West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Oct 1908, p. 5

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in” [afar/arm of Ca} 'd? and no - 'ur Jfatl'onny er mr. Feed, Seeds 1its, confection! t1miATTHEt" b LATIMER MILLAN I CT,- rrrm LBW!” . 'hen Chica o S a. Hamlet" {Oceries xford w a. ft," h BER " Ma Groceries Dry Goods & Footwear te Pricevillc. nk is added "ll , endless that“ re have Itle Mr, h .... 1,: Directors 'i,' ndertakcrs :ellent in “I”, , appeal!!!“ pl“: riting and“? “a is .... aboric iiaieh, 1. the tive proNet d m b' art and in the adies use. 1: correct nderree. \LliRS IN A RTHUR a very 'udiiGi 'get' Hunk chew 'Y years p to say in cm t' doing I)“ l cash, '03: :isfactofy Ives and on! c. mperial. "if, class ”no. 0' ents' “this. glhpia’. I in Durham w. t respectabkud r night ox any Ided to. hand It our 'srrlistttgMItt, . stock of PM Book Scum , has look no. ducal, none- integrity. A nd :he same stal- ality in not tt ove . size. I; NOW Hi 'sit (p. :gr; " 9d It J)., wMfifi _',"iriri'iiiti',iitritha,pi,Wtstt Broke", a? FALL GOODS iiiii Are now arriving and we are cleaning oat a few 33% odd lines at a low price. iiiiii' f1iii.iii'"tffi:iiifiifii (fl ROBERT BURNETT l ('tiiraw.waisriaiaaraiaisi, (i: iiggi.igilittteiliiiiilliiailEalell" IiailE6iIllIlili I WOquONO-O“W” t Most People are Talking Politics t E LOert huntingjpr yonrtall sqit remember .tht wolrke?ttreh t Garafraxa St. Near the Bridge l ouWno-ooouuo Mere you are " welcome to look as trar. THE PE0PLE'S STORE .. .. . No matter what your use or your Regent Cl9fl1ipg taste may be-no ttttttter how much or how lmlc'you desire to pay, you are sure to find aomo'hing in the Regent line that will satisty you fully. In the shoe line we have the Imperial Brand which is equal to any and betterithan many. For a working shoe we have the Maple Leaf brand or the Sterling Brand. Lid for Butler and Eggs. We are here to stay and, for the next 60 days we will show tho people what we mean. We are supreme. We run no junk shop grocery store but a pure, unadulterated Drug Store. Drugs J.A. DARLING, Chemist and Druggist but we are at Our stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers is composed of the best makes and we are selling them at the lowest prices. SNAPS IN MEN'S GLOVES. With the advent of the Fall Season, accompanied as it will be by rain and sloppy weather, many doctor's bills can be saved by providing yourself with proper footwear. Ladies' Winter Coats now on Display. ll KI. I Izr."|‘ Highest Prices for Produce-Cash or Trade. DARLING'S DRUG STORE THOS. McGRATH, RUBBERS Let us Save You Open Night and Day. Pue Paris Green, Me lb. present busily engaged talking Clofhing Shoes & all pertaining to:Drug business at'eut.'rate prices BRWERACE BlMPANY REPAIRING AS USPA2 Musa itttiiiiiik'sglb,) ousands of satisfied buyers that attended our last Merchandise Brokers' Sale. r of the Sale respectfully requests a prompt report of any unsatisfactory transac wee concerned ended in tsotuiderable enthneiuln. The Friday night meet. ing celled by Mr Bell‘s committee oetenelhly to accept Mr Miller's challenge wee well attended even to the crowding of the hall. Mr Wat Leldlew wee cheirman and the nudience mixed, with, of course. a. preponderance of Conservatives. Mr Bell was fortified by the pres- ence ot I. B. Lucas. M. P. P., and on the request for champions at H. H. Miller's cause, Messrs Wm Calder and 0. Banana pl omptly resyonded. Mr Bell led off touching on a ew con- troversial ttet but tsllinz back as usual on t e cry of scandal and the salary grab. Re was followed by Mr Ramsge who corrected him at several {mints and presented the suecesstu record of Laurier adminis- tration especially in the Post Oifiee department. He dealt also with the North Atlantic Trading Co. agree- ment. There was manifested at flrat a disposition to refuse a hearing, but as he progressed there was nothing to tsoglplaitt ?.t.. -- _ . . The brilliant Markdale lawyer followed and of course the former speaker became the target for cheap allies in the patronizing style of the bantering lawyer to an opposing wit. ness. His relianceon t esetodraw a laugh was evident, but the con- stant iteration ”Isn’t that so? Mr Ramege,” " You agree to that? Mr Calder," "Don't you thinkao? Mr Ramage " became tiresome to his audience especially as they were followed in many cases by unblush- ing falsehoods, " Mr Ramage agrees to that." ta. &c. For a distinguish- ed lawyer to take his speech largely trom campaign literature was a dis- appointment that his antics couldn‘t atone for. Mr Ramage would have liked to have had a return word or two but the partizan chairman was against it. The chairman, however allowed Mr Lucas to exceed his time in spite of protests from the audience', It had been arranged that Mr Lucas was to have 10 minutes to reply to Mr Calder, bat as the lawyer sat down he said " go on Mr Calder I won't askto reply," apparently a generous action, but interpreted by many to mean " go home now I am through." Certain it is that when Calder rose the audience was about to make for the door, bat his voice and attitude restrained many of the Conservatives and most ot Liberals who for about 10 or 15 minutes saw Mr Lucas made to wince from the tsledtttsharnrntsr blows of the mayor. Mr Lucas had Mott the tory can]. paign book at Mr Calder with advice to post himself from its contents. Calder kept it till on his feet and at a prodper moment fittntt it back to him, an senta grit one after it, and the audience cheered to the echo. The ampajgn ysf.ar as Qurhgp: The meeting ended with a strong Miller feeling, which helped to fill the hall to over flowinq again on SATURDAY EVENING. This, the last of campaign, was enthusiastically Miller. Mayor Cal. der was chairman. and Dr Tay'or and Miller speakers. The former made an excellent summarv at Lusrierlegislation. He is a con- vincing speaker and was listened to closely. Mr Miller took up the “scandals tt voiced the previous night and dealt with them vigorous- ly. Referring to the blaffing bill calling him to the Friday meeting, he detailed its history as the Ravmw had itlalt week and said the man responsible for that hill "should get astring and ciilay horse It or " put on petticoats an make mad pies " Mr Miller spoke as clearly as ever, though the strenuous lite, broken sleep. tu., was having its chat and he might well be tired. He ended by an appeal for every vote to be polled on the coming Monday. - Cheers for King and candidate and the last meeting ot the, campaign was over. A 1'l',1N'/2l%'"f/i' Hi rnuwu ulluu um- -ux was at Dr. hoopU l'lnk mm "bletti. Ask you] Doctor or Drugglst it this formula is not com- plete. Read pains. womnnly puns. pain any- where get haunt rel let from I Pink Pain Tablet Sold by R. Merarune. A. plyist macs! Pl?.? 1* IEiete,yp?.t. "et $232: Echoes of the Campaign. Y. M. C. A. Building. Toronto For the but. attention " the best results In business sud manhunt] training. Enter any time. "ttti free. T. . WATSON, Princlch ATT HE D 33mm “1mg; @2331? TORONTO iiiiiiiiiibs comm: The New Millinery Parlors We hare, recently opened up Millin- ta Bhomoome In town above A. B. unter‘e Herdwnre and announce to the Indie: of Durham end vicinity that we hue e mingle“ gtoek of up- to-deu millinery en give outstation. Witt, en experienced trimmer in charge. we no Confident of giving ent- isfnction to all. Call and see our dis- plttr. . __ A- _A._:._ :_ nus-.. "Eason, given to pupill in China painting, oil: and water colors It mod. erate rates. Miss Bugg Grand Stock of Watches, can”, Lockets, locum Brooches, Stick Plus, Bracelets, Bat Plan, mm rotra, Men's to», Cu! Links. New Fall Goods At Keeler's Solid Gold 'ure-En" values in Diamondmingn. Pearl ring. Wedding Rings. Engagement Rxngl. Signet Binge, Birthday Rings. Hundreds to choose from. . Silverware-Extra large stock of high class Silverware just Ieceived at. owest prices. line 'tentre-ou-r' Mr. Cameron has charge ot the Repairing Depart- ment an comes highly recommended having had large ex rience on line watches, clocks and 1',"i"ifff, Bat. isfaction guaranteed. R B.Keeler & Sons Wntctumurers, Jewellers, Opticians and Engravers. Shqwn here Ire a great m.any. that will be lust your idea 0 what Is right. The variety of styles is so great that there's not a man living that we cannot please. _ . - . Amongst our newest styles arc a fine assortment of Plaid Shirts These Shirts arc purc fianncllcttc. cn. tirely new and attractive looking and will stand twice the wear of an ordinary shirt. On display in our window this week '. Be sure and sec them and select your tartan. Harry Burnett in thc following tartans: McGregor, McDonald, McIntyre. Grant, Graham, McFaydcn, Campbcil, Stewart, Mcln. nes, ___ 7 - 7_ Gents Tailor and Furnisher. Durham Would he a. great bargain. So are the following properties at the prices asked t 100 acres. Durham Road. Bentlnck. Good dwelling, frame bunk harm good soil. Convenient location. only $2500. Macros. G1trrteltt--t1ne bank btuat-- good frame "euintr--other' good improvements, only $3120. 40 acres Garden Land. Durham Road Bentinck. 81.1” A map. 250 acres on Goran-axe. Road-fine 'pg1tt,it good tenoee. good soil. To quic buyer at $0500. 100 acres. Bentittttir,--owner in west. price $2700. Buildings worth the ittoney-Utrm for nothing. Lots of other groper? for sale. lo- ney to Len All k m1: of bust. ness attended to. H. H. MILLER. A Dollar for Over Huntel‘s Hardware Store. The Hanover Conveyancer McKechnie'I Big Store, 1.2 Fifty Cents Produce taken as Cash. NOTICE: Doors ed Friday ng Appraisal t ing Slaughter Prices, Durham. looke< “[374 t Bar en eve enlinzs it)! Ittu u 5 N NO 'IW,

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