West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Nov 1908, p. 4

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O a 3 0 | ~ Â¥+ o o o ow en winp ange pinld angd m hinn anp Sn any ut onl ae ate uk ons ane 2l arouns ;:-_'-:'f.'l'}.'l'::'f.:':'.'-:.'.‘-CZ':i':I‘RE:'C33@333@&13333% : Taylor & Co., Dromore & / Des. KENNEDY & KENNEDY E CONSULTATION FREE. EOOKXS FREE. If unable to eall wyit si _ Blank for Home Treatment. 50 AiIs:~ C | NERYVOUS DEBILLITY S UR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and riake & man of 10 bars O K Soap.... ... 3 lbs mixed buscuits..... 6 packages Jelly Powder YARNS in all colors both Scotch Fingering and common yarn. We are buying Fowl. This season only chickens and hens taken alive; also ducks. Satuiday the best day to bring them. 10 per cent off <all Men‘s and Boy‘e Clothing of which we have a large range of patterns and newest cuts. Also in Men‘sand Boy‘s Overcoats in natty patterns. _ Prices $5 to $12. A very fine black T A Y L O R S‘ ; FOwl, Dead or Ative eaver coat at $10. CUNES CGUARANTEED OR No PAY We treat and curs VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, NFRVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND UR;NARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and «ll Disemses peculiar to Men. _ _ _ And see our clothing We can save you morey Now is the time forsales and here is a chance for you to buy an upâ€"toâ€"date suit of Overcoat of the well known Progress Brand make at a vory small margin on cost, some at a great deal less than cost qur stock is all brand new and is made from the best of all wool materials well lined and tailored in the latest fashions. t Our stock is complete of Men‘s Tweed and Worstâ€" ed Suits, Youth‘s Tweed & Worsted Suils, Boy‘s two & three piece suits. MLienits Clearing _ Sale of Progress Brand Clothing Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. inkets at. lankets at inkets at . BLANKETS § F MORLOCK Men‘s & Boys fine Dress Overcoats Men‘s and Boys Ulsters Men‘s and Boys‘ Reafers ill wool blankets Cash coupons Jiven with every Cash Sale THREZATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Don‘t Forget Cash Coupons. CASH AND ONE PRICE 84 § GROCERIES $4 50 «0C 230 25¢ th betore buying eisewhere Short ends and qual ty A No. 1 The price down 12}¢ Prints for. .. 10c prints for .... 3¢ prints for .... 4J 8 bars R pure soc p 5 lbs Tea for...... e, the Lecome ar: the PRINTS blood puri strong as rom the system. The a man ind know marâ€" . uis cor identially and r bardâ€"carned dollars. ONSEN. e (>r a Question steel ike a man of :1 so that all teel, so that e bright, the 1 and mental svstem. The AB 6t dnthtfrea ts 5 1t d BWich is d c dW c id 1 i day morning to resume her duties in Toronto. Misses Nellie and Hattie Watt, of N. E. Normanby, visited Mrs A. Fultoo on Sunday and attended Anâ€" niversary Sorvices. Miss Grace Gilmour visited for a few days last week with her brother Allan at Plattsville. Miss Agnes Ramage, of Darbam, spent Thanksgiving bolidays with ber friend, Mrs McClinton. Mrs Robt. Watt visited over Thanksgiving with relatives in and about Varney. Sunday School closed on Snnda{y Nov. 1, after a very encouraging seaâ€" son. Mrs C Kreller bas been somewhat under the wea her for a week or more. The Misses Hoy, of Orchard, spent Sunday with Mrand Mrs Wm Sharp. The death took place on Nov 6th, of Mr Wm Johnston, eldest son of Mr Mr Max Allen retarned from the West last week quite well pleased with his harvest venture. Miss Chapman, of_Mt. Forest, is visiting relatives, the Sitrs family. Miss Ethel Lougheed, of Shallow Lake, is yvisiting her grandparents, Mr and Mrs A. Marshall. Mr Thos. and Miss M. Halpenay, of North East Egremont, vistted over Sunday with their unele, Mr David Robinson. Mrs Henderson of the 18th, and her daughter Mrs Corbett ot Bentinck, spent Thanksgiving with Toronto triends. Little Mabel Young is somewbat better this week. Mr_Andrew IHenderson returned from‘Lamsden, Sask., the end ot!last week to spend the winter at home on the 18th.a Miss Seim visited ber uncle, Mr Conrad Seim‘at the mill last week. Miss Jessie Burgess left for her home at Burgoyne last Tuesday, afâ€" ter a prolonged visit with her aunt, Mrs Wm Sharp. The Edge Hill 8. 8. held their anâ€" nual social last Friday night and was a grand suceess Mr R. T. Edwards occupied the chair while a good program of music, songs and recitations were gone through Mrs Jno. Little of Proton, spent Thanksgiving with her mother Mrs Robt. Eetor. Miss 0. Cook of Zion, was the guest of Miss Valeria Edge one day recentâ€" ly. % Mrs Poll@rd of Detroit, is visiting her mother Mrs Wm Hewitt Mr Jno. Colliet lest a valuable mare last Sunday evening from the efiects of the fire which started in his stable three weeks ago which might have been a hesvier loss had it not been caught in time. Pleased to hear that Mr Thos. Greenwood is improving nicely. Mr Wim Falkingham and hride of Zion called on some of his old friends in this neighborhood lately. Weex tead hearty congratalations. Mr A‘len MeKinnon of town, spent Thanksgiving at Mr D. McFayden‘s on the Avenue. Miss Mamie Hurley has gone to Ceylon where she intends to spend some time. Master Clarence Staples of Markâ€" dale, spent a couple of days with his brother Fred lately. Pleased to hear Master Jobhn Weir is improving nicely at the Fergas Hospital. Mrs Jno. Weirand Miss J. Ritchie spent Thanksgiving in Fergus. Miss Mabel Pettigrew left on Monâ€" Durlng the evening Mr Neil Meâ€" Kinnon from Priceville and Mr Black Pomona also took their turns at the violins and gave the others a little rest. _ Mr McPhail, Hopeville, did his p«rt well as floor manager. _ By the time the long program â€"was gone through all were beginning to feel a little tired and went heoms well saiisâ€" fied with their night‘s tan at the New Hall, The two captains Rob. Taylor and Andrew Hay are to be conâ€" gratalated in the way they arranged to give all a real good time. On Friday evening, Nov. 6, Droâ€" more Foot ball teams held an ‘** At Home " in Kussell Hall. They enterâ€" tained about 150 guests including Pomena Foot b%ls(t)eam and some of their triends. me young folks from Priceville, Hopeville and Conn and of course all our ‘"ain folk." Dr Sneath opened the evening with a short address, after which the young people enjoyed themselves dancing to the splendid music proâ€" vided by McKechnie‘s Orchestra trom Hopeville. & Thanksgiving day passed ‘of quietâ€" ly most of he boys spent the day in the busbh. _ We haven‘t seen their game yet. wednesday afternoon, Nov. 4, was the day for the Women‘s Institute to meet at the home of Mrs Tom Brown. As it was a very stormy afternoon, only five ladies were present and as neither Pres. nor Vice Pres. were present no meetinog was beld. Howâ€" Mr Adam Eccles, Galt, came home Friday night and stayed over the boliday. Hampden Edge Hill. Varney. Dromore. THE DURHAM REVIEW | which Dr. Shoop‘s Rheumatic Remedy was made m perfected, dependable prescription. Withous | that last ingredient, I successfully treated many, | many cases of Rheumatism ; but now, at last, it uniâ€" formly cures all curable cases of this heretofore | much dreaded disease. ‘Those sandâ€"like granular | wastes, found in Rheumatic Blood. seem to dissolve filmsnymdnrm.cumolmh remedy as y as does nmolwhm added to pure water. And then, when ved. these poisonous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause of Rheumatism is gone forever. Mhno;i&o real needâ€"no actual excuse to suffer longer out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend I have decided te be in the town of Durham on Wednesday and Saturday of each week during the fall and winâ€" ter term, to arrange for sales, Any person or persons wishing to see me for the purpose may meet me at J, Mu; dock‘s impl=ement rooms on those days in the afternoon, Sales promptâ€" ly attended to and prices right,. For further particulars call or write to Mike Kexxy, Edge Hill, Auctioneer But I can now surely kill the pains and pangs of th}; daplon.blo dlle‘ahn. ist in the City of erman a Chem E&mfl.'.?':i, found the last ingredient with for county of Grey I‘linvs' lofi:g‘d a tried anwucun lor‘:hg matism a remed t straigh aistorted Himbs of chronlc eripples. nor furmn hong ’cuu!d hardly be believed that in less than 50 years the same course would be followed by a railroad and now the Glen can boast of a Gravel Road and Railroad but with all its conâ€" yveniences it wasn‘t the means of giving Miller sucsh a big majority in the Glen at the late election for all took their own conveyances and actâ€" ed according to the dictates of *their consceince when casting or marking their ballots without fear or tavor. Rheumatism Our old station ma«ster Mr Burgiss is back again and received a hearty welcome from all for he is a fine and obliging gentleman for the parpose. We bad a trip on the new C. P. R. lately and we hardly got seated down nicely when the Conductor called out Durham. _ When the gravel Road was taken through the Glen, Glenelg near 50 years ago it This is the King‘s birthday, Monâ€" day the 9th Nov. h is 67 year old and he has a good many years to go vet before he will be as old as his good old imother Vietoria was The North wind whistles like as if it was chasing winter upon us faster than we want it to come, howâ€" ever we must weicome it whenever it come with his white mantle and frosty atmosphere, wh‘ch makes all crouch beside the fireplace to warm benumbed fingers oi a cold and trosty night. The woods have a barren looking appearance and now the forests are howling, for their beany has faller, dry and withered to the ground. Mrs and Doétor Dixon visited at the Doetor‘s old bome in Walkerton from Sato:iday night till Monday eveâ€" ning taking advantage of phaving a good Thanksging Dinner at the o‘d residence. Martin McLeod took advantage of the holiday excursion by taking a trip down to Stratford. Ont. _ Quite a number from here took advantage of the cheap rates at Thanksgiving. Our business men are laying in a goud supply of winter requirements which they will dispose of at reasonâ€" able prices. _ _ S ns The elections are over and everyâ€" body quietly attending to their own business now and after all a general satisfaction prevails at the result. The Trustees of Priceville School have engaged Mr Rogerson for 1909, son of Mr_= Rogerson who was grain buyer in Darham some 85 years ago. If the boys who took Tom Fisher‘s gate away on Halloween night be good enough to retarn the same they will oblige for it wasn t very manly taking advantage of a blind man. Mrs White of Toronto, is visiting at her father‘s Mr John McArthur of the Gien, Glenelg, ftor a tew days this week. The Misses Jane MePhail and Minâ€" nie MelInotyre are visitiog at their s‘sters in Bruce this week, Mrs Jas. Rose s and Mrs Chas McDonald‘s. Robert Fisher, who met with an accident at Hartford‘s threshing was removed to his own home on Saturâ€" day last and is doing as well as could be expected. i Rev, Mr Sinclair of Toronto, preachâ€" ed again in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday last as the Pastor was hindered from being at home but will be on hand next Sunday. Thanksgiving day was observed here by a good muny going to the woods and swamps hunting and some going to church, The westher is shapeing winter like for the most part of last week the ground was covered with snow but didn‘t stop the ploughing process with some of the plougbmen of the localityv. ‘orted iimbs of chronic cripples, nor turn 1« wths back to flesh again. p&‘l_nt is 1mpossi see ! Sold by R MacFarlane and Co. Edwin Johnston, who for the past vear bas been in great pain and has been in the hospital twice for a maâ€" lady that has proved fatal. The voung man was in his 34th°fyear and his removal in the prime lite bas called forth deep sympathy from friends and neighbors ife leaves to mourn, bis parents, three sisters, Mrs J. Lennox, Mrs R. Barbour, and Minnie at home, and his two brothers James and Thos. Rey R. Dynes conducted the funeral services on Sunday afternoon last and there was an unusualiv large attendance. a % The REVIEW, 10c. to Jan, Ist eumatic Remedy | m NeX Stisciers. "Tract| Sold by MacFarlane and Co. ‘_ it for that friend of yours. Dr. Shoop‘s Notice to Public. Priceville We haye recently jopened gup Millinâ€" inery Showrooms in town above A, 8. Hunter‘s Hardware and announce tu the ladies of Duham and vicinity that we have a complete stock of upâ€" toâ€"date millinery and give satisfaction. With an experienced trimmer in charge, we are conlident of giving satâ€" isfaction to all. _ Call and see our disâ€" play. o aocnl vonld 2 k 8 x “;pa:sons given to pupils in China painfing, oils and water colors at modâ€" erate rates, The New Millinery Parlors 1, Henry Horton wmiller of the Town of Hanover, in the County of Grey, Estate Agent, a candidate at the Eleciion now about to be held of a member to represent the Electoral district of South Grey, in the House of Commons of Canada, hereby apâ€" point John Hâ€" Munter, of the Town of Dut ham, in the County of Grey, merâ€" chant, iny official agent for the purâ€" poses of the said Election. Dated at Hanover, this of October, A. D. 1908. Massey Harris Mowers & Rakes To Neil McCaANNEL Eq. Returving officer, Sou h Grey, ind t > whown else it may concern : Durham, Oct. 19th, 1908. I, Kobert James Ball, a candidate for the representation of South Grey, in the Election to be held on 26th October, 1008 hereby «ppomnt Milton Leonard Ball, of the Town of Hanover, to be my Fin@ncial Agent for the said Election. It isn‘t so cifficult to strengthen a weak stomâ€" ach i one goes at it correcily. _ And this is true of the heart and kidneys. _ The old fashioned way of dosing the Stomach or sl.lmulutin§ the HMeart and Kidneys is surely wroug! Dr 8 100p first pointed out this error. â€" *Go to the weak or ailing nerves of these oraans‘ . said he. _ Each inside organ hasits controlling or "inside nerve" When these nerves fail then those organs must surely falter. This vital truth is leading drugâ€" gists every where to dispeuse and recommend it Shoop‘s Restoratiye. _ _A few days test will surâ€" ely tell! sold by MacFarlane and Co. Hantâ€"Weirâ€"That commissions on expenditme be pard as foliows ; Thos. Nichol $9.72, Win Weir $5, J A MeAilâ€" l1n $5, E W Hunt $10.â€"Carried Council adjournsd to Noy. 14th at 10 & mi. J, 8. Buack Cak Weirâ€"MeMillanâ€"That Thos, Lauder be paid $1.55 for registering deed of deviation lot 5, cou 9. â€"Carried Weirâ€"MeMillauâ€"â€"That the Cierk be pard $30 on salary.â€"Carried MeMiilanâ€"Nicholâ€"That Augus Mcâ€" Arthur be paid $84 for building bridge at Lot 28, gravel road,â€"Carred Mestillsnâ€"Huntâ€"That the report of J & Black re the McC »mick deviation be sccepted ard engrossed on the mirâ€" utes and that the c‘look be pad $2 for his services in loking up information. â€"Carried. Hunt â€" Nichol â€" That the Reeve, Clerk and Assesâ€"or be paid $3.00 ench for sclecting jurors,â€"Carried MeMillanâ€"Weirâ€"That Wm McLeod be paid $2 for repair of culvert at lot 45, con 2, 8 D R and that Bamuel Jackâ€" +ou be paid $1 50 for repair of bridge at lot 28, con 1, gravel road.â€"Carried. Weirâ€"Huntâ€"That Gravel accounts b* paid as folows ; John MeArtbar $4.40, W H Patterson $2, James Wilâ€" son $2 50, Geo Twawmley 4.50â€"Carried Huntâ€"Nichotâ€"That James Hasiue be paid 1.25 for repair of serapers.â€"Carâ€" ried. Weirâ€"MeMillauâ€"That the follo wing amounts be paid for wood at survey or Lort 5, Con g, viz : Geo Peart, Joâ€"eph McNaily, Wm MeNaily, Jobn and Jas, MeNally 75 cents each, E, W. Hunt $1 und the Reeve and Cieek $2 each . &Carâ€" med, Nicholâ€"Ifuntâ€"That the ascount for repair ot Biid.e at lot 56, con 8, E. G, R, amounting to $0.75 be pard.â€"Carried Weirâ€"Huontâ€"That Lichlin Mclaichâ€" lan be paid $15 on order of Police Trusâ€" tees of Pricevilieâ€"Carried The Council met Occ. 17th, pureuant to adjournment, ail the meinbers preSâ€" ent, the Reeve in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and confirmed, comâ€" inunications were as follows ; â€" from E, W Hunt report on expenditure on Meâ€" Nuiy Deviation with detailes ; from C.im‘rs of wards 2 and 8 reports on balsnce of appropriation ; . from Jobn Keliy statemenut of Municipal funds in bank ; from W Mcleod, claim for reâ€" pair of culvort; from the Reeve reâ€" port on repairs to bridge ; from police trustees, Priceyilie, order for $15.00. From the clerk report on McCormick deviation, Mr Angus MceCormick waitâ€" ed on council to urge his claim fora :ub‘;v:y across deviation through lis and, Nicholâ€"Hustâ€"That Jerry McAssey be paid $14 for culvert st Lot 17, Con 8 â€"Carried. Commissioner for Ward three pIFB¢d a detailed list of balance of approptiaâ€" tion amounting to $85.05. Over Hunter‘s Hardware Store, McMillan â€"Hantâ€"That â€"chequ es be issued for the balance of ward approâ€" priation in ward 2 amounting to $64.48 as thown in detail in lisst avnexed â€"â€"Carried. De Laval and Massey Harris Cream Separator. Coal Oil and Machine Oil always in stock. and ail kinds of Massey Harris implements for Haying and Harâ€" vesting seasons. Glenelg Council Rosert Jaares Baru, War. LALDDLAW, Wiiness, D H. Miruer JXO. M1LLS, Witnese. Financial Agents 17th. Apumuul adden LW e Ifih d 8th September, 1908 of W ARNING To $VOLUNTEER BoUNTY ~ACT sez lm. * Chenille Table covers 64 MBC: : ++ ++ +++ . ud Ad ** 84 illet Smyrna Rugs, 30â€"60.. .... eomedena on ts a» i se mm mmemmmemmmemmmemmmmmmemmmnnan smcs won Gold decorated 4 piece glass table sets, $1.50, and $2,00 e * "*__ 7 piece water sets $1.95 & 2.2; y laus * uolk E Lamps, all sizes, from 25¢ Also glass Berrv Bowl Bed Comforters...... ..........$1 35 to $3 each Large 11â€"4 size ! lanneiette blan kets, $1.25 a pair Leadies fall and winter vests and dra wers 25¢ upr Ladies‘ black satcen un erskirts $1.00 & 1.75 ea Ladies‘ Wool Fascinators........ ... «... $100 each Child‘s white wool boas, 35¢, 50¢, and 65¢, each Men‘s Cardigan Jackets at 1 .00, 1 Calder Block, Durham HE SELI S CHEAP. R THE BIQG 4 See our 25¢ and 50¢ Dress Goods piteners, etc Gun‘s Drug Store Syn the scientifically preâ€" pared (.Pough Remedy or a bottle of that elegantly â€" prepared Toilet preparation "«MHazel Lemon" Cream for chapped hand, face, etc. White Pise and Tar "Gun‘s Grip capsules" the only remedy that will cure a cold in one day without any bad effects, or a bottle of While you are imaking your purchases at the big sales now going on in town, that it would be advisable to procure at the same time some of tes, from 25¢ up to $3.25 each: Ber.ry Bowls, ‘cake plates. water c AsA DoON‘T FORGET All prepared by â€" BEAN PURCHASERS 2 2° Mominion Lands, Ottawsa , Tight of a South m:fed to m _ land appointment"of a * form provided by Us sets, $1.50, 1.75 and $2,00 each & 1.50 cach $3 .10 C. MeMILLAN & Embaimin Funerai Directors and â€" Undertakers Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Confectionary Pure Spices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure Maulto{m fNlours Fine Salt NOVEMBER 12, 1908 Flour, Feed, Seed & Grocerics armers Produce Wanâ€" tec. Constantly on hand at on:! Priceville Establishment, a tuil and yaried stock cf Fun eral supplies. All calls, either night or das promptly attended to. Our Cold Cure Tablets Baby‘s Cough Cure Cough Cure Pinol MATTHEWS & LATIMER Is specially made just { the children, 25¢ a bott!« Try it. Still holds sway as the bes remedy â€" for éouuhs anc colds we have ever so|s Every bottle fl!") guaran teed, only one size 50c. At F. P. REILEY Priceviile. it 25¢ is a nice sooth reparation and a popu avorite. *or a Epecially tp. A) M 1 i 6

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