West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Nov 1908, p. 4

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«54 x*x Now only five weeks until Christmas and you have x2 a lotâ€"of things to do before that time. Give us a x‘@ call for your winter wear. In all lines we have a «* very complete stock. Chamemnmnmaqanennnnnnensn=y @ Taylor & Co., Dromore & | Des. KENNEDY &KENNEDY â€" Drs. Kennedy & Hergan In Men‘s coats we have the best * too cold for sh quality dressed. No More Fowl Taken Alive as. KENNECY &KENNEDY Das K SPECIAL NOTICE. ” We are showing some very special values in Ladies and Men‘s Underwear in union and all wool. Ladies Vests and Drawers from 25¢ to $1.00 Mens Shirts and drawers from 50c to $1. Special values in all departments. _ Call and see us. Winter Underwear We hava a beautifal stock of winter millinery to select from and are giving a special discount on all trimmed hats. The cold weather makes you look fo: your Furs. We are showing a very large stock of furs in all the latest styles composed of Ladies‘ Eiectric Seal and Astrachan Jackets, Fur lined coats, Fur Scarfs, Ruffs, Caperines, Mufis and Caps, Men‘s fur and imatation fur coats which we are selling at a very special price. FURS! FURS! isichigan Ave. and Griswold St, be S F MORLOCK D lon List for Home Treatment Sent on Request. r its influe uce the brain becomes active, the bl 1od p'ur'i-fied so that all and ulcers disappear, the nerves become stro :g as steel, so that nerâ€" «s and despondency vanish, the eve becomes bright, the face full and is to the body, and the moral1, {ahydml, and vital systems are invigâ€" aseâ€"no more vital waste from the system, Dor . let quacks rad fakirs d earned dollars. We will ours you or no pay. MILLINERY W METHOD cures them + aA VWA AdRCIl AILIVC as it is shipment, but highest prices for good 1 C Blood Poisons 4 B LOQ D POF so Iq s are the most _) ; p evalent and most serious d seases, They sap the very life â€"s biood of the victi, and unless entire y eradicated from the r»-:-xrâ€"Tprvneration. Beware of Mercury. | it only suppresses the w e eamtepm 2 0 CTUODâ€"TREATMENT alone can cure you, and make a CASH AND ONE PRICE No matter who has treated you, write for au honest oyinion Free of Charge. BOOKS FREKEâ€"‘"The Golden Monitor" ( lustrated) Thousands of younsg and middle aged m en are annuaily swept (> a premature grave through KAR! Â¥ INDISCRETIONS, NXCLSSHS AND BLOOD DISEASES, If {ou have any of the fllowing syrmptoms consult us before i is oo late, _ Are you n<rvous and weak, despondent and glo ~mg., specks before the «ves, with dark circles under them, we: k back, kidneys irritaâ€" !». palpitation of the heart, bashful, d eams and losses, sediâ€" imentia urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks Câ€"â€"*worn expression, poor memory, 1i eless, diâ€"trustfu‘, lack energy and strength, tired mornings. r stless nights, changeâ€" able rioods, weak mauheod, premature . ccay, bone pains, kair 1o0s¢. sore throat etc, Blood Poisons & are the most BLOOD PoISsons = p.evalent and most serious diseases. They sap the very life NERVOUS DEEILITY sUuCCcEssons To CETRO!IT, MICH en gre annugily swept Â¥ INDISCRETIONS, it {ou have any of the is too late, _ Are you my, specks before the sy _ Proton Council held their Saturday meeting in Bilton‘s Hotel last Satarâ€" day 21st. They had not met for two weeks since 7th iu Dandalk. The Rey, Mr Gibson of the Hopeâ€" ville church preached in the Methâ€" odist church 16th Con Swinion Park Stceet last Sundaf and a Mr Rog{geu from Hamilton filled the Jmlpls the Hopeville church in Mr Gibson‘s absence. | The Latter Day Saint Church on 15th Con bad a Missionary come to A meeting of the Building Comâ€" mittee of the Church was held on Tharsday night and it was decided to hold a congregational mecting in regard to reâ€"building. Evening service was held lâ€"l;;e last Sunday conducted by Rev. A. L. Budge. Mr Wm Sackett and Miss Lily and Master Gordon visited with Mr Sackett Sr. at Sackett‘s Corners, last week. Miss Mabel Young is somewhat imâ€" provyed after her recent severe illness. Messrs A. & A. Anderson made a business trip to Walkerton last week. Mr and Mrs Dayid Robinson got a present from Dame Stork on Sunday Nov. 15, a fine baby girl. Mr Samuel Robinson is visiting his nephews John and Jas. Robinson aâ€" bout ElmwooG@ and Hepworth, for a time. Mr Geo. N.chol is about again after a severe cold which threatened to lay him up for a while. Miss Hatuid Byers accompanied her sister, Mrs Crowther, to Welland last week. _ She intends to remain for some time. We ard glad to see Mr Austin Derby out again alter a six weeks enforced rest. Our correspondent â€" adds: "I wish you had bedn here you:self. Baut its all overnow and the chaurch is serubbed and Hampden paople will just fall back into the same oid path of steady progress for dnother fifty years. ‘ Mr James Anderson of St George, is spending his fortnight‘s vaca on at his home here. Miss Janet Kerr visited with her old schoolâ€"mate, Miss Viola _ cius over last Sunday. About $50 was realized on Monday night and abont $8 on Wednesday. Mr _John Cooper read a letter from Mr T. P. Smith, who taught here at the time the new church was built, offering congratalations and regrets at not being able to be present. s A Sunday School Social was held on Wednesday night and a weliâ€" filled church listened to a good proâ€" gram supplied wholly by the conâ€" gregation. lHampden choir was at the tront and other music was sup plied by a choir from South Bentinex. Miss Olive and E:tie Sackeit sang a duet and two quartettes of litile girls sang * Bring back my kitty to ime * and *‘ The Violets‘ Goodâ€"night ‘‘ reâ€" spectively. Mr Allister Anderson and Mr John Milligan sang solos. Then there were recitations by Sarah Falton, Gordon Sa«kett, Doris Whiteâ€" ford, Margarat Whiteford, Mr Whyte George Scehillimore, Mr Archie Park and Albert Hipsley played the moath orglan,â€"all acquitting â€" themselves well. [Our correspondent pleads inabilâ€" ity to do justice to the great jubilee event, (a case where merit is ever modest) out our gleanings last week and this will perhaps meet the case. She adds a few notes about a later meeting, which we giye.â€"Ed.] Others from a distance whom we noticed at our Jubilee were : Mr and Mrs J. Byers, Toronto, Mr and Mrs Seroggie, otf Ayton, Mrs Forbes and daughter of Ayton, Miss M. Mearns, Mr Andrew Derby, Miss Magwood, of Hanover,. Mr John Nichol of Priceville, visitâ€" ed his relatives «nd renewed old acquaintances at Thanksgiving. Miss Wenger of Ayton, was a Sunâ€" day visitor with friends here last week. Mrand Mrs Wm Hunter and Mr John Henry of Dromore, were Jubilee visivors here. A number of the young men of the community formed a hunting party on Thanksgiving, buat we do not know what game they got. Mrs Derby of Hanover, spent som® time with her danghter, Mrs J. Kerr, lately. %, We regret yery much that Anstin Dsrby is not improving any but is rather worse lately. Mrs Bradley of Varney, atended the Jubiles and visited oldâ€"time neighbotrs. Qaite a numbar from Kuox neighâ€" berbood took in the Tea meeting on Monday night. Rev. W. Dodds spent the Jnbilee Days with Mr John Ceoper. Mrs Wm Crowther of Welland spent Thanksgiving with her father, Mr T. Byers and attended the Jubilee. Mr and Mrs K. Grierson of Aberâ€" deen, attended, Jabilee Services here on Sunday last, Mr and Mrs Fortune otf Ayton, sJenz Jubilee Sunday with Mr ard rs W. Byers. Mr Edward Hoy and Miss Hoy of Orchard, were Jubilee visiiors with friends here. Mr Eben Young and daughter Jean of Owen Sound, visited the former s mother, Mrs J. Young last week, Mr and Mrs T MeRonald of South Bontinck visited their nicce Mrs A. Fuiton and atterded the Jubilee. Mrs R, Morice and children ot the 2nd Con also v‘sited at Mr Failton‘s. Mrs Smith of Ayton, visited over the Jubliee with ber old friend, Mis Henry Byer:. Mrs Perrin spent Thanksgiving with her parepts, Mr and Mrs Robt. Whiteford, Sr. â€" This Week‘s Budget. Hopeville. Intended for last we‘~ Hampden ‘THE DURHAM REVIEW Bome of the children on the 3rd/| & .. M“FARL,ANE' Town Agent are suffering with whooping congh. Tickets to all points at lowest rates Miss (Gertie Morice visited over gnmli‘w with Mrs Wim. Petty, Benâ€" nck. > Mrs. S. Caldweil and daughter Marjorie spent Sunday with Mrs D. Melivride. Miss T. Byers spent one night re cently with Mr and Mrs A. Pettigrew Rev Mr McCallougbh, of Harriston, delivered ‘fine services last Sunday at Knox, also his views on Monday night were well appreciated. Miss Elda McLaughlin is staying at Mr Webber‘s in her aunt‘s absence. Say boys! What became of the Tarkey Hallowe‘en night ? Whas is the attraction at Rnox that (Ted) eomes so often. Miss Ethel Greenwood, teacher, found it too far to walk. so she has changed ber boarding place to Mr Jas. Petty‘s. Mrs Jas. Webber is at Proton Staâ€" t;on visiting her mother. who is yery ill. Mr Archie MeDonald had to shoot one of his horses last Saturday. Mr T. Wallace has finished his work of tax collecting for tkis year. Mr Walter Clark and Miss Minnie Vessie, of the Rocky, Sundayed with Miss L. Fee. Mr Z. Clark has bought a few acres otswamp from Mr Jobn Morâ€" ice, What was the fellow doing when the cutter upset in two inches of snow ? Drive with both hands the nextt time J. Mr David Marshall has hired Arâ€" thur Gadd for the coming year. Mr ard Mrs C. P. Kinnie, ot your town, visited at the home of John Morice one night resently. Sorry to learn that Mr R. Morice is nursing a sore arm since he came home from the w est. The whistle otf Mr Hocflin‘s engine is heard toâ€"day, as he is chopping grain for Mr Wallace. As there has not be Normanby news for s will send in a tew items A clcrg{mau writes : * Preventics those littl Candy Cold Cure Tablets are working wonder in my parish." Preventics surely will check a cold, or the Gripin a very few hours. _ And Preventics are so saf@ and hnarmless, No Quinâ€" ine, nothing hersh nor sickening. Fine for feverish restiess children. _ Box of 48 w 25c. Sold by R. MacFariane & Co. North=East Normanby Our sick list this week is Mrs Dingâ€" wall Sr, Chas. Dozell and a child ot John Smyth‘s, it is hoped they will be better sooun. James Wesley Snell son of George Snell a large farmer in Egremont, bas rented the Dougal Ferguson Farm on Beer Street 15th Con. James Snell of Swamp Street, Con. 8, went to Muskoka to hunt and sce his friends. Mrs MeLearn has gone to the Southâ€" ern States toseedher father Mr Huaston formeriy of Egremont who is not exâ€" pected to live. The dry season left water searce and many people here have to drive their cattle away to the rivers and creeks to get drink. Two travellers with faney rigs struck our town and are opening up a shop to clean teatbers. help them and preached last Surday in their church. The snow hasdisappeared here and plowing has begun again. Mr Little was born 83 years ago in | rare an éi:éni'ax;aElxzyfg;c:;i‘l;é‘;v;nifig Dunfriesshire, Mrs Little (a Miss|of their lives may be spent as a Turnbull) in Forfarshire one year/glorious sunset." Many of our readers will recognize the wellâ€"known features above, to whom it has been given to see the 6oth anniversary of their Wedding Day and still in fair health at the the home of their son Adam. _ The photo was taken on the 9th of Novemâ€" ber, the wedding day, when around them were gathered in the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs Adam Little, many of their immediate neighbors and other friends. Among these were Mr and Mrs John Campbell, Mrs Pettigrew, Sr., Mr Robt. Morice, Mr Jno, Pettigrew and sister Lizzic, known to South Grey people. There was a{splendid display and a most agreeable time spent with the patriâ€" archal bride and groom on whom were showered many good wishes. 1848 MR. AND MRS. ARCH. LITTLE, DISLEY, SASK. has not been any N. E. news for some time we DEC. sthâ€"LAKE ERIE DEC. $thâ€"MONTFORT DEC. 11thâ€"EMPRESS of IRELAND For further particulars s ce Allowing ample time in Great Britain and ~th fore Christmas. Christmas Sailings Passenger Service on the Upper Lakes was discontinued Nov, 24th. It isn‘t so difficult to strengtnen a weak stomâ€" ach if one goes at it correcily. _ And this is true of the heart and kidneys. " The old fashioned way of dosing the Stomach or stlmulntlni the Heart and Kidneys is surely wrong! Dr S 0op first pointed out this error. "Go to the weak or alling nerves of these oraans " said he. Each inside organ hasits controlling or "inside nerve" When these nerves fail then those ofism must surely falter, _ This vital truth is leading drugâ€" glntl everywhereto dispense and recommend Dr hoop‘s Restorative. _ A few days test will surâ€" ely tell! old by Mac Farlane and Co. Rev. Mr Berry held services at the Hall on Sunday last at 3 p. m. when the gosod attendance would warrant the holding of alternate services with the Etbenzer. Mr Gordon Geddes and Miss Robena Geddes recently paid a visit to friends in Galt returning last week. Mrs R. P. Legate and family toâ€" gether with Mr and Mrs Robt Wright and family spent Thanksgiving at the, home of the children‘s grandâ€" parents, Mr Legate and Mr and Mrs Coleridge, Miss Maggie Myers left for Toronto a week ago last Saturday. U e mt son Farins. _ Mr Philip Lawrence thet of Mr Win Davis. _ Mr ‘hos. HMarrdison Jr the other farm of Mr Orchard, Mr Harrison while on a visit to London last weck made the deal, _ He is doing a good busizess with his saw mill having several good contracts on hband. Miss Maggic Hamilton was home from the Northern Business College Owen Sound last week end. later, ‘They crossed the ocean in 1841 were married in Galt in 1848 and ‘came to this neighborhood in 1859. | Three sons and five daughters were 'born unto them and are alive to this day rejoicing that to their parents |has been granted such a long lease of |useful life. _ They are Archie and Adam of Disley, Robert of Thornâ€" |bury, Mrs T. and Mrs S. McComb of Durham, Mrs E. W. Clark, Brantâ€" ford and Mrs P. Simons, Hamilton. Oxar ratepayers are evidently hopeâ€" Iul of the fatare prosperity of the eccuntry ender the continued good Government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier several of whom may be mentioned. Mr J. M. Lawrencegetting the Wilâ€" _ _A 15¢ admission, $22.00,crowd atâ€" tended the 8. 8. Social held at the ‘Ebenczn‘ on Townline Glenelg and Egremont where a long program of masic and recitations were rendercd by the scholars, every one nearly we think taking â€"part _ Addresses were given by Revs. Mr Matheson, Mr G. Kendal!l and Mr Dynes. L« the absence of the Pastor, Rev. Mr Berry (detained through sickness), the chair on motion, was taken by Mt Geo. Lothian who filled the position very accepably. A shoir made up from the Dromore and Hall Organization tarnished music tor the occasion, Miss Mary Ramage presiding at the orgar. Miss Clara Hooper playing tor the scholars. _ Miss Mabel Berry sang two solos acceptably. To enumerate the various performers is bevond our ability suflice to say they were all fairly well rendered. Ten years ago we recorded their Gclden Wedding, and we close now as we did then,; in the same words, but with added emphasis to a still rarer event; **The REvirw joins heartily in the good wishes and congratulations so appropriate to the celebration of so rare an event and hopes the evening North Egremont. From St, John, N. B ! P btver ies A error. ‘Go to the werk or oraans‘ said he. Each ntrolling or "inside nerve" il then those organs must vital truth is lefiinx drusâ€" ie to reach points the Continent beâ€" AbeCivenig ifi Massey Harris Mowers & Rakes Lamps, all sizes, Irox;; 25¢ up to Also glass Berry Bowls, ca pitchers, etc, C Gold decprated 4 piece glas Chexll‘llle Table covers 64 Smyrna Rugs, 30â€"60 Bed Comforters...... .. .. Large 1144 size J lanneictto Ladies fall and wint er yes Ladies‘ black sateen un: c Ladies‘ Wool Fascinators . se Child‘s wnite wool boas. § Men‘s Cardigan Jickeu at §1 days in the afternoon, ~8 ly attended to and prices further particulars call Mik: Kexxy, Edge Hill [HE BIQG 4 I have decided te be Darham on Wednesday of each week during the ter term, to arrange fo person or persons Wwishi for the parpose may n Mu:dock‘s implement ro for county of'G;e:): The "‘Night Cure", as its num« implics, does #3 work while you sleep. |It soo()â€"»s soreand inflam» ed mucous surfaces, beals local weaknesses and discharges, while the Restorative, cases nervous excitement, gives renewed viyor and ambition :gfldl up wni‘s;ed ua;ues. bringi; ’t‘a‘.ulmt n-;wwed ength, vigor, and energy. ‘Taike l)r. Shoop‘s Restomitiveâ€"Tablets or Liqu/aâ€"a : a general tonie to the system. For positivelocal help, use as well Dr. Shoop‘s Night Cure way 1 ) Suip, But with that wiy, two trcnunan& Hount: but both are imppriant both emsntinh onal, t are ant, Dr. Shoop‘s Night OCure is the Local. Ir. Shoop‘s Restorative, the Constitutional, The formerâ€"Dr. Shoop‘s Night Cureâ€"isa topical mucous membrane suppository semedy, while Dr. Bhoop‘s Kestorative is wholly an internal m':: me&xt. Tg‘u Rmm?iu\'o tr"u”" 3 thm[ug“!fiout entire system, secking, the ropair o nerve 21 theue and ail biogd artmauk C We have an immense stock of Men‘s Mi ts and Gloves which we are selling at ridicalous!y low prices. A very fine line of L«dies‘ sample Gloves were left in our store by a traveller and we have since reccived instructions to dispose of them. Who will be the luecky buyers £77 VOM PmNWITTCOC PWE Range this winter 2 I( so we will be pleased to bave you inspect our 88â€" sortment. _ It has been admitted by good authority that the * Happy Thjuaght " is the best Range manuâ€" tactured. â€" There has been more "Happy Thoughts " sold than any ot her range manafactured in Canada. Oar stock of sleigh Bells is some thing extra. _ We havefall Body Strings, halt strings. Quarter strings, Open bells and Shafs Gongs. In Robes, Rugs, HMorse Blankets and Whips we can satisty any custoâ€" mer in quality and quantity. Two more cars of coal on the way. â€" Please order at onee. Weak Women Have vyou seen out colt halters? We also bave a great yariety of Horse and Cattle Haiters. See our 25¢ and 50c Dress Goods To weak and .mfi women, there is at loast one ay t ) :clp. But with that wa~, two treatments, and ail kinds of Massey Harris implements for Haying and Har. vesting seasons, in > De Laval and Massey ;‘anfls Cream Separator, h Coal Oil and Machine Oi1 always in stock, $ Gun‘s Drug Store For Colds in the Head. Are guaranteed remedics, Money back if not satisfactory. Putup at cssary "NASALINE" the HOUSE, SRCC (U" CCC asd bones aching, heard of *"Gun‘s Grip Capsules " and (fit a box, also a box of their * asaline ‘‘ and was fixed up in short order ; They are good things." This is part of the conversaâ€" tion of two Durham gentlemen, whose names can be given if neeâ€" ‘GUN‘S GRIPCAPSULES® * Yes, 1 had a v a few weeks ago,. was the house, head all st! bones aching, heard Grip Capsules"‘ and also a box of their / and was fixed up in & They are good things Calder Bloc SELI S CHEAP. Sold by MacFarilaze ard Co Hardware! W. Black Ca.ll and see U' Notice to Public. or Grip, Colds, m Patead Li B 7 plece water sets $1,95 _ BEAN I had a very bad one s ago,. was confined to head all stuifed up and Cold ? 20¢ up to $3.25 each ++:«««« 81 85 to $3 each e blankets, $1.25 a Paip sts and drawers 25¢ up erskirts $1.00 €1.75 ea rrrs sns ++( ++>£1,00each 35¢, 50¢, and 65¢, each table sets, $1 lll\ OmsS Or Sales p etc. and 917 & S’, )Â¥ 0 ‘(ir and $2,00 each saies plates, water h & 1.50 each Durham & 2.25 en 50, 1.7 1.15 ca CO C. MeMILLAN Embalmin a Speciaiiy. Funeral Directors and Undertakers Fime Salt Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectionary Pure Spices & Vinegars No. 1 Famil and Pure llnlto{m flours Fiour, Feed, Seed & Groccrics NOVEMBER 26, 1908 C. : McARTHUR GROCERIES always fresh Men‘s Felt Hats...at 50¢, 75 and 1.00 Men‘s Tweed Caps........at 35c each Homemade Mitts and Sox..... 30¢ pr Allâ€"wool Blankets...at lowest prices Our YARN is known to everybody No need to tell about it. Twilled doubleâ€"fold Sheeting Children‘s fine Rubbers while they PMEL .. > *« »*+2+2» +« »» . » » â€" â€" â€"30¢ pr Men‘s Leggings while they last. 1.25 New Goods in Lumbermen‘s Sox and Boys‘ coarse Rubbers ... ... 80¢ per pr Read this List Constantly on hand at ow: All calls, either night promptly attended to. Pricevillie Establishment, a tall and yvaried stock of Funâ€" eral supplies. On the "above date we expec; to have our immense stoc}; ; Christmas and holiday goods com. pleteand we want YOU to com, and see it, VacFartane & Cs. Saturday DECEMBER 5 Anything you may select wi be put away and delivered at th proper time. REMEMBER tne DATE SAIURDAY, DEC. 5 MATTHEWS & LATIMER Druggists and Booksellers and Note Prices F. P. REILEY Pricevilie. Produce Wanâ€" For %8%% or Ga\ [ § r6u) ET Milliner at ] Sore Agency i the celebrate 1 .. m bermen Miss P1 e NO

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