West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Nov 1908, p. 10

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G,. L. Graat intending Students should enter at the begin ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be obâ€" tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. THO8. ALLAN, 1st Class Cortificate, Principa) MISS AMMIE EDGE, Honor Graduate of Toronto University,â€"French Latin, Compositiou, and Literature. MisS DONALDA MeKERRACHER, B. A., Grad uate of Queen‘s University and First Profes sional Certificate,â€"Algebra, Arithmetic, His tory and Geography. Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly eqnlrped in teach wbility, in chemical and electrical supplies .‘.5'3 Attings, &e., for full Junior Leaving and Matric ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound > NoRTheRKMy! /) Grrmer n loge To make sure of getting a thorough Business or Shorthand training is to attend the For Winter Termâ€"no better time. _ We offer urriul advantages and privileges not obtain wble elsewbere, Write for parmculars, \ Durham School pritish Canadian Bus. College R P G A Webster â€" ty §3 >a :{ Quality & m â€" Quantity. 0 $150,000 per annum in nlfwsy service. You ‘an become & good operator in 6 months if ou smd‘y in The Central Telegraphy School ) Gerrard 3t. E., Toronto. The finest School 1 Canada. Write for particulars. Jh In order to make room MB for our large Xmas stock it WR becomes necessary to reduce Telegraphy | t OWEN soOUXD, Ont rads. . Special ‘Department for those whose le-lly education has been neglected. Inâ€" formation free to any address. *' our large high ciass stock of ; m, Watches, clocks, rings, lockâ€" " !'.‘ ets, Bracelets and Jewelliry of * KA all kinds including our beauâ€" m tiful stock of Silverware. WY m We intend to sacrifice this "* Q large stock during Noyemâ€" W K ber only, at a price within y Ki the reach of everyone. iz Day and Night Classes W . H. SHAW, Pres. _ T.J.JOHNSTON, Prin and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. Stenography, Telegraphy, and Commercial Courses. Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, _Ornamental Writing, Proper prepartion doesIt. Attend And the time to commence is right now . One hundred and one students from other Business Colleges have mronued this Colâ€" Vo within one year, W does thh‘rove 7 e give the best. Nothing else would satisâ€" fy usâ€"nothing else should satisfy you. . All w.duun readily . secure employment. rite for catalogues, W, J. ELLIOTT, Cor. Youge & Alexander Sts. Principal pUSINESS COLLEGE Business College FEES: $1 per month in advance. ; " The Jeweller" L Graduate Banadian Horo C logical Institute Preparasory courses for those whose ed ucation h:., been neglected. Indi Writ Mall who Most modern and porrulu Business Sehool in Western Ontario. . Widely exâ€" rerieneed, broadly educated, sy mpathetâ€" c, attentive staff. _ The synonym of success. _ Graduates eminently successâ€" ful. The very essence of modern living business systems. €CegscecccccecZe 323393233%3~> Buutiew Amwericas Busin®ss CoOLLEGE Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto BEST BUSINESS TRAINING Now is the time to buy your Christmas presents, while they last. Remember everything goes, W. T. CLANCY Principal UT. FOREST The ONLY Way TORONTO, ONT. 10 courses in any subjects, for those wish to study at home. Enro|il Now at reasonable prices Start any time. »al instruction r handsome ci EO SPOTTON, Principal Open Sep WALKERTON Cor, Yonge & Bloor Sis alm Is the first step towards positions! paying from $5000 iter any day ue. MrJon Colvili®. of Hamiiton, spent Thanksgivying at (he old home in town. Mr Murray Smith, of Baok, Locan, ate Thar key at home. Messrs Andy Thompson and Thos, Cook spent from Friday till Tuesday with relatives in Toronto and Win-‘ chester. Mr A. Catton was in Hamilton week on business. Mrs J. P. BHunter and Urs A, H, Jackson are spending Thsnksgiving season in Toront>. Mrs Wim, Caloer visited last Friday with friends in Priceyille, Miss Hincks, ¢f Priceville, was the guest of Mrs Nei: McCannel for a few daye, Mr W, C, Liviagston, of the Sâ€"and. ard Bank staff, spent the holidays at his home in Hat i<ton. Messrs Stevens, C, P. R. Contractor, and Buchanan o‘ his staff, left town for good Friday. now that the new line is finished, Mr R, McCorquodale, who is relievâ€" ing in the Flesherton bank, was in town over Sundsy and Monday, Mr and Mrs Fred MeClocklin and family spent the holiday at her home in Chatsworth, and are this week moving to Flesherton, where in fuâ€" ture they will reside. Miss Mazel Thanksgiving Orangeville. Misses Edith snd Violet Biackbur n, prefessional nuses, left Saturday for their situations in Cleveland and Chiâ€" cago, after visiting their parents here. Miss Annie McKenziespent Thanksâ€" giving with friends in Ayton, Mr J, 8. tPn yudule.r of Hamilton, spent a couple of days over Thanksâ€" giying w‘th old friends in town. Dr Brown, Eve, E u, Nose & Throat will be at the Eiahn Hotel, Durbam, Nov, 14. Hou:s 12 to 5 p. m. Eyes tested and Glasses supplied, Mirs Ethel Lindsay of Walkerton, spent a few days with her friend, Miss Lottie Harboutle. Mr Will Campbell was home from Meaford High School over the holiâ€" days, Miss Marion Gun, of Westbourne College, Toronto, spent Thanksgiviaig with her mother here. Miss Jessie Munroe, professional nurse of Stratford Hospital, ate Thanksgiving dinner at home. Miss Jean Dergavel, Wiarton, was the guest of hes cousins, Misses Crawâ€" ford, over Thar ksgiving, Mr Brad Jamieson, of~ Toronto spent Tharksgiving at the parental home. Mrs Coutts and Master Dermot of Thamesville, _ were _ Thanksgiying guests at Rev A rFarqubarson. Miss Weir returned home on Tues day. Mr Thos. Whelan attended the fuâ€" eral of his brother in Parry Sound last week. Miss Eâ€"Jith Lloyd returned to Ferâ€" gus Hospital, Friday after a few weeks at home Mr Robt, Scott took the wellâ€"known C, P. R. team list week up to Coldâ€" water near Barsie. Messrs Moore and Dan McFadden of Pickering ard Toronto, holidayved this week at their home and in towr. Mcs Burgma» and son Ruassell, of Hanover, spen, Thanksgivying with town friends. Mr Thos, Whaien, from Cincinneti, was attending | is father‘s funeral in Muskoka and cclled to see his uncie here. Mr and Mrs Will Lauder took a trip to Owen Sounc by the C. P. R. Miss McKervacher of the High School staff, hoiidayed at her home in Dutton, Miss Annie McCreary, of Toronto, is visiting at ho ne at present. Mr Archie Fletcher and his mother from Ho«smer, B.C., arrived in town on Saturday night. He is a son of Mr Duncan Fletcher. who was wellâ€"known in Durham. Mc Fletcher left Durâ€" ham 30 years : go. He is a cousin of Alex Fletcher, Bentinck. Mrs D. McCannel and Mrs James Marshall, Boothvillo, visited their brother, Mr John McQueen, Tuesday Martin McLeâ€"d, of Priceville, was to Stratford and spent a few hours in town Tuesday on his way home to Piiceville. Caldwell is spending with _ relatives _ in 1, of the Stancard Thanksgiving tuarâ€" C. las (World for 15 mos ) _____ _ Other combinations made know n on application, Combinations of three or more papers can also be made at reduced ratesâ€" Lot No 1. 8th con, Glenelg, 50 acres bush and 50 acres cleared. ABply to War, WEiR. Durhamw, Came to the premises of the underâ€" signed about loth August, a yearliog bheifer. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take away. is + Duxcax McARTHUR. Dornoch, 5 Nov., 1908. 3 Mr and Mra Montgomery, of Innis« killen, visited the former‘s sister, Miss Bugg, now of Durbam, lut late ef Wiagham, Also Mr and Mrs J, M. LaAtimer, brother of Mres Montgomery, Mrs J, Irwin, of Hamilton, is visitâ€" ing her parents. Mr and Mrs W. H, Shaw. Miss Laura McKenzie spent the holidays in Walkerton, Miss Egya Campbell visited her home here during the holidays. Have you a piano in your Home?â€" Mrs Doherty and Alice, of Walker» ton, spent the bolidays with Mr and Mrs J, Latimer,. Mr John Nichol, of Wingham, visitâ€" ed his cousins, Mr Walter Nicho!, 8Sr, and family of Glenelg. Miss Margaret Hunter is at preseut spending a few days with friends in Toronto, Mr Keith .Newton spent over Sunâ€" day and Monday at home and was acâ€" companied back to Toronto by his mother, who wiil spend a week in the city. Mrs Buchan is visiting her daughter Mrs Dr Woods, of Bayfield, over the holidays, Review and Weekly Globe.... .$1.55 Review and Farmers‘ Sun ......1.75 Review and W. Mail & Empire..1.60 Review and Montreal W. Wit. ..1.60 Review and Family Her. & Star.1.75 Review and Daily Globe...... . ..4.40 Review and Daily World ...... ..2.60 Misses Flo and Ada Limin were guests of Mt Forest friends Monday. Mrs A. 8 Hunter and daugbter are spending a few days with Toronto friends. Mr Norman McIntyre, Sr., is home after his trip to his daughter, Mrs Dr Mahan, in Saskatchewan. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Arch. Little, Sr., now residing in Disâ€" ley, Sask., who on Monday last celeâ€" brated their diamond wedding. Mr Entricken and two nieces from Stratford, spent Thankegiving holiâ€" days here at his home, Mr Donald McCormick, Bunessan, is home from Alberta where he now has a stake. He will spend the winter here. Congratulations to Mr Thos. Lauder Sr., who on Sunday last reached his 80th birthday, with health still good, a spring in his step, and a cheery word on his lips as of old. That he would enter into the spirit of Thanksâ€" giving Day is certain for he had his family around him, ‘all but Mrs Hazâ€" lett, of Winnipeg and Mrs. A. Little of saskatchewan.) Dr Edward, of Cleveland, and Mrs Robert Mundle arrived the day previous. Long may be be with us an example of a hale and hearty and useful old age. Mrs Little and child. from near Dunâ€" dalk, spent Thanksgiving amongst her relatives, (the Ectorr) here and at Edge Hill. Mr and Mrs Chas, MceKenzie, of Dromore, was in town on Tuesday. Misses Allie and Edith Grant, of Preston and Moorefield. spent the holidays at nome. Quite a number of the Model Stuâ€" dents in town were home for the brief vacation afforded by the Thanksgivâ€" ing season, Mr D, Coleridge, Sr., North Egreâ€" mont, accompanied by his son James, was in Durham on Saturday and a caller on his daughter, Mrs O. Ramâ€" age. In spite of his 85 years he is in fair health but since his accident has taken to a staff. Mr and Mre R. 8, Mundle, of Squire, Derby Tp., were in town over Thanksâ€" giving on a yisit to ber father, Mr Thos. Lauder. Mrs Mitchell and two children, of Mooretield, spent a day at the home of Mr C, L. Grant. If not why not one of our Bell‘s ? We can give you the best instruâ€" ment and make you the best terms. â€" One sold by us in town last week was -iEsEéd“b;. Prof. Konold and pronounceJ excelâ€" lent. John McQueen Miss Sarah Vollett is in Toronto for the holiday season. Yearly Clubbing Offers, West of Middaugh House Farm tor Sale. Heiter Astray. THE DURHAM REVIEW Gents Tailor and Furnisher, Durham On Friday, November 13 we will exhibit some new styles in Winâ€" ter Millinery. We have been in the city and have brought back some new goods and new ideas in winter millinery. We invite the ladies of Durham and surrounding country to visit our Show Rooms and see the new styles. ® & * ¢ Parisian Millinery Co. It depends entirely upon a man‘s individual taste whether he seâ€" lect sn extremely flashy or a coat of modest design and patâ€" tern. Whatever his choice may Winter Millinery Pall Overcoats 6.55 3.Â¥ /leave Hanover®ar‘ve 9.31/12.51 7.063.36 Allan Park 12.40 7.22 3.52 Durham .04/12.24 7-3314-(B| McWilliame 7.47(4.17 Priceville 8.38 11.58 8 .00 4-30lat've Baug.Jct. leave}8.25!11.45 Connecting with traims to and from Toronto. (gnly one change between urham and Toronto. Speed, comfort And safety. Come to us fer tickets and informaâ€" tion, We are also agents for Allan and ominion lins stea msbips and C. P. R. ocean liners. MacFARLANE & CO. When I think of the towel, The old fashioned towel, 4 That used to hang up by the printingâ€" house door, I think that nobody In these days of shoddy R Can hammer iron to wear as it wore. The tramp, who abused it, The devil, who used it, The makeâ€"up and foreman, the editor Lpoor man} Each rubbed some grime off While they&mt a beap on. In, over, and under. A clergyman writes: *‘ Preventics those little Candy Cold Cure Tablets are worklnf wonders in my parish.‘" Preventics surely will check a cold, or the Grip in a very few hours, And Preventics are so safe and harmless, No Quinâ€" ine, nothing harsh nor sickening. Fine for feverish restless children. _ Box of 48 at 2c. Sold by R. MacFarlane & Co. â€"A private letter received from Ottawa states that on electiin night as the returns were being given out to the crowd on the street, " when Mr R. H. Miller‘s name was thrown on the canvas, everybdy checred." Hs hguite a prominent man here.â€" Conted. The following timetable will be in effect until fur&er notice * read down read up a.mp.m . ies p.m. &.m. In, over, and under. _ *Twas blacker than thun der, ‘Twas harder than. poyerty, reugher than sin ; From the roller sue:rended It never was bended. And it flapped on the floor like a banâ€" ner of tin. It grew thicker and rougher, Harder and tougber, » And daily put on an inkier hue, Till one windy morning, Without anvy warning, It fell on thefloor and was broken in G. H. STINSON BON BONS ALWAYS FREsh I« the thing to think of now Holiday â€" Baking MISS DICK, Proprietor We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. _ Also a good assortâ€" ment of Candies, Nute and oranges. two, sty That Towel. Walkerton Model Bakery a a <p~ io 2x( on Bxt WaAxNTED.â€"A housekeeper ; or man and wife; former preferred. Steady employment for six month« or a year, For turther particulars apply to RevieEw OFFICE. McFaxy»E®.â€"In loving remembrance of Mrs D. McFayden, Edge Hil!,, Died 3rd Noyember, 19%6. Asleep in Jesus, Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Sale mmpfly attended to. _ Rates _ reasonable ers m‘llnb. left at his Imple ment Ware ?aml. McKinnon‘s old stand, orat the Rtyisw Office. _ ~ JOHMHN CLARK _â€"»a IN MEMORIAY Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. t 7 i anmmined wisty vatrent ht es arsan cmd‘ Rerbce. s 25 s fice of gdod quality clothing, dry goods, shoes, etc., a sacrifice, such as was never before made on auy stock in the entire province of Onâ€" tario. The iast four days of the sale, commencing, Wednesday, Nov. 11th, and enaing Saturday night, Nov. 14th, these last four days will produce such an avalanche ot majestic clothing, dry goods, shoe, hardware and grocery bargains, as will take the town by storm, and it will arouse such aresponse trom the people, that commercial circles will be astounded and would be competitors will fairly gasp ! _ It will be a bargain earthquake of low prices on good quality elothing, dry goods, s}oes, etc., that will be remem. bered in the town of Durkham and vi sinity for the next ten years. Make no mistake, be sure you find Alex. Russell‘s store, now in the hands of the National Saivage Company, who are now closing out the stock at Durham, Ontario. Remember that Baturday, Nov. 14th is the last day of the sale. Make your plans accordingly, and secnre clothing, dry goods, shoes, hardware, groceries, etc., at oneâ€"half their actual value. Su1 " UFenn 20. provious selling records, big Haturday, Nov. 14th. Those needing clothing, dry goods, shoes, etc. this sacrifice sale is in reality a veritable God send as it is right at the time of the year wlen you are thinking of replenishing your needs. for the Fall and Winter, Make your arrangements to be here on oue of the last four days of this stupendous, closing out, forced, quit business sale of Alex. Russell‘s entire stock, now being closed out at Durham, Ontario. The sale positiveiy ends Saturday night, Nov, 14th, and that day will long be remembered as the mast tarerifih As uts an wa: We wish to inform the public of Durham, Groy County and vicinity that Wednesday, Nov. 11th, Thursday, Nov. 12th, Friday, 13th, and the last day of the sale, ending Saturday, Nov. 14th, these four days will positively be the last four days of the National Salâ€" vage Co‘s sacrifice sale of Aiex. Russell‘s clothing, dry goods, shoe, bardware and grocery stock. For these last four days of this quit business, closing out sale the prices on every article left will be abâ€" solutely smasbed to smithereens,. _ The entire halance of this stock of clothing, dry goods, shoes, men, women and children‘s wearing apparel, bhardware, groceries, etc , have now been divided into special lots, and remarked at a terrific reduciion, which will sell out every article at the most unheard of low down prices ever placed on good quality clothing, dry goods, shoes, etc. Every article will be disaosed of by Saturday night, Nov. 14th. If you have any regard for the value of your money, if saving a full dollar on every two dollars boughtâ€"mears anything to youâ€"then drop everything and make your arrangements to be here for the last final four days terrific cleanâ€"up, and final disposal of Alex,. Russell‘s enâ€" tire stock. Former wholesale cost of the goods have not been considered at all, as the National Salvage Company have remarked the balance of this entire stock, which has been put to slaughter at prices that will amaze you. Our reason for making this great sacrifice on the balance of the stock isâ€"that we don‘t propose to pack or ship any goods away. We want to save cost of freight, packing, etc., and we are going to sell every article in the store in these last four remaining days of the sale. Everything must go, regardless of former cost or value. It will pay you to come one hundred miles to attend this last four days sale oi Alex. Russell‘s stock, and in justice to yourself and your pocketbcok you really canâ€" not afford to stay away. Let all who possibly can get to this sale bafore it closes on Saturday night, Nov. 14th, as the money you save in this sale on wearing apparcl, etc., is practically so much money earned for you. All preparations have been made for these last four days of the sale, in order to serve the iinmense crowd of people who will naturally want to attend this sale before it closes, Saturday night, Nov. 14th. Act quickly, and come before too late and secure the greatest bargain in clothing, dry goods. shoes, men, women and children‘s wearing apparel, hardware, grocories, etc., that it has ever been your privilege to partake of. â€" It is really a pity and a shame to sacrifice such a good quality stock, such as Alex. Russell carries, but it had to be done, he was forced to quit business in Durham. Therefore we have taken the balance of the stock and cut it down to the lowest possible limit at about 40 cents on the dollar in order to sell everything in these last four remaining days of the sale, Wednesday, Noy, 11th. Thursday, Nov. 12th, Friday, Nov. 13th, asnd the last day of the sale, which will break all previous selling records, big Saturday, Nov. 14th. Those needing clothing, dry goods, shoes, etc. this sacrifice sale is in reality a veritable God send as it is right at the time of the year wlen you are thinking of replenishing your needs. for the Fall and Winter, Make your arrangements to be here on oue of the last four days of this stupendous, closing out, forced, quit business sale gf Ale;c. Russ_e}l’s entire stock, now being clOS6A ANUE at Vhinsham Don‘t Delay ; Act Quickly : Not a Dollar‘s worth of the Only 3 Days More Notice to the Public for the National Salvage Co‘s. SALE OF ALEX. RUSSELL‘S STOCK now beâ€" ing closed out at Durham, Ontario, at 40¢c on the $. Stock will be moved away suitable for all classes,. Our Hosiery D by those who have tried some of these Suit Cases, Club bags, Telescopes, &¢, Don‘t forget we can give you somet and Gauntlets at roch bottom prices, will do you no harm whatlar um K.. Quality considered, that prices are Store as at any other place in town . Lumbermen‘s Rubbers. â€" P e las°s, Liub bags, Telescopes, &c, in stock. Don‘t forget we can give you something good in Gauntlets at roch bottom prices, A look at pr do you no harm whether you buy or not. C and REPAIRING as usual, Agency in Durham for 6 _ sn > i ie Boots, Shoes and Rubbers IT IS A FACT . â€" Our Hosiery Department is well spoken of ed some of these goods, Trunks, Valises, Talrominmas Sen Lnn uds .4. ne most terrihc day‘s sacriâ€" hoes, etc., a sacrifice, such the entire province of Onâ€" commencing, Wednesday, Nov. 14th, these last four ot majestic clothing, dry ns, as will take the town se ftrom the people, that would be competitors will : prices are as low at the Down Town Shoe in town . We carry a large stock of NOVEMBLR 12, 1008 S. Mcliraith & good in Mitts, Gloves, ook at prices and goods not.. CUSTOM WORK THE D Te [A is P» e Y4n»apARRAR + aeuecui¢ VOL. If you â€" week t The 40c JB THE R H W c Vy 1111 | € Nn M 1

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