West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Aug 1908, p. 8

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o AUAILLASICELNCARE R. MacFARLANE, or write C. B. FosterIy: Excursion rate stations.. For { Daily Saturday Aug. 29 to Sept. 12 inclusive SINGLE Excursions to Business College eptember 1st is the elegraphy Ts 18 10 4n Â¥k4 1A in7‘c %g () uB LG 3t 2; Â¥p by " d i Droj MT. FOREST L6 if / )ERLLIOTT TORONTO, ONT 2‘¢ FALL TERM OPENS SEPT gzagafigaggfiagaifim L THE PEOPLES STORE 44 n HLA W than FARE MAPLE LEAF BRAND ATN Al Ti We keep the "REGENT BRAND" : MORT t p ntal Writin ROBERT BURNETT Highest When buying a Suit of Clothes remember the () A large stock ot Kets 1C The Place to buy Gents‘ F urnishings as we always keep everything in the Gents‘ line. N A Cl 11C NCY . P; »00 â€"‘> 5000 to return until Tuesday, Sept. 135. icial Programme gives full information regarding . special train and through car service, from all ee copy apply to asses ind examine wi NP GApabian the Exhibition $3°00 Lowlt ATE Ohâ€"Leeping ypewriting l,aw, Com espondence 8 Writing A fine )HLN 1 to return ne Fresh Groceries JE iat (E, Ticket Agent, District Passens 1pal ut sound of tan, patent and kid. (no‘e sesre e e aeeeetamneaeanaed s iPoinaita‘eSeateatnaiearair PA AlE #r date } N ew Telep hone iadu‘s | Directory th Prin 1st ether you purchase or just have a look on Special Excursion Days, Sept. 1, 3, 9, 9, 11 IMPERIAL SHOE 1| M Passenger Agent MI f The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, le uks s oC 1 â€" 7 Produceâ€"Cash or Trade. THOS. ALLAN s about to publish a new issue of the OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY L Graat, Wool .. Tallow Lard .. Durham School Toronto for ’Butter...... C CAS.â€".:s rsr s arrs es 3. Potatoes pur bag..... Flour per ewg........ Oatmeal per sack.... Chop percwt........ Live Hogs per ewt... Dressed Hogs per ewt Hides per lb...... .... Sheepsking........ ... Orde firm Fall Wheat... Spring Wheat CS .« «++ c««. veagw.....;;... Bartey.... ... Hay......";.. nding Students should enter at the begin of the term if possible. Board can be obâ€" | at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy !tractive town, making it a most desirable for residence. ry and DONALDA the District ing Durham ders for new connecti ‘m names, changes of : orders for duplicate e inded in AT ONCE to RATE ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principa) ERTRUDE HODGE, B. A., Honor uate of Toronto University,â€"French , Composition, and Literature, S;\LDA MeKERRACHER, B. A.. Graaâ€" Durham Markets. tk S: $1 per month in advance Staff and District of Central Ontario, in Queen‘s Un Ttificate, â€", Geography l is thoroughly equrl’pped in tewhlng hemical and electrical supplies anc for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" . The following competent staff bus 2 DurnamM, Avuc. 19, 1908 Chbairman WM LAIDLAW, mnad veganey IPâ€"â€"280 OA LLL G 4 University and First Profes :-Algebn, Arithmetic, His $2.25 for Boys‘ and Girls‘ SCHOOL SHOES. connections, change inges of street addres «+ss <«« // 38 i 18 NC sÂ¥i««‘s 10 to 75 ««r«:«« 2 $0to 8 26 k..... 8 00 to 3 00 ex x««« _ 1 50 to 1 80 ewt... 5 80 to 5 80 Equipment. Local Manager Also the Toronto always on hand C. Ramage Secretary entries should $ T5to8 75 â€"â€"~T0te â€"4§ 40 to 45 80 to _ 80 50 to _ 50 8 00 to 9 00 19 to 19 20 to 820 3 to 3 45 to 70 23 to 2 5 to 5 l1ite 13 Among those from Durham artenr;J Nhe lacrosse match in Markdal Monday were Mrs, C. Lavelle. Mr. and Mrs. P. Matheson, Misses Maud and Inno Davidson, F. Limin, L. Lauder and cousin, Pearl Warner, B. Harvey, M. and E Daniel, Messrs. Wm. Laid. law, Wm. Laidlaw. Jr.. Fred Laidlaw, Mulvey Cowan, Allan Bell, Guy Kear. ney, Peter Ramage, Fred Smith, C,. Crawford, P. Daniel, J. Murdock, rewe â€" _ _ _ ; 0 0_ 22ICORTUON, And REvIEW _ readers will appreciate learning of the welfare of their Sout Grey friends with whom he comn‘i contact, Mr. W. Peace left last Friday for Hamilton after appling patent window and door strips for several parties in town. _ See his ad on page 1. The device is a simple one and seems bound to m;:fl"eclive in what is claimed for 54 PC Li ind Siake» tlseP aad s Mrs Hrown, (nee Anme McKay) ot Lorain, near Cleyeland. a sister of Genq McKay, is visiting her old time Durâ€" ham friends and relatives, It is about 17 years since she was here before, Her sister Lizzie, Mrs Gillmore, is livâ€" ing near her. Miss Norma Patton, of Owen Sound, has been spending the last two weeks with Priceville and Durham relatives. Her cousin, little Marguerite Hutton, accompanied her back to Owen Sound. 3t 1 ortag@la Praitie, atter spending seyâ€" eral monthbs at the home of his daugh. ter, Mrs John McGowan, Miss Jean Crawford returned from Mt. Forest last week after a five weeks‘ vacation. _ Her friend, Miss Jessie Allan, accompanied her and will remain a week or two. 3e Miss Edith Grant lett Saturday for her school in Moorefield and / Miss Margaret. for the Old Durham Road school, east of Pricevilie. Miss Fitzgerald, who has been the guest of Miss 8. Vollet, went to London Saturday where she will spend some time with friends. Miss Gretta Nichol, of Priceville, has been engaged as teacher for the two third classes in Durham School for the ensuing year, Mrs. Geo. mMoore, Teeswatet, and Mrs, Galloway, Keewatin, are visiting with their relatives at Mrs, Robt, Morice‘s for a few days, Dr. and Mrs. Watsor and Mrs, King, of Georgetown, returned Friday after visiting Mrs, W‘s parents, Mti. and Mrs. J. A. Glass. Li ihiniP etuiictishadid l .1 c cfi dfi is homein Woodstock, Mr John Sudden and son, Master Clifford, are spending a few days holi. days with relatives in Durham.â€" Chatsworth News, Mr Wm. Gray 1« ortage la Praitie Mr. R. D. McKay, of the Traders Bank, left Wednesday to spend a fortâ€" night‘s holidays in Toronto and at his homein Woodstock. Miss Margaret Uameron, Bott ineau, Dakota, spent a part oflast week with her old friend Mrs, Jno. Milligan, South Bentinck, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Limin left Tuesday on a trip through the West to relatives there. _ They expect to be absent two months. F Rev. and Mrs. Bice and t wo children, are visiting relatiyes in Ripley this week and will thence go to London, Miss Rena Sharpe is spending a couple of weeks visiting friends in l;éu-hnm and Holstein.â€"Dundalk Herâ€" ald. Mr. Lorne Somerville, of Toronto spent uver the week end at the Hedges here with Mrs. Someryille, Mr. Will Hoare, of Toronto, who was a guest at his uncle‘s, Mr. E. Limin‘s, returned Monday, Mr Hugh Rose returned to St Louis last week after spending a couple of nronths with relat:ves here, ton, visited Mrs Hâ€"uth(‘Dnnn.'I(l‘ and other old friends last week. Mrs Snowdon, of Toronto. is visiting her mother. Mrs McGowan and broth â€" ers and sister in town. Miss Jeasie Farquhnr;wnn left on Saturday to resume teaching at Aginâ€" court, near Tororto, Miss Minnie Levine and Miss Katie Silver, Toronto, are visiting their friends Mrs, Levine. 1 Miss Maggie McLarty, of London, is visiting with her relatives, the Rose family in town, Miss Mary McCreary went to Burâ€" lington Monday, where she will spend her holidays. Mr. Geo. McKechnie left on a West. ern trip Tuesday and will go as far as Edmonton. Miss Grace Barclay left Tuesday to spend holidays with her sister in Toronto. Mr. Sam Levine and his sister Ettie are yvisiting their cousins Mr. and Mrs, Levine. Miss Annie Lawrence left Saturday tor her school near Wingham. _ Mr. Geo. L. Hughes is in Toronto a _day or so this week on business, MissGrace Hunter left last Thursâ€" day to visit relatives in Toronto, Mr. Robt. Hewitt, of Darkies Corâ€" ners, left for Woodbridge on Tuesday, Miss Ella Frend, went to Toronto Tuesday, to resume her Millinery duties. Miss Miss Emma Haryey left last week for a position in Toronto. â€" Mr Andrew Dale of Mt Forest is enâ€" gaged in Russell‘s store. Miss Kate McDougall is visiting her brother Archte in Tiverton. Mr. J. Levine was in Toronto l;t week for business, Miss Banks left Monday for her school near Shelburne, PROOHIRMENSIOHN: Flora MecKinnon,. of Walker of Priceville, _____ iray left Thursday last for Edmonton, and " Do you know, my daughter," said a Durham motber, "that every name means something? Forinstance, Wil. liam means resolute, Charles brave, Georgeâ€"" "Oh, I know what Geornge means, mother." _ "Well, what is it ?" ‘"George means business. He told me so last night." The following are the sc by the five leading shots on mst. 10 shots, possible 50, t Molome was ols e Oy RTCed below will show, To make a score of 146 out of a possible 50 required six bull‘s eyes and four inners, and this was what he had at 600 yds. range. Ti was done too with the famous Ross ifle, mark II with mark 1 sights, a ifle that many heve affected to deâ€" ise, _ We congratulate â€" neighbor y who can fnow rest on his oars till gome one beats the record he h“i made. At the butts on Friday last a record was made by Mr, R. Torry that deâ€" serves special mention as the figures uienss sw - received by the young couple attest in & measure the general good will in which they are beld in this communiâ€" ty,â€"Soo Times, [The REvIiEw extends hearty congratulations.] The bride is an accomplished and popular young lady who has a host of friends who extend to her their heartâ€" l2st felicitations. â€" She has resided in the Soo for 6 years and it is the pleasâ€" ure of her friends that she is to conâ€" tinue to make this city her home. The groom is a yourg man of sterling charâ€" acter and is in the government employ having the confidence and esteem of those v.vho know him,. _ The presents K. MCC(')rquodnle J. C. Telford F. Roiph Wm Humphries _ 25 R. Torry W1 midhng. Aocturis? uce WhiPcstndsed s h s LA 48 and the young couple being supported by Geo Bayliss and Mi«s Ehel M Lamo The ceremony was witnessed by a large number of the friends and relaâ€" tives of the couple and after congratuâ€" Intions had been extended a sumptuous wedding breakfast was enjoyed, proâ€" sided over by Misses E. Crawford, B. Goetz, B Welsh, V Short and A Welsh The wedding party and guests then took carriages to the Union Dock where Mr and Mrs Grabam took the steamer Juniata for a four weeks wedding trip to Chicago, Detroit, Bufâ€" falo, Niagara Falls and other cities, afâ€" ter which they will return and conâ€" tinue to make the Soo their home, A pretty home wedding took place Tnesday morning August 10th, when Miss Nancy Elenot Gertrude Lamb, was united in marriage to Win, J. Grabham at the residence of the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs, Geo mamb, 114 eleventh Avenue, South Ashman, the home being beautifully decorated with evergreens and flowers, Rev. J. A. Kennedy, pastor Ist Presbyterian church was tha officiating clergy man, and the beautiful tall wedding service of the church was used, The bride was given away by her father, Miss Belle Goetz played the wedding march mav d snos on P i Mrs. Bugg and daughter, also Miss Mnntgomery, Walkerton, spent Sunâ€" day in town the guests of Mrs. J, M. Latimer, Messrs, P. McArtbur and 8. Mcâ€" Intyre, Priceville and Jack MceArthur, Dundalk, attended the dance here Tuesday evening. Miss Janet McLaughlin, of Toronto, and nephew Master Eerwin â€" Ford are guests of Mrs, W. NichotJr. Mrs 8. Passmore of Toronto was the guest of Miss K. McCormick last week and is now visiting relatives at Aberâ€" deen. Miss Marie McArthur of Owen Sound is spending a few days in Daurham with her uncle, Mr C, MeDougali, Miss Agnes Ramage was the gue:t of her cousin, Miss Lena Legate, Oeyâ€" lon, for a few days last week. Miss Young, Chatham, is spending a few weeks at the Manse with her niece Mrs, (Kev.) Farqubarson, Migs Mary and Master Alex Mcâ€" Queen are spending their holidays with Boothville telatives. Mr, Jas, Cameron, Toronto, is visitâ€" ing old friends in town, toâ€"d iy, Wedâ€" nesday, Mrs. D. McCormick and Mrs, Donald Grabam, Priceville, spent Tuesday in town. Good Shooting. Hymeneal THE DURHAM REVIEW 500 yds. _ 600 yas 40 10 30 32 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO the scores made the 14th McKechnie‘s Big To the young men going West, Boots and Shoes and Underwear you as now is the time to i The Who kin keep Fax in Rink, 21st The lineâ€"up from goal out : Owen Snnnd-Mum‘n.(Hnnmings, Hare, W, Patterson, ~FR. Thompson, Chesney, Armstrong, G, Thompson, Kempke, Nevin, P. Patterson, J. Kelly, _ Hanâ€" overâ€"Henning, W. Wendor{, Wingâ€" ham, H. Wendort, Winkler, Diemert, 8, Wendorf, D. Ries, Haue rt, Herman, 10 RBE L0 0 y c oo + We congratulate the winne their wellâ€"earned victory, and them suceess against their sem opponents, h Em . eeemmmey T town Oover five times the size, aud with 30 or more fast men from which to select a team, All who viewed the game, howsver, were convinced the Owen Scund boys won on their merits, They seemed a rejuvenated bunch from those who hattled at home two weeks before, and played with a dash and determinâ€" ation that ensured success, On the other hand, the boys in red and white seemed to lack their usual zest, and only occasionally, noticeably at the opening of the last quarter, did Hanâ€" over awake from their lethargy, and display some brilliant work,. _ Owen Sound played consistently throughout scoring in every quarter. every goal by neat and pretty combination on the part of the fast home, kn this Chesney was a strong factor, as he fed the home constantly, proving the strongest man on the fiel 4. The heavy) though brief rain shortly before made| slippery foot ing at the commencement | of the game, of which space forbids a detailed report, _ Referee Madill, of | Shelburne, kept the game well in hand, the minor penalties handed out, being chiefly to the winners, | Defeated, but not disheartened / Hanoyer is entitled to credit for proâ€" ducing a team of pure homeâ€"brews so long able to hold their own against a fown Over five timas the oilun .ms Without n team for the first season in years, Durham‘s interests are still centred in this district, and on Monâ€" day, the sympathies of the 25 from town,. were if anything, in favor of Hanover, _ Owen _ Sound‘s special brought in 325 enthusiasts, and these, with the Hanover excursionists, furâ€" nished over a $100 gate, How sadly the fond hopes of the factory town‘s Hur;mr(vrs were rudely blasted is shown by the uneven score of 7 goals to 2 in Owen Sound‘s favor, and this is about a correct indication of the play, Ries, Briggs. Lacrosse in this district, must in fuâ€" ture be reckoned, like a horse race or an election, as a very uncertam quanâ€" tity. In the final game at Markdale Monday, to break the tie for the disâ€" trict championship between Hanover and Owen Sound, everycune predicted and looked for a close exciting strugâ€" gle, with slight vantage in fayor of either team. In fact, after their splenâ€" did form shown in the lakeside town. when they beld Owen Sound to a one goal win, Hanover stock went up, to such a degree that the town felt conâ€" fident of victory and about 125 r100ters 1 with the band, accompanied the team on the excursion through town, arriyâ€" ‘ ing in Markdale shortly after noon, y Owen Sound in the Semiâ€"finals.‘ Butter and Eggs taken W When t]le sun the winners on tory, and wish their semiâ€"final g< A PARODY 5 dozen Clothes pins 1 tin 25¢ Royal Baking Powder for 15¢c 3 1 lated Sugar for $1.00 2 rkgs. 10c Corn Starch for 15¢ 4 Ib. package shred cocoa nut 30¢ 20c H Remember, do Boys‘ Suits . do Men‘s Suits do M Misses‘ Skirts, ¢ Women‘s Skirts do Blue 2 Jap. Squares, nice colors, 24x3} 1 Wool Square, good color, 3x34. Union Carpet, yard wide,...... ... do do Wool carpet, yard wide ...... Taperthy CANPEL: ++ +s > 2 4254 14 22 . . do do d do creen Doors cash and the ALEX. RUSSELL Special Values and Bargains. Departmental Store That will set the w1 come early. Here is cent shving. Read e P roduce taken for Cash 1y from Smilin‘? THE BIG STORE See our Bargains in Boots and Shoes 1y Groceries Skirts, colorss gr GNILS, millions of bushels and the 2. 7 0+ €C0I0P58 gray.... ... Skirts, assorted colors . Blue Lustre Skirts ... . . Black Lustre Skirts .. .. do Panama Skirts their products. compicte , .. .. 2 for Everything in Hardw complete, 1.00 for . . 7: prices as cannot be + Ms lor 5C 1 tir ng Powder for 20« 3 Ibs Fancy Mix C are going out of the Hardware highest prices paid. Hiere is a splendid list of magnifiâ€" Read every word carefully. L0C for Friday and Saturday the whole town talking. Better or Trade. Highest prices paid ‘* ana tne oat crop 112 milâ€" sure us that good times are l that there will not be any We have an excellent stock for tin 12c Royal Bakin 20c 2 tins 10c Occa x Bnscuits for 25¢ 109C ; _ 1.25 Tor . ..85¢ y Forks, 50¢ for 85c AUGUST 20, 1908 bottles Reliable 4 50 and 5 00 for 3 00 t »x*+++++» . ..14 00 for 10 00 and 11 0o for repeated, which our Clothing, It will pay able Shoe polish for 15¢ 6 bars Naptha soap 25¢ I to cle 813 50 for . 9 00 for . â€" 85 for V 50 for 50 for 00 for 75 for 00 for and Shoes, 85 for 95 for 45 75 50 65 W 1.50 for 65¢ for . 20 lbs O VW OT or or or Or r for 8c Bal:ing â€" granuâ€" #9 50 7 00 § 45c )0 49 49 50 99 49 80 49 35 60 40 50 70 DC T0 HF REV db AER 31

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