West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Sep 1908, p. 4

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1+¢ Taylor & Co., Dromore § Apnnmmesmemmmmmmnemenmerrent w0 5o T: <a A Gemes hS W e wut ey* tA I 7 E-s I"Ul' f]N) 5‘5 B()) "y 1 *** saved to l.I i MEN‘S e : :.5' MEN‘S E.: 5 E': MEN‘S o is e I'x 7 ;.; We h&;j x i m :? W mX V t3 Semmememeym ®,A P ww = Taj k8 ies e mnnere mss : Taylor & Co., Dromore â€" MEN‘S & LADIES‘ RAINCOATS ette, $5.00 to $12.00. We have full supply of Yarns and Flanellette sheets., MEN‘S OVERALLS, For the Wool season only we wi Boy‘s Clothing 10 per cent. saved to yon and the goods are MEN‘S ODD PANTS The men have finished up the hay and now is the best time to leaveyour order for a pair of good fall shoes, If you are thitking of going West, get our prices on t Trunks, Valises and Telescopes, before purchasing elsewhere. Call and see if your size is here, as we are offering some big bargains in some broken lines of Ladies‘ Oxfords and Slippers to clear, â€"It will do us a favor and save your money, Custom Work and repairing done as quickly, neatly and cheaply as possible. Raspberry time is nearly done some old Shoes. ~SgSs spot casl prices and can save you money on your winter clothing. 8. F.MORLOCK New +H New Cle New Gel New Tr NC\V B()( New Dress Goods New Mantles, Furs New Flanne]ettes, Yarns New B]ankets amd Comforters New Hosiery New Clothing, Underwear f New Gent‘s Furnishings New Trunks and Valises Nsw Boots and Shoes Every department in our store is overflowing with brand new goods for fall and winter wear. We extend you a hearty invitation to inspect our large stock and see the latest fall fashion in c We close at 7 o‘clock on Mondays Wednesdays, and Friday nights oniv ~i00,0mIng IU0 per cent. ~This means money o you and the goods are all 1st class quality, S ODD PANTS in very neat patterns and prices ranging from $1.50 to $3.50, )0 cents ool! Wool! Wool! We are prepared to buy highest price for any qua taken as Cash W e NEW GOODS have bought CASH AND ONE PRICE. only we will reduce Men‘s and also boy: _ to buy and pay the any quantity of wool. these goods at the very lowest ;noes;i‘;l 2ulckly, neatly and 8. Mcliraith , see our special at Blankets, also in â€" Cravenâ€" and so are to [ As we have indicated, Winuipeg seems a colony of South Grey. Here we are staying with Mrs Baird, a natiye of Egremont, and an acquaintance of 140 years. Nearby is Mr and Mrs Nel Calder, the latter a erster of Mrs Baird, (Javuet) and their brother Wm Smait all doing well. Mr Swail has & responsâ€" ible oversight over the baggage departâ€" ment of tho C. N. R. Steppiug into a barber shop. who do we meet but Will | and Nat Swallow, who operate on ail | the South Grey people that «come to : Winnipeg, and have a flonrishins tn.." AJ E/ dnfi ficica fh oc warmest thanks for the great treat We must in a future letter say someâ€" thing of the many kind welcomes we bad from * dowr east " frends, suffice it this time to say that we were specially invdebted to Mr . Joseph Moore, who threw up his duties to chaperon his old â€" teacher through the city, and did it most efliciontlg:. He had and has our waynuaske L221 s .l Yesterday, Sunday, we heard the As. sembly Moderator, Rev Dr Val preach in Kuox Church. Ha‘ph Connor was out of town. Charch attendane« is, we believe, reckoned very fair, but the usuâ€" alt allurements of a big city wa fear, hinder the worship that should be. But what can you expect: yesterday 3000 more harvesters came in in the morning and were shippe west in the eyeuing : no wonder Moose Jaw council had to feed 200 harvesters, dollars and doughâ€" nuts all gone : stranded amid pleoty but nothing to eat The invasion is being looked upon as serious for everybody but the C. P. k. Many fine newspapers here, more in foreign langusges than in auy other city of its size : Icelanders, Finng, Swedes, &e., all gooa citizens they say, We bad the pleasure of seeing through all the departments of the Free Press, the leading paper, and saw its mammoth presses getting out its Saturday edition, But we must stop : many things imâ€" ‘pressive but none more so than to stand on the top of the Free Press bailding and see the fringe of rrairie round this expanding city, and reflect that less than 40 years ago, was nothing visible of all this eyidence at your teet of huâ€" man industry, ability and enterprise, and the end is not yet. 150 men among Manuitoba mud cleansing of the asphalted s very efficiently done, and we cump?ainls of grafting. The body too is not neglected as a large General Hospital and ma iy priâ€" vate ones testity. _ For a similar puarâ€" pose the city has secured five or Six fine parks, where 'u\'iunipogge;a lounge and play in bot weather awid‘ beautiful and healthful surroundings, Tha ride by street railways to liver Park is the _ most delightful thing of its kind, Mayor Ashdown (who 1 was told ouce worked in Durham) and the civic anâ€" thorities, seem alive to every interest. Every where throughout the city are placards, threatening $50.00 fine for spitting on the sidewalks, regulations are made as to the character of new i ouses on certain streets, three central Fire Halls and 5 or 6 suburban ones provide safety from fires, A wonderful excavating machino does tha wa.l â€"s Winnipeg has been often described and jadging by the growth of the last tour or five years there is always much new to describe. To ons used to Toâ€" routo, the wide streets are delightful, Though the city is on tha flat prairia it is growing upward as well as outward. as many fine buildings testify. The zew Union Bank is 10 stories in height aud others approach the skyscraper class. Many are massive and olegant, potably the C. P. R. hotel and station, Enaton block, Hudson Bay Co stores Churches and Scbools and large apartâ€" ment blocks, or courts, where manpy families ars zccommodated with econâ€" omy of beat and other services. The city keeps constantly outgrowing its school and college accommudation, and the authorities are kept busy planâ€" ning for new ones, We imagine the demand for new churches is not quite so great. Yet in this city where ma. terial prosperity is so much in evidence, there is proof enough that the fner things of the mind and the soul are not neglected. All classes of the Christian denominations are represented. Presby.. terians perhaps being most numerous. Au Leelandic church here is said to hbe the largest of its kind in the world, surâ€" passing any in Iceland. Tho Salvation Army bas its * Citadel,, " the Jews their synagogue and the Bpiritualists a flue bauilding " For the Exercise of | Spiritual Gifts, " says the billboard. Friday morning 21 Aug., at 7 20 three full days from Darbam, found us still 50 wiles from Winnipeg, and meeting signs of purely rural settlement once more. We have bade goodâ€"bye to the rocks and largely to the tamaracks and the birch and are now in prairie country, with roads, a school house. a few wheatfields and cathelds and a surprisiog emount uf hay in stacks or to stack. * There‘s & buggy " cries one. * Saw two crows *‘ says another, and we‘re in civilzation once more. _ The fruitiul East and the flourishing West, linked by a railway, separated by rocks. Now we are in Winnipeg, a city of over 100000 population, largely, we haye ¢ome to think, a colony of folk from Darkam and South Grey, _ One is imâ€" pressed with many things : the enormous human traffie the arrangements in a magnificent station, already proving small for handling crowds, An cfficial told me that figye days before they had 40000, which was a new record, ‘These oflicials desorve praise for unvarying courtesy ; some time after arrival we stood near the gates from curiositvy to see a train of haryesters go off. Endâ€" less were the questions, almost all of a similar nature. yet all were answered civilly, eyen kindly. _ The only apâ€" proach we saw to gruffuoss was when oue, disappointed in not meeting exâ€" pected friends, asked " Avy other To: routo excursion coming in toâ€"day 2 * ** No " then with emphaeis, " thaok goodness no. " Dear Review Readers it We invit cardy is Mr and Mrs Nel sult wear. ) latter a eister of Mrs Baird, ' and b‘l’y:h.“'hot:gg":icl‘ id their brother Wm Smait date clo: 'ng' > to% rell. _ Mr Swail has a responsâ€" fit, style an pnc;. 7 ht over the baggage departâ€" and leave their order fo: 0 C. N. R. Steppiug into & fall guit. p. who do we meet but Will h‘pwnllow. who operate on ail | fl arry Bum‘ Grey people that .come to t s ish and have a flourishing busi. Gents Tailor and Furnisher a9% vak In Winnipeg. No, IIL. does the wbâ€"rk‘ the billboard, _ _ not neglected as a 0 1 was told ouce and the civic anâ€" to every interest. it the city are 1, and the streets ig e hear no . THE DURHAM REVIEW of of live animals There will be upwards of 9,000 animals on show at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, â€"this year, including 1,500 horses, 1,000 cattle, 750 sheep, 650 swine, 3,500 poultry and pet stock, 1,400 dogs and 500 or 600 cats. There is no ocher Exhibition in tlfu:.world‘ tha'ct makes such a display n lon aste Â¥2 Misses Winnie Blythe and Annie Pettigrew drove with Mr. Dynes to Allan Park Sunday afternoon. Cupid has been busy 1or a long time but on Wednesday last succeed. ed in welding the fortunes of two of our promising people.in the persons of Miss Edith Allan, youngest daughâ€" ter of Mrs. Tlaos. Allan and Mr. Jas. Gray, second youngest son of Mrs. Chas Gray. Rev. Mr. Jamieson perâ€" tormed the ceremony in the presence of about forty frier:ds at the home of the bride‘s mother. To Mr and Mrs. Gray are extended tne hearty gocd wishes of +he community. Miss Ethel Pettigrew is assisting at Mrs Jas Hoy‘s ducring the latter‘s illâ€" ness. Mr. Dynes made a flying call‘ to his home in Moorefield on Thursday last. Miss Mabel Grasby spent last week with Mrs. McClinton. Our tailor and cutter is in New York at present, Studying up the very latest fashions in new fall suit wear. We invite all men and boys who appreciate upâ€"toâ€" date clothing, thatf right in color fit, style and price, to call at once and leave their order for that new fall guit. \ Harry Burnett _ Mr.â€" and Mrs. Con. f{-::eller were blessed with a new baby girl on Friâ€" day, the 21st inst. Miss Ethel Pettigrew is assisting at Mrs Jas Hoy‘s ducring the latter‘s illâ€" ness. Mr Hugh and Miss Liégzie McCrae yvisited at Mr. Jas. Kerr‘s Bunday afternoon. Mr C. T. Leeson spent the week end wirth relatives in Mt Forest. Misses Eya and Pe;rl Barnett visiâ€" ted at Mrs J. W. Blythe‘s Sunday. Mr. Dickson of town spent Sunday with the Lauder family. Mr Wm Lauder 7lsâ€"qr'lite ill at pre«â€" ent. We hope to see him around again soon. Mr. H. W. Leeson spent Sunday in Mt Forest. Mr Mansfield and Miss Laeura Clinâ€" nick have returned to their home in Corning, N. Y., after having spent the saummer with relatives here. Mrs. Danon visited Varney friends Thursday and Friday. The cultivated prairie is not one of the whole it seems to me. Just ed a potato patch, vines frozen. } We are getting near Regina, have had my fill of the prairies since 4.45 this morning. Frost at Portage La Praine this a. m. Men looking for work at eyery station, swarming a t Brandon, Inclined to rain just now making it a little depressing, but huye seen them at alt kinds of haryest work as I came along. It is now 2 o‘elock, Mountain time, at Balgonie, and next stop is Reâ€" gina. Made fine time toâ€"day, but this is the Pacific express. A man on the train toâ€"day said they had frost at fl"fi'“ Creek every morning for a week ack. 4 We just missed Frank Livingston and Jeff McCracken,, while Joe Burneit and Chas Scott were out of the city at the time. ‘The late Peter Watson‘s sons are in the city also, Thos Storrey and very likely others we had not the pleasure of seeing and we thiuk it is high time they formed a Durham old boya‘ Society. We were vory bospitably entertained also by Rey Dr and Mrs Farquharson , whose brother and sisters are in Durâ€" haw. _ Dr Fargquharson is agent of the Presbyterian Church for the three %gmg provinces with headquarters in innipeg, most pleasant interviews with Mr and Mrs Mortimer (nee "Maggie Crawtord) and Mr and Mrs Haziett, the latter a daughter ot Mr Thos Li uder. ness. _ While there in steps Everard McKinnon, formerly of Durham, now of Port Arthur, but visiting here. Joe Moore, of Normanby, bas been 7 or & years with the streot railway and is now one of their etandbys, bhis steadiness and relialility having won him promotion. Jas Allan (Jim‘s Jim) occupies an imâ€" portant office position with a large Ice Co and his brother John is with the same Co. We also met their cousin **John‘s John *‘ and wife who are also making their wayâ€" We had tea with Mr and Mrs Jolun Wilson, son ana daughter respectively of Geo Wileon and Jol‘m Williams of Durbawm, and had Greatest in the World Varney. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO oneâ€"tenth Just passâ€" _ For some weeks past we mentioned of the sickuess in this neighbourhood and can now say that the parties mentioned are getting better, but Mrs Wm. McKechnie 1$ miles west of here is rather poorly with appendiâ€" citis. A new disease has broken out in ; this neighborhood, south of us. It C. R _ Died on Friday 28h Mrs Frookes in her 72nd year. luneral was on Sunday 30th to ton Park and was largely atte The Rev. Mr Matheson officia the house and chrrch. The F ftamily moved into Froton 01 years ago and liyed in the part since. Wepaboral m au us eg c L0 on 9 t ME andâ€" most people are done haryesting, although the crop was badly damâ€" aged by the storm that lef; it harder to get off and a smaller quantity of grain. Threshing has commenced in the Richardson‘s settiement north and in the Caulphs settlement, south of" here_ Mrs Dan McCormi'cki,”\;Ho | been feeling well we are ple say is able to be around again Mrs Jno McVicar called on : at Swamp Valley last week. Cc CC ECVvAETe ‘Mr Geo. Cuchersole, student, of Owen Sound, is holidaying at J, S,. Black‘s and looks hale and hearty . Miss Katie Black is visiting under the parental roof at present, VUpe w Near of his speedy recoy"'er"yj Mrs John Waters, of Toronto, is visiting the old bomestead at present. ar o ow & 8 Mr Joe Biack had the misfo of getting a bad fall of a load of and got his head cut badly but not seriously hurt. Dr. Dixo Priceville was in attendance and hope to hear of his speedv remn« Master Willie McGauire _ been feeling well of late but : he will soon be himse}t again The weather kas been are finished lxarveéfi'r;g-z‘l‘;;(‘iw;e;;ons are good. The young people of the yvicinity ‘.slpent an enjoyable evening at Mr. lohn McAuliffe on Monday night ast. Miss Annie Morriscen, of Queen City, is spendiog her holidays with her sister Mrs P. J. Halay of this place. Mrs Allan Black, of Niagara Falls and Mrs Thos. Grimes, of Baffalo, are visiting at John S. Black‘s and | other friends around Pomona. Mr John MeGillivray and daughâ€" ter Mrs Clair visited Priceville friends last week. Mrs O‘Neil and Mrs Habermeh] atâ€" tended service here Sunday. Miss Lizzie McIntosh retu the city atter a three weeks I at the home of D. MeDouga}] Misses Janet and Marion A bhave returned to Durham afte ing a couple of weeks visitin aunt, Mrs Wm. Brown. Misses Violet Britton, Mt. Forest, and Jean Fallaise, Darham, were guests ot Mrs. Will Fulton last week. Mrand Mrs John McQueen spent QAnnpla«w arith uLo ae w o n enR L Mrand Mrs John ifrt'.;Queen spen Sunday with the McDougal! family TL L meccnt Bs cOnss o is e Mrs Copeland of 'I‘o;'ont.o is visiting her mother Mrs Hall. Miss Bradshaw of Hamilton is the guest of her friend Miss Ashbury. Rev. J. O‘Neil and lamily who were camping tor the last three weeks at the river, have returned to their home in Pittston, Pa. Some of our young people are very regular in attendance â€" at Knox Church Endeavor these fine Sunday evenings. Mr A. Anderson disposed of some fine fat stock last week at a good price. Most ot the farmers around uoo e n ied ic t _ _ The stork is favoring Hampden people, baving brought a new girl to Mr and Mrs George Willis and a boy to Mr and Mrs Metzger on August 22. Miss Mildred Leeson visited over the week end with her friend Miss Jennie Cooper. Quite a number from our neighborâ€" bood took in the Garden Party at No 1 School on Tuesday evening last and N. was the lucky man. Mr Robert Nichol treated himself to a new buggy last week. Threshing commensed last week . and is in full sway now. 1 Mr and Mrs Robt Dougless, of Durâ€" ham, spent Sunday evening last with Mr and Mrs Robt Nichol. Mr Allan Gilmour returned to Plattsyille Saturday to be in readiness for the reâ€"opening of his school. Mr Ainslie ot Galt has been visiting his sister ‘Mrs D. Robinson for the last fortnight. Mr and Mrs Alex Cooper and childâ€" ren returned to their home in St. Catherines last Tuesday after spendâ€" 1hnz the holidays with their relatives ere. Mr and Mrs Jas Mather and Mrs Alex. McLean visited with Egremont triends on Sunday. Miss Ethel Ball, of Hanover, visited her :onsinu. the Misses Geddes last week. o °. _ VC ‘armers around here fnished baryesting and reports rand Hopeville. a ,, ‘ ThE o 1 banday 3Oth to‘ Swinâ€" was largely attended. Mnbegon officiated at Pomona Hampden Mulock McIntosh returned to rriscn, of Queen City, _ holidays with her Talay of this place. ‘k, of Niagara Falls Grimes, of Baffalo, obn S. Black‘s and ind Pomona. McGuire has not of late but we hope mselt again. bad the misfortune BM sgh 2l oc t ul : 1. The Frookes Proton over 25 are pleased to uth of" here. a Mrs Luies year. _ The weeks _I_mlidfiy idly but he is Dr. Dixon, of fine lately rion Marshall m after spendâ€" visiting their north has not friends and we oats Parisian ~illinery Co MISS uICK, Proprietor we can give yOou the l;&t-i‘r;lt:u: ment and make you the best terms. â€" One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof, Konold and pronounced exgcel. lent, John McQueen West of M iddaugh House Summer Millinery | 203CEA , We Clcaring Sale of If not why not one of our Be [3,_ °. ~"1f not one of « Have you a piano in your Home ? In Churns we can sati wants, Have alook at our Churn . We have all kinds of Washing Machines. Our latest is the Minneâ€" haha, which is worthy of its name, i0r quality of of Ailuminum l-’;.l';i, very suitable for stove pipes, also Black‘s special Stoye Pipe Tarnish, We have all kinds of Washing M arkhis aa Ai ied ie s nlp >»u Kettles Aettles are worthy ot inspection. _ Get your Stove Pipes ia shape for cold weather. We have a super.â€" Eovud se ul ie i‘ ce 10 s i o o . 9Ve Call and examine what we have in Tea Kettles, Our Copper Nickle uon B a oiE C P s ol T Have you seen our assortment of Electric Light Shades and Lamps. We are selling a 16 Candle Power Lamp that is supposed to give the light as a 32 Candle Power Lamp. Just received our immense shipâ€" ment of Tinware and Graniteware, among which is a new style of Roastâ€" ing Pan. Every woman should see this Pan as it is certainly the best manutactured. prices. 1 nE s We want to sell them all and offer some grand bargains . We have just commenced stocktaking and wish to clear out our entire stock of trimâ€" med hats, We have reduced the prices and have six tables we are offering at very low The REVIEW, 25c. to Jan, Ist to New Subscribers. Order it for that friend of yours. affects the brain and at times the Euienz is raving. â€" Although we eard several names for the comâ€" plaint we are not certain of the proper ons‘ It is reported catching and supposed to ‘come from Cedaryille. The patient with the raying spell will discuss church matters at times, then drift into yarious other things. We hope none have it too seriously. Gun‘s Drug Store Whatever your needs i his line are â€"Cometo us, we can sepply supply you. Now that the preserving and pickling season has started you will find there are many little odds and ends you may require. For instance you may need.â€" orn Preserving Time Needs HARDWARE Rubber Rings for gem jars Corks.â€"All sizes. Paraffine way Sealing wax Spices + Vinegarâ€"White wine | # . English mait Mustard, etc. Hooks of different styles . Black can satisfy your II‘s ? n o2 Rocker || ’ Sarmes find your timoâ€" thy seed here for fall seed F. armes B In brown, black and dove. A!! « purchasers will reeeive a liberal . count as we intend to drop these |; and&ut in a new line of goods inst. NOW is the time for bargains in doras and Stiff Hats, Special Discounts for Cash Also Men‘s Fedora and Stif Hats Dress Goods P rints, Mus GinEhams I,: We will make it worth while to purâ€" chase all lines of Boots and Shoes g:;nh us. Special discounts given fo: Particular people will preciate our Goods. armving weekly Have only to see these Tan Stockâ€" ".gdwe are selling. Pure Cashmer: rib At..«>.»*++++«« .>â€" . â€"â€" %0¢ gach Plain cotton tan hose. ...15¢ per pair Cotton hose in plain black.15€¢ per p: MATTHEws & LATIMER : New Women SEPTEMBER 3, 1903 & McARTHUR + L. Grant. VWacFartane & Cs, Come & see our Stock Special Discount off !Jij School Books. Get one of our Prize Se«i). blers or Exercises and try |of one of the prizes offered supplies ever shown in tow We are fally prepared wi:) the finest lot of SCRIBRBL1:);s M EXERCISE Books and Druggisis and Bookseli~:s dchoo!l olmml'ny hams, Laces, roideries, &c For Goods %88¢ Confectionâ€" in all lines uslins, ap A q n h The Bell Telost New OFFICIAL () REDUC Daily 29 to . SINGL i 31 Greatest SEPTEMB J.A. DA We Dr Direci FARE pt K are D, MA

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