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Durham Review (1897), 22 Oct 1908, p. 8

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i Z " 00 h. t; L; w. solicit the at“. a? launch!“ $3.1.er and other. who value the ”Xvi-Mb " " having their hunt humans "In“ _ y "rerta. Preliminary ldvke free. Chan. moderate. cu 'rv-tere" Akbar!" upon to “at laden. Karina. Reid“ New York Uh u. logical: .4 Im DAS. Dal-A. A 'I'T KN " 311115]! AMERICAN Fall Term from September tat as Hush Canadian Bus. College “Hr. Yungn- k "lotrr trs, Walkerton Bus. College h. FLEMING. Principal. Owen Sound Gregg Shorthand W. T. CLANCY. Principal Day and Night Classes. Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, and in placing all its graduates. did 3i Loose Leaf ledger nit Business College 'll:)',. THE PE0PLE'S STORE; lit i - v - -.- w v - v isa...'. itll Mere you are as welcome to look " My. Riit K3 31"1'UAT10NS ! a iail We. if felegraphy W, Intense your Salary! Proper prerttrtion does It. Attend MT. FOREST th h if) minor? .47 ie_j."ii;.l,l/',ilji'iii?/ttii/j"'i's'a, me week free t)- Mgr/71mg cy' m/z/z/Jj 12’ gyg/ The ONLY Way In the shoe line We havethe lmpo: many and better than Gt um. For a w Maple Lea! brand or the Sterling Brand .. . . ,A/iGiG' -iritilt your age or your Regent Clofhing taste [my be-no matter how_much or how Hula you desire to pay, you are sure to tind tsorne'hintt in the, lingo-n: line that will satiny you fully. risen burning tor ynnrlall suit remember the well known brand, Are now arriving and we are cleaning out a few odd lines at a low price. TOR DRONTO. ONT. Ladies' Winter Coats now on Display. Mont, h tau I)! V n FALL GOODS Highest Prices for Produce-Cash or Trade. it on welcome ROBERT BURNETT Nit??? T, ial lvsnons F. L Ll up 'ict, 'M'.s ", Te-' rttBr _.'.' r 5??? #:zhfiihafiéE-ifi‘afifififlfl "'lt Cloihing Ct Shoes " the Imperial Brand which is'equal J. For a working shoe we have the R B.Keeler & Sons Watchman". Jewellers. Optician- aatdlhsttraverr. I The Annual meeting of the above So. ciety ml] be held in Durham, on Satur. day, Nov. 7th. at 7 p. m. for the elec- tion of ollleers and other important business. The members and public ure , cordially invited to attend. f Also please take notice that the fol. l lowing premiums will be given to mem- bers of the Society. Each member can ’seleet one premium. Ian. Bulbs for House Planting. 2nd., Bulbs for fall planting in the garden. 3rd., Fruit trees or shrubs if obtainable. Members will please send in their Ichoice at once by card or otherwise. A. W. H. Lacuna, Cums. Fun-n I President. Sec..Tretts. Miverware--Extra large stock of high class Silverware just Ieceived at lowest prices. Pine Rerairintr-- Uur Mr. Cameron has charge at the Repairing Depart- ment Midi-ounce highly recommended having had large experience an tine watches, clocks and Jewelry. Bat- i~laclion guaranteed. Grand Stock of Witches, Chains, Lockets. nccllets. Brooches, Stick Pins. Bracelets, Mat Pins, Ladies robs, Men's robs. Cull Links. So.1i.d Gott' 'tite-lint., values in i The Imam of Mr and Mrs Daniel Mc. 1 Humid. old Durham) Road, Artemesirt wasihe scene of a quiet hut pretty ( wedding. on \Vrduesday Oct Nth. at. f 4 p. In.. when the marriage took p are In! their only daughter Maggie to N, Thomas C. Minn. of Owen Sunni}. i'l‘he cvn-nmny was conducted by the lltwv Mr Litllv. of Flesherton, In the ipresence ot mum-dime u-lulions. The 1 hrido was unattended and was attired (in a lwcmning gown of cream silk. l With nu over dress of point d'esplii llilnmv-d with satin lmhy ribbon. The In "le wan the recipient of "nutuher of uwl’ul and lwnuliful presents, the “mum's gift being 5 handsome 20m Irracelet. 't'he bride's going away (hrs-I wan a '4rnarily tailored suit of Frown Immunm cloth with hut lr, New Fall Goods At Keeler’s Durham Hort (hrs-l was a '4rnar'ily tailored suit of How” panama cloth with hat In "mu-h. After the Wedding suppvr. the happy couple left on the “1ng [min tor Owen Sound, where they will reside. The-Ir umnv friends wiah lhrm bon voyage on the mutrimoni"l I Wuhan) hrn- now the Regimental lhund. which in order tobecomeer "icietrt. and maintain its et1icitsncy musthm’ea pliee for pmrliw with.. out Irving interrupted, which is not the can» now. The Rifle Association also rvqmrea " place to lump their stare and the Mil. itia department are in duly hound Ir we thus!- things looked after. Thvrv, tore MW person who my: titat the nrmuryiu um needed does not know “but he is hulking nlmul ur eke " trying wilfully to mislead, - -- __..-_.. F'.._q%6. All Diamond rings Pearl rings Weudine Rings. Engagement Rings. Signet, Rings. Birthday Rings. [hundreds to choose from. LN l Editor Review, Dear Sir, The Chronicle in its last issue says .. what benefit wrll the Armory he ? We need a Post 0tticr. fur tum-0., Are for its the Post 0ttiee goes we have "ne lame orirugh to supply the needsor this lown at present. and as for the Armory nobody knows the need of mu- mow than those who has t' the interest of our 'uiliria at heart. In the tirat place trineo tho collapse of th" Drill shed. the onicer in chum? of the company here has had consider- nl-li- troulrle in looking after the mili- tia stores and in IIIOVIDK them from plan- to place as he hm; been obliged to do. l'hat So-calied Armory Bribe. M Ixo--ScDoecu.o, ttymeneal Society Notice Yours etc a??? Is Gents Tailor and Furnish“. Durham in thc following tartans: McGrcgor, McDonald, McIntyre. Grant, Graham," McFuydcn, Campbcil, Stewart, Mcln. ncS. Thcsc Shirts are pure flannellctte. en- tirely new and attractive looking and will stand twice the wear of an ordinary shirt. On display in our window this week : Be sure and sec them and select your tartan. Harry Barnett in the following tartans McDonald, Manta-e. Gr: McFayden, Camp ‘N, St ncs. _ Amongst our newest styles are a finc assortment of Plaid Shirts Shown here are a great m.any. that will be iust your idea o what Is right. The variety of stylgs is so great that there's not a man living that we cannot plqasc. Our wade-rs when deciding on the'r re lding matter for loco, uhnuld Imt oxerlook bt The Familv Herald and Weekly Slur" of Montreal. or emu-so. you want vour local map” fur local hows. but any horny in L' mad". would he the lwtlrr of receiving, "The Family Herald and \Veeklv Stun" It costs but mm dollar a. year. and is without doubt tiw greatest value Ill the new.“ p spn- line. It is a weekly newspaper, family magazine And an ugriculmml ty.,',,'":) nll three in one. It tshould e in every C'umdiam home. EWEN -Yov?io.---At tho Presh.vtetian nmnsp. Regina. on ()r-mlwr 7th. by Rev A. E. Henry. Mr \Vlllimn Henry C. Ewen, of Bethune. In» of chky Saugven. out.. to Nellie, nae-mud daughter of John M. Young, I’m-gun. Ont. S.\I’NDERB._In Durham. on 17th Oct to Mr. and Mrs, Just. Saunders, 1 daughter. Er,vIDmt.--in Durham. on Sundav Oct. 18:11. to Mr and MrsChtt Fy, vidgp, " tum, Conqratulations to Mr. (Hm. Rob. son. who, last Wednesday, in Toronto. united hwart and hand with Miss Barbara Manh. 'they tuhsequently spn-nt n few days round hi, old honw m Glvnelst and left Wednesday for their new home in Edmrmlon. Mr Arthur Whittaker, we are pleass vd to Hum-v. has recovered frmnhi! mcidvnl which confined hint to Walk. 9mm hospital for over two mouths and has returned to town. Miss, Clam. (hr-hard of Slralfmd. :0- turned hmm- Wedneraiav from a short visit to her nun! Mrs. A. Mrfll )cklin. In uhout two weal“ Miss o. inn-nds leaving for the Wemt. Mr' Hugh McKay mum» hnnw last week {mm his iirtingltur duties in the north (:IHIHIIV. looking on if the lite "gm-ml with him. Miss Rita Irwin went to Drtrnix Wednesday morning on a visit. hits Kw gun. of Collingwood, visited her cumin“, the McArthnr fzunilieu in the glen, r: mining last week. Mrs Mclnm-s. of ('ulgm'y. is visi; ing her friends in the Glen. Miss Viulm Blittnn, who in "DIV tat, tonding Mt. Forest BM. College, spam: the wreak end with her friend, Miss Unit] Mmuhull. Miss SHIN“ Dennet reluu tted to town after visiting Wiartor, friends, and in. tends to remain fur some tinw. Mus J. C. Nichol visited o. Sound friends and aiso took in Port Elgiu fair. lbw Mr Newton visited hiersdt, in 'I':'.'"'""" Ins! Tuesday and Wednets tr. LII-(fairni. of (Iqlnn, has wsunnd hotel kvcpinq there. Mr Geo. McKechnie is in Listowel on lnmm-ss this week. Miss Sophia Barnett Is enjoying". week's holiday wilh friends in Tumu- to, Mr and Mrs D. McQueen and three children, from near Stayncr, visited at Mrs McQuecn’s brother, Mr Neil Mc. Canncl's, for a few days beginning of the week. Better Than Ever. MARRIED BORN. He diy.:laim.ed knowledge of Birming- ham's object in coming here. said " he had made statements he should not have made, " a remark that called forth " He did not say it "from a few in the audi. ence, which was followed by a stony of others who protested " He did say it. " He touched on Western "hoou, in. Mr Ball was abo very heartily re- cewed and was glad to see Mr Miller to 11Th1 He expressed the pleas- ureit ad given him to go over the riding " their Warden, and now in this campaign and the double exneti- ence had given hint ample opportunity to diswovr/rthe needsuf the people. He claimed a measure of independ' ence, party politics had been unreason- ably partlzan. and he came before them. a. staunch Conservative " " far as. "gut 'rii,'."'st,.it", went. " He com- p.liyeitted Mr iller on being 3 far- sighted mun. but accused at following his party too cloaely when they broke through the plank: on their platform. Atrer a. prtsonal reference to him work he sat down amid long continu- ed applause and a. hard-shell tory he must have been who would not tul. mitthat the brilliant speech. devoid of all bitterness. was the utterance of a man who had done his duty and done it well. He had warm words for the person- al character of Sir Wilfrid admitted there had been dishonesty in ofBeials, who were appunm-es of the late Unn- aervative g tvetmttrent, hut showed that tbe govenumsnt could not h we donemore lhm " had done to clean out crunkmlnesa when it appointed the Civil Service Commission of men not of its own party, and then later by appointing Judge Camels to in- vestigutp. formerly u staunch Con- aervutive. Space “ill not pvrmil us do mule than nwntiusn his clwn- explanations of the Hask. Valley Land Co., the Blur- muro Site, and llmny trhep m-mllvd scandnli. He closed this pm: amid grunt applause by declaring that nelth. vr Ar Burrows nor any nthvrmnn ever gm a hunt or a favor except he was thehighesl bidder. luv Mllh-r riddled M: Ball‘s claim to inmzpendvncv by his ",,sociHrion with and the help h" was reviving from the hath-r of his party and numerous associates. ity Aftera tnragnifievnt iuntltivatton of his :sttitude on tite Sc hon] question he referred lathe cowardly and mean in- sinlm'mu contained In the Chronicle. that he had altered his speech before it mu hum-d in Hansnrd. He gener- ously Ilmngh! Mr Irwin could not have hex-n the nnlhur but its that, grrth-nmn was muse-n! and ndmilu-d the: authorship, Mr Miller :unid "P plause tttered hiln 81000 it he cculd mm» [mm llmmmi. luvm-d or un- revised. tttar he had even- nsul the :enn .' yellew dous " in the way he had insinuturd. or any tuber opp“) Minna expression In Orlnucmen or .(stthnli. " or any (1.de in the rumlnnn- ”(Jul-ring to HIP An-culled "trtlaiy Oral), " he said he felt quite compel- ent to defend himself and Mr Bull and the Chronicle need have no fear of their character being attacked. He pointed out, what he thought Mr Ball did turt know, that there Win no mile- age allowance now. fur every day " sent, $15 mu taken otr, and on the whole the total increase tothe rountry wave not much Rrearer, But "it we M'e all sinners. what about Mr Burden whn‘wcepud not. only the incrvuw. but, a salary of $7000 {.8 well. " The average cost Ln the {animus of 8011le Grey nf this incre UR' was only 3 cls " your. “u took i~'sue also on Mr Ball's the. m-y " "ttmigration as reported, and though! Mr Bdi's story of men mm- ing l: we and after a while leaving with pockets full, was a tribute to the country and the charm-tor of the im. migrants. Au impression was abroad that, a bonus way paid on all immi- grunls, but this was wrong Manly about 10 per cent were hanused. Mr Ball in his speeches Imd been M. voeating "reasonable protection " to industries, and he took issue with him my"; question so vitally interetuiug tuthe farmers and large cottstttrtitsg classes. On the authotit,y " three ce. menl, nmlmgers. two of them Conserv- ative, u higher tatnft was unnecessary. It was owing to banner wisdom ou tariff lines that tuartuttcturers, includ- ing Mr Hall, hml had the heal lime they ever had and (here w“ great up- plause as he rennin-Red that Mr Hall himself had enlarged his factory to meet expanding nude. Figures, refer to number of meetings attended. On the left hand side are the prominent Conservatives outside of this Riding who have aided Mr. Ball during the campaign. On the right hand side Is their lone opponent, Mr. Miller, the candidate. LOOK ON THIS PICTURE: AND ON THIS. . Pr Milly' had the Hon. A. G. Mackay at one joint mcp1ing in Hanover. But don t you think It looks as it they were bound to defeat Miller P " Be Careful " was Mr. Ball's advice I to enable voters to follow it we give the form of of the ballot marked as it should he for the best man. ee' hip, fifififimfiwrfififih%¥m*%%$fifi $5 MILLER gt' ttri/i, fi’ééfia‘éfifiin‘a‘ififiqh“#%£$h%§‘a§z‘éiflash-1&3 w BALL Dr Ego, Markdale. Barrister Hard“, Markdalc. Robert James Ball. The Candi date himself. the Opposition. V 7 7 Geo. E. tutu, M. P. VVould-bc Finance Minister who dabbled with the funds, of widows and orphans. be Mini. effVIAVgFiclailtu-révand Grand Master of the Qrangc Order. Hugh can, M. P. P. The man mm the humor. Josrptt Dewey, M. P. P, The man with the eloquence. 'tohert Birmingham. G. o. o. The man " on the tude. " L B. Lucas, M. P. P. Thu Boy Ora. Dr S‘mmle, M. P be l in. of Auricu The Nominations. v.1.nun. M. i. a, Proyinciul Secretary in the Ontario Cabinet. Continued/rom Page I South Grey’s Campaign Fighters. Robert James Ball, of the Town of Hanover, County of Grey, manufacturer. Henry Horton Miller, of the Town of Hanover, County of Grey, estate agent. It, J. BALL THE DURHAM REVIEW M. P. Leader of Poosiblc would- The Ballot. may be returned and the money wiil be Prices paid for. Butter'and Eggs. Irpplrfhrt forrltrices next week. 990d buying . he prizts at the Full Fairs have been discussed in every home, and it is rightly so, land it is also well to keep in remembrance the native crop, the crop of tree, if we way an call it. Many a home in the Weslein prairies have their houses furnished with farm. tine made from our soft elm, basswood, birch, pine and maple. The quality could not be Isurpnssed, but it is of the sizes we wish to speak. We know of one Soft Elm log, ordinary length, round and straight, containing 1200 ft. l Pine log do containing 1500 ft. _ Birch log do containing 502 ft. l Basswood log dp. containing 750 ft. We know the farms on which these trees grew and we will give a self-opening um, brella to the first person who will tell us the lot on which anyone of these grew, but only one umbrella to each informant. But what about the hi uplo ? This sturdy emblem of our nationality, with in summer its beautiful foliage, the maple leaf, the Maple Leaf Forever. Changes must take place in all that pertains to humanity, but the name of MoKeehnie's, which was well known to the people here when Chicago was a hamlet, is still to the front at, we might say, the old stand. We do not claim to be better than other business people for we consider they are all honest, but we try to buy the best quality of goods at the lowest prices We are working for ourselves and also for our customers. We have just bought an excellent stock ot Dry Goods at exceptionally low prices, and would cordially ask you to come to see it. It will pay you. mleilge hammer meet. a, list of motions, Mr. Miller in his 15 minutes reply luv Con's. In 'é'ltl'/'it,et which the poured forth a torrent of words, saymg Llh's had rejected, in not one case as Iat least half as much as Mr. Ball's whole Mr Miller pointed oat reading the:speech., ltwasadmitted thcmnst crush. whole motion, : ing reply heard for a long time. yet done Mr Bull more than insinuatvd that i in perfect courtesy. He sluyycd that Mr Miller, hwing mo tmtnicipalex. the charges of MR Ball and his pyrty perieuce was inferior w himself, he EWCI‘C founded vcry largely on t'susplCiiuPs had experience, " it was important. to fund caused roars of (ryteg as ha ro- have good business men. " and closed i marked tt Doyou know t c most auspice- 'r" J. McKECHNIE "Before 1896 nobody knew what site west was going to he"a=sertod Ihr Bull. (just so, the Liberals soon found out). After a long search among his papvrs Mr Bail foand his ,Uedge hammer Ieee. a list of motions luv Conu. In [gin-[lunemw which the Ul/s had rejected, in not one case as Mr Miller pointed oat reading the whole motion. Mr Ball wandered over a lot of topics, plainly giving the impression that he was trying to fill in his time. In almost the same sentence the bad grits had kept the old tariff and they had ruined industries by lowering it. Italian dugocs the National debt, clip. rings and quotations from campaign iterature, no great enterprises (faint; on and too many gomg on, Mr Bal wanted to b. shake the government oft the bar. nacles. " H. H; blushed), bt isoGeiGGieT,iyT"aii tight " (and after a pause) " I try to be honest anyway. tt He accused Mr Miller of being gener- ous, (ffqmpux: seat we could not see if creased expenditure. (as usual omitting i mention of increasing revenue), said.' people of this country had no business F to consider how Miller ran his office,' attacked middlemen, referred to Monc. ton and lntercolonial so-callcd hand) deals, (capable of the clearest explana-i‘ tion as Mr Miller has shown) and, like| Mr Borden had a fling at the eruet andi fruit stands, pickle dishes, &c., that were put on the Montcalm. i I. I. MILLER. M. P. The man who has done things " al. ways promdpt, never negligent. tt Vote for him an vote early. G. db J. McKechnie Dry Goods Fresh Groceries arriving Gil y. from Small Acorns Grow LARGE TREES Mr. Ball fillcd histimc, that much can he said. His speech was a labored effort and we must say inferior to his Dornoch one, which we heard. He got a good hearing and generous applause, much of it of an amuscd character. by promising faithful urging "Ire. careful \" ful." Sec our Mc R i ngwood G loves. Trs. Ta. " ourNe Ell Ceylon 3 lbs fancy buscuits. . 25c. 3 boxes matches silent. 10c Two 10c cans Richard's Lye for.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I " Two IOC bottles reliable Shoe Polish for. . . . . . . . 15c 4 10c pkgs corn starch 30c Sat., 20 lbs Redpaths 8: Give us a chance to show you what a little money will do. Its purchasing possibilities in our store will surprise you. The prices we quote are only a few among many equally low. Remember that sat- isfaction goes with every purchase or sale. Put us to the test. it.t,'g.'araelt't stylus nsw colorings. Sec t cm on die. plays Mc and up. New Undtrwe.ar-flte.ced and woollcn-all gnzcs shirts and drawers, specml at 500.- and silk 20c pr. . Infant's mitts, all colors, 15c and 20c pr. Infants Bear Coats, warm and durable, 82,00 & up. These must be seen to be appren- ated. Infants cashmere hose, whjtc. hack. black withcolorcd tips, 25c pr. Infants Reuben Vests allsizcs, 25c and up. Baby ribbons-all latest shades sec them. New Goods, Latest Styles Best Values St',tt,ht,jtf. the new styles in Men's uits--s tcial "0.00 suit tor $7.49; $.50 suit for 85.95. Shirts & o'Alls-Strong and durahle--large and roomy-just the thing for the working man, Soc, 75c and 8t.oo each. Speeiairur little folk Infants booties all colors, wool Specials For Men Baby Pins- Soc them Groceries uuuu uung means good selling. , _'I'tre, All goods sold if in good condition given back, excegt goods cut, 11.. Ian-.4 Specials for Friday and Saturday , faithful service, and careful voters, be care- l THE BIG STORE ( ALEX. RUSSELL Our stock of Boots and Shoes is reple- nished continuously with the newest styles and the best qualities, It will pay you to examine it. The most expert stenographer could at much can not have taken down Miller's triumphant i a laborcd reply. It ),'i'"2ig',','.'tir,hgie'pet,ittee! ferior to his yet crushing raillery, o sound and con- rd. He got vincing argument, and the audience, " applause, two-thirds of whom must have been iracter. Miller-men cheered him to the echo. inutcs reply If this meeting represents the feeling ords, 1'll'lllf, of the Riding. and we are certain it does Ball}; w It Miller is easily the people's choice. OCTOBER M, 1908 G. & J. MCKECHNIE Footwear A plum presrription ls Primed upon each 25c box of In. snoop" Pink 'tbitt Tunic“. Ask Four Doctor or “mum it this formula Is not mm- plvte. Haul pntns. womanly “was. [Mn Any- “1:ng gel: Igrtgmfelie! "on: a at run hurt. Sold of ii. Midlife? ous animal is the fox, but he's a beggar to rob hen roasts." Bold at the lowest prices. Puritan Brand Elastic Knit Underwear-the beat brand of Underwear on the market. Ladies' Vetrhs-irt largl: and medium sizes. 25c. F dics' Drawers to match 2Sc. Better qualities all sizes, soc, 75c and Ladies' Wool Hose all sim.25c Ladies! cashmere ho-ribbed and plain, 25c and Mc. 25 pieces lifht and dark prints worth 12% or We. l0 pieces frunnelette in plain and fancy colors. Boy's Underwear-all sizcs_ fiecced and wool, all new goods. 25c and upwards. Boy's Swcatet-ail cizcn~all colors-USL. to ICC them. BoyU Ilosicry--all sizes and iprcr'.ctctt---we never had a 4u.ictcs--wie never had a In Act range at Mc a pr. Boys Suits-strong nobhy suite-iM for 83.00 values Boy's .shoet-Strxym grain baits-just the thing to keep the boys feet dry. Boy's Caps-all colors, IN: up Specials for Lune: Specials for Boys Ask for our chi ldrcn'n 25c worsted hose. '. “a Wide a hack latest otyle 'y.C '. Ilk to Ttth RI G! manna." p.- b

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