West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Sep 1908, p. 5

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EMBER 3, 1908 omen cARTHUR Aool ar‘ans n EWS "IMmEer ‘meoning * 4 % & * %% % see our Stock C¢s & Vineâ€" i rant. d Cod ectionâ€" nd Stiff Hats 018 seed Tan Stockâ€" A T y fnpur. ind Shoes pared with RIBBLERS 10â€" Cashmere 10c cach 5¢ per pair 15¢ per pr looks and n towa. Cash Z0 KE High Serib. try for mA y TS ish 10S for The Beli Telephone Co. of Canada, i about to publish a new issue of the New _ Telephone Directory dFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY REDUCED RATES ON ALL â€" RAILROADS R. MacFARLANE, Ticket Agent, Durham, or write C. B. Foster, District Passenger Agent, Toronto C. P. R. Official Programme gives full information regarding Excursion rates, special train and through car service, from all stations, â€" For free copy apply to f Daily Saturday Aug. on Special Excursion 29 to Sept. 12 inclusive | Days, Sept. 1, 3, 5, 9, 11 Excursions to Toronto for the Exhibition SINGLE C7 Am LOW |‘ ~To Te 1 â€" Loxpox®, §EPT. 11â€"19 WESTEKRKN FAIR Greatest Live Stock Exhibition ; Drugs SEPTEMBER 3, J. REID, President. Programme of Attrections twice daily, including Kemp‘s Wild West ‘. Best of Music. Fireworks each evening. Come and enjoy yourâ€" it London‘s Popular Fair. ATHLETIC DAY, MONDAY, SEPT. 14. Pure Paris Green J.A. DARLING. Ch emic ‘~â€". KENNEDY &KENKEC Y We are supreme. We run no store but a pure, unadultera We are here to stay and, for the next 60 days we will show the people what we mean. Pize LiStS, 4 Coy® "Heavy work, severe stra . e double varicocele. _ Wher C s severe and I was often . *)hyslcian tol1 me an oper y 0008 tried several specialists, w¢" C| money. 1 commenced to * rogues. One day my boss ",,‘) I told him my eondition, Kennedy, as he had taken * they were square and skill 300 Trzatyext. My progress . "~f h‘ | month‘s treatment I was 1 tiin«d treatment for three s 3 : complete eure. Icould or pl < fore treatment, now I am « hA 7 all suferers knew of your V «s )C YOURP BA All Tickets good to return until Tuesday, Sept. 15 AriCOCELE CURED WM LAIDLAW, ix"" NO NAMES USED W1 onfined to His ct of Central Ontario, in new connections, changes , changes of street addresâ€" r duplicate entrics should AT ONCE to i HOME TiREATMENT. . Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. MES USED WITHOU _enve opes. Everything DARLING‘S DRUG STORE OUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASE: Local Manager Entry Forms, Programmes and all information given on application to S are the most prevalent ‘timn and unless entirely e »ware of Mercury. It DU8uvs, Un day my boss asked im I told him my condition, He advis Kennedy, as he had taken treatme they were square and skillful, I wr a vietim? "Have lost hope? _ Arc you od been di:wwmz'f'”l Have you any weak you. What it has done for others it will ho has treated mm. write for an honest lden Monitor," (lllustrated) on Diseases of of Western Ontario ATMENT. My progress was sc AGZD MEN.â€"In 1 feel the sym; vot the man you WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE No M e mt m Eomm Y s treatment I was somewhat disco treatment for three months_longer te cure,. T could only earn $12 a we ‘atment, now I am earning $21 and 1 crers knew of your valuable treatm raris reen, 28¢ 1b. , Ch emist and Druggist e run no junk shop grocery , unadulterated Drug Store, Night ITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, > Home for Weeks. Lt t and most serious disease eradicated from the syste only suppresses the s Your choice of two houses. â€" Gne on Countess Street, Brick, eight rooms, bath and closet, Two cellars, furnace, etc, Stable with four single stalls, two carriage np»rl.m(;;\ll; and ice house, One double tenement house in Upâ€" per town. _ Stone. _ One part eight room, bath, furnace and cellar. _ The other part six rooms and celiar. For Sale. Lots 13 and 14. Con, 3, . Glenelg, 15 acres bush, frame well watered. Must be sold. & all pertaining to Drug business at cut rate prices rudent acts or lat oms stealing over sed to be or should aining and evil habits in youth bro en I worked hard the aching wou i laid up for a week at a time. eration was my only horeâ€"â€"bur. 1« s, but soon found out al they want 0 look upon ail doctors as little b ss asked me why 1 was off work so lie advised m# to consult Ers h RATE Mouses for Sale A, H. JACKSON, Durham . HUNT, Secretary Apply to Day. $2.25 SCuse in Upâ€" ‘ part eight cellar. _ The celiar, W. Bracxk. ught on & d become arDn At Ottawa the speaker worked in the interests of all his constituents, making no distinction between .Conservatives and Reformers. He had receivedalmost almost as many letters from Conserâ€" vatives as from Liberals, had served them as faithfully and noted an instance of how he had benefitted a prominent farmer in holdinia homestead. _ Last election Durham had strongly sufiported their local man, Jamieson. e now appealed for Du'l'hil“!i;-s-v;l;i;]')Oft‘ © oS p OR UEEC TEVate NV has bestowed, Mr. Miller simply menâ€" tioned them. _ New post offices created, more frequent mail delivery, some counâ€" try post offices made money order offices and savings bank offices. â€" Durham had received his support for the new armâ€" oury about to be built, it was no bribe he offered, for it was certain to be built whether he was elected or not. While here in July, Mr. Foster acâ€" cused our M. P. of lack of independence, of being practically a mere voting maâ€" chine. _ As an instance of his indepenâ€" ae when he deemed necessary, Mr. Miller strongly advocated the aiolition of the Senate, while both Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. Borden and others of high rank were opposed to it. There had been a great deal of unâ€" favorable comment, said Mr; Miller, regarding the $1000 increase in M. P.‘s salaries, but he defended ‘the action. This country didn‘t want cheap men in Parliament, it wanted men of ability| who were worth the $2500 and the old allowance didn‘t tempt this class of men. He made no extras out of his position, simply that granted by law as member and he wasn‘t growing wealthy by any means from that. _ Concerning the mail service favors he For four years almost, Mr. Miller has represented S. Grey in the Dominion house, and his record has been honorâ€" able, busy and faithful. â€" In 1905â€"1906 session, f‘;c was appointed chairman of the second committee in importance in Parliament, the Banking and Commerce retaining the position ever since. _ He was appointed on the telephone comâ€" mission, now regulated by the railway commission. _ He was highly compliâ€" mented for the great assistance he had rendered in passing the Lord‘s Day Act. For an address bcfi)rc the house, showâ€" ing the possibilities of denatured alcohol for fuel, light and power, he was sent for by Earl Grey, who congratulated him on his excellent address, and orderâ€" ed two dozen copies, which were sent all over the world. pevithoid sB w dsc d d iccd c db cb oa t d cona had recommended it. Again the new Ross rifle was claimed to be a failure. _ Col. Sam. Hughes, a strong Conservative. said it was a credit to Canada, at Bisley shooting trials it had carried off many of the prizes, and English papérs ‘were confident of its snperiority over Leeâ€"Enfield. _ Mr. Milâ€" ler also explained the Burrows timber limit, and other soâ€"called scandals, of which space forbids a detailed mention. Referring to the character of cabinet. ministers it had been said some should be behind prison bars. Every man now ‘ in the cabinet was erfectly honorable, and it was Sir \Vilg'id's policy, should he find anything against the firivate character of a minister, to drop him at once. During the coming campaign, one of the chief planks of attack on the Liberâ€" als will be the old " Scandal " cry and with this the member dealt effectively. In one of these soâ€"called scandals, the North Atlantic Trading Co., the Conâ€" servatives endeavored to make it appear the government was interested in it. It was shown that immigration must be quictly done from Germany, for which purpose the Co. was organized and that its members could not be divulged to the public. The Co. was transacting a lu\\'lpul business, no government member was connected with it, and Lord Strathâ€" The Lord‘s Day Act was a great boon to 75,000 weary Canadian toilers, for whom it provided the Sabbath as a weekly rest day, _ Sir Wilfrid and the Minister of Justice were determined to and did see it through in the face of strong opposition from the railway, exâ€" rrcss and steamboat Co‘s, with the best il\\‘yCTS. The Railway Commission created by the present Government, was eulogized by the speaker as the most democratic, inexpensive and successful of any court in Canada. It had been a benefit directâ€" ly to Durham in coâ€"operating with the Mayor and council for C. P. lg crossing rights. nearly 9'mil'li-6}1§:'-tl;'c. net $1,443,467. _ The only immigrants now advertised for are farmers, farm laborerq and doâ€" mestic servants and each immigrant is required to have on landing at least $25 cash and enough to purchase their tickâ€" et, thus shutting out all undesirable citiâ€" zens. This immi&;ation policy, chiefly directed to the est, was beneficial to Durham and Hanover industriecs as these new settlers were partly instruâ€" mental in creating the large market for furniture in the west. Continued from Page 1, ans and thc[; soon become Canadianizâ€" ed. The Doukhobors too are mostly well behaved. The only mistake made was in allowing them to settle in blocks. Che Burkam 8 THURSDAY, SEPT Miller in the Limelight. gain was Two storey, double, ®frame house, situated on the west side of Garafraxa St. in upper town, Lairge lot with stable. _ First class well and cistern, Apply on premises, ANGUS CAMEROox ling estate. The following must be sold at once ; New waggon, new iron truck wheel waggon, a number of large egg vats; (would make first class cisterns) 3 or 4 thousand fence posts, lath, shingles, lumber, _ A quantity of wood near Weibeck P. 0., will be sold at fifty cenlsyer load. . D. JAMI®SoX®, Administrator Sparâ€" Devir slch m es With a hearty vote of thanks to Mr Miller for his able exposition of parlia: mentary questions, the meeting dis persed. The chairman then called on those occupying seats on the platform for a few words. Dr. Taylor was pleased with the candidate‘s record and predicted Hanover would do better than ever for him. _ Mr. Neil McCannel thought Mr. Miller should be strongly supportedâ€"he had been tried and had made good. Mr. D. Knechtel had known Mr. Milier for 25 years to be always straight and trustâ€" worthy and felt proud of his candidate. He was worth 500 to 1000 majority, Mr. Geo. Binnic asserted the cast of the: riding would do e ually as well for: Miller, if not better &an last time. Dr. Rogers was no speaker but he was going to assist in cl'::cting Miller by a big majority. close four years‘experience, his record,the govâ€" ernments record, the fact that no Durâ€" ham candidate was in the field, and he himself had resided in Durham for 4 rcars at the beginning of his carcer. y\'lr. Miller was heartily applauded at the Lenahan ! Hardware' We are Agents for McClary‘s famous lines of Ranges, Stoves, Heaters, Etc. a number of Parlor Suites bargain. See them and be In this our stock is complete and up to a great variety of Bed Room Suites, S; es, etc., at prices which will suit the p boards, Couches, Chairs etc. in abund. or to DavID KiNNI®, Darham, or A H. JACKSOX, Durham, 39 For Sale. The Pandora Range For Sale. #4 «l w a ol THE DURHAM REVIEW FURNITURE C. MeMILLAN Embalming Funeral Directors and Undertakers «* Man !" at last broke out the V lander, brandishing a big ladle, I no tellin‘ ye what‘s intult!‘ till of the prince‘s suite explained ** intil‘t was only another way of ing into it ". «* I‘m just tellin‘ ye, " C impatience.) * There‘s mu and turnips intil‘t, and car * But, " sald the Prince would like to know what is * WhAT‘s I®TIL‘T. "â€"The old « never fades of Prince Albert and Highland cook. On a s:eamer on of the Scotch lakes the cook was ; and up toâ€"date, _ We have 1 Suites, Springs, Mattressâ€" suit the purchaser. â€" Side , in abundance. _ We have which we are selling at a convinced. "A Range of Beauty is a joy forever" ; that is when Beauâ€" ty is combined with ability. Look at the Pandora Rangeâ€" it is a picture of beauty. All parts of this Range tell the same story of workâ€"abilâ€" ity as well as show ability. You run no risk in buying a Pandora â€" eyery one fully guaranteed All calls, either night or day promptly attended to. Constantly on hand at our Priceville Establishment, a tull and yaried stock of Funâ€" eral supplies. F. P. REILEY Priceville. cIntosh. ECC RORtm â€" Pm ‘_'I"bele'_s mutton intil‘t urniture! L‘T. "â€"The old story ‘ince Albert and the On‘A} s:eamer on one a Specialty. Irince again ; " [ what is "intil‘t 2 " a big ladle, " am intil‘t!‘ till one _explained that (with some Highâ€" sayâ€" :___ J. H. Rose _ Having decided to give up the Gent‘s Furnishing Business in Dorham my entire stock will be cleared out at cost price. For bargains in Men‘s and Boy‘s Suits and Odd Pants, Raincoats Umbrelias, Hats and Caps, Shirts. Collars & Ties, Handkerchiefs, Susâ€" penders, Hose and half hose, Underâ€" wear, Sweaters, Overalis & Smocks, Boots and Shoes and everything in the Gent‘s Forâ€" nishing line this is your chance ;n:l you should take adyantage t Going««« Business Massey â€"Harris Mowers & Rakes N* y vieininintiiiatsitrtalsmuthich ids cach s A o# +/‘ sd ber Shop, RESIDENCE â€" First house south â€" of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. Buow RooMsâ€"Next to Swallow‘s Barâ€" Lcw 9k c â€" Embalming a SpeclIy. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Come to us for tickets and informaâ€" tion. We are also agents for Allan and Dominion line steamships and C. P, R. ocean liners, MacFARLANE & CO. "Cau down read up a.mp.m p.m. a.m. 6.30 2.55 W alkerton 10.5) 1.2%5 8,50 3.22 leave Hanover ar‘ve 9.30 12.50 7.ll;3.33 Allan Park (0.24 12.44 7.29 3.50 Durham 19.07 12.27 741 1.06 McWilliams 8,54,12.14 7.07 1,.22 «Priceville (8.38 11.58 810 4.35 ar‘ve Baug.Jct, leave 8.25 11.45 Connecting with trains to and from 'F\nflz‘nto. Only one change between Connecting with traims to : Toronto, _ Only one change Durham and Toronto. Speed and safety, The following timet:n-t;l'e will be in effect until further notice > read down read up l}.‘!!_lg.!’lrl n m a mo With the opening of the new Canaâ€" dian Pacificline, another milestone has been reached in the history of our town IN NEW QUARTERS and ail kinds of MasseyA Harris implements for Haying and Harâ€" vesting seasons, De ° Laval and Massey Harris Cream Separator. Coal Oil and Machine Oil always in stock. W M»e Qilcloth, 45 in wide........ Floor Oileloth, 1 and 2 yds wide.. Lluoleum2ym;wide............ Smyrua Rugs, 00 % B0â€"s»1++4 +5 + 14 +4 See our new Prints and Ginghams Table Oileloth. Table Linen, 54 ins wlde, unbleached...25¢ yard * M ins wide, blflched......l&c;nd d 68 ins wide, unbleached .. .50¢ yard After two years in business in Durbam I° thank heartily the many farmers and others who bavefavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I will in the future bave havs pleasure in meeting in more commodious quarters, all my old friends and (i trust many new ones. Promptness and fair dealâ€" ing will continue to be my motto, Yours for business, 27 in wide, ?yds long..................... 25¢ pair aomvm.z)z a.xon...................mc,;":'u aolnvlda.zyxnlon(....................mcmr lslnwida.smlou.....................90(:pur Mlnw!de.sxyd-lou.................tl.oopdr All curtaing hnnworkededcuexoeptfieone- Weeea 2 1 it BR 10 ASE___ Large size white counterpanes, good yalue Mcintyre Biockâ€"Lambton St, Barclay and Bell‘s old stand sWn o 2 T Member College Physicians and Surgeons . Calder Block, Durham PHas! gncti{l: s # 2:-0 ‘Residen . Garafrax HE SELLS CHEAP, (-) »t., ut root of Hill. Old loodle‘co-r’:ner. Iln' w OFFICOE HOURS 9â€"11 a, m 2â€"4 p. m, Winwide,zydslou........‘............zncpllr 30 in Teleph & o in wide P4301 1008 â€"â€"................Me fail | _ TelephoneConnestion No. 10 and _ | . _ H. BEAN A., BELL . McFadden cARD OF THANKsS Table & Mclellan. TORONTO , comfort ......25¢ q ya "‘5ige aq yard BON BONS ALWAYs FRESH ~ _ nmiaa «upe1, "â€"OI50~â€"â€"VWNDCr in West, price $2700, Buildings worth the moneyâ€"farm for nothing, Lots of other property for sale. Moâ€" ney to Lend. All kinds of busiâ€" ness attended to. 40 Is the thing to think Would be the fol A Dollar for the County Licensed Auctioneer for the Co mmptly attended to, _ Rat ors may be left at his J omo-o, l(cI.lnnon‘s old stand, o JOHN CLARKK Barrister, Solicitor in Court NotaPy PublicPa»m ntome B.ra_2, _ @uprome Court Notary Public ‘Commissioner oney to Loan, Omce, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Stove »Acensed Auctioneer ; Terms moderate, Arrangeme to aates, &c., must be made at fice, Durham, sz Correspor there, or to Cevian » a attended to Insurance Agent, Money Issuer of Marriage Licenses eral financial business trans ARTHUR Barrister, Solicitor, NC Conveyancer. ac, Loan at lowest rates Oflke. Mclnt{re Block « dard Bank, Durha» Ofticeâ€"Calder‘s Block HONOR SORA‘DUA];‘-E nate Royal Oo eg Dentistry in all its ora or to P e e e tap o ie Honor crapuvare of Toronto Univenity, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Rooms Over J & J lfiUNTER's New Store J. F.GRANT D.D.s. i nA e We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. _ Also a good assortâ€" ment of Candies, Nuts and oranges, W.C, PICKERING D. D S. 1 ps "* patkeeg wis . H. STINSON . _McPHMHAIL _.» J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. Notary Public, Com COoNvEYaANCcER ARTHUR GUN, vea great bargain, following properties prices asked : «MEELDELEC.AT DURKHAM, onTt The Hanover Conve DBAY TA HOURS Ceylon has a telé;:;o;eâ€" office ANPESPPTCERCC to Ceylon P.O., will be 1 0, Terms on application to . P. TELFORD Women u.;'lwc.lfldv:n'.o Discases of MecPHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 _C. RAMAGE, Durha» H. H. MILLER Model Bakery Prvsictan & Sl‘lo'lo;,â€" t J. &}J. Hunter‘s sicensed Auctioneer for 1 use â€" . F. DUNN CATE Toronts Unlvemt)?GM ‘(.)ollegeAygnm Burgeon Arrangements {¢ branches Corresponden ce Fifty Cents County of -éâ€";-;-‘y : Block over the Stan Durcham, Ontario, 8 to 10 a.x 2 to 4 rP.a 7 to 9 P, x, Commissioner â€" _ JACKSON s transacted, _ .« (Lower Town Money to Lo r for Co , over P 0. of Grey. Sale ites reasonable Imple ment Ware orat the Review Notary Public the Review Of &e yaner So are at the Money to now Supreme r sales as ost Oflice addresse promptly Grey NAn, renâ€" #4 I % e ® ‘ + § ] fi ‘ a tig 3y *

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