West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Oct 1908, p. 1

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EEK fiEEEEE‘HEESEfiEEEEEEEEEHEE 'it These Values Make Your ifi in! i I l (nu-Inuit: XMy'lyl'li' l'l Pa, ifNe In Fl, VOL. XXXI, N0. 44 THE uumm REVEEW, ONLY 'w, l; THE HOUSE :5 OF QUALITY li. li. '-ltimenmvvsenMmm""" THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT We to Jan. I, it tr ALL kinds UNDERWEAR LOVELY NECKWEAR lOc-Speci wee DRESS HOBBS SALE; 75.: VALUES FOR 503 it To Any address in Canada, we will send THE REVIEW from now to Jan. 1 but (almost three months) for 10 cents. Take ad- vantage of this remrkglnle otter or m that your friend or neigh- bor does w. NOW is the time. h "DOLLARS" STRETCH H. I W Dress Goods New Panamas. Poplins, Serges Cashmere and Lustres C:ispines and Tweeds iames ireland SALE OF RIBBUNS _ . .1 _ nit: Kim; uni ltailmad King Overalls. a? yt,ryec,"ici"yyy,',yag4er1'yigy=X%l8iill K. VALUES FOR 508 Bright, up-to-date Dress Fabrics, 1. cnmprisiug the following weaves; E Red, four.shades of Green, four ', also Brown, Black, Pink, Cream peuhagen Blue; regular values 60c J. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Jadies' Coats cents per yard It mnelett ma vy, black, white, ll on sale this week Mc m vthods and read each omprchensive EXPORTS Te"iohls , THE STANDARD BANK L;I\111t¢21 PC yd E Eatablished 1873 OF CANADA 51mm t IIS, wee ' - _ cannot fail to bring ultimate §ucccss. . ... , - - ,2; J SUN. The Sun 3112-: you subscribe for in combination with El ttttttttti, BMW. :' flames l Wait fur the Big rinsing out quit Business sale ofthe Alex Russell stock i General Merchandise now in the hands of the Natinnnl Salvage Clo, of Town- "to for imnwdinte disposal. Sale opens Wt-d. Nuv. 4th at o a. m, MERCHANDISE BROKERS BACK A- oAr.N.-Retutlts talk. Our sales are strictly lcgitiu-ute. Tr utleullv ad. vertised and honorably conducted. A, D. Learnvd Merchandise Brukm- at McKeclxnie's Big Store. Matthews & Latimer wish to an- nounce to th, ie nnnv customers, that they intend to change tin-iv system of doing business to trash ur nrnduce. Those tndebted to them will please take notice of the change and settle oll accounts as soon as possil,le, as all accanntn not settled by the lust, of October will be passed out for collec- tion. The papers of the large cities are all right if you want them. but it is your own home PN""' that advertises your church”. your numerous societies. sympathizps with ynn in your prosper- ity. In short it is the local paper that mentions the tlmunnd and nut- items which ynu are ittterwstvd in dur- ing the your, and do nut “ml in pawn; " lingu- cities 75 come. The County undertook to punish the Jewnnd spent. 8150 in the prosecution. The Court could not bring " verdict against Ike Jew and so he is ottt--go is the farmer and t'nupty Loo. Norece..-Ah our past-due amounts must be settled by Gash or Note, not latcrlhan Nov, 1st. After that date all unpaid hills shall he placed in other hands for eollectton, If you think you are who and we'll- informed. just sec if you (an answer these queslions I You have sown hun. dreds of white hon-sci: why did you never see a white colt ? Wlty dues a horse eat hay backwards undacow forwards? Why does a hop vinetwine to the left and a bean vino to the right? Why does it horse when staked out by a tone unwind the rope while a cow winds it up intohnrd kinks? Why does» horse get IT on his from feet and a cow on her hind feet. And why does; dog always turn around three times before lying down? CoswtDEsTAc--Letnothin. prevent you being at McKuchuie'a Store door at 8.30 Saturday morning Ort, 31st. Merchandise Broker's Sale. $1.55 brings you the Review and Weekly Globe from now to Jan. ht. 1910. Let's have your nnnw and order at once. . Alex. Russell entire $25000 Stock of General Merchandine will ire thrown on the Market for 10 days for what it will bring. Bale starts din-(1.. Nov. 4rh m 9 a. In. A Jaw wzu suspected of stealing a bag of (mm from " Bruce County grnwr. Ily, In”: was worth ttlout pay ot Hwtlmn unru- who furmelly we“: , “in In) pui-l $l.50.lt th returning “mm-1 will is no poll, and $60 if mun- than 31, pulls. I llmn 30 polls he wtll poll. Don,t buy Four dress until you see turn or you "my be sorry. Our 50c line Is extra good value - A. D. Lr‘amyd and his Big Staff of Rule conduvtors will "pert tire in Mc. Kechnie's Big More ON. 3lst, Satur- siay morning 830. shimmering new gnndi to a tinish. An old-time Halloween tiooial will he held in the basement of the Pres- "vtertan Church under Guir', umpires on Friday owning, October 30. Ad. mission 10 cent». Everyone welcome and a pleasant evening assured. FISH Wrvwruhut.---It Is a common rnnnx k that this i4 the finest fall seen for a. long time, Roads good, and temperature quite high for the season. Snow storms in the West have been severe blocking the Railways, Cow FOR BaLtr.--Anrone in want of a good cow. (in calf) should call at Mrs. Lauder's, neat the creamery 42-3 A very lament-able accident happen- ed last week in which Chm. Hopf of this Tnship was ushered into etern- ity. he deceased and his mm were in the bush, and in cutting down a loose limb which they thought was danger- ous to the cattle. the limb came down suonex' than the-K ox ectetl and in its descent struck it, {lupf on the hip, petting his body, He lived about a day after the mishap. Deceased was fifty five years ofluge. The funeral took place on IMunday to Br. Paul: church ccmeterv. Rev. Mr. Nendoer- Her being the oftlciating clergyman,-- Ayton Advance. Ladim,' Long coals, good value Grant's. A great showing of new furs at B, Morlock’s. SERVANI' (mu. Wawrem--Appry Mn John Kelly, Durham. ”Humid" otder in t f elrwiion I look iisigniticant to some, but to thousands of wiser can they have meapt Wealth: " . -. srciiGG%iiprotnise sudden riches too often bring only bitter disappointment, but the determined, systematic saving and depositing of small amounts in "iiiiiii 'itr/G',g- by opening an account with a. deposit of One Dollar or more. We pay Interest every three months and return your money any time you want it. DURHAM BRANCH John Kelly. Maude:- we. mo " m0]. DURHAM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1908. Systematic Small Savings m (J. McAn'mmc wise and well. m (an answer we won hun. “(by did you at Grant's at lo I Members will please send in their choice at once by card or otherwise. IA. W. H, LAUDER, Cams. FIRTH President. Sce.-Trcas. The Du: h nu hunch of the Women's Inslixu'e held llu-ir Ovtulwl‘ meeting at thu home " Mrs. T, McGirr. it was deculrul Ihrst all Im-thrs [my one cent cum per month, Io help defray all new-sunny expenses. The next meeting will he held on Nov. tith at the home of Mrs, T. Grashy. south of Durham. A report of Chatsworth convention will he given by the dulegates. All ladies come and wel- (NUDE. t She was a native of County W:ck. low, Inland, ail-163 years ago rum.- to Bt-ntim-k at the sign nf 18. thus having passed the pmilinist'u tourscme. She was "mun-d to My Lawrenrahy the late Rev Mr Stewart. For 45yearq -he has been N. consistent. member of the Methodist church to which she was much attached. Her funeral took place on Sunday to the little Hut, tun Hill cemetery ond was verv huge. ly attended. Her pastor. Rey Mr Jamieson, conducted the services As neighbor and friend she was very high- ly spoken of and to the bereaved ours we uttered all sympathy. M RS JOHN ALLAN. With startling suddmmesu the mill came to Mrs John Allen, Con. 20, Egtetimnt. She had not been well for tsornettiotitlis, and was staying with hey daughter Mrs Walter Elastic. near Drnuiure. where she was tenderly cared for. About a week before her death she went home and was ailing "round, but on Sunday morning) nm-tt without Winning the end came and dropped into her tirral sleep. The immediate cause ot' (truth was heart WettL'tii'ss, xhe homestead, John in Winptpem She wusa woman of fine qunlitivs, and as wife and mcther was greatly helnyed. An a neighbor. all who knew ht" will bear witness to her flue spirit. and Christian example. She is being hurled tn-duy. \Vrdnesday. at Maplewood Cemetery. We have no fuvthecirutieulare this WPPK. but ex- tend our sympathy lc. the bereaved ones In ttwh hour of trial. Mm, WM. Ross. Inst week's Toronto Pape" record- ed tho dwth of Mrs Wttt. Rose, a well.. known member of the Cameron fam- 'ly. “or brothers, truth deceased, Wt'i'tt itev Jar,. Chuueron, of Chats. worth, and John Jmueron. of Dur- ham who died last winter. Her hus- lmnd. the daughters and three sons sluvn‘o hev, Mrs c. McLean. mother of Lieut..Col, J. ll. Mitchel") and of \lujnr Hugh c. Madman Is cow the only one left of hor level. Deceased was a resident of Toronto for over 50 yenlsnnd intimately ttssocGted with the growth umlpmgreas of St James Square Presbyteri-m Church. ,uer en- tire family mine munml her hedside at the last, and the separation will he a Very painful one. for she wuss). wu- mun of kindly spirit. and of much force of character. Friday last there passed all, one at the very oldest settlers of Bentiuck in the pI-rson of Mn tiut_grttt (nee Hutton) who for years pub has redd- ed with her son Samuel on the home- stead on the Durham Road. Her first husband, father of Samuel. Thai. and Chas. Lawrence died 49 years Mo, She su'tsetpoamtirnarried the late Mr Lillmili. and to them was born one son. Samuel. who, with his brothers will sincerely mourn and miss the lov- ing mother that has been their home light for so many ye'us. Durham Hort. Society Notice. The Annual meeting of the above So. cicty will be held in Durham, on Satur. day, Nov, 7th. at 7 p. m. for the clec. tion of olllccrs and other important business. The members and public are cordially invited to attend, A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar iage Licenses, Durham, out. To mourn her loss, and she will he mourned sincerely, are her husband. her daughter Mrs Hastie. and two was _ James and John. theformer on Also please take notice that the tol. lowing premiums will be given to mem. hers of the Society. Each member can select one premium. lst.. Bulbs for House Planting. 2nd., Bulbs for fall planting in the garden. 3rd., Fruit trees or shrubs if obtainable. Mus Human: LANGRILL. Ubltuary. extra sales people for mt quit business sale "ell almk of General v in the hands at the , Guam Tawny). Ap- _.---------- ONTARIO Té‘éHIVEs TORONTO It is with feelings of pardocable exultation we writethe above head. ings which shows the main features ot the voting on Monday last. The Country. and especially Ontario. has shown in no uncertain way that they mean that s' Laarier shat! tinish his work. " The result in South Grey wasa disappointment to Liberals who thought that the splendid record oi Mrliiller should have appealed to right-thinking men of both parties more forcibly than it hasduno. How- ever, when they stop to consider the strenuous efforts made to deieat him, in some cases by disereditable meth. ods. they are tsatisfied, Look at the procession that lnhrch- ed over South Grey: Borden has been beaten, Foster has failed, Han- na hae. been helpless todeieat H. 11. Miller, Downey has been downed, Clark Was a eroaker, Sproule was sent sprawling, Birmingham has' been bounced and Lucas was left as a laughing stock. Glenelg, which gave 2 for Miller four years ago. this time gives 102, a. vote to be proud of. Normanby and Neustadt giyes Miller a majority so does Sullivan and Clratsworth, Egremontgivas 25 ,"gaimst Miller, a somewhat strTrising vote and nut easily explained. Hanover with 105, when srnnetlrrught it would be twice as much, is " nut-able Instance of overcoulidcncu. Never we think was such a “dead set " made upun a member, never we think, was oppasitiun less deserved. The baser elements ut partizanship saw P. shining obstacle in their path to power, and the word must have gone out by all means extinguish it. an r 310 Ball had a three polls " Miller bad 75 If Miller was not the fair and honorable opponent that he is, he Would on the assembling oi parlia- ment, " rub it in tr to the clique that triedso bard to deleat him. How- evorthat would not be public duty. and Miller may be trusted as baton: to go on doing public service in his own ettieient way. That he will be slated tor higher honors in pablio trust is certain, and when that comes South Grey will have the satisfaction of having chosen wisely. Coming down to details t Durham aurpzised both parties '. the most san- guine grit never figured 68, the most pessitnistictory chcr got down to IN even. There can be no doubt that the scurvy bluff of the Friday meeting, challenging Miller. when it it was known Miller conldn’t be there, was resented by not a few Conservatives, who know Miller needs no tt dragging out," is not the kind to "show the white leather " bat an honorable opponent. who if occaswn arises, can give blow tor blow. Miller had 75 ot the usher 5 GLENELU- -1t):.' fur Mille Ball bad 60 at 1litehie's 3 at I Miller 42 at Darnoch. 48 at cm and 75 in the Glen ward. NORMANBY 21 for Ball Alsteldr. and Blivths gave 25 and Ayton 18 for Bsll, liampdcx Nenagh 25tor Miller. Nut an the othexs. bat it is 21 in all NEUSTADT-i0 for Miller DU1luA.u--li8 for Ball North 9, Dust 15, West41. EG1aBiONT---25 for Ball ILll bad 68 at Allan s, 8 at more, Miller had 51 at the (the: polls. SULLIVAN We had 21 for Miller but hear a rumor that Ball has a majority. Our tigure' were: 1, 22, 5 and 37 tor Miller, in wards 1, 2, 3 and 4 re. spectively and 41 in No 5 for Ball. CHA'NW011TH--9 for Bill. iIAN0VER-105 for Miller. These figures give Miller Ilit. A much reduced majority but sale. Dating the day Moudav hcrsetlesh was in requisisioit bringing voters. either infltatt or iudilferent to the polls and " 5 p. m. not very nuinyat, all wnthin reach were 1cfr uupolh d, The north ward of Durham is " waysthe first to be heard from, and when only 9 majority was announced where about 15 was looked for, it was taken as an indication of the slump Miller wards in town. This was con- tirmed when the East ward 'rave 15 and when late: only 41 was pilvd up in the west ward. making (is in all, it was frlt that tory Durham had turned over a new leaf. .The exultntion of the grits was of Ihort duration for the big majorities at No l Glenelg and along the gravel road west. came in and Miller was no- where, especially as Hanover had ful- len from grace with only 105. The Ext-emetic poll: been! hom gum no Victory in County and Country ntario gains in Liberal Representation-Ono Minister Defeated ---hnother term of Progressive Government. --Laurier will tiieish his work..--) Scandal cry is adequately punished Receiving the Returns. li. H. Miller, M. P.,. by 118. ch gave 2 for this time giv and oi. Nor ,yes Miller a m w and Chm: 25 against M "tsing Vote m d. “move thwught it wr is a notable 11 ?--25 for lull Allan s, 8 nt Dru- 51 " tbe other [our Laurier will have 50 majority. a 25 each tpden 23, It sure 1f When all returns were in Mid a ma. jority over ino seemed Assured thete WM 1; chuslened feeling among the grits over Ilia reduction of their um- jnrily. which did nat preyent, how- ever. the Jubilant expressions of vie tort The. tuwn hall had been seemed hy the Conservatives. but it was tnk. J", " their hands hv my. Liberals. who “hunt 10 p. m, wereassun-d oi the double satisfaction of county and _ country. "glen" ward came in with " for Miller there wujay in the camp. in- creased " inunvnls as the rest of the townehip Was received and it was new that the tiny 2 of 4 years ago was now 102. For an hour the torr camp had the {hum of success around it, the other (amp of defeat but the clouds broke on one camp m sunshine and "ttled on the other in gloom which was not lifted during the even- tug. cough»; to {he guts. but when the Miller had been wired tot some time before, but Hanover had to celeluate with their most fumoue citizen "st. Meanwhile the Town Halt filled to overf1oning, many Ladies being pres- ent, and of course a great. prepoudt-r- anus were grits. Mayor Glider had it big task itefore him," for when the re- tnma ceased coming in. showing Laur- ier with a comfortable majority. he had to " hold thsrfort "in some Wu} till Milhwcame. For over two hours the packed crowd waited, the totgTOr worming songs from Messrs Wtu, Itarnaeti, J. P. Telford, John Clank. ueo. b'inclair, to fill up thellmehe- tween the fine baud music. nnd ex. cclleut curiouet solos of Mr Green. The ladies and the luddues, young and old, "hung it out" till nearly nnvo'clvuk. l'hisliluv Miller wasn't .. prompt ., but he wasn't " mull-5v“! " [oi-unm- he did. most ommutwwlv. Sign that he considered himself representative of the whole n: whether they had voted for hi not, and he hoped they would tlnd him true to their host into: lie depleted the introduction mm vamp-ugh of certain cries. that ‘ injurious not, only to his cause In the users thetuselves and to the " rmumunity. Blirf congratulatory speeche- Wen made- IN Messrs Dr Mums. D. Knech lvl, c. Rdumm' and Ma or Calder ol ngham. Dr (fortune. otyAyton. - W th piniencv. and u word would have an: them home. But the echo of a cheer came up (In Muir, it. Immune a reality in a. mum-M and WA the spectou-led Nee cmm- int, view the vast audience Rot nu to tltei feel. on to the seats, waving hats um handkerchief, and cheering literally to qt beat the lmnd. " Some stalwull got hold of him and shoulder hhrh Thong}. urea as Le weli might, be hereviewed the campaign and its in 01de and of Course lhtmked all and sundry for their (mud work. Iterers ring to lbmsmaller than "peered Tr ders' Bank of Canada A prosperous yen means money in hand We take care of it for you and pay interest 4 times I year. Pablisbol Weeklyi at u.00 . you. Depositors tl nd by the M. 'P. r. veryone was waiting Ill. mod. 0min. crowd hid m: DURHAM BRANCH t Paid-up Capital and Rest, 56.350900. as cri1.Yr1",t fag i-od lhrir way wit nwmlwr'a h and) ulhs-r ! tight. Wi- [unuver Band IR muaic and the new rmk platform. Dr amid music boy's horn n nth enthusi- I] but the sunshine in gloom the enm- me but r the, whol rl V alt UM pimple. him or Ill tor th and THE REVIEW. DURHAM. ONT The Yellow Labél Tell. the date to which our cub. eeriftion he: been laid. Our uni ingliat wu this week cor. Pected up to due. " tour. in not com kindly notify \II " once. We thank I." who have renewed the past few weeks but there Are yet many others we wish to hear from at once. I g Mrs Adm: Brown of Parry Sound. in tistrtitttr her father Mr Jno Byers and other, refill-lug; G" Dfituiiii." husband wall later join her here Mr. R. A. Lawson of Milton, is " urea-m visiting his brother Mr. Witt Lawson. Miss Edith Blackburn. protection: out” is home visiting her mum. an friends. Mn Rom-non of Aratkerton was a. guest of her old friends Kr and Mrs U. L, Grant hut week. Mina Ida [Lu-her of Burlners‘ Cornet! was a guest of Mrs T. Harris, and " now vis/tting friends in wateertou this week. isjiiiiiiiiiii -------- Mrs Will Mountain remrned to “Amman Tuesday after . month‘s visit with bur mother. Mrs G. McDan- Md, here. We are pleased to know thnt Mr Donald Graham In. of B. C. brother of John in town. is now couraleccing from I severe illness In the hossiul there of pneumonia. pleuriuy an in. "ttttoder rheumatism. Mrs It. M. Dargavei, of Domocll. is visiun friends In Durham And Alan at Allan gawk and Vickera thia week. Messrs R. ll, McW'Illinms and Arch, Bohemian spent aver the week end in Ownn Bound. Miss Lizzie Laidlaw mm Tuesday from Toronto to diort holiday. offered In: sir thousand dallu'l, om hull done, balance M6 per cent interact Miss Ettle Barclay left. Ins! week to visit roln'isel in Toronto. Dr MeLturin and in town for a few weeks he intends lo n duties here, Mr Allan Manl-lan tivrs in Detroit. exchnuge M r Ch thi det P Mr ' friends ly. occupy ll ‘inndaty u undut'liu; Redil M um moth M r here Mrs Donn.“ G raham of was n. guest Tuesduynf her A . Graham and other friet For all Oxford Cream Separator Repairs arm in winto staltlis Mr J. M. \Vuerl. ot the Canadim ollege's Mission. was m mum Tues. my in connection with his Society. il It ncti It ‘9 Addn c. annex a SON. Plan-nu no Pusan-n in " m . Mr )y tit users are requested to write . VICKERS, 605 Parliament St., TORONTO, ONT. up Willa, was bum in)! the funeral r, Mu Latutrih. H. II, Mill ll Myra-nu g of tak tt Dun h the ale rytuing was nice Neustadt to Rive "am Limp and the _ of the canuuign able Farm fur Sale all cottununicationq t Jens A. Aumlu, Aldred. But Echo Valley ' Barnard. . nds In Durh, and Viekera Knight w wn for s f. We have Money to Loan. We purchase Sale Notes. Our Rates Are "notable. n. On the promise- in a mm. with stone stat-ling. I, sUeep pen und rout rive. A concrete house iwhw. Summer kitchen and cistern, (loud hard to house. Luge good ard. This farm is known I best grain (arm- in the u and one-hull _ mile. from Durham. This, bum, in it thouuud dnllu-I, one " Borrowers lt ha n - and sister is vitOittg few d-ys. in afow to resume his former ‘wrence. teach: M M M, by any of the the defeated, it mity to work otf by mutual con. W Dun an 1 visit iug Manager Fun" Int-mg "mining mu 3. Tlsr place It Kood cute musi . the them I hut pu, w“ over f PriceviIle. r sun Mr Jon uds in town. ll h I‘quhru'u P, home spend a. ad been uer resi- n: for a. building: Huron" Ill " c Wu pipem . lune puhltc rry to , pro Ming ller " 'AI m will ll ll II tt

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