase in salary. a liberal interpretation of the new net to permit of this being done. and uni- formity of action in regard to the closet fieation in the different departments under the new measure. The Government held out no encour- agement for the salary increase, but promised that the other thing: would be favorably considered. ”(lawn dempatch.. Hun. William Tern-l pIc-mu'l. liinNter of Mines, suwompanied l by Mr. ll. Brock, Deputy Minister, will: leave for British ('nlumhia to-mormwl on an official toar of the mining dis-l trict" in the southern part of the Pro-l, Vince. As Minister of Mines, Mr. Tem, g pleman in 1ltsirous of studying on the) ground the mnditiuus of the mining in- 1 ilu-try. and he will seek to obtain thel view, of thow interested in the industry l in the Kootenay and Crow's Neat l’lul "iutrict" and in Trail, Rossland and the) linuudary districts. t At present there are fully a dozen! pttrtirs from the geological survey in! the fhO in British Columbia, which is! double the number of any former year, 1 and there arp many more requests for] "urreys yet to be comylied with. The trip " on purely official business, and, no political meetings will be held. l SUICIDE IS FEARED. ASK HIGHER SALARIES I: :Il I positive evidetwe kn f. tle came here to start the lumina- here tin a branch of lu of scan-- I thtm been rf u I'm; i tr,rio only Suicide ur 1 Milk north, il 3-! r.- l h . making i privileges a .0 pr n:- y itrri:be rot re .my- I which the '4_ whim lim- mav " u Bur" 5mm. In iii. line ma - f "cr, -o, ‘mullm'f Year and Thee Months to Build It --luarlr 300 Miles. M‘GUIGAN GETS THE CONTRACT so: Tnmmiuion Line For Over a s.ihiiia and a Quarie Line Can be ihmbud--Ahuiumn Toronto despateh: The tender of the F. II. McGuignn Construetion Company for the erection of the great electrical pmrer transmUsion line for the people of Ontario wag accepted last evening by the Hydro-electric Power Commis- sion. The total price is 8.270.000. When cmnpleted the line will be 293 miles in length. Lust evening at 6 o'clock the agreement Mar, signed by Mr. F. ll. Me. Huigau, representing the company, and also by the eommiswioner. The tender which was accepted was tho [mu-at of twettt.v-severt, while tho 'Iith-rc-um- between it and the highest rm.- plum-d before the cmmnisuiun was mer half It million dollars. Many of the tendon were for certain portions of the line. For hint-nee. there were fitteen haulers for the unpplying of the cabin; nun five for the transmission line. There were only two bulk tendon. Tun after thew- ;arious eonrhirmtionq had hum sifted it was round that the bulk tender of Mr. McGuigun and his rmnpany was the lowest. Important Concessions. Aside from the mere nou-ptam-e of thu tender for the approximate three hmzdrvd miles there are important cun- i~.--,-iuns. The line as now planned. or thw portion for which the agreement Em. hat-n signed. cover. western Un. t.:'i:, only, Eastern Untnrio. and per- u.ip.nm‘llwi'n ()nt41iu, will probably 3,- akin; fur the same clump power plixileuv. as the fortnnatn “mt, To in "",r, fur this there is a clause by which the mime length of additional {Elm nmv hr ereettsd upon the same- tri'm.. in other uurrds 293 mon- mile The» company ttgre" furthnr tn [win an; tie eom:uisaion to withdraw from "twit lender that part of the traps. :ni-sinn line between Berlin and Lon, .xm nu Mratturd, 58 miles in length, in ruse Strntl‘ord will not have Numb- mittml tle by-law in time to under- take the work as provided in the agree- ment. Thvw concessions \wrv obtained during the uegotiutiots of the pent few days. The wire used will be aluminum line, at “hit-h there will be 1,014,200 pounds, or about 507 tons; the number ot tow. ur. hill be 3.170, their height on tect with. am! they will eunsume 6,554 was of steel, casting $021,000. 'rhere will also be 140,000 young; of telephone win, med tot' the double telephone line to ls, strung on: the towers. The louers tor the trunnniwinn line uiIl be manufactured by the Cana- slian Midge Company oi Nt'alliervilhs. szt., and the Ontario lrun & titevlCom. puny of Welland, Ont. The aluminum, lmlll “he and pig, will be 1ttauuhtettus ed by the Northern Aluminum Com- may of America at Sllawiuigun Falls. puny ot Amt-rim at Nurwnngnn Falls, 1luenec. 'rite sum of $35.00!) wan dcpuitml in a masked check, and the column) must furnish a guarante" bond of $175,121». The work " to be completed within iiitewn months of the dute of signing tlm contract. Was " Saving. Tire commission has also prion-s for tin other equipment of the line. in addition to the contract that has bccu u-curctl In tho line erection, the com. nission has contracts for land on tlu- canvttteut plan, by which it is safe to cmnnntc that $75,000 will be mural (We! thc Cost estimated on the purchase of a right of way. Then on the insulators tlw price is 8.50,000 lower than the esti- mates. And on the trainsturnwr "tt. ticns and electrical equipment there Ts n further saving cffcctcd as compared with the original estimate of about iGo,000. So that with the searing on the transmission line erection and all the equipment there will be at least a quarter ot a million of dollars saved off the estimates. The prices of the tous cn of various kinds were as follows..- Double circuit. double line, $5.240; single circuit. double line, $4,830; double cir- cuit, single line, $4,080; single circuit, single, lift), $3,570. He Was Happy. Speaking of the agreement lust own- ing, which had just been signed aftri' many days of vxcvcdingly close up piimtinn to its details nud utter a Summing unnpuign of some fir.., 3mm. Hun. Adam Jim-k mid that it nun a happy day [or him. He was glad that over) thing had workvd out an Inat'. "toniotrwly. lit- Md obtained the oi" tions for which he had l,ectt "nsio,o, and hu wau confident that Mr. llc. Guigan would carry out the limlel'tlk- ing in a "mum-r altogether creditablc. Jlr. Metluigau was, he said, considmm-d om' oi the best men to execute such a work that would be found. And he w.” glad, too, that the work would be tle. cording to a hulk tender, an there would be lens liability to deiay or conflict be- tween different parts of the work. No Increased Liability. In eon-equewe of the lower coat ot erecting the 'tnneniuion tine than what ind been estimated, Mr. Beck said that should Hamilton, on mount of litigation, or ,Bnntilord {gr I'lr, other reason, be unable to sign ttie contract at the present time, it would not in "a way increase the liability of the o er municipalities. And it Stanford could not come in, there Wu provision in the agreement that would 1in may be built. making 3H1; miles. In addition the .AMluigan ( NM also. if requested to 1 min; on or before Felrruary supply to the mmmiuinu i 12.". tons of u..xmimrm ealtlt, w 1m a‘iun- transmission line me priee in supplied fur the I 'n. T! Instead of Copper. All Canadian Goods. built. makir additional the same may? mile" " a total --'--"-" pushed in 00]!!!)de I bend of ' completed I Cotnpant' 110 St) in , 4, 1909, from, M t' for the ' at ths high tom- enable the communion to out out that line, and Ibough tint would affect. tit. Mary's for the present, it Nun-4.1 no: “Muse we liduility cf ocher "iucuui,,rctces. . It was announced to the strikers this _ morning by their Executive that James 1 O'Connell. President of the metal trades branch of the American Federation of _ Labor, and President of the Interna- tional Machinists, is on his way from n his home in Washington, D. C., to 1 Montreal to confer with the strike I leaders on the oubject of the strike. {This evidence of interest being taken _ by the American Federation of Labor is ', inepiriting the men very much. i Getting Plenty of Mon, 3 Toronto, Aug. 1r.--If strike-breakers continue to come forward in numbers as they have since the Canadian Pacific Railway Company opened its employ- ', ment bureau in the Traders' Bank the " l ficiuls say that they will have no trouble f in supplying men for the entire system, i without causing n halt in theoperations I at any of the our shops. The company thus more men at the local shops than I required to fill the places of the strik- lers. and now it will devote its entire 'i attention to procuring: men for the Silnpi at the outside points and termin. als 'l'he "trikers now claim that cupi- tal is uniting to defeat and dirrupt the railway unions. The men declare that the C. P. ll.. the G. T. R. and the C. N. It. bare allied in an,etiort to put them out of business. They claim that the railways not involved in the trouble are rendering assiitance to the C. P. R. in an indirect way by inducing .strike. breakers to come here from the United (States and then refer them to the fr. lu, saving in the cost oi erection and equipment would also, Mr. Been wane“ nut, teduee the cost of oper- .1“ng m macaw; we unrest and mm.- u...' mun. in: ucohtion to this advantage of re- duced Lost to we .muucxpanues eater. ing 121:.) we power union,” laid Mr. beck, "we have a pruvmuu um ti mtmn the next six months other mum- eqsaiities east of Toronto, we“. of St. Tuonus, north of Gueiph, or JiGhGe in the Magma. peninsula, or in fact .'"v: waere else in" Ontario within reach of the Falls, desire to make terms with the cotutttissiou, though there may be advances in the price of materials, they will be able to get the benefit ot the low prices at present prevailing. And the conuttission will be in the P" sition, in getting prices on the exten- sion, at getting them not on the esti. mates, but on an actual tender. The li. ;antha’ option on the extension line is equal to deuble the original pm- lm-sitiur. in the mine pi'icia. And Wttett .w know how alu .iuum and Hymn-r Lowest Tamara Canadiqa. . One other aspect of the agreement mu the occasion of much satisfaction to Mr. Beck, vw., the fad". that th: lowest tenders were Canadian, though there Were a number of American and some British firms in competition, yet no favor' was slvpwn to the Cunadinno; they “are a,l dealt with on their mer- its, and the Canadian edi'inparty wan because its diet was aAustily the hm- est and the best. C.P.R. Strikers Charged With Intimi. dation and Trespass. ARRESTS MADE ' Ill MONTREAL President of Metal Trades Branch of American Federation of Labor to Confer With Lttaders-42.P.R. Of- fieials Say They Can Supply Whole System With Mon. Montreal. Aug. t7.-The first arrests of C. P, 1i. strikers were made this ntwrnuun, when two of the strikers were taken mu) custody for interfering with men returning from work at the Angus shops. an-e the snike started the men who ntuyed at work have been brought hnek to zhn city in the evening on a spe- eini train. which lets them oft at varioc, points. stopping at the Place Vigor Sta. tion. In this way the returning workers avoid the pickets around the works. The ttrikep.s. however, have tried to meet the men as they get off the train. and this afternoon several of them gathered at Hochelaga and started to argue with the returning xneelmnics. They were ordered to move on by the special (oz-stables. and all did so except a striking Ins'hinht named Max lets mu. who became rather violent in his la, gnu-g:- and was promptly arrested and charged with intimidation and ob. structing the stttet. He mm later freed I'll " $50 lmil. Another Ariker. Max Bouresk.v, in. vudeCtho Place Viger Station for the s;l.lw purpose, and We: promptly ur- rested under u change of trespassing on the C. P. It. property. He was later let out nu M410 bail. The atrikprs un- indignnnt over the ttyreuts. claiming that there was no justification for them. The men will come up for preliminary hearing to-morrow. Winnipeg. Aug. 13.-- The C. P. R. is paying off the striking mechanics to. day. and upwards of $125,000 is being distributed among them. All is very orderly. . About the only new development of importance was the attttotttteement by J. D. Clarke, accidrnt inspector of the Railway Commission in Winnipeg. that he has received special itmtruetionss to inspect the power on the C. P, R.. and to see that all engines running are in good condition. m.- know how aluUuvat and copper lM'i'S {no fluetttatiug so much, this: is mutter of very grunt. moment." P. It. labor bureau. where they will procure employment. The ofrteittis of the railways emphatimlly deny the ru- mor that they have combined to bring in men. ' Party Arrives in Quebec to Traverse Whoio Dominion. An Ottawa despatch: A party of Scot- tish farmers arrived " Quebec to. dny. They will spend three weeks in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario, and will resets. Winnipeg about Sept. 6th, afterwudl going though the Western province. to tbs coast, SCOTTISH FARMERS ON TOUR. Reduce Counting Cost. MMO MUST QUIT PALACE. Young Turks to Make the Sick Man Leave the Yilcliz Kiosk. Die-arid Service For Turkish Mar. tyrs In lilmty's Cam. Foreigners Declared to be Safe h, Constantinople, Aug. 17.---.u unplea- nnt impression Wu created here owing to an alleged proclamation of the Young Turk Committee declaring that mould the powers intervene in Turkey's inter- nal affairs tt rising would occur which would imperii the residence: of foreign- em. The proeltumstion, it was supposed, was due to a report that Russia ind de- clared the power: must interfere if Tur. key failed to crush the movement in Macedonia, but inquiry at the offices of the Young Turks resulted in a denial of its authenticity. 'Another interesting report in circula- tion, but has, not yet been otfirmed, is that the Young Turk 1ommittee is de. termined to insist that the Sultan quit the Yildiz Kiosk in order to completely put an end to the old tradition: and prevent the powihility of u coup d'etat by the palace guard. Under this scheme the Yildiz Kiosk and the surrounding gardens would be converted into a pub- lie park, and the Sultan henceforth would reside in the Dolma Bngtche Pal. ace on the shores of the liosphoroua. According to the report, however, the project is not to be put in force imme- diately. ' Court Says Babies Han Right to Dunkirk despatch: Mrs. Bambrina Vo velli, of East lititd street, was urraign .4 in Police Court to-day upon oitarge of haunt. in third degree, the eoutplau1aut being Mrs. Angela Fate, who lives in the sane hundiug. 1he special features oi me cttttt? as ueveloped m the that won- mu: Jits. rote has an iuiunt that cries u good deal at mght, and Bits. ' oveuil wa, granny manned by tue mums muse mac night, and became so nervous in consequence that the entered the hub upuruneuu wttltout iartuuou, and, luck" mg up the crymg have tram u; hunk, gave " a spanking. ' Judge tto0erts decided that the child had a right to cu". m mm. a.“ 1'” ml.) way to mqu Jo dtecougiotts KHAN] tu us natural plutwtola, tt.,tl altar at ncung idle. rowel”, the arumlanx, to suclmuwl‘ nth-ml to tted um: Human... .um umuu tro.tt “unsung law mug-:- 'ootm' run-awn, uc “new”; Aur mun An imponnng'ceretnony nignif'K-ant of the new state of affairs, occurrtrd to. day in tlie Red Armenia Church in Peru, and to which the Armenian Committees invited the Young Turk Committee to a memorial service for Turkinh martyres in the cause ot liberty. _ Enormous crowds ittended the func. tion, and at its conclusiun a procession marched through the town, headed by tlie archbishops and priests and a Turk. ish military band, playing the Armenian national anthem, which had been pup- presued for generations. Two of the pahwe officers under ar- rest, Mehmet Rizal and Zekki l’nulm, ex- Mininter of Military Schools, have heen' released on the understanding that they will restore money and land alleged to have been acquired illegally during their tenure of office, together totalling some $1,250,000. Mystery Still Hangs Round Death of Hugh Graham. 1hvckville despatch: Tthe inquest on Luv body of hug!) druhnm, which be. gun yesterday manning at Alexandru day. N. s., was continued until Iato in tut nun-mount. Iwo uittteeustne Were maul]. but what information was ole Lumd 1mm (new has not been made wink, m the inwatigutiun is being conducted privately. An adjournment foundation. HOTEL MAIDS PERISH IN SURF Two Girls Drown While Trying 'tt Float With "Wings." Cape May, Aug. 17.-Margaret Mig.. tenwn, parlor mind, and Katie l harlea, etuunbermaid at one of the hotels, were drowned while bathing opposite the Windsor Pavilion. The tide hm: been un- usually high for seven! evenings, and the surf somewhat boisterous, and it is supposed that the unfortunate girls ne- came Manned at the annual conditions and succumbed. Olga Sohmnvild, out other maid, was with them, and, aim-r trying to growth them to be careful. reUeated onward, and won afterward noticed that her companion: were in dit. ficulty and screamed loudly for help. 7 The. report of an uprising at Ert-gli, Ania Minor, is declared to be without tt'itr, made until tomorrow, when Sher. iii llellingcr, Lurouer Gray and Dr. J. l). Cole will continue the iavestigatron. Sheriff L'ellinger, when seett, mud: "We har" not ascertained with certain- ty tint Graham had tt large sum of mom-y JIM. before his death. “e are y'.vttysure that just before he went mm the wattr he was hitting on the porch of the lmathuusu Above the place where the body was found, for his hat was found on the porch. Ttie body WM found in only five feet of water, with the head wedged between the tim- her: in such a manner as could only be aecompliUted with the aid of rtioinl" one." Graham's body was exhumed at Caintown and a post-mono") performed this week. mfg}:- Com, porter nt' the Whrirot Time]. and W. A. Holmes, tt guest there from Philadelphia, hastened to thy beach EH I ND CLOSED DOORS SPANKED IT. qt,,7Tr,W, SEVERE CRITICISM OF CANNING FACTORY EMPLOYEES. and rushed into the water to the rot- eue, but could so: nothing of the two girls. Spectators on the when of the Wind. oor say that the (£1: seemed to'hnve waded out up to their necks and were using "water-wings," endeavoring to swim and float with their aid. several colored bathe" took up the search nl. most intTediateV and 'succeeded in hurl. in; the body of Katie Charles Dr. T. C." anew-I'd, of Chambersburg, Pn., directed efforts to tsttaeitate her for an hour, but without avail. The other body has not yet been reeoveted. Miss Carlyle, a Factory Impoctor. " porn Rather Rupulsivo Conditions NO DESIRE TO WASH Toronto, Aug. 1r.--'mse women have no particular desire to wash, and the manner in which the washing arrange- ments are presented to them does not alter their opinion. Neither the employ. er nor the employees been to realise the necmity for cleanliness." These sentences, referring to sanitary condi- tions in some of the mini factorien in Ontario, are taken from “are report of Mine Margaret Carlyle, factories inspec- tor for the western part of the Pro. vince. It is but fair to add that Miss Carlyle says that substantial improve- ments had been made in many of the fruit preserving factories during the year in regard to conditions generally. the remarks, however, that the idea seemed widespread among some owners that suitable sanitary accommodation: would not be appreciated. Where good “asking conveniences had been provided, away from dirt and dust, with plenty of not”) and clean tom-ls, the women made good Use Of them. The condition of the floors in many factories comes in for tevere condemna- tion. They should, says the report, be kept in sound condition no an to prevent retention or accumulation of water, which causes not only discomfort, chills and colds, but aim the risk of more seri- ous troubles. In runny food factories the floors were found coated with black, greasy, sour-smelling mud. The employ. er deplored the condition in one plat-e. but seemed to think that the more it was swept the worue it grew. and was astonished when told that the floor should be relnid with uuiulile material to prevent so much groom: accumulating on it. Min-i Carlyle regrets to be un. able to report much progress along the line of housing tho people engaged in this industry. The mime defects and dis. comforti. exist in the room: where they eat, sleep and perform their domestic duties. But here again she mention: some bright exceptions, where there had been great improvement. PREPARING FOR WAR London. Aug. 17.-The Chrottiele pub. lishes an interview with a gentlemen well versed in matters pertaining to South America, particularly the Government and finances of Brazil, where he resided and carried on business for years. He expressed surprise that there should be any doubt of Brazil's intentions of embarking upon the costly venture of warships. and added: "it means war, a war that we in Brazil have known to be inevitable for u long time." He proceeded to explain that the trouble lay with the buffer state of Uruguay, whose particular port is practically comnxnnded by Argentina. Apart from the envy with which Ar- gentina regarded Uruguay, the northeast frontier of the latter country is freely used for the passing of contraband into Brazil. it is prolinhle that unless an amicable ttrraugentent can be reached nwr Uruguay. it will cause war that cannot be long delayed. Conflict Between Brazil ad Uruguay Ev.Treuttrer of Toronto Exhibition Refused Bail. Toronto, ont., delpatch: When Lieut.. Col. J. Knox Leslie, (-x-trensun-r of the Canadian National Exhibition, appeared in the palm court this morning, a new development arose, and he was taken into custody, hail being refused., The development arose, and he was taken into custody, bail being refused. The Crown wanted the bank pass book pre- sented, but this was tntssolutely refused, The crown claims that the pass book is neceuunry for the ettme. A remand wan askéd for by the defence and to this Col. Denimn agreed. but without bail. Col. Leslie declined to answer any quph- tions put to him by the detectives, nu lathe to the whereabouts of the pan-- book. The amount of the original charge of fraud has been changed to 819.94 0.53, Afraid He Is Still Too luavr--- Planning Campnixn. Hot Springs, Ark., Aug. 17.--"I would like to get on the scales and weigh, but I am not going to permit myself, for I might be disappointed in the belief that my daily exercise on the golf links has redmed my weight." This was ('andi- date Taft'. admiuion today that he had not "weighed 'm" during hie period of training fo_r _tyt.errtut'ttitu campaign. "I am afraid that instead of reducing I hive Iimply hardened my mun-l", but I never felt more fit in my life for any task," he said. _ A oonferenee on the campaign plan- of the Nation“ League of Repubucnn Clubs In: held to-day between the mn- didate And Mt. Vary: and John TUrea Hammond, of Malnchuletu. in Some ”an the Who“ There Have Bun Improvements. TAFT AND GOLF. LESLIE’S CASE. TORONTO A King-ton deep-tell: At Alexandria Bay, N. Y, " well as other man along the river, there in a loud-voiced pro- test from the wane“ and wanna“, who any that they are not making their alt this summer from the ex- pected tips. They declare that, try as they can in giving the best of mice, the people imply Won't give up the quarter or tttty cent piece, either fail- ing to tip entirely or giving a ttickel or a dine at the moat. Negro wait, en are employed at Alexandria Bay. White girl. we -lored at the Fron. teuc, Columbia end other plum. ThiteesAmktheingAUgthe Ftiied the Wit" Tank. of ‘ullod Train With Our. DECLINE 0F TIPPING. North Bay, Aug. ".--Two excursion trninu of lune-ten from the Maritime Province. were stalled in Chalk River for on tour today in consequence of I plight. won-k ahead. During their any in Chalk River the local hotel was loot- rd, the proprietor earrird outside and over one {hound dollar! worth of li, quorq and cignu carried off on the ex- cursion train. Even the eettnr Wu remarked, and n cation! of beer in key- wu otolen. (in the train. riotous mne- ensued. Water huh were emptied and filled with beer. Fighting became generul. and one sun had his none split end eut- fered other injuries. One policeman h with each train, but no attention is paid to him. At Mtu.kie's Station the travel- ling hoodlum» unwed “when; by wrecking the furniture in the utation agent’s house and otherwise misbehav- mg. Malt Extract u Duct-thud by a Guelph Defend-M. Guelph despateh: Whether malt ex- tract " a nouiGhing beverage or In In- toxieuting arink in u question which II being thrashed out in the Police Court here an the result of a charge laid by Inspector Ulken ngninut Mr. Marriott, of the Pusiitteit Lake Hotel, for nelllng liquor without I lieenne. According to the Government tuutl.vUs the melt ex- tract contain-1 too much alcohol. wtule the label on the bottle puts it u . pana- cea for all ill-u for alt axes. At North Bay the police force and cilia-n: were ready for the lawlesu horde which every year sweeps acrmuu the con. tinent, leaving a trail of depredationa behind, and the first sign of dimmer re- suited in arrests being made, which put a damper on the hooliganism. Manual, Aug. 1h-Nhett the daily roll call on board (hr Crown of Ar, mgon, made for the purpose of check. mg the list of 39 thrietstitrhs, who form the major part of the crew, wu taken yesterday morning it wan discovered Ivy Captain (itindley that one of the men, for whom he had given bonds of $500. hd ettenped. How or when he din-ppm"- ed remain a mystery. Chino“ Drops Over Ono White Police Watch Other. Three special con-tables were on guard to insure that the Amman should get, away from port with all her crew. They handled the dock side of the ve-l wry carefully, and the only [unable “pluma- lion is that the Mongolian dropped 0\'l'l' into ‘the water and um um across to the gum] pit-r. A A Young Mon in Toronto Court for Ploy- in‘ Mouth-Organ. A Toronto despatch; Jumps Wright, Ricnurd Ta ylor, and George " lumen “We [nought hefore M.aintrate ”turn-on yesterduy because they had played on a mouth organ" and danced to the lumic last sunday. The court Officials looked sandal lined, and the magistrate Inked: "Don't you know ttutt you muetn't play tunes like that on h‘undny?" The Prince Rupert Towns“. Will be Bold. "We Worn playing hymns, and other tuna," explnind Taylor. “And you were (having to hymns?" asked the Court. “Well, I'll only caution you this time, but don't do Ir-in." Marriott claims that the mllt extract and cider he aold were gunman-ed tem- per-net- drinka to him. After hearing the cue Magistrate thunder: deferred his sentence for a week, eoattttmtttettt that I conviction would mm a hard- ship. ___.. _ ., . m... Montreal. Aug. 17.--Tho management of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway nu- nounro that the town nite of Prince Ru. pert will be placed on the market in Set" ternber. The nanny-menu regarding drtaiU In in the hand-t of Generul Man. ager Mom. who i: in the mat. Thiu In. Mann-mom {allows one 'that the "ttn. may Ina been ween-if"! in arranging the ditterenees with the British (‘olnmhiu Government over the water front “his. Two prohibited persons were fined no and coats for obtaining liquor, and . bartender the lune amount for allowing an "Indian" to Ioiter on the premises. Busy "'ttrle. for Visit American Fleet. Tokio, Aug. 17.-The Navy Depart- ment is already busily engaged in pre- puing for the reception of the Am- erienn battleship fleet, due to “rive in Japanese waters Oct. 17. The re- ception will undoubtedly be conducted on e (and scale. and the chic! diffi- culty now IWI to be to keep the pron-mine within the bounds do. mended 'G the limited time the we: venelu wi remain here. " in estimated that the welcome to be accorded the American that by Japan will cor. 8500.100. Eve?l of- ficer mt! mm of the visitors wi be placental with a hous'emr ot the oc- cuion, these to be made of silver. HARVEITERS LOOT HOTEL DANCED TO HYMN TUNES IS A TEMPERANCE DRINK? JAPAN WILL SPEND "ttt,0tl0 TWO SIDES TO A SHIP. TO GO TO MARKET. of the a H Ei',ti,

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