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Durham Review (1897), 29 Oct 1908, p. 2

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go let" the person king who the ‘imml was given. Abu- han ra-ignu-th 0n the otdttert spreading of thin prm-lumalinn mm:- would con- rlmln' David W.” tlead, others that he llml nuigmnl; and (Inn they that were m th. "an would draw in many to upmu’lr fur Absalom. who, it they had rightly mummma the matter. would have abhr,rrsul llu' thuught of it.-Com. 1'om. H. two hundred men-Thee were courtinn auch 'ag "wally accompanied kings and kitten' sum an their Journeys. Thvy wvrv probably of the principal men n! Jerrtnalem. whom he invited to join him in the (mat at hin narrifire. They war.- kent ignorant of Absalom'i wicked plot. 12. Abithophel-. David‘s coun- .veltor--It is 'uspttooed by the Jews thy thithophel was incensed sgnimt Dlud for abusing Buthslwha. his grandd‘pgh- ter. He had been Divid'n moot trusty counsellor; so highly uluod In In: " Tire that men regarded it u an oracle of God (chap. It”), and long hid the king profited by his windo- snd "ref o-neo until the outrage n his hilly made hi- ntin he. itiEt'i'ii'ili to his active city. GM. luv “0 has" cl Aha-1.1 - for - no- to indicate thth'uM‘ ro-ted with the plot. tho rmtth . r-o-N. M tit tlt arid g on! I.“ at“ CB _ - to have Ml that black n Aha-alum?- av in "arritive. and when he Judah for qt" ably, at this; I" he. . . "rett Air-In- - - Bqri6e-s a. "' W. CA--tarr.--h Able- Itonling the heart. of the poop]. (n. LO). 1. After tla-After Aha-Ian’s "turn iron Oah- nr Id hi0 restoration and Wic- by David "up. M. 21-33). Aha-Ion VII no room restored to his place in his tnth. er'n Inuit, " the court, than he up to plan to h on tho throne. Thin In- bino- loaned to have grown in. tho With at Anna, though it in thought It had pk" in Aha-loin hurt be- wro be murdered his brother and V” we ream. tor that cruel dud. Me made hi. plans meta-fut by his pro- tended love tor public interests, and his affected piety. But the rebellion fniledt Hod mu again-rt him. Chariots ttf hor-tr-NV imitated the M“!- "I“ of {main monarch. in order to make an imyrelniun on the people. “or." were a: novelty among the Heb mu, only recently introduced from Egypt. and were mtly and ran. Fifty - A um oi the kim riding in n state chariot with fifty fu',',',',',') u attend. nms would prove a great Ittrnction. David was MO indulgent that he teem; lo haw lulu-n nu notice ot it. 2. Rune up trarlr--Pttblie lit-iner- in tht Plant i, in many places transacted early, before the heat of the any. Pos- libi)’ his wily rising was intended to " ram-ll the King, who In certain to m m the gate during part of the day. " mmld thus appear that be had the nu! good oi the purple upon his heart. and would malu- u noble king, just suit. ed to their present twain. Thole in trou- ble were likely to fear that junior would nut ln- shown than. and Would tsntterly t xtetad their support to one who appear- r! "oncerneu tor their interests. Absa- 1.... relied anally upon his own pow- on. 'llmugh hi9 father was innit-HI wry manly and hue against a father, In. sent spivv To find out public 'm. ion and prepare to placid" .5th king whvn the nittttal wan given. Abu- lum wigm-lh ot.the Illddfll IPM.‘ done. Local amt-rm tummy. and the via for ant-h a purpose by n ttenernl bond-3 It llvhron. David w ration ot religious t Mrt. Pipe-nee. H. while. . . .at Ge tom (In! and lived in d" of Alumna. He. been a follower of who. Stu" II. an tortriuuse,ur drowned him in tu. hen". "Perhaps he valued himself on being the Hull of u king's daughter, as we" as the Mm of a king, and dauphin! " father, Mm Wan but the eon of Jesse. His m ther WM the daughter of a heathen king, which had its influence upon Ab. ulom, making him lens concerned for the pence of I.rael."-i.'om. Com. Mino- lom’n cunning wan not observed by the umuupeeti-g. Seeing him in no tryed un equip”, and Ibo no wnieeeeldlng, uompletely concealed his real design. 3. Good and rittttr--Thus to win favor ho gave a decides before an investiga- tion was made. "Thy case is a worthy and righteous one and ought to be tried, and all thy grievance.» redresmed."-jhe. dun. No man Jrputed--.tbmtloot guards ngainat accusing the king himself of in. jnntiee; but he chithi in the mind. of the people distrust of the king's whole Judicial practise by saying that there was not regular judicial prooess tor a just cause. The “healer” is the judicial attic-er whose duty it was first to hear end undsrntund the people's matters and then lay them before the kintr.'-)ange. 4. oh that I---Tlum he prufwmed ex- traordinary generosity and interest in public affairs. yet appearing to have no selfUh cloud" in the matter. We do not read of his wisdom, virtue or learning in the hues. nor bad he given any proofs 01 hi,, love of justice. yet he wish-d to be judge, and Inch a Judge that every n-uu who had any mum: would come to him. G. "Minnow-Tho customary greet. ing, as taming to the ground. And Hum] lumA Embraced him as n friend or bro- ther, apparently forgetful ot " wition and honor. "He was the Judas of Dav. id'u day." 6. Stole the heart» By his Iii-unity and pretended lullnwnhip with them and anxiety for them. he turned the people from his Intlwr to him-wit. "He did not tmin their hr-arts by emin. o'm whim“. or by Him- and vii-rum..- u. anlorn'g rebellion (w. 7-l2). 7. 1m hurry years-Rather after four run. " R gweully admitted that orly yours is a mistake in the text. 'he time must be the years alter Aha- bill's return to Jerusalem and his be. mninu w practice the base nrts of aining popularity. pay my row-at named to David that conscience had It Ht prevailed, and that right was to be onto. Local mailing were still cus- nmary. and the visit of the king's son or well a purpose would be reiebrated y a ttetternl holiday and much {outing A II._L_U_ ri, _.t I "r I . - _ - ‘- ml right _ P Gsifiar-t of was glad at thin ind: ion-ling on Absaloln's in" could rommit In Dav ws0tip with , he turned to hirruwlt. Is by emin. ml virtuous p ( Coroner's Jury Will Investigate Alfred Calder's Death at Ottawa. Ottawa, Oct. 25.AAl!rcd H. Calder, a local contractor of some notoriety, died this morning under circumstances to be investigated by a coroncr's jury. Calder and a communion named Williams were rooming together on Albert street. This morning Calder was found dead in bed, and Williams’ exploration to Coroner Bsptie is that Cllder choked to death dttritttt the night um eating " upple. A postmortem will be held. When court convene. Monday it is promised that evideney will he forth. coming which will “9*!er tho indict- ment of praetirully the entire hand of night riders. her of mob mupwu in custody charm-.1 whh implieation in the murder of Capt. Rankin and the Mum]! upon Colonel Taylor is now ten. The men taken into (ll-IUNIY yu-nerdny incur, Ed. Powell, who declare: that he was foreed under threat, of death to accompany the mob on Monday night when the two attor- nryd Were 'oken from n hotel by night riders. "I'here is no man deputed of the king to hear thee" (v. 3). He falsely insinu. ated Inisjudgnn-nt on the part of tlw king (ll. Sam. M. 16, IT; 19, 27). ur, spoke evil of "the ruler" of the wand" (Arts 2.3, G; Exod. 22, 28, margin). ll. (flay Trumbull imagines a person goinu to the devil and offering his service. and the devil saying: "Be a member of the church and "rep up a show of morality Then find fault with the preacher. Sum-i at his sermons in; you come out o: chum-h Sunday morning and evening. Tell everybody how little real food you find in his discourses. Ridicule his mun m-r. Critivize his sermon plans, say he lacks spirituality, note how frequently he preaches an old nermon. or that he has no originality. Point out his (le- feets of style and his lack of order in the arrangement of his discourses. Do something that will draw the lieurers' at tention from the religious impression-1 of the day and place. and you will he more efficient than it you were a saloonkeep- er, thief, or murderer; for these are out- side niailants of the church, while you will be a helper innide of the very fold, whit-h t hate." Ill. David’s flight from Jenn-clam (vs. l.", 3tr. The rebellion proved popular. Amt Absalom moved swiftly to Jenna- lem. As soon as David heard of it he proposed to flee from Jamaica: and love the city and the kingdom to his in". Thin notion seems very ttrange. "prove all things _alorn was the ki winning, but he t mn- is must be d Are Under Arrest For Murder In Tennessee. But, politicdly considered, DIVH’I - tion was the wines: that could have been taken. HR kind mtute my have in. duced him to spare Jerusalem the hor. lin modest npparel....not with....gold, l or pearls. or costly "my” (I Tim. 2; 9): l "Whose adorning lot it not be that out- ward adorning of plaitlng the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of pnttting an of wppnrel” " Pet. 3; 3)? "Oh that l were made judge. . " would do him justice” (v. 4). Absalom rained fak- rxpeeutiorra. He did not lit-gin with open rebellion; but disobedienw display, defamation and dishonor l J. t" deception and that to deeper sin. A young man on bond a vele saw " merchant give the captain a hug of gold for ante keeping, which he laid lllmll the lot-her and forgot “-lunt tor fun," to frighten the captlln, he hid it . The day went by and no inquiry Win made fox it. The young man decided to keep " until it was "tused. At length when " was called for the young man grew frightened and resolved to keep " we ret. The captain was arrested, thrown into prison and died. Out of that seen-1 dweption grew the crimes of ther and murder. "Hr put forth hin hand and took him and ki-d him" lv. 5). Hi- votUial out" “my Wit" only on the surface. A fair iam- may hide u foul heart. Minn is often a eottnterfeiter and nun-r more Gugerots than then. "Two hundred men out of Jeruralvur, . . .went in their simplicity" (v. ll). Th,., mnrper’s disloyalty was lmwly shown in his leading the Illlduspit-iulli into re lwllion. Th" devil inmetimea appears an "an angel of light" HI. (“on It, It), and "many tale prophet! nre gone out into the world" il. John J. I). To avoid tlw vvil that lie-{ell Alwalum's mmpuniom We nveil to try the upirits. whether they not of God ll. John 4. 1-13); "to hun- the mind of C'hrist" ll. For. 2, 161: and run of a single and the risk of being taken by -ttlt. David had no stand- ing army with which to mint this Ind- den attack. _ TEN NIGHT RIDERS Snmhurg, Tenn., Ort CHOKED TO DEATH I Chriit." (I. Cor. P., 16); am things" (I. Tbs. 5.21). Al the king's son, trstutiful air It he mu a murderer. Wh., L be determined by what on on the surface. A n foul heart. Sam rfeitvr and never r h. C. M The Mum I'eterbore--On the market dread hogs sold at $8.50; live, ”.25 to ”.50; hay, baled, $16; loose, $15; dram, . to 86.50: farmer: and butchera' hides, $7.50; butter, 30e; em, " to 2le. Following are official despawhes illu tuning to-day‘s markets " various cen' tres in Ontario: -New laid eggs have become scarce, and lvave advanced almost generally. But. nowhere are they as high In in To- rontu. Butter has not been offering quite so liberally, but it has been ot Bot such I fine quality and so has not ad- vanced much. Provincial Markets, Conditions on the produce markets of the Province are prtbctieally as they were a week ago, with the exception that the tendencies which were notice. alrlts the" have become more pronounced. While hogs have not been offering over freely the market for them is still weak, and they are in many places lower than they were a Jear ago. There is rather a poor market for our hog products in Britain at present, and in spite of the light stocks there prices have declined. Liverpool-John Rogers & 00., Liver- pool, quote to-day: United States steers, 12¢- to 13c; Canadians, ll l-3c to 12%e; mnrln-rw. llc to ll%e. The trade is Mow, but firm. The reeeipta of grain on the street ttrday were about 1,300 bushels. Wheat firm, n load of fall selling at 93c. Bar. ley easy, with sales of 300 bushel. at GG to .380. Oats Steady. 300 bushels qellitt,r.r, at te. Buckwhut unchanged, New York Sugar Market. Sugar, raw firm, far refining, 3.GOe to 3.1m. Cvnttit'ugal, 90 test, 4.00c to 4.090; Inuluvu-s mg.”- 3.3lc lo 3.340: n-I'im-d, dandy. with 100 bushel selling " Mk. P Ihsiry produce in good supply. with prices tirm. Butter sold at ’27 to 30e per tb., and new laid eggs at 27 to SOe per dozen. Poultry is offered freely, wig}: prices steady. . . Ha): offered in 'limitrd supply, 10 Ion selling at $l3 to $15 a In“. Straw nominal at trr, 3 ton for bundled. _ Canton, N. Y.-To-day six hundred tuba hunt-r sold at 27%: two thousand hum-e Hit-He at Hc. iirrtertor,vu, N. ST-Today forty. tlrive hundred hnxw sold at JHie. Produce Market in London. Loudou-A'anadian [mean was reduced L, not witGtamlirtg'the light supplies. Pricvs nnw range front 58s to 603; hum-t. lung cut, are stpndy, at “(N to this. Chm-sn- is still quiet for spot trade, but humming for forward sales. Choieest " MIL to a,.; finest. 585 to Mts. 9:49.: bid, Do., goose, bushel .. .. 0 87 0 M Oats,tnuhel... ... ... 043 044 Barley, bushel ... ... ... 0 " 0 58 Rye, bushel . . . . . . . . . 0 79 " H" Penn, hmhel . . . ... . .. 0 M " oe Hay, per ton ... .. . .. 13 00 15 ol) Straw, per ton ... ... . 1.5 00 0 00 Dressed hogs ... . . . . . . S .30 9 oo Butter ... ... ..."... 020 030 Do., creamery ... ... . 0 29 0 32 Eggs, dozen .m. ... ... o 27 " 30 Chiekens, dressed, ll). ... 0 ll ft le. Ducks, spring, lb. . .. ... 0 IO " ld Geotw, lb. ... ... ... 010 012 Turkeys, lh. ... ... ... o 1.1 0 l7 Cabbage, per dozen. . . .. 0 25 o 35 Unions, bag ... ... ... 0 90 100 Potatoes, bag . . . .. . . . . 0 (if) 0 85 Apples, bbl. ... ... ... 125 225 Beet, hindquarters .. .. tl 00 9 on Do., forequartem .. .. 4 50 it 00 Do., medium, can-use .. 5 00 ll nu Do., choice, cal-cane . . . 7 GO fl 00 Mutton, per cwt. ... ... (l 00 8 00 Veal, prime, per cwt. ._. 7 50 10 0:! lamb, per ewt. ... ... S oo ll m gry at manutaeturing plants Seeds. Tlw markvt is quiet, with prices gun» "ruliy any. Dealt-H pay the following Ill'll'l“- at country points:---"', ex- tra fatwy. Ci to $7.25 per bushel; No. l, $3.30 to $6.73; No. 2. 80 to 80.25; No. 3. $3.75 to $43.25. Clover-id dull at $4.25 to $4.75 pm' bushel. Timothy, “.25 ity cows at 876. The average price for the best cows was about $50. Veal culves.--Prieea, ranged from $3 to $6 per cwt., with an ooeasional choice mlf bringing $6.50 per cwt. Sheep and Lambtr--Reeeipts WPN' large and prices (may at following quotations: Export owes, $3.25 to $3.50; rnmd. $2.50 to $2.75; lambs. $4 to $4.50 per owl. lhrgis.--Mr. Harris reports the market "twhnnged, with prospects of lower prices for the coming week, Solemn fed and warmed, $15.25 per OWL; to drovers at country points f.o.h. can, $6: which inn-um $5.85 to the farmer. British Cattle Market. London London cables for cattle are s-hotly at In: to 13540 per 1b., dressed weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at lie to “Me per lb. Dressed neg; are mu-hangml at 8tl, to $8.75 for heavy, and at. $9 for light Wheat, fall, bushel .. ..8 " 91 s o Do., goose, bushel .. .. " 87 o Oats. bushel . .. _. . .. . " 43 0 Feeders and 'i'tockera.---ltest feeders, US!) to L100 lbs. each, at $3.50 to $4; best steers, 800 to 050 lbs. each, at $3.25 to $3.60; best steers, 600 to 800 lbs. web, at, 82.rio to $3.25; medium steers, 600 to 800 lbs. each, at $2.40 to $2.65; common Rockers, 500 to 700 lbs, each, Womlall & Co. ealtled Eben Jamar-- 11.501) “hi". selling; market active and higher; Vanadium offering; Western Baldwin-a, I?” to 19r, st-cnmls, IN ad to Uh; 1liveuingrs ms to Ms 3d; ML ltutehers.--Choiee picked lots of steers and heifers are reported as selling at $4.60 to $4.80 per ewt., loads of good at $4.25 to $4.50; medium, $3.75 to $4; common, 3.25 to $3.50; cows, $2.50 to $3.60 per cwt.; canners, $1 to $1.50. at $1.75 to $2.10. A few medium stockern were. left unsold. Milkvrs and b'pringeris.--Prkeg during the week ranged all the way from $30 to $65 each, with one or two extra qual- Receipt: ot live stock at the city mar- ket, an reported by the railways, for Wednesday and Thursday were 15.5 car loads, 2,265 cattle, 3,233 hogs, 2.835 "NW and lambs and Ill) calves. "porter-thte load of cattle brought in as exporters was reported Bold for butt-how purposes at $4.95 per cwt. Ex. port brlls sold at $3.50 to bu, and one of choice quality, weighing 1,990 Mm, was sold by ll. P. Kennedy at $4.50 per ewt. m Wi IN In- prim“ at cunntry tra fancy. ti' to $7. ttMo to $5.75; No, ”.9.” ttt Winnipeg Wheat Market. Foilmving are the closing quotation" I Winnipeg grain futures: “hm! "tvtolrer 979$- bid, December 1%r bid. May 1riW' hid. 1Fatrr-0vtolwr 38c bid, December Me .tl.CG Gs; Hrm'uin m 74 to og. TORONTO MARKETS Liverpool Apple Market OTHER MARKETS. The Cheese Markets, 84.75 per I; per bushel Fum’ Hunt. Live Stock. 0 (I (I " 0 00 Git ml 50 tri) 9 on (I I!” 6 .30 " oo 8 on IO (In " (ht " 44 0 58 " an 0 ott i, on 0 00 " Oit " '.m 0 32 t) :10 " I! " lu' " 12 (I " " '35 93 83 44 58 'm mum“? Didn't Know it Wu Loaded. Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 2G.--Albert Bell, I twelve-year-Old sehoolboy, was shot and killed by his sixteen-year-old bro. ther, Raymond, to-day, while they were hunting. Another boy of the party had slipped a cartridge in the rifle. Ray. mond. not knowing it was loaded. play. fully pointed the rifle at his Mother and pulled the trigger. The Governor of Trinidad has com- municated with Sir Vincent Corbett, the British Minister " Caracas, enquiring as to the facts. "We are still imprisoned. Our own provisions have been exhausted and the Government any: that it bu no food to give us." The owner of the vessel has just re- ceived, through the Trinidad agent, 3 letter from the captain of the lady Remington, dated Soptelnber 25th, in which he says: The Ist. Vincent schooner Lady Ken. sington, carrying live stock and vege- talsles for Trinidad, after sighting the Dragon's Mouth was becalmed. The schooner was carried far out of her course and while drifting off Margarita was seized by Venezuelan officers. This occurred on August 23rd and the crew and passengers have been detained as pl'isuners ever since. has been received here of the seizure several weeks ago .by the Venezuelan authorities of a British trading vessel at Margarita, an island in the (brib- bean Sea belonging to Venezuela, and the imprisonment of the crew. tit. Tttoat-Ma'" hogs, 15.70; dren- ed hoax, $9.50 to $10; loose hay, 811; W hay, tig; straw, w; egtp, Me; batter, 26 to Me. tithnm--Hotpr, $5.75; My. $7.50 to no; “raw, 83; butter, Met esp, Me; chickens, 30 to Me; lambs, live, 84; dressed, 88; veal, w to 'r, beef, live, . to $3.50; dressed, $8 to 86.50; export, $4.50; wheat, 88r; oata, 8lie; barley, $1.05 per mm; corn, shelled, 80c; beans, $1.40 to $1.55; wool, Wished, 14 to L5c; unwashed, 8 to h. London-Business is generally of a manly nature there. Ottawa reports say business there " fairly notive in all linen. hm" been for some time. While all this is, true, there ir4 still room for further 'urrprovenwnt and general business is ex- pected to show greater activity as time works on to the holiday season. Colloc- liom reflect a mnwwhnt better move.- nil-ht of money throughout the country. Produce is pouring forward fairly well and value,, are nteady. British Schooner In Hand: of Ilene. zueian Authorities. Toronto-All lines, of trade here report " fairly satiuaetory tune. The usual be- twm'rt-st'tt_tm quietness exists, but Cold weather should bring in a good sorting mule for all winter goods In the nwnntinu- isroparatiorts are going for- ward for a good hulidny business. Winnipeg reports my general businem mntinm-g to go forward well. Vaneonver and Victoria reports any trade holds steady, with a fairly brisk demand for all wholesale lines. Ir,uuhton--ahe pust week has m-L-n further improvement in general condl~ than here. Orders to wholesalers are int-musing in volume and local manufac- ttttttui zm- generally busier than they hnre been for some time. While all this 261-2 to 27c in jobbing Iota. Eggs-- New laid, 27e; selected stock, 241-2c; No. 1 20c and No. 2 " 17 14te per dozen. Braotreet's Trade Review. wtiontreal--Theer has been little alter. ation in trade conditions here during the past week. Rumor eooier weather lulu given trotne impetus to the demand for al-nsormblo lines, and the general tend- "ney continues to be towards a larger mun-mum of both wholesale and retail lines The dvmmul for dry goods is more all'llYI', lull. order» are still not large. t'oltections show slight improvement. General produce is coming forward fair- ly well and price hold firm in nearly all lines. Quoltet. --10olmsade and retail trade is fairly satisttetory. - - Belkviiie---As predicted Iut week, the hog market u weak. Buyers are pay ing $5.90 to " for live hogs, and dressed hugs are steady at $8.50 to 8.75. Hay is taunting slowly in price, now $15 to $16 per ton. No straw is offered. Oats, ti, to 50c; eggs scarce, selling at Me per dozen for fresh; butter, scarce at 28 to 305: pytatoes averaged 90e per bag. at 81l.50; straw brought $7 yesterdoy; no offerings to-day, demand good. But- ter, demand sees prices firm at 23e for crooks, " and Me for choice rolls; in dairy hall two cents more was paid; eggs sold madin at 24 Ind Me for bas- ket lot», 23c for crates; live hogs, Mom day's price probably some as last week's, so ch; small pigs sold at $4.50 and 86 Per pair; dressed hogs, lively demand, prim firmer, $8.25 and 38.75 per ewt., nearly all selling at $8.50 per cwt. m ii4iiii2iiailt. cursed I "isan Litend- tam-e u the market, and sales were most- ly of a wholesale character. Hay fold Owen Sound-Butter, 23 to Me; cw, 21 to 22e; hogs, live, $5.75 for medium, $5.85 for heavy; dressed hogs, light $8.25: dressed hop, heavy $8.25; hay, '9 to t9.50. Stratford-Ilogs, 85.80 to u; dressed, $8.75 to $9; costs, $3 to 83.GO; dressed, $0 to $6.50; steers and heifers, $3.75 to $1.25; dressed, $7 to $7.50; lambs, $4.50 to $5; dressed, $11: calves, $5; dressed, 8; wheat, the, standard; oats, ae, standard; barley, 45 to Me; peas, 82c; bran, $22; shorts, "r, hay, $7.50 to tru, no straw; eggs, Slie; butter, 2lie. Iontreal Home“. Montreal-Grain-The demand for oats from outside sources is firm, but business on spot is quiet and the under- tone to the market is steadier as offer- ings are decreasing some. Ontario No. 2 white were quoted at 431-2 to 440; No. 3 at 421-2 to 4.'te; No. 4 at " to 421-20; Manitobu No. 2 white at. " to 451-2c; No. 3 at 44 to 441-243 and rejected at 43 to 43 l-Se per bushel, ex store. Flour -There was no change in the condition of the local flour situation, prices being steady with a fair amount, of business passing. Manitoba spring wheat patents, first at $6, second at $5.50; winter wheat patents, $5 to $5.25; straight roll. ers, $4.50 to $4.60; do., in bags, v.10 to $2.20: extras, $1.75 to $1.85. Feed-A fair business in a. small way is passing in all lines of millfeed and prices are maintained. Manitoba bran, all to $22; shorts, $25; Ontario bran, $21.50 to $22; middlings, $26 to $27; shorts, W5 to $25.50 per ton, including bags; pure grain mouille, $30 to wr, milled grades, i25 to $28 per ton. Provisions-Barrels short out mess, $22.50; half barrels do., $11.50; clear lat backs, $23; dry salt long clear backs, lie; barrels plate beef, $17.50; half barrels do., $9; compound lard, 83-4 to 9 l-4e; pure lard, 121-2 to lilo; kettle rendered, 13 to 131-20; hams, 121.2 to Mc; breakfast bacon, 14 to l5c; Windsor bacon, 15 to We; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $9.50; live, $6.50 to $0.75. Cheese-Western, 121-4 to 12 3-80. Butter-Me in routu1lota; CREW IMPRISONED. St. Vincent, B. W. I., Oct. 25.--Word titer, and urged his companiolr to abun- Jon him, as therein lay 'me only hope for his safety. Fraser heroically refused to leave him, and stayed until Cameron died. He then pushed on in search of shelter, and tinny ruched the D. D. B. ranch more dead than alive, having been 60 hours exposed to the bitter storm, without food or sleep: A relief party started out and loan! One nmn whose death " roportud “an Donald Cameron, berm-r on Aiex. Mun"). sheep rum-ll near Cypress llillu Me lmxl with him an mmpuniun an assistant mulled D. Fraser. 'llwy were in charge of a large band oi sheep on Monday " ternoon when the storm broke on them. they were unable to locate the camp. and had to abandon the sheep. Cameron Manner exhausted on the way, and Fra- ser assisted him for fifteen hours, prac- tically “urging him . great deal of the time. Fi ly (known could go no far. ther, and yre! his communion to dun- dnnlnim --. i.-S_B__.'. . m...“ u. mun-rung are coming in from the ranches following the recent storm, which wan unprecedented in fury or in the period of the {all at which it swcpt die country. One death is known to have oeuvred in the country away to the south of here, and many are fear. ed, la the herders were caught Misu- .utt-ly without warning away an the grannies. Mar, Ort. gs.-atwrh fires no sweep- ing the Bruce peninsula, practically from Southampton nad Wiarton to Tobermory, very few timber lots or farms escaping. Large unounts of eat timber, together with fences, farm buildings and pawl-e lands, are de- stroyed in "I‘m. Telephone wires are 'lown, mall staged stopped or forced to out fallen timber out of the way. The villages of Rouble Falls, Oliphant, Rest Bay and Golden Valley, which were Fast becoming summer resorts, are. only be ing saved as yet by constant efforts of the people. Even the towns of Wint- ton and Lion'g Head are 'threatened. The smoke is dense and rain appeari to be the only remedy. stories of "uttering are coming i the ranches following the recent which wan unprecedented in tur, the period of the {all at which ii die country. One death is kn have oeuvred in the country a the smith of here. and lunnv an Mlcll Destruction II the Cult! ttl Bruce and Ham) Tow-skip- BLIZZARD WAS BAD FOR MEN AND SHEEP m THE WEST. ,» Terrible March of Two Shepherds in Alberta-Fraser Sticks by Hi: Com- [union Till He Dies-Henry Martin Also Lou: Life. "ning their woods, and in some cases wen their homes, are beginning to con- trol 'rhe flames. although theum-lves worn out and fatigued by their long vig- “i and uneeasing labor. Fins haw:- been raging, too, in the vi. :inity of Deer Bay, in the vieinity of 4inith township, whore there in an m- meuse amount of pasture land, and eat. tle ttre in danger of Inning their feed burned. In Otomabee fences have been burned and the "rreMs are threatened. "But if we go," Rho added. “when we come out we will be ready to issue an- other handbill, asking citizens to compel the Hum» of Commons and the Govern. ment to do us justice.” On hearing the sentences Mrs. Punk- hurst said: "We go to prison." Her co- defendants nodded approval, and a crowded court room burst into cheering, which was not suppressed till the magic- trate ordered the room to be cleared. Miss Pankhumt had intended calling fifty witnesses, to-day, but the court declined to hear more than three. Miss Pankhurst protested that this decision was unjust, and addressed the court for an hour, declaring that she and her W Ilc "It In"! .-...m.... Burleigh, Oct. 24.--Farmers in parts of Harvey townships, after days without Utep, fighting bush fires that am threat- Drumnmnd, found guilty of distributing handhills asking the pupulau- to help them storm the House of Commons, were sentenced to find two sureties in the sum of $250 each for their good behavior fur a year and in default to suffer three month." imprisonment. Christalrel Pank. hurat. similarly charged, will sentenced to find two nureties in the sum of $125 each or go to prison for ten weeks. mmpuniuns it sentenced prison. ly upon regaining possession of its any» tom of lines in this city a rate of fare o'. seven tickets for twenty-five cents, with universal transfers and double transfers of all cross-town linen, would be put into effect. This rate of {are will also include the suburbans. The Munici- pal Tractiun Company has as yet made no official reply to the demand of the Cleveland Railway Company that the former surrender to the latter the en. tire traction system which it is now operating. People Will Get Seven Tickets For I Quarter. Cleveland, Oct. 2i.--Following a meet. ing of the board of directors of the Cleveland Railway Company touiay It was offieally announced that immediate- A petition has been filed on behalf of the lngernull-Rand Company of New Jersey, manufacturers of electrical Ip- pliances, asking that 3 receiver for the Municipal Traction Company be up pointed to liquidate the claims againat the company. Mayor Johnson says the bills will be paid and no runoiwr ap- pointed. New York, Oct, M.--The Sun has received the following cable despatch o7ai,"ai,"ii'.."7ir"ih7 ivii,itminTter police mm! Loylay Mrs. Pankhurst and Mrs. This demand was made yesterday as soon as it became definitely known that the people had rejected the three-cent hire franchise. This action was taken in accordance with a provision in the lease held by the holding company wherein it is ngreed that the property shall revert back to the owning company in the event that the franchise is not ap- proved. Mrs. Pankhuxst and Mrs, Drummond Given Three Months Each-- The Younger Suffragette Sentenced to Ten Weeks in Jail. MISS PANKHURST AND COMPAN- IONS SENT TO PRISON. Finally Iti,isiankhurst uittltiidvtl into " war weeping. FROZEN TO DEATH. CLEVELAND FARES. Medicine liat, Alta., Oct. " BUSH FIRES. SHE WEPT. would go to and found Terrible the body of Cameron when u - uh". pod md died. Three thou-and all!!!” were. drifted into my inland lakes, and only three hundred were and. The mo; of the death of Censor: - made by Witehell, whose ranch is ioeatod sixty miles south of here. He had n desperate rlde, and was in the "ddie from Wed- nesdny until last night. . -. A ad 11.. lain-rd ,,...... -u- ""Mer II Pharge of blukmlil. It two year: ago they t Charles Dunn. of waa in a hotel here by that arrest for murder in col one Ibout that the. ( rated " 81min, sad in 'eee, and " "in used talk-Tm CHARGE IS Buarautt. Robert Cohen and J. B. Rounds Ulla Arrest " WW \Vomhtovk, Oct. M.--atourt thhrett and J. B. Roundn, I county countable of Drumbo, "a under "not In: on I charge of blackmail. It In alleged that two "an --n “-- A, . - -v, ”Sail; Creek, Oct. " which tied up with tesulted iu_tiae.yetth H'nulwu ... ".7 tin, of Martin Bros, cheep n While seeking sheep Mr - to death. Driven by the norm sheep belonging to Iver Wilson we the lake and perished. Train. were stalled fourteen miles frm fur two daya pulled in after In this morning. r-- . n A n1 _'8N ”HUBER. and particularly pron-mom of its own hm this morning. Edmonton, Alberta, Oct. ooA..--The first snowstorm of the season, which nwept over the country on Tuesday and Wed. ue,ula.v of this week, my have rainfall in the death of Howard McConnell, of Iloyne Lake. Word was received in the city this morning from Saddle lake to the effect that McCain)?" left hin home on Tuesdny morning. Oct. At, to look for stock. He has not been can sittee, and is supposed to have perished . . . A,____‘_ 1:..- ”(than um... " NI. gentlemen, it has cannon than that. (Applause and laughter.) I may "II" this. however, that 'MO/ttttt wan paid for furniture. (Laughton) He dated that within the last It: or (own ware ”25.000000 ha been ex- imnded by tho C. P. R. in Vurioun under- takings. and mrtioulnI-v " A . ”OH-I. wnwn is now regarded " In. ferior in size only to the (latent Frol- lettae, he said: " recollect very du. tinctly having had, in comply with Mr. Itatttlnbur.v. a conference on g tsertain oceasfon with, I think, I committee of the Board of Trade and never“ mem. brrs of the 65tsr Council. when we dis. eusned the nubject of building this hotel, and at the time some dim“ um- -- w...“ .. to what it would Post. I men. that my limit ‘1: the city authorities and of the Board of Trade t dmnhl be as much u I hear.) Well, ttetttlrttton. i look [or nun-n. u- - -_- siaee, and is supposed to have perished in the storm. About twenty-five settlers in that district started out on Wednmo slay to search for him. U'p till noon on Friday, however, no trace had been found of the missing man. MtConnell was. about nineteen years of age. lie also promised that work on the "xtettnion of the C. P. R. lines on Van. muver Island would be pushed to Al. lrerni. Cowiehan and northward to Com- ox. On the aubjeet of Government sub. ‘idies, he said: "We do not core about Government nuhventiona. I am free to my that we would be delighted to fore. gm everything in the nature of n Govern. ment grant, it that wan adopted u I policy of the Government, but, ot course, gentlemen. we would not went to nee railway undertakings to receive such enmiderntiou while we were ignored. We Ihould be well pleased to carry out any of them, works, which we believe to he in the puhIie interest,, on well u in the interest of the Canadian Neitie Rail. way Company, without nnything in the nature of Government eminence, If the practice of giving that ttatuUtariee “I lint-ontimied by both the Dominion Ind the Provincial Governments." (M) Regarding the cost of the We“ Hotel, which is now regarded u in- ferior in size only to the Oahu Flor tense. he said: " reeotieet very as. tinetly having hnd. in compo-y with Mr. Itsttteptmr.v. a conference on 5 certain oceanion with, I think. 1 commit“. " Stolen and Substituted PM Glut Threfor. ii/,ii'riaiiio thiitur, has just been ml tented to three Indra halfuyearn‘ impri sonment in connection with the recent thefts from the paluoo. Theme thefts in- eluded the purloining of His Maiestyu medals and coins. Lehman, it is stated. went so far as to substitute pieced of glass for the jewels in the Royal crown. He also confirmed the rumor that the Atlantic Elmira-saws are ultimately dea. timd for the Pacific trade. Ott this point he said: "The establishment of our Atlantic stt'tstttsdtip linen has. demon ,itrated the faot that no route between Europe and Ameriea-Aetween Great Britain and thin continent, at any rnte--. can in any way compare or conqwto with the Canadian. With the Empire“ of Britain arriving at Quebec " 3.45 this (Thursday) afternoon, and its passeng- H“ landed in Chicago at 10 o'clock to. morrow night. we have beaten the re- cord of any steamer which ever nailed from Liverpool to New York. I make this statement because the More. of Britain and the Empres- of Ireland will prdnbiy be visitors of your. " no very distant rate, and I want you to apprec- iate them when they come.” The hanquest was perhnpi the beat in the history of the city, perfectly IP- pointed, and in every way I: great we- Hots. Sir Thomas Shaughneuy was ac- mmpanied by Mean“. William Whyte, W. D. Matthews, of Toronto, J. E. Swit- zer, chief engineer, and R. Mnrpole, trett- "ral executive, assistant. Sir Thomas thughneuy was in giant form and was cheered Again and again. lhte of the tuttutoqtttcetttettta he made mu that, beginning next week, the C. P. R. would reduce the passenger um lwtween Vancouver Ind Victoria by 20 per cent. The boats on thin service nre now the fitretit on the rout, and when joined by the Prion-m Lhrlotte, now nearing completion in England, will be unrivalled in any part of the continent. PRESIDENT OF C. P. R. 30.0“!) AT VICTORIA, B. C. Company’l Fine New mtet--Wdttetion in Ferry Rates Promired.--Atlantie Empress» to be Sent to the Pagifie --Ptmhittg Northward on Vancouver Island. Victoria, B. C., Oct. 2li.--Nearty three hundred representative either“; of Tir. turia gathered in the u. P. “In line hotel Empress here at a citizenn' bun- quet to sir Thomu Slammed-y, who authorized the eotutruetion of the hotel, tnd whose advent to the Presidency nu marked a new are: of better relation: between the C. P. R. and the city of Vic- toria, St. PetrrsburgKOct. P.--.")".',?.'..', thr CROWN JEWELS SIR THOMAS. would not wnnt to m takings to receive such while we were ignored. well pleased to carry out m‘ and "Wntativn Trade trawl-t that it ucululy in the im W" Property. tmffie for two any death of Harry Mar- ms., sheep rum-hers. pp Mirna {mun by the utorm, 21500 Iver Wilson went into shed. Trains which ecu miles from lure led in after midnight where he laid drop- aupiiiTiiii; L' I believe, rerttte. ' 8300M, white Ct,,", blimrd (Hoar, 'The result In no [hum r I?! Juli New York. The thirtvninv- t'stftos tl - are lnurod for Mr. Ilium H, ‘* by I Inbound“ plurth, Tu" 2tttt; an no longer hr im hul- ' territory eW.cd th" WW li? '~ ' "rr. l wk from infm‘mt'lvn y h I With mum" an! r", ”my ”city In the Fan C' LADIES m roams New York. Oct. 25.. Ihmtotttw N tKant chairman Mark Urdu} .m'm ind n moment in whirl: I..- an.“ the election of William I [In it', lr “Halide. Mr. Mark nnnuum-ul iii' F M showed that Mr. Mr} ',11 Il,' receive at last no: vim-Mu! m... n - than in ""el'ssAry tot " t m Mr. Ink "id..- “In addition to tho m; tot-: of t "tid 'tmath, and in this l im-lu-iu Mat land, I - eoatfident that Mr. “I'lu‘lll SN - M York. NOW Jersey. ('IHIU'I' My Balm. Montana ('uhbrmln, \.~||1. h. Nevada. Indiana. "hio. lh-InuJ' a” lid “HUI Ihtkot:t tt total of 'l W. Att oeer the country tlicre " “ Cl " to so par will, Iran: I Tiiiiet Tote of "NM to Mr. Bryan, [hula Vein, But Have I) In Britain. ed, and apparently about to .i:. "can of an accident mar Pct (OI. Ned-Ion was hum-Min; pou," When the chain Mob. 3 load of logs to trtrike H... “a, Htthttr, innit‘tod terrill " Grande, Oregon. UN, 2.3 Sedan, . ningh- man, t-laii, route In his home, and in tin of the Grinds Ronde Lum! my only I short time. ho-~ Gnlk We "mips-tttl lust,. OE!" crushed and his uralp i, I”, Ort. 2.L Mn. Witutmt aw l... quickly given pram tlttt " i. W to dimharw, [hr public duties that {all to t" lot oi the Wile d D Clam Mitftster by owning . “I [I Md ot the work ot ilu, "roms. in Soul’s", with a mutt mm “new“ my delivered. ‘lm. um. her 'eeviot" "manner on the plullorm " m and Munchwlcr Junk. lu-r “the won-n ornlun “I tlt,, [Awful trey. -- _ _ Andrew Nelson, of Tomato, fatal lr ihrt I. the Woods. I. Witt " Iuily, Say: Chairman of Committee. - Mrs. Lloyd"leorge I~ Mn. t, pttitkt't in the public "ye. Mn, ed All Cadence. oompuq-d bit when of the Welsh ml...“ don, gathered to Wilma» Inf-1. the [Mn alone ot a nu- by delivering n npegwh in \h-H. aaa, wetG pebple an- ""|‘I'\I they I‘ve I Welsh chapel mu... she chewed. [My (have, Mm. Harcourt, my Bttrtott and Mrs. Wulttu are other Ministers' my.“ spoken on tige_public planar" Fatal Accident o. Railway West of Port Arthnr. Little Current, Oet. 25.711.» slum-r Iroquois trom Liuh- t. to antler, Went on a rock on Sal morning near mum. Mills “Mil. my manly (In; 3de m tltr io; 'tttWe. She In“; over until 11.. We deck in under water, cook stove and lanterns: Were upw not fim to the boat. J. & ti. Hm mg, Fraser, working on a hmml by, heard the signals of dir,tre, can and picked up the [mun-hm! (aw. who had taken to the m.- Three lug» of mail Wtts all 11...: lured. The [magnum-re In“: Hm! M and the crew vn-rylluing 1hr; OI board. The slimmer wu~ ll w' @vorthy boat and In-Iunm.-.I ltr "Mn. Asquith, the 'Pr,-,-, the central figure in a curl.- locum] “d brilliant minds. M; in greatly intercom in tlte on," of the \Vollen'u Lilwrul AV lady “magma takew a [mum both In polities and swirl), " Marjory ”It'll", who tgas ll politics by her mother, th" n. Aberdeen, made ber first pub] in her schoolgirl days. Toronto, Ort. M.---Witliarn IL 'l um of 98 Milli-em tstreet, an Ellyn” who In. been in Toronto for but " si time, Ind both " leg- llllplllnlmi til. Miehart's Hospital yesterday .'ts " unit of being run over by n Mic-v1 an Queen amt, he“ Sunnyvaido. m by evening. Just eGetly how the 'uwideut Ire rtarrvd is not clear. but it uplwuh my Trotter Attempted to board (hr Ito we” of n Queen street car tts it Ut moving out from the "Y" n (hr NIH“) Il'de and of the line. The can had tr, gono half a length when Mann-um Charles Donnelly, feeling the our Jul! immediately shut off the power. Tr, let was found lying on the tun-k ju, behind the rear truck. "in lug-i wet almost oompletol.v seven-d. Dr. Ur who was hurriedly summoned, alanine! ed the flow ot blood and had the u juled mu removed to Flt. Michael', 1 an ”ulna-nap. but night Trotter M.t reported to have come through tlu. .., eration well, but hi- condilion i, Irl wrioun. He him a wife and child.- in Enghnd. In On I Iteek Near Spanish Mills II the Fog. Port Arthur, (M. 25.- An i-vt-ll freight in the C. N. R. Wau- dcrisil,., ty mill-u was! of here yew-run) Mn. and Engine” Mum “an killed m. fireman an badly injun-d. Mum caught between the engine and my " when it left the mils and "ite. I ed to death. The fireman had m broken and w“ I'M) badly M Both men raided here. The dam. the rolling stock Wu not seriou- si mum Willia- Tretter Fell Under IROQUOIS BURNED. ENGINEER KILLED. DYING IN OREGON. LEGS COT OFF. LaarDttuirirrFoit BRYAN Lhtte (knoll! Wheels of a Car. I J. Brynn I mammal that tr. Brynn " smural \u-Im ary for a ch, Mt6 vote, of I inrlude M It Mr. "nan Jenny. Cotto Manda. Not Ohio. "tslats " I total of 'err , M Iki t (In-right. My we nu lam. tying a rti. Syd. Invin- m have wif l mud. Hum“ mm. "atiem. “PM i I‘d, ned ta ttetts a xv...“ the! link-g PM“ lined MN. It um th the 1nd sit. "I " .-- THE SI g IN TI --- don rado trip th be W " tri tr, we fro V011 M He H lr2 P2

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