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Durham Review (1897), 29 Oct 1908, p. 9

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Sh '9 Match. " sTRUCI A SHOT BRIDEGROOM. Vmua Newspapers Say Brim. ls Endangering Peace. Congratulated Bridal Pair on Their Honeymoon, and When Bride Told Hun They Were Happy Fired " Her Husband. Turkey to Break Off Negotiation With Austria. RFIECTED SUITOR’S CRUEL RE. VENGE IN LOUISIANA. Kp,i"rhlfi MAY FORCE WAR. in the rvenintt he took a seat. at ttinte (mm Mr. and Mrs. an 15eattsee is alleged to have Mme the "Gde and said: "Congrat to you both." The Irride thanked him. and "We ttre very happy! at the u turning to her husband to care! "Thu is too much." llmm'oc 'ut to have exetuimed, and, an rvvolver from his pocket, he Van lngon. the rrrnt shot kil ttridegroot" almost instantly. lnulmml sank into his Wilt-'1 “mum-r. with am still outs sm.tarttul to pull the trigger “rail whih'lmiml man leaped form tlrruut h'u thumb between the and "artritlgr'. M) that the cart not "xplode. Other pawn-nu caught [hams-<- and diurmed Beanwc the uh I His Crime Precipitated Race Rich In Springfield. NEGRO BOY HANGED ta rung the his lips han in which stenth. While assault h Hanan: drill". While James was in jail In altered nwuult by another negro npun Mrs. Earl Hallam wan reported. Then came the riots. which reunited in the dull: of five white men and two neuron, the wrecking " hour’s restaurant, I am:- . _',--- .... ' a I'ml'l. wvm-n "mun-u ..- -ee five white men and two negroen. the wrecking " Leopu’s restaurant a num- her of ns-gl'n homes and saloons. Ind the burning of forty tom”. Narrowing Experience of Launch Party in any Late. Sun". Me, Marie, Mich. Oct. M.--- Clyde Seaman. IT. was drowned oft Nine Mile Point in Hay Lake list. night, when the lnum-h in which he end three others were riding won run down by the “earner John A. Donaldson. In the launch with the boy were his pan-nu. Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sunni. and Jam" Burns. The boy was placed on watch in the utern of the boat, but went to sleep, and did not nee the freighter in it approached. In the lawn-bums a large hedtiek. and when they were so suddenly preeipitated. into the water. the two men placed Mrs. Seaman upon it. "all it not been for thi-i they declare that the whole party would have [one down. mung od wan killnrcl. an t' “is! all mud. The ‘IIIIN sly Search for Stun" Species ox unw- in British Columbia. \‘nnmnver. (ht. with: search of the fabled Rungiier Dam-0nd. a caribou of an undesu'ribed species. which is Rup- poml to have as its habitat the Queen (.hatloth- lslandn, Frank Kenneth, curator of the Provincial Museum, Vic- toria. kit on Sunday night for the not“ on the sinner Amur. Me was ammpaniml by Sumac! Whittaker, Iris nrtristartt. The pit will land at "hide. trate. on Grab-m III-ll. and will go Maths-l to M. ttrottgb the inter T Petersburg, Oct. 26.r--Neortiirttr to , despatches received here the im. ~mu i, gaining ground in tseveral ot I'Lurnpean capitals that the ptopou-d m-nve will be abandoned on account lo. diffieultio in the way of formu- .: a pmgmmme; bat the highest mmiu of the Foreign Office here ml shan- this view. iringfirld. Ill., (M. 26.-Huving con- ml him guilt. and with a prayer upon lips. Joe James. the eighteen-year- negro murderer ot C. A. Bullard, was gtul in the county jail tn-dly. allard was a railway engineer. m t killvd by James on the night of y' 30 last. the murder preriiritating i which citttte trumps um» necessary quwll. In a drunken stupor James wandered into the home of Mr. lard. and haul putt-red the bedrom Miso Rlnm-he Ballard, and nailed her wt. The girl screamed. Her lather te to her ”Maurice. 3nd drove the To from the house. A tight followed. -- . nAn__.l on umminp, Inukiana, Oct Ingvn, shot by his brr ght expressed to the Annealed hm behet that Turkey'. decision pri-nlhrn was due to British in- '. He added that the Govern. unl not yet tsbandooed hope that arrangement of the controversy i.» n-Iu'lwd by direct negotiation 'rt th" dual monarch and the M tore the conference moths. ol and other Viennese newspa- "rlcttiiy attuek British diploartaey .Irgv that Great Britain is endan- th.- l"uu'e by its unwise action. urlm on a Tens a ram": "mu we late last night. h'. S. Beam'ec 'r arrent here, eharged with the Ll n w bile NAMED, bride thanked him, and added. " very happy) at the same time to her hmhaml to caress him. i" too much." llmuvoc is alleg- mu- "xetaimed, and, drawing a r from his pocket, he nred at gm. the tint shot killing the min ahumt instantly. An the I nank into his wife's arms '. with arm still outstretched. to pull the trigger again, but n aired man leaped lorwzml and h'u thumb between the hammer 'tridge, m that the cartridge did plode. other pausing": then Beattvee and disarmd him. 1:1.on a ‘un'rnss. an" 1h.t.26. -lt h stated that be "eruu.v notified Atatstrin-Han. , intention to break " direct m “in. that country concern- nnu‘mtiun ot Dumb and Her. by Austria-Hunguy, and to ,cttlemertt of the question an conterenee. oiiieial of the Foreign Quiet! Will It Be Held? .lllo /iiicTiioia " Ballard bridal tour on ‘nuunn. - w Provincial Matseutn, Tie. n Sunday night for the , "trt""" Alum. He was by Samuel Whittaker, his re pair will land at Skldde- aha-no Ill-Id. and will go MW“, “with the inter- Bur In KNOWN mm, Oct. 26.-F. A. his bride's former railroad train just tour, died in his as a Paeitie train ’IIJIII III cu: u a large bedtick. and D suddenly precipitated. the two men placed I it. "ml it not ban a." that the whole him, and added at the same time l to cams him. Species of Caribou Van Ingen. leaned zit-rum ngrat ulntiom to ior it the lslund, where the foot of man has told.- trod. PM In.“ they wilt proceed to Virago Bay, and it is hoped that somewhere in this wild and remote dintrivt the animal, if, indeed, it exuu, will he found. The beliet in the existence of the spec-in "wk an somewhat aloud" evi. dence. lt " baked on the disrovery of a frugmt-nlnry skull and one horn. and a description which first led Ernest Thompcsorvsiton to omtolude that the animal really existed New York Brokers' Huge tht/tid. Quick Scheme. New York. Dot. 26.-Teuimony given in a suit today against A. o. Brown & Co., in which Thomas G. Gaylord nut-m n claim of $125000 damages, in- dicated that the Hreettltttion which re- sulted in their failure last August, although it involved record breaking transactions on the stock exchange, was a puny affair compared with their Son Domingo gold scheme. Mr. Gaylord " legal. that the firm represented to him that their San Domingo Gold Company had prospects of more than one hundred and fifty billion dollars of gold, owning and expecting to own '256,000 act". of which 150.00" at hunt contained gold to the extent of $1.000.le an acre. The company was incorporated with a capital of $MJM01MMI. Gaylord alleged that the firm received $.w0.0no in cash for stock sold. and that he was promised $75.00" within six months, for his investment of $5.000 for 8250 shares. Vote for East. wood and Zimmerman. London, Oct. P.t'r.---A new explosive may have been lost to the world by the terrible death ot Hugh Lanning, a 16-year-old scientist, who was kill-ad while experimenting at his home at Weymouth last week. New Explosive Lost by English Boy Scientist', Death. According to the evidence given at the inquest on Thursday, he was using some high explosive, ot whicthhéTnue at least was pierie acid or a similar substance. Although diligent enquir- ies had been made, it could not be ascertained that he had purchased pierie acid. and it was stated that he might have made it himself or have hit m tt new combination. It was stated that the boy was ad- vanced in science tar beyond his years, and that he had been working with high explosives for two or thrce years. He had been accustomed to carrying out some of his experiments in the open country, where he could watch the effect of his explosions. Major Crozier, the Home Office ex- pert on explosives. said that the boy was undoubtedly working with Home sort oi a bomb filled with a picric avid conumund. From the stains which he found about the room, he judged that the boy might have made the picric acid himself. sort of u b avid compo, which he (c judged that the picric Two Nicaraguan Towns Swept by Hurricane. New (uh-sins. LIL, (M. M.--A midi: to the Picayune from Nicaragua, under date of October 21, says: A disastrous hurricane svat the coast of Nicaragua lust Friday to Sunday, destroying the towns of Rio Ilramle and Prittaapalku, and doing eonsiderabie damage in the in. terior. Only mn-agn: advices, have. been brought here by m-huunor, but it N" pmm that the "tttire want from Pearl Cays to “in “mum was swept, and there Win "nu-h loss of life. The fruit there was much dimmer Dictator jured. Death of Mrs. T. M. Scott In Port Arthur Hospital. forest fire responsible though it matknhle markable eirvttrmttntteetc 'Ine Mrs. t M. tKott, who dial in pital to-dny from "nokeur"o the result ot her system boom”: ated with sunoke at her home, l was surrounded by tire for save INVENTOR KiLLED. Buffalo Man Married Recently to a Hamilton Lady. Butialo, N. Hrtwe, cmhier Company, who. Buffalo, N. Y., not, :.tu'.-t'harles E. "ruce, cmhivr for the Mutual Transit Company, who two year* ago martin! into a prominent Hamilton. Ontario. lamily, has been mysttrrioufly Ink-ting for over a week. He left the ofiiee on Oct. 15, Hazing he was in and that he was going ome. When he failed to re on". last. Monday experts were put to was going name. When in turn last Monday experts work on his books. Assistant Manager Not work on Ins nun...“ Assistant Manager Noble said that to his knowledge no one suspected Bruce of robbing the firm. Auditors went over his book" on several occasions and In» ported that the accounts balanced. " h “Mum: ho has left the country. sti0KIi-P0B0NlN& Burgh" Obtained 02,000 Worth or Jewels From Newark House. Newark. s. J.. (M. 2tL--Three masked men out the tvlo-phuna- wire outwide of the fine Pol-kins home at Morristown early to-day. entered tho house, knocked down one ofthe thrve maid sow-nu, nt- taeked and t.hoked Me. P. W. Miller, a sister oi the three Misses Perkins, who were in the home, and tten ransacked the place. The robbers. who are believed to be the ones who cut the wires and looted the home of Banker H. B. March in Orange a few nights ago, obtained at least $2,000 worth of jam-try in the Perkins house and some money. Italian Badly In London. Oct. 2tt.--Dttrittt, n drunken brawl between on humbly night. Petvr struck by Julian Pareno piece of rroek‘ory. which London. Oct. 26.--During, the omit-‘5‘ of n drunken brawl between ,riome Italians on Scturdny night. Petyr P,thelart “nu struck by Julian Parana whh a jagged piece of crockery. which narmuly m- uped the jugular vein and "mutated eight ntitcbu. Pnholan will likely re. cover. Hi: mil-rat is under arrest. hPort Arthur despatch: The terrible rent firm in thir, vicinity have been sponsible for at least (2.1: death, mmh it occurred under somewhat re. iGai '1}? has left the GOLD BUBBLE. MANY KILLED. MISSING MAN. CUT TELEPHONE WIRES. Badly Injurc d, n- sufe and unin .gpoo Worth of r somewhat re. The victim is died in the hon- 'cewrw'orning " humming satur- home, where she 'or several weeks. N Tokio, tht. 26.--ht preparation for their departure from the hospitable shore of Japan, the officers and men of the United States lrauleship fleet began leaving this afternoon for Yoko. hama. when- the final farewells will be said. Admirals Sperry, Schroeder. and Wainwright took official leave of Tokio at 3..5.5 o'clock. and their de. erturu was made the occasion of a great. demonstration. Antba,mador Irlfrien, with the entire 'ttoff of tho Amvrican Emhmsy. the British, German, French uml Rua-xialn Ambasudors, and other members of the diplomatic corps, gathered " the station to wish the voy- agn-rs god-speed. In the throng that pressed about the American officers were representatives of every official] department of the Gov. ernment and delegates from every com- mercial body of the city. In addition the strnets and the station contained an immense crowd, and school children joined in the ovation no less enthusias- tie than the one accorded the party on ll. 3. Heel Preparing For Departure From Japan. Trains Are Again Moving West of Winnipeg. in arrival Winnipeg, fret. 26.--The snow block- ade in the west was broken to-day at mum, and transcontinental trains are again in operation. None have reached Winnipeg tsince Wednesday lust. The storm Wu our of the heaviest in the his. tory oi the west, and extended from north to the C. N. R. tar down into Mon. tana. Today traffic on the Great North. um and Northern Ptwifie is tied up as a result. 'lhs- c, N. ll. (mph-*5, which mm c,tnllrul ."wtr-nlny. c'ltitte ln today. Such a tevriUle blizzard so early in the Mensa!) i,, alutost without a parallel in this coun- tr Owen Sound Ont., dospntch The re- mains of James Finish Creighton, the murderer who died in his cell on Wednesday morning. were. handed over to his relatives this afternoon and were taken to Greenwood cem, etery fur burial. The eoroner's " quest has been postponed until the report of the provincial analyst is made upmi tho stonuteh of the dead nmn. who will be. asked to ascertain whether there. were traces of poison Analysis For Traces of Poison In Creighton Will be Made. A St. Paul (Iowan-h says blizr.arO and heavy snowstorm, in Montana yen- terday, where fifteen feet of snow fell in some places, wrought havoc to the pa:- sungr-r train 'scht_uhtle on the Pacific must. oxtvmiun of the St. Paul road.und trains from the west are delayed by snuwdrift-s on the track. MURDERER BURIED. to Was at the Height of 2,000 Yards at the Time. Berlin tary. rig h whvn it was close to the ground its pat"' durum-(l. uml it landed gu-ntly in a tree. In m-rulmnu were uninjured. Tls" balloon mu making its second trial lwfnrv a military mmmissuon appointed to deeide whether it was suimlxlv fur army purpmm. Major- General Ihtrseval, the inventor of the balloon, wa-i present. Within the past few months the Parsevnl has made a number of unofficial trial trips. On sept. 10 last, while it was attempting a flight from Togel, Berlin, to Doebritz, it wid struck by u. squall, and the gait bags eollapwd, and the balloon came down on the roof of a villa. Count Zeppelin'" reconstructed nits ship No. l had a most stteuroquttl trinl to-day, lasting three hours, at Idrivdriehshaten. Tl» airship as now altered, i., an improved small mliliuu of the one burned at Fshterdiugen balloon, wa- few months number of BLlZZARD BROKEN. trial to-day, lasting three hnnre, .'tt Idrivdrielechaien. Tin» airship as now altered, i-t an improved small mliliun of the one burned at Fshterdingen Wood is uuls.hitntcd for aluminum in many partsand the motors nr" ol W! lmrwrpmwr. in-zh'ml M Ho. TIM "rd-w nmnlwr-i twelve. The airship Ppt' forum! wonderful nmmwnrn-i, notwith utandingr tho tnet that the wind Wm blowing at a lively rate. " mart-d. gr rated, and turned angles with the grant rat uni-w. and then returned to the slim in Ictks,t Cortstanre "ruler nlmnlute (Inn trol. Expert', my it is the best airshil Count Ftpelin has yet built. ll Blood Band Winnipeg, Oct. 26.--Very encouraging news from the Indian rem-rive is brought in by Mr. F. ll. Puget, of the Indian Department. who is returning from a long imspettion trip, in the mono of which lw visited nearly all of the seattered bands in Manitoba, Al. berta and yitvuratchewan. lie estimate, that there are 25,000 still on the re. cco'eq in tlrese Provincos. He found them nmirly all in good condition and making most encouraging prugrema in farming and cattle-raising. The ln~ diam on the Blood reserve raised 24.000 bushel-I of good wheat during the past season, and the hand hm broken 800 norm more for next year. ightr Police Can't Locate Relatives of Archie McDonald, of Minnedou, Matt. Guelph, Ont.. Oct. 2.5.--Psrtieulars of this death of Archie McDonald. of Mimw- .liwi. Man.. duppmml to have been a former Guelph 1min. have ln-en reeeived by thief Randall. in a Ie'm-r from the chirf of poliev at Minnedoo. The letter states that McDonald w." funml dead and that the inquest show: ed death to he due to alcoholism. On the day before his death he had taken out an insurance policy, made in favor oi his mother, rs. Maggie Sie. Donald. of Guelph, for $t,000, but this is not pynhle, as a payment had not been made. keen imide. Who Mrs. Maggie McDonald, of Gwlph. u, the police have been unable BALLOON BURST. reit mor LEAVE TOKIO. lin, not. '.tt'c---The Parse! rigid. dirigible balloon. whi m-nt to-day, burst whit found SEEK DEAD MANS SISTER. INDIANS AS FARMERS, ttt Raised Twenty-four Thou- sand Bushels. 2.000 1'he Parseval mili, tlloon, which made {I lt In" 1H"h. at as now unlit ion rdingen. III nr at " Mu! posed to be u gist”. hsfotry, Cavalry all Artillery Marching On Tabriz. to (newer, not can any true be ob- tained ot I Miss Me McDuml-l, who lived at Mardem Ind who is mp- New York, Oct. 26.--A cable despatch to the Sun from Constantinople says: News has been reeeived here that six Pwoo,ian infantry battalions, With artil- lery and uvalry, crossed the Penis: frontier to-day into the province of hzvrltiiart with the intention of rut-uny- ing the distracted city of Tabriz. A great panic exists " Tabriz, where thu Huniana arv expeeted at any Ino- the i tnent A reeent deqpateh from M. Petersburg said that the lllluinn Government mn- tcrnplttted taking such measures as Were womanly fur the protection of Russian subjects and Runaian trmle in Persia, and to this end it purmsed strengthening the guard at the eonsuiates in northern Per- sin, and was nlxmt to send one hundred infuntrymen to Tabriz. A Dunnvillo despatch: The evnmrnurs of the tune meorated to, ac 'O lug"r, u few milm from "new, owned by W. J. Aikvns, of Dumniile. were totally de. ntroysul by fire last night. The loss is WUJXM. covered by insurance. Punishment Hated Out to Scoundrel in Woodstock Court. A Woodstock despatch Ross Summers. tlw Delhi young man who mu annual at Windsor and brought to Woodstock to answer the charge of attempted aw- vault nu two little yirlc, in Durham toivnqhip, mm before Magistrate Ball for gamma: today. He wan given two yum in Kingston Peuitentiary, and twenty lashes, ten to be administered when he goes in and ten when he (mm-q out. Summers luul IIIV'VlUlHly pla-ndml guii‘ay to the charge. Sig Evaporator: Nut Duunviile a Up In Smoke. A Shocking Fire Accident at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Get. 25.--A terrible atwi. dent. which resulted in two deaths, oc- r'urrml yesterday morning, when Mrs. l. llnlnws attempted to light a fire with eoal oil. The can exploded, igniting hx-r rhything. Hvr only mm, a lad about twelve years of age, rushed to her assist- ance, and in an heroic attempt to save his mother was fatally burned himself. Both died later in the hospital. Another Dense Pall of Smoke Over. hangs the City. Montreal. Oct. M.-- Shipping is again tied up owing to lug on the river. The Virginian is tied up wait- ing for the fog to lift. The Manna of the Retard & Company line is two days behind time. All down the river boats are reported at anchor. The tog and smoke, according to the GH- ernment signal service, extends hr below Quebec. To-day the fog and smoke in and armmd Montreal is \wrso than ever. lt lies on the river and ill tho hind. hides the mountain and sun from view, and makes in- distinguishable the names of cars. Guelph, (lot. M.-Word comes to the city of a terrible accident at Mildmay, hy which Thomas Dutrlrar, an old resi- dent, was ground to pieces by u. freight train. Ila was rather deaf, and the crossing being a dangerous one, pro- treted by a high fence. it is suppoeed ho lllll not see or hear the train until his outfit WM struck. The horse was killed, the rig smashed and the unfortunate occupant was out to rrieves so that his remains muld scarcely be gathered to. krother. Mr. Thomas Dunbar Killed by Freight Car. Spectators Try to Drink Liquid, But Find It Boiling. Seville, Oct. 2i5.-Six hundred hogs- heads of wine were burned on Sunday in a fire at the Indem of Manual Mina. Jet-w. ("sherry"), attributed to the ins- ing of an electric wire. The flame rose to an enormous height, and the destruc- tion of the eompany's premises was pre- vented only by the engineer's presence of mind in stripping adjoining buildings of everything combustible. Crowds at spectators tried to drink the vseaping stream of wine, but were disgusted to find it boiling. The mana- ger explains that there will be no inter- ruption of business, 1,000 hogsheads be- ing ready to replace those destroyed, “Inch men- not insured. PERSIA INVADED. Have Won Seven Seats in Kingdom'l Diet. New York, Oct. 25.--A cable despntch to The World from London saytc--0u" didau-s of the Socialist party in Berlin have won new“ seats in the Prussian Diet, tlu. must eoruservative legislative body in the German Empire. Until now no Socialist has PYPr been seated in the The Socialist section it determined to block legislation until there in reform in the electoral system. which even Bis- man-k stigmatod as the worst in the world. Diet 7Tb:- Sovialiuta assert that under fair application of the franchise they would hun- ninety seats in the Diet instead of Wheels Crushed His Head. Smith's Falls, Oct. 2.5.--Riehmond Arm Emu.- Geraldi. aged 20, was instantly killml in the C. P. lt. yards here on Fri» day night. It is supposed he stepped off the 8.25 train before it stopped, and, atriking a “vital! post. was hurled bark on the track, the wheel, [mining over hi, head. He had been on a visit to his grandmother in Almonte and was re- 'rurning to Merriekville. where he was employed in Watchorn's woollen mill. TWO YEARS AND '.. LASHES Glasgow. (M. :?.5.- -1htrinp, h-~r re." Pent trials on the t1yde. tho nnw eruiwr lnflexiMe attained th:' extra- unlinny speed of twenty-seven and one-fourth knots an hour, and but for the fog would have done even better. Thin surpasses the record of the Indnmitnhk- by a quarter of n knot and that of the.Mtturetanin by a knot and a haw. The Inflexible have: the Clyde on Sunday to be commissioned. wrrn WINE HOGSHEADS IN BLAZE, MOTHER AND SON PER1SH. MONTREAL' ENVELOPED $80,000 F Ill PRUSSIAN SOCIALISTS BODY CUT IN TWO, ----.---- --.-- Fastest dmiser Afloat TORONTO TEACHER’S HEROISM. Bay City, Mieh., Oct. air-Among the titoqt thrilling experience. of turvivors of the Presque Isle county forest fires was that of Min Grace Barber, . school teacher, nineuen your. old, whose school in link-w towmhip_was in setssion when the flaraes swept down upon the building. A terrified farmer gave the alum mu " the rear of the school house esutrht fire. The young teacher marshnlloJ her pupils in a double row, the Ingest It the head, and ordered them to remain in close order and not to break the line. She then directed the leaders to bead for a plowed field nearby. and the eoiumn started on a run. Miss Bar. bor bringing up the reu- to prevent struggling. P,ufning embers fell thick. but the teacher kept the children crowd. Girl In Michigan Saved Chili!“ From rarest Fires. el close together, 'and every ember was extinguished theinstant it fell upon any crild's clothing. The fire burned steadily for some time a: the blame in the tops of the trees ate its way down. During the night two bears made their appearance. A fox Came slinking in, as did also a nild est, rabbits, partridge' and other game; but the animals kept well away (tom the children. Miss Barber kept her "Urges in the field all Thursday night, and in the morning sent them home in grown. piloting the smaller ones hem-if. ClevtGnd, o., Oct. 26.- <'ornpiete re. turns from every precinct in the city in the referendum election oi yesterday .,how that the so-called S-vcurity "reet Railway frunchiw, ndnwntud by Mayor Tom L. Johnson. was defeated by 00.3 votes. The total Vote cast, was 75,893, with 38,249 against the frauehisw. As a tesuh of the failure of tlw people to ap- prove the grant the entire street railway system of the city will revert to the Cleveland Railway Company. The defeat of the franchiw was dot-Int has brought about by what was held to be 'die iuadoquare and unsatisiaetory service rendered by the Municipal Trac. tion Company, the holding compmy, whioh operated the line on a thri-e-cent basis. The rate of bare to be charged by the Cleveland Railway Company will not be announced until nitri- a "looting of the directors, which is "spected to tak,. Poor Service of Municipal Company In Cleveland. place to-day Mother and Son Drowned Caused by Runway. Picton, Ont., (in. 20.4mm Daniel Insley and her son, John, of Picton, were “owned last night in East Lake. it is supposed their horse ran away and jumped over the bank irtto the lake. The body of Mrs. lnsley has been found and also the horw and rig, but the young man's body is still missing. Immigration Fell Off 46 Per Cent. In Nine Months. 3951. the labor market during the time u. temporary industrial depression have been most. effective. Since January im- uiwution Via ocean ports ha. been ottawa, Oct. 20.-The step- tnken by the Immigration Department at the LLghUIlllg of this year to restrict all immigration to Canuda likely to con- toufiued to lean. than half of the total atrirah, fol the curtxssPouding period at last 30m, and those who have come Lave been of the very best type of set. tless, the great majority being com- p0=ed of British immigrant- who have settled on land or taken service no farm laborers. Immigration of American settlers into the Canadian West, most of whom are practical farmers of in- dtpemient means, has, on the other Land. Nightly increased. 3 CENTS DEFEATED. “an“, my”... ...-....m_. The total immigration into Cumin fur the month of September was 10,097, in compared with 19,057 for the same month last year, a decrease of 47 per cent. From the let of January until the end of September arrivals via ocean ports were 81,977. as oumpurrd with 191.0250 for the same period oi hut. year, a decrease of 109,043, or 57 per cent. The immigration for nine months of this year from the United State. was 45,055, as compared with “W for the sumo period or last year, an increase of ti44, or 2 per cent. The total immigrw tion into (hand; from all quarters for the first nine months of this year wax 127,030, Is compared with 235329 for the same period of but Fear, a decrease ot 108,199, or 46 per cent. CONFIDENT Of G.T.P. Mr. C. M. Hays Relum From Big Western Tour. A Toronto despau-h: Mr. Clark: M; lily-v. General Manager and Second Vice. President of the G, T. IL, arrived in the city last, night after a six weeks’ tour through western Canada inspecting the work ot the Grand Trunk Pacific. "i am more and more convinced of the wisdom of the Grand Trunk in going into that enterprise, he told The Globe reporter. " tun more and more confident oi the future of the coun- try." Mr. Hays remarked that he had travelled over 675 miles of the com- pany's own rails from Winnipeg to Bat. [the iljver. At present the big bridge items; this river was nearing comple- tion, while the (Ustance from them to Edmontoc was about 125 miles. It was expected that the track would be into Edmonton this year. He IIIO rode over IN miles of Grand Trunk, . rails on the Fort William branch which ie lama will he wiilulrnv." to connect with the National Trnnl- ----_- continental, and which is constructed Putin. on! within . very lhort distance of the pugs. Oet. 25.-The F, junction point 'tow. partment has authorized Residing progre" " Prince Rupert, I the Ale, Pyrenees um the mum tonninua of the G. T. P., tain- to perform their ( Mummy- said: "We expect to plus skis when ”minnry. COT Ill 1W0. SAD FATE. Mr. Chalet M, the tom, Iota on Ink there about the tint of May of next year. The Brit- ish Colo-Ilia Goren-en in w ing with m to do wut is necessary in the way of street improvement. water. works and other things." Mr. my. left in _ his private our “Calida” for Detroit [an night before returning to Noam}. Ulla. N. Y., on. 2tt.-pmte- Carl F. We.vers of Frankfort, a suburb of this city, in going to pluck a rainslmm from the skin. that the forest firm: may be extinguished. Mr. Meyws in a vet. can ball"cuittt and aeronautical engi- neer, and clams that down in Tun. some years ago he prmlucvd rain that spread over sewn] States. His plan is to send up into the sky tk big balloon filled with gases, which he explodes with an electric apnrk. HE WILL MAKE RAIN Prof. Carl Meyers Says He Will End Fore“ Fires. Protester Meyer. has been Pnguged by seven! paper companies of north. ern New York, whose forest lands are melting away to “he: to make rain. He mutendu that the Mohawk Valley is a better place to Hurt the rain and that once begun the rI-infnll will extend to the mountains. The first lullann will be exploded within a few days be twwn this city and Frankfort. SHOT AND ROBBED. New York Police Searching For the Criminal. New York, Oct. '26.-Every patrol mm and plain clothes man on the New York police form, is searching to day tor the daring robbers who but night shot Maurice l'nnnrnholr after robbing the jewelry store of H. ’l‘annenholz. in Lexington avenue, of diamonds valued at “.000. ho clue hag bran found, but the police are still hopeful that mum» thing tangible may he obtained from the driver of the taxicab in which the men made their escape after the rolrlwry and tumult. This vehicle war: one of the town! hundred public motor can known as the "rod taxieaba" operated by the New York Taxicab 00., and every chauffeur employed by that omnpany will he sub- jretod to R noun-hing examination by the police. Tannettholz, who was taken to a her pital immrdiately after the shooting last night, wan reported to be mum-what better, but still in a serious condition to-day. Only one of the threo bullets which entered his body has been found. Chicago. Oct. 26:4)ssian Guthrie, one of the oldest and most. interesting of 1'hieago'ts pioneers, died yesterday. in hi, 82nd year. In his 20th year Mr. Guthrie "orttstiaiFted the strum engine that pro' yelled the first tug on the Chicago Rivet He Wu also known for his geological re- searches, having contended -ihst the Ute of Chicago was in a glu-ial period “.00" years ago. Ottawa, Oct. 26.--John Bishop, of the firm of Bishop & Smith, was to. day notified by the Provincial Sacra. tary of his appointment as local mm- ter here to succeed W. L. Scott, re. signed. The position is worth around $3,000 a year. He begins his new duties at once. Berlin. OA. 2th-Ltst owning after the Kaiser bad bid farewell to Prine August Wilhelm and his bride at the ntation, and was creasing l'nter den Linden in an automobile, a woman fell in front of the Royal on and was bum “Md 'Tha KsisQr adored. ker removal to a hospital. Prime Kin-In» assisted in carrying hor to the nullmr lance. Her chief injury “In a canons» sion of the brain. She was reported to lw in bad condition today, and there in " tle hope of her recovery. Emperor Wu Returning After Bidding Son Good-by " Sation. Hut]: Little Lid Out of Danger Before Car Collidu. Emu-x, Ont., detspafh: Giving up hisl own life to saw.- that of his youugl Isrother, Daniel Taylor, aged 23 ".vestrs,i who lived on a farm with his parents mar here, is dead, as the result of u collision with am interurhan Mr. Taylor and his four-year-old brother, whom he lwld in his lap, were riding on a wheat binder and about to cross the on tracks. The noise of the mar-him- drowned the whistle of the a touching our, and it w“ upon them Blon- the young man new it. He lnd only a um ment to act. He stood up and threw tho child As far uway from the crossing as possible. In an imam the our ntruuk the machine. crushing it. The elder Tnylor was thrown under the car, both legs out oft above his knees, and he was otherwiue injurml. He died this morning. Ilia brother mu picked up unharmed. New York, Oct. 2.5.---A enable despair"" to the Herald from Shanghai nay-s: The Government has ordered the total ulnli~ tion of the cultivation of the poppy from the end of the year in the pm Vince: of Kingnton, Anhui, Human, Kai. chow, Fohkien Ind Yunnul. Chin Forbid: Cultivation of Poppy in " of Her Provinces. All the power. " Shanghni are in turnout in their plain-n that the west. ern Indium intend to help China lid herself of the curse whieh the Oeeidens introduced. and they extol the “amine durum of the nttitudo of Chinn on the subject. The CHICAGO PIONEER DEAD. Tokio, oet."gi5.---T'he run-4 surreetiott in Goren i. I" ended. The troops tate still l duty, but the insurgruk ha died to merely tdiwrdvrly " in stated that Prime In Resident (Raoul It Seoul. will return to Coren only in Mun-ml think of the Japan"! (maps China will be withdrawn in a l RAN DOWN BY KAISER'S AUTO GIVES LIFE‘F'O’R BROTHER FIGHT AGAINST OPNM, Insurrection Crutrtted-Jteese Troops Ate gunk“. . 0111K new in comm. LOCAL MASTER. Pomnei on Skin. r----'"-" The 'reneh pedal de- l all poo-mum in l Vang" tumm- daily rounds on mulled in. l practically MN on actiw -s have dwilr 'lament. t, [Minor probably 1rer.Two, in North " days. out”. aty.()kh.,0d. M.--4ied on: “and: proud tin-ugh portion. ol than! and Xorthem nth-ham. u. mull of dam days' Mendy dowttpom of rain. The rain continua. In mm: poniou- the tall hal- amount“! to ai most I cloudhursl. Numuuun newn- of [on of lite made .ttstdoy nun." unconfirmed. Ind un- Indian-d lo b, without toundnliou. No .ingh- “mum of drowning ha. been veriLvd. “luv-U wumuon. no single- ret, of drowning In: been verifwd. The heavy Hill." had uni-ml Canadian and the Autumn Riv tuo of the largest alien“ in tke tit: to overflow llwir huh. doing In thump w farm lands, naming u. out: on the railroads, and in unm- Manors threatvnittg mull “nun, At Tubs: and virility the Ark." had risen tett feet in llu- twenty! hours ending this morning. Many (“an in the vicinity rm- fh (d. A tltirU of the hm n ul Na pump Klaltitnlu of Company an- mu Mains are delayed Little Girl Run Down hs She Goes to Buy Milk. she Wu to buy titer, Malian .u tt out " uslr THREE DAYS’ RAIN. green apple: after rNreated ittstruct+ from lulu sup-mar ohm-r not to do m, Private kaiser. of the 3rd Held Artil- tery, U. ti. A., has been dishonoubly dis- ell-rand from the service and wnmnml to forfeit nll my and IHOWIIIOI-d due him. and to be confined ll hard labor for nix mounts. The verdict of ttto murl nurtiul which con.idered tMe rlusrge mint [miner found him guilty and impound swarm-v. wtuett Wart an nouneed from "my headqtutrtertx itetw today. " WM found that lpirwr ult- the green and“ all” having survived a lawful order from a u-rgwlnl to throw them away. TRIED TO SAVE DOG. lake Captain Lost His Life In the A Wiudmr, ont., domloh: Capt. John Robinmn. of the barge Cutter, “- kill rd at Kelley lulnnd in trying to ave a pet dug, which had fallen overboard. Captain Robinson jumped into the water, tutti “a a “he between the vet. ml and the dock. He was crushed no holly that he died on the way to the houpiul. Captain lunhimon we. . vet. t'rtut nnvipml- well known on the lakes. Noted Gem tt Vunmuvm pubuam u india, PM!“ Upon the, wrnw " dia, Gotten unnamed (In England by "lt in my "to one On the countti prompu tut im'nry." THE POOR CHILD. lulu Kitchener will ulna visit (Xian and Juan on the “my. ponibly trival- ing through Aortralia and New Inland. An immrnm- volume of consum- om-e iu pouring in upon the moral from England urging him to up up a ream-ninth"; of the British var of. flee. Thee is no doubt but that tre 'sould be 'airpoittu'd to the [not it be vinhed to accept the position. For Montreal In Who Sum Girl in Lev-(on. London. Iht. m.--uou "M". I seunan from Montreal. was given a year's imprisonment for subbing a girl on Seplember t The prisoner was silent in the dock 3nd mule no comment on the sentence. Ho pro- duced a letter from his brother in Canada. saying he ought to be can to a hospital where the doctors could fd"g1? the silly nonsense att ot his on . h A Bad Want. lit-ninth.“ inquired of the lady in chirp, "In this here the Wmnnn'u Hubcap-2" "it in." replied the lady. "Well," continued the mountrymnn. somewhat Ibmtishly, "I'd like to “up of my old woman for 'mort anybody you happen to lane on 'totd."-9irrueott" Manama. Site Lia:- 0. My. Scott WI: writing the "Lady of tbe Lake." “If you were to tell the truth about her.’ he laid. "I should my tttit tho IN awfully urn-ink, but ertperu to I'm-l but- ter than the boat ta to St. JoC' This It in. in 't'ld', that tho poet tras trt hill: the Meat in the Rrn1. .. Private Dishnonbly Dis- charged For Doing So. moi h KITCHENER MAY COKE York, Oct. 26 the (on " ATE APPLES. cum: Lay Go Home " Cn- nda “a United Stun. uw-r, It. c.. oct. M.-- The World I we umuwmg I. . ourutta, YEAR IN PRISON ootupletion of his term of military commander it In. sl Lord Kitchener has un- " In- will return home to may of the Unitod sum. desire," laid the general. ruin Ind the United m. "k and their W. that ' to iuvlude than in I] it. the littt little slu milk for O0- amounted to .1. i-ous rep"'" ”and” “mum believed to be No "uttrte reg-ml veriiwd. 1 had cam-w! the “Inn-u tttict.. "" in the male. ttku, doing much t. and"; waur ~Boenuw he .u Med ittstrttcttot" town (. the Arum.“ itiue M ith which old ‘wr and in lay it uh

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