n Powdered Borax mmonia rds Pure Arm-ooh hips and quick Ls: Feed. Seeds' s, cont cation! hoot " far/aim aceries I ff 023R 8, 1908 8; see our Stock anon/72.9 RY TOWN .... u .... .HEWS »‘TIMER us pro.†y in chat“! ing basin“ )1, we hope " :tory basil“ and our M {THUR In our Prize Scrib- and try I" pared with RIBBLERS uoks lid 1 toqt a. ksel‘m mu- .. (01"! sion 'or "- Drainâ€, P to do It!" water whoa y we are'-- hnuaol ND- -nce of hav- 're| DRY ll] But The" " High Id water, you A high class 200 acre farm in a good dunk-t in the Township of Nor. Inunhy. The soul Is A rich clay loam and the land in rolling but. free from hulls. 125 sues is cleared and under cultivatirn, the balance forms at very valuable cedar and bardwuod hush. The fences are esteelient and there is plenty of water. The buildings tom. priae u frame dwrlling house. a splen- wlid, barn 50 x 70 with stone foundation and naming, a toot house. an ironlrs mert house, a log Fig pen '30 x 20, frame sheep pen and mm- hen home, "ll In ood repair. The price is 865m. m. 13%; further trartieuUrt, and terms of payment wme or apply personally For Sale. The following must be sold at once , New mumon, new iron truck wheel wagaon, a number of huge on vats; mun-Id make tirnt elm _eitteriii)3'ort" thousand truce posts. lath, Ibingln, lumber. A quantity of wood near Wetbeck P. 0., will be sold " fifty l ants per load. D. JAmmus, Administrator Spor- I.n.. no“... 1mg can". Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glenda vompmed of lots 22 and 23, Con. 3, N. I). n.. 100 acres. Posscuion given torthwith. Tine perfect, For parli- culars apply to J. P. 'lzuronu. Durham. ""i"'"c""i"iG'icGuuu-o-"""t JA, o P2LIN0, Chemist and Druggist We are here to stay and, for the next 60 days we will show the people what we mean. We are supreme. We run no junk shop grocery More but a pure, unadulterated Drug, Store. Drugs tdl, or to DAVID Kmxur. Durham orA ll. JACKSON. Durham. DISCOURAGED MEN OCTOBER 8, 1908 [ands For Sale Farm for Sale DARLING'S DRUG STORE able." W"iti tGoiriira'l,". W. D. 5111.13. For Sale. IittiyitiiEtmkKElliBlEmf Bohcitor tor Vendor . IS LIFE WORTH LIVING Box rk, Durham higan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit. Mich. w. P. DUNN Open Night and Day. Pue Paris Green, 28c lb. & all pertaining to Drug business at cut rate prices Lot o, Con. 15. Proton. containing 100 acres, 90 acres cleared. and in good state of cullivmion. about 8 acres of hrrdwood hmh. On the plemises is erected a burn 41x60 with stone stab- ling. Good hug pen and hen house. Comfortable home. kitchen and wood- shed, alto urchnrd. 3 never-failing wells. About 1.5 miles from Church. School and Post Otriee. If sold, will he sold on easy terms. Fe haye recently opened up Millin- mel? showrooms in town shove A. B. unter’a Hardware and announce to the ladies of Durham and vicinity that we have n comslete stock of up- to-date millinery an give ati-fnction. With an experienced trimmer m chm-go. we are eontldent of giving mt- islfaclion to all. Call and see our dis- p an 7 -- _ _ Kansans given to pupils in China painting. oils and water colors at mod- "rate rates. Your choice of two houses. One on Countess Street. Brick, eight rooms. hath sud closet. Two cellars, furnace, no. Stable with tour single stalls, two currisge spamming. and ice house. One double tenement house in Up- pet town. Stone. One fart eight room, hath, furnace and ce lar. The other part six rooms and cellar. The New Millinery Parlors Over Hunten's Hardware Store. Farm For Sale or Rent. MEN, you become dune-med when you furl the lymptoml od Nervous Dehimy and decline needing upon you. You haven't the “no or nmhltion you mm! to hue. You feel you are not the man you ought to be. You [mi like giving up in o"'.‘:pnir. You get nervous and musk, Lam lif‘lo ambition. pain In the luck over kidneys, drums it night, r draw 03mg. tin-d mornings. prefer to ho nimm, distrmiful. variable "ppvtite, Lam-um of hair, poor cir- cutction--you have Nervous. Dubilny. Our New Method Treatment is your refuge. " “All atrz-nmhru all went org-ms, vimuzo the nervom system. purify rm blood And rmm you to n man. iy condition. Pay When Cured. UREANTELD. No Tunnel" an! Enrylhinx ConfidonlibL Quoolio. it hopet Houses for Sale. Dmmw Fanacscu. Swinton Park. mat Apply to W. BLACK \rn you Intending to .5 you tiny weakness? h rm for numltella of utvr Hm bu traced reasonable. BOOKS We challenge Dr. Sproule to prove bis statements made at the puhluc meeting last. week that .. H. H. Miller is not as faithful to the public interests Is he was to his own " and that "Miller was the only man in the House who Would defend everything." " Miller for South Grey in spite of Borden and his cohorts" should be the inspiring cry of eyery citizen who loves fair play, and who can see that the cries of graft. scandal, etc,, are used for a puerHe to defeat the best. government Canada. evvr had as its wnuderful program‘ for 12 years shvws Both statements we hold are grossly false, and beneath the dignity of any speaker knowing. as the doctor lnmt do, Miller's worth. His speech cur- rohorates the estimate made of Ina utterances by the late Sir John Mc- Donald. who we have been told de- clared them to he "a diarrhoea of words with a dearth of ideas." W'itha. host of YrtT it would surely he expects that all contro- versial points would he exploiuad-not one missed or oyerlooked. On this occasion there waspne topic untouch- ed. Who would imagine Dr Spiouln could speak and never mention Sep- arate Bithools In the North West ? He did then and why ? On the same plat- form was Mr Downey, tt Bottom Cath- olie. and it wwetto doubt thought the partot wisdom to suppress all refer, ence to it here. Not so with Laurier and Miller, On anÂ¥ and every platform in South Grey or 'eyund it, there is the same straight story. No fear exists of " putting their foot in it. " They stand tours square to every wind that blows, at no time limiting their argument to suit their crowd or their case. Tho invasion is a compliment to the worth and excellence of our late mem- ber. It is so taken by his tr iends who will see to it, along with fair-mindml Conservatives, that no such tactics will prevent him hom being again the worthy representative from South Crrey, _ _ _ This much is plain: Conservatives have certain planks in their pintfurm that are not. stepped upon in certain localities. Ame: in Medicine Hat touches not so-culled irrigation scan- dals; in Saskatoon mention is um made of Saskatchewan Valley land transactions. in the presence of rei- tain gentlemen Senarute Schools me not referred to. We publish in this issue a letter from Mr Miller inviting, Mr Ball to public discussion of the political questions of the day and upon terms certainly more than hur to Mr Ball. Birmingham and Fonter had preced ed this host playing on the sanit- string. with one exce tion. and it must be evident to all that tin- word has been passed around " Miller must be beaten. " What does ti Grey thunk ofit? Miller so far is playing n lone hand. He has called many meotmgc and plaeed his record below his (mn- stituents. It is a. record to he â€and claw even Conservatives admit. and many of them will regent the attitude of their leaders in fiooduur the Riding With speakers in an effort to crush Miller. A . Brron'aunets were suggested to us hy the invasion of this county last week by Mr Borden and his followers. The attack on Miller's 'fold " was first planned for Hanover. but Inter it was exganded to include Durham and the co one come all right to both places if not in purple and gold cer- tainly with purpose of plunging the knife into Miller. Borden was there, and Hanna. Prov. Secretary. was there and Sproule, and Downey of Guelph and Hugh Clark of Kincardine, and Dr Jamieson and Ball and perhaps others. and all except Dr Jamieson had their any and p nured forth to an audience more or less sym- pathetic, the wrongs of the Laurier administration in general, and the sins of H. H, Miller In particular. The electors are certainly entitled to public discussmn of public quest- ion by the candidates thetuselyeis.. If Mr Borden, or any other genLlemun representing Mr Bell were to speak m every school house and hail in South Grey, this alone would not be satisfactory. The electors want to know the Views of Mr Bell himself and it is not truffitsient that these views be expressed only in a house to house canvass. That system always creates the suspicion that the candi- date may be changing his story to suit the ear. mind or prejudice of each indiylduel listener. HI: cohorts all gleaming in purple and gold. " "The Assn-{an came down like a wolf on the fold. (11112 Barbara maxim Alberta Railway and Irrigation Co. from 1885 to 1890 got as subsidy ... ...... ... ... Calgarv and Edmonton Ry. Co. in 1800 ... ... Canadian Northern in 1881 ...... ... " " in 1879.90...... ... . Can. Pas. Ry., mainline,1n 1881...... ... .. C. P, R. branches, 1790 to 1891 ...... ... Great Northwelt Central Railway Co. in 1886... ...... Man. and Northwest Railway Co. 1885 M...... ... Man. South Walton: Colonization Ily. Company 1885 and 1801 Can. Northern in 1880 ... '.. ... Os' Appelle. Long Lake and Seek. Railboat and Steamboat Co in 1889 and 1887 ... ... ... ... _ Sank. and Western Railway Co. in 1894... ... .... Total Ital given to Rnilwsy Companies by Conservatives ki" Not In sore of land has been granted by the Liberal Government bonny Rdlwny Company, A mania not fit to be a. member of THE BORDEN MEETING. THURSDAY, OCT. 8, 1908 PUBLIC DISCUSSION. DR. SPROULE. COMPARE THESE RECORDS. The whole tariff has been so re‘ duced that the mew-n the total sum at our importations has decreased in) less than tifteen to sixteen per cent, compared with what it was in 1896. The effeet of these reductions has not been the dire rain and disaster for the industries of Canada which Sir Charles Tapper predicted in 1897. The export tigtlres show the very ru- verse, and that the " largeracd bet. ter home market" which is promised the farmers if they will only consent toa tariii' " as high as Iraman's gal- lows, tt the farmers already possess with the gradual Ioweriug u-vcnus taritr. The exports oi tnont2taeu1res which in 1896 Were only $9,365.:58i, had by 1906 risan to $21,56I,112. The Reaper has been hcre anus and taken another of cur neighbor: in the autumn of life. Mr. Wat. Ball unul March last, a resident for many years of "Ball's Corners, " Normanby passed to his rest on Friday, 2nd inst. after two years oi very poor health. The family consists oHour suns and live daughters, and all were present. at the funeral on Sunday afternoon (meet, Fred and William who are in the Veg. The other sons are Ree. J Ball of Mount Joy and Wesley at home. The daughters are, Mrs. - ot Britton, Mrs Ard ot Hepwarth. Mrs Pollock at the Post Oftiee and Minna and Vietoria at homo. DeceaSed was an mile of candidate ll. J. Ball. Sclvices were conducted at Werner Methodist Church and at the gran- by Mr ZClark. 'Muny children of we vicir. quite ill with whooping cough boards or shares. Crude protrolearn for iuol. Cream separators and steel bowls tor same. Substantial reductions were made on the iollowing articles picked out at random from the tariff items '. Mowing machines, harvesters, wagers. Porta 1e engines, horse peWers, and traction engines, for term pur- poses. Windstackers, threshing machines, separators and parts thereof. Axes, soythes, siekles. hay or straw knives, edging knives, hoes, mites and pronged forks. Hay loaders, potato diggeis, rod. dec or teed cutters, grain crush- ers, fanning mills, hay teddeys, tarm, road or field rollers, post- hole diggers, snaths and other agricultural implements not Olli- erwise tTocirwii. Stoves of all kinds for coal, natal, oil, spirits or gas. Lubricating oil, reduced from six cents to two and onelmlf cents per gallon. Kerosene (coal oil) reduced iron six Cents to two and one-hall cents per gallon. Besides the reductions under the general tariirthere is the preference on goods imported from Great Britain and some other parts of the British Empire, in the vicinity of thirty- three per cent. . Rev Mr Campbell of Iioorefield, preached anniversary services in his old charges on Sunday last, having large congregations especially in the evening. On Monday evening the church was afowdegl to the deer and one of the best features of the evening was his address on "Gathering up the Fragments." An excellent choir was much appreeiattf, though the rude oond net of some Durham boys was not hurortt, have been made to induce the farmers ot Canada to favor higher protection. to she end that there might be thus provided for the agri- cultural prodnctsa larger and better home market. The present Government has tol. lowed a. different policy with very successful results. It has either put on thetreelist or reduced the duty on very many at the articles Which may be considered as the farmers' raw material. Parliament and not worthy of the votes of the electors unlesa be has both the counge and honesty And the ability to express his viewe fully, openly and uboye board upon the public platform and he cannot do the work by proxy. He must do it him- self. We hope and expect that Mr Ball will accept Mr Miller's invitation. Among those placed on the free list are '. Corn, for feeding purposes. Wire, for tencing purposes. Binder twine, chains. mould THE TARIFF. Varney. THE DURHAM REVIEW of cur neighbors B. Mr. Wat. Ball resident for many 3‘," 18 31,864,070 798,100 8.206.986 1,009,024 880,000 1,lr01,870 1,396,800 680,323 1.114 1,888 2,021, 1,625,314 98,880 RC“ I 868 448 128 400 986 ! Jame Mclxxns. Midnnpore. Alta, or to C. RAIAGB, Agent, Durham. Itoeearred on Tuesdav morning, 29thSept. about 2 o'elock when all the inmates of Mr Maulnnes‘s house. himscll, wile and daughter. aged 10 years, were in bed. They Were awakened by the cracking ofthe tire and getting oat of bed they found the stubleall in a blaze and the strung; wind blowing it onto the house. They had not time to get on their clothes. but got out hall naked and one gave the alarm at a nearby house, then aroused the village. Men got there in time to save some ot the turuiture and worked well, bat the previous aeoldent oi Mr Mae. luneshnving his arm broken, pre- Vcnted him trom doing much. and the strain on him left him worse tor slme time, but it is to be hoped he will s;on be well again. He had some insurance on the con- tents ot the buildings in the Grey and Bruce Company, On the new: reaching here the next day, MINC- Ardle the Company's agent here, prucm'dcd to Uedarville toinvesti- gate the matter and reported to the mmager of the Company, On the move here '.--- On Thursday morning early David Allen and tamily with their goods packed up started tor Durhun Ind left here tor good by brushing the Proton dust " his boots. He lived here about 20 years and wunted a bigger town to live in. Ile had sou tents of Ae and Bruce G reaching her Ardie the CI proceeded to gate the mum A bad tire at Cedarville. We do not like to go so far as Cedarville ttr news. bat as Cedarville has not a re- porzcrtor the Review there, and as this matter affects the Hopeville peo- ple some by their respected pastor. Lhukev Mr MacInnes. being burnt out. it is quite in place to send the new to the Review. bigger town to 1m: In. Mrs Adam Scarlett. who moved from here last winter to Peeltown- ship, is here now visiting her rota- tions and friends. We are Agents for McClary’s famous lines of Ranges, Stoves, Beaters, Etc. William Barnett went last week to Toronto to bring home " son' who was in the hospital. He is now well. Lenahan ify McIntosh. The John Molnnis farm on Gavel Road, two miles west of Prioeville Station on the C. P. R. School. Church and Market convenient. 100 acres, well watered. Deltrshle 1oos. tion. For terms am, tpply to Dr Sproule held an Election meet- ing here on Saturday evening. We have now nicer weather, but. the bash fireg are raising again. I. W. MeArdle, of Mnrkdnle, was here attending Dr Spronle’s meeting and stayed Sunday with his father. Joseph Me, Ardle attended the Pnceville Fall Show last Friday, Hardware 8, Furniture In this our stock is complete and up-to-date. We have a great variety of Bed Room Suites, Springs, Mattress- es, etc, at prices which will suit the purchaser. Side' boards, Couches, Chairs etc, in abundance. We have a number of Parlor Suites which we are selling at a bargain. See them and be convinced. Good Farm For Sale. .u. Teew_V -..~.4...-_,_. _". . tca'Vasitais%'aiu-isic.-o.- The Pandora Range Hopeville. F1 FURNITURE if." Madame Wanda rf6riVfa'iriiiat ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ', ---- 'WONDERFUL @ "A Range of Beauty is a joy forever" ; that iswhen Beau- ty is combined with ability. Look at the Pandora Runge--- it is a picture of beauty. All parts of this Range tell the same story of work-abil- ity as well as show ability. You run no risk in buying a Pandora -eyery one fully guaranteed BedComtorte ........Il succumb Luge IIA nim- n't a lette Nuke“. 01.25 I nu: Indies (All god winter van. Ind drawer: 25c up, Lsdtes' block sateen amen-skim 31.00 & 1.7.5 on. lather Wool Fudnnon.. .... ...........l.00ewh Chlld'n wnite wool boar, 88e, we. mdobc. each At the BahnBouse, Durham 00.0mm“ HE SELI S CHEAP Chenille Table cover- " NOW m mmMAM, where. she will remain for ashort time. Madame Wan. da rcvcalspe mysteries of life, such as Business, Courtship. Love, Mareutre Gives information on all affairs. Don't miss this chance of seeing her and getting her advice. A visit to Ma. dume will satisfy the most skeptical. Madame Wanda has made Palmistry a life study. Noted to be one of the best in Canada. Rcadings9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gold decal-Med 1 piece Men's Cardigan Julie“ It ILOO. 1,'35A3.tr0eactt Smyrn- BugI. 30-60 17mm, e sizes, Pg, lo nu Berry Jltaf, etc. W. ti. BEAN Funeral Directors and Undertakers Embalming a Specialty. THE MI 4 See our 25c and 50c Dre†Goods Constantly on hind " our Prieeville Eatabluhtttem, a lull and varied stock of Fun. eral applies. All calls, either night or day promptly attended to. Can EGYPTIAN PALMIST we glue this m. 01.50, 1.75 Ind 02.00 each roe water net: .135 t 2.25 eh " 25c up te 03.25 etch: Bowls, an plum. - Calder Block, Durham 64 in 84 sine, F. P. REILLY Us Lue- HONOR GRADUATE of 'Toronw Universny. graduate of Royal Collect 9f Dentart'tjiyrrsttyrstt Ontario. Rooms Ovet J & J ii [INTER-é £7513; HONOR fllrtl'l2hi'1igltti'htia,tu and M Roy Denu “new Denna-win all In menu. OtBee--Ceuder't, Block, over Pout one. wf PICKERING n. D s., L o s. Inn-mar. Solicitor. ttotary Public. Conveyance! Ac. Money to Luau at lowest mus. dice. McIntyre Block over the Sum O dud Bunk. Durham, Ontario. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agent. Monev to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A gen and tituutciat business unnamed. Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. oney to Lou). “men, over Gordon's Jewelry Store Plvucul a Sum. om†our J. m. Hume's “no a to no A... 30033:! 2to n.- JOHN CLARK J. G. HUTTON. M. D., C. IIE '""'""'o""glgtti"" .adtt-rrut mum Ola-M “has Out. â€but. and Gert - nun-snow! Mill. Old noodle Coma. OFFIOI not!“ lining decided to give up the Gent's Furnishing Business in Darn-m my entire stock will be cleared out " cost price. For bargains in Men's and Boy 'tt Suits agggd “I ma. M Intuitâ€, Mme-.3. mm Count: & Ties, may; SI.- pelun, lose and lull hut. Under- wear, hate-s. Ova-an. C hash. mm Shoes And everything in the Gent's hr. nilhing line this in your chum gt, you should take advantage of t. Embalmlng a. Speclllty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Ilootetg-Next to Swain Going o... of Business Licensed Auctioneer tor the County of Grey. â€ceased Anemone" (or the Ott. ot (my. Bale Mgt",', “tended to. MM moo-bl. helix be left u MI Imple hem Wage will. I nuan'lold land. or". the Emmi on. her Shop. N m - --_e" Humane: - Fir-t house noun: of hwrcnce'a Blacksmith Shop. Massey srfarris Mowers & Rakes U N DERTAKER and Funeral Director moon-ed Auctioneer tor Co, l Tel-nu moderate. will: tor " to“ dat., mun be an the New tims,Dukttaai. It Comssporttieumt "sid, than. of to Ceylon P. 0.. will be In "tended to, Wese'tuouapisiicauott to F-it 3.1- 24 p, tn. Toloohono Commotion No. " or to H -cTfiukriir,' ifuio, - Ceylon bu Bteleptsoue oMoe. J. F.GRANT D. 0.8.. LO. s. emu-Imam manhunt-d - "w"tldPletugtl ARTHUR GUN. M. D., MEDICAL ’. MoPHAIL- .9 Notary Public, Communion" De Laval and Massey limb Cream Separator. Coal Oil and Machine Oil duty. in stock. and all kinda of Massey Harri. implements for Haying and Rat- vesting muons. 33313 'T' Full line of Catholic Robes and black and White Caps for aged people. DURHAM. ONT. J. P. TELFORD D. lcpuAlL; nylon c. RAIAGE. f.l18iy_EYANCEit, m: A. BELL W. F. DUNN McFadden (Lower Town.) ‘w'n B G my w ot. My“ mun): zen- ats I I It ELI, ri'i'