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Durham Review (1897), 3 Sep 1908, p. 6

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tion promoters make use of this cheerful epithet to attract new settlers, and to it they attribute much of its suceess. \lbertans are so won over by the many bright days that, even in their summer snowâ€"storms they twit one another pleaâ€" santly with "Sunny Alberta." Some soul or other in our cirele ot contact is always shivering in life‘s summer snowâ€"storms, though he hide it like a hero; and he needs sunshine to warm him up. Are we giving it to him?* What is the perâ€" sonal climate that we radiate* Does he catch any sun and cheer and health from us* Does he think of us at ail in his heart‘s hard weather? and to whom she had perhaps plighted her sacred troth; and who,. with a last fond look at the likeness of her whom he loved so well, was ruthlessly engulfed in the relentless stormâ€"tossed billows and sepulchred in the dread abysm of the acep. Or here, mingled with long frilled, waving fronds of seaâ€"wreck, torn up by the roots from the rock to which it had adhered, or with a quantity of the bladder seaâ€"weed, also dislodged by the violence of the waves, are still furâ€" ther evidences of some melancholy disâ€" aster, when perhaps breadwinners have been torn away frometheir homes, and whole families plunged in grief and rendâ€" Wwuat a varmed record of tragedy or o¢ disaster, of natural beauty or of rare am| unfamiliar forms, either thrown up from the hidden chambers of the deep or carried on ocean cxrrent from distant lands, does the shoreâ€"line ever present. And more especially is this so after a great storm, when the curling _ ovileâ€" green, foamâ€"crested rollers, driven in fury by the tempest almost to the very foot of the jagged rocky cliffs, are now commencing to recede, after having thrown up and left high and dry, perâ€" haps in cf:,-n. and fissures of the rock, perhaps on the line of highâ€"water mark, these spoils of the deep, revealing openâ€" ly some of the dread secrets of the great océan. Here a quantity of spars and ot'u-r wreckage, apparently of some gallant bark foundered in ‘the hurricane, her crew going to a watery grave uncoffinâ€" ed and unknell‘d; here a faded photoâ€" graph of a lovely girl, inscribed with a loveâ€"message in faded scriptâ€"but alas! she will probably never again clasp the hand of him. who had claimed her heart. carti ing Thy If ever present cessible Sunday.â€" Him endur shame, eve me the hea Monday.â€" Thine the présent; use it wisely, In the Master‘s service blest ; Daily do thy nearest duty, God Himself will watch the rest With Him, for Him, living ever, Nothing less thy life allow; Give, then, in the wondrous fulness, Of thy great eternal now. Make Onward Leave it with the power Divine. He will give thee, trust Him ever, Daily strength for daily need; Though no pillared cloud of guiding He doth still His people lead. On the future, wisely hid (By Jean Walker.) Look not o‘er the past bemoaning, In the Source of strength be strong Weaken not nor, doubting, faiter; Right will ever conquer wrong. Gone the past beyond recalling, lone its weakness, wrong and woe. Learn its lesson, rise, be master, All life‘s best and truest know. W hy NomE ) W CA PBR e o 8 H9P w Flotsam and Jetsam (By A Banker.) Devotion Day by Day. y.â€"â€"As He for the joy set before lured the cross, despising the ven so may I ever have before eavenly reward. Â¥y.â€"Have pity, O God, upon the troubled of the sarth, and susâ€" _ oppressed, giving them relief uulime, ever < angriest ar vhether in m 1 humor. Th nheritance will, by nev from givin no claims, it is not thine; press, in fond hope trusting, Unlift of Sunshine rovil ~â€"Lord, it ih e shall 1 seel mere, why do Thou dwellest or wilt touch v flowers. now that that wondrous me and beautiful beyond *r of the mind of, man to vhosoever will may obtain vitance in that Realm if . by never refused Divine im giving offence to their it the, same time approâ€" nselves the Gireat Atoneâ€" Sault Ste. Marie; Ont () by the Thou tistact1 ces are a rgâ€" of the new amiliariv by t th the soft ‘¢ not preâ€" ce absent? t see Thee light inacâ€" infinite lor @T After the patient has passed throm;;a the mill of the physician, he looks tn his dentist, whom he will find on aay street corner in all large Chinsse citi>«, (me is greatly impressed by the seriousâ€" ness of this gentleman, who is always reading and thinking of his collecti»a of some 2,000 teeth on a table and a few bottles of some secret Jrugs whic‘\, upon inquiries, my Chinese interpreter informed me contained the raoisture cf the inner side of an old softin, wa‘h was collected after being buriâ€"d some 19 years. A dentist in China is called a "boxer" by all Chinamen, for he is +u> posed to have great strength in his ar s ard hand, and also some great mag.> pewer After we had waited some 20 minutes, a patient came along and the operar>»r arose with great dignity to receive *is potient. _ After examining the teeth he inserted his left forefinger around ome of the molars and out it came with a few twists of his finger, and then another, in the meantime the patient swallowimg the blood from the bleeding cavity. Fvâ€" eryone stopped to see‘the operation, so that after a few minutes standing room was at a premium. After pulling the first two tecth, the operator now makes a deal with the patient in regard to the rest, as there is no charge for the first two. He will now pull as many as the patient can stand and pay for. Upon inquiries, I found the operator had pullâ€" oed 10 teeth for the patient, who had agreed to settle for eight at the rate of 2 conts gold for each tooth, and I must say that the operator certainly did earn his fee. I tried to congratulate him upon his good work, but he would not have anything to do with a foreign devil, and I began to think he was afraid of being infected by an American. Fixing the Social Status of the Bride â€"Question of Dowry and Divorce. The marriage customs of West aud Southwest _ Africa are in many cases peculiar. They differ, of coutse, in difâ€" ferent tribes, but hare broad line in cemmon. A coastal tribe always considers itself superior to an inland tribe, and even its meanest member claims to rank higher than the most powerful man in an upâ€" country tribe. A man may marry any woman he likes of any tribe, it being held that he gives her his own status, whatever that may be, but it is almost unheard of for & woman to yarry "beâ€" neath" her. As a result some o{ the women of the most superior coast tribes,. like the Mpongwe, look to marriage with white men and frequently attain to it if just the right kind of specific escapes \the patient, Equal in medicinal efficacy to the shove are three highâ€"grade tiger rea> dies, the eyeball, liver and blood. As maxy he imagined, tiger eyeballs. the genâ€" uine article, can be prescribed only d the excecding‘y wealthy Chinese. simd larty the liver, when dried and redueced to a powder. is worth its weight in gold all over China. Tiger blood, whergâ€"vapâ€" orated to a solid at a ta-mp"ru‘.‘e of 110 degrees and *aken in the form of & powder, is believed by all Asiatics to wat c a redoubtable warrior cut of the mest cravenâ€"hearted. As liniments the Chinese physicians pir their faith to the fats and oil of serpents and the bile. Apparently in the more deadly the serpant the greater .is the _ benefit to be derived from ts exâ€" tract, but the chemist must have rhree various kinds to make one set. These are separated by the chief in charge and he labels them, one for the head, the second for the body, ard the third for the legs. When these three drugs are well preserved in ginger and orange peel they bring 30 or 40 times the cost of their preparation. Application of _ hof pitech pouitic»s are used by the Chinese physicians who attend the poor, as no drugs _ are r> quired to cure their ills. The effect is usually the aame. pears that the ordinary little value, but the . spot wonderful cure for intes at least so says Dr. Yik rhinoceros horns came China and in the market | _ _An ordinary native Chinese doctor, Wongâ€" Y ikâ€"Chee, practising _ entirely I among his own countrymen, was reputed : to have made extraordinary cures with two or three American patients, and | twentyâ€"five native patients were awaitâ€" | ing their turn when I paid him a visit, | writes Dr. James F. Donnelly in the | Medical Record. I found him adorned ! with huge circular hornâ€"rimmed spectaâ€" ] cles and thin patriarchial chin whiskers, | sitting behind his counter with his stock | of remedies. AFRICAN MARRIAGE Ccustoms. The parents om both sides rule absoâ€" Rhinoceros Horn, Tiger Pone and Coffin Scrapings as Mcedicines. CHINESE DOCTOR. well supplied, as a rule, that no selfâ€" vespecting spring chicken will be seen around much after the advent of city folk, while ecanscientious hens deposit fresh laid eges nowadays with automatic regularity daily in all weli regulated farm yards. The bodily ills that affiict the man or woman who goes to the mountain or seaâ€" side resort for vacation mnjoyments and gereral overhauling of his digestive and other private and personal apparatus are due, as a rule, to gis or her own lack of common sense and violation of ordinary rmes of healthful living. Bbucket; The microbe covered bucket that hangs in the well. This, however, is a libel rot only on the medical profession, but on the latter day country resort which caters to the fashionables, or the modest farm house which "takes in boarders." The family physician who advises his patients to go and upsct their health somewhere during August, that he may profitably tinker over them for months on their return to the city, exists only in discased imagâ€" inations, And he who fancies that Amâ€" erican country resorts of toâ€"day are not The latter day country bostclry is a most _ admirably fashioned structure, with "all the comforts of home," and the table of even the little farm house is so We are an unwise people, the bus!â€" ness portion of the community, given to sticking too closely to our avocations. "keeping our nose to the grindstone," toc many days of the year, and not reâ€" membering that "all work and no plaw makes Jack a duil bov." We don‘t give ourselves half enough playtime, kalf enough relaxation from cares and trouâ€" bles. And the mischicf® _ of it is thst when we do take a vacation we rush off to extremes thet «re apt to work more harm then good. There are those cynics who will see in this an invitation to the individual in no present need of medical attendance to take himself off to a land of green apâ€" ples, unripe vegetables and unsanitary drainage, that he may aid medical inâ€" cemes by indulging im these rural deâ€" lights, and incidentally quwenching his thirst at The old oakem bucket, the moss covered The medical profession are a unit on one point, however its members may be divided om other questions; that even if the city man feels in most robust health he should give himself at least a brief summer vacation in. the country. fully "upâ€"toâ€"date," healthful and luxurâ€" lousâ€"Or at least comfortable, if they are of the more imodest ‘classâ€"is not well posted on modern country life in this country. lnd Seeneâ€"Irish board meeting. Discusâ€" sionâ€"the presentation of an illwminated address to a distinguished fellowâ€"counâ€" tryman. abeut to visit the seenes of his childhood. Mr. Reillyâ€"Whyâ€"why, _ might I ask, are yo goin‘ to the expense of hayâ€" ing the address illnminated Sure i is goin‘ to by presented in daylight!" Jackâ€"What kind of spots â€" were they ? Georgeâ€"Seven spotsâ€"the other felâ€" low held mees. The best of Ceylon is in her tews. No where clse do they grow to. such perfeeâ€" tion. The best of Ceylon‘s teas are in "Sala da.‘" Georgeâ€"Yes, they gave me a headâ€" ache last night. _ Jzekâ€"This paper says if spots apâ€" pear before your eyes it will give you a headache. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Dandruff Minard‘s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. hurt.‘ "Yes‘m." "Yes‘m. Or worsen that: I might not ha‘ been married at all."â€"Everyâ€" body‘s Magazine. Ome day Mary, the charwoman, reportâ€" ed for service with a black eye. "Why, Mary," said her sympathetic mistress, "what a bad cye you have!" "Yes‘m." "Well, there‘s one consolation. _ It might have been worse." "Yes‘m." .ou might have bad both i thâ€"m "But," added the mergor,‘ "f I were to find a coin lying on the floor it would not be against the rules for me to pick it up!"â€"Tit Bits. ®. Conscientious Verger. After being conducted through an old church by the verger, a visitor was so pleased with the official‘s courtesy and information that he insisted om giving him half a crown. The man shook his head sadly. "Thank you, sir," he said, "but it‘s quite against the rules." "I‘m sorry for that," said the visitor, about to return the halfâ€"crown to his poeket. On this occasion he pays over an inâ€" stalment of the dowry. On the fourth visit he takes his parents with him, and is permitted to see the girl herself. When next he calls his prospective motherâ€"inâ€"law provides a feast for himâ€" self and his relatives, the host and hosâ€" toss eating nothing, but taking a hand in the drinking. Finally the man goes with gifts and the balance of the dowry and takes the woman away. On arrival at his village she is welcomed with singâ€" ing and a strenuous dance called "nkan ja." For three months the bride is not reâ€" quired to do any hard work, but after that she buckles to with his other wives at gardening and carrying burdens. Polygamy is general and the number of a man‘s wivesfs limited only by his reâ€" sources in the matter of paying dowries. The man may divorce his wife whenever he chooses and for almost any reason. But it is rare for a woman to be able to obtain divorce at her own wish. Divorce entails the return of the dowry.â€"Lon-‘ don Stanrdard. lutely in the matter of marriage between natives. First, the wouldâ€"be bridegroom goes emptyâ€"handed to obtain the consent of the bride‘s father. Then he goes aga®: with gifts, and the father calls in other members of the family to view the gifts. On the third visit he carries trade gin, a sufficiently poisonous compound, generâ€" ally from Hamburg. In the old days it was palm toddy or wine. Some Summer Vacation Mints: (N. Y. Herald.) COMMONX AFFLICTION Quite Unnecessary. A Dreadful Thought. w ** When, 1 wrote to you sam» time ago, I was a very sick woman saffering from female trowbles. I had inflamimaâ€" tion of the feprinine organs ard could not stand or walk any distance. At last I was comfined to my ked and the doctor said 1 would have to go t.hrough an operation, but this I refused to do. *A friend advis >d Lgdia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound. Aiter using three bottles of it, I feet like a no»~ woman. womLeln who suffer with female troubles." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia K. Pinkâ€" haw‘s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herks, has been the standard remeody for female ils, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, infammation, uleeraâ€" tion, fibroid tumors, irregulsrities, periodic pains, backache, that bearâ€" ingâ€"down fesling, flatu!ency,indigs- tion, dizzine=s or nervous pros! * I most heartily recommend Lydia K. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Cbmpqun(f_ to all This woman says she was savred from an operation b{ Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound. Nrs. Hrank Emsley, Lindsey, Ontario, wriles to Mrs. Pinkham: WVhy don‘t you try it? _ M’Zs. Pin‘)-f!mm invites all sick women to write her for advice. sShe brs guided thouszands to sealth, Addresg, Lyon, Mask Wouldâ€"Be Purchaser (who is looking at works of art in the designer‘s studio) â€"(u, what a delightful design for laceâ€" work! What is the price of the drawâ€" ing t We a ‘The Artistâ€"Madam, that is only map of Suburbton, showing the proposed subway, elevated and electric railways. â€"Puck., It‘s when the fellow takes affront that he is apt to get back at you. The New York American of Dec. 18th, 1907, says the common house fly is one of the greatest enemies of man. It is a solemn scientifically ascertained fact that he is one of the worst disseminators of disease known, far surpassing the mosquito in this respect. Wilson‘s Fly Pads will kill many times more flies than any other article. "Oh, I see it‘s too late!" sighed the woman; "I called to see if the missis wanted a charwoman, bus I see she‘s suited." Tney had removed to a new house on the previous day, and when she answerâ€" ed the summons of the front door bell a humbleâ€"looking woman awaited her. "I have had a very bad cough nearâ€" ly all my life, and I am fortyâ€"five years old. I have taken almost every kind of cough medicine that has ever been made, but none did me much food, I would have spells of coughâ€" ng that I thought I would cough myâ€" self to death. I took Peruna, and last winter and this winter I have had no cough and I know that Peâ€" runa cured me." She was one of those women who alâ€" ways present a woefully untidy appearâ€" ance during the carly part of the day. In vain had her husband remonstrated with her on the unfastened blouse and unkempt hair; it was not until aid came from an unexpected quarter that vietory was his. ‘"‘My nose and head were all‘ stopâ€" ped up, so that I could hardly get my breath. I thought at times that T would smother, especially at night. "I have noâ€"trouble with that now. The noise in my head has all disap» peared. "I know Peruna will do just what you say it does. 1 cannot praise Peruna too highly, as it has done so much for me. I hope my letter will‘ reach other sufferers." Mrs. 8. J. Kountz, 1015 Scovel street, Nashville, Term.,. writes: Miss Susie M. Kingsworth, 466 Que: bec street, London, Ontario, writes: "I began using Peruna last January, when I had such a bad cold, and" I could not get anything to help me: What‘s the Difference, Anyway? CATARRH OF HEAD Which Peâ€"ruâ€"na Relieved in a Skort Time. How She Was Cured. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Ma has to feel j<=t nineteen men, Amd say! they all tin eat; They allus look plum hungry when They git up on their feet; I beve to run fer all I‘m able, ‘Ta kcep the grub piled on the table Demznding Fuller Informatien. Nanâ€"Yes, Tom calis cecamonally. Queer follow, ise‘t he? Doesn‘t seem to know what to do wih his hands. Sits with them clesped the wholo evening. Fan (raising her evoebrows)â€"Site with ns hards @asnad, ch* Tagcther? I see the fighin‘ stream out thene New York drugrist who has been in the busifress for forty years says that there are thirtyâ€"five thousand propriet ary medieinues for sale in the city. And gotta knock off work; I have to keep more plates aâ€"bringin Or i‘d soon feel my oors aâ€"singing‘. The IéAeten‘s boilin‘ hot, y "Twoeuld frieasee a Turk. But T ean‘t say_I‘m everbet _ There is evidently a large growt) im the use of optumr in New â€" Yorl city: It iw estunusted shat at least five !hfiusnnd' white persons use the drug Comparitsom of prices shows that livâ€" ing expenses im New York city are twelve per cent. more than they were three years ago. And she‘s quick oa the maul; . You‘d best lay low, I‘m tellin‘ you When Ma cooks for the tazzin‘ There is rma averge of nearl= two persons kiilled. each day in New York city by falling from windows, down steps, into. exeavations or in some such manner: A large majority of aliens admitted to. the port of New York are under fourteen years of age. _ Minard‘s Limirzent for sale everywhere years there have beem torn down enough, bulilings: to: house 500,000 perâ€" sOns. Every: year New York city throws into . the junk heap. enough buildinga to accommodhtem a small city, or a population: of £0,000. Inm the last ten After the coroner had viewedythe reâ€" mains and‘ décided‘ that death was due to heart failure, _ caused by a sudden shock, the old mmmJit another cigar and murmured:> "That‘s worth trying again some | titme."â€"Chicago Jowrnal, Minard‘s Limment Cures Burns, etc. .__ Experiment Successful. "Before I consent to let you have my daughter,"" said the sqnareâ€"jawed capâ€" tain of industry, "I want you to anâ€" awer a question: What would you do if I were to give you: a million*" Epanking does not cuwre children of bedâ€"wetting. There is a eonstitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sumâ€" mers, Box W, .8, Windsor: Ont., will send free to any mother her: successful home treatment,. with full instrutions, Send no money, but write her toâ€"day if your children trouble you in this way. Don‘t blame the child, the chances are it can‘t help it. This treatment also cures adu)ts and aged people troubled with urine difâ€" ficulties by day or night.. ‘‘Work" groaned Johson,. "I should think it did‘" Just lister I took Maud along High street, and stopped at Goldâ€" stein‘s;. the jeweller‘s, and 1 pointed to the engagement rings in the window, and‘asked her if she would like one, and she smiled and‘ blusked, and put her hand on my arm, and said: ‘Oh, yes, dear George: T‘ would like that one!‘ And ‘that one‘ was twontyâ€"five guineas! Conâ€" found you, and. your smart notions, I “"l" "What" eried the genial Popkins, slapâ€" ping his friend Jobson on the back. "You are in love with Maud Dawson, and too bashful to propose to her! Think shame of yourself, man! Just you follow my alady,. who is now my wife, and we came to‘s jpweller‘s shop, and I pointed to the engagement rings in the window, and said: ‘Wouldn‘t you like one of theset And‘ she said, ‘Yes," and so it was setâ€" "Capital idea!" tried the bashful Jobâ€" som. "T‘ll try it this very night!" Twentyâ€"four hours later the . two friends met onee more, ‘‘Well,.Jobsony‘" eried Popkins, "did the plan work?" * ‘Since I originally wrote this h: let 1 have d.ilcoverog that the wmpof- the Ganges and the Jumna is hostile to the growth of the cholera microbe, not only owing to the absence_of food maâ€" terials but also owing to the actual presence of an antiseptic that has the power of destroying this microbe. At present I can make no suggestion as to the origin of this mysterious antiâ€" kin, in the preface to the fifth edition of his excellent pamphlet on ‘The Cause and Prevention of Cholera, writes as follows: "The reputation of the water of the Ganges among the Hindu millions of Inâ€" dia is known to all, and most ef us were content to delieve that in & hot and thirsty land like northern India such a magnificent river as the Ganges had many claims to be highly thought of; but it would appear as if modern science was coming to the aid of ancient tradiâ€" tion in maintaining a special blessedness ?f the water of the Ganges. E. H. Hanâ€" Whitewashing the Reputation of the Sacred River. The revoiting customs which prevail among pilgrims to the Ganges, including promiscuous bathing by those who are well and those who are suffering from diseases of all sorts and the driniking of water from the bathing places, make the following item from the Indian keâ€" vie?':‘somewhat of a surprise. 6 BETTER THAN SPANKING. Little: Items: or » Big City. CHOLERA AND THE GANGES. Time and Money. The flowers bloom; Ihe flowers die. Vacation days Go swiftly by. They heard him murmur With a sigh "The days are shorterâ€" So am I!" Thrashin‘ Time Tried It. â€"Washington Star ro:, you betâ€" Ore packet of Wilson Fly Pads has actually kiled a bushel of flies. Coster {(who had been rebuifed by short tempered postal clerk â€"Well, misâ€" ter, you might tell me if I post this letter mow, will it get to Birmin‘am terâ€" worrer mornin‘? Clerkâ€"Yes, of course it will. Costerâ€"Then you‘re a liar, ‘cos it‘ addressed ter Sheffield!â€"The Sketch, No dorad flies lying about when Wilâ€" son‘s Fily Pads.are used as directed. parish. The lease was "for a term of 500 years, at the yearly remtal of a red rose, payâ€" able at midsummer if lawfully demandâ€" ad." The reppesentatives of the trustees paid the rent with a bouquet of red roses, which was handed to the warden of the scheot.â€"Lordon Daily Mail. quake Rent, One Red Rose. An interesting femture of the distrimuâ€" tion of prizes. at St. OHave‘s Grammar School, Bermandsex, _\'m'ndn‘y ‘wnlutl-\le paymert of the "rent" of a freehold field, which was leased in 1656 to trusâ€" come to "Wellâ€" "Yes," said Beerlock. Bones, detective; "I have scen a great many queer things in my time, as. you can gness" "Discovered some gigantic frauds, I‘ll lay!" said Postom "Well, I should say sof" answered Bones, puffing at: his opiunx. "But, beâ€" tween you and me, the most complete piece of deception: L ewer camre â€"across was perpetrated. by a woman â€"young, pretty, and, I should have sworr a very angel, But she wasn‘t â€"my g""d}v aunt! she wasn‘t She had: am temper like _ a whirlwind, and‘an arm Uke an earthâ€" and no navy ?"" "And no navy," your Honor."" "Very well, then," said the Judge, "give him a year‘s hard‘\ater:"" "Switzerland!" said theo© Judige. "That couniry has no sea coast,, hus it*" "No, your honor," answered the interâ€" preter Some of the West. Indian Islanders have learned that when: a forcigner misâ€" behaves himself on: their shores it is better yo suffer im.silence than to mete out purishment at. the risk of a visit from a gunboat from the misereant‘s naâ€" tive land. A Judge im Hayti recently took ocacsion to pay off old seores to redeem his selfâ€"respect im the ease of an offender brought before him. To his first question, as to the nationality of the accused, the interpreter amswered that the prisoner was from: Switzerland. months stomack troubles speedily turn to fotal. diathoem® or cholera infantum, and if.a medjcine like Baby‘s Own Tab lets isâ€"not at hand the chift'l may die in a few hours> Tlle wise mother will alâ€" ways keep a: bom of Tablets in the house and give them to her children occasionâ€" ally to clear out the stomach and bowâ€" els and keep them well. Don‘t wait unâ€" til the child is sickâ€"tlse delay may cost a precious little life. Get the Tablets now and you may feel reasonably safe. Every mother who uses these Tablets praises them and: that is the best eviâ€" dence that there iss no. other medicine for children so good.. And the mother has the guarantee of. a Government analyst that the Tablets contaim mo opiate or lmr‘nful drcg.. Dealor» sell the Tablets at 25 cents a box or yow can get them by mail from the Dr.. Williams" Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont, wir; gummed the wrong labels on my luggage, and 1 went into the waitingâ€" reom on the landingâ€"stage at Livergol t, wash my hands of everything gâ€" lis}: and what do you think stared me in the face when I had finished? A placard saying, ‘Please tip the basin!‘" A medivine that will keep children well is a great boon to every mother. This: is jugt what Baby‘s Own Tablets do.. Anvccasional dose keeps the little stomachâ€" and bowels right, and prevents sickness.. Dimg the hot weathor months stomackh troubles speedily turn to fatal. diathoem® or cholera infantum, and if.a medjcine like Baby‘s Own Tabâ€" Reached the Limit. It is supposed by travellers that the tipping system is universal, A Toronto man who visited England last summer appears to think that country is the champion tiptaker, and he relates some oi his experiences. _ _ y& _ "Well, 5 had tipped every man, from the swell gen; who seemed to own the Hcuse of Commons down to the bireling You can pd&lm remove any COMi, ETLE hard, soft or bleeding, b W‘E.‘ Putam‘s Corn Extractor, 1t mver‘unu, ves no SCaI, m?&n‘m“;hh:aflmb:u.m:‘.‘ use. Cure guaranteed. Bold by all z'urf.lt! #5c. bottles. Refuse substitutes. _ _ _ ___ __ __ pUTNAM‘S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR _ e OW TDCEU weve a tas -muglo of SLOCUM‘3 COMPOUND PENNYROY AL TEA A ?oworful but harmloss vegelable medicine for sickners peculiar to women and all disoases arising therefrom,. All druggiats scll at 25¢, or Bfltpsm for price from Dr. T. A. Siocum, Limited, mpadina Avenue, Torunto, CORNS LADIFS Good gracioust And how _ did " The Crimg ~ and the Consequence" ALWAYS, C It tells the value of the Crimp in Washboards ; the Features of the HOT WEATHER AILMENTS. Is the title of a Mighty Interâ€" ing Little Bookiet on Washâ€" boards, that has Just Been for the benefit of the poor of the | (1) The Greatest Swimdle o Oe . ol ow â€" id you find o«t. ler trme character?" abem!â€"th3s faet is, my dear â€"L married. hert‘" A Jolly Joker Safe: Sentence. Send your name and aduress and you will reâ€" ceive a free sample of CURED INJ‘HOéml any comn, eltzer pl Putuam‘s s leaves no SCAL, Neve Since t§51. Card will bring this Bright Litic ‘t”w.'.:mkt.‘&w. g-dYo-.C.yt::',;‘ tet us °' hvl' L T 2C CHTC T UaLUres U And it Tells the Kind of Crimp that is the Betier Czimp AD wen Chipping indulged in modcrately, is a vaty beneficial form of exorcise. Some of the beetles _ of Venezuels weigh as much as half a pound each, A pigeon postal service has vecentlye Bboer organized in the French Congo. An elephant can ecarry _ from 1,808 pounds to 2,500 pounds, a horse only from 200 pounds to 250. Plants with white: larger proportion of than any other. swim Bears are taxed in some lagts. ::\ ~â€": "Of course not, my dear," replied the masculine: end| of the matrimonial comâ€" bine,. "Since our martiage you haven‘t given.me a chaneg to tel you anything,* All: Druggists, Grocers and p‘enl stores. sell Wilson‘s Fly Pads. "Before we were manried," said Mre, Chatterton,. "you used to tel me how much you. loved. me, but you never do Gentlemen,â€"I was, badly kicked by my horse last May.andiafter using sevâ€" eral preparations: on. my leg nothi would do. My leg: was blwack as jet. n{ was laid up in. bed: for a fortwight and could not walk.. After using three botâ€" tles of your MINARD‘S LIXIMEXT I was perfectlyâ€"cured; so thiet I could start on the road. "Well," replied Hunker, tapping anâ€" other hardâ€"boiled‘ egg; _ "it‘s tne only bird whose lay 1. carefor‘"â€"Philadelâ€" phia Inquirer, The Sweetest Songster. Over breakfast, _ Miss: iDorothy, the enthusiastic ornithologist of the boardâ€" ing, house discuesed‘ the: merits of the nightingaie, lark, thrush;. and so forth. St. Joseph*‘sâ€"Levis,. July 14, 1908. Minard‘s Liniment: Co.,. Limited. "And which, Mr. Hunker," exclaimed Miss Dorothy, "which> of‘ all the songâ€" birds, are you fondest oft*" "I prefer the hen, Missâ€" Dbr-fliy."! "But the hen isn‘ta song bird at ar:" objected Miss Dorothy, The E.. B. Eddy Co., A’n. Indiana man is building a house,. and in the use of the lumber he h:: planned to perpetuate a numâ€"» ber of. the most tender associations of hisâ€" life, all of which he brought from the t Hoosier domain. The b-uf;:: is Dr. L. lles Kerlin. The lumber is a fine grade and grain of black. walnut, and it came from a farm four miles out of Kichmond. The material will remain in the sun durin’. the summer in process of dryâ€" ing. Then it will be kiln dried and ultimately dressed for the use in store for it. OJn the first floor of she new house will be a large living room. It will have a beamed. ceiling, wainsâ€" coting, book shelves built in tne walls and a :arge mantel,, all «t whichvfil be built from the indians black weaiâ€" nut material.. Two bedsooms also will be finished from this material that came from the grandiather‘s farm.â€" ghicagu correspondence Loadianapolis ews. â€" Them aterial is stacked u‘r on a big lot in one of the finest and most exclusive residence sections of the c“y L 2w is : pllcmm s How a Chicago Man Wou!d Perpetuate Memory of Hoosier Birthplece, Pwo big piles of rough Indiana lum« ber are now attracting the attention of thousands of people who hourly pass along in the famous Rheridan road. of Chicago. | C y se If You emmienn e AH‘IND THE LARGEST, BEST ped business sechool in Canada : resulte; that schoo! is the Contral I College, Youge and Gerrerd, Toronto I0§UO _1D0B» ___________.__.__ccmmmmmmasme wbls PRPCCIC OO P Hall & Co., West Toronio, _Ont MJ Gernaan soldicrs must, icarn ISSUE NG. 36 1908 mm eC CENTS WANTEDâ€"ABSOLUTELY NEW mmashoid article; great seller. R. P Black Watch WALNUT FROM OLD FARM. The big black plug. ror rnov‘s marcrEs AGENTS WANTED. EDUCATIONAL. white blossoms and the Foatures JOS. DUBES, Commencial Traveler, Brute. and That Contral Busines® lAdl â€" apecieg Japanese vilâ€" changes to establish thro and west on a fow wire hes been transacted . bi «#Wrfipomies after _ sundo The telephone service int held up until about 7.30 ally collapsed, perhaps th Seation from that city to between the Associated @orrespondent . ‘ At t operati that mailn with No 1 dayb port fie of the cor fic yest ww c apr ©xoriltait fortuna i« Many, menl by repor ted thus cau;, assis lince fees. «Un Wiihes fr ness exor side amoi the n« the lo they w boat Bo gaus Repx swilt Seme Loss of Life dan ent busi ther pub prin the floo rea dep: &Ssl ing chi #d . Ag it been the From Four to Six j Sir e©ommun by teleg in total River w with w entire 1 gity of ever) ed t At 3 dept! the | abov strai of w inun of t ©1 w utter wale brea that Th AQ By The T) Augusta. ri€ f1 A t A u At ap wl U H t h IN AU Over a K and Dar x qu

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