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Durham Review (1897), 5 Nov 1908, p. 10

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$ 0 ) $ NOVEMBER 5, 1908 THE TALK OF tss TOWN Closingâ€"out, quitâ€"business Sale Like fliégs around the honey jar our C during this great Sale, but as the GF est crowds ever known in the history To dispose of Alex. Russel‘sâ€"The Big Storeâ€"Stock of Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery and Groâ€" ceries, the National Salvage Company of Toronto, will not move a doliat‘s worth of these goods away, _ We wish to save the trouble of. packing the stock, hauling and railâ€" road transportation, and as we have but 9 more day‘s time, OUR BEK!EDY is to cut the prices square in two. “'1"111‘13 Down! Down!! Go the Prices Smashed to Smithereens Ee EDDOR ELE CE ho m m ie Ec es oo in ie has neyer been done heretcfore in the Dominion in NEW Up to date Merchandise. _ No old stock. â€" Everything is the best. The stock has been invoiced, and we find the makes of the best Canadian and American factories and mills are represented here. The entire stock is marked in plaimn figures for a quick turn over. Eclipsing all other sales. An original, direct sppeal to economical instinets of thinking people, to whom the savâ€" ing of a dollar is equivalent to a dollar earned. This magnificent stock, involving $25,000 worth of the yery best goods that money could buy, must be all sold in O more days‘ time. We are forced to make an enormouns sacrifice, Can you? Dare you? In justice to yourself and family overlook the great moneyâ€"saving opportunity of your hfe 2 _ Â¥=" The chance of a lifetime now stares you in the face ! Read these prices, it will prove the most profitable reading you have done for years. ELECTRIFYING BARGAINS ! MAGNIFYING MERCHANDISE ! ! UNPARALLELED VALUES !!! We repeat if you are ftound otf sav etc., purchases; if you know real Russell‘s the Big Store of Durham for the next two years to come, of the Manulacturers. Rgrr_lember Do yoursel{ the justice ot invest We advise you to take advantage of this sale partake of. _ Etock Going Rapidly. _ Hurr) Men‘s Fancy Dress shirts, worth $1,00, to close Men‘s work shirts, the best 50c values on earth, Men‘s fine underwear, positively worth 5o and J§C, Miccue cccrre rerererers drry arrkeranrrenre Men‘s high grade all wool underwear, worth $1 50 t0 FO @Al . . . ... ce k e + w es en en n e en se e k n ® Men‘s wool Sweaters, regular price $1.25, at Heavy wool socks at "Thoy Hie mc in nslc o.. OO & Ofe Ladies‘ Underwear Ladies‘ high grade wool underwear, the 75¢ §IMRUG ML...... cce« cuuce« cxrr@® canser a6 1 66 +# Ladies‘ Flannellette gowns, regular price $1.00, to go Ladies‘ Ladies Ladies If you value money and wish to make one dollar do the work of two, be here before Saturday, November 14th and benefit accordingly. ing Out SAl@ At .. . ... .. l . k k e e e e en se k 66 +# Qadies‘ fine underwear, worth 35¢, sale price adies‘ heavy ribbed underwear to go in this clos Durham‘s Most Stupendoms & Remarkable Sale ever known at Only G More Days Of Bargains Muslin Drawers at M . ¢ ue veus at eÂ¥ hrvreve un ¥¥ uk 688 68 muslin corset covers, 25¢ grade at. Muslin Gowns, $1.00 value, at Men‘s Furnishings Our Remedy t L UILCEL + n( ag\ n on Cuink % % % E If the justice of investigating before it is too late. DOWN G0O THE PRICES WITH A IAHAUNDEKNING ULCRAOT to take advantage of this sale while you ma and secure the greatest clothing, shoe, dry goods, hardware, groceries, etc., ins it h ecen y rivil Sgoc?{ aoain‘éaRapgidly. Hurry in and don‘t ydelay, you can‘t agfford to miss t.hgls Sale. € ware: qrocerive, etc., bargeine 1t has pver been sour pHivi 6g6 Attracts the Public. _ Clothing and Shoes for Men, Women and Children, Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Etc., almost given away oney jar our competitors have swarmed in an attempt to duplicate the enormous moneyâ€"saving opportunities offered but as the GENUINE is always detected from the SHAM, the people have not been fooled, and today saw the great= in the history of retail merchandising. This store was crowded from early morning until the hour of closing; thouâ€" sands took advantage of the wonderful bargains offered and went home happy. found of saving money, if you should like to save fully 50 per cent on your clothing, shoes, dry goods, hardware, i know real bargains and don‘t want to be fooled by imitations :come to the National Saivage Co‘s Sale at Alex. e of Durham. To-day and every day until Saturc%sf' November v14fl1. Come prepared to buy your entire wants to come, one dollar will buy two dollar’s worth of erchandise, not ancient relics, but clean, new goods, direct from Remember this stock is absolutely new, while still complete, will not last much longer. This is the final call. s C t *nusstidatinge helore it is too late: DOWN GO THE PRICES WITH A THUNDERING CRASH Alex. Russell, The Big Store, Durham 13:; 39¢ 59¢ 19¢ 16 19. 62¢ ALEX.RUSSELL, BIG STORE AT DURHAM â€" Stock now in the hands of the National Salvage Co., â€" of Toronto for immediate disposal. «Make no mistake. Be sure you find the right place. Look for big green sign . 1000 yards DRESS GOODS, plain black and figured serge, 75¢ grade, per yard....., ... '27 500 yd Venetian Dress Goods all shades, 85¢ valâ€" ue, per yard |.... -40 785 yards Dress Goods, this lot includes all the latest patterns worth 1. 25 peryard...... .. .. 69 Dress Ginghams,15 & 10 20c goods per yd.. * High grade black tea, posiâ€" tively 50c grade ylbsfor.......» 1°m McCormick Soda Bisâ€" 21 cuits, 3 Ib. box... C Safelight Parlor matches 9 reg,. 13¢ per pkg..... C Washing Ammonia, 10c 7 goods, per pkg...... C LACES AND EMBROIDERIES Come and buy a few yards : it will be worth your while. At rock bottom prices, We quote only a few prices showâ€" ing how the entire stock will be sacrificed est granulated suâ€" Corn Starch, regular pr 7 gar, 25 Ibs...... 1om 1o¢ per pkg........ C [igh grade black tea, posiâ€"| Tomiatoes, regular 15¢ 9c tively 50c grade \_ value per can....... 3 lbs for........ 1°m Corn or Peas, regularly 7 [cCormick Soda Bisâ€" 21 10c percan...... ... C cuits, 3 Ib. box... C | Savoy soups 15e value 10 afelight Parlor matches per can........... C reg, 13¢ per pkg..... 9c \ Ham, Chicken and Veal loaf, V ashing Ammonia, 10c 7 ready forlunch 15¢ 10 goods, per pkg...... C| grade per box.... This Department consists of Ranges, Heaters, Tinware, Gramteware, Paints, Varnish, Washing Machines, Tools and Hardware of all description. HARDWARE will be sold at a fraction of its real value, Prices too numerous to mention, You will find it to your advantage wo investigate the wonderfal money saving opportunities this Department offers during thns closing out Quit Business Sale. Less than Half Price. _ 10¢ grade‘to go at............9C 20¢ grade at 8c 15¢ grade at Ge 25¢ grade at 10c will be sold at a fraction of their real value. Ingrain carpets, wearâ€"well quality, 40¢ goods peL YAtd.............. ce vsrrkr e rrr rkk t kkk% All wool carpets, 36 inches wide, regular value Crockery and Chinaware Carpets and Linoleums NOTIONS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. At enormous Bargain Prices, Wall Paper Dry Goods Hardware Groceries THE*DURHAM REVIEW Fancy Prints 124 and 7| 15¢ values, per yd.. +1 2 Fancy Sateens, 30¢ 19 grade, per yard.... * 2000 yards Flannellette, all colors, 12%e value 8 per yard............ C Linen Towelling per 6 yard.:.s. :x «/s iss C White figured Table 24 Linen, reg. 45¢ yd C White Bed Spreads, 98 worth $2 to clear at C lar pf 7C 9# ularly /A 34 Men‘s Suits and Overcoats plain and fancy posâ€" 3 98 itively worth $5.00, all to go quickly at only e Men‘s Suits and Overcoats, large variety of upâ€"toâ€"date patterns to select from, reg. price $12.50, to 5 85 §O AL.... .11 ... vise riks sire ss#% 5s ruia%r% 4%‘%% * Men‘s high grade suits and overcoats, perfect fitting gar. ments in every particular, latest styles and 7 35 shades, positively worth $15.00, must go at .. * Men‘s finest suits and overcoats, equal to the best hand tailored suits and overcoats, some heavy silk and satin lined, a wonderful garment at $20.00, to go 10 85 in this closing out sale at................. ® Ladies‘ Jacketsâ€"Big assortment of stylish material, all nicely made and positively worth $10,00. 1 9 Come quickly and pick them out at culy.... * 8 One lot of Ladies‘ Jackets, worth up to $8 oo 98 while they 1@ASt . ... .....} u.ls ks k e k e n k k6 ++ C Ladies extra long coats. These are all nicely tailored in the latest jaunty effects $15.00 values must 4 on uk L TL vVL EL Y es A ue ie ae e e is o & ® a One lot Men‘s shoes, Box and Satin calf worth up to $2.50 all to g0 At .. . . . ... «k6 ... 6e k k k6 ++ t Men‘s dress shoes, well made, every pair guarâ€" . anteed, worth $2,75 must go at.......... ..« Men‘s fine dress shoes, this lot includes every . sty‘ieu;;d‘l-:'i:dâ€";f' leather worth $3.50, sale pr. Your choice of the best shoe in the house at . ... Ladies‘ Wrappers, worth $1.00 to close at 11x4 Flanuellette Blankets, regular AK . . si l vukssk% xA sns + % 1w hb o 448 We positively guarantee you a savini of $4 to $10 on any Suit or Overcoat purchased during this 10 day Sale. go at.... Shoes for Men, Women and Children At these prices this stock will melt away quickly, like a snowfall before a July sun. s‘ and Children‘s Shoes almost _g_i!eq away. Ladies‘ Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Garments Ladies‘ Wrappers Ladies‘ Jackets Ladies‘ Fur Jackets at the actual cost of Raw Material. Ladies‘ Fur Scarfs and Muffs at oneâ€"half regular price. Men‘s Suits and Overcoats Blankets Men‘s Sultings at your e#wn Price. price $2.00 ce $2,.00 Almost given away 35 ; 8.98 Boys‘ and Children‘s Suits â€" 148 ‘ 219 3.98 1 Rubber Goods must goâ€"â€"Prices no Object Boys‘ suits, all sizes, worth up to $5.00 to 1 90 close AL...., 1.sar«1 as si%r a1% 5 Xrx «4* & 42 %% + s ,% *# Men‘s Pants Men‘s good durable pants, wellâ€"made, stylish cut 2.00 VAlues; 10 #0 HLys: ;. sns s14% »iÂ¥+a 1452 .121+s » ) [d Men‘s high grade dress pants, all the latest patterns and styles, worth up to $5 0o, Come and pick 2 Ahent OUL BE.rax« AralÂ¥ ¢ .11 x 141Â¥ aÂ¥*Â¥55% 52% % 03’ One lot Ladies‘ Skirts, all nicely made, worthk $3.00, Sale prige,....>..s.1>+>a3s1%s e »+9. Ladies‘ Dress Skirts, positively worth $6.00, to go atonly .. ;... 11 :1‘%. a _ «x ¥¥aie s bai‘s a‘eH awike #3.40, TO WO Al,..i1+1+i*+1s saÂ¥rBÂ¥K» ¢¥% x2 One Lot Ladies‘ slippers while they last at Ladies‘ Waists, in light and dark colors, nicely matle, woith up 40 $1,50, AK;,.,. :» :+« »akÂ¥24% 4 “C Ladies‘ silk Waists, a big assortâ€" 1 t ment worth up to $7,00...... .. 098 o 20“ $2.00 lace Curtains, sale price $1.16. $2.50 lace curtaing, for $1.89. #3.00 and 3 50 for $1.87. 200 pairs Ladies® fine shoes, actual value $2.00 RITHO GOMRL ... x «s suuK! «+4 ta 5434 K6 SHHH a xk# As 150 pairs Ladies‘ fine dress shoes, every pair BDNONOOL e 2 c4§ 0;AE os on 0 15 i0000 e i0 e ie c e gH oi i CY e hn n n a Ladies‘ High gfnde dress shoes, value up to d t t + k Ladies‘ Skirts Lace Curtains Ladies‘ Waists ne shoes, actual value $2.00 1 1’ ©# s hk s u um uim w n e m n m# on n n ns ® ne dress shoes, every pair 1 5’ mo w w is uww w en m en w w m n in n in n n n w ® e dress shoes, value up to 1 97 s s w n n ww w m w w m m n n n in a w +# % + ® Stock going rapidly. Don‘t fail to seecure your share of these bargains. ‘There never was and there uever will be such a sacrifice sale in Durâ€" ham or Grey County again. The Big Sale Now in Progress yâ€" ~**> 10e 10 1.39 92.49 THE DUR * THE Hal W‘ M i Mil k NM W #OR w a"y i OW t ht gign tE ="oh "ab "ollp E If you kee week the 1 VOL. XX B ie e 9e t ie * A®_® ie ie e en whic BTHE REvit H B NCw 10 A L1 i0c to »p »fhron 6e () There OP 8 W Thes H D0 RO Fres} High D; B )C €1 L

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