West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Oct 1908, p. 4

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30 'i'??. gmmmmmsmmmmmmmgg i,? Taylor & tha., Dromore iil "'.eB-8rt'Fa - 't _ _ a , y t .' "J / .. l M- NO NA _ 1 " 00min ' ,- NI 1:: dot o 5 r _ I ll 3 ti G? i..? mo i i; - , f"?, 3 S' Ar, tkt,',' " l _ f ' t (z ' -6 (ii') 2 - y,Cfi' tin . ".'e " "-?. on . tri; "/52 _" fm a; n Cj/s')" all ",U' 4' HA3 If OH . ”Limb Pt ". , NS " , r,trst,to,vttrrtlivi,mtitt1 4 w,ryplyyt.ioyl I'mwm I Il 'il ll I I. ttrt' all blo L; \HV'MIUZ ‘HUDL .' rbrwrt ran" " rum, k. rally. an I t HFIy you: 3 " ---:4-r “$13!. " P 'trn t, you“ if “:15th y 'r' Hm 'n !.r:\. " .u' .y lrnn-y " “'.90, No In lnr wh, i. E;okl Fres ' h--(.th ,1 " NAMZ‘S‘ US! “J "n ha'm ' r x .2"<:'up¢1 _ z rREE FOR MQMY. Tl {3.759 31; _,;i?,ii.rii,vji',,liill)00Ell.E (HIRED '.07,t "s'" "I ' , lt 'l v1 Mn" ”me you lost hope? Are you intendingtomnrry! Has 'rr'i,'1b, ,t, , ' i,), wt lawn dwenwd’! Have you any weakness" our new Mryriy n , l , FF ‘.-.x.- mu 1ustuhasdonetoiotheriitni" do for you. Column-lion I ,... v,, I i', " -- n.» Inn mam] 1m. write for an honest opinion Fro. of Chan. f? an. he: ,. . rv,lvlcts)louitor," J"2tr'lle'lf'dk" Dime! Men. I”) y '. "Q USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No name- "r2 '. x~n . ' . ' mu. Evorrthing eoetgidmttiU. Ovation tut and Goqt of Tnatmuxt Lit', F. FOR n Mk; TthTMENT. F. RS. Fowl, Dead or Alive iii “(11*\Zr'§7\ 331' ',rtJr"ea/er1"ll'ce'l"'Jt 'y'l'l'r"'a'il'araTt'ca'iiciii" (Elba-1s; HAS TOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? iris"" ga'vle' a in; "stilir of both 2 and 3 ply in all colors to choose from. You will find that our yarns are spun even- er and will knit nicer than any other yarn you can buy. They art made by the same {in}: and We have a great stock of all the different weights and sizes in white, grey and checked and every pair at as low a price as you will pay for an inferior Blanket. We handle the celebrated Grant Blankets made by the Chesley Woollen Mills. They are known all over Ontario as the finest blan- kets in the market. They are made from pure wool and have not an ounce of shoddy in them. Therefore when washed they don't turn hard like most blankets but retain their softness un- til worn out. which we are selling at special prices. HEAVY TWEEDS, FLAN- NELS AND SHEETINGS PURE WOOL BLANKETS S. F .MORLOCK Ji. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. 't NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Gcrt.tined to His Home for Weeks. 'ure Wool Yarns We also carry in stock a fine line of >519 are the moat prevalent and most ”flout disc-us. They-pm. very viwxim and unless and”? "adieated from the Iystem will cause serious Beware of Mercury. 1 only luppreuel the tsymptom.- our NEW all "loort (Hume; ”HUM“. MW.“ 1ri5id,'ag,t,'n,l to" or later excesses ham broken mu You teel the Brmp ms swung over is“. Mentally phyal- y you are not the man you med to be or would . Will you eed the money. I (‘UHIHICIIUW W lull-t urn. we uwuv-- - .---.- VV_.VV of, rngues. Una day my be. uked me why I we: ott work In much and I will him my eauiition. He edvleed me to cannula Dre. Kennedy & Kennedy, as he had teken treatment from them himself And - I they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tn: leMl'rnon , Tunney-r. My progress we: eomewhev. slow end during the nut. ti mwmh‘s treatment. I was somewhat. dirwourttged. However. 1 con- '.. tlnuwl trewment for mm months longer em! was rewarded with a I ': I'v-lnplele cure. lcould only eern 812- week in a machine shop be- l fore treatment, now_l em arguing“!!! YY. It'." loee e day. 1 Mel: CASH AND ONE PRICE. "rhtnvy work, severe straining undevll Rubia In {and} brought. on . dunnle varicocele. When I worked hard the It i."t would become sen-9m and In” often laid up for s week It at me. My 2r2 . _ - ___-s-- m-.. _.. ”an hawk." I (hm-mu! I lhyswian ml 1 me In operation w” my only 1h'l'taw, 1 dreaded u. i trirrrl several specialists. but soon fuund out a the! waned In: my money. Ieomrueueed to look upon Ml doctors " Hue better dun ._ L” -- A. L... “-5-.. m- - I “a " work m much and rd the Aching would become y week " at me. My hupily only Irtd,"f, l drended It. d out ll the; guy! wu_my Fine {all but min needed v1ei,',lit Tonight Mend“ the 26th Oct. 1 an the tale of who is deem. The min on Sunday lat dilitt't amountto much onlv it cleared the The Rev. Mr Gilchrist of Toronto. who Tttgf in the Pmbyterhn Charo hm during the put two Sobhnthl lea for Toronto on this Mon. day margin; train. - Mr 1iltshrlyt is an excellent ont,",',',,": The Rev. Mr Sinclslr Toronto. will preach non Sunday. The Pastor Rev. Mr Mutbeson is enjoying his holidays down In the Country of his birth in Nova Scale and will be back in less than two weeks to resume his work spin in this plsoe. The Rev. Mr Berry of the Methodist Church here we are sorry to say is laid up for the last couple of weeks with sciatica and was unable to at- tend to his pastoral duties for the last two Sundays but we hope the Ber. gentleman will be allright again The sick people are getting some- what better. Mr. John MoKinnon who had a severe Attack lately is able to be around 3min. Mus Maggie McDonald. daughter of Duncan McDonald of D. Road, Glenelz. who is in Detroit is laid up with typhoid. Latest accounts she was doing fairly well. Her mother left to be near her bedside I week ago. We sincerely hops this young lady will won recover and beable to come home for a time. As was seen in last week's Review apainful accident ha pened to Mr. Robt Fisher of the S. Kine. Glenelg. eta threshing " Mr. B. Harttord’s. We are pleased to see that good hopes are now held out by his attending physician. Dr Dixon of his recov err. Although " the time of the accid ent grave doubts were entertained of his recovery but by careful attention we hope to see him well again. His head, neck and throat are effected and skull slightlv fractured and is yet lying " Mr IIartford's and wiil be for some time. He receives the best ot care and kindness from Mr. and Mrs Hartford as well as from other friends, for everybody who knows Bob hasadeep feeling of sym- pathy towards him, Mr John McLean of Top Clie who wulaid up tor some time with a sev- ere cold is able to be about again. Mr D Graham of this place received intelligence thathis son Donald is laid up with pneumonia and other ailments in the hoyital where he was mining near anconver. We hope to hear of Donnie being well again soon. Miss Binnie is engaged. again in Top Cliff School " an advanced salary for 1909. We Are pleased to see Dr and Mrs Dixon back again after spending five or six weeks in the Wart. They en- joyed their trip well in the prairie country. A new station muster in here again only for a. time. Two young ladies were initiated into the Workman Order one evening last week by Miss Makes and Miss Ferguson both of Priceville. Any- thing the ladies take an interest in is sure to be a success and we have no doubt but Priceville Lodge 140 will be progressing Well in future. There are new four young ladies joined and it breaks the ice tor others to go and do likewise. Mr and Mrs Thaw Young and fam ily visited over the week end with Mrs Young’s parents at Chesley. Mrs Henderson spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter. Mrs It. Morice on the 2nd Con. Miss Rebecca Nichol visited her cousins, Misses L. and R. Park, of Csrlsruhe, last week. Miss Lizzie Park accompanied her home and spent a few days very plesisantly. Mr A. Anderson and Mr M. Byers took in the Political Concert in Han. over last Tuesday night. Mr 1%.]. Ballspem Monday night last with his brother-in-law, Mr W. Geddes. Mr Ball’s meeting " the school was well attended. a. number of ladies being present. A number trom our neighborhood attended the Nomination in Durham on Monday loot. Mr L. Miller is building an addition to bus house which will make it more convenient and also add to its appear- ance. Rev Thos. Leonard visited his sis- ter, Mrs W. Geddes, lately. Mrs Robinson and Miss Maris Rob- inson. who have spent the last year and a halt at De Tour, Michigan. visited over Sunday at the old home- stead with Mr and Mrs David Robin- Mr C. Schenk is kept busy futhtintt fir" in his swamp lately. On Sunday morning last there was $11M an excitement along the line. no of Mr James White's horses had fallen into an old well, some thirty teat deep. The frantic struggles of the snimal tore away the rotten crib- bing making it unsafe tor anyone to descend. so nothing could be done nghough quite Wrowd had gather- e . Miss Leeson visited over the week and with her psrenu in Mt Forest. Mrs C. Fnrzman spout Sunday last with her mother, Mn Muir. The Dmmore Branch ot Wotnents Itytltrutt "11' meanest Jfetitteasdtsr, after-noon Nov. 4th at the home of hits The. Brown. thte to be dig- cussed no t Games " house Imme- ments for the young; Thnnkagiving for prgapenly nun welfgre qt our [any in being prepared. Eifiiaia we named totitteitd. for I',r,'t'ht,', and welfare ot Dom fofttXtnttaaitttt. Aggogi Priceville Iiampden Dromore. THE DURHAM REVIEW It Peter Hater arrived from the Went lent Marduk m and Mn Litter lone for orth Keppel on Fridey and will leave tor the West in e couple of weeks. Mr and In Bury Sterne arrived " the home of his father on Batarday Eugen» stayed till Tuesdny bu In no intends Buying 3 couple of months. Summon: was dispensed in Amo Sunduy morning. Preeottttmutiot' service '18 conducted Friday morn- ing by the Rev, Geo. King, Holstein. It was with much sadness that the people of Amos heard the sad news ot Mrs Allen's sudden death Sunday morning. She got up s little early intending to co .to church, when death came so suddenly. Much sympsthy is felt for the bereaved husband and family. 1suriu Letter. who bu been in Micah: the put yen came home 113 week. Well the trrxsat' race is over and pleased We were to hear that Miller tstunt' in so far ahead of Ball. To quickly check . sold. 11:11qu He duenFipg awry-when. I clove: Candy Cold Cure Tablet clad Prevention. Prevention m the 11ne to: lend“: ehildtett, Thee mung“ " up. gnesze iiiiicii.iiii,Titig "iii%Mi.' "§6i"'ox -g6-2r,c, MI by R. Mertriane. In the Surryate Court of the County of Grey, n the Matter of the Estate of Frederick Faw late of the Town. ship of Glenelg in the County of Grey, farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897 Cap. 129 Sec. 38 and Amending Acts, that all persons hav. ing claims against the estate of the said Frederick Faw, who died on or about the twentydifth day of July A. D, 1908, are required to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to J. P. Telford, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 7th day of November A. D. 1908, their names, addresses and descriptions, and a iull statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said last mentioned day the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 13th day of October A. D. 1908, J. P. TELFORD of Durham P. o. Solicitor for the executors To make lure of getting n thorough Engines: or Shortth training is to attend the (British Canadian Bus. College l Cor, Yonge & Bloor Sta. v -- OWEN SOUND. Ont It kids. 8 eiap.ipermrtmertt for those whose any edgeuuon has been neglected. In- tonnatlon tree to my Bddreats. C. A. FLEMING. Principal, Owen Sound to $150,000 per annum in nilwny service. You can become a good opcntor in 6 months if you ““3 inT e Central Telegnphy school 3 Gem St. E., Toronto. The tinest Schooi n Condo. Write tor partleulam. w. H. SHAW, Prel. T.J.JOHNSTON. Prin Telegraphy Increase your Salary! . Proper prepartion does It. Attend And the time to commence is right now. One hundred and one students from ot her Business Colleges hsve ttttrg2etdr this (‘01- Mlle wlthitt one yen. w " does this grove? We give the beat. Nothing else woul saus- tr us-tsowing else should satiny. All Wit, unte- readily secure employment. 'rite tor analogues. w. J,ELL10TT, Cor. Yonge & Alexander ' Principal Gregg stsorttttuy' SITUATIONS l. Loose Leaf Ledger Walkerton Bus. College THREE corRsEs.--stcttognxph.v, Cour much]. Telegrtsyti.v, Enteflny day. Write tor particulars nu Term from September lat NOTICE TO CREDITORS. and in placing All its graduates Each student is taught tseparate- ly " " own deck. Trial lessons fer one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, tornamental Writing, Business College W. T. CLANCY Principal. Day and Night Clan". BEST BUSINESS TRAINING. TORONTO. ONT. with leading business houses mum our graham. and Bll the modern onlcc methods which ensure rapid advancement. - v __ - taught by the only When in Ontario who attended the Author's School. ' MT. FOREST The ONLY Way GEO SPOTTON. Principal at reasonable prices Start any time. ELLIOTT #03023 Is the firgt nap towards positions wring)?! “5000‘. To Neil MeCANNEL. Esqu Returning otBeer, South Grey, and L) whom else it may concem t Durham. Oct. 19th. 19tB. I, Robert Jumes Ball, . candida.“ fot the itgtt,g"do?, of South Grey, in the E action to be held on 26th October, 1008, hereby appomt Milton Leonard Bail, of the Town of Hanover. to be my Financial Agent for the aid Electxoil of Hanover. in the bounty on ‘0-.. Estate Agent. a candidate at the Election now about to he held ofa member to represent the Electoral district ofSouth Grey, in the Home of Commons of Canada. hereby sp- Boint John H. Hunter. ot the Town of urhnm. in the Countv of Grey. mer- chant, my oftieitsl agent for the pur- poses of the said Election. Dated at Hanover. this twelfth day of October. A. D, 1008. The Advance had an interesting visit on Thursday and Friday of last week trom a valued old friend, in the person ot Mr Joe Townsend, the founder of the Durham Review. When we first knew Mr Townsend 82 years ago. he was publishing the Orangeville Daily Liver. tiser in partnership with Fisher Monroe. After a year of experience in this line the partnership was dissolved and Mr Town- send came to Dundalk and started the Guide, which lasted only one year. when the plant was taken to Durham in 1878 and the Review started. which has had a Bourislting career ever since. Mr Townsend was seven years Wllll the pa.- per, when he moved to Toronto. He is at present lisiug with a mariied daughter at tiumusetwille, near Totonto. One of the reasons why we value le, friendship is became " edi' r learned his trade with Mr Tow; ad in those early days, and other. probably more ‘ Important reasons. are embodied in the following article that appeared in Satur- day Night last spring with " photo. graph. $6 A man who has given all the years of his life to the uuselihstt pursuit of a hobby which increases the sum of human knowledge, is Mr Townsend. whose picture is given here. Mr Towns- end used to publish the Dundulk Guide and the Grey [knew in Durham. but even in those days he used to spend ev- ery possible moment on his hobby-- searching for fossils. For half a cent- ury he has carried hammer and chisel and has lramped in all corners ct On- taiio tapping the rocks,oollecting and labeling his finds, When he enters a quarry or a river bed he is oblivious to all but his pursuit of geological speci- mens until he discovers. With asigh. that daikness has fallen and to liiithes continue his labors might cause him to destroy some valuable specimen that he or another might secure another day. Linear-y Ho.rty Thousands of the fossils that Mr Townsend has collected are in the Geo- logical Survey at. Utlawa and in the col- leolions of Toronto and McGill U Divers- ities, It is perhaps fair to any that no other man in Canada has done such a vast amount of poi-90ml collecting. cud nearly all this work he hasdcne in half neentury of discouragement and person- alcolleetlurg, uni newly all thin. work he has done in half a century of dia- oomagement and personal loss A man more entireiy wr,elfisk in all respncta it would behind to 11ml. Daring the past couple of you» the nunhonlies of the University of Toronto. reeeeuizing Isis bthty as a p, 1llcwtor, h ave sent him out on rummcr trips, once down East and uct out to the Western provuusets-tt9d these missions he ins regarded as the great opportunities ot his life. But his lifetime "srvieos have in no way heen recognized or rewarded. nltbough I feel sure many who know the man's simple- minded devotion to his speciality and his ill-requited labors. wilt any that the country might, through the Geological Survey. grant him a pension, or offer him such nu tippoitutttettt as would en- able him to devo'e his remaining days to the work in whim be is so expcrieue. ed While hem Mr Townsend visited Ea. gems in his bt oifieial " ettpaeity.--Ples1r ertou Ad Vance. Stop That Cold IN NEW QUARTERS To chad: on]; eoldst or Grimm with "Preventiel" means surn do tatt for Pneumonia. To stop s cold with t'rcrvtttiet, is Phl " than to M. it run we! I). obliged tux-um it arm-nvurds. To be sure. pm. vemics will cure uu-n a dreplr waved cold. but nah!) early-at the s'w-v-‘ze stage-thes break. or Hermon them varlymt-Is. That'. surely beau. 'httt'g why they pre mHud Panama. Pruventirsnm little ('nme Cold Cures. No Quin- ine. no physio. nothing sickening. Nice tor the children-ttttd thorsuth'a. safe too. lf you feel hilly. If you RIP-1‘0. u ynu ache all over. think ot grew-hues. Premium»; may also save halt your mullicknbss. And den“ forget your child. it therein teverishtietis, nightur dar. Heroin prob. bl! liea Prevvntivv' prwatvsc ettiGmer. Mld In k"h,'iiig'is mg “MM. also in 'di"re boxes ot " venues. must. on your dmzzisu [Winn you The REVIEW. We. to Jan, Is} to New Subscribers. Order After two years in business in Durham I thank heartily the many farmers and others who haveiavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I will in the future huve have pleasure in meeting in more commodious (intimate. all my old triends and trust may new ones. Promptnesa and fair deal. ing will continue to be my motto. Yourefor busineu. hiyeitits it for that friend ik ”LEW An Interesting Visitor. McIntivre Bank-Lambton St. Bare " and Bell's oldund Sold try MacFarlane and Co. Financial Agents J No. Roman Junie BALL. .LAIDLAW. Witness. 'Horton Miller of the'l‘own er, in the County of Grey. Rent. a candidate " the 10w about to he held ofa to represent the Electoral Rnlllh Grev. in the fLPtf CARD 0F THANKS - -" _ ll, H. MILLER, MILLS. Witnesu. . McLellan. What shout it! Have your se- cured it yet? If not. we invite you to call and see our futtt assortment of trimmed hesdwesrin every desirable new style and shape. We make s specisl point of keeping our displsy ipteiate and attractive. sod becom- ing in every detail. Here sre m ev- idence all the lcsdmg styles and colors in Millinery tor {all and winter alsos. f1ne selection of black hats and mourning goods. ”Rina; make a visit to our show rooms: we are glad to show you the goods and try to please Qfi' you wil- be delighted with the utiful dis- play coupled with the reasonable pnces. Parisian Millinery Co. MISS DICK, Proprietor The elections are over. The right man is elected for South Grey. The right man is still selling Hard. ware in Darham in ths same old stand, to the same old customers and in the same old way. The days are getting shorter and the nights getting longer. Make your home attractive and comfortable by buying one of our Fancy Lamps. We have an immense stock of Lanterns, suitable tof every Tell',',': No man should drive at nig t with.. out having one of our Dash Lanterns. You can suit your taste in Guns and Ammunition at our store. Cheaper than the cheapest. Furs are likely to be valuable a little later in the season. Buy one of our Mink Traps and get among the lucky ones. No kitchen is complete without one of our Meat Choppers. A great variety to choose trod. Prescription ointers In Plow Lines, Trace Chains Sweat Fade. Plow Harness and Halt- gm. you have a selection to choose tom. We have a number of Riveting Himmers at 2Sc each, worth $r.oo. Bedonntorterr..... ..........V, workmen large 11-1 the Illnneiette blame“, tt.26 . [lit Iadieg tall and will: er vests And drawers 25c up' ladies' bllck sateen uncersklm 81.00 &1.75en. J,eitt'Ery,8ruuscitiitoTCC.T.r..C.TCiifir'i'rt, Child's wane wool boa. Me, 50c. sud 65c, each HE SELX s cd'aAht.'r Block, Durham Cheque Table cox-en 6 4 are THE MI 4 ---------- Men's Cums“ “chm " 01.00, 1,25& 1.ro each Gold decanted t piece glass table new. Sum-nu Hun. 30-60 " " 7pieee “Mae: sets ir.iiCi'i'r.'.'2'i"ti' Lunps. all sizes. from 25c up he 08.25 each: Also trlaaa Berry Bowls, cake plates. water pitchers, etc. cm nad See Us W. ti. BEAN Gun’s Drug Store seeour2setutagoeDre" Goods Your New Winter lilat I It s customary for every Druuist to claim to be "but" in prescription work. Good claim but we can't all behest. Thil store claims ability, ca. pability. facility and acorn" plete stock of drugs. Have you a piano in your Home ? We have the goods, the equip- ment, the experience which is at your service. If not why not one ofour Bell’s P We can give you the beat inatru. ment Ind make you the best tem. One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof. 'e,'told and Prat-omega excel. ent. John McQueen HARDWARE W. Black West of Iidda‘ugh House new “the ytrii6p,ixiiic' i, ” 1.15 ea 33.00 Come and we tho. Jammy why/a]. 0010333 27, 1908 A new link is addu day to the endless t customer: we have who Wexford Wave :1 very ft Funeral Directors and Undertaker: Embalming a Specialty. C. McMILLAN & " When Chica tt was a Hamlet " In phin Fnboric iinish is - attractive product of aker's ari an M,ellt"e' for ladies um. It is excellent in quality, with in Its appearance plug. in; in its writing surface and is Pf up in the forrect sizes for a certain stand in carrying on a most M reputable business "t he cbrnspondcucc Also a first-clay Ladies' and Gent ands. in the same stand dud for honest qua ii still maintained m SrmnfGr/am, d a): C. MCARTHUR THE OLD STAN at its former gm putatiou for Wexford Wove Druggists and Groceries Flour, Feed. Seeds' Fruits, confectiony We wtsh to thank our custo' lien tor three years prosperous basin-sand to say in changing out "tstent of doing business. (to. credit to cash, we hope to b C we satisfactory busine“ tubal: oetmeéves and our cus- “an. Constantly on hand " our Prieeville Establishment, a lull nod varied stuck (4 Fun- eral applies. All calls, either m promptly attended MATTHEWS a LATIMER curt Imperial Groceries Dry Goods & Footwear DEALERS Prieeviile. .... .... '. P. R511." Itslt i. the uft of the ed 70 e Chaim l m for inc line. ': NOW 2mm of visiting inn]. nestle m w: hle and none "

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