West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Sep 1908, p. 7

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vening ER & Vingeâ€" " r Cr UR Hats Stock 1908 To â€" . Des KENNEDY &KENNEDY z Garafraxa St. Near the Bridge ; @2 00000900000000040004440400000 JOQ@Q09Q0000000000000060 ©6009 agsr â€" 3LOOD DISEASES CURED 2 pair Men‘s Dongolas, regular $3.00, at........ ...... .... $2.50 ; pair Children‘s shoes, worth 95¢ to go at ..... .......... 65¢ 2 pair Boys‘ box call, regulat $2.25, &t........... .... }....$1.7§ These are only a few of our many bargains and we tender m an invitation to call and inspect our entire stock as weare ving exceptional value for your money in all parts of store. The New Bridge Will Soon $ Be Opened to the Public; W H SEPTEMBER 24, 1908 NO NAMES USFD WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. | Everything stion list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. And with its reâ€"opening we expect to do more biusiness than before. Though we have been somewhat " out of the way " since the road was blocked we have no reason to complain as the buying public have readily become aware of the fact that wesell a superior line of goods at very reasonable prices. _ We are offering this week ) 1 A. DARLING, Chemist and Druggist Drugs : _or. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. We are here to stay and, for the next 60 days we will show the people what we mean. THOS. McGRATH, iss aiial THC CEA ground covered by the able _ Mis narration of the prougress ountry under the Laurier adâ€" Ltion must have been convinâ€" all, (excepting possibly Mr. d) that before them Was a Miller at Allan Part seb pfo ral t NERVOUS DEBITY, 1 (N and PRIVATE Disease ° the very f incident sho n Me Mille t of motives DARLINGS DRUG STORE Lo ‘l post oflice sore vuer and Mr Mille convinced every f, present that in ma nt he did makeâ€") e was only preser idean of best service As he pointed out it place that he bhad ; itions without cor * of the man, he hai re supreme. tore but a pr Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years. pie iv® Books Freeâ€""The Golden M interest seen : intended to before party in full, nor cen we dit Ho was surprised at how the sores healedâ€""i took your NrEw isfaction the Pure Paris Green, 28¢ ib. Open Night and Day. NO NAMES USED wit4. OoUT WRITTEN CONSENT % man who att in Part " ‘representative ' | comprehensiv. igham‘s waggon | tions, and whe ioor to hear the |judged either arian in South his Hanover | had l;een anâ€" | tioned, The in.l mumfawnse _ : e. _ We run no junk shop grocery pure, unadulterated Drug Store. Jut it was not bad made 1eâ€" _ considering e had done it seemed to deâ€" ieifeastaties d a i d 44 id uc ifia+ or ceon we| and stabling, a root house, an imple. m the ex.! mert house, a log pig pen 30 x 20, YÂ¥ the able| frame sheep pen and frame hen house, he progress | All in good repaitr. The price is $6200, murier n(’" 0%. For tfurther particulars and terms n c|0nvin-l of payment write or apply personally aoflelc A%â€" : 1 K onlal as you wish." ~ > W KK 4 VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, VITAL WEAKNESS, es, URINARY, ELADDER and KIDNEY complaints w} continue h " SiiiBivatets wthuind h 3 . 1i . blanders| Millet was a fair | his camâ€" | and who were disg ) having terruptions of the | thets to | above, He bhad| Myp Robt Brigham full inâ€"| to have Mr Miller | records, | joint meeting in th reports !Ball * Sn pLnB Save sc ct .. & all pertaining to Drug business at cut rate prices ApJ tl , A high class 200 acre farm in a good district in the Township of Norâ€" manby, _ The soil is a rich clay loam and the land is rolling but free from bills. _ 125 acres is cleared and under cultivaticn, the balance forms a very valuable cedar and bardwood bush, The fences are excellent and there is plenty of water. ‘The buildings comâ€" prise a frame dwelling house, a splenâ€" did. lmrn.fl) x 70 with stone foundation Id, is sou sn i e e P e Core f or any other. but as he had said his say, made his case public properiy, he would insist on the right of reply. Mr. Miller in his long exhaustive speech was frequently applauded and | admiration was expresse(r for the paâ€" tient way he bore the irrelevant inâ€" terruptions from one sole quarter. \When the day comes if we are not greatly mistaken, Mr, Miller will take | a surprising yote in Allan Park. or onl ol i ic s +R peaer 70 have Mro Miller back again at * a joint meeting in the interests of Mr. Ball" which seems a curious joint meetiog. _ Mr. Miller expressed himâ€" self ready to meet Mr Ball. Dr Sproule â€" V rentative, who had a clear and comprehensive grasp of public quesâ€" tions, and whose «honesty of purpose, judged either by his public career or his Hanover life, could not be quesâ€" tioned, There were Conservatives E;u;{'e honest enough to admit that is Are y it he nest opini [lustrated I was cured 7 years und and huf;hy. u can refer any p« aknes Farm for Sale wer ‘" Case public properiy, he on the right of reply. _ in his Jong exhaustive frequently applauded and ng to marry? . Has Our NEw (Metzop you. Consultation M Free of Charge. on Diseases of Men. w. F. DUNN Solcitor for Yendor confidential, r Ball. Dr Sproule as he had said his made an appeal V I . duties as a TL Can is un c 210 ames COicts SJt ... Memtcly " ty N. D. R., 100 acres. â€" Possession given forthwith. Title perfect, For partiâ€" culars apply to J. P. 1EuForp, PPÂ¥ Durham. Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glenel composed of lots 22 and 23, Con. : not necessarily accepted 1 Farm tor Sale sy Sealed Tenders. Sealed tenders will be received up to September 30, 1908, for the 100 acre farm, more or less, lots 32 and 83, 2nd Con, south of Durham Road, Glenelg. 4 mile from school, 4 miles from Priceâ€" yille, 7 from Durham. Good brick house S9Xx44, and fine bank barn 65x50 on the premises, Farm is well waterâ€" ed. If sold now an upportuaity will be given to do fall work and complete ossession will be giveu the 1st of Rln.rch next. _ Terms : $1000 down, batance in a mortgageat 5 per cent. Good title given, no encumberance on the property.. Highesl._nr any tender nas given it good service, and on 26th of October next South Grey should and will give their popular member a second term by a larger majority than before. _ To elect another man at this jJuncture over such a man as Miller would be to say *‘ Never mind good service, anything to win."‘ It would be putting a premium upon inexâ€" perience, tfor who among the elected could say. ‘"I am elected on my merit,"‘ if H. H. Miller should be reâ€" placed by R. J. Ball. Good service should receive recogâ€" nition. _ South Grey knows Miller has eiven it ward sawiine . .q is ’ The abovye question would be answered by most people decidedly in the affirmative. We raise it at the preseot time in connection with the pending election contest between Miller and Ball. Miller has been member for one Par liament and has rendered services to his constituents, Conservative and Reftorm, so notable, as to ca‘l for;h on { all sides words of praiss. SHOULD GOOD SERVICE BE RECOGNIZED ? The Lagrier government will be returned to power and it should be by a larger majority than ever. The duty at hand is to eleet Laurier canâ€" didates and duty and inclination go band in hand ‘or should do‘so, in South Grey. where there is such splend id opportunity to recognize true worth and faithftul service by supâ€" porting H. H, Miller, who has been the friend and servant of all the peoâ€" ple without regards to politics. This unity of purpose has been a marked teature of the government. Prior to 1896 the government of the day was torn with iaternal Jealousies and dissensions, making wise leadâ€" ership impossible, The goyernment of toâ€"day is a unit in their aims to lead Canada to a still higher level than their twelve years of statesmanâ€" ship has brought her, _ It ought to be the pride of all lovers of our new Canada to support the men who supâ€" port this government, and thus make for & continuance of wise and proâ€" gressive adminisvration. Their opponents, diving into the endless details of their work. find Hlaws here fand there, inseparable from human iimperfections. There are spots upon the sun, but who would extinguish the laminary ? Spots on the Laurier government do not remain spots, nor become blots, There is a constant cleansing process going on at the fountain head of adâ€" ministration that extends through all channels and history will one day recognize this, when freed from the, mists of partizan rancor. Now as this third appeal what will the country do ? What can it do but repeat its verdict of tour years ago even more decisively and return to power the most brilliant statesman Canada ever possessed, who with the able men he has called to his side has brought not only recognition for Canâ€" ada from the British Empire and the world, but bas brought to her peopie, under Providence, a prosperity they never knew before and a unity of purpose among her diverse races that speaks for greater progress in the future. ed Che Burfkam Review| Lands For Sale THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1908 ELECTIONS ARE ON. Monday, October 26. War. McLEop, SRr, Top Cliff, Ont. service, and on es ut mifeed ap McKECHNIE‘S Big Departmental Store DURHAM Look Out for Bargain Day Announcements Produce. Produce taken as Ca:« 39¢ working Shirts 39c and 65¢ Overalls 98c Pants 125 M Our Stock of Dry Goods, Gents‘ Furnishings, Carpets, Wall Paper, Groceries, Crockery First come, first served. come and buv them fm They are all marked in price for at a Reduction of 20 cents per pair Men‘s, Women‘s, Boys‘ and Misses‘ lvery day is Bargain worth dving well, s Lenahan Pauts 1,25 Men‘s 'F't;]'t lfa;; In this our stock is complete and upâ€"toâ€"date. _ We have a great variety of Bed Room Suites, Springs, Mattressâ€" es, etc., at prices which will suit the purchaser. _ Side boards, Couches, Chairs etc, in abundance. _ We have a number of Parlor Suites which we are selling at a bargain. See them and be convinced. We are Agents for McClary‘s famous lines of Ranges, Stoves, Heaters, Etc. Hardware & F urniture ONE DAY ONLYâ€"â€"MONDAY, SEPT. 28 | "__1PA* VNLYâ€"_MUONDAY, SEP The Pandora Range Men‘s Patent Colt Blucher, Goodyear, Vici Kid Patent Tip, Velour Calf Blucher Box Calf Blucher, Dongola Kid Bals, Working Shoes, Vici Kid Blucher Buff, English Kip and French Kip and Women‘s Pat Colt Blucher, Pat Colt Oxford Vici Kid Oxford, Chocolate Oxford, Common Sense, Oxford Ties, Buf Grain and Glore grain Boys‘ Box Calf Bals, â€" School Shoes in plain, bufl, grain Vici Kid Bals, Misses‘ Chocolate Strap Slippers, Chocolate Blucher Oxfords School Shoes and Glore Grain Bals. irst served. Come early and buy them for the future. It THE DURHAM REVIEW BARGAIN DAY FURNITURE i Day with us as everybody knows so: on Monday. Santaomhar 98 plain figures ana 20 cents 3.33 Suits 7.50 Suits ay Announcements. We buy for cash and sell for Gash or Produce taken as Cash and the highest prices paid. DON‘T FORGET THE s Furnishings, Readyâ€"made Clothing, Boots, Shoes ies, Crockery and Glassware, is large and good "A Range of Beauty is a joy forever" ; that iswhen Beauâ€" ty is combined with ability. Look at the Pandora Rangeâ€" it is a picture of beauty. All parts of this Range tell the same story of workâ€"abilâ€" ity as well as show ability . You tun no risk in buying a Pandora â€" eyery one fully guaranteed BOOTS & SHOES as everybody knows but anything that is worth doing is ay, September 28, we will seM our new stock of e s and secure your pick. It will pay you. cIntosh. .A igitaliniat Wds ic 5... .I.LIP 1.00 for 20 lbs Granulated Sugar 1.39 Men‘s Fine Shoes 1.00 for 8 lbs Tea owe ds 2l 2.50 Men‘s working Sh & $ o I n 22 on i " V Nb PB e,s»,‘French Kip per pair will be taken off e ‘Embalming a Specialty. C. MeMILLAN Funeral Directors and Undertakers hpéuca s d o Table Oilcloth, 45 in Wide.s10:+., Floor Oileloth, 1 and 2 yds wide., Linoleum 2 yards . _ ". _ ifooont mwmizal Smyrua Rugs, 60 x PUr+s x x4aiikies See our new Prints and Ginghams Table Linen, 54 i;l; \:l:le‘ 27 in wide, 30 in wide, 30 in wide, 43 in wide, 54 in wide, Large size white eonnwp.; </ in wide, 2 yds long 30 in wide, 2%3;1- . _ â€" diinang is itc ciatcy 30 in wide, 3 y P0 ¢$ : 54 0k en enenal 43 in wide, 3 ydslonx...................' 51 in wide, 31z yas ROMNE ++ 2 s 8 1 +086 4+ + +4 0 o8 All curtains have worked edges except HE SELLS CHEAP Lace Cu THE BIQ 4 Leasons given to pupils in China painting, oils and water colors at modâ€" erate rates, Miss Bugg With an experienc charge, we are confide isfaction to all, _ Call play, 8. Hunter‘s Hardware ;;1'&";;1‘; tu the ladies of Durham and vi that we will hold our fall ope Wednesday and Thursday, September 16th and 17th We haye recently npened Lnelr{y Slngggougo in town All calls, either night or day promptly attended to. The New Millinery Parlors Constantly on hand at our Priceville Establishment, a full and yaried stock of Funâ€" eral supplies. Over Hunter‘ Priceville. Table Lineon e wide ddue c 21 C2+A 220 PHpd M ins wide, bleached . . . ... 35¢ yard 68 ins wide, unbleached .. .00¢ yard Oilcloth experienced trimmer TORONTO . BEAN Calder Block, Durham confident of giying sat s Hardware Store the regular unbleached ... 2%¢ yard . REILEY and see our disâ€" good value....1.10 ed up Millinâ€" own above A. nd announce and yicinity fall openings, .....20¢ yard se ba yd .. 25¢ pair .. 50¢ pair $1.00 pair 25¢ ones bitfontatates Mh....... ~ 324 wear, Sweaters, Overalls & Smocks, Boots and Shoes Suits and Oad Pants, Raincoats Umbrelias, Hats and Caps, Shirts. Collars & Ties, lundkcrchlefs, Sus» penders, Hose and half hose, Under. Ssn e us ds e e Going >« Business and everything in the Gent‘s Fapâ€" nishing line this is your chance and you should take advantage of it, VCR Masseyâ€"Harris Mowers & Rakes Having decided to give up the Gent‘s Furnishing Business in Dorham my entire stock will be cleared out at cost price. For bargains in Men‘s and Bov‘« Snow Rooars ber Shop, _ Resinenco®r â€" Lawrence‘s Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director in Licensed Au wml’fly A ers ma rooms, Mclgl Oflice. JOHN CLARK Barrister, Solicitor Court Notary Public Ofllce there, or attended lusurance Agenl. Money Issuer of Marriage Licenses eral financial business trans . lcensed Au Terms moderate, to aates, &c., must fice, Durham, s« there, or to Cevic ARTHUR Cream Separ:t;:r Coal Oil and Ma; in stock. and ail kinds of M implements for Hayi vesting seasons, De Laval and Ma Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Conveyancer _ a«c, Ar Loan at lowest rates, Ofllee. Mclnt{re Block over dard Bank, Durham. On: Ofliceâ€"Calder‘s Bj HeNor GR.:‘Dl'Al'lu nate Royal Co e Dentistry in iu its bra or to 4#* Oe iabitet Ruotedretectd kok wA 44 MHONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J lfiuxmu's New Store |_Â¥AEDICATL |J. 6. HUTTON, M. D. c. Office over J sours : | . _ MePHMHAIL ARARETC flce and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and « 0 St,, wt 10o% of Hill, Old Moodie Corner, OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m, Telephone Connection No. 10 Full line of Catholi and _ black _ and Caps for aged «€, PICKERING D. D S., L D s Notary Public, Com, CcoNvEYÂ¥aANcER 8 to 10 a.a, lonu:{ 2 to 4 P.a 7 to 9 P, x,. #@> Special attention given to Wouuudchfldm. ARTHUR GUN, y o N e Member College Physicians and Surgeons Ontario lice and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Go. DURHAM, ONT. (1 . McFadden DA tm A ut !, Ub â€"+GRANT p. oney to 1o: over Gordon‘s J MePHAIL . BELL â€" First house south Blacksmith Bhop, on Teru th â€"TELFORD PHÂ¥sIGIAN & svn'no; . F. DUNN Machine 0 xt to Swallow‘s Bar ensed A County tion« d sta bra of Massey Harris Haying and Harâ€" to Loan RAMAGE, &QJ â€" M unter‘s Store Toronto Univer Dental Surgec and Boy‘s _ in Supreme Commissioner. over imissiont JACKSON wir )eo; ewelry Stor &e yer ‘er the Stan Ontario. Le le Harris Post Office lways icted Mor 15. O Durhan to 1 Discases of Public owin,) W Lt to Geo 5. 5n t p‘ P83

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