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Durham Review (1897), 12 Nov 1908, p. 1

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ale in Durâ€" uty again. 10 1| ever )e § R .§§ } ;)BERT BU l fiflWflfilflEfiETT mermpee at n fi We kave a good line of Fall Shoes both fine a"4 ##8 heavy, leatherlined and felt lined, jugt the shoe for 2 fall and winter. Heavy rubbers now on display. * THE PEOPLES STORE Airt o $1.50 brings Weekly Globe 1910, Lfi.l'u hav at once. THE DURHAM REVIEW, ONLY $1.75 A great showing of new furs at 8, F Morlock‘s. lay c _ *« t M urcauranurngais 2 oc o e o e o t o c o o o s o m c e a n a t un i a Un 0n o ce en in w hk linn w aing P t3 7: New D t 18 18 95 1B To 4P vo to io Paam oo at ae pe Nestregnale AitaFr es Â¥4 Of nA e ie i o n i nan e sn en | VOL. XXXI, NO. 46 . StnE review, DURHAM, ONT which appear in 1ii6 v/i.¢&LY SUN. The Sun is the Farmers‘ Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to Ist January, 1910, in combination with If you keep posted in upâ€"toâ€"date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive 1t will pay you betore buying a fall Suit to come and cxamine our clothing, " LThe Regent Brand." Our new Winter styles in "Regent" Overcoats have just arrived: these are designed and made by the most expert men in the business,. _ They have such perfection of fit and finish as will appeal at once to your best judgement. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar Lcenses, Durham, Ont. Shirts â€" n's(glen Buckshire Glov For all sizes of peopleâ€"the 25¢ garments are made on the same scale as the $1 ones. _ Oversize garments for big peopleâ€"lots for the children too. ALL kinds UNDERWEAR ; LOVELY NECKWEAR 590 y veneti myrtl New _ all wool Chevrons â€" Colâ€" T{l‘f;iaflt 2-:t CC":t R'OVCSblYO: ors clear and good_different wid* | COuld findâ€"pretty patternsâ€"blac ths of stripe, special values at 60¢, | white, brown, navy, red. ... . .. .25¢ 85 cents and $1.25, | t 10câ€"Special Flannelette Bargainâ€"10c blac There Is Money in Farming Sole A ,_New semiâ€"fitted coatsâ€"fine kersey clothâ€"beautifully tailoredâ€" trimmed with self strapping, silk braid and velvet, colors black, navy, OrOWIsâ€" MyIHIC: SDECREâ€"..............â€"... .":.«..~+/@+r««7r=,/rs2{@1980 New loose fitting Coatsâ€"fine Kersey cloths. epaulette shoulders. handsomely trimmed with silk braids, silk velvet on the collar, colors Mik L course you 1 we want to hel to your interest i0c to Jan. 1, 1909 ves Husky Shis Only 500 y rs â€"the kin Lo any address in Canada, we will send THE REVIEW from now to Jav. 1 next (almost three months) for 10 cents. Take ad. vantage of this remark«@ble offer or see that your friend or neighâ€" bor does so, NOW is the time. These. Va]ues Mal(e YOllI' "DOLLARS" STRETCH wew looSe fitting Coatsâ€"fine Kersey cloths. epaulette shoulders. isomely trimmed with silk braids, silk velvet on the collar, colors k, navy brown, green, special........ cessn bet es in a++ + #12,20 Misses Coatsâ€"very stylish modelâ€"trimmed with silk braid in rdo effectâ€"navy and DLOWR...........«........« ./. .. .... +.++§8,50 Fresh Groceries always on Hand, Highest prices paid for Produce, James Ireland SpCc V enetiansâ€"44 inch all wo gyent for Mechanic King and Railroad Kiog Overa })s you the Review and from now to Jan. 1st, e yonr name and order blaek, brown t th Shirtsâ€"Heard of them ? _ Guaranteed for a year. _ "Big"‘ lendid winter shirtâ€"the best ever sold at $1.35. Genuine rlovesâ€"every pair guaranteed, $2 â€" Pinto Shell Corddovan 1 proof, scorch proof, wet, wind, erack, rip, tear proof, $1.50 id y thing with H. B. K. on it gives satisfaction ress Goods | New Wool Gloves MARKET REPORTS in T4E WZEKLY SUN. Overcoats | u_ want to make your dollars do their dutyâ€" help youâ€"its to our interestâ€"these values are K. GOOdS fOI' flle Men, FOOTWEAR ) clear at this priceâ€"it is a yd wideâ€"light and dark 1 always pay 12}¢ forâ€"â€"good weightâ€"remember only qed Wio (28, Ladies® Coats wine . 75¢ See our stock of Ladies‘ Coats, $10 00 values for $7.50, _ Also Misses‘ and Children‘s from $2.50 to $6.00 The House of Quality, M. H. Mockler, Cow FoR SALE.â€"Anyone in want of a good cow, (in calf) should call at Mrs, Lauder‘s, near the creamery 423 All kinds fluffy ruffles, new Gibâ€" son collars, Queen Elizabeth ruffs â€"the prettiest collection yet. All prices from 10c to $1.50. very dressy and warmâ€"black, own, fawn. grey... ........50¢ New Swede Finish Glovesâ€"lined rxt‘d | frxsy, "-»me 2 HiEoric Purham Bovent â€" Proturs® _ Snow.â€"Two chaps came bere from Wiarton last Wednesday and commenced a moving picture show in town, now so common in almost every town in Ontarie. They ran four nights in the Hall, and had rather scant success, and sold out their apparatus Monday to Mr Bert Green, the band‘s new expert clarinet player, Mr Green intends making it a pertmmanent affair if at all successful, as ic should be here, In this line he has had previous experience and with the assistance of bard music has had fair audiences so fat this week. No TrxM® To Losk.â€"Those who have not yet oracred The Family Heraid and Weekly Star of Montreal for next year should do so at once It is said there is a bigger rush of subscriptions than ever this vear, and the publishâ€" ers are earnestly urging their present subscribers to renew at once before the December aud Jannar y rash. A new series of short stories Is to comâ€" mence next week , and these Aione are considered to be worth thoe whole year‘s subscription, At one dollar a year no better investment can be made than by ordering The Family Horald aud Weekly Star for 1909, DiED IN MINNRAPOLIS.â€"We are grieyed this week to hear of the death of M Arch. Campbell, second son of Mr Donald Campbell of Swinton Park. He died in Minnesota, from what ciuse we have not heard, but for some time back has not been in gocd health. His remains were expected home on Tuesday, _ Much sympathy will be felt for the family in their great bereavement for Archie was an estimable young man of great promise, There is an excellect agricultural paper that is of more than usual inâ€" terest to the farmer xÂ¥ho wants to know the practical and not the theoretical side of his business, To such of our readers we would suggest that when you renew your subscription to The Review you order The Weekly Sun, the price of the two is but $1.75, You will tind it worth the money, Demands on our advertising epace again compel us to resort to an enâ€" larged paper. _ The two big stores by their use of printer‘s ink are certainly drawing people to town frem a wider area than ever. _ We are glad to see them, and hope they will find it proâ€" fitatle to trade with us, Mr A, McLellan has rented the baseâ€" ment of his implement warehouse, Lambton 8+,, to Mr Angus Morrison for livery and feed barn. He will be prepared to give close altention to the requirements of his patrons, LO#8r.â€"At Priceyille Show, a pair of gold rimmed spectacles, in black case with name of "Sbhortill, Markdale " on it. Finder will oblige by leaving at the Post Office, Priceville or at Reâ€" virRw Orrick. 1 THE STANDARD BANK FrED W. Krrsrvy. Dornax. You may as well as not have Rr VIEW and W. Globs for the next two months absolutely free. _ All we ask that you give us your name and $1.55 for 1909, Send toâ€"day. Call and see the very latost in Phoâ€" tographs. _ Specially prepared _ for Christ mas presents and at greatiy reâ€" duced prices. There is no gift so ; eonvenir spoor â€" with handsomely engraved . and see samples at TiEs & Porurs WANTED.â€"Hemlock, Cedar, Cherry, Elm. Apply to Jxo, N. Murpoor, Middaugh Block,. There is no gift so neceptable as a You can save $1.00 on any dozen of our photographs from now till Christâ€" mas. FRED W, KrLsEY, Durham. 3 only Ladire, Asirachan Jackets to clear at $26.00 _ These were $35 00 each. You can buy an upâ€"toâ€"date Overcoat at 8. F. Morlock‘s for very little money, For Your Children‘s Education A big sale of Fur Ruffs and Muffs at Grant‘s. Found in this office a epectacle glase, Who dropped it ? Established 1873 __Then, when the child is old enough your deposits, with the Compound Interest which we add quarterly, will provide a fund large enough to give a thorough education. It‘s a good plan. ‘Think it over. Start a special Savings Account at once with the Standard Bank, and keep adding small amounts to it regularly. You will never miss the money. § DURHAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908 EOPcE BRANCH ALSO AT HARRISTON. Gro. PatTERSox. DURHAM BRANCH John Kelly, Manager P. G. A. Webster‘s, QF CANADA * Durham " on same. Call At Grant‘« Mr Will Siurs gave the report of the Sunday School and reviewed at some lâ€"ngth the work done. and spoke words of encouragement and cheer, He also moved a hearty vote of thanks to all the performers which was carâ€" ried _ unanimously, The proceeds amounted to $25.50. The meeting closed with " God Save the King." Music was supplied by the scholars of the Sunday School. a very efficient choir of some 8 or 9 members, a male quartette froimn Durham giving some selections with admirable harmony and power, a mixed quartette from Thistle yicinity and a well executed trio by two little boys and a little girl constituted the musical part of the program. The music by all of them was of clear enunciation not always found in group singing. Recâ€" itations were given by Misses Mary Brown, Blaoch Reid and Archie Clark all of Dromore and Miss minnie Johnâ€" ston. _ Mr Thos Allan, Durham, took his hearers back some 300C years ago to the time of David and his query of "Is the young man Absalom safe?" ; That ery had been running down through the ages and more so now in these days of 8, S‘s. and their Iaudable ‘ efforts to promote the spiritual wel-i fare of the young generation, he drew many fine lessons therefrom. »ir. Allin Bell spoke a word of conâ€" gratulation on the good reports of their 8. S. throughout the country, regretted the taking of a holiday someti.ves, by either teacher or scholâ€" ars, and advised the reviewing of the old lesson, _ His speech was fiaught with good advice, paid a compliment to the ladies and finished with a reciâ€" tation, The Rev Mr Dynes also spoke at some length and contributed a reading. At Unmion Sanday School on the 2nd Con, Egremont was held on Tuesday evening, 3rd November. A darge crowd wus in artendance every agailâ€" able space being utilized. â€" Mr. Win, Allan occupied the chair and introâ€" duced th«e various performers with trite remarks I. 0. F, Cono®rart at DorxocH,.â€" This Friday, the 13th, Dornoch I 0. Foresters are holdiug a grand Concert and Box Social to celebrate the openâ€" ing of the new Hall, _ Will J., White, comic, and Miss â€" Francis Wright, soprano yocalist, of Toronto, along with Pat. Malone, violinist, and others are a guarantee of concert excellence. Mr. G, A. Mitchell, grand organizer, will also give an address on ‘Forestry,‘ Ladies bringing boxes, free, General admission 20 cts, _ Cnaxor in C P. K. Tim® Tasir.â€" Commencing November Ist, a revised time table has been issu>d for this branch of the 0. P. R, The morning train from Walkerton leaves bere at 722, eight minutes carlier and the afternoon train going east leaves at 8.52, about the same time. _ Trains going west are both earlier the times now being 1224 p. m. and 9.04 p. m, The table will be found on page 10. â€" The railing is this week being put in place on the new bridge and retainâ€" ing walls, _ Not before it was time, One laments more than ever as comâ€" pleiion »pproaches that the bridge was not made full width of the street, and it seems to us that even yet a structure might be made to carry the sidewalks straight, at no great expense. Allan‘s S. S. Entertainment UP Toâ€"DATE.â€"Just received a car load of Armstrong and Tudhope‘s cutters. Harness, robes, blankets just m.â€"Everything seasonable at the ware: ooms of Special cabinets prepared for the Christmas trade only, $2.50 per dozen. FrEDp W KELSEY, Durham. Our DseEr HUNTERS.â€"From lat= t reports dated on Sunday last the huntâ€" ers have secucred thrwe deer _ Mfr Mcâ€" Lachlan has two, E. H. Mockier one, UP Toâ€"DATE.â€"Just received a car load of Armstrong and _ Tudhope‘s $1.00 only for the Review to new readers to Jan. 1, 1910. 10¢ for balance of the year. Send us your name. Staofield‘s unshrinkable Underwear only at Grant‘s 3 qualitie from $1,00 to $1.50 a garment. 28th October. Apply to Thos, Torry, Mulock P, O, Founp.â€"Man‘s Fur Gnuntlcbâ€"ahou£ 51 Branches A. McLellav, The death of Christ was the Keynote of all reform, the great theme of anâ€" gels and meu, hence out of the ful ness of their heart they speak of H * decease. All reform movements fail* ures unless based on Uhrist‘s life and deuth, _ Men who scoff, who revile, have not realized that Christ has powâ€" er to lay dowa his life and power to take it again. Many times attempted an inleresting puint from this that moral economists were wrong when they said that you cannot legislate in advance of sentiment,. God‘s way was to legislate to bring about the sentiment, â€" Both were willing to sink selt for the sake of the causeand he outlined the great issues in the cam paignos guided by these men. He then led on to show that the sacrifices they observed were valueless themselves, except, as they pointed to a great event of the future, and it was fitting that they should appear when what had been symbol was to become realâ€" ity. In the evening be took his text from Luke 9: 28â€"36, the great Transfiguraâ€" tion scene, Of all the scenes of the earth ur the ages there was neyer anâ€" other like this, It was a meeting place arranged by God himself and their topic of discussion amid so much that was sublime was as strange as the placeâ€"the death to be accomplishâ€" ed at Jerusalem. H# entered on a fine reyiew of the work and lives of Moees and Elias, showing bhow they carried out anteâ€" cedent Divine legislation, He made to the seed, all aninate nature shall bring forth seed " After his kind," and while the child was son of the father it was true the child was the father of the man, _ Me deduced from these premises the huge responsibility thrown apon parâ€" ents, and went on to deal with the great problem of the Churchâ€"the evangelization of the world. This was far from being accomplished when it was found that the birthâ€"rate exâ€" ceeded the conversions credited to the church, _ To overtake this inequalicy the home must be strengthened, and its continuity for good utilized. In industral life continuity from generaâ€" tion to generation was essential to perâ€" fection, so if the homes are pure a beneficial influence will flow wider and wider, The same rule was observed in nations. _ Israel in bondage increased more than their oppressors : they honored God and he honored them, Crime flaunted itself and became dangerous owing to godlessness. God honored the principle of reproâ€" duction, but the haryest was according The great principle of her edity was recognized in the spiritual world in the same way as it was in the material world. _ Its tendency often led to destruction, but the great principle worked both ways, and the home safe guarded, was a strengihening to the tendency for good,. _ While it was true that the sins of the fathers were visited upon the children, it was also true that there was God‘s blessing to a thousand generations, _ Here there was continuous spiritual life, here the steps of youth were uncons iously turned in the right direction, there were startling conversions as that of Peter but that of John was equaly good which came in an undemonstraâ€" tive way, 2:14â€"19, founding on the passage a plea for the preseryation and sanctity of the home, showing how the Sayiour had honored the institution, â€"He demonstrated his power first in the bhome, then in the church, then in the individual, but the home and the inâ€" fiuences springing from it was the great eyangelizing force of the world. The services on Sunday last were largaly attended, in the eyening to the full capacity of the church. _ The preacher of the day was the Rev. G. A, Woodside, M. A,, of Owen Sound. He is a forcefual speaker, with fine pulpit voice and manner, and his sermons were highly appreciated, _ In the morning he took his text from Malachi Rey. Mr. Farquharson‘s pastorate began in 1899 and during the nine years great progress has been made. The church bas been enlarged, reseated and otherwise improved. Commodious sheds have been built, a manse purâ€" chased and now practically clear of debt, Stipend has been increased and contributions to Msssions and other benevolences have also become larger, The latest advance is the purchase of a New Pipe Oigan which is to be inâ€" stalled in a few weeks. The Preshyterians here are on the eve of their jubilee, This year‘s anâ€" niyersary is the 49th under a settled pastorate. In the far back year of 1859 the late Rev. Win Park was inâ€" ducted into the charge and ever since with brief intermissious, the fold has had a shepherd, â€" Indeed for a while it bad two, as it is still a memory though getting dimmer, that the conâ€" gregation had a split though now happily, all (traces of it have disappearâ€" ed. Presbyterian Anniâ€" versary Services. Evexixa Servicr, Traders‘ Bank of Canada Our Specialty is the business of Farmers and Drovers If you feed stock and requ‘re money for lend at lowest rates. We discount sale notes. If you have it for you, pay highest rates and add inter Under its spell he composed some of his masterpieces and gaye numerâ€" ous incidents of his passion for the beautiful Countess of Brunswick. â€" It was a foolish game when a mother tried to outwit Cupid, so in spite of friends he declared * he would know and love no other," " we_have met at last " and raved about his " immortal Theresa " "" my angel, my all, myself, evernally yours, eternally mine, eterâ€" nally one another." Inspector Campbell moved a vote of thanks to the lecturer who was a worthy successor to preachers and lecturers of former years, It was heartily given and after " God Saye the King " and the benediction the He then dipped into his theme, the genius of Beethoven as affected by love, _ Music and love were like twin sisters and nis hero had not only a gift of music, but a talent for falling in Jove, in Carleton };lace. Referring to hi'j Full illustrared Announcement of topic he said he hadn‘t the presumption | THE CoMrPaxio® for 1909 will be sent to describe the battle royal between | to any address free with sample copies genius and the little loyeâ€"god. He| of the paper, averred one no sooner came “"d"'l The now subscriber living in Canada the grasp of cupid than he became who at once sends $2.00 for 190 wi‘q religious and prayed to something, ,receive free all the remaining issues of He preferred insteac of a chubby boy I 1908, besides the gift of T‘u® Compax1â€" for cupid to have him in female guise ON‘s Calendar for 1909, entitled = In ber sharp arrow dipped in love \Grandmother‘s Garden, " lithograp h. Me had some facetious references to ed in 13 colors, * loyveâ€"bounds " getting onfyour track, THE YOUTH‘s COMPANIONX, to his own experiences as a young , 144 Berkeley Street, Bostrox, Mass, man and later, _ Love was someihing § more than what shone in a gay ballâ€"|â€" s i# y room ; it was boundless in its resources confined to no place, ii= philosophy N F II G d neyer knew failure, it was the migbtâ€" ew a 00 S iest power in the land toâ€"day, | X% . 1P 1‘ * Rev, Mr. Woodside in â€" opening praised the fine listening qualities «f the Durham people, He had heard of Durham before 0. Sound, and was inâ€" terested in it on account of having been e suce.ssor to a former Durham Pastor, Rev, Robt, McNair, who wis J,. 8. Drysdale, now of Hamulton, and one of the best soloists the town eyer had. His " Standard on the Braes O‘Mar," given in his usual fine vim aud cleirness of articulation was ver y warmly received, Miss M. Munro has a sweet and musical voice, which showed to geod advantage in * The Old, Old Way.,‘ There was a special welcome for Mr, The chairman regretted the unayoidâ€" able absence of Rev‘ds Bice and Jamieâ€" son but welcomed Rey, Mr, Newton and asked him to the platform where he briefly conveyed congratulatory greetings from the Baptist congregaâ€" tion. Mr. J, P. Telford gayethe "Death of Nelson " in a spirited and pathetic rendering, The male quartette, conâ€" sisting of J,. P. and J. 3. Telford, G. Binciair and A. McFadden gave * Dreams of Long Ago," a tenderly sweet weird thing, «pleadidly harmonâ€" ized. Rev, Mr. Farqubarson was in the chair and had some reflections on the changes made. by time in material things, But there was comfori in the thought that such things as character, love, Sacred Song, &c., were abiding. In the future as righteousness triumpl s the office of the preacher may become unnecessary but the gift of song will never vanish, _ He then called on the choir, who, on Sunday also, had renâ€" dered splendid service by appropriate contributions. captures were failures, but His power ** was manifested most of all in His death, " He urged comfort from the fact that as Satan had not power over Christ, neither had he power over the 1adividual, Heaven is\God‘s gift " preâ€" pared for you :" hellis * prepared fo: the devil and his angels, " rot for man. To be conscious of the principle of Christ‘s power in death was to make * Life, Death and that vast forever, one grand sweet Song, " Moxpay Evenxinc, The church was nearly filled at the evening meeting of Monday where the chiet attraction, the Lecture by Rev, Mr. Woodside on *Genius in the grasp of Cupid," was an effort, unique in its way, dealing with the loyeâ€"story, loveâ€"sickness and loyveâ€"longâ€" ing of Beethoven the famous musician. Publishel Weekly; at $1.00 a year, scount sale notes. If you have money lying idle we take care o pay highest rates and add interest 4 times a year, DURHAM BRANCH : Paidâ€"up Capital and Reserve, $6,350,000. it an account now no matter TORONTO Solid Gold Ringsâ€"Extra yalues in Diamond rings, Pearl rings Wedding Rings, Engagement Rings, Signet Rings, Birthday Rings. Hundredsto choose from. Silverwareâ€"Extra large stock of hifill class Silverware just received at lowest prices, Fine Repairingâ€"Our Mr, Cameron has charge of the Repairing Departâ€" ment and comes highly recommended having had large experience on fine watches, clocks and Jewelry, _ Batâ€" isfaction guaranteed. Grand Stock of Watches, Chains Lockets, neckilets, Brooches, Stick Pins, Bracelets, Hat Pins, Ladies Fobs, Men‘s Fobs, Cuff Links. THE REVIEW, New Fall Goods At Keeler‘s R B.Keeler & Sons The now subscriber living in Canada who at once sends $2.00 for 1900 wi‘y receive free all the remaining issues of Watchmakers, Jewellers, Opticians and Engravers. Full illustrared Announcement of Tux Comraxio® for 1909 will be sent to any address free with sample copies of the paper, thetm something better that is equ ‘ly interesting. Try Tur® Yourn‘s Comâ€" PANIOXN, There is plenty of adventme in the stories, and the heroes and heroâ€" ines are of the real kind, finding in the line of duty opportunity for courvge and unselfishness, More than 250 such stories will be published in the 52 is. sues of the new volume for 1900, There will be fully as many articles, sketohes and reminiscences to impart usefual information in the most agrecâ€" able way, familtanzing Tr® Coata a x1â€" ON‘s readers with the best that is known and thought in the world. They are bound to reai somethin s They will read trash unless you give What are your boys and girls Reading > We expect to be able"to"giye a ful} report of the percentage made d uring the summer later on. ‘The following is a partial list of the score at 500 yards, 190 rounds : M: Ford 38, R. Torry 37, E. Wolfe 35, F, Roiph30, Wm Humphries 28, R Corâ€" quodale 27, Wm Wright 27, Dr F, Grant 24, Dr Maclaurin 2, DrHatton 21, John Johnston 21, F. Smith 1. Â¥, Kelly 10, The last practice of the 8. G. R. A, was held on their range Thanksgiy ing day at 2 p. m, There was a good atâ€" tendance, the day being clear and cold and the wind was what Riflemen call tricky or (fish tail), the B, D. degree At a meeting otf Rnox College Benate to be held on Thursday next, Rev. Wim. Farquharson, B. D. will bhave conferred upon him the higher and more honored title of " D. D.,".. Doctor of Divinityâ€"in recognition of his services to College and Church, The honor will be mutual, â€"Mr. Farâ€" quharson will honor the title, even as it honors him. _ The new dignity will sit well upon him and we heartily conâ€" gratulate the popular pastor on this recognitioa of his worth by his fellows of the Ministry : congratulate the congregation on the reflected honor that comes to them, It is about 10 years since Mr. Farqubatson acaquired The oflefinmd the ;‘:o to over $100, anniversary season of 1908 was over To be Honoredwith a D C,. RAMAGE & sox, Permrees axo Posutsaces Thank sgiving Shooting that purpose we have it to â€"â€"â€"## %â€"â€"â€"... Yellow *# ++ days came

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